Dear children:
One more time I beg you that, through peace and forgiveness, you live the new time and the day before the arrival of My Son. If there is no peace in your hearts, you will not be able to reach forgiveness. For this, with love and renunciation, I invite you to forgive one another.
You know, My dear children, that the world is without peace because humanity, the nations, the villages, and the families do not forgive themselves out of love for God the Father. The Lord is very offended by the actions that today humanity brings forward; for this I ask you to exercise the act of forgiveness, so that the world enters into the heart of God and the souls awaken to the act of reconciliation among all beings.
If humanity does not change this attitude, and does not forgive itself for the errors of life that it commits, they will receive the Judgment; that which will come with supreme Divine Justice and which will be the moment in which all souls will have to recognize the thirst that they have generated in My Son Jesus.
Day by day, as Mother, I pray to My Son for you, so that you can become aware that it is not time to understand life through conflicts among the nations, among villages, among families and among dear beings. You must make sure that the resistance of your minds and of your consciousnesses be overcome by the Power of the Merciful Love of My Son.
All those that I have chosen to transmit My message of peace and hope to the world must be the first to radiate, through prayer and sacrifice, the harmony that humanity needs for this time; because in this way I will be able to say to you that My Sacred Maternal Word lives and acts through My dear children.
That now the words of My Son and of the Virgin Mary can act by means of the divine action of charity and surrender.
Dear children, I ask you to open the heart and the consciousness for that which I ask of you: that you change, that you transform yourselves, from the wisest to the most simple, through the divine presence of My Immaculate Peace. If each day you were more peacemaking and meek, you would permit, by Greater Law and by Mercy, the hearts distant from God to receive a last, but important opportunity.
May in this week you live forgiveness in all and forgiveness of all, in this way when you just pray with the heart the doors will open for your conversion and redemption.
Dear children, abandon that which is already old in your lives, so that My Son deposits His Healing and Redeeming Love in the simple hearts. Today imitate My example of humility and of fidelity to God. Today live, one more time, in My Immaculate Peace.
I thank you for answering My call!
I bless you and I restore you,
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace.
Dear children:
May Jesus always be praised in the entire world because in this way your consciousness will open the door so that He may return by the Greater Door of the Universe.
My children, in this day of perpetual prayer for this Marian Center of Aurora, founded by My Immaculate Heart, the Lord sends Me to announce to you the Graces that have generated your precious prayers and your pleas that have been born from the heart that prays with love, with devotion and with faith.
Today I come to reveal to you the power that has had the prayer of all of the souls in the Universe because the Father with total attention has listened to the voice of His Children and for this reason He sends the Blessed Virgin Mary to confirm to you the Love and the Mercy that God still has for all humanity.
My dear children, when you month by month answer to My call of prayer for peace and for the salvation of the world, as good builders and disciples, construct the new bridges towards the Heavens and thus you create the ties of fraternity and of faith between the creatures.
For this with joy and hope I tell you that the Prayer Vigil that was manifested from the 11th day of June until the 13th day of June of 2013 without interruptions has allowed the development of a planetary task on the part of the Virgin Mary which was taken forward by the commands and the celestial armies guided by the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
For one more time and for a matter of seconds, great and extensive hells of living condemnation and suffering in the world were able to be closed and the light generated by the power of prayer of the Hail Mary has allowed that the Immaculate Mother, together with the Hosts of the Father, penetrate the most opaque regions of the Earth to remove, restore and convert the lost essences.
But the unfailing effect of the Prayer Vigil during these last three days has touched the Heart of God and He, in His Infinite Grace though His Son Jesus, has liberated a great part of the evil that was present as a plan of destruction inside of the heart of some people who out of blindness dreamed to have projects of nuclear and atomic war between the nations.
The constant prayer of all of the praying people who were united to this victorious Vigil of Prayer brought as a Greater Grace the awakening of new consciousnesses to the life of prayer, as to the reconciliation with God the Father.
But the fruit of this praying work has not finished because the Immaculate Heart of Mary collected in Its basket of prayers all of the petitions of Her children in the world and they were presented before the Father, in this way being able to intercede out of love.
Through this praying gathering of Vigil in Aurora during the three last days, the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, through love and silence, as through each divine prayer, have been able to amend grave worldly situations that, if they had continued their course, could have condemned millions of souls that would have been linked to them.
Dear children, the most important thing that I have seen was the light of your inner temples, light that awakens prayer when it is recited with love, truth and faith. For this today, My little ones, I have revealed to you only one part of the celestial reality that brings forward the Messengers of God on all the face of the Earth.
Today I invite you to the awakening of your important task of prayer and of conversion for these times. Today I call you to place in your families the standard of Peace through the victorious power of prayer. Today I am revealing to you the gifts and the fruit that prayer awakens in all of those who believe in it.
My children, as in Fatima during the 13th of June of 1917, the little shepherds, by means of sacrifice and the prayer of the Holy Rosary, changed the destiny of the whole Earth, what could happen if all of the Marian groups prayed consciously?
The time of today is different from the time of yesterday, you live in a cycle of mercy and of liberation. Open the door of the heart so that it may occur!
Dear children, as the Mother of Graces I pray for you so that the New Humanity may be born. I pray so that you may live in the Peace of the Lord.
I thank you for answering with love to My call!
Who blesses you under the Light of Christ,
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace.
My Dear children:
Praised be My Son, Jesus, in your hearts, and in the most lonely hearts of the world!
With joy, dear little children, I listen today to your pleas, pleas that are born from your love for Me and today I give you My Maternal Love so that you may guard it in the depths of your beings.
As I have already told you, My little ones, the world is living without peace and it will only be the imperious strength of your prayers that will change the course of the events. If you, in love and in devotion, unite yourselves to My Immaculate Heart, Peace will be able to be established for one more time in the heart of all beings.
Today in the Peace, and in the Good, I invite you to be mediators, I invite you to be builders of the new and awaited humanity of God, that which will live the essence of the laws and of the commandments because at the end will reign Eternal Love as it is in Heaven.
Dear children who pray, day by day, I call you to pray as I also call you to fasting and this I repeat to you because I know that many of you have difficulty to live these principles of sacrifice for humanity. Each one of you guards in the heart the freedom of choice. I ask you to give to Me what in truth you are able to give Me. I Am your Immaculate Mother and I know, for example, what it is that you now need to be able to be united to God.
The true sacrifice will be for you to do something for your world which darkens, day by day, from the immense amount of actions and faults that the souls commit. For this, month by month, I descend from Heaven with the hope of Peace for all of My children and of the victory of the Plan of Christ upon the Earth.
From now on, My dears, you will be those who will define the future path of the New Humanity. For this, unite yourselves to My Son Jesus and live through the source of His Blessed Grace and Mercy. This will allow that the consciousness of the world may be alleviated, the Love of God to be present, and the hope of My Immaculate Heart.
Dear children, these are no longer normal times, I beg you to awake to My call because in Merdjugorje, during this month of June, will complete one more year of the presence of My Eternal Grace among you.
I pray for the children of the world who are not born so that those responsible for bringing these souls to the world may achieve forgiveness and reconciliation with God. I pray so that the suffering may end in the hearts that are disturbed and without peace. I pray infinitely so that My children from the America's and the world become aware of My Maternal presence at the end of these times.
I Am the Queen of the Sun, I Am the Star of the Morning who, as in Fátima, announces to you Peace and the life of daily prayer.
My children, I guard in My Heart your pleas. Let us pray so that many more hearts may awaken in time.
May these two next months represent for all of the pilgrims the prayer retreat in the heart and the meditation upon all that you have lived with Me.
I thank you all for having listened to My Maternal call!
Thank you, dear children!
Who blesses you and loves you from the Heart of God,
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
Today, once again My Immaculate Heart unites itself to the heart of each pilgrim present in the world, and the bridge of light that unites us is the unity and the love that manifests itself in the prayer of the Holy Rosary. The Holy Rosary has the beads with decades that reveal a precious mystery of love to each pilgrim.
This Divine Love that comes from the Father unites itself to each essence that recites this favorite prayer of Mine, that will unite you to Me in each moment. In each bead an event manifests itself, a realization of the Plan of God reached by all the hearts of the Earth, through the donation to the Sacred Hearts.
Each time a pilgrim soul prays with Me, a new Portal of Peace is opened to the world, because the true Love of God, that unites the essences with My Son and with My Immaculate Heart, manages to express itself.
Dear children of San Carlos and all the State of San Paulo:
This month of June of 2013 has completed the 32nd consecutive year of My presence in Medjugorge and in the world; this month of June has completed one more year of the presence of the Queen of Peace among the simple hearts and the immature hearts, the ones that still do not know God.
For this, with joy and bliss, today I come to San Carlos to close a cycle of blessings that I have given during these last months, and to initiate in this way a new cycle with all of My dear children.
Medjugorje and its message of peace will be what will renew the fidelity of the hearts towards God the Father in the new time. Medjugorje will awaken the profound devotion in the consciousnesses that have distanced themselves from the life of prayer. Here My Divine Light unites itself as a task for the Americas in My Apparitions, the ones that have been taking place for some years with all of you; it is this way dear children, that the bridge between Medjugorje and Aurora is created.
As Mother of Humanity, during this month of June I am inviting you to renew yourselves in peace and to live in My Peace. For this reason I present Myself to the world as Mary, the Queen of Peace, to show to all My children that you are lacking the attribute of peace, and that this has generated great conflicts in the entire world.
Through the Holy Rosary, recited with the heart every day, peace will sow itself in all of those that have lost it and will reflect itself as a mirror of light to all of your families and the nations and the world. When there is absence of peace it is because there is lack of inner prayer, because otherwise no soul in these times could loose peace and hope.
For this I come to the world and come to all of you during this month of June, to reaffirm My presence of Eternal Peace in Medjugorje and in Aurora, South America.
Dear children of San Carlos and all the State of San Paulo:
Brazil will have the precious Grace of receiving the Holy Father, the Pope Francis, as a messenger of Peace and Reconciliation for this time; this is possible because of My maternal presence in the world and because of the aspiration that, through the messengers and instruments of the Father, you find in My Son Jesus.
That today your hearts can please God the Creator, through the donation of your lives to perpetual prayer.
Dear children, that your souls united to the Queen of Peace prepare you in love and in charity for the encounter that will take place in Brazil with the successor of Saint Peter, the Pope Francis.
Because this time is a time of ecumenism and of fraternity, it is time of finally establishing unity amongst creatures and fraternity amongst consciousnesses.
My children, God gives you all the best that He keeps in the Heavens, this is because of the great need of peace and conversion of souls, so that in this way your constancy with Me is always manifested.
The present time merits that all My children be united under the wise spirit of prayer.
Beloved children, when I travel in peace around each one of the cities of your nation, it is to awaken in you, in consciousness, to the call of fraternity and of prayer for peace in the world. Always, when you are in Me, I will keep you in the Temple of the Heart of Christ; there you will be in Eternal Peace.
Dear children of San Carlos, I hope to see, on this day, the joy reflected on your faces of receiving the Mother of Heaven.
I thank you dear children, for opening the door of the heart to Me!
I love you and I bless you,
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace.
Prayer of union with the Essence of the Peace of God
Mary, Mother,
my Mother,
Queen of Peace
may Your sublime rays
irradiate the world:
may Your Immaculate Peace
spring as a inexhaustible fount
in our souls;
may the heart of each brother and sister
reach Eternal Peace,
so that next to Christ,
Our Lord,
humanity redeems itself
and opens the door for Forgiveness and Love,
in honor of the Creator Father
for the many years of Peace
that the Earth will live.
So be it.
Peace for those that have been exiled from their lives.
Peace for those that do not believe in the Good News of the Redeemer.
Peace for the nations that live in constant conflict.
Peace for the souls that still do not live in the Light of God.
Peace for those who impart disharmony and chaos.
Peace for those who live through My Son Jesus.
Peace for the hearts that suffer and have no comfort.
Peace for My soldiers who pray with Me, for the presence of Eternal Faith.
Peace for them who divide the borders and separate the fraternal relations of peace.
Peace for those who have stopped turning their attention to God.
Peace for those who search for the Celestial Father through other paths.
Peace for the favorite Church of My Son.
Peace especially for all of this beloved city of Betim, because it has opened the doors of the heart, so that My rays of Maternal Love may descend from Heaven.
Dear children:
Again I ask you to be within My Peace, because while your present time passes rapidly, the souls forget to live the sublime attribute of the peace of the heart; in this way the souls are left as empty, vulnerable and blocked, in this way peace is dissolved and there enters the action of the constant conflict.
I request, I ask you, today I beg you, dear children, that you live in peace, in the Eternal Peace of God, because in this way you will allow that the new suns shine upon the face of the Earth, the suns of the heart, the imperishable and powerful light of all of those who consecrate themselves to the plans of God.
Beloved children:
You will receive peace in your lives, if you are in peace. It is time that you, as groups of souls, accept to live in My Maternal Peace, so that the serious conflicts in the world can loosen themselves from the consciousness of those that do not live in peace. The lack of this peace is because there is no prayer.
For this, with the Rosary in hands, congregate new groups of prayer, groups that collaborate lovingly so that peace is present in the world and especially in the heart of all My children of the Earth.
Dear children, search day by day for the essence of the Eternal Peace of My Heart, so that the presence of the Kingdom of My Peace radiates itself in your families, in your work and in your hearts.
As Lady and Queen of Peace, today I gather you in the joy of this extraordinary meeting of prayer and peace for all My children of the world, because My Merciful Heart will unite you in the purpose of this peace, and of the good.
Dear children, permit that through love and prayer is ignited the flame of the Eternal Peace in you, because in this way this peaceful presence of love will come to all the corners of the Earth, especially where there is a lack of these attributes.
My children, as Mother I return to the world, I return here, to the south of America and also to Medjugorje in Europe, fulfilling in this way the prophecy of John the Apostle: There will arrive the Woman of Peace, who will come lit up of the Sun of God.
Open your eyes for the signs and the symbols that the Immaculate Lady of Heaven will shed as Grace upon the world.
Dear children, today I come to say to you that you are on time to reconcile yourselves with God. He is present in your hearts, He is waiting to meet again with His prodigal children.
In humility open the door of the heart, so that My loving call to conversion can awaken in your hearts.
May this day of extraordinary encounter with the Queen of Peace renew you so that you recognize that the Virgin Mary, the Mother of all peoples, nations and races, the same of Nazareth and the Cenacle of the Holy Spirit, who is in Glory, Love and Obedience to God Almighty, will be arriving to your encounter, because I love you and I hope that you open the heart, so that My Light can intercede for more souls in need of forgiveness and of redemption.
Dearest children of Belo Horizonte and Betim, I thank you for answering My call for Peace in the Americas and in the world.
I love you, I bless you and forgive you in the Love of Christ the Savior,
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace.
Dear children,
That heart which is a part of My Marian army in the world should not fear anything, for your hearts will receive the Mantle of My protection over your beings. The soul that lives My call should not fear, because My Voice will always echo in the heart of all devotees.
Dear children, today I call on you to sustain the flag of peace and of redemption of the Virgin Mary and of My Son Jesus, for in this time, valor and deep love will be necessary to be able to live in the Divine Laws. Today, let your souls congregate like in the Cenacle of the Virgin Mary so that, just like the apostles of Christ, you will bear the living Flame of the Holy Spirit over your heads.
My children, let this Holy Spirit inspire you to speak the language of the heart so that, united with Its Gifts, you may be given the impulse to walk in the apostleship.
While humanity sleeps, while humanity suffers and despairs over the life it now experiences, because of the lack of faith in families, and above all, because of the lack of prayer, I invite you to gather up the inner strength of your hearts so that, united under a single fraternal spirit of love, the Lord hears the urgent pleas of all His children.
Dear children, as Mother, I not only guide you, but I am also your Celestial Mediator, and once again I hope you will experience faith through My absolute trust in the Lord.
Dear children, it is urgent that the souls on the surface of this world do something for their own spiritual home, which is the planet, a creation that the Father gave them and which has been outraged.
See, My children, how important it is to live through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, so that It may repair the causes by which the Kingdoms of Creation are in subjection in the world, from their existence until now.
As hearts of My Immaculate Heart, I wait for you so that, from your consciousness, you respond through prayer; collaborating with everything that is life manifested all over the Earth, such as the brother and sister Kingdoms, Kingdoms that have given you the opportunity of life. Through the Holy Spirit, dear children, contemplate all the needs for reparation and love that the little lower brothers and sisters expect from you.
Today, as Mother, I speak for all the Kingdoms of the Lord, especially for the plants, which suffer the outrage when their life is removed from the Earth.
Today, I speak for the minerals, which endure the suffering of the destruction of the precious riches God created.
Today, I speak for the animals, that suffer the oppression of humankind, and which have their lives taken from them.
With the powerful Holy Rosary in My hands, I pray for those children that have depredated and offended Creation. I pray for humanity, so that through the divine power of prayer, it may awaken in time to the unreal "reality" in which it lives. I constantly pray to My Son, so that His blessed Mercy may intercede in time with God, especially for the Kingdoms that suffer.
Dear children, God has given you, as the Human Kingdom, the opportunity of ascending through love and spiritual awareness.
Today I ask that you not become tired of praying, so that the miracle of the love of Jesus Christ can awaken in all those who daily sleep in the illusion.
My children, as you will see, My call is universal and celestial, because it is time for reparation, it is time to cry out for Divine Mercy, it is time for infinite forgiveness.
I thank you for responding to the call for prayer for all the Kingdoms of the Earth; most especially, as from now, My Heart is grateful for the spiritual guidance on the Kingdoms which will be given to the young souls in Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Thank you for responding to My call for the reparation of the world!
Who places you in the Mercy of Christ to pray for you,
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace and of Sublime Creation
Dear children,
Once again I will be among you in the primordial Center of prayer of Brazil. I will be among you in the Center of prayer of Figueira.
Dear children, today, with the special devotion that My Heart radiates, I will transmit to you an instruction from Mother to child, from the universe to the disciple.
My children, God prodigiously manifests Himself in three ways for souls, for His creatures. God can manifest Himself through the spirit of His creatures and transmit His Wisdom; God can manifest Himself through the minds of His creatures to transmit His Ideas on the Plan of Love for the universe; and God can manifest Himself through the soul of His creatures to transmit His Love to all the spaces of Creation.
God is an Essence of pure, wise, and divine Love; from Him comes all the powers of Creation and manifested life. God is owed honor, glory, and praise because He achieves His greatest expression through the love and unity among creatures.
Today, dear children, I want to teach you in this time to experience a lesson of humility, because God expects your consciousnesses to mature. This lesson of humility consists in your recognizing that God has the majesty and the power to manifest Himself to His creatures in different ways, in order that souls may know Him and feel Him as the Source of Love for life on Earth.
When God recognized the offering of His faithful Servant, the Virgin Mary, there was never any intention of appropriating it, in this mystery of surrender and sacrifice. The Love of God rested in My maternal consciousness, a pure and true Love that entered My Heart to have it become immaculate.
See, My dear ones, how God acts and reveals Himself to His children with Love and Faith, because God expects humanity to attain peace through the knowledge of Divine Truth.
When a heart gives itself to the universe, God is able to manifest Himself in that creature, and then His Will is etched in that consciousness that, through faith and devotion, must accomplish it.
My little ones, I want you to see and recognize that God is Humility and Wisdom. God will never magnify His power because, if He did, it would not be God. God awakens peace for life, as a source for the spirit; faith as an essence for inner growth; unity as a principle of fraternity; and love as spiritual support for souls.
Everything is simple, dear children, who are in God will not fear to be divested of themselves to be able to be healed from the spirit. God is the Source of Love that presents itself so that all may experience this through It.
When the soul does not listen, God is unable to approach. Universal Love needs to be impregnated as light in the cells of all souls so that, in the end, you may imitate My path of surrender and trust. Because in this way, as souls, you will help in the love for God, so He may continue to manifest Himself among creatures, the Kingdoms and the world.
God is renewal, is the Spirit of life and hope. God is the concretization of inner missions for creatures. God is the Love present in the essence of all His children. God must be sought from the heart, because God is constant prayer and a refuge for the hearts that are experiencing the desert and inner thirst. God resurrects the life of the spirit in those who have lost it. God heals through His kindness and humility, because God is the Sanctified Spirit in the Celestial Universe.
God is the only Greater Good for all, because the Father of Heaven is your beginning and your end in this life. He is eternity, eternal Love.
Dear children, hold in your hearts the aspiration of the Father for being more present in them.
Thank you for responding to the Call of God!
Who thanks and blesses you, in the Light of God,
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace and the Love of God
Dear children:
I know that in this world there are true souls who love My Immaculate Heart, but also there are souls that separate My presence from their lives and from their hearts.
For this, I will raise, one by one, the essences that have fallen and I will lift to the Heights the shield of redemption. On the horizon will be seen the Star of Peace and all beings will live in this Peace for the centuries that are coming.
No one will remain in this world without knowing My Immaculate Face and in this way I will pour My Graces in the hearts that cry out for a spiritual intercession. With My flocks, with the flocks of My Son, I will watch in prayer for those consciousnesses that still have not chosen Me.
I will make them feel the greatness of My Maternal Love and in this way I will bring down the illusion of the hearts that have become hardened, because in My arms I will gather those that have suffered unjustly so much. To all of them, I will bring them into the presence of the Celestial Father and He, in His Glory and Love, will be who will free them from the evil of the past.
Evil will no longer live amongst the hearts of My children, because My sword of Love and Divine Justice will cut the bonds that have tied the heart of humanity to sin; in this way My Light will be seen from East to West before the great Light of Wisdom and Mercy that will bring the Love of Christ.
The Star of the Morning will light up the new paths of those who have delayed to find Me in prayer, and the devotion of the silent ones will be the great key that will open the Celestial Portal for those who have remained in pain and in loneliness.
Never again will a soul be outraged, because Grace will penetrate into the hearts so that they embrace it with love. The soldiers of prayer will sustain the new times, the ones that rapidly pass through the life of all the beings.
The New Sun King will shine in the heart of all those who have believed in His Powerful Word of redemption and of conversion. The Master Jesus will return in Glory to gather at His Table all who have not communed with His Sacerdotal Spirit and, in this way, the alliance with Eternal Love will be expressed in all those who, from error or pain, have not known the Love of the Son of God.
The Peace for the next time will be so profound that prayer will be the new word manifested for the consciousnesses. No one will fear to see the Master Jesus because through His Wonders and His Word all will recognize Him.
My Maternal Love will open the doors for those who, by their actions, had them closed. The path of the New Humanity will finally shine in the firmament of the universe and the original project of God will have been accomplished in the heart of all the souls of the world.
For those who pray in faith, the world will be saved from perdition, and at the end of all humanity will awaken from the dream in which it has lived for so long. In this way all will be able to recognize that the only and true love that nourishes life and consciousness comes from God, the Creator Father.
The stars of the humble crown of the Woman Dressed of the Sun will be launched towards the Earth and the Children of the Sun will see the sign that will indicate the great moment. The world will find the peace that it has lost, it will strengthen its faith in the Plan of the Father and it will once again light up the fire of devotion for the Universe of God.
The ones who by injustice have become barefoot will be the ones who by merit will receive the Major Grace, and humanity will harmonize daily life by the presence of the Mercy of the Redeemer.
United to the Immaculate Heart, Grace will be true in the hearts that, by redemption, have worked for the purity of the heart; in this way the Holy Spirit will be poured and the new consciousness will form the New Earth redeemed and forgiven, because the laws and the commandments will reconcile humans with God.
May Love always rejoice you so that Grace awakens devotion in your hearts.
Thank you for answering My call for Peace!
I bless you in redemption and in peace,
Mary, Mother of Love and Queen of Peace.
Dear children of São Paulo:
With reverence, love and joy I arrive today in Brazil to bless you once again, because during this Marian month I come to prepare it for the special encounter that will be brought forward during the month of July of 2013 in the city of Rio de Janeiro with the successor of Saint Peter the Apostle: the beloved servant Pope Francis.
For this reason this month of May, dedicated to Our Lady of Fátima, will gestate new fruits so that Brazil can harvest them when the Servant of Christ arrives, the Pope Francis.
With joy today I gather once again the Marian servers of all the state of São Paulo. I congregate them as sole flock in a place that, from honor to My Immaculate Heart, will be blessed by My Virginal Spirit.
Dear children, when a soul consecrates its heart to My Heart, this is a bliss in the Heavens, because it means that the plans of the Father are being accomplished. When a family consecrates their possessions and spaces to the Will of God, they will be living in the harmony of the law of the Lord and this way they will better live the commandments.
Dear children, My Immaculate Heart during the month of February of 2013 in Salta, Argentina, announced the coming of the Lady from Heaven to the house of one of My faithful devotees in the city of San Francisco Javier; in this way the Father has permitted Me to consecrate with much love this little Chapel that today is offered to the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.
My children, most important in this time is that you consecrate your beings to God, because in this way you will open the doors for the Sacred Hearts to be one in your lives.
Dear children, in this way I am reaching more profound spaces in the souls of the world, those that most need forgiveness and conversion, which they will receive through the consecration of this place to prayer. When each new consecrated space opens itself somewhere in the world, My Light expands itself as glimmer of Repairing Graces upon all the hearts that must arrive in Paradise and in this way be flocks of My Beloved Son.
Dear children, with joy in My Heart I thank you for the efforts realized in honour to My Immaculate Heart. Today I also invite you to perseverance and to peace, with the hope that all people and religions recognize Me as the Mother of the World, the Mother of all creatures.
Pouring Graces from My blessed hands, I call you to be participants of the eternal communion with My Son, through the act of confession and forgiveness, because in this way humanity will be most helped.
Dear children I thank you for having answered to My call!
I bless you in the Grace of God,
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace.
Prayer of consecration of the homes to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Dear Mother,
I open the doors of my being
to consecrate my heart to Your Virginal Spirit.
Powerful Mother,
I receive with humility
the eternal blessing of Your Heart.
Blessed Mother, I consecrate my home
to the Good and the Peace on the Earth.
Beloved Mother,
elevate my heart to the Kingdom of God,
because united to Christ, Our Lord,
my inner temple will be the dwelling for the Creator.
Celestial Mother,
may Your Mercy lead us
and may Your Light cover us,
now and always.
Dear children of Mine:
As Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, today I invite all My children of Argentina and of the world to peregrinate with the heart and with prayer to the Beloved Sanctuary of Fátima.
Today My intention is that your hearts feel and discover the purity of the Kingdom of Fátima, a purity that My Immaculate Heart has sown in all of this place of adoration, silence and prayer.
Dear children, the world as a totality must awaken to the Virginal Purity; the souls must open themselves to live in the purity of My Maternal Heart, because if you do so you will reach mercy, peace and humility.
The purity of the Kingdom of Fátima is open to all the praying hearts that aspire to change their lives, for a life of true spirituality and love.
My children, today the 13th of May of 2013 is accomplished one new year of the presence of the Kingdom of Fátima to the whole world. I invite you, as the Marian Centers of Fátima, Lourdes, Medjugorje, Aurora, Figueira and Schoenstatt, to turn your homes into Centers of Prayer, where the souls feel attracted by the devout prayer of the heart.
I want that for this 13th of May you keep in your essences the maternal intention that you may have hearts each day more pure and crystalline, as the rain that falls from Heaven.
On this day of honor to the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, the Celestial Mother will open the doors of Heaven so that the Marian Center of Fátima will be united to the Kingdom of God and, this way, a fountain of mercy and grace will descend upon all the children who unite themselves to this Marian Sanctuary.
Dear children, see how the Love and the Will of God acts so that, although the world does not live in purity yet, God waits with so much compassion that it wakes to the call of those living as pure hearts. In purity the conflicts will be dissolved, the evil and the lack of faith; proclaim through daily prayer that you are pure hearts, because in this way My Virginal Consciousness will help you to take the steps to Christ.
My children of San Carlos de Bariloche: may in the memory of each one be guarded the coming of the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary to your hearts.
I thank you for answering My call of living in the purity of the heart!
I bless you always,
Mary, Lady of the Most Holy Rosary.
Dear children of San Carlos de Bariloche:
Praised be Jesus for this time and in your hearts!
With maternal joy today I come to your encounter to awaken in you a profound devotion for the Sacred Heart of Jesus and for the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
My children, for the first time in the history of My Apparitions, this blessed place of God will be graced by the intercession of the Mother of God. For this, I invite to daily prayer all those children who have lost the motivation to pray to the Merciful Lord.
Dear children of the south of Argentina, also here, through your prayer in groups and in families, will be able to bloom faith and love as a flower opens itself to the rays of the sun.
From Heaven I come to your hearts to bring you an important call to conversion, to prayer and to peace. The Father awaits that all the provinces of Argentina renew themselves in faith and in the devotion to My Immaculate Heart.
For this, open your hearts so that the great Voice that comes from Heaven impregnates you, strengthens you and awakens in you the encouragement to forgive and to reconcile yourselves with God the Father.
Dear children, as here in San Carlos de Bariloche you venerate Me with much love, I invite you, as Mother of the Graces, to be bearer of My Peace for this time, in which the accelerated changes make it so that My children confuse the path.
My dear, I beg you to be attentive to the need of praying in your houses, praying for your villages, praying for the whole province and for the whole nation. All souls need urgently to beg forgiveness to God and in this way set out again for the Kingdom of the Father, through the Sacred Heart of My Son.
In Jesus Christ you have the TRUTH for your lives. In Jesus Christ you always find the PATH of return to the Heart of God. In Jesus Christ you will find the real LIFE, the life of the spirit, that will nourish you under the presence of the love of God.
Beloved children, as you will see, My Apparitions now extend themselves all over the world and My message of peace and awakening touches the hearts of all the beings who find themselves in the most distant places on Earth. The times merit doing something for the world, for the presence of Peace and the light of God, and you, through the holy prayer of the heart have the keys to be able to do it.
Dear children of San Carlos de Bariloche and all the brother and sister villages: that for this month of May, consecrated to My Heart, may your hearts remember My arrival at Fátima in Portugal, where once again My Heart interceded for your world. Keep the Kingdom of Fátima in the heart so that united to Me, we can find the safe path to My Son.
I thank all the prayer groups of Patagonia for having answered My call for Peace!
Thank you, My dear children!
I bless you in the Love of Jesus,
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace.
Dear children of Mine,
Today I place each one of you in My embrace of love, so that you may feel My maternity within your hearts.
My children, praised be the homes of the families that open the door of their hearts to the Queen of Heaven.
Praised be the families that pray with Me every day, to reach conversion and redemption.
Praised be the families that teach their children to pray with the heart in the first years of life, for My motherly Heart will be with them.
Praised be the adolescents and the youth who find My Son in Communion because, as an example of faith, they will open the door to those who are lost, without love and protection.
Praised be the homes that day by day are consecrated to the victorious Light of the Immaculate Heart, for I assure you that God will be present through Me to guide you in faith and hope.
Dear children, today My motherly aspiration is that all homes may praise the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Today I come to you to ask for prayers for the families of the world since few live the Commandments that My Son has given you.
Today My Heart also rejoices for so much beauty created by God the Creator in this region of South America. Behold, dear children of Mine, how God is withdrawn in the silence of this entire blessed place.
For this motive of joy and praise, I ask you to unite in these times as one network of prayer throughout Argentina. I ask, out of love for God and everything created by Him, that you be one in spirit, in heart, and in consciousness.
Dear children, God expects from Argentina the absolute awakening to prayer and to the conversion of all those causes that offend the Creator. God has precious Designs and Graces for every nation that, above all things, is part of the universe of God.
Welcome the Holy Spirit in your homes, open the door to It so that just like in the Cenacle of the Virgin Mary, your spirits of love may be guided by Its blessed gifts. When My Heart approaches your lives, it is the Holy Spirit cultivated within My Heart that radiates to help you take steps towards the immaculate faith in It.
Dear children, this week, may your homes be consecrated to the infinite Home of the Immaculate Heart.
My children, may faith always motivate you to walk through the path of My beloved Son, through the path of your conversion.
I thank the presence of all My Children of the blessed Patagonia. Now and always, the Blessed Lady of Guadalupe blesses the beloved remaining indigenous people.
May Peace be with you and with your families.
Thank you for responding to My call for Peace!
Mary, Queen of Peace and Mother of the Sacred Family
Dear children of Mine and pilgrims of the Immaculate Heart of Mary:
The Heavens of the Father, the Angelic and Archangelic Armies celebrate this birthday of one of My servants on Earth: Mother Shimani. And today is the day of declaring to you that the always Blessed Virgin Mary will realize special Apparitions on the birthdays of the three visionaries.
This moment, of a special Apparition on a birthday, has the spiritual objective of gratitude, because the visionaries have answered the call of the Queen of Peace. Above all My special Apparitions on birthdays renew the divine and universal commitment in the consciousnesses that I have chosen in the name of the Lord and in the name of My Son.
For this, today I invite all the pilgrims to revere and give thanks that My servants, as the visionaries at the different times in which My Apparitions have occurred, have answered out of love to the Plan of God.
Dear children, the one who has the Grace of seeing Me, feeling Me and listening to Me for so long, is the soul that needs redemption the most, and in this way, in love, it serves the Most High permitting that the plans of the Universe be accomplished again on Earth, as well as in Heaven.
An infinite mystery of love is guarded in My Heart and in the heart of all the visionaries that over the centuries, My Immaculate Heart has radiated, to all of them.
This mystery is the Infinite Love of God, the love for the Resurrected and Merciful Jesus. This is what the visionaries learn, to live from an unknown love, from a divine love and their sacrifice in having absolute faith in the Love of God and in all the calls that they hear from Heaven.
My children, today I reveal to you all these reflections so that your hearts do not lose the true sense of the task that My Maternal Consciousness accomplishes through the imperfect instruments that I choose for My Son.
May today you recover how simple it is to answer to the holy call of the Universal Mother, and with what simplicity I present Myself day by day to you to awaken you to conversion, and to the forgiveness of God.
Through the special Apparitions on the birthdays of the visionaries, all the souls that correspond to the cycle of the Apparitions of the epoch and that are lovingly related to the task of each visionary, receive by means of these instruments a special Grace that is cultivated in the heart.
And so, dear children, may you unite yourselves today to this encounter with Me, because once more I pour My Graces upon you. That you may bring all My Immaculate Love in your hearts and that you may diffuse it as a healing love for the most thirsty souls. If in truth you knew how much I love you and how much I have given to you throughout time, your souls would live in bliss and eternal praise before God the Father.
That these moments of union with My Maternal Heart open for you the door to your redemption.
Maternal blessings for this birthday of Mother Shimani, and that those who have not been born yet may find the birth of the light and of salvation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Peace for all,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children:
In joy today I place you once again in My arms to be able to contemplate the victorious love that Jesus deposited into your hearts.
Dear children, My maternal task is living great steps and this is possible from the sincere collaboration of the children consecrated to My Immaculate Heart. On this day, My children, I announce that the portal of the Voice and Echo of the Divine Mother has given its true fruits for conversion, forgiveness, reconciliation and peace in all of the consciousness.
Dear children, today I announce that through the first call that you have answered to for My Co-redeeming Work of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, the gifts of My Spirit have been able to touch the suffering and lonely essences, as also the families that were separated, and the lost children.
My children, today I invite you to contemplate the celestial merits that have been manifested by means of the portal of My Voice and of My Echo. For this reason I bless and I thank all of the missionaries of Divine Mother because they have sustained the torch of light of Mary and of Her Son Jesus during all of these months. In this way you will be able to see My dears, that My Heart of Mother has not left you alone and that new paths have been opened for the consciousnesses that were in grave faults.
By means of perseverance and hope in answering to My requests I have seen that your lives have given Me the best and the true. For this, today I invite you to renovate yourselves through My Heart. The Lord contemplates the efforts of His little creatures, of His dear children. You must realize that My Work has managed to expand itself in the heart of many pilgrims and it will continue to grow as long as you continue to be united to Me in the rescue of the essences that sleep in the realities of the world.
Dear children, you have received month by month, moment by moment, a little bit of My Kingdom in your hearts. Today, as a Mother, I thank you and I bless you in the hope that you may gain strengths of love big enough so that through many more hearts may be able to awaken.
My children, I am walking by your side to show you the straight pathway towards the Heart of My Son. I want to announce to you with reverence and love that also during the months of June and July of 2013 all of My pilgrims will be able to continue accompanying My Apparitions through this medium of redemption (the internet). This will help, My dears, that My little children may not lose the union with Me during these two months of June and July of 2013 but that you can maintain yourselves, each time more united to My Heart of Love.
Beloved children, today I leave you near Jesus, the Redeemer. See how you have taken the steps towards My Son because your Mother accompanies you.
I thank you for answering to My call for Peace.
Thank you, dear children, for how much you have given Me today!
Let us pray for Peace,
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace.
Uruguay Marian Mission will be the name of the task of the present groups of prayer that will collaborate in the creation of the nineteen new Marian groups that will represent the department of Uruguay.
Under this emblem: Walking through Mary, also the pilgrims of other nations will be able to collaborate with love so that this work of the end of time may be carried out.
Dear children, when My maternal Heart asks you for this mission, it is because God observes that your hearts will be able to help all of Uruguay, to reach yet another time of peace.
My children, you will be precursor apostles of My Immaculate Heart for this sacred and immaculate mission, handed to you by the Queen of Heaven, to be able to rapidly expand throughout Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and, afterward, throughout all the Americas.
Dear children, it will be through you that God will be able to make many of His children pray again so that the whole world reconciles with Him and returns to the Kingdom of Heaven.
My children, My Heart of Mother will accompany the paths that your feet will walk upon. Therefore, do not fear about where to start, it is time for your pure hearts to be able to reflect the true love they keep for God and for His Son Jesus, thus you will learn to love the Will of God for yourselves.
I invite you, dear children, to unite in spirit to this Marian Project. The new Light-Network of Uruguay has reached the moment of awakening, as it has awakened other neighboring nations. The spiritual purpose is that, at the end, when the groups pray much for their own countries, God looks at them, contemplates them and gives them the forgiveness they need to enter into Paradise.
Dear children, I am with you, because soon you will see the fruits of conversion within your hearts and within the hearts of all your brothers and sisters. Enter the Kingdom of My Heart in trust, because, thus, I will guide you and mark the steps for you to find My Son, Jesus.
Now, I need in these times of missionaries that you not only experience prayer but also experience service to reach the redemption of the heart.
Dear children, I need you, day by day, and I count on you so that through this mission, which will start in the month of June of this year, you can bring me closer Me to many of My children who have separated themselves from My maternity.
If you respond to this call, Uruguay will be in other planes of the Creator, try to be in My Peace and in My Love because, in this way, I will comfort you.
I thank you for awakening to this call!
Who blesses and loves you,
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
My dear children:
May the Peace of My Son reign in your hearts forever, and in this Peace may you, as a group, be able to take the steps towards the Divine Unity of the purpose of the Creator.
On this Saturday of Grace and Pity, as a Merciful Mother, I address each one of you to ask for and reveal to you the important task that, as servers of Christ, you must manifest for this nation of Uruguay..
Dear children, the Blessed Mother of Heaven, Mary, Queen of Peace, sends you to an important mission as one group of souls, a mission that will be guided by the Immaculate Heart and by the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.
This mission will be throughout Uruguay, with the aim of:
Creating new Marian groups of prayer in each of the nineteen departments of Uruguay.
Going on pilgrimage through the nineteen departments of Uruguay to gather new praying souls, through small prayer meetings.
Bringing, two by two, the diffusion of the message of Christ and the messages of the Virgin Mary to the most deprived families of spiritual instruction in Montevideo.
Being diffusers of the Work of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, which was originally born at the Marian Center of Aurora.
Being transmitters of ecumenism through prayer and peace among yourselves and among all groups of prayer.
Loving the purpose and marian mission entrusted by the Mother of God.
Assisting all the souls that may present themselves in your lives and help them through prayer and charity.
Awakening once again in Uruguay the devotion to “Our Lady of the Thirty-three”.
Fraternizing all consciousnesses through meetings of prayer.
Dear children, this mission will be developed in the spirit of unity and of love to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in collaboration with His redemptive work. The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, the Father of holy missions, will be your pilgrim companion for this important task.
If Uruguay manages to ignite itself again through the prayer of nineteen new Marian groups, the Divine Mercy will act upon each one of the consciousnesses.
The Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity will be your guardian and protector of the paths that you will go through. This mission that I entrust to you for these times has the aim of spiritually helping Uruguay so that it may take the correct steps under the presence of the Father. Uruguay will thus be a renewed heart that will be able to collaborate with the preparatory task for the return of My Son.
My children, for the first time I summon such a wide mission, for this reason you will count on the loving support of the Missionaries of Fraternity so that all may be developed under the spirit of harmony and order.
Uruguay must awaken the Consciousness and for this to happen the honest collaboration of all Uruguayans is fundamental.
As Jesus sent out His disciples two by two to bring the Good News, today My Immaculate Heart sends you out so that you may awaken to the call those who are still sleeping in the world.
In this way, dear children, as servers of Christ you will help to give importance to the task that the Marian Center of Aurora is in charge of. And once all the nineteen Marian Groups are manifested you will gather monthly at the Marian Center of Aurora to begin from this moment on a new cycle for the Light-Network in Uruguay.
Dear children, remember that this mission that I send for you to realize is a celestial mission that will awaken maturity for your consciousnesses, learning experiences for your hearts and growth for your spirits. As Mother I am calling and seeing how many soldiers I will work with in Uruguay so that in this way some more time of Mercy and Peace may be established here in this nation.
I thank you for responding to this important mission of Peace and Conversion for Uruguay!
Who blesses you now and before the pilgrimage,
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace.
Beloved and dear children,
On this day, I thank you for having responded to My call for the Vigil of Prayer, because in a simple and loving prayer many uncertain doors are closed which would cause souls to move towards other paths, tempting them into damnation.
But the power of prayer of the heart of the Marian groups fosters celestial Graces in spaces and places of the world that, because of serious faults, would not deserve them.
For this reason, My immaculate Love is present in your lives, and as guardian Mother, I aspire to reign in your hearts.
Dear children, on this day of meeting with the Lady of Heaven, may your lips be able to speak of gratitude, because God sends Me to you as your Mother.
May your hands united in pure prayer radiate the true love that is held in your hearts. May your feet walk along the path that My beloved Son is showing you in this end of time.
Beloved children, when My Heart asks that you respond to the divine calls, know that you are responding to the Will of the Lord. In this way, I am teaching you to love Divine Will, the Will of the Father that will lead you into living humility, unity and love.
Dear children, you know that daily, the world suffers from the constant actions it commits against the loving Plan of God. I ask that you, dear children, wake up to the moment you are living in this planetary cycle.
Open your eyes to be able to see the signs that Heaven is manifesting for humanity through the Celestial Messengers, because the salvation of your essences is the mission of the Most Holy Lady of Heaven. So it will be that the purest in you, that which was lovingly created by God, will return to the universal House of the Father.
For this reason, dear children, live a life of honesty, humility and prayer, so that like a mirror, your beings reflect the necessary light in this world, the light of your hearts.
Dear children, I am close to you to lead you without delay toward the Heart of My Son, because if you do not live for My Son, how will humanity be transformed and be consecrated to the Will of God?
My children, through you, I try to have many hearts wake up to the moment of conversion and redemption that all My children of the Earth must experience. The Lord of Heaven calls you to form yourselves as true prayerful communities that provide the necessary support so that the world is able to be sustained in the reality it experiences daily.
It is important to open the inner heart to understand and follow the events, because the true soldiers of the Light of the Father are formed in this planetary school through immediate obedience.
The times have changed and consciousnesses will not have time to think about responding to the command of Heaven; they will only have time to respond, so that the divine command of the universe may be accomplished in the greatest number of essences of the world.
The Celestial Mother is forming prayerful beings as soldiers of the Celestial Father. This will allow, through the love and peace among you, that other children of Mine awaken to the opportunity and the celestial Grace.
Dear children of Montevideo, continue to pray for your country; the Lord will accompany you through prayer.
I thank you for responding to My important call, and I bless you in the name of My Son Jesus.
Peace to all.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and Lady of Peace
Dear children,
Whoever gives all for My Father, will receive all from My Father.
Therefore, dear children, we are at a time of definition and surrender for humanity, because the Marian soldiers must give all for the All so that the world may be saved and worthy of receiving the Grace of God again.
Dear children, I am among you day by day to guide you along the path of the prayer of the heart and along the path of the consecration of your lives to the Creator Father.
Now, the time has come for humanity to strengthen unity through the divine light generated by the precious groups of prayer. It is time to take the step towards the Heart of the Redeemer and to surrender to Him in absolute trust, so that all hearts may be better prepared for the new time that will come.
Prayer is the path that should unite you in these times, so that the plans of the Mother of Heaven may be fulfilled through you.
Dear children of Montevideo, I have come here, as I have been to Brazil, to awaken the hearts to the truth you must seek, the truth of God in each one of you and the path of consecration to the Divine Plan of the Creator, you must do it in the name of those of My children who have not yet taken the steps to be part of the New Earth.
My children, it is very necessary to open the doors of the heart so that, all feeling that does not belong to love, may be purified by the Love of My Son. You must allow the spiritual purity to emerge from the deepness of your hearts, because in this way, as fraternal souls you will reach the definitive unity.
Dear children, as Mother of the Divine Truth, I ask you to unite yourselves without thinking of anything; the Lord of the Universe is waiting for you, as souls of Uruguay, to take the steps towards the consecration to My Immaculate Heart.
Therefore, I call My children of different paths to reunite them as a single flock, a flock that transmits the peace needed to be radiated at this time. Prayer and devotion to My maternal Heart will lead you to love unity and so you will be able to walk on a correct path towards service.
Dear children, I am also here in these days, in this nation of peace, to renew your important vows before God the Father, because He is waiting to design in your hearts His Projects of redemption; therefore, give the necessary permission for this to happen.
My children, encouragement is necessary to go forward.
I give you My maternal Love and thank you for all you have done to receive me. I thank you, dear children.
Thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you on this day,
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
I am the Lady of Heaven, I am the one Who comes in glory and peace to radiate the Love of God to you.
I am the Mother of the Universe, I am the one Who will take you in My Arms from the abysses and carry you in honor of the Kingdom of God.
I am the Mystical Rose, I am the one Who emanates subtle aromas to silently protect your path of consecration to God. In this way, day after day, I try to lead you to prayer, because in prayer My Heart closes your wounds and protects your little hearts in the Light.
I am the Mother of Graces, I am the Woman Clothed with the Sun Who pours out the goodness and compassion of God onto the world and creatures.
I am the Guardian of the Faith of those who have lost it.
I am the Mother of the Divine Conception Who draws each child closer to the universe of the Holy Spirit.
I am the Warrior of Love, I Am the Patroness Who raises the banner of Peace.
I am the Lady Who in Love and Pity, unties the knots of those who constantly suffer.
For this reason, I cry out to all for prayer, because as humanity, you must repair the Heart of God for the grave offenses He receives.
I am the Lady of Peace, I am the Queen of Peace, Who announces the coming of the new Kingdom of Christ on the face of the Earth. In this way, I gather My soldiers, calling on them to be consecrated to a life of prayer, to the experiencing of fasting to purify the heart, to forgiveness and to reconciliation.
I am the Celestial Mother, I am the Solar Star that eternally shines in the firmament and announces the time of Mercy.
For My Son, I gave of Myself to all, and with the awaited coming of Christ, I will reveal the Aspect of the Lady of the Sun.
May My stars transfigure your lives into light, may My steps towards God be your steps, may My maternal Heart reverberate in love within you, may My merciful rays illuminate the dark pathway of those who have not yet reached the Kingdom of God.
With My Son, I return to the world to awaken it and call it to conversion.
Prayer will be your future nourishment that will nurture the spirit and all manifested life because through prayer, you will walk without delay to the Arms of God, and when all My children reach Heaven, I will cleanse the past from your faces in the Fountain of Life of My Son, and renewed in spirit, you will glorify God and eternally serve Him out of love and honor of the Creator.
For this reason, seek a life of sanctity while you are in this world. Be charitable one with another. In prayer, build the new principle of brotherhood. Be apostles of Peace and live the redeeming Message of Christ every day.
I come to you to lead you to Jesus because as a Mother, I wait and beg God for the salvation of humanity from the constant sin it lives in.
My dear children of Belo Horizonte, I thank you for the response of your essences to My Immaculate Heart. I especially thank the children that, out of love for the Greater Good, worked so that I, the Queen of Peace, could bring you all the Message and the Call. I thank you for your loving example of charity.
My children, on this Saturday of Glory, may your deep essences prepare for receiving the spiritual visit of the Lady Who is brighter than the Light, the visit of Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and Mother of the World.
Dear children of Belo Horizonte, today may you be participants in the complete absolution that My pious Heart will radiate to all under the intercession of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
I thank you for opening the door of your hearts!
Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace
My dear children:
Today My maternal Heart returns to your lives to encourage you to go forward in the consecration of your hearts to My Immaculate Heart. Today the Sacred Heart of Jesus gathers you around His loyal Server, the Virgin Mary, so that many children confirm themselves as soldiers of the Light.
My children, today Heaven congregates souls and hearts that should be willing to walk in God for the souls that do not walk in God, to sacrifice themselves for the souls that do not give themselves to the Father and to love the souls that do not love God.
As the Angel of Peace once did, before My coming to Fatima during the last century, the Angels of the Lord prepare today, together with the Guardian Angels, the awaited return of the Lady of Heaven, every month.
My maternal voice announced itself for the first time in Fatima on May 13, 1917. Now My Message returns stronger and more precise in this time because My children must awaken to the call of conversion.
On this day, the angels of the Kingdom of Fatima will descend with the same resplendent consciousnesses of Light that, together with the Immaculate Heart, redeemed all humanity through purity and prayer.
Today I invite you to enter into the Kingdom of Fatima, the Angelical Kingdom that was manifested when My Heart announced itself in Fatima to the world, with the purpose of peace reaching the entire Earth.
Dear children, for this reason, I ask that in your hearts you protect with love all the Marian Centers that were founded by the Virgin Mary, the Queen of Heaven. As in each Marian Center, in the Marian Center of Fatima, the Angelical Kingdom of Fatima will fulfill an important task in the salvation of the essences of humanity.
The Marian Center of Fatima will spiritually rescue souls so that in the culminating moments they may be led towards the Light. The Marian Centers are not only Sanctuaries of devotion, but also celestial points where God, through the Mother of Heaven, sowed Light for the world.
See that through the Kingdom of Fatima you will be able to awaken the purity of the soul and of the heart. See that in the Kingdom of Fatima your paths will be able to be straightened and the wisdom of the angels will be able to lead your steps.
In the Kingdom of Fatima, My Immaculate Heart was able to reunite through prayer all the souls of the world and so that, once more, peace expanded through each corner of the Earth.
Dear children, remembering this day of April 13, My arrival at Fatima on May 13, 1917, I invite you to gestate within your hearts a profound love for the Kingdom of Fatima, in this way allowing for the Guardian Angels to lead you through the safe roads of the spiritual path.
See the greatness of My Marian Work through the Marian Centers and be partakers, together with Me, of the Kingdom of Peace.
I want more of My children to be able to find the path towards God through each of the Marian Centers and you, the pilgrims, should be the guardians of the Portals of Light that My Heart opened in each Center of devotion through prayer.
May the Kingdom of Fatima awaken My Virginal Purity in your essences and may you discover the angelical presence by your side.
I thank all My children for responding to My call!
Who loves and blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and Lady of the Holy Rosary
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more