Saturday, December 13 of 2014


I Am the Bird that soars over all spaces and observes each of the hearts of the world.

I Am the Spirit of God that comes into your lives to completely transform them.

I Am the Queen of Peace, Who brings peace to souls, to hearts, to those who so lack peace.

My children, I Am the Mother of each of your essences. From My Sacred Womb come forth all creatures.

I Am the Servant of God, because from Him comes My Consciousness.

I was created to conceive, to serve the Creator of all the universes, to be His Maternal Spirit, the One who takes in His Creatures and leads them to the fulfillment of His Greater Plan.

My children, I Am the Healing for your souls, for your spirits, as well as for the cells of your bodies.

I Am the Healing for this planet, because through My Heart you will find the path to a true awakening, which will remove from your lives all the illnesses which this world has caused.

I am speaking this evening about the illnesses of the body, but also the illnesses of the spirit that distance souls from God and tie them to the illusions of this world.

For this reason, My dear ones, I have called each one of your souls so that they would come here, and in this sacred hour, I receive into My Arms all your pleas, which represent the pleas of humanity so that, among the creatures of God, these illnesses no longer exist in the world, illnesses that do not allow you to reach the Celestial Kingdom, that do not allow you to open the doors through the love of the heart so that a new time may come into this world.

My children, many of My Words are incomprehensible to the beings of this Earth, because they have not opened themselves to discover a life that exists beyond this world, and that I come to reveal to you, as your Mother and Lady, because through Me, you will find a safe path.

In My Heart, My children, you will find the path to reach the Heart of Christ, and there, in the Heart of My Son, all the Truths will be found.

I want you to trust in My Presence, not only on this day, but every day of your lives. For I observe you day and night and wait for that small instant when your hearts open so that My Light can enter this world, and through a single heart that opens, It is able to reach all souls, no matter where they may be.

I want you to discover a safe path in My Presence, a path that you did not find in other times of your lives.

In My Heart, My children, there will be no deception, there will be no abandonment nor distrust. Thus, come into My Arms, that today open before you and that invite you to return to the Celestial Origin.

Today My Heart lights up because of the joy I feel on this night, because many of My children in the world are responding to My call. But I still need to reach many souls that live in darkness and do not know the Truth and Paradise, which is a reality in the universe, a reality that all consciousnesses must access at some time.

Just as two thousand years ago, My Son showed you the Way, the Truth and the Life, through surrender and sacrifice, through Love for all creatures, today My children, I come before My Son so that souls that did not respond to His Call at that time may not miss another chance. My Son will return, He will come to the world in search of those who have lost their way on the path.

And at this time, My Immaculate Heart comes to say to you that through prayer you will be able to strengthen your hearts, awaken your consciousnesses, bring relief to the despair of this world, and in the future you will be able to recognize who will be the true Christ, because the one who prays, My children, will not be deceived by the enemy, who so many times will try to delude the souls of the world, even through spiritual things.

Thus I say to you that My Heart will be a safe path, because you will be able to feel the truth of My Presence in your essences, and eye to eye with My Son, you will never doubt that He is the One Who is fulfilling His promise, which after two thousand years, will be accomplished.

On this evening, I want to come as close to My children as the Heart of the Celestial Father allows, and in this way, thank you for having responded to My call.

On this evening, I want to reveal to you the great importance of having allowed Me to come to this city, which represents for the world the redemption of all the Kingdoms of Nature.

My children, if you could see through My Eyes and feel with My Heart the immense pain felt by the Kingdoms of this world, you would praise God eternally for the liberation He has granted to His Servant to carry out in this world through the intercession of His Children.

Today My Heart has a great reason to be joyful, because many more have responded to My call and have received My Mantle upon their bodies, as a symbol of protection, as living witnesses of My Presence and My Love for humanity.

Today I want to consecrate these little children who have accepted to respond to My call. Some without knowing why, but who accepted and today come into My Presence so I could bless them and eternally thank them through the merits they have generated in the universe for the redemption of this world and all the souls that live on Earth. One day, My children, you will understand what you are experiencing today and which is so unknown to your souls and your minds.

I consecrate you and bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

And I encourage all those who listen to Me to respond to My call with their hearts, to consecrate their lives, their homes to true prayer so that all evil can be released from this world, and all souls as well as all the Kingdoms of Nature can finally achieve redemption.

On this night I also thank all those children of Mine who responded to My call in other parts of this world, who went to serve souls who were sick in body and heart and were needing My encouragement and the encouragement of My Son so that a new door could be opened in this world.

I thank you My children, for responding to My call. Go forth in peace and bring peace to the world.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

At the request of the Divine Mother, we will now listen to a song called "Faces of the Divine Mother."

Description of the Apparition:

Today our Divine Mother came as the Queen of Peace.

During the prayer, the mountains, the hills around us began to glow in several different colors, and it was as if the Kingdoms were praising our Divine Mother. As She approached the Earth, portals of Light began to open until She appeared above the brothers and sisters present here.

At a certain point, She descended a little more and Her Feet nearly touched the heads of these brothers and sisters standing here at the front. What She was radiating was so intense that She made our beings transparent, and it was as if She could see everything about each of us, while transmitting to us the profound Love She felt for each of us.

She was grateful for the possibility of being here today, to truly be here on these two days, because She carried out an important liberation for the Kingdoms of Nature, which had repercussions not only in this place, but in the whole world, as She explained to us.

To finalize this work, we want to thank everybody very much for their presence, and we invite you to continue to follow our Divine Mother through prayer, through reconciliation with your families, through forgiveness, through love, which are the keys She gave us today, through which She remains present in our lives. Thank you all very much.

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Thursday, December 25 of 2014


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

As Lady of the Nativity, I come to announce My withdrawal from the world. As from the coming year, My dear children, I will only be with you on the 13th and 25th of each month, but I invite you to continue to experience My school of prayer.

The very definitive times are approaching. Humanity has already heard the Message of God a lot.

Woe to those who have been deaf and blind, and who deny the Word of God at this moment! You must be merciful and pray for all.

Today, I come to announce My withdrawal to humanity, the Supreme Life that exists in the Heavens has called Me to return.

Thus, My children, this means that the Shepherd is drawing closer. The Master of masters will approach humanity, and through this last Apparition in this part of the world, I will have concretized My mission to God.

And so I invite you, My children, to continue to pray. Each day more, your prayer must be fervent and constant; in this way, you will be able to overcome the tests that will come and the limitations you will be able to transcend, because My Immaculate Spirit will be among you in the cenacle. I will not stop speaking to you and transmitting My pure Love to you.

So I will continue to invite you, My children, so that on the 12th and the 24th of each month, you gather together in prayer and glorify the Lady of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. In this way, I will be able to see, My children, that your hearts have understood My Words.

The time will come, My children, when My task will stop being public, and each soul, each heart must take up its own flag of salvation, and like an army of Light, carry among the souls the banner of Peace, waiting hopefully for the victorious return of Christ to the world.

The Apocalypse is closing, the Scriptures are being fulfilled. Read the Gospels and be up to date every day.

Through My Apparitions, I have given you many signs. Prepare, study and pray.

Graces do not come in vain and you, after this world, must testify to God to all you have received from My Immaculate Heart, because all has been through the intercession of My Grace.

While Christ is being born in many hearts, in other hearts, Christ has not entered. Woe to those who have closed their heart to My Son and allowed themselves to become involved by the things of this material world!

The Grace of God has come to aid humanity; that is why I invite you to be consistent with My call, and that from this moment and from this date, after so many years of Graces, you may be the living message of My Heart.

Many will have need of your healthy examples. God expects your hearts to already be mature and ready so that each soul and each being take on their true mission in light of God.

I will not stop guiding you, My children, as it was in other places of the world, where My Holy Aspect appeared to humanity.

My Presence has not been erased. My Spirit is omnipresent and permanent, and all the children that have come to the place of My old Apparitions continue to feel My Presence and My maternal Love.

Thus, I need you to be brave and willing to face the end of times with courage, without fear and without apprehension.

The Light of the Heart of Christ will be your guide and all your instructors will be there to help you. God has placed them on your paths so that you would be able to grow quickly in your conversion, loving the transformation and the sanctity.

Dear children, while My countenance of Light cries for this world, for all those who did not accept the Nativity, God sends Me to you because My Spirit is consistent and kind, and from each child of Mine, I expect a great spiritual growth, with which souls will be able to live the great Message of Christ, the advent of the Redeemer for the times of chaos, through the teachings I have transmitted to you, in the same way the other Sacred Hearts did.

Shortly, the instructions of Light will be in your hands through the books I have sent to be manufactured, so that the living Message, the Word of Life, the Divine Verb and the Divine Hearts may be present in your homes so that, in the end times, you can count on tools that will be able to support your hearts through the Words of Light and of all the Messages We have left you in this part of the world.

When your hearts feel prepared, disseminate My Message. I will return to this part of the world to seek My apostles to take you to the redeeming Supper of My Son.

I thank you, dear children, for having accompanied Me during these years. God blesses you every day.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

As long as you remember My Words, which I placed in My Sacred Books, each of the codes I transmitted to your souls in those instances when My Heart descended to the world, they will emerge in your hearts to strengthen you further and to not allow, My dears, your spirits to be discouraged in the face of the difficulties of the world.

Do not be sad about My withdrawal, but rather unite more each day through prayer, through acts of fellowship, which will transform your hearts into invincible hearts in the face of the tests of the world.

For humanity, the coming year will represent a moment to put into practice all that you have learned. Through your faithful example you must activate those souls that did not hear My call, but that committed to Me and I need to wake up in this end of time.

Many "Pauls" must emerge in the world, those who, in spite of not being before My Heart, will recognize My Presence through the example of others, through the example of My faithful apostles, who through Me, walk in the direction of My Son.

My dears, many must still wake up in this time, and it will not be too late; but the sooner they wake up, the better they will be able to fulfill their mission, and the Purpose of God will be more strongly manifested in this world.

For the victory of the Lord to be a reality in this world will depend on each of your souls, because the Divine Messengers have already left the seeds in the essence of each creature, and in this time, They are accomplishing all the requests of the Creator.

It will be up to each one of you, My children, to just do what I taught you in these times, and to never forget the Presence of My Son in your lives. And through Communion and Confession to the Most Sacred Heart of Christ, you must keep this fire of your hearts ignited and alive; this flame, My dears, must ignite each essence of this world which approaches you. Let there not be a single soul that approaches a soldier of Mary that leaves without this flame being lit.

For this to happen, your hearts must be permanently open. My teachings must not be lost in your consciousnesses; but each day, may you grow in prayer, in spirit, so you may be brave Marian soldiers, and these codes that today I placed in your hearts be able to produce results, and in a future time, generate new seeds for the souls that will come to this flock of the Lord.

With My Immaculate Heart, I welcome all your little hearts, which listen to Me in all parts of the world, so that here, within Me, you are able to grow and mature in spirit, can open to Celestial Truths, and never doubt when your eyes contemplate the Presence of the Redeemer Who, in Spirit, Divinity, Body and Soul, will come to this world.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

The prophecy will be fulfilled; for this reason, remember, in the times to come, the Presence of My luminous countenance in your hearts, My Immaculate Heart, My holy hands that have blessed you.

Dear children, remember that I still have the ardent desire of fulfilling My Will, of carrying My Message and My Peace to Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Nicaragua, Honduras and the United States. If this were to be fulfilled in the coming year, a large part of humanity will become rescuable; and this goes beyond the material matter, My children.

I want you to be able to learn to observe from spirit. Through your consecration and the requests you have fulfilled, you have allowed My Immaculate Heart to triumph, but there is still a little more, My children.

While My Spirit withdraws from this humanity, I invite you to prepare as good missionaries. Remember that I will always need you in My pilgrimages to carry the essence of Peace.

And as I have done in other times and moments, throughout these months gone by, today I consecrate a whole community which has been the testimony of My living call, and which has been the testimony of the manifestation of this Marian Center. Through these little spirits, My Work has manifested in Uruguay, in the same way it has happened in Brazil and in Argentina.

Could it be that many more places in the world will dare to concretize My last request for Peace?

I invite you to joy and reflection. God knows that through you, everything will be possible; for this reason, I ask it of you, My children.

I must reach the last places of the Americas, to the peoples who have suffered a lot and that in hope, venerate Me through My maternal Presence, as it was in Nicaragua when I once appeared there.

I invite all My children of the Fraternidad Community to receive, on this evening, My maternal blessing. Come here, My little ones.


Prayer: Hail Mary (in Latin).


My dear children, as Our Lady of Nicaragua, I consecrate your hearts and place your essences under My Mantle of Light so that always, in a Spirit of Peace, you are protected from all evil and in the coming time you are able to announce the Coming of Christ.

As Our Lady of Nicaragua, with complete gladness and joy, I consecrate Central America to My Immaculate Heart.

May this Holy Lady, Who once appreciated this Nicaraguan village, be able to travel through the most humble and simple places, carrying the blessing of Our Celestial Mother to all the hearts that receive My Immaculate Presence in their homes.

As Mother of Nicaragua and Mother of humanity, of all the peoples and races, I consecrate you, My dear children, on this last transition date, under the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Wait with joy for the Return of Christ. Your thirst has been satiated.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The brothers and sisters of the Fraternidad Community, at the request of Our Lady, will kiss the feet of this image of Our Lady of Cuapa. And from here, at the foot of this altar, we are going to give thanks for this opportunity Mary has given us, on this evening, sending a ray of gratitude to our Celestial Father.

For this meeting and this blessing, thank You, Mother, for all that You give us! Amen.

Wednesday, December 24 of 2014


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Let us revere the King Who is being born in the world that suffers, and lift up your pleas to Heaven, God is listening. In each part of the world, the angels are alert to lifting up the prayers of the children of God to Heaven.

Listen attentively to what I say to you.

I Am Blessed among all women and you are merciful in the Eyes of God. Be thankful, in this end time, for this meeting with Me; for My call is going through all the Americas, with the mission that hearts be consecrated to God.

Release your guilt and debts, achieve healing and redemption, and live the Purpose of God.

Blessed are they who are with Me on this evening, remembering this mystery of the Birth of Jesus. Today, in My arms I bring the Child King, Who brings blessings for the world and for all the families of the Earth, re-consecrating them to the Sacred Hearts, experiencing the infinite mystery Love in this coming cycle.

I prepare you in heart and soul for the advent of Christ, the Redeemer. Prepare your dwelling places, My children, the faithful Servant comes to meet with you to help you, waiting for an immediate response from humanity.

Today darkness encircles the Earth, but I Am the radiant Sun that transmutes all things. At this moment, souls are being freed and the hearts that believe in the Universal King will be glorified by God in the times to come.

Be glad those who hear My call, and for all those who celebrate the infinite mystery of the Sacred Family with Me, because the Codes of Heaven are being poured out over the humanity that is open to hear My Message.

Thus, today I kneel before you to revere the Birth of Christ, My Son, in your beings. Prepare your hearts for this moment. The celestial choirs are praising the universe and all the divine Hierarchies of Light assemble in the Love for the Greater Purpose.

Open the doors of your essences so the King can dwell in you. Dismiss the past from your lives. Be renewed through the hope of My maternal Heart.

I come to prepare the new apostles of Christ, who will walk silently to serve God. Thus, Christ must be reborn in you on this night. Open your eyes to the horizon that approaches. The Mercy of God is being poured out over the world. Happy are all those who believe in My Word, for they will incarnate the Spirit of God for the new time. You will not recognize your lives, for you will be transformed by the Gifts of God, the same Gifts which I incarnated at the Birth of Christ.

For this reason, today, My beloved children, I bring you the Good News of the coming of the Messiah, the Prophet among prophets, the Master among masters, the great universal Savior for the planet.

In your prayers, lift up the Younger Kingdoms, for the savior Christic spirit must be born in them. Blessed are they who care for the Creation of the Father, for in the future, they will be called worthy children of God.

Open your hearts, My beloved children, because through My Immaculate Heart, on this sacred Christmas Eve, I bring you the Christic Spirit of My Son so it may incarnate in you, and as from the new year beginning, your lives may be renewed by the Purpose of God.

Let it be heard in the four corners of the planet; the Messenger of God, the Most Pure Virgin among virgins, is announcing Her last Word to the world.

Today, My Spirit rejoices for all those who with Me celebrate the humility and the coming of Christ. Let the hearts be glad that have suffered, your inner knots are being untied, your faults are being forgiven, because Christ follows after Me in the final call I am pronouncing today. Let those who have fallen in this world stand up. Let the hearts be consecrated that have still not been consecrated. The advent of the Redeemer is drawing near and you must be prepared to receive Him. Happy are those who consecrate their families to the Sacred Family of Nazareth. Those who open in both heart and spirit will be able to receive the same principles of the Sacred Family and will be the new redeemed generation, the New Humanity which will give a beginning to the new.

Thus, My children, receive My Words with gladness and fullness. Let all the beings of the Earth sing. Let the celestial choirs pronounce the Grace of God. I have come in your aid, in the name of this humanity.

I bless you.

Song: "Hail Mary."

When you sing with love, My soul fills with gladness for the brave, for in this world I see the new flocks that are being redeemed and seek the Light of Christ among the shadows. Those are My dear children, which I commend to God every day.

Your souls have many times been in My arms, in the same way as Jesus was in the beginning. I open My maternal Heart to you so you may receive My Supreme Grace. On Christmas Eve, I consecrate all families and I invite you to dare to follow in My footsteps of Light and of Peace, through the Sacred Pilgrimage I do through the world with you.

I invite all good hearts to help Me to fulfill My requests; for in all parts, the world has need of the Mercy of God. I will still wait, dear children, to reach Africa and other parts of the world that also need Me.

My Great Universal Consciousness observes humanity from the universe. I want to reach the whole world, My children, through your essences and hearts, for in this way, you will be the faithful testimony of the change, of the redemption of the end of time; and in this way, you will help in other hearts daring to follow Me, in this final call I pronounce today.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I warn you that, before My Son comes to the world, the doors of liberation will open for the last time on this planet, so that all souls that inhabit it are able to receive a great opportunity for being definitely freed from all the roots of evil that imprison them in this world and do not allow them to evolve and return to the Arms of God.

My children, to close this meeting of My Heart with your hearts, I want to tell you to deeply reflect on this night and the night that will come, for in these end times, you have generated merits so that, in these two days, your souls could receive a Grace incomprehensible to the mind of humanity.

Through the eyes of the heart, see the Presence of God through His Servant and Her Angels.

The Lord sends the world this Christic molecule that, for the last time, will enter the essences of human beings, in those who must wake up in this time and are able to accomplish their mission when the time comes for seeing My Son returning in the clouds, because He will wait for the fruits of the seeds in all of you, placed throughout the years.

Listen attentively to My Voice, and above all, open your hearts on this unique night for humanity.

I ask, My children, that you not experience this moment as an ordinary moment in your lives, but rather that you sing and glorify the Lord and allow Him to definitely enter into your essences and that, as from the true 'yes' of your hearts, those of My children of humanity who still sleep in this world are able to be awakened by My Angels and by all the Blessed that circulate on the planet on this night.

Let the doors of the liberation of the world open! Let the roots of evil be lifted up to the Heavens so that humanity may experience redemption and peace in the times to come!

Be strengthened in My Presence, strengthen the faith in your hearts to overcome the tests that will come to the world and to help those who were not able to wake up.

I wait for you, My children, in deep prayer.

Today, I lead your souls to My Kingdom, and through My vehicles of Light, I lift up each of your beings so that, for an instant, you receive the codes of the Essential Origin.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My Maternal Spirit rises up over the world; and God has permitted, through Grace, that My Heart be present in your homes and families, communing of this Birth of Christ, the Redeemer.

Thus, with maternal joy, smile as My countenance of Light smiles. Let your countenances reflect joy and love, because in this way, the sadness will be dispelled and hope will revive you in spirit.

I invite all those present, dear children, to come up to this sacred Manger of Light, so it may be blessed in the name of humanity. Let us sing with joy and glorify the Redeemer. The Child King is being born once again in the world. Happy are those who open their hearts, because Christ will enter twice and will have you feel the Love of God.

Song: "Silent Night."

With the blessing with which Jesus was born, I bless these children in the name of all the children of humanity, and I also bless the New Earth which is the advent of the new Child King, Who will be born in the spirit of the simple and will prevail, throughout time, in the smile of the youngest and most humble.

I bless you, dear children, with the same purity God granted Me, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for responding to My call. Continue to sing while My Spirit rises up. Let all the bells ring, Christ is being born in humanity.

Song: "Silent Night."


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
