Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I come dressed as Grace to pour out My Light for you so that, on this holy day, you rest in My arms and be only in God.
I come dressed as Grace to pour out My Peace for you, and so that your hearts and the hearts of the world find the Mercy of God.
I come dressed as Grace to pour out, upon you and the world, the Rays of My Grace, which are so necessary for these times, especially for the souls that must begin their paths again, the paths My Son has proposed for each of your hearts.
I come dressed as Grace so you may come to know the Compassion of God, that compassion which the world has completely forgotten, due to the errors of human beings, by producing pain and committing outrages and indifference to the Heart of the Celestial Father.
I also come dressed as Grace to radiate My Mirror of Light upon you; to reignite the essences that have fallen and who have not yet found the path of salvation.
May the surface human being recognize the Grace of the Mother of God. It is that supreme and infinite Grace, dear children, that will always keep you on the path of My Son, the path of peace and the good.
And thus, as I have told you this morning: Unity will save you all. If your hearts are united in Christ, you need not fear anything, dear children. Christ is that Flame of incandescent Unity that shines throughout the whole Celestial Universe.
Our Hearts, full of Grace, approach the world once again to decree peace and the end of war, the war that many hearts experience inwardly, the war which is expressed on the surface of the planet as a consequence of chaos and adversity. But if your hearts are united with My Grace, do you believe you will transform?
My Grace allows all things, because from Grace is born the Mercy of God, the Mercy that transforms and redeems all things throughout the times.
Seek in yourselves, dear children, for the essence of the Grace of God, the flame of the Grace of My Son, Who comes descending from the universe in these times, to be able to form the new flocks of the Creator.
Throughout the times, I have been accompanying you through the flame of My Grace, so that you may always be on the correct path, so you never forget how important it is to love one another, to always be able to gestate the unity of heart.
The Unity of God is invincible, just as I have told you. All the angels of Heaven avail themselves of this Sacred Unity to be able to vivify the Eternal Father.
Thus, I invite you, dear children, to search for your inner Grace, the essence of the love and unity between hearts. If every day you seek unity among your peers, the world will not suffer so much. But while souls move away from the Grace of God, they will suffer and there will be no remedy that can allay those hearts.
So I ask you, dear children, keep the Grace of God firmly within you, so that you may be in unity with your peers. In this way, you will always know what you must do. Even in times of chaos, the flame of My Grace will lead you, will light your paths so that you can see the purpose that is gradually emerging on the horizon.
I am that Star of Grace for the whole universe, and I would like you, dear children, to be able to contemplate the Grace of My Heart at each moment of prayer. In My Grace there is no error, no pain, no suffering. In My Grace there is Love, Pity and Mercy for the souls of the world.
In My Heart full of Grace, place all this creation of the planet, which so greatly suffers the consequences of humanity.
In My Heart full of Grace, place the Kingdoms of Nature, so they may be able to be restored by My Light, by the great Mother consciousness of Nature.
In My Heart full of Grace, place your peers, so that their deserts and the tests they experience today can quickly pass and all, in My Son, may live the Sacred Purpose which, with so much maternal Love, I came to place in your lives.
I do not come to see your imperfection, dear children. I come to seek, in you, the awakening of the flame of the Grace of God, so that you never forget that unity is something indispensable in this time.
Today I come dressed as Grace. I come as the Lady of Grace to pour out upon the world what it needs, so that humanity can bear its purification through the powerful current of prayer.
Dear children, with My maternal Heart I ask that you not to tire of listening to My voice. God and all His codes of Light are present in My Words, as well as the codes of Light of My Son and those of the Holy Spirit.
In this way, I Am the Mother of the Most Holy Trinity, who wants to see you in peace so you can bear the end of times.
Unite with one another so that the Grace of God may be present in your lives. This Work, which I live with you in these years, is a Work generated by the Grace of My Heart. If My Grace had not touched your essences, this would not be possible.
Meditate on what I request of you.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Because My Grace is infinite.
In the same way that the Creator Who created all the universes, was in Himself a Source of Life, I, my children, am a Source of Grace for the whole cosmos, for all creatures. It is from My Immaculate Heart that all the opportunities for redemption and healing come for those who do not deserve them.
With My Motherhood, Love and Mercy, I pour out, upon each essence of this world and of many others, the Grace they need for returning to God.
Each of My Words, my children, brings in itself a Special Grace, a Unique Grace. Those who listen to Me attentively and allow them to penetrate the depths of their beings, transform that Grace into life, transform their own consciousness, their own essence, into an essence redeemed by My Grace.
Each time I come to meet with you, I bring you new opportunities to grow, to follow in My footsteps. When I speak to you, children, I am not only correcting your paths, I am bringing you a Grace so that you can awaken, while there is still time, and fulfill that commitment you made to God in the beginning of everything, even before you reached this world.
Those who gather under My Mantle and who come to meet Me to listen to My Voice were called and attracted by the Light of My Grace.
For this reason, on this night, in front of this Source that I represent in your eyes, in your hearts, allow yourselves to be permeated by the Grace that is expressed in My Divine Light, which heals, redeems and transforms you, so that you finally express what is perfect, which for some time has been hidden in your hearts.
Children, so that the Grace I bring you may be expressed in your lives, it is not enough that My hands be imposed upon your beings. You need to strive for that Grace to grow, yield its fruits and go beyond your beings; to reach those who most need it, because it is for this that I give you these Graces, so that you represent this Source in the world, multiply the Graces I give you, by means of the example, of the experience of unity, of fraternity, of love, of forgiveness.
When you forgive the errors of your fellow beings, just as I forgave you when I called you to meet with Me, you are multiplying the Grace I gave you and are announcing, not only to humanity but also to the whole universe, that the hope exists that humanity may express that Divine Thought that came from the Creator on manifesting humanity.
I want you, children, to contemplate the immensity of My Grace today, and the infinite possibilities for it to be multiplied in your lives. A Grace, my children, when you receive it from the Divine Heart, from this Sublime Source of Creation, is something unique and yet incomprehensible for your little human minds.
For this reason, simply feel the power of My Grace and do not hesitate to let it multiply and completely transform you.
Today, I want you to feel My Peace, to be in My arms, and, supported by My Grace, to receive a little bit of encouragement, because My soldiers must not only live by battles. Remember, children, that this army exists to proclaim peace, first within each of you, in your families, in your homes and then in the whole world.
Enter today into the spring of My Graces and allow Me to embrace you, heal you and, with the celestial power of My Maternal Love, be able to transform everything that up until today stops you from knowing My Infinite Peace.
Today I come to heal you, redeem you and support you in My Immaculate Heart, because the world needs the peace you must bring to it.
Do not only survive in this world, my children; do not only struggle for life in your daily activity, in your homes. Contemplate a Higher Purpose, and under the protection of My Grace, attract this Divine Purpose to the planet, which brings you a new hope, a new meaning to your lives.
Today, my children, I want two Children of Mary to come up here who have understood, in their human limitation, the purpose of My Grace, who little by little are allowing Me to transform them, so they may become worthy soldiers of My Immaculate Heart.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Whoever is on this path of Light will achieve a cure, healing and redemption; because Divine Grace is always available for the soul that opens its heart to be able to recognize it.
In this consecration, dear children, through these Children, I show you the power of Grace and of Unity; two streams of Light that you will always be able to contemplate in your spirits, uniting with the Source of Adonai.
May this Divine Grace, present today in Aurora, also expand into the world, especially to My children of Venezuela, who have great need of your prayers.
I say to all My children of Venezuela that the Grace of God is with each one so they may be able to transcend the abysses, the tests and the chaotic decisions which are being made. But do not cease to persevere. My Immaculate Heart will triumph in each of them.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At the request of Mary for this consecration, we will listen to "Hail Mary of Aurora."
We open our hands to receive the Grace of God.
Let us repeat the prayer that the Most Holy Mary is teaching us, phrase by phrase, until we all manage to say it together:
Blessed Grace of God,
which fills the universes,
make me worthy of living Your Divine Will.
Place your hands on your hearts.
Live the Grace of God all the time, in an ardent aspiration of finding it in each space of this world and in each of your brothers and sisters in perfect unity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
I thank those present, my dear children, for having accompanied Me here, in Aurora, in this Sacred Source of Healing.
And now, I open the paths, like an Eagle of Light, to go on pilgrimage to Brazil. And there, I will wait for all My children of this nation, in devotion and love for the Plan of God.
Hallelujah! May God be in you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I Am the Bird that soars over all spaces and observes each of the hearts of the world.
I Am the Spirit of God that comes into your lives to completely transform them.
I Am the Queen of Peace, Who brings peace to souls, to hearts, to those who so lack peace.
My children, I Am the Mother of each of your essences. From My Sacred Womb come forth all creatures.
I Am the Servant of God, because from Him comes My Consciousness.
I was created to conceive, to serve the Creator of all the universes, to be His Maternal Spirit, the One who takes in His Creatures and leads them to the fulfillment of His Greater Plan.
My children, I Am the Healing for your souls, for your spirits, as well as for the cells of your bodies.
I Am the Healing for this planet, because through My Heart you will find the path to a true awakening, which will remove from your lives all the illnesses which this world has caused.
I am speaking this evening about the illnesses of the body, but also the illnesses of the spirit that distance souls from God and tie them to the illusions of this world.
For this reason, My dear ones, I have called each one of your souls so that they would come here, and in this sacred hour, I receive into My Arms all your pleas, which represent the pleas of humanity so that, among the creatures of God, these illnesses no longer exist in the world, illnesses that do not allow you to reach the Celestial Kingdom, that do not allow you to open the doors through the love of the heart so that a new time may come into this world.
My children, many of My Words are incomprehensible to the beings of this Earth, because they have not opened themselves to discover a life that exists beyond this world, and that I come to reveal to you, as your Mother and Lady, because through Me, you will find a safe path.
In My Heart, My children, you will find the path to reach the Heart of Christ, and there, in the Heart of My Son, all the Truths will be found.
I want you to trust in My Presence, not only on this day, but every day of your lives. For I observe you day and night and wait for that small instant when your hearts open so that My Light can enter this world, and through a single heart that opens, It is able to reach all souls, no matter where they may be.
I want you to discover a safe path in My Presence, a path that you did not find in other times of your lives.
In My Heart, My children, there will be no deception, there will be no abandonment nor distrust. Thus, come into My Arms, that today open before you and that invite you to return to the Celestial Origin.
Today My Heart lights up because of the joy I feel on this night, because many of My children in the world are responding to My call. But I still need to reach many souls that live in darkness and do not know the Truth and Paradise, which is a reality in the universe, a reality that all consciousnesses must access at some time.
Just as two thousand years ago, My Son showed you the Way, the Truth and the Life, through surrender and sacrifice, through Love for all creatures, today My children, I come before My Son so that souls that did not respond to His Call at that time may not miss another chance. My Son will return, He will come to the world in search of those who have lost their way on the path.
And at this time, My Immaculate Heart comes to say to you that through prayer you will be able to strengthen your hearts, awaken your consciousnesses, bring relief to the despair of this world, and in the future you will be able to recognize who will be the true Christ, because the one who prays, My children, will not be deceived by the enemy, who so many times will try to delude the souls of the world, even through spiritual things.
Thus I say to you that My Heart will be a safe path, because you will be able to feel the truth of My Presence in your essences, and eye to eye with My Son, you will never doubt that He is the One Who is fulfilling His promise, which after two thousand years, will be accomplished.
On this evening, I want to come as close to My children as the Heart of the Celestial Father allows, and in this way, thank you for having responded to My call.
On this evening, I want to reveal to you the great importance of having allowed Me to come to this city, which represents for the world the redemption of all the Kingdoms of Nature.
My children, if you could see through My Eyes and feel with My Heart the immense pain felt by the Kingdoms of this world, you would praise God eternally for the liberation He has granted to His Servant to carry out in this world through the intercession of His Children.
Today My Heart has a great reason to be joyful, because many more have responded to My call and have received My Mantle upon their bodies, as a symbol of protection, as living witnesses of My Presence and My Love for humanity.
Today I want to consecrate these little children who have accepted to respond to My call. Some without knowing why, but who accepted and today come into My Presence so I could bless them and eternally thank them through the merits they have generated in the universe for the redemption of this world and all the souls that live on Earth. One day, My children, you will understand what you are experiencing today and which is so unknown to your souls and your minds.
I consecrate you and bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
And I encourage all those who listen to Me to respond to My call with their hearts, to consecrate their lives, their homes to true prayer so that all evil can be released from this world, and all souls as well as all the Kingdoms of Nature can finally achieve redemption.
On this night I also thank all those children of Mine who responded to My call in other parts of this world, who went to serve souls who were sick in body and heart and were needing My encouragement and the encouragement of My Son so that a new door could be opened in this world.
I thank you My children, for responding to My call. Go forth in peace and bring peace to the world.
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
At the request of the Divine Mother, we will now listen to a song called "Faces of the Divine Mother."
Description of the Apparition:
Today our Divine Mother came as the Queen of Peace.
During the prayer, the mountains, the hills around us began to glow in several different colors, and it was as if the Kingdoms were praising our Divine Mother. As She approached the Earth, portals of Light began to open until She appeared above the brothers and sisters present here.
At a certain point, She descended a little more and Her Feet nearly touched the heads of these brothers and sisters standing here at the front. What She was radiating was so intense that She made our beings transparent, and it was as if She could see everything about each of us, while transmitting to us the profound Love She felt for each of us.
She was grateful for the possibility of being here today, to truly be here on these two days, because She carried out an important liberation for the Kingdoms of Nature, which had repercussions not only in this place, but in the whole world, as She explained to us.
To finalize this work, we want to thank everybody very much for their presence, and we invite you to continue to follow our Divine Mother through prayer, through reconciliation with your families, through forgiveness, through love, which are the keys She gave us today, through which She remains present in our lives. Thank you all very much.
Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more