In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today I come here as the Lady of Kibeho. Feel the freshness of that continent, the love that is given to Me by the most suffering hearts of Africa.

After almost a year of work in My beloved Africa, the Lady of Kibeho closes a cycle in order to begin a new one, in the coming months, for today I ardently desire My children to know that I have not left Africa. My Heart is Africa, the Heart of the Mother of the Seven Sorrows.

But today, My children, I want you to know that I am present there and that, just like in Kibeho, I count the days and the months in the calm of this planetary moment in order to be able to go there, just as I went to Rwanda.

My children of Angola are already consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, as are all those who pray and all the pilgrims who have placed their faith in the Rosaries of Light.

Each bead placed by your hands over My image has, for your Heavenly Mother and, above all for God, meant a great liberation on the inner planes of the African continent. And although I know that many souls still suffer in that place and only those souls know what suffering and pain really are, today the Seven Swords of the agony of humanity are being withdrawn from the Lady of the Seven Sorrows, the Lady of the Word, so that She may receive in Her Heart the spheres of light, turned into shining and luminous roses in the prayerful hearts of Africa.

I want you to know, My children, that My Plan for going to Africa is still in place. And in some way I will get there and we will celebrate that important meeting, that important meeting in which South America and Africa will unite, with one heart and one consciousness, to be able to sublimate the sin of humankind and the suffering that still exist in that place.

The entryway that I have chosen for returning is Angola, because it is there where I need you to be, not only serving and praying as you have done in these recent times, but so that more consciousnesses of the world may understand what is happening there and what sub-human life means.

I bring, My children, the possibility and the opportunity that, through the merits achieved by My Son, Africa may again be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, and that which they did not hear from the Lady of the Word in Rwanda, which was a maternal warning in this final cycle, may be heard in the words of the Mother of God, so that the results of the change and redemption may be accomplished.

So that all this may be possible, My children, I come to ask the world to focus its prayer on that purpose and its loving collaboration, so that the Sacred Hearts may touch African soil once again.

Today, at My right and My left, My children, are the innocent souls of the genocide of Rwanda. And I want, I desire and I ask that, at this moment, in the name of all of humanity, because of what that meant and represented for God, that you silently offer a penitence for the reparation of Our Lady of Kibeho.

I listen to you inwardly.

While you make this offering to Me, My children, I can continue to penetrate the darkest places of the world, where suffering continues to occur and hearts cannot free themselves.

At this moment and at this hour, in which your Heavenly Mother comes from Heaven as the Lady of the Word, Our Lady of Kibeho, as the Mother of all Africa, is when I open My Immaculate Heart even further to the whole world and all souls, to receive the offering of reparation and forgiveness.

Because even though you did not have a direct responsibility for the events, humanity is one, and will always be one in the Eyes of God. This will make you grow in consciousness and in maturity so that the assaults and indifference are not repeated.

Africa learned this lesson in life, but Africa is still waiting for the coming of the Messengers of God, one last time, as a preparation for the Return of Christ.

Today I am not only here with you, but also at this moment I am in Africa pouring out the Love of God and the Grace of reconciliation and healing upon those peoples.

My silence works even more deeply in souls in need. Do not forget that I Am also the Mother of the Silence, and in light of the events of the world in these crucial times for humanity, I return here so that My children may not feel alone or defenseless, so that you may know that I am here in the same way that I was with My Son at the foot of the Cross, up to the last second of His life, up to the last second in which He expired, the last and great surrender for the whole human race up to today's times.

This is a great mystery, the mystery of the Love of the Son of God. With this Love, He sends Me to the world to announce His petition and the ardent desire of the Mother of God to return to Africa, once again, just as I went to Kibeho to bring awareness and discernment to My children, to once again save as many souls as possible, the majority of which were not possible to save.

And that is one of my principal sorrows for Africa because it is not the peoples that agitate each other or confront one another; it is those who are above those peoples, who provoke evil in the world and despair in many hearts.

But even though that happens, My children, the faith of the most innocent, humble and simple will never be lost, because that faith will not only be a strength for My children of Africa, but will also be the bridge down that I will use to come from Heaven to meet with each of your souls.

The task done through this Work in Angola was a first step, but will not be the last. Many more steps must be taken and many more will be called to take up alleviating the suffering, the healing of the immorality, the hope of those who suffer in My beloved continent of Africa, because only love can heal the pain.

Today I celebrate everything that happened in Angola through this Work, because the true inner results are placed at the feet of the Creator by the Lady of Kibeho. And that offering, that profound offering, was accepted by your Celestial Father, the merits of the effort, the service, the healing, the love, the renunciation, the fraternity, the generosity, the detachment and, mainly, the transmutation.

For this reason, I return here today so that the world may know and be aware of how, with so little, much can be done in the world; because the real tools that you need, My children, are inner, and when properly used, Divine Providence miraculously comes forward. This is how the Sacred Family experienced it, and today you experience it with Me.

Thus, you must be thankful each day that you wake up, each day that you rest on a clean and comfortable bed, each time the water from the springs of the Earth wash your bodies, each time that before you there is food to nurture your cells; and mainly, My children, you must be thankful for the Love of the Divine Messengers, in this place and in all the hearts that have been graced, blessed and filled by Our Apparitions.

I wish the same to happen in Africa and to begin in Angola. There is much to be done in that place, many doors to open in other parts of Africa that cry out for My Presence and for the Presence of My Son. That will be possible through you, My children, knowing that in this time you are called to live service for humanity, for the planet, for the relief of suffering.

What I ask of you is so simple, that I will tell you again.

In the same way that Africa waits for My coming someday, Asia also waits for My coming, as does Oceania. The pilgrimage is still pending, it still waits to be realized upon the ending of this pandemic. I pray every day for that ending: for the healing of those who suffer the pandemic and for it to come to an end.

At this moment and in this hour, My children, it will depend on your conscious response for some change to finally occur in all of humanity, and for it not to return to the normal way of being of the times of illusion, rather that you may enter, as in other times, the cycle of becoming aware and of fraternity.

I thank you now for your penitence. It was also taken in by My Immaculate Heart, as well as that of all the hearts that, at this moment, in various parts of the world, hear My call.

Today I want to carry My Peace to Africa. At this moment, distances do not exist, neither in time nor space, because I am there with My dear children who truly suffer the world situation.

At this moment, Our Divine lady is showing a rosary made of roses, and She says to us:

These are the fruits, the prayer, the pleadings and the love of My children of Africa. This is the Rosary that I will carry to God today so that He may receive it. I will place it in His Hands so that Our Celestial Father, with great joy, will place it on His Body as a spiritual symbol of the healing of the suffering, of the love above all evil.

This evening, My children, I also welcome the consecration of the families of the world to My Immaculate Heart, through the response given to My requests. Today I am with each one of those hearts that attended to My call.

Lastly, I want to tell you that, just as the pilgrimage to Africa in the coming times is important, also important to Me is the more daring of all pilgrimages, to Asia and Oceania, in which today I include the Philippines. 

If you give me what is most simple and true, I too will give you the most simple and true that I have, which is My Presence and My Heart.

Today, the Lady of Kibeho radiates Her Light and Her Grace upon Africa, consummating this important task carried out in the last months in Angola and in all of Africa, not only on the material plane, but also on the spiritual plane.

And so it is that we offer the Father the lessons and experiences lived during these recent times in Angola.

We aspire and affirm, at this moment, My children, a continuation of that sacred task, so that, through love, you may heal all pain.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Lady rises with the rosary in Her hands. And in that rising and assumption of Mary, we will listen at this moment to what She requested, the song "Lady of Kibeho", as a final offering of our hearts for our brothers and sisters in Africa.


The Image of the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph

The Image of My Chaste Heart must be contemplated by those who seek humility, simplicity, the maturity of spirit and the awakening of the spirit of service and charity.

This Image represents the moment in which My Chaste Heart pronounced Its “yes” to God and accepted, despite Its imperfections, to fulfill the Mission that God had entrusted to it.

This Image is the symbol that in order to serve God it is not necessary to be perfect, children, because Perfection, which comes from the Father, manifests in the soul and in the heart, as the being decides to walk.

Before this Image, you must ask the Father for the Grace of knowing to say “yes”, despite the apparent audacity of His Plans. Because today I tell you: it is not God Who asks you great things, but it is you who do not know your own potential, do not know yourselves and think you cannot give what God asks you.

Before this Image, pray the “Novena to begin the New Spiritual Cycles” and let My Heart inspire you so that you can say “yes” and know what is hidden until today and is unknown to you about yourselves.

The Reliquary of My Heart represents the Plan of God consummated in human imperfection. I will place in it all the Graces that the Father granted Me to fulfill His Will and before it, children, you will pray not only for yourselves, but for all humanity, so that these Gifts of Surrender and Rendition, which made this Heart become a Divine Triumph, can reach each one of your brothers and sisters, in the four corners of the world.

Through the Image of My Chaste Heart and the Reliquary of My Heart, the Creator grants you two new and unique Graces so that you may know that all you need in order to become a celestial victory is within your reach.

Today I ask you for a small replica of the Reliquary of My Chaste Heart to pilgrimage around the world and to be at all altars of My Apparitions. Because in this Reliquary I will place the Gifts that humanity needs to renew itself, the standards of conduct for a new life, which will be irradiated in the nations and on the continents, as a teraphim of the New Humanity, so that those who contemplate it and pray before it may achieve the Grace of knowing and living who they really are.

I love you, I bless you and I thank you for manifesting this Work of Miracles and of Graces in this world.

Your Father and Companion,


The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


My dear children,

In the name of the Love of My Son, I gather you once again to show the world that it is possible to live the Divine Will.

This is how, dear children, My Immaculate Heart draws near to bring you the infinite Gratitude of God because truly, My servant children, you are carrying the Will of God forward.

This is why today I come from Heaven to announce this Message to you, so that in your lives and in the lives of your fellow beings, the sacred Purpose of God may be fulfilled.

Here, dear children, there is a simple strand of prayer, devotion and charity; and I wish that the impulse of unity and love, which you must always internally gestate amongst you, may radiate to the whole world.

You are a sacred and ancient people who came to the world to realize the manifestation of the Plan of God through selfless service and charity.

Now, your sacred task, dear children, will be the service for souls through the formation of seven groups of prayer, which spiritually represent the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit and, through this task that you will undertake, I can work for the divine protection of the whole of Brazil.

With this, dear children, I would like to invite you to spread the Work of the Divine Messengers in this region and in the whole state of Minas Gerais.

I especially wish, dear children, that the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and the Glorified Christ may be known in this place and throughout Brazil.

It will be through the living devotion of your hearts that I will be able to protect the destiny of this nation, My beloved nation.

Today, I came to thank you and renew the commitment that you will help Me in awakening consciousnesses, which through prayer will be able to enter the spiritual path and Christic life.

For all that you have manifested for the Plan of the Father, I thank you and, today, I leave engraved in the spirit of this house, My beloved house, the following prayer to the Sacred Sky,

Prayer to the Sacred Sky
For the protection of the task of all servers of the Sacred Sky Nucleus of Belo Horizonte
Sacred Sky of God,
which is manifested in the sublime heavenly vault.
Oh, Sacred Sky of God!
Descend to this human reality,
sanctify our lives and
 light the flame of our hearts all the time.
Oh, Sacred Sky of God!
Summon all servers of the Greater Good to serve;
may charity be the torch of the peacemakers,
may devotion be the light that illuminates all paths.
Oh, Sacred Sky of God!
May Your Celestial Kingdom descend  upon us so that
the Plan may triumph.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you and loves you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I am the Mother of all the children of the world and from Heaven I bring you the peace that is possible to live in these times. This is why I am here, dear children, so that you may believe in this; because in spite of what happens in humanity and in all hearts, My task continues to be completed. I open the Heavens so that your hearts are able to rise up toward Me and thus enter the Heart of God, Who with ardent love awaits you to give you shelter in His Spirit and in His Divinity

Dear children, I come to Madrid with the same mission as two years ago. The Guadalupana must now travel through each province of Spain and must reach the hearts that are unknown to you. Because if you go on this pilgrimage with Me, carrying the holy image, hearts will seek it because they have lost faith in God and they need to regain it. This is why I am here, dear children, to make this request of you, because from the heart of Spain it is possible that this task may begin.

And thus you will find souls that will need to live through prayer, will need to learn how to pray and know how to connect with God. You who already live within My School of Prayer will know how to do it and how to teach it, because I will inspire you in the Power of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. In this way, dear children, you will gradually come to know the Gifts of God that are waiting to descend upon humanity and upon the simple hearts that open to find the path of consecration to the Plan of the Most High.

Today I come here to unite what is separate between consciousnesses, just as the song says. I come to establish in your essences the new humanity, something that today you will not be able to understand, dear children, but which you will build little by little inside of yourselves, taking the steps in the Plan of the Lord and in the redemption that My Son offers you in this time. Thus, dear children, you will never be alone; no matter how much you feel you are losing your inner strength, My Heart will always support you. I am that sacred hand that reaches out to you so that you can take hold of it firmly and feel safe on this path of conversion, of complete transfiguration of your lives.

Spain must be the Reign of My Immaculate Heart, because united with Portugal, it will be able to radiate peace to the whole European continent and beyond. You know, dear children, that you can count on the Sanctuary of Lis and also on the Sanctuary of Medjugorje. But it is still not enough; there are still hearts that have not repented and that do not find the path to My Son.

I come to show you the pathway that takes you to the Heart of the Celestial Father and this will cease to be a theory or something that is so invisible for you. Dear children, I need you to form as My columns, as I have told you once before, and to keep strengthening your spiritual life so that I may be near you and guide you along this path of end of times amidst the darkness and obscurity that the world lives.

I want this image to be a portal of peace, because for this I have consecrated it for each one of you and for your brothers and sisters on the path. As Guadalupe, I fulfill an important task in the United States, and I also fulfill it here, because from here I left to manifest in the Americas and come to be known as the Mother of the Americas and Mother of all the peoples.

I inspired the apostles of Christ when they evangelized and preached throughout this region, so that they might make My Gospel known, which is the deepest story of the Mother of God with Jesus Christ, Your Lord; so that they might make My silent work known and so that it might be witnessed by each one that heard it. This story reached Guadalupe, in a corner of this great Spain, and from there I was known to the world when My sacred face of the Mother of all the races showed itself to the Americas; thus reminding the white man of the union with all the peoples through unity and love, which at that time in Guadalupe I came to institute by order of God so that the peoples of Europe might have an opportunity in this final time, in this time of purification, in this time of transition.

Your hearts have been self-summoned for this and have not ceased to fulfill what I have requested in this work of expanding the light of My Heart throughout the world and especially in Europe. My mission with you, dear children, must go beyond frontiers and nations. You must reach those closed hearts that do not want to know Jesus nor draw closer to God. There is no method for doing it, nor one rule; transmit the love of your hearts, the love you feel for Me, and thus I will work. And when you gather together to pray with your brothers and sisters, with those who are unknown to you, they will be able to be converted by My Love and will find the peace that they seek so much. Dear children, I expect this of you in this time. This is why I have come here to Madrid, so that you may effect a renewal of your vows with the Celestial Father and with the Plan of redemption of My Beloved Son and of My Immaculate Heart.

The next step for Europe is to disseminate the love of Saint Joseph and the transformation that this holy man lived while being human, being a simple and true man. Thus I want, dear children, to create in you and in these peoples of Europe a new human being, and leave behind the old human being who has closed themselves off from transformation and from renunciation. Saint Joseph will be the Mediator that will guide you along this path.

If you disseminate Our Lady of Guadalupe, you will know how to disseminate the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, because in truth I tell you, dear children, that here in Spain there are still simple souls that feel God in their hearts but do not know how to connect with Him. The souls that are closed are My preferred souls; they are the ones I aspire to find through your hands and your services in union with My Son, with His Sacred Heart.

There is still much to be done here and it is time for your hearts to grow in this task and not be afraid of taking the steps, just as your brothers and sisters have done so in other parts of the world, definitely surrendering to live the Plan of God and to cooperate in the salvation of this humanity and of all the Kingdoms of Nature, which are so assaulted.

Dear children, I am in communion with you all the sainted days of life. And in each moment that you pray to My Heart, I can strengthen you so that you can live this Project that is so unknown to the world, which is the Project of love and of redemption.

Today I hover over you, dear children, because I love you; I love you in the eternal joy of My Immaculate Heart that pours Its Graces over My children so that they can stand firm and sure on the path that I invite them to follow. I am Your Mother of Peace, I am Your Mother of Love, Mother of Confidence, Mother of Consecration and of Hope, I am the one who lifts you up when you fall, I am the one who cheers you up when your hearts are sad or when you are confused by My adversary.

Unite with Me through the Holy Rosary and contemplate, as you have done today, each divine mystery of My Son. Thus your hearts will be custodians of the codes of the Celestial Universe, which will be indispensible in these times and for all of humanity. As I know, dear children, that not all will receive these codes that will help transform the world, the very few that will received them will have the great responsibility of being consistent with them and of expanding them in love and in joy throughout the world.

Your guardian angels are confident that you will be able to do it; count on them in this work of co-redemption that you live with Me and in union with My Son. It is because of this that I come to prepare you for the end time and so that you never forget this moment in which Heaven touches your hearts and lives to renew them and provides the impulse to give a little more in honor to God, Who contemplates you in this hour with gentleness and full attention through My Immaculate Heart.

Feel, dear children, how alive My Peace is, and beyond being non-material, it is felt and pulses in the heart that opens to receive it. Seek the gifts of charity and of the good and you will be on the right path. Do not seek personal realization, but rather the completion of the works in humanity through the Sacred Hearts. Thus, dear children, as Your Patron of Guadalupe and of all of Spain, in the silence we will be able to achieve the redemption of millions of souls that are submerged in the chaos of this world and in the superficiality of material life. My adversary has undertaken closing these hearts, but today I am giving you the master key, which is the key of your hearts, the key of love and of trust in God, because the heart that is patient, dear children, gains everything.

Let us pray now, dear children, for humanity.

And here, dear children, before the Altars of God, today you offer Me the greatest testimony of Truth and of redemption for the hearts of the world, through the precious Blood and the divine Body of Your Lord, Who having poured out all the codes of rehabilitation for hearts and spirits, through this bread and this wine will today become present through transubstantiation. The angels of the Universe united to My Heart and in adoration, will convert these elements in glory to the Celestial Father. When you drink of the Blood of Christ, drink for those who do not drink the precious blood of Our Lord, and when you commune, dear children, commune for those who offend Him and deny Him in this time.

You will sing to Our Lady of Guadalupe just as you have done, so that My Face may unify all the races and all the peoples in the spirituality of Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call and I love you!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Emmanuel listens to you with His deep feeling of Love and Truth.

The scale of Justice is being balanced for some parts of the world where peace and especially My Mercy are lacking.

As a Solar Angel, I bring you what exists in the Kingdom of Heaven, that which is most pure, among all that is pure in this Kingdom.

And to close this seventh day, let us pray, as you have been doing in these days.

The whole Order at the feet of My altar. Those who cannot kneel before My Throne may stand. Reverence is born from the spirit and not from matter. The spirit is filled by the Light of God and thus you are vivified in His Love. 

Our Lord asks the Order to say the prayer that the angel taught us in Fatima, the prayer of reparation, when He so indicates.

In the meantime, companions, see Emmanuel present here, in His deepest emanation, through His beloved Son who manifests His Power, His Source and His Love for this Earth compromised with the insignia of evil.

Reparation is what many souls need to achieve redemption. Without reparation there will be no cure and the cure is born from Love, and it is Love that repairs all deep things in the souls.

The end is drawing near. The Omega is being drawn in the Sideral Universe. That is the visible sign of a great change that will lead humanity to a change in consciousness, permanent and continuous, without stopping, beyond the hours and time.

It is the great inner change in the open hearts, which live in the Lord, which dwell in His Spirit and which transcend the times with nothing hurting them and taking them away from God. For it is the deep communion that will lead you to Peace.

Let us pray, companions, the hour is setting it. Those who do not know prayer may unite through the heart, to the great path that I will open on this seventh day.

Oh! Beloved Lord, 
Oh! Beloved Christ, 
accept our reparation through our love, 
our surrender and our prayer, 
so that Your flagellated Heart, Lord, 
be relieved by our devotion to You.
(repeat seven times)

Raise your prayers to God and intercede lovingly for this sleeping humanity, which needs to awaken the spirit of redemption.

Freed from mistakes and sins, during these last seven days, be worthy in the Lord to receive again His Grace.

And thus prepared and willing to face the end of times, you will be able to help all those brothers and sisters who will need your hands and prayers. This will be a visible sign to all and that will show that the end has come.

Emmanuel is the source of all just causes for this Universe. From His Heart the Truth is born and that Truth is provided to all the heavens of this Universe, until it reaches here, your plane in this material life and thus many souls recognize His Will.

But when most of this humanity is disconnected from that Truth of Emmanuel, other paths are taken. They are not the paths of the Lord, souls are distanced from the purpose and lose the strength of their inner light.

For this reason, My companions, My God sent Me into the world; and God manifested Himself before you in Body, Soul and Heart. He was scourged, martyred and humiliated, but this was to save this whole race.

Many of those who are not here today, and who will be witnesses that I have been here, when they know My message, will be grateful and repent for having wasted their time and for having turned their backs on the Universe that welcomes them and calls them to redemption.

But the Father needs you strong and purified because the signs will come one after the other and, by that time, there will be no more time to wait.

From the source of that Justice the Omega is born, and that is the predestined symbol for the world, the one that will close a stage at the end of the purification to start another cycle, a new Earth liberated from all evil.

But for that to be possible, companions, the effort will be great. The demand will also be great. Many will give everything to reach that goal, even their own lives, as many did in the past to maintain the balance of humanity.

But you will not have to think about these things. Your Lord is the true existence, He must be the aspiration of your trust so that the bases are truly built and no pillar will be crooked, so that the Temple of Light, in righteousness and harmony, may be raised before the Lord, your God.

The floor of your feet must be removed. The Earth will tremble because it will cry out at the moment of its great birth. And there the beings of Light will gather around the Omega to begin the final ceremony. And you will see protective lights, shining in some points of the Earth, that will fill the souls of an unknown spirit, of an unknown force that will strengthen them and bring them to peace, before all things. And that will serve as a support for many hearts that are not destined to make use of that Greater Light.

Now remember, companions, the Source of Holy Justice. Today, your Lord, Christ Jesus, reveals to all the essence of the final time.

Do not think of your families and children, for if you have truly given your lives to My Heart, what should you fear, are you no longer a part of My unfathomable Mercy?

In the difficult moments you must remember Me, and there more than ever, my companions, the virtues and gifts I have given you in these days, which are invisible to your eyes, must be made available for service to the planet. It will not be necessary to shout for the things you will see, nor to be divided through your foundations.

Remember to seek the essence of humility that I taught you, that is the true home that is invincible and strong, that will not be destroyed by evil. Build in your foundations the essence of humility, so that the temple will be erected correctly and no wind greater than your strength can tear you down.

Thus, I will be able to enter your temples as I have done many times before to help the souls towards liberation.

Sing to Emmanuel, your Eternal Father. Through My Heart, He hears the offerings of the simple ones, when the inner emanation is truly born from the heart of each being.

Song: Emmanuel Padre-Madre Creador (Emmanuel Creator Father-Mother).

When you sing, not only do the doors of the Universe open. The souls are filled with an unknown spirit, whom they love very much from the beginning of their birth. That spirit is that of Love, the invincible strength for times of chaos.

On this seventh day, companions, My last blessing will be together with the apostles, instituting in this small space My Sacred Cenacle, where the image of the Sacred Heart must be erected. And thus many will remember that I was here among you, not only walking among the orange trees, visiting your souls, but consoling your sufferings and giving life to what was dead.

If the Sacred Heart were present here as an image and as light, here you would find a place of relief next to the house of My Mother and the chapel of Saint Michael.

The Universe gives you three spiritual and profound spaces, so that in this material life you may find the help you seek so much. The healing will always be within you and thus the sick body will be healed.

Make the right path now. Heal the deep things. Free yourselves from your beings and thus you will find peace in this spring which I leave open for all today.

Know that in this humble, small and simple place where this altar is located today will be My Presence, the beating of My Heart, not only for this country that owes so much to the Lord, but for this entire region of America.

But if your spirits connect with My Presence here, regardless of where they are, My friends, I will come to your homes creating a bridge of light, from here to your homes. I will pour My graces upon you, as long as you need them.

The times of trial will come, so I am giving you a little piece of Heaven that is deposited in this place through My Most Sacred Heart. This will be the precinct of the King, the One who does not rule only in the simple hearts. That is the true King.

Through My Words and instructions, I have consecrated all the elements. And just as you did during these days of prayer of Mercy, I invite all of the faithful and congregated to raise their rosaries to carry this Light of Mine, the Light of God, wherever you go.

Remember that everything is distributed with love and charity, without manipulation nor power because then my Light will not act. The sincerity of your heart will mark the way to bring My Light to the world.

Thank God for this final encounter and like the sun that shines in this galaxy, the one that illuminated you many centuries and eras ago, today, I pour out that Sun that is the presence of My Heart, the perfect code for the salvation of souls, the profound healing of wounded souls, the liberation of lost spirits and the Mercy for all humanity.

Under the power that God granted Me, on the basis of faith and trust in your lives, I bless you and absolve you from all sin so that you may sin no more, be transformed and become in perfect communion with My Heart.

Remember that I will always forgive you, but the time of justice is coming and the fountain of My Mercy is being gathered. Drink from that Greater Fountain. Submerge into that Ocean of Grace for the door is closing.

Under the angels of the Lord, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now, brothers, place your rosaries on the palms of your hands.

Oh! Blood of Christ, 
poured out over the world, 
purify our soul, 
relieve our heart.
Have mercy on us, Lord.
(repeat three times)

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Our Lady is asking that we keep our candles well positioned, at the level of the heart, so that She can carry out a task with all the souls.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, after so many blessings, I gather you together in My Heart; I invite you to walk firmly together with Christ, Our Lord.

And on this special evening, in which My Heart is in your hearts, I have come to this place, so sacred to Me, to bless the holy image of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. In this way, I will also bless all the new Children of Mary, who will open the doors so that many more children are consecrated to My Immaculate Heart.

I gather up your offerings within My Heart. Lift up your pleas and intentions, My arms are open, My hands are extending out to you to gather up your petitions.

Lastly, I ask, dear children, that you go outside so that I can consecrate you, in profound adoration and pilgrimage.

Sing: "Hail, Hail, Hail Mary."


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

The Children of Mary who will be consecrated, please come up here.


Prayer: Hail Mary (in Portuguese)

Song: Hail Mary (in Latin)

Following, both visionaries receive special Messages from the Virgin Mary.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On this night of Graces, I bless you.

The universes assemble for this consecration and the suns awaken to their new mission. They prepare to be apostles of My Son and move forward with the torches of peace.

All of them are the Children of Mary, worthy children of God who are assembled in these times to respond to the Greater Plan; for this reason, the blessings are so infinite when hearts open to receive them.

And a sacred triangulation, through the Divine Trinity, will be established in Brazil and will stretch over the whole world; in the same way as all the Marian Centers of the world which, throughout the ages and the centuries, with faith, love and devotion, continue to respond to My preferred call. 

Dear Children of Mary, servants of My Immaculate Heart, as from this moment, I invite you to be a living example of service, charity, surrender and sacrifice for the good and the peace of this humanity.

Remember that you carry upon your bodies My Mantle of Light; because from the beginning, God has taught Me to live simple and pure things. Thus, carry imprinted in your hearts the Sacred Star that comes from the Sidereal Universe.

Open your arms and hands so that the Holy Spirit may enter into your hearts and the Almighty dwell in you forever.

Be an example of humility and reverence, of obedience and service, of simplicity, unity and fellowship. In this way, through your healthy examples, you will help Me to fulfill My co-redemptive Project.

As I requested in Rwanda, I announced it in Medjugorje, and I declared it in Fatima, in this century, which is so difficult, I ask, dear children, that you only serve out of love; do not serve out of obligation, you are free since your births.

I will continue to pray for you, day and night, for your families and loved ones, so that they too awaken to My call for peace.

Today, My Immaculate Heart is glorified in this place and the flashes of My Divine Mercy expand through this city, redeeming it and blessing it for the good of all humanity and this planet.

I bless you, I love you and I heal you with My immaculate Light.

Glory to God in the highest and peace on Earth for all beings of good will.

I thank you for responding to My call!

And as I rise up in this moment, together with the Angels and Archangels, lifting up your pleas and intentions, today, My Immaculate Heart, in a spirit of omnipresence and of truth, has visited all the homes of the world that prayed with Me in this Vigil of Prayer.

Sing, with joy and rejoicing; hope exists.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Let us all sing "Immaculate Heart of Mary."

Very well, after all these blessings, which began to be felt from the moment of the prayer, we perceived that today would be a special day because there was a very significant unity here among souls.

We will now share the Messages that Our Lady transmitted; Who for some time has not given us a written Message during a Vigil.

We will begin with the Message transmitted to Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Before reading the Message, we will tell a short story about a moment during the Apparition.

When Mary appeared, when She came here, everybody perceived that it was in a rather surprising way.

She was dressed in a different way, like we had never seen before. She had a white-colored veil, almost transparent, that reached Her feet, and this veil had embroidery that was like a flower which was climbing from Her feet to Her head. It was a plant that had some pink-colored flowers.

Mary also had a white-colored robe to Her feet and showed Her hair, which was wavy, falling over Her shoulders.

And at a certain moment, She opened the Mantle, and within the Mantle, She showed all of us the Kingdoms of Nature. She then began to transmit Her Message.

Vigils of Prayer

Tonight, it is my wish to consecrate these sacred images, especially that which will be the pilgrim for many hearts, and that represents My Glorious Aspect in Fatima.

Tonight, I will place My Hands upon it, so that the codes of Fatima may be in the hearts that invoke, through it and by means of the power of prayer, My precious intercession.

Through it, I will radiate the universe of Fatima, the codes of Light that I left imprinted long ago, in Europe. To all those who unite with this sacred image of Fatima, and allow it to visit each home, I promise to pour out Graces upon their families.

All are my dear children, I do not have preference for one over another. My maternal task calls upon all consciousnesses for a higher mission.

My Maternal Consciousness works with the spirit of each one of you, and through My perpetual prayer, through the Holy Rosary and each new prayer that I utter for the world, I elevate each one of My children to the Kingdom of God, so that each one may fulfill the mission they have come to accomplish.

All are children of Mary without distinction, all are precious faces before the Throne of the Father, pure souls that were born of the Higher Source. Seek the unity that exists among your hearts, do not allow the enemy to deceive you.

I come to open your eyes and teach you the path of Christification. I need the apostles of Christ to prepare the fertile soil and sow the new seeds in their hearts; because the Shepherd is coming to the world and will seek your inner fruits, the talents He left with you long ago.

A true fraternal being is one who loves without separations, lives what they proclaim, is an example of charity and humility for all.

Dear children, once again I invite you to the holiness of the heart. I have precious promises for your souls; it is My wish that My rays of Grace may be among all of you. For this reason, on this sacred night, I bless this pilgrim image, which will open the doors to new hearts, and all will find peace, the peace that is lacking within many.

I need you to be firm and brave, so that you may be one heart and one soul.

I come to announce My mission to all My children; however, know, My little ones, that those who say ‘yes’ to Me commit themselves to Me for a time. For this reason, think about what you decide. You have the great inner freedom to choose. God has made you free and pure, you are as pure as the great prairies of these lands, your essences are as pure as crystalline water.

I want you to be flowers in the Kingdom of the Creator, and that many may cease to be thorns in the Heart of God. He needs to pour out His Mercy upon everyone. Be honest and charitable. Unite to this evolutionary proposal. Unite to My Marian call. I need you, as you also need My Heart.

I open the doors to those who have them closed. The moment has come, dear children, to offer yourselves to God with your hearts and souls. There are many paths of service on Earth, God loves you all equally. God taught both My Son and My Immaculate Heart to love you all.

At this time, We want to proclaim to all the greatness of the Kingdom of the Father. May your hearts open to the Great Call. Everything is where it is supposed to be.

Dear children, meditate upon what I am telling you. I need you to love more from the heart, until this love becomes a holy madness, overflows from your souls and pours out upon your brothers and sisters; thus, the Plan will be fulfilled.

Now, I will bless the image for you, for all groups of prayer that will receive it with love and also for the homes that will open to receive My sacred image.

I Am for everyone. My Love belongs to everyone, because I love you profoundly.

May My hope illuminate you and may the doors to redemption open before you.

Accept My Hand, I will sustain you firmly. A Good Mother will not let you fall. I will bring  you, among the angels and archangels, toward the true Kingdom of Peace; an infinite promise for your hearts, after this world.

Thank you, dear children, for sharing this moment with Heaven.

And before you bid farewell to Me until tomorrow, when I will liberate many consciousnesses, I invite you, before you leave this room, to touch this image to receive the codes of Fatima and carry in your hearts My Most Holy Presence, which promises to heal you every day when you open yourselves to the Higher Source with absolute trust and faith, because everything will always be well.

God protects the servants who serve Him and loves all creatures, above all things.

The Universe calls you to serve, the Universe pours itself out upon your consciousness.

My Immaculate Heart offers itself to you, to help you.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


On the eve of My sacred Anniversary of daily Instructions, I wish that the good and holy hearts, those that follow Me, in spite of tiredness, emptiness and pain, may make Me known as the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus.

To whoever makes My Face of the Return known, I promise the following:

Whoever carries the image of the Glorified Heart of Jesus will not perish in life, but they will know the power of My Mercy.

Whoever adores the sacred image will enter into contact and inner union with Me, as if I were eternally present by their side.

Whoever carries the sacred image with them, close to their hearts, or places it at the head of their beds, and prays a little daily prayer to Me, I promise to be the Watcher and Gatekeeper of their homes so that nothing that is not of My Light can approach.

Whoever shares the icon of the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus with the sick, the elderly, the youth and the children, in a sacred and fraternal way, I promise that I will be visiting, in the inner levels, all of those who adore Me for just five minutes of their time, because I deeply wish to prevail in the hearts and in the lives of each being.

Whoever makes Me humbly known as the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus, I promise to help, protect and illuminate the paths of all who call for Me out of love, devotion and truth.  I promise to be present in the moments of emergency and rescue.

Whoever recognizes the Sacred Icon as true and, at the same time, as merciful, I promise to protect them until the last days of their lives and to carry them with Me towards the Universal Kingdom of Peace.

Whoever sees Me reflected in the sacred image, I promise to make them feel deep trust, fullness and celestial bliss so that they may live in the eternal joy of My Heart.

The Sacred Icon of Christ shall represent the union between Heaven and Earth, between souls and the Glorified Christ, who will return to the world in order to remove it again from the death in which it is living.  God wishes you to glorify the Sacred Heart of Jesus because He is offended by the unjust actions of souls.  In this way, I promise that whoever holds this sacred image within their homes will receive My Special Graces in order to achieve redemption.

May this Anniversary Marathon signify for everyone a step of absolute surrender to the Christ King so that, in this way, the New Christs may awaken.

Under the Glory that comes from God, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My Heart in your hearts!

The Glorified Christ Jesus


The Sacred Icon of Christ

The hearts who may venerate the Sacred icon of Christ, that is, the image of the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus, will receive the special blessing of My Divine Mercy.

For this I ask that in all of the Centers of Prayer, especially at the Marian Center of Aurora, there be placed the image of the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus, that which represents the Christic manifestation that occurred on the 5th of January of 2013 to the visionary Friar Elias.

The souls that during the 5th and 6th days of January of this year adore Me and venerate Me, will receive directly from My Heart the spiritual help that they may need.

For this one year ago I asked you to paint the image of the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus in the way that I indicated.  After a year of intensive work I ask for the presentation of this face in all of the Houses of Prayer.

The Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus complements the Merciful Christ.  These two images that were given to humanity will serve as spiritual and inner help for all who may contemplate them.

See, through this request of the Sacred Icon of Christ, that there is a real need for the awakening of the new Christs.  In this way the Plan of God will not be affected by any other human situation.

May this sacred icon be lovingly contemplated during the two important days of the Marathon of the Divine Mercy because this sacred icon will work on the inner and on the healing of the consciousnesses.

Seek through this icon the key for your redemption.  Also, those hearts that may feel so may dedicate to Me some prayers in front of this sacred icon.  I will receive them with joy and love.  Good work for the worshippers.

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My Love in your hearts!

Christ Jesus, the Sacred and Glorified Heart  


I come to the world once again to remove from your eyes the darkness that does not permit you to see the path of the eternal light, that which is directed towards My Sacred Heart.

For this My Words can have two principal effects in your lives: they can sow light in your consciousness or they can be lost in the silence of times without giving any fruit.

Today I invite you to love the path of transcendence because it will drive you to be transformed as is predicted in My Divine Plans from the beginning. For this I ask you for great patience and love to be able to bear the great universal currents that My Heart will send to unmask and banish from the world the old humanity. These currents will arrive to each soul in its right time because as it is in Heaven it will also be upon the Earth.

To bear the fire that comes from My Solar Heart, from the center of your universe, I ask you that in your houses, families and among your dearest beings, that you offer special devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Merciful Christ. Do this during fifteen minutes before the hour of the Divine Mercy with the aim that My Liberator Fire may touch you and transform you with absolute peace and harmony.

All of My Followers who may dedicate themselves to the adoration of My Sacred Heart will receive every day the impulse of light that they may need in order to resolve problems, doubts, uncertainties, lack of faith, of love, lack of meaning in the life of matter or of the spirit. You, as souls, will have the opportunity to choose which blessed image you will adore.

Know, My Companions, that I am present in every image or in every place whenever you may only call Me because I promise to come in your aid. The special adoration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus during the months of June and July of 2013 has the objective of elevating your consciousness to the infinite. If you do like this you will also repair My Sacred and Blessed Heart from the grave outrages and profane thoughts that humanity lives in the abysses of life.

If all unite themselves to Me before the hour of the Divine Mercy I will be for the souls and the consciousnesses the Liberator, to stop being the gate keeper of the Great Judge who is in the Heavens, because in these times I want to give you to know the science of My Divine Mercy.

For this I invite you to know the essence of My Sacred Heart through My daughter Saint Margarita Maria Alacoque.

Under the Grace of the Father, be merciful and patient with the tests of life.

Thank you for adoring My Sacred Heart during these months!

Christ Jesus.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: Today, after having prayed for a while, I saw beside the prayer room altar a door of light opening, which showed Heaven. From this door Our Lord appeared as He did yesterday, although today His Face was closer and more resplendent.

When Christ Jesus appeared, He placed His left Hand upon His chest and from within His Being a pinkish Heart of intense light emerged. When the Heart of Christ lit up there appeared twelve golden stars around His Heart, which became illuminated at the same time. At that moment, Jesus said, 

“Look, this is My Glorified Heart.”

Then, He started to transmit to us:

My dear ones,

I promise those who trust in My Mercy that they will not perish, that they will see Me in Heaven with My Face of Glory, and they will stay with Me, serving, for the good of all souls of humanity.

Allow My rays to enter your beings so that My Fount may be visible for those who are blind and do not see Me, even when I have many times been in their lives, with love and redemption.

Be One with Me, I promise to save you in My Second Coming. However, you must live the tests of life as an absolute confirmation of faith in My Redeeming Pathway.

In silence, I accompany you. In silence, I listen to you. In silence, I observe and watch the steps that each sheep takes towards the Light. Do not let the world embrace you, pray for the world to be filled with the merciful fountain of redemption.

I come back for all. I await everyone. I wait for all.

Take the steps toward Me so that I will be able to sustain you in this world. Live the paradise of My Heart within your hearts. I am your beloved Shepherd of Love.

Under the Grace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for holding in your hearts My final Redeeming Call.

 Christ Jesus

Moments later He told us:

“I want you to paint the image of My Merciful face of the Second Coming, just as you saw it, so that it may be venerated by those who, coming to know Me once again, may find Me as their true refuge and relief of life.

To those who contemplate and carry this Glorified Face of My Second Coming, I promise to safeguard them, just as God guarded My Being during the flagellation of Calvary. Whoever venerates Me will not feel the nails received by Me on the Cross, rather they will feel roses at the Altar of the Throne of My Lord, the Almighty God.

Then He added:

"Propagate Mercy.

Live the Peace of the Redeeming New Age.”

And then the image of Glorified Face of Christ appeared, once more, with His Heart surrounded by twelve stars, and at the bottom of the image of Christ was written:

“Propogate Mercy.

Live the Peace of the Redeeming New Age”.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
