Dear Children,

Today, your Heavenly Mother places Her gaze upon the wounded Africa so that its people may find, through the consolation of the Mother of God, the inner strength they need to go forward.

Africa is My beloved people, a people often forgotten and hurt by the sophisticated slavery of these times.

As Lady of the Divine Word, I come to ask My children not to forget the needs of My beloved Africa; because, as long as these urgent needs are not met by all of humanity, the time of peace that the world so desperately seeks will not come.

Through certain events, the voice and cry of My beloved children of Africa are silenced so that their suffering will not be known.

Therefore, just as in this past month I invited you to pray for the families, today I call you not to forget to pray for My wounded Africa; because I need your hearts, which already have everything, to feel sensitive for those who suffer the most.

Not a day can pass when you do not think of My children of Africa. I would like you to know and understand, someday, the importance of having more missionaries in Africa.

I pray, day and night, for those who are discarded.

I pray, day and night, for those who are neglected.

I pray, day and night, for those who are forgotten.

I pray, day and night, for those who do not listen with sensitivity to the cry and the call of Africa.

My Heart of a Mother is with Africa.

My Grace sustains the faith of all Africans. My Love shelters and consoles them in difficult hours.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of all of Africa


On this day, dear children, I come as Watchful and Guardian Mother of the Sacraments, in the name of My Son, to thank the priests of the Order founded by Christ for the sacred offices rendered in the Light Nuclei, in the groups of the Light Network and in your families.

We were able to witness, from the inner planes, the fruits that were brought to all from the Holy Land.

My Son was able to reach the essence of many souls through the Sacraments, and now is the most special moment when Christ will work and seek to have a place in the hearts of His companions.

The Science of the Sacraments is an inexhaustible source of Graces and also of miracles.

The soul who, for example, is anointed, even without living the Path of Christ, is considered a redeemable soul, and the merit and Grace it receives is granted by the office of the priest.

This is why My adversary tries to undermine the vocation of priests; because he knows that every time a priest officiates, with all his heart and life, at any of the Holy Sacraments, he loses from his clutches the soul that was sacramentalized, because that soul comes to be regarded as a worthy son or a worthy daughter of God.

This is why the faithful and devotees to the Sacred and Unfathomable Heart of Jesus must pray daily for the favorite children of Christ, the priests, so that they may always be pure instruments of self-giving and service to those most needy of spirit.

My Son, today, through My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, bless you and bless especially the priests of the Order and of the world for being mediators of all the Graces of the Sacred Hearts.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Guardian of the Holy Sacraments.

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the Empress of Peace, the Supreme Consciousness of the Love of God, eternal and inexhaustible Love for all creatures, the Heart of a Mother that gives of Herself to Her children, so that they may attain peace; the pious and serving Hand that is outstretched to caress the face of the children, all of you, My little children.  

Behold the Mother of Infinite Grace, the Mother that untiringly prays for all, the Intercessor and Mediator of impossible causes, the Queen of the angels and of the universe.

Behold the Heart that feels love for Her children, the love of those who trust in My Presence, although they cannot see Me with their own eyes.

My Love is an unknown essence that permeates the depths of the human heart, to mold it with My own Hands, to transform it into an instrument of God and to make each life a server of the Plan.

Behold the Heart of a Mother that suffers for those who do not listen to Her, the Heart of a Mother that suffers for those who deny Her, for those who have not decided to enter My Maternal Heart.

This is the Mother that gives of Herself to all, night and day, all the time. My Eyes of a Mother are upon the Children of God, and I wrap My Mantle around those who ask Me.

Barefoot, I mark the path of your transformation, in a way that you do not fear suffering or loneliness, because I Am the Mother who loves unconditionally, the Mother that loves even those who deny Her, all those who recognize Her as a simple woman. My Heart thanks you for saying this, because I Am the Slave of God in Heaven and on Earth, in the dimensions and on the planes of consciousness.

The Mirror of My Heart is the sacrifice for My children, so that they may never lose the Light of My Motherhood, the protection of your Heavenly Mother, the embrace of Mary of Nazareth, because I Am part of your people, and to your people I will return.

In this way, I will share with you again, as I shared with the holy women and the apostles, and with all those who walked in hope by My side, even after the Ascension of My Son to the Heavens. For a long time, the Mother of God was here among you, as She is now.

I Am the Mother that does not give up. I Am the Mother that does not rest, and My Heart is distressed when souls lose the path of love, unity and truth.

For this reason, I Am here once again today, to give strength to those who need it, to give My Faith to those who do not have it, to give My Love to those who cannot experience it. For My only goal, dear children, is that you may be through Me and by being in Me, you may be in My Son Jesus, the Christ.  

In this way, you will attain the celestial spheres. The mysteries will no longer be secret. Your life will be part of the great cosmic network with all Mirrors and beings of goodwill.

When a soul truly prays to My Heart, it mysteriously becomes My own Mirror, in which My Spiritual Life can reflect. For My only goal and aspiration, My children, is the eternal self-giving of Myself, as I have been doing throughout the centuries and times, by means of the Apparitions. This is why I Am untiring, because I know that your essences can surpass Me in Love.

We are here with My Son and Saint Joseph, to be witnesses of this aspiration in each human heart, to achieve this aspiration and carry it to the Feet of the Creator, as a sacred offering so that the Love of your Mother, which acts, works and gives through the Love of God, may be a reality in the life of each being.

I come here as the Mother of Spiritual Contemplation, so that souls may enter the universe of My Heart, because I can renew them in the name of My Son.

The Love of the Mother will always protect you and guide you to My Son Jesus, so that you may feel as part of His Kingdom, so that all those who aspire to be part of the New Humanity may also be part of His promise.  

In these confused times of the planet, may your lives be My Mirrors, and may you be transformed through love, to understand the human condition of your neighbor, and not judge or punish it.

I come to ask you to open your consciousness.

My Words are Water of Life, inexhaustible Source of My Graces and Mercies. For God needs, in these times, that the life of each being may be the very model of redemption that experiences the degrees of the Love of Christ, which aspires to attain humility and strives for the holy virtues to awaken in souls, so that they may consecrate themselves as did the apostles and holy women in those times.

Today, with the permission of My Son, I come to give you a testimony and an example of transformation of life through the Love of Mary, an unchangeable, perpetual, selfless and unconditional Love, which, as small drops of Light, enters the consciousness and the human heart, to convert the life of each being into a worthy example for God and for His entire Universal Project.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Mary said that you should not worry, because She sent the angels to play with the children. And now, She ceased to speak because She is accompanying the play of the children, which reminds Her of the Child Jesus when He would teach the little ones through such simple and pure games.


My Son told you once that the one who is not like a child cannot enter the Kingdom of the Heavens. Here, around you, is the example through these children and these families that are considered in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Have you noticed this?

God is alive there, through those who play and have fun, because God is small and humble like the children. In this way, He blesses the life of all children and families, as, while they live and share these spaces consecrated by God, He renews Himself in the smallest and simplest ones, because this relieves the Heart of the Eternal Father, and the hearts of the children who suffer, of the children who become sick, the children who disappear, the children who are aborted, the children who are trafficked and enslaved in this world.

Do you now understand where the hope of the Islands of Salvation lies? Everything must be renewed and expanded through the lives of the children.

Give an opportunity to those who want to grow in love and as a family, because in them is the Project of God for the New Earth. God created you to live in this way, under His Happiness and Spiritual Joy.

In the children there is the joy of the Mother of God, in the young people there is the maturity of the apostles, in the adults there must be wisdom and acceptance, because Our Words will live in those who accept them, and will be flesh of their flesh, will be spirit of their spirits, so that someday they may understand the Will of God in the sacred existence of His Project in families.  

I come to apologize to the families who have not been understood and accepted. My Heart amends the errors today, and makes love be born again in those who trust in the Family of Nazareth.

Before I bid farewell and thank you again for the bravery of accompanying these meetings with the Divine Messengers, through a soul deeply appreciated by Me, I will give you the example that I have promised to you: how, in the apparent defeat of life, in suffering or in sickness, God does not move His Hand away from those whom He loves. Rather, through the tests, He strengthens the hearts so that they can love as He loved on the Cross.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Our Lady is calling Shadam here.


My dear daughter, I rejoice at having you in the name of Jesus here on this day, and that you have found in Adoration the spiritual strength of your heart.  

Through your wounds, the Wounds of My Son were closed. Through your tests, the anguish of My Son was dissolved. Through your faith, the Heart of My Son was ennobled in the universe and on Earth.

May your hands never tire of serving God, and may your gaze never move away from the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. May you always do it for your wounded and outraged country, for the souls of this nation that are desperate and helpless. And may that great phantom of the lie be dispelled from the soul of this country, so that Argentina, through your prayers and the prayers of your brothers and sisters, may be born again in hope, faith and in the joy of being the cradle where Christ will place His Feet on the sacred mountains when He returns, with all the Inner Retreats of Argentina.

I thank you for having brought your other son here. I open the door for him, for his awakening and for his consecration as a faithful apostle of Christ. I will pray for this with you. My silent prayer will always unite to you, in the joys and sorrows, in the triumphs and in the defeats, because the one who believes in Christ will never perish, but rather will have eternal life.

Today, I give you My maternal blessing and My thankfulness. Behold the example of overcoming, perseverance and faith in Christ, just as it was with Me in Nazareth.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Follow the footsteps of Christ for the redemption of humanity and the planet, for the One Thousand Years of Peace.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will stand up to say goodbye to Our Lady, while She rises to the Heavens, carrying our prayers, intentions and supplications to the Heart of God.

Let us sing a song She has asked for, which, according to Her, reflects our daily life.

Song: “This which I am, this I give to You.”


My dear children,

Today, I am happy to meet you in this sacred forest of contemplation, a place blessed by Me, because for thirty years, your Heavenly Mother was a faithful witness of the inner offerings and of all the vigils that took place here, for love of humanity and for its salvation.

Therefore, on this day, as I have shown you, I come to renew and reconsecrate this forest with the name of "Forest of Harmony and Contemplation", as a new extension of the Marian Centre of Figueira.

All the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary will be erected here, through small altars that will be built so that souls may contemplate all the facts and mysteries of the Holy Family.

The Forest of Harmony and Contemplation will be the space offered to pilgrim souls and to all those who live here so that they may rediscover the Grace of feeling loved by God, through the recitation of the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary.

The Forest of Harmony and Contemplation will also lead souls, in the current area of the hut, Oca, to stand before a small lake and, in its center, the image that today has been offered to Me on the altar.

For this to be possible and given the urgency of this space, your Heavenly Mother summons all consecrated Children of Mary to take care of this sacred place.

I also wish that under each space of the altar dedicated to the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, there would be small gardens with benches, so that there would be a space for contemplation at each station.

At the same time, I also aspire that in the lake of Your Holy Lady there may be various species of plants and a small waterfall, a source, so that souls may receive the Grace of the healing of their emotions.

If this were to be fulfilled, as I have requested, I promise that this new area of the Marian Centre will be a place of blessings and miracles for all who come here in faith.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of the Sacred Forest of Figueira.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear children,

Despite the falls and the deserts, you are here today before Me.

Despite the tribulations and agonies, you are here today before Me.

Despite what seems uncertain and impossible to you and humanity, you are here today before Me.

Despite what the whole world and this civilization are experiencing, despite the conflicts that continue to expand and aggravate, despite the division in families, dear children, you are here today before Me, and the Inner Light of the Kingdom of Lys ignites in the hearts that believe in it. The Inner Sanctuary emerges from the inner worlds and, through souls, illuminates the tribulation of these times, so that all contrary currents may be dispelled and dissolved, so that the most lost souls in this world, especially those in great spiritual captivity due to the interference of My adversary, may attain liberation and peace.

Children, despite everything, you are here today, before your Heavenly Mother, while going through the end of times, still learning from the unknown that this planetary moment represents.

Children, have faith. You are here today before Me, and nothing, in this world and in any other world, can prevent this.

Today the Woman Clothed with the Sun, that Great and Humble Lady who appeared and made the sky of Fatima shine, bringing the gift of Prophecy and of Message, is here again today with all Her children and the world.

And this is the great testimony of My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, that, despite all that you and your brothers and sisters of the world may live, you have the Grace of being here today before Me, so that you may reconsecrate yourselves once again to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, so that this light that you ignite today through your candles may not only ignite your inner worlds in Faith, in Hope and in God’s Mercy, but this Inner Light of the Kingdom of Lys, which emerges today from the hearts that believe in it may redeem this world, convert this civilization of the surface, awaken the consciousness of human beings to the gift of peace, love and the good.

Despite everything that your Heavenly Mother sees at this planetary moment, the relief of Her Immaculate Heart is today in those who are here before Me. This is not a part of a mystery, it is rather a part of the revelation of My Love for you, My children, of the perpetual prayer for each one of you and for your loved ones, so that you may always find again, every day, the paths to peace, to good and charity, precious gifts that will allow you to live in the Unity of God.

Therefore, My beloved children, do not believe in your weaknesses. Believe in the gifts and virtues, which My Father gave and granted to you through the Presence of My Beloved Son, the Christ.

In the face of a world in chaos, perdition and confusion, do not forget that Fatima will always lead you to peace, and that Her Sacred Spiritual Sanctuary, formed by precious souls of this world, is unconditionally rekindled for all of humanity on every thirteenth.

Through the legacy of My Apparitions in Fatima and, mainly, through My Message to the world, I come to invite you to cross the portal to universality, in which God is for all without conditions, in which He opens the doors to all His Creatures, especially to the most sinning and lost ones.

Today, when you light this candle before your hearts, which represents the perpetual and eternal flame of Lys, the inexhaustible Love of Mary for all Her children, I invite you to give your gifts and virtues to God, so that He may relieve suffering, hopelessness, indifference and the lack of love between brothers and sisters of this world.

After so many years of meetings with My Immaculate Heart, I come to ask you for something very simple and yet profound. I want your lives, as of today, to be the very Message of Fatima, so that the original purity of this race may not become lost, so that hope may return to the divided families of this world, so that the Unity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit may be a blessing to all, so that more souls of this world may find again faith and communion with My Son.

Today, Lys opens its great portal of Peace and Mercy with Poland and, through the Sacred Retreat of My Son, Galileum, the holy Hierarchies of the universe and all the angels that accompany your Lady today transubstantiate the most corrupt matters of this surface, converting Mercy into gifts of Grace, endowments and a special gift of God for each one of My children, a spiritual gift that He grants to you through My Maternal Heart.

Lys comes to correct what no one wants to correct. Not with severity, but rather with love, with charity, and with service on the part of the angels of the Kingdom of Lys, which are present today in the orbit of the Earth, united to the great network of universal supplication, through My Sacred Heavenly Mirrors.

May the codes of purity, peace, reconciliation, Mercy, forgiveness and redemption renew today the lives of all My children, especially of those who are desperate and lost, especially of those who no longer believe in the Love of God.

Today, My transmuting Heart offers to liberate the ties and chains of My children, that which imprisons all souls and does not allow them to walk towards God.

He has asked Me, on this May 13, to bring you His Graces and Gifts, present to you again His Face of Mercy and Pity, eternal Presence of the One God Who, with His Face, illuminates the path of His children, guides souls to the inner Purpose of existence, to a reencounter with purity and original innocence.

May this Sacred Sanctuary of the Kingdom of Lys be exposed today as the Teraphim of the Mother of the World, in this month when the seeds of the Light of the Hierarchy are sown. In the coming months and times, may your transformation be a reality, rather than pain. May you walk with renewed hope, ignited for all those who suffer and who do not know, for the consciousness of this wounded blue planet.

Today, Your Heavenly Mother presents to you the Graces of God, as a merit of fidelity of those who follow the Immaculate Heart of Mary through perpetual and untiring prayer.

This is why I say to you again, as at the beginning: Beloved children, rejoice, and suffer no more! You are here today before My Immaculate Heart, which is the Tabernacle that offers itself to each one of you so that you may carry it with you in your essence, in your souls, and so that you may contemplate My Heart in your hearts, and may always be united to Me in spirit and soul, so that the great door of Mercy expressed by Poland may never close, so that souls in the whole world may believe in the Mercy of God and in the end of captivity that the Return of Christ will bring.

In simple words, My children, I ask you today, on May 13, for your lives to be My very Message of Fatima to the world. I ask you to be instruments of peace and good, to seek unity in all circumstances of life, to seek fraternity, appreciating the differences, sublimating your own ideas and centering in the Flame of God’s Purpose, in His Eternal and Inexhaustible Love, which My Immaculate Heart brings to you today as a testimony of Peace and Love to the world.

This is why I receive again, from your inner worlds, the Act of Consecration to My Immaculate Heart:


Immaculate Heart of Mary, 
strength, light, protection and hope,
in You we are renewed, to You we consecrate ourselves
so that we may be witnesses, now and forever,
of the triumph of Your Immaculate Heart
in all of humanity.

(three times)


Now, so that the love of the Kingdom of Lys-Fatima may radiate to the whole world, you will sing at this special moment: “Ave, Ave Maria”, and with you, you will feel the guardian angels elevating this offering to the Heart of the Eternal Father, so that the most profound experiences of love and forgiveness, charity, good and fraternity may be established in the world in these times, as the preamble to the triumph of My Immaculate Heart.

Sing to the Mother of God.

Song: “Ave, Ave Maria.”

Today, My Maternal and Immaculate Heart rises to Heaven, carrying with it the flowers of souls and of all hearts, perpetual fruits of prayer from the heart. Flowers that I will place at the Feet of the Celestial Father, so that He may continue to grant Graces to this suffering world, through the gift of peace and hope to the world, under the spirit of renewal of the Kingdom of Lys.

I grant you the reconsecration to My Immaculate Heart and, through the reconsecration of your souls, I reconsecrate humanity to the Heart of Mary.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Go in peace.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

I will start the account for the moment of the Apparition.

You saw that my diction. of some words would not come out very well. It was not for lack of concentration or for not clearly seeing Mary, so to say. On the contrary, the energy that She brought today was quite impactful.

As the Divine Mother said, She brought us today the Kingdom of Lys, Her Inner Sanctuary. And through the Kingdom of Lys, She brought us the great portal that Poland expresses through the channel of Divine Mercy. Through the union of this place, Lys in Portugal and the channel of Mercy in Poland, the spiritual Hierarchy and the angelic Hierarchy carried out a great task in the orbit of our planet.

You remember a passage of the Message, when Mary said that, despite all things that She mentioned to us today, all reasons, situations that may separate us from God in these times of tribulation, She stated: “You are here today before Me.” Can we really understand what it means for our lives to be before Our Lady?

She made this question to us so that we may ask ourselves in our prayers: “Do we have faith that She is here, and has made a miracle in the life of each one of us, beyond the ups and downs that we will go through?"

She was saying this with a profound Love that was springing from Her Heart. And as She said this, while the spiritual and angelic Hierarchy was carrying out this task on the planet, Our Lady would pick this inner Light of each one of us, which She showed, this Light, which is our essence, the Light which is our true being, not all the layers that sometimes cover us and bring us problems.

Mary revealed to us our Inner Light, which She has been preciously nourishing year after year, moment by moment, not only here, but also in Her children that are now at the Sanctuary of Fatima.

Something that Mother Emmaus said to us in the intention of her prayer, Mary affirmed today: all that which allowed this profoundly spiritual, though a little unknown movement, was simplicity. That we may be before the simplicity of Mary, Her humility and service. All the time, She invites us to live these attributes, that they may be a reference for our lives, and being this reference to our lives, we will be united to Her Heart..

Mary said today that the life of Heaven is very simple.

And when I said that the words would not come very well during the Apparition, it was for what She was showing. At a moment of the Message she said: “Today, the Sanctuary of Lys is formed through all souls that believe in Lys.”

What She showed was that this Sanctuary was being mirrored, it was reflecting within each one and each one of us had a part in this Sanctuary, we were perfect parts that Our Lady had spiritually built in souls. And today these parts have perfectly united as one. And do you know what happened? The inner Sanctuary of Lys expressed itself, where all of us were gathered with Mary, Our Lady.

To conclude, She told us about our reconsecration, as the Fountain of Graces that Mary brought today was open. So we have to know today that we carry a Grace that She gave us for our lives and for those whom we will meet on our paths.

Mary asks us in these times to be instruments of peace, and to move away from separation, criticism, discord, the lack of fraternity and of love. If we continue to do this today, She says that we are not living Her Message. But She also said that She has faith that this would change, because if we are here today before Mary, it is because we can change.

This was the very simple and profound Message that She brought to us today and, to conclude, She asked us to reconsecrate ourselves to Her Immaculate Heart.

Then we sang “Ave, Ave Maria”. She did not sing because She does not sing to Herself. Look at Her degree of humility and simplicity. She only smiled, listening to our voices, perhaps out of tune, but what comes out of the heart is the most in tune that exists, the love we give to Her and She reciprocates with a Love greater than the one we have.

At this moment of song and communion with the Heart of Mary, we reconsecrated ourselves. And She left an open path in each one of our lives, so that we may dare to tread it, which is the path of our inner Purpose, what we have truly come to do in our lives, and what we have come to serve.

She said She will always be by our side, even if Her public task ends someday, because what we will have, as a great treasure, is the Love that She has poured out to us meeting after meeting.

And today She left here happy, even while She contemplated the world in chaos during the Apparition. But when souls ignite, through the Heart of Mary, She said, “The adversary, error and sin do not prevail.” We leave these coordinates, because we are united to God through Her.

I tried to make the explanation as detailed as possible, so, to close this transmission, we invite you again to finish this special Pilgrimage here in Brazil the next weekend, which is the 19th, the 20th and the 21st, when the Three Sacred hearts will be here with us.

Therefore, feel inspired to call your family members, friends, those who need to receive the Love of the Hierarchy, who are so filled with Love, that They need to pour it out upon us, the Love of God.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As Mary said, let us go in peace.

Thank you all.

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The family is precious for God, an irrefutable and inexhaustible treasure that has been a part of His Creative Project from the beginning.

After My Son descended from the Heavens, and incarnated in this world, He called the apostles to follow and imitate Him, to follow His steps of Will and Love. This request was permeated with the Higher Will of God.

But, for both His apostles and for His followers, leaving one’s family to live the Plan was something very painful. The key that My Son would deliver to them was full trust in His Heart and His Presence. What He could give as a legacy to His companions was that, through the trust of each of His own in Him, perpetual communion and unity could be established between the apostles and the families they would leave.

Today, I come with this very peculiar and at the same time deep Message, because your Heavenly Mother has brought a family that has been incarnated here on Earth and today is not. It is present on the inner planes, silently accompanying the expression and emanation of the Centers of Light.

These souls, whom I have by My side, are the parents of Mother María Shimani. Through these presences, which accompany Me here today in a special way, I come to testify, as the Slave of the Lord, that all true effort in the life of this matter, above all the effort of giving one’s life for God and His Plan, has a special merit for the Eternal Father, which He grants to all the followers of Christ who surrender their very best of their life: their families.

This is why I come here to testify, in the name of My Son, that when a soul truly serves Christ and leaves their family to serve a Greater and unknown Plan, this soul and the souls that comprise their family will never be abandoned, despite the distance or even the spiritual separation. For My Son knows what it means for an incarnated soul to separate from their family to respond to a call without even knowing if it will be successful.

But this is the gift of trust in Christ that moves the souls that serve God to follow the paths of transformation with bravery and courage, because all this will later yield fruits of conversion and redemption, in which the family is included.

It is in this way that all souls that surrender their families for the sake of My Son, open the door to the conversion of their loved ones, even if in this life they do not want to hear the call, because the real call begins, My children, in their inner world. That is where My Son sows His gifts, that is where My Son deposits His treasures, for which we must untiringly pray, because each being on this planet has their moment to hear the call and awaken, even if they have denied God throughout their life.

This is why I bring you today the parents of the Mother as a testimony, as an example of conversion and also as an example of spiritual awakening after this life. For you know, beloved children, that life does not end here. On the other side is the true spiritual life, in which all will find themselves someday, not only as a family that has been incarnated on this planet to learn love and forgiveness, but also as a family that can evolve in spirit and unite again with the blessed ones and saints in the Celestial Church.

This must be the aim of the surrender of each one of you: not only your transformation and conversion, but also that each step you take on the spiritual path greatly benefits your loved ones, even those who have their door closed to Mercy.

A sincere and true act of surrender for My Son opens the doors for the opportunity of the whole family.

As the Mother of all families in the world, I come to thank the souls that have been persevering in praying for the families of the whole world.

I come to renew this prayer which you offer weekly, and to tell all My sons and daughters, whether children, youths, adults or the elderly, that you should always keep this prayer in mind. For you know, My beloved children, that the family is the main Project of God for this planet, and it is being greatly attacked, divided and separated from that which is true and essential.

If you did not know, My beloved children, each family must express an attribute of God on this Earth, an experience that is being boycotted by My enemy, through the lack of prayer in families and through not deeply understanding the reason why they are gathered and united in this incarnation.

In this way, I invite you to renew this prayer for families, through the archetype and principle of the Sacred Family of Nazareth. In this way, families will be able to consecrate themselves to the Sacred Family of Nazareth and, in these times of tribulation and persecution through modernity, souls may not lose sight of their inner Purpose, because each soul of the family has a Purpose for God.

Today, I take this time to give you this Message, because My Eyes cry, night and day, at seeing families so separated and divided because they lose their sacred communion with God.

For this reason, the Eternal Father has thought everything from its origin, since before the emergence of the first families on this planet through Adam and Eve. The Father thought that the way to renew His Project was through the families that will dare to live the experience of their own consecration through the Islands of Salvation.

This is why I come to expand the Message that My Son has given you in recent times and in this latest Marathon: because to receive families, you must have a very open mind and, above all, a very open heart. The families will not change overnight, it is your love that will make families change their outlook.

The Sacred Project of the family of Israel needs to be renewed, and your Most Holy Mother is responsible, before the Creator, for the fulfillment of this Project. When a family is not sustained within an Island of Salvation, this has a repercussion that you do not know.

I call you to place dialog as the first thing, to understand the language of each family, to support their steps and decisions. But without love this is not possible.

Thus, spiritually, the different families that will find their place within the Islands of Salvation, and that must have their place within the Islands of Salvation to express their family project of love, will help the other families in the world, because many families are quickly going astray.

How many families have gone astray while I am here, speaking to you?

The influences of these times leave families in a dead end, hypnotized and interfered with by the things of the world. In this way, they move away from love and truth, from the true Purpose of each family on the planet.

This is another reason why My Son will return. He will come to seek the families of the world so that the sacred people of Israel may be renewed and finally live in the Promised Land, in that space that My Son has promised to all from the beginning.

Each day that passes in this final time, your Work and, above all, your hearts, will find on their paths the call and request for help from many families, large and separated families, single mothers and married mothers.

All the families on Earth are crying with a request for help, and the Sacred Hearts, aware of the importance of the main Project of God, which is the family, will always intercede and intervene so that most families in the world, which are being genetically modified, may awaken in time, and turn to God. Ask from your hearts, in inner prayer, for those families to receive the help and Grace they need, so that the doors that My enemy opens toward what is uncertain may close, and families may be protected under the support of the Sacred Family of Nazareth.

This is why I invite you to look more deeply at what is happening around you, especially in those families that are near and in those families that call you asking for help. Go meet families, just as My Son Jesus always did, without concepts, without personal ideas, without prejudice, without anything that may condition their pain and suffering.  

My Heart suffers the most for the genetic modification that families are undergoing today, and the most horrendous ways in which human beings are created. This is going against the Law of Life, the Law of Love and the sacred archetype of the family.

Do you understand now the need to pay greater attention to the Prayer for Families?

In a world with more than eight billion people, it must not happen that only forty people pray for families.

Can you understand what I am saying for the sake of love?

What is happening, My children? Have you asked yourselves?

I take this time because My Son has asked Me to, because He has allowed Me to.

Our hearts reveal the most profound things for the hearts that are truly open. Do not justify yourselves any longer!

Today, the prayers that I carry in My Heart will help many families of Africa and Asia, stricken by conflicts in nations and peoples, by the impunity that corrals families in a place with no way out.

In the Prayer for Families, I want you to include a special intention for Me: pray for the immigrant families, forgotten in the streets of this world, unheard due to indifference, to the lack of fraternity and love, also for families who die in the oceans of the world.

I would like to ask humanity:

Have you ever wondered what the Mother of God, the Mother of Humanity, feels, when families disappear in the seas of the world, when children are not helped in their shipwreck?

How can the world sleep with a peaceful conscience, when bodies float in the oceans?

What is happening to today’s humanity, capable of aborting and outraging the Law of Life without any feeling?

Do you understand now why the world is the way it is?

My Words would not suffice to describe all that is really happening in the world. This is why My Son has called you today for an immediate definition. The time is now, and there will be no other.

I thank you for being open to listen to the truth and really do something for this to change. This will begin in yourselves, not in others, by observing every day what you need to improve. 

In this place and in any other place of this Work conceived by Our Sacred Hearts, there must no longer be space for complaints. If you complain, it means you cannot understand Mercy. The effort is first of all yours, so that the effort may later be lived in the whole world.

Do not forget to continue to pray for the unborn. I need you to take responsibility for these souls, for the pardon of sinners, those who foster this outrage to the Heart of God.

For this call to resound in the innermost depth of the consciousness, in the four corners of this world, I come to ask you for a song, so that you may meditate while you listen to this melody, and relive this Message as many times as needed. The more times you do it, the better your response will be.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

In the Presence of the Virgin Mary, we will  listen to “Encounter with Mary in the heart.”


I bless you and encourage you to move forward for Christ, renewing each step of your lives in gratitude and love.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Song: “Encounter with Mary in the heart.”


My dear children,

Today, as Mother of Mercy and before the infinite ocean of My Son's Mercy, I collect from the hearts the offers and prayers that are addressed to Christ, so that, in this time, He transforms human misery into Mercy and into Compassion.

For this reason, My children, once again, the life and spirit of each one of you is before the threshold of Divine Mercy, waiting for the Law of Atonement to act in humanity in the face of so many events that are taking place in the world.

May their souls be depositaries of the Love of My Son and of His Unfathomable Mercy.

May your acts, gestures and actions be merciful so that this civilization, of the present times, may recover its contact with the essence of Love-Wisdom, so that evil, hatred, revenge and impunity may be dissolved in the human heart, and so that each of My children may remember that they can return to God and know Him within themselves, in the depths of silence and supplicating prayer.

Dear children, Divine Mercy still must to be known in the world, it must be practiced and experienced by all; because as long as there are no merciful souls, there will be no peace in the world, the war will not stop.

Mercy is the door of salvation that My Son opened in His Side, where the tributaries of Water and Blood are mysteries of expiation and forgiveness for those who surrender to the Love of Jesus.

Children, may Mercy be the announcement of hope and peace for the wounded world.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

May joy flow from you today for this reunion with the Sacred Hearts in May, when your souls are to celebrate the month of My Motherly and Immaculate Heart.

After all the special work, carried out by Christ in Israel, today your Heavenly Mother, the Lady of Figueira, returns to reopen the Fountain of Graces, so that these much needed Graces may be poured out upon My children.

Also, in a special way, your Mother Aparecida returns to protect the Spiritual Purpose of Brazil and to help the angel of the Brazilian nation; because Brazil, as a people, will always move forward, beyond all that is not very transparent that happens in these times.

Remember, My children, that in Fatima, the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary revealed to the visionaries the spiritual mission that Brazil, as the heart of the world, would have at the end of times.

Now, when in the month of May, souls will make their last decisions, after all the Graces received from Israel through My Beloved Son; your Most Holy Mother returns to Brazil to strengthen the mission that you have as a country and that should also be reflected through the hearts of all Brazilians.

Thus, responding to the Requests of the Most High Eternal Father, the Three Sacred Hearts meet again in the month of May in South America; so that this region of the planet does not forget that Our loving gaze is always upon the New Eden of God, it is upon Brazil and its sister nations.

I invite you to prepare these upcoming meetings under the gift of joy, of gladness, under the Grace of the reencounter of brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Figueira.


My dear children,

In the Law of Self-giving, you will find the inner strength to go through this moment, even if it seems impossible to you. For without self-giving, you will never understand God’s Will and all that He desires for your lives.

My children, self-giving is a master key that opens the door to piety and humility.

There is no way to understand or perceive what the Eternal Father traces with His Divine Thought, without first living by the Law of Self-giving.

Under that Sacred Law, you will purify yourselves. Under that Law, you will transcend yourselves. Under that Law, you will learn to be unconditional and righteous, just as Christ was until the last moment of expiring on the Cross.

Without self-giving, it is impossible to redeem the world and its sins.

Christ comes, through His Word, to awaken in you, My children, the commitment to embrace the Law of Self-giving, just as My son embraced the Cross and kissed it.

This is the moment, this is the great moment, in which Jesus will prove his fidelity to the Law of Self-giving, imperiously necessary to balance the evils of war, the impunity in nations, the indifference to those who suffer, the separatist ideologies of these times. For the Law of Self-giving will make you reunite again and again with your true essence; and in that inner communion with the essential, you will not be disturbed or intimidated. You will no longer believe, for yourselves, that the place and the moment that My Son entrusted to you to donate yourselves, does not make sense.

The opposite of self-giving is self-absorption. The opposite of self-giving is believing that you should no longer serve.

This is the exercise of the end times: self-giving without expecting anything in return, trusting that everything will be contemplated in you, even the smallest thing.

Think and meditate on all that I have told you, for My Son expects mature souls.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.


Dear children,

My Love is the caress of God to His Creatures.

It is His Love, so abundant and infinite, that many times souls do not know how to distinguish it.

For this reason, He sends Me, on behalf of My Son, as the Mother of the Love of God so that souls and, above all, essences remember that, in themselves, they keep a small particle of the Greater Love within; and that without this Supreme Love it is not possible to learn or evolve in this world.

My Son came into the world to teach you about Love; about a mature Love, donated and unconditional; a Love that was given for those who were rejected, discriminated against and repudiated.

The Love of Christ is the Love for sinners, for the lost and for those who no longer find love within themselves.

As Mother of Divine Love, I come on this day to remind you that, beyond all imperfection or error, within you dwells that Love which makes you part of this school planet and of this great universe that awaits you, again and again, so that you may learn how to evolve.

But, My Children, do not forget that the expression of this Christic Love begins in the smallest, in the day by day, with all those who live and are around you.

All that My Son taught you cannot be in vain and remain without effect.

Give to the Greater Love the place it deserves in your lives and with your brothers and sisters, for in this way barriers will be dissolved, wounds will be healed and souls, in their journey, will be reborn by the authentic power of the Love of the Eternal Father.

Today, as if for the first time, I ask this of you; because the world continues to move toward indifference, toward a way of life empty of God and empty of His Presence, in which tendencies and ideologies take first place in people’s lives to distance them from God and their true essence.

Therefore, meditate on:

Where in my life does the Love of Christ work?

Do I leave space and do I not resist so that this Love can transform me and transform the world?

Do I believe in the power of the Greater Love?

Thus, My children, My Words will not be just words, they will not be just another Message that is only heard and nothing happens in My children.

The world needs authentic pillars of Love so that, in time, the global deviation of humanity from its true and unique Purpose may be corrected.

I thank you for responding to My call with attention.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As Mother of the Sepulcher, I am waiting for My children, for those who will still have to be resurrected in spirit for this time of transition, when souls live and face unexpected and incomprehensible situations.

For this reason, with all the holy women, the Mother of God deepens in Her perpetual prayer, to ask the Son of God for Grace, to grant the spiritual resurrection for all those who need it, especially for those children of Mine who left the Path of Christ.

But this is also a mystery for the entire human mind, because only God knows the moment and the hour that this will happen, to grant spiritual resurrection to My children of the world.

Today, on this special day for your Heavenly Mother, as a special day for all the followers of Christ, I come on a pilgrimage with you to Rome, following the same path that your Heavenly Mother followed with the holy women and Joseph of Arimathea, bringing the Sacred Relics of Christ for all of Europe and the whole world.

And on this path of spiritual and inner pilgrimage, your Heavenly Mother reignites the Inner Centers again, those that the Spiritual Hierarchy has governed from the beginning; since it was granted to the world to have the Inner Centers of the Hierarchy present on the surface of this planet, so that all souls, in their diversity and in their paths, find through the Inner Centers the impulse they need to live redemption.

For this reason, we are here today, and everything is transformed again, so that the universe takes advantage of each moment that is lived to grant souls, who have not yet been spiritually resurrected, the Grace of liberation.

And after all the itinerary lived in the Holy Land, an inner pilgrimage towards the Relics and Holy Places of My Son, your Heavenly Mother returns to accompany the world through this Work, donating the Christic codes of love and redemption in the souls so that everyone has, once again, the opportunity for redemption.

I want you to contemplate for a moment all the stages that you lived in the Holy Land, because this will be poured out as a Grace in the consciousness of humanity.

You, My beloved children, are part of this Project of humanity on the surface. When a soul of Christ takes a step towards Him, all of humanity receives that impulse, even if it does not deserve it.

How far does the infinity of God's Love go, that your Mother, tireless and eternal, continues to walk together with Her children, together with the sacred people of Israel, today spread throughout the planet and that must be imperiously prepared for the Return of Christ?  

But to be in the face of the great moment of the arrival of My Son, you need those Christic codes to be able to understand that event.

No one could be in front of the Return of Christ as something common or transitory. For this reason, through My Son, I come to offer the world the codes of the Sacred Relics of the Redeemer that, in these last days, through the Sacred Week, were highly exposed for souls on a spiritual and internal level.

For this reason, I am here. And today, through Israel and Italy, I create a bridge of Light between the sacred and between the apostolate. Because from all those who contemplate the Sacred Relics of Christ in the Holy Land, the impulse of the apostolic and missionary life can be born so that the Codes of Christ are shared with humanity.

Dear children, Rome has been the site of many historical events. The successor of My Son, Saint Peter, was here and in this place, he lived his great surrender to Christ. As a good Mother, I wept for that moment and even on My pilgrimage with the Sacred Relics together with the holy women and also together with Saint Joseph of Arimathea, we were here with Saint Peter to encourage him and so that he could carry forward that great task that My Son entrusted to him, of opening the doors of Heaven for all hearts through the Christic life, through service and love for others. And this was fulfilled, just as it was foreseen by Christ.

And now, I am here to complete this moment with you, aspiring that after this Sacred Week your hearts will have lived an inner experience that enriches and strengthens your spiritual journey so that, starting from this new cycle that will begin after the Sacred Week, your paths are more mature and defined.

Because Christ still expects you to accompany Him to support the planetary cross and this, dear children, is not something symbolic, but deeply spiritual and true. Thus, He will know when He will be able to return, because He needs his apostles and followers to be ready.

Who will accompany Him when He is here, on the planet, in everything that the Master will do at that moment?

This is nothing imaginary nor is it a fantasy, My dear children. The King of the Universe will touch the soil of this planet with His Feet.

He will reunite the tribes of Israel spread throughout the planet and will call them to meet with Him again, for His Voice will be more than thunder and His Call will resonate more than this material universe, and He will ask you:

"Companions, what have you done with everything I have given you?"

 And so, the Prophecy of Christ will be fulfilled again through the parables that He taught everyone.

Will you be ready to answer Him at that moment?

Now, you will be able to understand the importance of inner preparation and attunement; because, as it was said by the Lord Himself, My Beloved Son will not announce the day or the hour that He will arrive, He will appear in a way never seen before and His signs will be impactful and not tenuous.

Those who never believed in Him will be able to believe and everything will be unmasked, because His Law that no stone will be left on stone will be fulfilled again; and that moment needs to be supported by everyone, especially by those who have defined themselves as His apostles and disciples, the apostles and disciples of the end of these times.

For this reason, He sends Me here, to Rome; and thus He sends you, as He sent the apostles, to various regions of the planet to bear witness to His Love, through example and not so much through words, to bear witness to His Truth through the example of your transformation, and not so much of your appearances, to bear witness to His Path through your faith and not your fanaticism.

The path that My Son indicates to everyone is very clear and free of secondary intentions. The apostolate of the end of these times is also something unique, because it is the apostolate of the transition of the end of times, of a well-marked before and after for the entire consciousness of humanity.

I wanted to bring this Message to all My beloved children, because I come to close everything that has happened in this recent Sacred Week.

The Plan of the Hierarchy is on the table. It has already been evenly divided. Now, who will take their part and be that fundamental piece that the Hierarchy needs? So that, in this time of the Rescue Plan, the Spiritual Hierarchy is able to carry out Its operations and everything that is yet to happen beyond the chaos of the planet, beyond the conflicts or confrontations between nations and peoples, beyond all situations, known or unknown.

This is the time to concretize the commitment and for the apostles of Christ, who appeal to follow His Path to the end, to stop remaining on the periphery and focus on the center of God's Purpose.

I know that what I am saying cannot encompass all of your consciousnesses; for this reason, I must perpetually pray that you are wide awake. That is what My Son has imperiously asked of Me; thus, in each new stage, you can live what Christ offers you out of love.

I would like to end this Message, My dear children, by thanking all those who prayed for the Mission to Israel and also those who will continue to pray for the Mission in Turkey.

The Middle East urgently needs the doors of Mercy to be open to that region. Let us continue praying, dear children, for all that the Hierarchy needs to materialize in that region of the planet.

Thus, My beloved, you will be able to confirm, at this moment and in this cycle, how far the Work of the Hierarchy has reached, from the emergence of the Figueira Light-Community to the present.

I am grateful to those who continue in faith and who aspire every day to drink a little more from the Source of My Son's Love to learn to go through these unknown and difficult times, to learn to surpass themselves in love.

In the name of My Son, as Mother and Lady of Israel, I thank you for everything that has happened, because today the sparks of Light of the Internal Retreats of Christ are kept ignited in the Middle East by the efforts of the apostles of Christ, by all those who dare to say yes.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses and loves you,

Mary, Rose of Peace

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


My dear children,

May God always be worshipped and His Unfathomable Presence acknowledged.

Dear children, before the Most Blessed Sacrament, on Mount Tabor, your Heavenly Mother calls you to enter into the preamble of the coming Sacred Week, in which My Son will give Himself for you so that you may be redeemed and have life in abundance.

Dear children, before Jesus triumphantly enters Jerusalem, you, His apostles of the end times, may give your offering to the Creator, for His Celestial Church will be open and the offerings of your hearts may be deposited at the Feet of the Lord.

I speak of a sincere offer because, in this coming Sacred Week, souls will have to make their offering in order to alleviate the suffering of the world, in order to eradicate the indifference in the face of so many unexpected situations that humanity is experiencing.

Dear children, as your Heavenly Mother, I will accompany you on this path of beginning to accept the Christic path of redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children, 

Today, with joy and deep rejoicing, I meet you in Israel.

Once again, the Eternal Father has given Me the Grace to be here, in My Sacred Land, in the Sacred Land of Adonai.

Today, I invite you to remember Me, not only as your Mother of Israel, but also as the Servant who walked and stepped upon this sacred soil; who together with the faithful followers of Christ, the holy women, your Heavenly Mother shared and lived unforgettable moments.

I want you to feel at home, in the House of Adonai.

May each place that you visit in the Holy Land represent for you the feeling and the experience, just like My Heart experienced and felt for each child of this humanity.

I am happy to know that you will have the Grace of coming to know My House in Nazareth, that you will be able to be in the sacred place where I worked and prayed with My companions, the holy women, where we lived long hours of adoration and spiritual communion with the Lord.

I wish that now, My companions of the end of time, My daughters, helpers and adorers of the Lord, could gather in their hearts the most true and humble experiences that your Heavenly Mother lived so long ago, experiences that, later on, led Me to live My Assumption.

Like the holy women of the past, live each moment in the Holy Land as something unique and indelible, and strengthen your offer through My Heart.

Once again, I rejoice to have you here with Me, in the Land of the Lord, the place where He preached, healed and liberated the sins of the world.

 I thank you for responding to My call!

 Who blesses you,

 Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

Your Celestial Mother is preparing, on this day, to again enter the Middle East, through the Mission of Turkey and the Mission of Israel.

For this reason, My children, from now on, I call upon you and I invite you to pray much more, with all your heart, so that each step and each footprint that My Son will leave imprinted at each stage of this pilgrimage may mean and represent, not only for the Middle East but also for the whole world, the possibility of being once again before the Christic Codes achieved by Jesus in this humanity.

For this reason, My children, in a spirit of reconciliation and joy, I invite you to follow this spiritual itinerary of redemption, which My Beloved Son will offer to all during the coming Sacred Week.

Thus, My dear children, you will also be living tabernacles in which the Love of Christ can be deposited within this world moment of transition.

For this, My children, do not forget what I asked you a few weeks ago, that consciously you may live the Sacraments of Confession and Communion; a deep penance so that many situations may be avoided in this world.

In these coming days, humanity will be before the spiritual and internal deeds that Christ left imprinted in the soul of this planet. Do not miss the opportunity to recognize within yourselves the Love of God so that love triumphs in this humanity, so that redemption triumphs within hearts.

Now, I will continue on my way to Israel. My footsteps of Light aspire to open the doors of the repairing Grace upon My children in these coming days.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Through this meeting today, you have removed many thorns from My Immaculate Heart. This Heart is no longer bleeding due to the pain and suffering for My children, though the world is in darkness.

Today, this Immaculate Heart of the Most Holy Mother of God is illuminated and re-ignited through the prayers of Her children, of all Children of Mary.

But this event, which happens today within My Heart, is not only due to this moment which you have, in honesty, mysteriously lived with Me and through Me with God; but it is also due to all moments that you have shared with Me in the prayer of the heart, which prepared this event in the most intimate and profound part of My Maternal Heart.

I know you will not understand what this means. Thus, I come today to expose My illuminated Heart, to demonstrate to God the response of His Creatures in this world, of those who foster peace and the good in humanity and unite to all brothers and sisters of this planet, regardless of religion or beliefs.

Because the center and the energy that unites all of humanity is the Love of God, something that the world is losing, and it is a commitment from you: being  able to recover it every day, first of all through your sincere acts of love for those beside you or even within your families, because you know in which situation the families of humanity are in, subjected to ideologies, hypnotized by technologies and put to the test at each moment of life.

Therefore, through sincere and honest prayer, every day until My Beloved Son returns, you must have your families be this spiritual cell that God needs in these final times.

Protect the values of the family of this humanity, even from your very selves, the values that in these times are being eradicated and rooted out through a so-called freedom that comes from many people in this world, deceived by My enemy, deviated from their spiritual paths and their Purpose.

These are the thorns that you have removed from My Maternal Heart, through the prayer of all Children of Mary. In this way, I can count on you in each task and request that the Father makes to Me to protect His Project of humanity.

And although everything in this world moves hastily, I only ask you to stop and think. In these times, do not decide impulsively, do not allow your minds to deceive and confuse you. Before everything, enter the sacred universe of prayer, as you are doing at this moment and have done at other moments. Thus not only will your consciousnesses be united to the Heights, to the Source that many still do not seek today, but you will also be protected and supported by the sacred spiritual energy of prayer.

Today, I would like to thank the Grace Mercy Order and all collaborators of the Marian Centers, who make the sincere and honest effort of elevating the values of divine spirituality on the surface of this humanity, through the hidden life of the Marian Centers, sacred epicenters of Light of the Spiritual Hierarchy, which mirror gifts, attributes and Graces upon those who seek them.

The pillars of these Marian Centers are My children. A Center of Grace and Mercy cannot sustain itself without the constant presence of all Children of Mary.

This is why I maternally want to tell you that I have been having the great joy, throughout these last years, not only of seeing the Marian Centers being concretized as Islands of Salvation, but also of contemplating, with love and joy, each moment of liturgy shared at the Marian Centers, each offering that was made by each one of you, regardless of your purifications and of your deserts.

Although it does not seem so, all the Marian Centers and Sanctuaries of the world were opened by Me so that souls might drink from the Source of Healing and Reconciliation.

Therefore, I ask the brave warriors and stewards of the Marian Centers to never give up. At each passing day, the hidden life of the Marian Centers will be more necessary and urgent for souls.

You must allow the Spiritual Source, that is open at each Marian Center, to never close, because little by little, day by day, week by week, you have seen for yourselves the serious thirst of the souls that are far from God and in conflict with Higher Love. Therefore, your welcoming, reception, attention and, above all, kindness for the pilgrims, is something that cannot be understood in these times.

This is why I ask you now to be attentive to the signs that I will send through the pilgrim hearts, because they are My children too, they are Children of God who deserve the same redemption that you are receiving. They need to be before the Fountain of Grace, just as you have been many times.

See what modernity does to My children. Could you be more united to Me, despite everything, just as the Hierarchy is united and concentrated on God, in the face of the hardest hells of this world?

You must not miss the opportunities, My children, because My time with you is ending and My Word is not in vain, because I come as the Great Messenger of God, as the Great Mirror of the Father’s Love, which comes to include and welcome all creatures, regardless of their spiritual debts, for it is Love and Grace that converts what is impossible into something possible, transfigures darkness into light, and redeems perdition into freedom.

Today, I want to withdraw from here with this feeling lived and shared with all Children of Mary and, especially with the stewards and guardians of the Marian Centers, because at this moment I have the joy of again contemplating that which each Marian Center has been able to express up to the present moment.

More than your hands and arms to serve the Marian Centers, I need your hearts, loving and peaceful hearts that someday, with the mere presence of My children who guard the Marian Centers, can bless the spaces and make them sacred, just as your Heavenly Mother blesses each meeting and makes it sacred.

To understand in Depth My Message of Love, I will again consecrate, on this special day, new Children of Mary, whom I invite to approach this Altar to receive My blessing.

And while the melody of the Children of Mary begins to resound, your Heavenly Mother, through this simple yet profound consecration, prepares to again bless all of My already consecrated Children.

I invite you to place your hands in the sign of reception, to receive from My Heart the flowers of Light from Heaven, which hold the most beautiful attributes of Creation.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

You may draw near.

Today, I want to bless these children of Mine, who come to live their consecration on this special date for My Immaculate Heart, when, on March 13 of every year I can present before God the offerings, merits, prayers and supplications of all Children of Mary.

Today I gather here, through this consecration, different nations of Europe called to live the time of redemption through hearts that pray.

I consecrate and bless you, giving you My blessing and a kiss of love.  

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us all sing the Hymn of Consecration. Let us stand up.

Song: Hymn of the Children of Mary.

We will close this meeting with the Mother of God, a meeting with this Love of a Mother who never tires, who always gives of Herself and shows us the immensity of Her untiring Love, and patiently renews us all through something that is so simple: Her profound, mature and maternal Love.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 



Dear children,
My beloved priests,

On this day, when you once again have the joy of meeting face to face with your Heavenly Mother; in the name of My Son, I come to ask you to continue to prepare your inner beings during this Lent for the coming of Easter. 

I ask you to help souls, as many souls as you can, to understand the true spiritual meaning of this preparatory Lent, for at this final time, hearts need to be under the Protective Mantle of My Most Beloved Son so that the inner worlds may be protected from the sophisticated interferences of these times.

My Son will come before Easter as the Holy and Last Lamb, to give Himself, once again, in sacrifice for the priests, His beloved followers and apostles. And, through you, My children, Christ will again surrender to humankind.

As Mother of the Sacred Cenacle, I would like your faces to reflect the joy of this Communion with Christ, the joy of the consecrated and transubstantiated Bread that is once again broken and fully shared out of love for all creatures.

Through the praying souls, who secretly pray for the priests and profess the light of their priestly ministry, may you, My favorite children, represent Christ on Earth, a Christ within you, with open Arms to welcome those who suffer and endure the evils of these times.

As Mother of the Holy Lent, I will accompany you at every step so that, just like My Son, the offering of My priests in the world may be deep, broad and mature; mature in the Love of the Lord.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

On this radiant day, by the Solar and Eucharistic Presence of My Son among you, as Mother and Pilgrim, I approach you, My dear children, so that in perpetual prayer we may continue to pray to God through the light of the heart, for all urgent causes that need divine and spiritual intervention.

For this purpose, today your Celestial Mother and Holy Queen of Spain, with the Scepter of God,  banishes oppression, which throughout the centuries My slave children of Africa and the Middle East have experienced. 

Today, I am here as the Mother of the shipwrecked and those who have disappeared. I am here as a Mother who cries with the mothers of war and the mothers who have lost their beloved children and relatives in the earthquakes.

I come, in the name of the Most High, to close the great spiritual and regional wound that has not yet been healed since the terrible earthquake in Syria and Turkey.

As My Son told you yesterday, I come as Mediator and Intercessor to elevate to Heaven those who were discarded in the Mediterranean Sea and those who have gone missing in Turkey, Syria, New Zealand, Japan and Brazil in these recent days.

Dear children, does anyone else hear the cry of Mother Earth and all her elements?

This is why I came last Saturday, to ask the world for sincere penance, true repentance and deep reparation, so that the outrages of war and the fury of nature may no longer take place in the world.

Therefore, now and more than ever, seek inner balance, seek to be peacemakers of Christ and, with your prayers, in service, embrace and love all those who suffer, for this is the hour when the prophecies announced by Christ to His apostles, before His Ascension, will be fulfilled.

Pray for your families and for the families of the whole world so that the sacred cell of the Project of God may no longer becomes a model of lack of love, betrayal, revenge and hatred.

It grieves My Heart to see the present and sad situation of families. I ask you to truly pray.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

After a senseless year of war in Ukraine, after Our Eyes have seen the devastating outcome in Turkey and Syria, after the migratory situation unexpectedly changed due to conflicts and climate change, after seeing how My children in Brazil were washed away by the rains and the earth left nothing standing, I come, once again, to ask you not to tire of praying for urgent causes, because the worst has yet to come.

But if souls would sincerely respond to My call and, during this preparatory Lent, if they would do penance, pray and, every day, before the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, meditate upon the Sorrowful Passion of My Son and go to confession without fear of punishment, Your Heavenly Mother could assure you that, during the forty days that precede Easter, many situations could be avoided and alleviated.

Therefore, I come to ask the world to reconsecrate itself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus during each day of Lent and that, through a sincere act of repentance, may you allow the consciousness of the planet to once again be liberated from so many unexpected events and episodes.

Thus, the scales of Justice will not be placed upon Justice, but on the balance of the Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, because by the merits achieved by the Sacred Heart of Jesus, souls will, in this cycle of great tribulations, find the inner strength that they need to be able to purify themselves of everything, and thus purify the planet of all mistakes made.

Meanwhile, Your Heavenly Mother, together with the Angel of the Mighty Covenant of the Blood of Christ, will be attentive to the voice of all supplications so that the Eternal Father may miraculously grant the world the end of war and an extraordinary period of peace so that humanity, before the final day, may be repentant and reconciled with the Higher Law of Love.

Finally, I ask you to accompany Me during this Lent, in prayer, preparing hearts for the final synthesis which will happen at Easter.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

The healing of humanity will be achieved when souls truly forgive, without resentment or guilt. These non-evolutionary feelings are that which stop the descent of the Law of Healing in humanity.

For this long-awaited healing to take place in the consciousness, it is necessary to forgive and to then reconcile.

Bad feelings also obstruct the performance of the Law of Healing. Therefore, seek to have a humble and pure heart so that, through you, the planet can also be healed of its spiritual illness.

At this time, the cause of so many illnesses is the lack of union with the current of healing due to a profound disconnection from the life of the essence of each being. This promotes not only an emptiness that sooner or later turns into depression, but also into illness of the body.

Therefore, may the healing of this humanity be in the joy of serving others, in fraternity with the fellow being and even with the outraged Kingdoms of Nature, which are a pure unknown emanation of the Law of Healing.

Learn to heal yourselves internally, in reconciliation, so that the long-awaited healing may take place in body, in soul and in spirit. 

Seek to heal what you have not yet forgiven, seek to love that which you still reject, for in the end only healing love will triumph, beyond forms and beliefs.

The technique is not the path to healing, but the love with which we give ourselves to others, because in giving, lies the liberation of being.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you, 

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, in My sacred pilgrimaging, I visited some places throughout the world that need divine intervention. And this has once again been possible, dear children, through the prayers of all of you, and of those who hear Me at this moment. Through the prayer of all those hearts that unite to the fire of Love of My Heart. At this worrisome hour of the planet, souls supplicate for God to pour out His Grace and Mercy, His Peace and all of His Redemption.

Today, I come here to tell you this, because I once again tell you, My children, that the prayer of the heart is that which will convert and save the world, avoid wars and disasters. Prayer will avoid epidemics, conflicts, the displacement of human beings. The prayer of the heart will always balance the Earth’s axis and make it possible for all My children to have the state of Grace that everyone needs at this hour, to learn how to go through the end of these times.

Today, I come to talk to you again about the importance of the prayer of the heart, so that you may feel it in the innermost depths of your essence, so that each new prayer may be an opportunity to communicate with God and open the doors of the Heavens in all of humanity, thereby closing the uncertain doors that exist in many places of the world.

As your Mother, as the Celestial Mother, I will never, ever tire of repeating this to you. For you, with your own eyes, will see what I tell you, and you will perceive, My children, the difference between a soul that prays and a soul that does not pray. And this exercise is something more than just religious or spiritual.

The Eternal Father Himself was the first who prayed in this universe through His Word, and His Word became flesh through Christ. If you observe this sentence, which I say to you, you will understand the power of prayer, a power of concretion and supreme manifestation.

It is on the inner planes where all can be united through prayer, regardless of distance, events or situations. At each passing day, the events of this world will lead you to live the prayer of the heart with more thoroughness and responsibility.

Today, in the face of all that happens in humanity, I ask you, with all the Maternal Love of My Heart: how is your participation in everyday prayer, in the prayers that the Divine Hierarchy has asked of you for every day of the week, for all causes of the world, for all the situations that emerge and precipitate, more and more each day?

In truth, I tell you, My beloved children, that for God it does not matter whether you have a job or not. Your thought and, above all, your heart, may be in prayer, sometimes whether or not you are pronouncing words.

It is in this cycle that your consciousnesses must be in a permanent prayerful state, just as many more should be before the Most Blessed Eucharistic Body of My Son. Without these two exercises, My beloved children, and sorry for saying this to you, you will not manage to survive, because the energies of this world not only compromise nations and peoples, but they also place souls in great abysses that are unknown and impenetrable, even to the Divine Hierarchy.

I am not saying that you will not face tests or sufferings. I am not saying that you will not experience deserts or challenges. For while you are in this world you must learn to transcend and surpass yourselves every day.

Our Sacred Hearts need to highlight this so that you may understand and accept it. For at that hour, when everything truly happens, will you be a part of the chaos of humanity or will you be peace-bringers, servants of the Divine Light of the Father who, through the word of prayer and the adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, will learn, with patience and great determination, to placate the injustice of this world?

Today, I want to give each one of My children a little more of My school of prayer, so that as many hearts as possible may be united to Us in this emergency of the end of times when, through great inner effort, it will be necessary to learn to overcome the impunity of this world and the lack of peace.

But My Presence tonight brings you the Peace of the Heavens. My Presence, as an instrument of the Father offers itself to bring My children a greater awareness, which they need in these times, for their hearts not to become confused or deceived. In this way, through the prayer of the heart, which is something deeply simple yet true, you may help souls overcome the end of times, because not all souls will manage to.

But if there is at least one consciousness or many more consciousnesses on the surface of this planet, imploring, praying and invoking God, adoring and loving the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, I assure you, My beloved children, that those souls that do not manage to overcome the end of times will have a spiritual amnesty, and will be re-considered by the Plan of Rescue, simply through the souls that pray and adore.

This spiritual foundation in your lives, which, at each passing day, must be deepened, expanded, and not remain just as a spiritual exercise, is that which you need, to learn to identify the signs of the end of times, those signs that will come from the universe to the planet to announce the Return of My Son, a Return that will be unprecedented, a Return of My Son never before seen by or known to any being of this planet.

Do you now understand the importance of being in the same vibration as Ours, and making the correct and sincere effort of not coming out of Our dimension? This is true regardless of the chaos in the world and the indifference, the lack of love and peace in humanity, regardless of the revenge that can be seen in the world and within families, something that deeply hurts the Heart of God.

How many more reasons would We have to pray, not only to strengthen the Purpose of this country, not only to help the soul of this nation and its angel, but also to consciously pray for all the world needs? For all of them are important to the Eyes of God, and thus God hopes that His beloved Children will also consider all these needs as important.

On this night of great planetary inflection, My Immaculate Heart was able to intercede and save many souls from dark hells of this world, for prayers were offered and hearts were exposed as an offering before God. Without this, nothing would be possible.

This is why I remind you once again about the mediating prayer, the power of the intercessory prayer, for in the end of times you will see unbelievable things that will bring you terror. However, do not fear, because the soul that prays will never lack God’s Light and, above all, will never lack God’s Love, the Love of the Father Who, through His Divine Spirit, will guide you so that, in these final times, you may learn to make the correct decisions.

My Dear children, I give you this whole explanation because today new Chidren of Mary will be consecrated, and this also helps those who are already consecrated Children of Mine. This does not simply mean receiving the Mantle of the Mother of God upon your bodies. It means living, in these times, a real and true commitment that does not weaken nor is it fleeting.

You must not only be My children now, you must also be My warriors of prayer and also co-mediators of the Mother of God, who carefully keep in mind all that happens in the world and how urgent it is that Heaven may intercede, for in this way We will maintain the planet, and, above all, maintain humanity in its place.

Every war that is staged within families or in the nations, among peoples or even in society, will never, never endure, if souls truly pray for the wars in the world and in the families, I assure you that overnight they will disarm the plans of My enemy. For in these times, and more than ever, the Lady of the Seven Swords must broadly work for humanity so that the main Seven Attributes of God, through My Swords, may root out impunity, indifference, the culture of discarding, evil from hearts, hatred, vengeance and massacre in this humanity.

Do you now understand the need for perpetual prayer, just as your Heavenly Mother perpetually prays?

This is why, in this cycle, the commitment of the new Children of Mary must be renewed through all that I have said to you today.

All are welcomed in the Sacred Temple of My Immaculate Heart. I will always hope that My children will offer to be consecrated to My Heart and, thus, be consecrated to God. And that He, through His Slave and His Servant, will give you His Graces and Mercies.

Before leaving South America and accompanying My Son in the most important task of His existence, in these final times in the Middle East, I will consecrate the hearts that, before God, offer to live the school of the prayer of the heart in these times, so that each one of your lives may be an incandescent flame of the Eternal Father, to illuminate these times of darkness and tribulation.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Those who will be consecrated may draw near the foot of this Altar. By listening to the Hymn of Consecration of the Children of Mary, let us prepare for this moment of consecration; to listen to the Mother of God, Her Sacred Words of blessing, support and love for Her children.

The Divine Mother asks for oil to be brought here for the blessing, because we will anoint those who will be consecrated today. And we will ask, at this moment, for a priest to prepare for this Anointment.


On this night, when the world agonizes due to not seeing God’s Light, I receive with gratitude and love the offering of your consecration. Souls that are so different, but who, as from this moment, can be united though the same purpose, the purpose of discovering the reason why they are here in this world. The sacred purpose of serving God with gratitude, reverence and devotion, under the powerful light of prayer of the Children of Mary.

This is why I have asked for this blessed oil, at the request of My Son, Jesus Christ, which will mark upon your foreheads the sign of union with the powerful Cross of the Redeemer, the one that relieves spiritual debts, placates suffering, comforts hearts, heals spirits, frees you from ties, ignites hearts in God’s Hope, bringing you Peace, Light and Mercy.

This is why I not only consecrate this oil, which will anoint you with the luminous sign of the Cross of the Redeemer, but I also consecrate you as My children, Children of Mary.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We may sing the Hymn of Consecration.

Let us prepare for the Anointment.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
