Saturday, June 22 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Dear children of Mine:

Once again I beg you: enter into the Kingdom of My Peace, because if you do not enter into the Kingdom of God, the world will not reach peace either. The times change fast, more than the hands of a clock; the souls each day live new tests that bring them to define for themselves what path to follow, the path of peace or the path of pain.

Dear children of Mine, the main battle that feeds the enemy in this time is the inner battle, the subtle separation, little by little, among humanity and God. As Queen of Peace, in this week and this month that runs fast in your lives, I invite you to the daily strengthening of your prayer with Me and with My Son, because in this way you will now be strengthened through prayer and faith.

How will you face the times of changes?

For the first time, My little ones, I ask you this with urgency and with consciousness, that your beings awaken to what is happening day by day in the entire world; humanity only lives constant spiritual and material crises for the lack of the daily prayer of the Rosary, for the lack of true inner communion with My Son Jesus, for the lack of confession and, especially, for the lack of love and unity among the nations and the families.

That for this month of June, the month of Mary, Queen of Peace from Medjugorje, your hearts renew themselves one more year through the presence of My Immaculate Heart.

My children, it is necessary to let yourselves conquer for the love and for the liberating rays of My Son Jesus, in this way your consciousnesses will heal from the past and from the present mistakes so that the new being can be born, the new soul united to the Holy Spirit of God.

Today, My Heart clamors for justice, for forgiveness and for mercy; as Mother I do not tire of praying for you, so that you can be transformed in my name for the redemption of humanity. And I repeat again, My dear children, that the normal times have already ended, now has arrived the time of purification of the heart and of life. Grasp My mantle, afterwards place yourselves under My blessed feet, in this way I will protect you and place My hands of light over your heads, so that you receive My maternal blessing.

The time of the transition of the life of the spirit has arrived, the hour of deep conversion for each one of My children has arrived; I want to count on your true, constant, persevering support so that My Work here in the Americas can be completed, as it has been completed in the Kingdom of Medjugorje. Peace will be established in the hearts of all My children.

I invite you to calm and to quiet your hearts between My hands, I want to accompany you through this path of redemption and of conversion.

Dear children, it is time to think and to live by means of My Son, He will give you strength to follow the path of conversion of your souls, He will hold out His Merciful Hand to remove you from the abyss and the pain; now you only have to say yes, so that this may happen.

My children, I thank you all for the answer and the perseverance to complete My call for peace.

Mary, Queen and Mother of your Eternal Peace.

Forward My little soldier children!