In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I ardently waited for this moment, because, in spite of staying in the world, contemplating souls and their needs, contemplating hearts and their supplications, this moment is also a gift for Me.

In a world that agonizes, the Creator makes His Light descend. Among the simplest souls, the Creator manifests His Presence and, amidst the chaos of the end of times, while the cry of the innocent echoes, God manifests Himself among human beings to demonstrate, children, that His Grace is abundant, unfathomable, infinite.

He just needs hearts to say yes, that they learn to listen to His Holy Spirit in order to be at the right place and to do their own part, collaborate with the Hierarchy, as it was said to you when you were preparing your souls for what you experience today.

Today I open My arms and humbly expand the Light that is in My Heart upon the world, so that those agonizing may feel relief, so that those who live in chaos may rediscover peace.

Many fear the Apocalypse, the manifestation of what was written, but you must contemplate the entirety of the promise. There will be suffering, but there will be peace, and, in the hearts of those who believe and have faith, miracles will happen, as it has been throughout the centuries,  throughout times, when pain has been dissipated by the deep love of hearts. Trust that this is possible, and so it will be.

Know how to make of pain the manifestation of God’s Love. Just as the Son transforms miseries into Mercy, making Blood and Water spring from His Heart, so you, children, are potential transformers of the miseries of the world into Divine Mercy, because you were created to renew love and, although this may seem a great utopia in the eyes of humankind, in these times, this truth will be more and more manifested within those who have faith.

But each heart must choose where they will be, which boat they will get on, the one where the Lord rests or the one that is empty. Empty of God, empty of Grace, empty of strength. Filled with the world, filled with human miseries, filled with the old and new capital energies, which make the hearts of humankind shipwreck.

All boats will be launched into the sea. The storm will come for all, but there will be peace where the Lord rests, in spite of the winds, the waves, the storms, there will be peace.

The end of times announces a moment of triumph, the triumph of the Heart of God in those who will persevere, and, it does not matter that they are few, they will generate merits, not only for the human race but also for the races that they do not know, consciousnesses that have committed ancient errors, unknown to the world, but deeply lived in the human consciousness, which even to this day suffers their consequences.

Many ask themselves, “If the end of times has been announced for so many years, prophesied for two thousand years, where is this end? When will it come?”

Children, you must decide to reach this end today, the end of the human condition, of the captivity of this world, the end of childishness, the end of mediocrities, the end of small sins, the small permissions that you give to your hearts to not fulfill the Will of God. You must decide to reach the end today, the end of leaving for later the fulfillment of Divine Will, the end of leaving for later the profound Wills of the Father's Heart as the priority of your lives.

So you ask yourselves what is this Will. If you seek it, you will understand, because, since the Ascension of Christ, His Holy Spirit has been speaking into your hearts.

Who will be willing to listen to Him? Who has silenced their mouths, their minds and their hearts in order to listen to this Spirit?

Many sing, “Come, Holy Spirit! But what will It do when It manifests Itself? What will you do within Its Presence?

The end of times has come. The eyes that cannot see it should open a little more in order to come out of ignorance, of the new capital energy, selfishness, and, its companion, indifference.

Contemplate the world, contemplate those around you. Take time to often contemplate the agony of your own souls, and you will know that the end of times has come.

When will this end come within you? This is a decision of each being.

However, there is an end that can be at any moment. An end that you will not decide yourselves: the end of opportunities, the end of the time of repentance.

Therefore, children, repent now, cry out now, listen now, live now.

If it is not worthwhile to do it for yourselves, do it for the world, for the souls that agonize, for the outraged Kingdoms, for those who have lost faith and do not have the strength to recover it.

If you do not believe in yourselves, believe in Me, because I know that it is possible to transform the world with small actions, to transform souls with small actions, and, that by sowing love among you, within you, this love is sown in the world.

The songs and praises please the Heart of the Father, but it is no longer enough to sing: you need to live it.

In moments like this, the Divine Truth descends to Earth, and the souls that are open can understand this Truth, they can know it, because the Holy Spirit listens through their ears, It opens their hearts, It expands their consciousnesses so that they can understand what they would not be able to understand otherwise.

But, at this moment, cement in your hearts the Graces that descend so that you do not forget when I make the sign of the cross and you leave here.

The greater the chaos in the world, the greater the faith of humanity must be. Do not let yourselves be shaken by what happens on the planet, but transform this into strength, into a spiritual life consolidated by a mature heart, which knows how to balance the events of the world. Do not let yourselves be shaken by the definitions of those you have by your side, because it will be up to each one of you to respond before God for all the Graces received.

But pray for those who give up and for those who weaken, pray for those who become lost, even when they believe that this is not happening. The world embraces those who are weak, closes their eyes, buries their hearts. How will they be able to know the right path? Therefore, pray for them and strengthen their hearts, strengthen their spirits.

Allow higher life to become more and more palpable each day. Open yourselves to discover mysteries, to permeate the unknown within your own hearts, to live potentials that had been hidden, to be that which God calls a human being, that which He created in His image and likeness with deep Love, to renew His Creation and bring it closer to His Divine Source.

I would like to be with you for longer: through My Words, lead you to the depths of your beings, to tell you: “Do not fear, but be strong in God; do not fear, but be true in Christ.”

But I need to return, to keep embracing the world, to keep guiding those who are lost, illuminating those who are in darkness, responding to the small and great requests of those who believe in Me, because when I do these things, I strengthen their faith.

Do not fear to ask. Rejoice when it is concretized, but do not stay there. Strengthen your faith.

This is all I wanted to tell you today. But be attentive, because I may return when God allows Me, when you open the doors to Me, I will be here.

Let us now celebrate the Eucharist, as this second impulse of My Chaste Heart, so that Christ, the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph can cause the bread and the wine to be permeated with the strength that you will need in order to live your definition in the coming days.

I leave you My blessing and My Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Peace reigns in hearts that silence their mouths, minds and hearts to listen to God.

When the murmuring and clamoring stop for an instant and yield their place to silence, souls bow down before God to hear His Voice and His Designs which are also silent but full of Love, and They can permeate hearts and bring them clarity, certainty, answers and, above all, peace.

Silence, children, is also prayer.

In silence, your spirits can elevate beyond the dimensions of conflict and chaos and be in a safe place to converse with God.

Souls that learn to become silent learn to enter into true contact with Infinity, because they are not only asking or wanting to rise up through their own effort but rather to know how to be silent, trust and allow themselves to be touched by the Hands of God that guide them into contact with higher life.

Silence is also part of the path that leads you to God. Know how to perceive the moments for crying out, for singing, for pleading or simply becoming silent in order to hear the Voice of the Father, to allow Him to guide you to the Infinity of His Kingdom, to the mysteries of His Creation.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


While you cry out for Mercy, in your heart contemplate those who do not know God.

In your heart contemplate the ignorant of soul and spirit, who do not believe in a higher reality and who suffer for not seeking in God the encouragement and the purpose of their lives. 

While you cry out for Mercy, contemplate the seas and the oceans, the violated Kingdoms of Nature and, with your consciousness, travel through each needy space of this planet. In this way, find the meaning of your prayer, of your song, of your cry, of your life.

Contemplate the consciousness of this planet, the Infinity and the Time of God. In this way, child, while you pray, aspire for this Higher Life so that it may come to the world as a healing of all the ills and deceits, as the doorway toward redemption for all souls.

Give meaning and depth to your prayer, each day enter deeper into your heart and, in this way, you will enter more deeply into the Heart of God. Like a mirror, you will be in God and He, in you.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The time has come to become aware of the sacred that you are called to live; the sacred that dwells within the ground you walk upon; the sacred that is expressed in that which is invisible in the life you lead, each day.

This is the moment for perceiving the presence of the Hierarchy in everything, which for humanity has been silent for so long, but that must reveal, not only its realities, its wisdom and its mystery, but also the Hierarchy must reveal itself for all beings.

Little by little, you must transform that which is still superficial in your lives. And I speak of what is in the depths of your hearts, your aspirations, thoughts, desires and your most human wills, because what is external and expressed in the world through your actions inevitably transforms when your hearts transform.

Thus, I do not speak of looking outward, I do not speak of correcting a fellow being and their steps and the way others live and express themselves. Because to correct what is outside of you is often a step that does not become consolidated because within you the world of your desires, your superficiality and your illusions remain.

And so, it is the time to look inward and become aware of the sacred in your own heart; to know and to recognize the Love of the Hierarchy and the Graces that God grants you through higher life.

In this way, you may become elevated while within yourselves you experience transformation.

True transformation occurs in what is hidden, where nobody sees it, because it is also there where those aspects of the consciousness that resist surrendering remain.

You may appear to be many things to the world that are not true, because within you is where the truth dwells.

And when you are transformed from within, you become vehicles of transformation on the outside. Your simple presence will speak to the world about the truth and will inspire hearts to seek it.

For this reason, children, it is time for you to become aware within yourselves of the sacred, the presence and the silence of the Hierarchy and all the life that dwells within the Earth. Because this life will begin to emerge on the surface of the planet and, so that you may participate in it on the outside, you must first truly live it within yourselves.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Quiet your heart so as to unite it with the Universe and the Infinity. Higher life begins to be revealed within you.

Send to the very depths of your consciousness the Gift of Forgiveness, which comes from the Divine Consciousness.

Meditate upon your Lord on the Cross and upon all the merits that He achieved so that you may experience redemption, not only from what was done and experienced upon this planet but also, and, above all, far beyond it, the history of your evolution, which you do not yet know.

Contemplate the Blood of Christ and feel how that very Blood, a redeeming code, permeates your cells and atoms. Commune of forgiveness and of redemption.

Beginning with your cells, let this forgiveness enter into your inner universe, into the deepest registers of your consciousness. And there, where universal life unites with your human condition, let the purpose of your incarnation take place and experience the peace of feeling forgiven.

Every day, the sacrifice of Christ is renewed in each Eucharist so that His codes of forgiveness and redemption, achieved for you upon the Cross may reach ever deeper into your being.

With your heart, accompany the establishment and the fulfillment of forgiveness in all of your being. The time has come to be healed rather than just to purify endlessly that which was rotten within you.

Your forgiveness and redemption must be conscious. It is necessary to know and to see what it is that you must forgive, but for this, child, your consciousness must be matured in the Love of Christ and in the certainty of all that He has already achieved for you.

Now that you have the mud before you, contemplate the Love and Forgiveness of Christ and experience the hidden chemistry of the redemption and transfiguration of consciousness.

Your miseries, touched by the Mercy of God, are transformed into the renewal of His eternal Love.

You have My blessing to experience what I tell you, and to achieve peace.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Each new cycle that comes is to bring you closer to God. The closer the purification of the planet is, and your hearts are called to live the Divine Instructions, the closer, children, you are drawn to God.

I came to the world to fulfill a mission: to prepare for the coming of My Son to this Earth, but as in other times, I cannot be here until the end, because this is His mission and that of His Most Holy Mother. I came to bring to the world the principles of humility that I learnt, of service, of unconditional surrender to God and, above all, of renunciation, because that is My first and last spiritual mission.

It is by the spirit of renunciation that I was sent to the world, and also by means of that spirit that God called on Me to return to His Sacred and Eternal Heart.

When I was on Earth, together with My beloved Son and My beloved wife Mary, all I wanted, children, was to remain by Their side, see that mission be concretized, My Son grow and express Himself as the Son of God that He was; but My Mission was to teach Him how to walk, how to take His first Steps, to protect His Birth and see with My own Eyes how God expressed Himself even through a child.

A time came in which the Creator called Me by My Name, by My true Name, and, showing Me the Doorways of the Universe and of the Infinity of His Heart – He called on Me to return, to tread a broad, unknown path. A path that would lead me to grow and evolve as His Child, and more than this, as a part of His Heart, as are all creatures, even though they may not know it or do not experience it.

Today, children, I come to show you that same Doorway to the Heart of God that I saw when – in the arms of the Most Holy Mary – She indicated to Me the Heart of the Celestial Father and told Me not to fear the unknown, the infinite, that which was mysterious, because the Creator was Infinite Love and Grace.

Today, I present you with this Doorway to Heaven, because the time has come for you, as souls and hearts, to also enter through this Portal, also recognize Infinite Life, which for so long lay hidden from humankind. The time has come for you to know who you are and what you came to do in this world, and that will happen first on the levels of spirit, by means of the silence and the will of your spirits to be different, to find the Truth, the Origin of the Origin.

Facing this Portal that leads you to the Cosmos, I come to place your Essences at the Feet of God, in the same way that I placed My small Child so that He could express Himself as the Messiah, as the Son of God.

I want you to love superior life, love to go deeper into Divine Knowledge, love to discover and read the history written in the mirrors of your hearts and of the Infinite Cosmos.

Love, children, to prepare the return of your Lord to the world, because He will come and you will be face to face with His Sacred Heart.

The prophecies will be fulfilled, that which was written will come out of the Sacred Books and will come Alive. And those Words that lay hidden, that humanity at some time tried to hide, will also be revealed, because, before the Son of God, nothing will be hidden any longer.

Feel that My Silence will reveal something deeper to you. Feel that My Voice goes silent to make room for the Divine Verb of My Son so that He may be known and exalted, so that you may discover His Existence and may receive Him in this world and beyond it.

The moment will also come in which your Divine Mother will become silent, but She will always be here because Her Mission is to accompany Her Son up to the last instant, up to the establishment of the New Life, up until the Gospel of the New Time, of the New Humanity, may be written by means of the facts of His Return to the world.

And everything that He will tell you, everything that you will experience together with Him, that story will be told in a new time, in a new world, which will be this one, but with a humanity reborn through the Love of God and of His Son.

On March 19, 2020, I will come to bless the medallions of My Most Chaste Heart and seven wooden reliquaries; I will bless them for the Marian Centers, those that have already been built and those that will be built.

For that time, prepare for My Coming with love and with joy, because in those reliquaries, as well as in the medallions of My Most Chaste Heart, I will place everything that I learned, the virtues that I lived and what I Am, as Spiritual Consciousness, as an Essence that came from Divine Essence and returns to It.

On March 19, 2021, I will come again to bless the book of My story, called: “From the Origin to the Origin,” because on that day, you will be ready to know it.

You will not recognize yourselves, just as I will not recognize you, because you will be closer to what you are, rather than to what you appear to be today.

For Argentina, I leave My Love and My Humility, so that you may learn, children, that will, as power and impulse of God, is only real when it comes from the Heart of the Father.  Yield your hearts to God and use that will that is born of your hearts to have the Heart of Christ triumph, with your heads on the ground and hearts surrendered before your Redeemer.

You will experience tests that will forge humility within you, but through those tests, you will reach to God, if you know to make of them the Doorway to your own Sanctity.

When you are faced with renouncing anything, do not be afraid, because each act of renunciation, when experienced with love, leads you to God.

My Heart and My Essence come from the Creator Father, just as all of you do, but I only discovered this truth when I renounced being in this world to live in a Greater Existence.

It was the power of renunciation that made Me return to God, and although My Heart was silent and unknown to many, it was not the knowledge of humankind what drew Me close to God, but rather the purity, the humility, and the renunciation that My Chaste Heart experienced.

Today, upon this country, I pour out an Infinite Love, which is My Love for the human heart, because I know what it is.

Love God above all things and love one another as your Lord has loved you: this is the Law for the institution of a new life, and the Law for unveiling the Celestial Mysteries.

You may be facing the Doorways of Heaven, you may see the lights that will manifest on Earth, and nevertheless, not go through its Portals because love does not reign in your hearts. For this reason, children, to know Truth and to live it, to discover the Infinite Cosmos that is hidden in the brilliance of the stars, and above all, to return to the Heart of God, you will have to love one another, and above all, your Celestial Father.

If you are humble of heart and faithful in the small things, all things will be revealed to you, and even though no Messenger of God speaks to you, a Greater Voice will echo in the silence of your hearts, because the Creator Himself finds in you His Dwelling Place and it is His Voice that will speak louder than all the voices that have echoed in the world. And I tell you this because it was what I experienced and what I today invite each one of you to experience.

You do not need to leave life on Earth to discover Universal Life and return to God; what you need, children, is to live the truth about yourselves, which is revealed through love; that is the effort you must make every day: to love unconditionally.

And you will not come to the Kingdom of the Heavens, but rather you will make It descend here; you will reveal that Kingdom within yourselves and you will discover yourselves to be parts of the Divine.

Read the words we have given you, pray with them, meditate upon each sentence, feel each impulse, and you will no longer have doubts: Wisdom will live in you and this very Word will transform you and make you experience everything that I said to you.

Today I will consecrate the elements for you so that you may commune of the Body, of the Blood, and of the Truth of Christ.

When I found My Son in the temple preaching among the doctors of the Law, I saw and experienced what it was to be a Priest. I saw Heaven descend to Earth, I saw humanity reveal itself to be sacred, I saw the human essence as part of God and, in that moment, My Son called Me and, explaining to Me everything He was doing, He consecrated Me not only as His Father, but as a simple and humble Priest so that, by means of all the actions of My Life, on Earth and beyond it, the Kingdom of God could be instituted in the world, and thus, the dimensions are united, the veils are torn, and there is no difference between life on Earth and life in Heaven.

You may kneel down.

When Jesus raised the bread and blessed it, He accepted before God His Offering of surrendering This Body not only on the Cross, but for all of the centuries that would come until His Return to the world, and in that moment, the Creator, Who was observing Him, blessed the bread with His deepest Love, revealing that in it dwelt not only the Body of Christ, but the Divine Body of His own God and Creator, because He is in His Son; in that bread, consecrated by Christ, was the Offering of His Lord and His Sacrifice on the Cross, just as was the Offering of His Father and of His Sacrifice, as He multiplied and became flesh, human and creature among His creatures. This is the Body of Christ given for you and for all the beings of the Earth and of the whole Universe. This is the element that divinizes Creation and makes you return to God.

When your Lord raised the chalice, He offered to the Father each Drop of His shed Blood, each Wound that would open in His Body, to pour out upon the Earth the Codes of a New Life, the DNA of a New Race, that one thought of by God since the beginning, and the Creator, Who was observing Him, blessed the wine and transformed it into the Blood of Christ, which is not only the Blood shed in the Calvary and on the Cross; it is the Perfect Code of the Love of God for His children. The Divine Thought that His Father emanated on thinking of the perfection of the body, of the soul and of the spirit of those who would become human beings. This is the Blood of Christ, this is the Truth that is revealed within you when you drink of His Codes and allow yourselves to be transformed by Him. Raise the Body and the Blood of Christ like a prayer of gratitude, making this memory alive, in the certainty that God, at this moment, observes you and upon these elements pours out His most Pure Love. Let us pray together as Christ taught us:

“Our Father Who is art in Heaven,
Hallowed be Thy name;
Thy Kingdom come;
Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven;
Give us this day our daily bread;
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us;
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

And thus, the consecration is established and peace radiates to the world, because Christ is alive not only on the levels of spirit, He is alive transforming the elements, matter and life, and just as He converts the bread and the wine, may He convert your bodies, your blood, your flesh, your hearts, and your consciousnesses.

Believe, children, that if the elements, fruits of the earth and of the work of humankind, receive the Body and the Blood of Christ and transform into a unity with Him, you, before the yielding of your hearts, can experience this same Divine Alchemy and transform into a Unity with Christ.

Thus, I bless you and accompany you in silence, just as I always accompanied your Divine Mother, Her child Jesus, and all of His disciples, apostles, and companions over the course of time. I will always be here, and in the silence of your hearts, you will be able to hear Me.

I wait for you for the anniversary of My Apparitions. Go deeper in your surrender and in your union with God. For this, I bless you and upon you I pour out My most pure Humility, My most simple Love.

By the Authority that God granted to Me, as His servant, friend, and companion, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you.

And just as our Lord taught us and as Saint Joseph requested of us, to establish the Peace of Christ in us, in this nation, and on the whole planet, let us give each other the greeting of Peace.


Do not be afraid to leap towards emptiness. 

Do not be afraid to correct your ways and start over.

Do not be afraid to give your best for love.

Do not be afraid to set aside your own thoughts, feelings, anguishes and joys in order to overcome yourselves, for the sake of the pain that the planet is suffering at this moment.

Do not be afraid to surrender and discover the fullness that is not based on human contentment. To find higher life is also to transform the meaning of joy and fullness, to transform that which fulfills you, and allow your beings to find peace in serving God and in surrendering entirely, by discovering that you can forget yourselves for the sake of a planet that suffers, for a Plan that you should fulfill, for a Divine Love that must renew itself.

Look at the Cross every day; contemplate the absolute Love of your Lord. In Him lies the key to the healing of all sins, the transcendence of all miseries, the surrendering of all resistance. 

Transforming yourselves in this time is to take a leap into the void and into the unknown. Discover a service you have not yet lived, a love you have not yet felt, a surrender you have not yet know. This begins, children, by wanting, fighting and affirming your own overcoming, every day.

You have my blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Monthly Messages

When the Creator sent His children to the Earth with veils over their eyes, so that they would not remember their origin, He also created the Centers of Love and of Light, which would someday awaken in aid of humanity, to allow them to remember and return to the Heart of the Father.

The Centers of Love reveal the mysteries of God and His Love for humanity; they reveal the fondness of the Father for His children of the Earth, in spite of the vastness of the Creation.

The Centers of Love reveal that the Creator not only placed the best of Himself hidden in the hearts of humanity but also, children, in the depths and hidden layers of the planetary consciousness. Just as the Creator delivered a part of His Essence to animate human consciousness, He also deposited, throughout the entire planet, a part of the most sacred that exists in His Creation, in this and in other Universes. These are the Centers of Love.

Just as you look at the sky and see only the stars, in spite of the infinite life that dwells within them, on Earth, children, your eyes often cannot perceive the mysteries that hide, the life that offers itself, the Grace that develops and renews, time and again. But the moment has come to know it, the moment has come to experience this higher life, more than knowing about its existence. The hour has come to live the Centers of Love, just as the hour has come to experience what you truly are as children of God.

The Time of your Father, of His higher reality, now approaches the Earth, and for this moment you must be prepared. Let the revelations manifest and let them go beyond the planetary events.

For a long time, I have come to meet you to reveal prophecies that speak of the reality of the planet and about the future of the nations not only so that you, My children, could awaken to what was to come upon humanity, but also so that your consciousnesses could believe in Me, and thus could at least wonder about the celestial reality from which I come, and that, like so many other mysteries, hide from humanity.

In this cycle, I come to reveal to you something deeper, more spiritual and unknown and, just like the prophecies that I delivered to you in other times, that which I reveal to you today will also manifest.

Open your hearts, My children, to perceive the reality of the Sacred Centers, of the Centers of Love. Open your hearts for a truth that has not been unveiled by humanity.

Open your hearts to know who you are. Let the veils tear asunder. Let the Hands of God open your eyes and your consciousness because it is no longer the time to be in ignorance. But it is rather time to be strengthened by the truth, because it will not only make you worthy and noble, but it will be your only sustenance for the trials that will come.

In My Marian Centers, discover the Centers of Love. Perceive the reality that dwells beyond the churches raised by humanity. Discover the Celestial Church of God on Earth. Perceive the Founts of His Creation manifesting amidst humanity. Perceive the living silent God in everything that was created by Him.

I bless you and lead you to this celestial reality, because the moment to find it has come.

I love you and hold you in My Heart.


Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In all things, look for the inner and spiritual presence of your Most Holy Mother.

Wherever you may go, let your heart lean more toward the mysteries of the spirit than toward material things.

Seek the essence of the Purpose of God in the mission that He entrusted to you and always, child, go deeper into the spiritual meaning of all things.

Seek the Will of God in silence. Find His guidance in inner stillness so that your consciousness may move beyond appearances and find what is true, and so that the example of your pure heart speaks to the world about how to face the things of God, without confusing them with the things of humankind.

My blessing is upon you, as it is upon the world, because a new time is spiritually beginning for all of humanity.

Each day that goes by, the contact with higher life becomes more inner, deeper, because it is there, where superficiality does not exist, where your heart will be safe to find God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


When God requests a mission from humanity, He measures not only its possibilities of fulfilling it, but also the urgency of the times and the days, urgency for souls to awaken and receive an opportunity of redemption; urgency for nations to be relieved of the darkness that surrounds them so that, as a people, they can comply with their part in the evolution of the planet.

In this time, children, God the Creator will ask you to fulfill His Plan based on your absolute surrender, sacrifice and love, because in spite of the crisis that exists on the material levels of the planet, much greater is the spiritual and planetary crisis, which is the one that defines the destiny of souls, of humanity as a race, and of the planet as Divine Creation.

Once and again, We ask you to elevate your consciousnesses so that you may understand why and what you are in this world for. There is a greater evolution to be lived, more than an instruction, more than an experience.

Superior life should no longer be mysterious for the disciples of Christ. The instruction you have received must start to live within your consciousnesses, because only in this way will you know how to wisely deal with the difficulties of life and to measure your priorities, not by human survival, but by universal evolution.

I know what I tell you may be incomprehensible at this moment, but meditate on My words and ask the Father for the Grace of not only knowing His Truth, but also of experiencing It and expressing It while there is time.

There will be no more life to sustain, there will be no more planet to save if souls do not liberate themselves from indifference and embrace divine purpose. Therefore, pray, serve and deepen each day in the awakening of your consciousnesses. Thus, you will be able to fulfill what you have come to fulfill in this world.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Dedicate your life to God through prayer, each day more sincere, profound and truthful.

Dedicate your life to God through your actions and your conduct that, in a transparent way, may transmit peace, fraternity and love.

Dedicate your life to God through service in the small things of your daily life, for it is there that the bridge to the higher life is built.

Dedicate your life to God through knowledge and wisdom, knowing that the closer you come to Truth, the closer you come to your Creator Father, to your Origin.

Dedicate your life to God by seeking to fulfill His Will, not in great missions, but in the mission of life, in the mission of loving and understanding others, in the mission of tirelessly assisting and obeying, in the mission of supporting and taking care of those in need, in the mission of letting yourself be cared for and loved by your own brothers and sisters, in the mission of transforming lovelessness and human indifference in your own heart.

Thus, child, dedicate your entire life to God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Bring your prayer of the heart to the consciousness, children, and have the feelings of peace and of union with God that you feel while you pray remain in your lives, reflected in your actions, in your thoughts and in your feelings; and to your daily  and constant experience bring the wisdom and the discernment that you feel when praying, and be in the constant presence of God and of His Spirit; being reverent not only in the sacred places and moments, but at all times.

Bring the prayer of the heart to the consciousness and allow your beings to be constantly elevated, seeking to draw to Earth the principles of higher life, in the certainty that in this union of the Time of God with the time of the world, this life will manifest on Earth.

Feel your hearts and your inner world during a moment of prayer, and after this try to maintain that state of alignment and of gratitude. That is bringing your prayer to the consciousness.

Seek that knowledge and express that wisdom.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Silence and breathe to search within yourself for the path of elevation. Let all the veils of illusion and the human condition that you must transmute and transcend before you reach God be shown to your heart.

May your limitations make you humble, but may they not remove your faith and hope. Go beyond and discover within you the door that unites you to the Infinite, to the Divine Consciousness and to your celestial origin. Let your essence reveal itself as a bridge to the Heart of God and, even if you cannot cross this bridge at once, let it always be the symbol of your perseverance, the reason for your faith.

Each day, aspire more to the Infinite, to the eternal, but not only to abandon what upsets you about life upon Earth. Love the opportunity that God gave you and learn to understand life in its evolutionary and spiritual sense. May your eyes contemplate upon the planet the opportunity to love more and better, and in each of your brothers and sisters, contemplate the potential of renewal of the Love of God in the emergence of a New Christ.

Aspire toward the Infinite, the universe, as a form of knowing that your goal is to return to God; but you will return, child, with your heart full of an unknown love, with your spirit full of the Divine Spirit, with your consciousness fully expressing the essence of the Divine Thought for humanity. And with this legacy within your heart, you will offer it to God so that a new beginning may be written in Heaven, as on Earth.

For this aspire to a superior life; for this aspire to return to God. May there be no human aspirations and human concepts about the supreme life within you. Let the truth pulsate within your heart and be the motor that allows you to experience the transformation, every day.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In silence, deepen in the spiritual discoveries that you are living. Do not let the impulses and the revelations pass as the blow of the wind, but rather let them remain within you, fertilizing your spirit, as does the Breath of the Spirit of God.

Let your soul sigh, relieved for receiving the balm of revelations that make it remember the meaning of life and feel that there is a hope of returning to the Heart of God.

Meditate on your spirit and on the higher life so that it may strengthen you and give you the possibility to stand firm enough within the divine purpose to help others who will lose their faith when everything is chaos and imbalance.

See beyond the horizon of the Earth, and all that is before it, the clear rising of the sun, which will come to illuminate a new life. Keep firm within you the knowledge of the true meaning of the events of the world. The planet is purifying to liberate itself. Those who will lose balance are who have built the foundations of their dwelling in the sand of their own skills and certainties, and not in the Rock of the Will and of the Plan of God.

Know that everything is part of a Plan drawn up from the age of the patriarchs and described in their words, although little understood by men.

The Old Testament was fulfilled in the New Testament, and the New Testament is fulfilled now so that, through this planetary moment, a new sacred history can be written, and in it may be found the prophecies of a new life and of a new human that will return to the Time of God and open the doors for all beings to unite with His Heart.

Hold on to this divine purpose and strengthen your being in faith, sustaining peace in your spirit.

For this, God calls you by your name and allows you to listen and read His holy Words. You are called to be an apostle of the last times, a saint of the last days.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Today My Heart rejoices because of the response of My companions and friends.

Today My Heart lights up by the gratitude that I feel for each one of you, not just because you are here, but because that, children, is the reflection of a response of your inner beings, of the thirst your spirits feel for awakening, for drinking of the divine Knowledge that I, as your instructor, bring you. This Knowledge is beyond words and is radiated through My Heart, by My simple presence, because it is in Me and I in it in perfect unity, because this is the Will of God.

As an Instructor of this world, the Creator has placed in Me His Sacred Books, His divine and universal Knowledge, so that little by little, I may reveal It to you, and more than that, teach you to love this Knowledge, so that it may transform into wisdom, and in this way, your consciousnesses and spirits may be worthy of building the new life on Earth.

I am here to instruct you, to form you, not so that you may reach My Heart, but rather so that you may love this evolutionary path that leads you to the Heart of Christ, and, through Him, to the Father.

Today My Heart becomes not only a mirror, but a source of wisdom. I create a bridge to the Heart of God to bring this wisdom to Earth and radiate it to your hearts, so that you may receive this legacy and do not lose it, in spite of the events on Earth.

I come to place this wisdom within you so that when Our Voices no longer echo in the world, each one of you can look within yourselves and find this Knowledge to know how to act, discern, and move through the tests that you will experience as humanity.

Today, children, I come to teach you to love the higher life, the cosmic life, beyond the Christic life that is written in the Sacred Books of the Earth.

Today I bring you the Sacred Books of the Universe so that in them you may find your history, that which did not begin on the planet, but in the Heart of God, in the purest Essence of your Creator Father, which has been drawing itself throughout its evolution as essences, as consciousnesses, as spirits, and finally, as human beings.

This life that you live on Earth is a culminating moment of an evolution that has been building long before this planet.

Thus, children, now that you have learned to love the Wisdom that you have received on the planet, through the Sacred Books that the Creator transmitted to your different prophets, apostles, and disciples, now love the divine Knowledge attracted by the Mirrors of the Cosmos, by the celestial prophets and by the apostles who are yet to be known, the Lords of Wisdom that dwell in the Universe and who until today have accompanied you in a silent way, but now is the time for you to meet them.

I tell you all of this because evolution on this planet must take a step and it will happen through each one of you.

If you do not love the Knowledge of the Universe, the life held in the Infinite, how will you manifest the Kingdom of God on Earth?

The Kingdom of God, children, is not anything that you know with your minds; it is something that you know with your hearts, with your essences, because they come from the Heart of the Father and hold within them the purest Principles of God .

Thus, at this moment, open your hearts, let Me design in the mirrors of your spirits those which protect your essences, this moment of awakening.

Let the mirror of My Heart of Instructor be reflected in the mirrors of your hearts and in this way, show you the truth that is held behind My Words.

Just as there is a hierarchy on Earth, there is also a Hierarchy in Heaven, and eternal life is much more profound than what you imagine.

Over the course of your evolution as humanity, it was part of the Will of God that you live isolated from this higher reality, because in this way, you can live a unique learning experience, because the love that you must develop here does not exist anywhere else in the divine Creation, except in the Heart of the Father and the Son, and even there you must renew yourselves.

If you knew the Higher Truth from the beginning, you could never have a unique experience, because you would be influenced by everything that is experienced in the Cosmos.

But at this moment, children, all of the Universe learns from the Earth and the time has come to return, to have your final experience, not so that the planet may cease to exist, but rather so that it may truly exist, fulfilling the Will of God and the Purpose that was born of the Heart of the Father when thinking of the Earth.

In this end time of ignorance, of illusion, of veils over your eyes, the planet will be shaken not only physically, but also spiritually, so that those who have been summoned to have a Christic experience can live it, thus opening a new cycle, a new time walking the path in the Calvary of these times, in which the Earth will be able to return to the Time of God, to Higher Reality, because it has already fulfilled what the Father expected, it has already begun to take the first steps in the renewal of its Divine Love, and that renewal will be able to continue through all of its Creation, in all the beings that you do not know of, but who are waiting to be able to live that love that is unfolding on Earth.

At this time, children, when everything has passed, the Earth will receive a new name, a name that comes from the Heart of God, and each one of you will be called through the sacred sound that emanated from the sublime sources when you were created; there will no longer be personages who live on Earth through the personalities of humankind.

Each being will manifest what they really are, for this is the Divine Will.

I know that everything I tell you seems very distant, and sometimes unreal to you.

Remember that I am placing in you a truth of which you are not conscious, but that you must begin to remember, that is why I speak to you about it. Let it enter your heart and transform you, not so that you may be others, but so that you may be yourselves and stop sleeping in the sleep of the planet, with your eyes clouded by the illusion of the Earth, but so that you may awaken, because the time is coming and those who did not have the same Grace as you have today, of hearing these Words and receiving this Divine Knowledge within them, will awaken late and will not have time to repent of their errors and straighten their paths to reach God.

For those children, the reality will take them by surprise and they will not understand what they see in front of their eyes, they will not understand what their hearts feel, because the reality for their minds was life on Earth and not the truth that was coming from the Heart of the Father.

Receive today what I am telling you and know that there is much more to be revealed, but that your hearts must be prepared, like the earth you prepare to receive new seeds, which generate new trees, new fruits, new lives. This preparation, children, takes place through prayer, it happens by letting this old human who thinks and criticizes everything that God gives him, break.

Let your mind stop for a minute, let your hearts open to something unknown. Do not fear to feel the Love of God, because He will not hurt you.

The human heart suffers when it resists because, to enter into the Truth of God, you must lose that which you held as truth, and in this way, you also lose your human will, your personal will, because your plans will no longer make sense and they will only make sense again when you find the Will of God for your lives.

To experience what I tell you, you do not need to be in a different place; you need to let a hidden, inner chemistry take place in you, children. It is something that begins in your hearts and that many times, without you perceiving it, manifests in your external life; it is not the other way round, it is not by moving from your house, city, job that you will experience a transformation, because many times you do those things and keep on being the same, living the same illusion.

And so, on this morning, I come with this Divine Knowledge, I come with the light of the Mirrors of the Cosmos, to transform you within, to awaken you within.

Feel My Presence in your hearts; inwardly contemplate the Cosmos, which manifests through My Heart; contemplate the stars, lights that kindle in a deep blue; contemplate the sources of life that seem like celestial lakes, of a light unknown to you, because their colors can only be contemplated in the celestial life.

Let that image enter into your heart, deepen into it, reach the Heart of God, which is not a human being, but rather a Celestial Source, a Light that has no dimension, has no form, and has no color, but which holds in Itself all dimensions, all forms, all colors, all sounds.

See, My children, how all of what I show you is reflected in the mirror of your hearts. I am revealing to you the door to the Heart of God that is inside of you; I am revealing to you the key of the likeness with the Heart of the Father.

At this moment, contemplate your inner mirror, your divine essence, and see in it all that I say to you: the Cosmos, the stars, the galaxies, the planets, the Sources of Creation and the Creator. All of that is hidden inside of you and in that divine design, many more mysteries are kept: rays, divine and sublime energies, a higher life, planets, civilizations, beings in evolution.

In this way, children, see that the Father did not abandon you in the illusion of the Earth; He hid His Truth, His Presence, within you like in no other being in His Creation.

Do not seek to understand what I say to you; simply receive what I bring you with love, for this comes from God.

This Knowledge will be written in the Books of the Redemption of the Earth, these which are being written in this time, through the Words of the Divine Messengers, and which complete a unique legacy not only for this planet, but for all of Creation. That which is Sacred is not just Sacred for the Earth, but for all of Life.

Today, children, as humanity, you are experiencing something unique, a Celestial Grace that I know you do not understand, but you can be grateful for it, because this moment is written in the history of Creation, just like the moments in which the Son of God was on Earth were written.

You are here to prepare His Return, and even though that may seem something distant and that you will never see with your own eyes, with your hearts, alive, today I tell you that indeed, you will live it, that it is not something distant; it is an event that is already manifesting on Earth on the spiritual levels, that little by little is being drawn in the manifestation of Life.

This is why I tell you these things, so that you may live each day as if it were the day of the return of Christ. He can come at any moment, and you must be ready for that.

In your prayers, remember what I told you, remember that bridge that is in your inner world to the Divine Consciousness.

Contemplate your own essence as something sacred, real, and in this way, allow Higher Life to cease to be a Teaching, cease to be some instruction from which you drink and drink, but do not assimilate; see that Higher Life is something live, that you are Higher Life.

Together, let us say a prayer that, in spite of being small and simple, holds in itself the keys that you need to come to God, so that He may manifest His Presence in you, so that in this way, His Celestial Kingdom may also live on Earth.

"Lord, I who am nothing, surrender to You, so that you may make of me Your Dwelling Place." (7X)

I know that many do not believe, but the Divine Truth is in the Eucharist, because in that mystery the Creator gives you all that He is, so that you may be like Him and merge into Him at each communion.

Thus, at this moment, as a Priest consecrated by Christ since the beginning of My existence, I come to consecrate these elements, so that My Graces, which I bring from Heaven in the Name of God, may become matter in the Body and in the Blood of Christ, because what I bring you and what I say to you do not come from Me, but from God.

Each word pronounced by the Divine Messengers is manifested by the Divine Will; that is why they are sacred and must be eternally revered.

The remembrance of the Holy Supper is not only in the Sacred Books, but it deepens in the books of the Universe, because that event was and is much deeper than what you imagine.

When Your Lord lifted up the bread, blessed it and broke it, all Life revered It, civilizations bowed down, the Mirrors of the Cosmos turned toward the Earth, and God Himself became silent, manifesting His Gratitude for the surrender of His Son for the renewal of His Love in all of Life.

When Your Lord lifted up the Chalice, blessed it and shared it among His companions, as His Blood, as the symbol of His "Yes", it was emitted to God not only for the sacrifice He would experience on the cross, but also for a perpetual surrender, manifested throughout the centuries on the levels of Spirit, because up to today and everyday, Christ relives His surrender to be in all the shrines of the Earth.

In each moment of Communion, the Universe again reveres the Earth, the Mirrors turn toward the planet to radiate each code, each instant of the story of the sacrifice of Christ that was written in them, so that each moment experienced by the Lord may be impressed in the elements offered by humankind to be divinized and consecrated and thus, transformed into the Body and the Blood of Christ.

Just like all of Life, like all of the Universe, like the Divine Consciousness, which in this moment becomes silent again, you too revere the transformation of the elements into the Body and the Blood of Christ, and know, children, that this is the most Sacred Ceremony of your lives, because it does not matter where you are or who is officiating, because every priest at that moment receives the Grace of God and all of life reveres the surrender of Christ, so that love may be renewed not only in the human heart, but also in the Heart of God.

Let us pray together and in gratitude, let us feel the transubstantiation of these elements into the Body and the Blood of Christ:

"Our Father, Who art in Heaven, blessed by Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, forgive us our treaspasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and not let us not fall into temptation, but deliver us from evil."

In Aramaic:

“Abvún debachmaia netcádech chmor teitê malcutar nerruei tseviánar aicána debachmaia af ba-ár há ravlán larma dessuncanan iarmana uachpoclan raubéin uartarréin aicána daf renan chuórren olrraiaben uela tarlan letnessiuna ela patsan min bichá metul delarre malcutá uarraila uatechpurta lar-lam almin, aamein”.

May Peace, Love, and the Life of Christ be in your hearts.

I leave you, My children, My profound gratitude for your lives, for your effort, and for your presence.

Do not cease to deepen on your inner path, because it only ends when you reach God and eternally merge with Him.

I leave you My blessing and My peace, and above all, My divine gratitude to your hearts.

I thank you.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Gladden your hearts in the Fount of Peace that comes from the Heart of God and permeates the depths of the Earth like the sap that nourishes the trees and gives them life.

The Peace of God is the sublime force that comes from Heaven and nourishes the consciousness of the planet, creating smaller fountains in the depth of the Earth, in sacred places called Centers of Love.

Commune with the Gifts of God that enter the planet and are available for those who open in gratitude to receive them.

Communing and living the Gifts of God is more simple than what you might imagine. It is enough for your hearts to be available for transformation and sometimes distracted from themselves so that, in an act of service to the fellow being, to the Plan, to life, your beings may be permeated by the Graces that come from the Father.

I gather you in the spirit of service not only for you to repair something or for service itself. I gather you in service so that, by forgetting yourselves, you may let the Love and Joy that come from the Father transform you, renew you and make you worthy of being called children of God, companions of Christ.

When you serve in a sacred place, however simple your service may be, the Love that comes from God and finds its dwelling place can also permeate your hearts and, beyond them, reach all human consciousness.

Today, children, I give you the key to healing, to transformation and to fraternal life. Serve in joy, knowing that, in these moments, God is observing you.

No longer look at Heaven to ask for healing, transformation or graces, because everything has been given to you in the form of opportunities to serve and to discover that superior life is within you and manifests when you distract yourselves from what you think you are and you open to become what you are, in truth.

Within you dwells the sacred, the divine. And if you do not see it, you must seek it, but not only within yourselves, but in service, in union with your brothers and sisters.

I have congregated you here because I want to lead you to a new school of love, even if you think and feel that nothing you do is new. Renew yourselves in this request of Mine of being together serving, building and maintaining this, which is your house and the house of God.

Let the joy, that children feel, arise in your hearts and in a little while you will see that everything you were crying out to God for has already manifested in you without you perceiving it.

My grace is in your lives. I just call you to find it.

Today, I bless you, I thank you for responding to My call for unity and I ask you not to lower your arms because you will see the fruits of your own effort be born.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


 Dear Child,

Today I make the Star of the Celestial Brotherhood shine upon My Maternal Bosom in order to announce to the world that the moment of the great intervention is approaching and that consciousnesses will have the last opportunity for their awakening.

Today I make the Star of the Celestial Brotherhood shine upon My Maternal Bosom, so that the beings of the Earth come out of the hypnotism of world illusion, become aware and value the life that the Father has granted them to be present on this planet.

Today I make the Star of the Celestial Brotherhood shine upon My Maternal Bosom, so that all human beings may understand, through this symbol, that life does not end here, that after this life many more lessons will come that will be necessary to be able to uplift the spirit toward the Dwelling Places of God.

Today I make the Star of the Celestial Brotherhood shine upon My Maternal Bosom because the time has come to elevate the consciousness of plane so that universal life, which will awaken the New Human, may draw closer to human beings. 

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In the Celestial Universe, in the most intimate of Divine Thought, there is a sublime archetype of higher life, where creatures live love and respect, in spite of differences, and they walk towards the goal of unity with God, having as their greatest aspiration that their fellow being may come to unite with God.

In this higher life, peace dwells in the hearts of humanity, for there is no need for competition, vanity or arrogance among them. There is no need for control, power or malice among them. The peace that comes from the aspiration that all achieve love is born in the Heart of the Father and is manifested in the hearts of beings.

The Father has this archetype of life held within Himself and, every now and then, He puts it in His Hands and offers it to humanity, because this is the Will of God for humanity.

The Lord does not offer His purpose to evolved beings, those wise in love and grace; He offers it to those who have erred the most, who have sinned the most and who have distanced themselves from His Heart the most. Beings who, gathered together on the Earth, every day receive an opportunity to be redeemed and to live this perfect archetype that God has for them.

For this reason, children, today I come to show you this divine aspiration so that you may love it and unite to it, also aspiring, deeply, to express the Will and Love of God.

Place this goal before your hearts and every day ask the Father for the grace of being able to live and express this divine archetype for humanity. Ask God to awaken within you this unique and perfect potential to love, which dwells in your hearts and makes you in likeness with Him. And believe that, through a daily effort to love, it is possible to transcend the current human condition and to embrace the divine archetype of life on Earth.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Believe in the day when Heaven will descend to Earth and the angels and saints will dwell with humanity.

Believe in the day when Heaven will descend to Earth and your Lord and King, in the vestments of His Son, will return to proclaim Peace, making all difficulties small, making fears meaningless, making pains nonexistent, making simple the love to others and to God, above all things.

Believe in the day when Heaven will descend to Earth and Truth will manifest before human eyes, revealing the secrets of a superior existence, revealing those beings who have always been here to aid humanity, but that mankind has never been able to see.

Believe in the day when Heaven will descend to Earth and will reveal that the superior life does not only dwell in the Heights. It will reveal the sacred that is kept in the depths of the planet and that is safeguarded in the beauty and in the fortitude of Nature, because the moment has not yet come for it to be known.

Believe in the day when Heaven will descend to Earth and your Lord and God, after having poured out Justice, will return to emanate Mercy upon the hearts, healing upon the spiritual wounds, restoration for the spirit of the Earth and Grace to establish the thousand years of Peace.

Believe, that everything will pass and that what seems the end is the announcement of something new and unknown to mankind. What they call the end is the end of deceit, the end of time counted by the clocks of the world, the end of days and their cycles, so that it may be the beginning of the Eternal Time, the Supreme Truth of God.

Believe that this day will come and keep your faith in the unknown, because all the prophecies of Your Creator Father will come to be fulfilled and the day of His Truth will be a reality in the life of this world.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Message in honor of the anniversary of the holy death of Father Pio from Pietrelcina

Let My Divine Blood flow in your veins, as it flowed through each corner of Father Pio.

Let My immaterial Life be expressed in you, as My Wounds of love and pain were marked in Father Pio.

Imitate this example of holiness and renunciation. Love the example of sacrifice and surrender for others, as Father Pío loved it at each moment.

Be this witness of renewal and faith, just as Father Pío was, who gave himself completely to Me, in each phase and in each circumstance of life.

Allow that the Breath of the Holy Spirit, that invaded and filled Father Pío, may reach your soul for it to be overwhelmed by the Christic Love of My Eternal Heart.

Find the meaning to your existence, following My Gospel and entering into the inner path that I offer to you today.

I ask you to renew yourself in Me, as Father Pío renewed himself in each Eucharist, in each moment of confession and silence.

Draw closer to the life of Father Pío so that you may become similar to him and let Me mark you with the spiritual prints of My Love, because, in this way, you will be Mine and to My Kingdom you will belong, once you have reached the expression of Merciful Love.

May, on this day of Father Pío, death not represent the end of something but the beginning of the real flight towards the infinite Heart of God, where everything will be consummated.

I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Jesus Christ


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

