Friday, September 12 of 2014

Vigils of Prayer

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Our Lady is asking that we keep our candles well positioned, at the level of the heart, so that She can carry out a task with all the souls.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, after so many blessings, I gather you together in My Heart; I invite you to walk firmly together with Christ, Our Lord.

And on this special evening, in which My Heart is in your hearts, I have come to this place, so sacred to Me, to bless the holy image of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. In this way, I will also bless all the new Children of Mary, who will open the doors so that many more children are consecrated to My Immaculate Heart.

I gather up your offerings within My Heart. Lift up your pleas and intentions, My arms are open, My hands are extending out to you to gather up your petitions.

Lastly, I ask, dear children, that you go outside so that I can consecrate you, in profound adoration and pilgrimage.

Sing: "Hail, Hail, Hail Mary."


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

The Children of Mary who will be consecrated, please come up here.


Prayer: Hail Mary (in Portuguese)

Song: Hail Mary (in Latin)

Following, both visionaries receive special Messages from the Virgin Mary.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On this night of Graces, I bless you.

The universes assemble for this consecration and the suns awaken to their new mission. They prepare to be apostles of My Son and move forward with the torches of peace.

All of them are the Children of Mary, worthy children of God who are assembled in these times to respond to the Greater Plan; for this reason, the blessings are so infinite when hearts open to receive them.

And a sacred triangulation, through the Divine Trinity, will be established in Brazil and will stretch over the whole world; in the same way as all the Marian Centers of the world which, throughout the ages and the centuries, with faith, love and devotion, continue to respond to My preferred call. 

Dear Children of Mary, servants of My Immaculate Heart, as from this moment, I invite you to be a living example of service, charity, surrender and sacrifice for the good and the peace of this humanity.

Remember that you carry upon your bodies My Mantle of Light; because from the beginning, God has taught Me to live simple and pure things. Thus, carry imprinted in your hearts the Sacred Star that comes from the Sidereal Universe.

Open your arms and hands so that the Holy Spirit may enter into your hearts and the Almighty dwell in you forever.

Be an example of humility and reverence, of obedience and service, of simplicity, unity and fellowship. In this way, through your healthy examples, you will help Me to fulfill My co-redemptive Project.

As I requested in Rwanda, I announced it in Medjugorje, and I declared it in Fatima, in this century, which is so difficult, I ask, dear children, that you only serve out of love; do not serve out of obligation, you are free since your births.

I will continue to pray for you, day and night, for your families and loved ones, so that they too awaken to My call for peace.

Today, My Immaculate Heart is glorified in this place and the flashes of My Divine Mercy expand through this city, redeeming it and blessing it for the good of all humanity and this planet.

I bless you, I love you and I heal you with My immaculate Light.

Glory to God in the highest and peace on Earth for all beings of good will.

I thank you for responding to My call!

And as I rise up in this moment, together with the Angels and Archangels, lifting up your pleas and intentions, today, My Immaculate Heart, in a spirit of omnipresence and of truth, has visited all the homes of the world that prayed with Me in this Vigil of Prayer.

Sing, with joy and rejoicing; hope exists.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Let us all sing "Immaculate Heart of Mary."

Very well, after all these blessings, which began to be felt from the moment of the prayer, we perceived that today would be a special day because there was a very significant unity here among souls.

We will now share the Messages that Our Lady transmitted; Who for some time has not given us a written Message during a Vigil.

We will begin with the Message transmitted to Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Before reading the Message, we will tell a short story about a moment during the Apparition.

When Mary appeared, when She came here, everybody perceived that it was in a rather surprising way.

She was dressed in a different way, like we had never seen before. She had a white-colored veil, almost transparent, that reached Her feet, and this veil had embroidery that was like a flower which was climbing from Her feet to Her head. It was a plant that had some pink-colored flowers.

Mary also had a white-colored robe to Her feet and showed Her hair, which was wavy, falling over Her shoulders.

And at a certain moment, She opened the Mantle, and within the Mantle, She showed all of us the Kingdoms of Nature. She then began to transmit Her Message.

Wednesday, September 24 of 2014

Vigils of Prayer

Prayer: Immaculate Lady of Peace

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I want you to repent for all that you have not done well up until today. You are in the Kingdom of My Peace, and this is the last chance to pour out My Grace over you.

I have come to purify and cleanse your hearts of all stain; and just as I do with you, I also do it with all of this sleeping humanity.

Today I have come so you may seek a reflection of the heart, a deep meditation of the soul and spirit in light of the Graces and the opportunities received.

It is My duty that you may mature and that each day you love the Plan of God more as it manifests.

You have no knowledge of what is happening in the universe; all you have to do is unite with the Thought of God to be within the Law. Thus, day and night, I bring you into My arms so you may feel My full and deep Heart, a Heart that accompanies you every day of your life, which accepts errors, lack of understanding and difficulties so as to be able to free and heal you.

I come to bring you a Light that is unknown to you. I come to bring you the Present of God, which is His deep and true Love for you. I am passing through here, in these times, as I have passed through other places in the world.

You are in time to be able to grow and take on the tasks that I entrust to you; loving them without judging them, experiencing them in sacrifice and in surrender for all those who do not do it well.

I come to meet with you to ask something special of you: release all misunderstandings from your hearts. Evil is sowing poison in many hearts, and many adhere to that poison, believing that things are all well. Thus, I bring you the Law so you may know it, so you may live and practice it.

I know your hearts are immature and impure and have many faults before God. But throughout the times I have been with you, I have come to remove your faults and give you My Graces, which many have not considered very well, because it is something non-material and spiritual which will be projected in the near future for all.

For this reason, you must understand My Heart, beyond My requests and petitions. I come to ask you for simple but true things. I come as the Immaculate Heart to free this humanity, because through your offerings, the world will become calmer. All who have listened to Me, throughout the centuries in different places of the world, never ceased to receive My Love and My Will. Remember that I am the Spokesperson of the Divine Message and only need to pass on to you what God plans for these times; in this way, you will understand the Message with your heart rather than with the mind.

I come to bring you the strength of renewal and of peace.

Look back a little, in what shape were your lives and your hearts; what is it that you could not achieve on your own?

I bring you a greater knowledge, which is My favored Love for all of you. You must also want My favored Love so lives may change and transform.

At this moment, I come to bring you some truths that your hearts and souls must recognize. Thus, I gather you in My Sacred Cenacle so you may receive My divine perspective, My divine and pure thought for humanity.

Today, I need you to unite with all these things and define yourselves by living the Plan of God as it presents itself. In this way, you will not create problems for the universe, but rather will bring relief to this very sick humanity.

I come as your Mediator to transmit My Peace to you. Have you perceived that your hearts have been resurrected in spirit and that you have found what you lost a long time ago?

Dear children, today I invite you to be aware in your heart. My Son will be deeply grateful for your opportunity to reflect. All are imperfect in the eyes of the universe. And I, through My Grace and My pure Love, come to rescue the precious virtues in you, which will serve for fulfilling the Plan of God in these times.

Stop looking at the miseries of others. Look at yourselves and find the purity that dwells within you. I need you to be true transmitters of My Peace, verbs of the Divine Verb, emanations of this Sacred Holy Spirit that many times has filled you to overflowing with the Grace of God.

Dear children, the world is very difficult. Do not become lost in simple things, in insignificant things. Many serious situations are happening, day after day, in this world. Imagine that if you were not within My Grace, you would be part of the great cycle of the total purification of the Earth.

I come to prevent many things in this part of the world, as I wished to in the United States. Times are critical for everybody's spiritual world. Who is not redeemed through prayer will not be able to take the steps toward the Return of Christ, and you have been notified just like in Rwanda. Thus, I bring you a conscious Message, a call to reflection and the reconciliation of everybody.

The new Work of God will be built through good spirits. The Americas must be the morning star for the final cycle, must be the great antenna that acquires the Mercy of God. Thus, I come to seek simple but true channels.

Amongst all these impurities of the world, My arms and My hands have been extended to you to rescue you, so that you may be part of My Marian army of Peace. Thus, dear children, open your hearts every day, seek to open your hearts more each day. In this way, I will be grateful and will be able to dedicate My universal time to great situations in the world.

God has allowed Me, in this last century, to say things to all of humanity; one at a time, so that souls are able to grow and seriously listen. I need an honest sincerity from you, a profound adherence to My Marian Spirit that goes beyond emotions and feelings.

I come to discover warrior spirits in you that are able to help those who fall day after day. The only important thing in this time, dear children, is the salvation of this humanity and the Kingdoms before the great cause of the Law comes.

I come to prepare you in heart and soul, in devotion and prayer, so that you may be firm and safe, and be helpful to those who will have need of aid.

On this night of Graces and of reconciliation, I again ask, dear children, that you meditate on what you have not done well with your thoughts, with what you feel in your hearts and with what you allow to enter your souls.

I ask, in this last opportunity Heaven has given Me for you, that you be mirrors of prayer and of peace. Reflect joy and relief to the world. In this way, many who cannot do it alone, will achieve the healing they long for.

From Heaven, I guide you; from the Celestial Thrones, I assemble you. With Love and Purity, I call your attention, because it is time to truly grow and unite in your heart and soul with the Greater Purpose, which must descend to this material world, where non-material Laws must be energy and life for all. Laws that will transform you overnight into redeemed and rescued beings, and you will not be able to recognize yourselves.

Before the return of My Son Jesus, I come to announce the time of your purification. You will not be able to say, dear children, that I did not tell you; from the Mother of God you have heard the Sacred Words of Heaven that radiate and bless you with each Word pronounced by Me.

And this final request which I make from My Heart, in light of all the Graces received and the opportunities for redemption given to you, I come especially on this night to bless all the Children of Mary with the rain of My Graces and My Love; strengthening you in faith and in love so you may be seekers of the Supreme Wisdom of the great Thought of God, which will allow you to be united with His Will. Thus, I will descend over you a little more, in a spirit of Purity and Redemption, to bless you and thank you.

Come with Me.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

With all our heart and soul, we will sing "Hail, Hail, Hail Mary," waiting for the blessing of Our Lady.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My dear children, know that I deeply love you and need your consciousnesses to grow through the preferred love of the Law of God, which you will know when you follow My simple steps in prayer and in each offering that you make each day.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today I want you to know that throughout the centuries, under My Mantle I gathered those who committed to Me in the beginning. And today, in your hearts I want a question to echo, because if you do not allow yourselves to transform, My children, if I cannot count on those who committed to Me in the beginning, who will I count on in this world?

Today I want your hearts to be glad, but also that you confirm yourselves so that My Mantle, which today is over each of you, is able to definitely eliminate the cunning of the adversary in your lives.

My children, many times I have already told you that those who say 'yes' to Me will achieve peace and unity. But those who open the door to the enemy and do not allow My Heart to draw close, will not be able to give Me the permission for My Love to act in their lives.

Today, the Children of Mary multiplied in the world. These hearts are igniting to demonstrate to humanity that, in spite of all that is taking place on the planet, a Greater Light will shine.

I want you to be formed through prayer, through adoration and perseverance in the transformation of your lives. You are wearing a part of My Mantle so you may testify to My Presence in the world. And those who today are not wearing this shirt, do not be distressed in your hearts; the time will soon come in which all will be able to do so. My Heart acts little by little for the response of spirits and also for the material causes of this world.

My beloveds, today I leave My Maternal Light, My source of perseverance, upon you. Be renewed in My Presence and do not tire of being with Me. Let My Heart not be something normal in your lives, because I need your hearts and your consciousnesses, I need each one to discover, at this moment, that this Voice speaking to you is more than the Voice of the Virgin Mary. Before you is the Presence of God, and although you do not understand what you are experiencing in this moment, strive to respond to the universe for so many Graces and so many blessings you have received. Day after day, struggle to not lose the spirit of unity. Let the enemy not be able to enter into this house, which today I definitely consecrate through each one of you.

Those who say 'yes' to Me will never be touched by darkness, because you definitely belong to the Heart of the Servant of God, to Her Immaculate Spirit which descends to the world to show humanity that these are no longer ordinary times and that it must awaken to the Greater Universe.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Thus, dear children, on this night bear My Graces and My reflections so your hearts are able to grow in the Spirit of God.

I thank you for responding to My call and may the holy blessing of the Archangel Michael be within you, now and forever.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sing now the "Spirit of God", so He may fill your lives and fill you with His Love and His Peace.

Tomorrow, on the Hill, a universal ray of My Heart will trace a new time.

I thank you.

I count on the response of each of you. I count on the response of all those present, all those who hear My Voice and who in their homes say 'yes' to Me: Yes, Mary, I am with You!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
