Dear children,

After the Meeting of Music yesterday, Amazonia has been prepared so that, through the Grace of the Divine Son, it may receive all the Light of the Universe that it will need in order to go through the end of times, as a Kingdom.

Aside from that, dear children, today your Divine Mother will prepare, by means of the prayers of Her beloved children, to enter into scenes of humanity where the suffering of the most little and innocent ones becomes worst, day by day.

For this reason, the Mother of God, the Sun of Life, will reach all the little and innocent ones, in different parts of the world, to help them and rescue them from this spiritual, mental and material condition in which hunger, persecution from war, exploitation of children and also undue trafficking of organs are carried out by a part of adult humanity that has completely lost the sense of discernment and the value that family represents.

My children, I not only will go towards those who despair, in these conditions of survival, but also, as Mother of the spiritual healing of humanity, I will come to hospitals and institutes where bodily suffering retains the departure of the little innocent souls that cannot manage to be freed from their incarnation.

Today, by a special Grace and by the sincere prayers of all servers of the Earth, I will concede immediate relief for this inhumane situation.

Therefore, My children, your support and participation, by means of the Vigil of Prayer, will contribute to and grant that the most innocent may find the relief and rest they so much need.

I will also come to the inappropriate and hidden spaces where the future mothers decide, by the interference of the enemy, to remove from their wombs the lives and love that God gave to them.

Within the coming and awaited for meeting, in the Marian Center of the Child King, on September 25th, I will come to ask all the collaborators of this Work of Love not to forget to help and serve the children, adolescents and youth that are in the Community of the New Earth, because they are the reflection of this part of humanity that needs healing, love and understanding.

I will be very grateful if the Planetary Light-Network groups visit and participate periodically and actively within the group and service life of the Community of the New Earth.

In this way, you will consciously be allowing other service groups in the rest of the world, to be able to assume the relief of suffering of other children, adolescents and youth.

May this vigil be the vigil of the heart and of self-surrender.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Today, may the spheres of light, that will be generated by instruments and voices, reach the depths of the Earth so that the hells, which corrode and contaminate lost souls, may be freed forever.

On this day of elevation of consciousness and of healing for humanity, may music, as an instrument that conducts higher Vibrations of God, penetrate these hellish spaces where suffering and war from past times and from past generations continue to be experienced.

It will be important, My children, that each space that will be offered to the Heavenly Hierarchy may be so that these sacred operations can carry forward with the support and spiritual adherence of all those who will offer, through music, to alleviate this humanity.

Today, the Divine Hierarchy will concentrate on this task and the pillar of Light that will be built between Heaven and Earth and, by means of the voices of all, will help a most potent spiritual vortex to open, to liberate and expel hells from the abysses of the Earth, for all those who have suffered persecution and spiritual suffering for ages.

This is the time, dear children, for all servers and non-servers of Christ to be more aware that the work with music and its sacred melodies are direct bridges, not only for the elevation of consciousness, but also as an opportunity to completely eliminate many primitive principles and states that keep leading humanity to hypnotism, to error, and causing it to lose its essential purity.


It is for this reason that the Meeting of Music, as from next year, will undergo important changes as, through the servers, this work must be assumed with responsibility and seriousness so that, not only those who participate, but also this part of humanity may learn to be sustained  by means of ferverous devotion and a serving voice.

Up until now, everything has been a preparation.

I wish everyone a deep and heart-felt offering for this gala night where Heaven will again be able to descend to Earth.

I thank you, My children, for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,


Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Each effort you make, no matter how small or great it may seem, has the same value to God, because it is an effort that is born from the heart and from the life of the soul that offers itself to God and to His infinite service.

The value of that effort is in love, the love that testifies to the truth and that brings, for souls, the example of the possibility that, in the experience itself, Christ is lived.

For this reason, the efforts are valued by the Celestial Father because He knows that souls do this for real, without measuring limits nor possibilities.

The value of the effort governed by love is internal, and from that inner space is born humility and the fervent intention of serving God.

In this time, the efforts made by the servers of God are lovingly contemplated by the Father because within this offering of each sacrificed heart is the divine intention of being able to help, rescue and save many souls still unknown to you.

May this value of effort, which is given for love, never be erased from you, because the time will come in which this value of effort will also give you the impulse to renew your faith and trust in the Heights.

As Mother of all, today in My maternal Heart I carry the value of this effort of each of My children, in these times in which spiritual and human emergencies are very great and need to be compensated for by those who surrender to God and to the Universe of His infinite Love.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



A Tribute to the Teacher of Love

My children,

It has been a year today since the soul of My son, José Trigueirinho, rose up to Heaven to continue his trajectory in precious schools of service and of expansion of consciousness.

After his departure, many events came forward, not only in the field of service, of instruction and of prayer, which Figueira itself was able to express, but also a great need for humanitarian help on worldwide and international levels appeared.

In this way, the Sacred Tree of Figueira, which was cared for, pruned and protected by My son, José Trigueirinho, during the last thirty years, launched new seeds of instruction and of service, which up to recent times continues to sprout and provide infinite opportunities to all those who may want to avail themselves of this Grace of living an absolute giving of self.

After thirty years, when the fertile soil of each heart and disciple was lovingly cared for by My son, José Trigueirinho, the time has come for the virtues and the talents to emerge, to be at the service of the Plan of God in order to alleviate all pain by means of love.

This is the time in which all the disciples of José Trigueirinho must take their places within the Plan and commit to the Heights, to support the Islands of Salvation that, with such love, My son José Trigueirinho protected and safeguarded with his humble consciousness.

This is the time for all members of the Light-Network, as good, dedicated and  tender servers, to take up the care, the safeguarding and the maintenance of the Light-Communities, and to be more present and active, knowing that the Communities and the Light-Nuclei will be sacred spaces for the receiving and welcoming of humanitarian situations. 

Now is the time to put into practice all of the legacy received and heard during the last thirty years. It is the time to bring continuity to the Work, that which the spiritual Hierarchy sowed through the Community of Figueira.

In this way, My children, you will make it possible for the Hierarchy, upon the surface of the Communities and in the Light-Nuclei, to have spaces lovingly consecrated and donated so that the Hierarchy can continue instructing and guiding souls, so that it may continue to sow seeds of light within hearts that are awakening to the great summoning.

Let us thank the Eternal Father for having sent a humble and serving Instructor to the world, who safeguarded and protected each of His children and disciples.

I thank you for having responded to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

God is attentive to the voice of your supplications because this is a time of great spiritual, mental and physical needs.

This is a time when solidarity and the good must penetrate the deepest layers of the consciousness so that, in truth, there may be a change and an awakening.

This is the time to bring to the world this message, which means that it is the moment to consider your neighbor and serve others because this sacred action will allow miracles to take place, and souls that are absolutely lost will be rescued just as you were rescued by the Love of God.

But this moment is crucial and definitive, it is a delicate moment in which every day and in prayer you must ask for wisdom and discernment for all those who make hasty decisions and completely lose the true sense of reality.

As the Mother of the Grace and Mercy of God, I count on each one of My praying soldiers, within this moment of planetary inflection, for everything to remain in its harmony and in its balance.

This is the reason why, in the coming times, situations of inner emergency and external emergency will be attended by means of the pilgrimages.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, with the support of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, Who today lives his retreat, will go to meet the most difficult needs and we will send all of our servers, through indication and inspiration, to attend and aid that which is necessary, as good fathers and good mothers, as impeccable servers and collaborators. 

For this reason, My children, all this movement that is approaching, which will be that of an immediate surrender of self, will help you to forget yourselves and place the grave and critical planetary situation within the balance of Divine Justice. Because we cannot permit that this Human Project of God be rejected.

All the effort that was offered during the last years and up until recent days, by many groups of prayer, of adoration and of service, is being used to compensate the gravest debts of humanity incurred upon by abortion, prostitution and exploitation of children, adolescents and adults, by the commerce of slavery, the deforestation of the planet, the extraction of minerals, as well as by the excessive hunting of whales and marine animals.

Everything that happens today needs an enormous amount of untiring prayer so that Divine Justice may not fall upon humanity.

I am now thankful for the consciousness and the opening of your hearts and lives to the call for service from the Mother of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



In the beginning, the Creator created essences, manifested souls, grouped them according to their missions and sent them off to fulfill them, beyond the dimensions, in manifested life. And the souls of God went off into this vast Cosmos, experienced and learned, often distancing from the Divine Purpose, and other times managing to fulfill the Will of their Creator.

Time passed and evolution took place. The souls of God still tread this path, as sheep that graze in the Gardens of Creation. Now, children, your Celestial Father calls all souls created by Him. His voice echoes within the valleys and upon the hills of the spirit, where souls can hear Him and with love recognize His call.

One by one, the sheep of the Great Shepherd begin to congregate; with their steps, they return to the House of the Father and inspire others to also return to His Heart.

This is the time to return to God, to again spiritually find the mission that He entrusted to you; to give Him all the fruits picked along the path so that the Father may make of them a new Nourishment.

The cycle has arrived for a new life and for a new time in which the sheep are congregated to strengthen one another for the great transition; because I tell you, My children, that it is with the love of each one of you that you will keep your balance and you will strengthen, in order to pass the trials that the planet must experience at this time.

Your souls will congregate at the Feet of God, without distinction, discovering the likeness that was hiding within you. You will discover that you are kindred in spirit and in heart. You will discover, feel and live the only divine filiation that make you fruits of the same Sacred Tree of the Creation.

It is by means of the love that will build up within you that you will receive the impulse to live the Love of God and surpass it, thus renewing the Divine Creation and giving birth to a new life, a new time and a new Plan.

I tell you this so that you may recognize that Christic Love will be born and awaken by means of the union of your hearts, souls and spirits in God. The cycle has come for you to live unity more deeply, because the Creation needs it so.

May the veils that separated the children of God from one another begin to fall, and may human beings perceive that differences are just expressions of the path that each soul has trodden, the way it is understood to fulfill their mission and live the Will of the Father, although so many times they became lost and were confounded by the stimuli of the world.

Now that everyone has learned enough to know that only love will allow you to return to the Father, it is time to live this love.

The planet agonizes, My children, due to the lack of love and Peace in the human hearts, and it is simply by recognizing yourselves as brothers and sisters, and by loving one another with the truth of your hearts, that you will be able to transform this, heal this agony and repair the wounded heart of this Earth.

Unity will make you free and will liberate this world; it will lead you to expand love by means of the prayer and service that will be born from your spirits.

Allow yourselves to be inspired by My words and by My Presence. Little by little, silently, I help you along this path of return to the Heart of God.

I love you, bless you and thank you for responding to My call!


Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace




In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

While I am here with you, I contemplate the world and humanity.

I hope humanity, someday, will recognize that it has lost its inner innocence. Because from there, it will be able to truly repent.

God does not hope to pour out His Justice, but rather His Mercy. But the majority does not seek the Mercy of God in this time.

The suffering of souls has set them apart from the Mercy of the Father, therefore I have made the commitment to the Creator to be able to help you and make you each day more conscious of the real need to be in the Mercy of the Father in this planetary moment, when only Mercy and Love will save you.

Meanwhile, the world keeps suffering, keeps generating its own chaos and its own perdition. For this reason, today I am not only with you, My children, but I am also with the whole world, with the needs in different peoples, cultures and continents, where graver and more difficult situations take place, without your being aware of them; but as I know you believe what I tell you, you will keep accompanying Me on the path of prayer and of service so that this divine and unfathomable Mercy may be more present in humanity, and especially in the human heart.

I need, as Mother, that you exercise every day a little more the action of divine Mercy, that your words, thoughts, feelings and actions be merciful; because in this way you will help Me, My children, to reach the hearts that need light and healing in this moment.

God must not be replaced by the innovations of these times. Never lose the path toward God, because if you are on the path to God you will be in the Heart of the Father and in His Presence.

You, who are part of My armies of prayer, who are My soldiers of prayers, must make a greater effort for others, for those who get lost, for those who are not conscious, for those who do not like God.

Your Father is still with open Arms to receive His children, and sends His Messenger to give testimony of His Love to the world and so that hearts may rise to God in this moment, when the only way out is in the Eternal Father. Because God left His Presence in you, by means of a little spark of Light that shines in your inner world.

Make this spark of Light expand and grow, by means of prayer, of constancy and faith. Do not allow the inner Light to go out and if the inner Light goes out in your brothers and sisters, due to any situation of circumstance, pray for them and have faith, because the Universe hears sincere prayers and true supplications.

The Universe is open, even more, to receive the prayers of the children of God, because the Universe knows that humanity is in a culminating and difficult moment, when its self-destruction could be a universal catastrophe.

Therefore, as your Mother and Queen, I come in time to call the apostles of Christ and to remind you that your commitment to My Son has not ended, but it is rather a commitment that must expand and deepen at this moment, so that you may learn to recognize the paths that My Son will draw for you to fulfill His holy and divine Will.

And He also sends Me as the Mother of humanity and as the Mother of the world. I wish I could caress the faces that suffer. I wish I could place upon my chest the souls that agonize. There is still a lot of suffering to heal, greater and more inexplicable sufferings than your inner sufferings.

Be part of Me, My children, and I will always lead you to God and toward My Son, the Christ. But it is still necessary to do more, the life of spirit does not end here. Service does not end here.

Everything has just begun. Everything has been a preparation for this great moment of learning to go through the end of times, the most culminating moment of humanity, which no being on the surface of the Earth has gone through before. This is an unknown time, it is a time of inexplicable situations and of very great challenges in which your consciousnesses will be forged to do greater things than those that My Son did for you. This is not just a promise, it is a reality, My children. This is the time of incredible situations, never seen before.

Therefore, you have had the Grace of receiving instruction and preparation, as no one has ever had before in any place in the world, in any corner of this Earth. This path that was built by instruction has allowed us to arrive here, in this time and in this century, to open our eyes and heart to what God needs to carry out and concretize in this moment, when His Project is at stake, due to the choices that souls make in this time, choices that lead them to suffering and desperation.

Therefore, I offer My most pure Womb of Light to make you reborn in Me and in Christ. I offer My Heart so that you may learn to live within It and to feel within It, as I feel you and have you all in My Heart.

There is nothing more to do in this moment other than serving God, because the Father needs to sustain this planet within Creation and within this local Universe, to keep it within the Purpose and in balance.

The more you awaken to this need for serving God, the more miracles will happen, the more doors toward new opportunities will open and many will cease to suffer that which they suffer and live, because they will understand that the Supreme Will is first.

So that the Supreme Will may be first in you, you must love it ardently, as you have never loved, and in this way you will know it and especially feel it within you and you will have absolute consciousness and confidence that this Divine Will will lead you along the correct path and along the correct track.

Today, I offer the world My Divine Conception and My Immaculate Creation, as the Mother of God and the sacred Fount of the feminine energy so that all women and mothers, in this time, may have the force and the will to follow me and be part of this sacred feminine army that will protect and support, in prayer and in service, the Sacred Spirit of Maternity, which is the second and greatest gift of God. Because His first gift is Life. The Life that He gave us and granted us in His image and likeness.

Love the Life that God gave you and the forces of chaos will give up and will be transmuted, because love for Life is to love the center of your being, not with self-love, but with divine love, recognizing, beyond the imperfections and defects, that the Universe has given you what you sowed and harvested in other times. But everything can be liberated, sublimated and forgiven. Everything can live its reconciliation and its moment of change.

Offer your lives as an opportunity of redemption and of devotion to God, because in this way the Father will feel and know that His children still love, as He loves you all the time, beyond the situations or the experiences.

In this way you will help, My children, recover the inner innocence of humanity, and many more hearts that agonize will heal. Many more children, youth, adolescents and adults will be freed from the daily exploitation that they live, from the persecution they face and from the war they go through in their peoples and nations.

You must make love triumph in everything, beginning with yourselves and later with those who are around you, applying the Law of Compassion and of Life, the Law of the Brotherhood and of the Good.

In this way, you will help Me, My children, to rebuild the new times and the new opportunities for all those who need them, because you have been touched by the Supreme Grace at some moment of your lives, but there are still millions who were not touched by God, for different reasons and motives.

Therefore, I come as the Sacred Feminine Consciousness and the Universal Mother to fill My children with the Attributes of God and to make them live what Christ needs at this moment.

After last August 8th of this year, everything changed in a deeper and more unknown way. Undergo change and transformation because there is still a little time for you to live what Christ needs for this cycle, without structures nor forms.

Know that God recognizes all efforts and all offerings. He feels the heart of His children and He gives them His Heart so that they may also feel it.

Do not forget to live love in everything, because it will be fundamental for each one of you.

Love will strengthen you. Love will free you and will make you understand and accept inexplicable and difficult situations, because only love that can be born from the heart of My children, as it is born from the Heart of God, can transform what is impossible and difficult, can welcome and endure what no one would like to endure.

I give you My Love, the Love of My Immaculate Heart, so that you may live it and be in it forever.

I thank you for having responded to My call and for having prayed with Me, because each bead of prayer, each offering or sacrifice is accepted by your Heavenly Mother so that, day by day, you can make more miracles in impossible cases and in many places of the world where light, love and peace are missing.

I bless you in the powerful Light of the Love of God and in the invincible force of Mercy, because I love you and I wait for you.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.




I am not only your Celestial Mother and Mother of Life, I am the Light that ardently gives impulse to the devotion of your soul toward our dear and glorious Creator.

I am the balm with the aroma of roses that cleans, purifies and sanctifies your being so that, in this time, you are encouraged to take steps in trust toward the Creator.

I am this mirror that incarnated on Earth to deliver the essence of love to the children of God, the essence of a love that may be able to regenerate inner life and erase suffering and pain forever.

I am that flower, unique and unrepeatable. I am that eternal flower that surrenders in the hands of Its children so that they can contemplate it and love it, so that this love, that has not yet arisen from within each child, can blossom and work miracles of love in the lives of those who suffer, and those who have nothing.

I am the Mother Who shelters you during the cold winters of life and Who protects you during the stormy nights.

I place all of you near my chest so that you may not only be in My arms, but so that you may also feel the love in My Heart, of a Heart that beats for each one of you.

This is the reason why I am here, for each one of My lost children and those who are not lost, believers or atheists, conscious or ignorant ones. I am for each one, to be able to take you toward My peace and so that, in My peace, My children, you may learn to live in God, in His Presence and in His Kingdom

I am that unconditional Mother, that Mother Who is consoling and relieving of human and moral suffering.

Come to Me, children, because in Me you will find God, and all of your experiences and tests will become small before the Love that comes from the Father, and this will make you free.

Children, I am the Mother Who understands and Who prays untiringly for today's world, for the humanity that is psychically and spiritually sick. Therefore, I come, because a mother would do anything for you. Only a mother is capable of feeling and of understanding, to the deepest levels, each one of her children.

Today, may the mothers of the world, terrestrial and spiritual mothers, unite to Me to cry out to the Father for humanity and for its great indifference, so that love and life may be respected, so that solidarity may be sown in the human hearts and so that everything may be repaired and healed in the innermost core of each being.

May mothers pray today so that the spirit of sacred maternity may not be dissolved from the women of the world, and so that this first contact that the mother makes with her newborn may be protected and supported by the Mother of God because, in spite of everything that humanity does today, the Project of God in family life has not been lost, so that souls find the meaning of being in unity and in family.

Pray with Me, pray, mothers of the world, and in this way My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,


Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



While the world and humanity suffer, there will always be service to do and to offer.

In service, you will find the correct door to get out of yourselves every day.

Service does not make you think about your processes or your deserts.

Service quenches the inner thirst and liberates you from any emptiness.

The world and humanity especially need to serve each other in order for the most serious faults, caused toward Creation and to the Kingdoms of Nature, to be forgiven.

Imitate My Son, be like Him, souls in eternal service to God and to the poorest among the poor, spiritually and materially.

Rejoice when the Universe sends you a new service and in this way you will be freed from yourselves.

The world suffers, not only due to the lack of compassionate love, but also from the lack of service.

Service is the ABC's of spiritual life and of religious life, because it is in service that you will find the healing for all miseries.

Receive service as an opportunity to love and to share inner goodness.

May service for others give you an impulse to concretize the so expected healing of humanity.

I thank you for responding to My maternal call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Today, with their pleas, My praying children weave the green mantle of light of Mother Nature, and this spiritual mantle gives shelter to the group soul of each one of the kingdoms present in the Amazon and in the world.

It is thus, dear children, that the green mantle of light, woven by each one of My praying children, not only covers the Lower Kingdoms, but also the great angels of the Amazon, the devas, the elementals and the luminous consciousnesses of sacred nature, which are suffering the terror of disappearing and of becoming extinct from their habitat due to the activities of humankind.

Today, sacred nature receives a spiritual relief, as it has never received it before. And this is possible because at least a part of human beings respond to the needs of the most inoffensive beings, of all the creatures that are part of the sacred ecosystem of the Amazon.

As from now, I want to thank My children for having dedicated this Sunday to the prayerful rescue of the Kingdoms of Nature, and I hope that another thousand Hail Marys can be offered in the future for the one and great lung of the planet, for our dear and sacred Amazon.

I thank you for having responded to My call!

Today, in gratitude, I receive your deepest prayers.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Continue, because I am working with the world.

The world needs an unfathomable divine intervention in order to be saved. Therefore, together with the angels of God and all His hosts, under the luminous impulse of the Holy Spirit, today your Heavenly Mother arrives here, not only to gather you together and fill you with the Love of God, but also to lead you to the truth and to the liberation of your life, to be able to break the chains that imprison My children, to free from captivity the many who are in it.

All of this is by the divine authority given to Me by My Son and by the celestial power granted to Me by the Father, since the first time He accepted Me as His faithful Servant.

Thus, I invite you, My children, not only to discover within yourselves the gifts and virtues of God, but I also invite you, My children, to discover your personal mission for this planet and for this humanity, since it is the time of the planetary transition, and the need and the help of many soldiers of Christ has today become very urgent.

Thus, I invite you, My children, to ask yourselves where this talent and this gift of God are that My Son left you, not only through His testimony of Love, but also through His Word, His Gospel.

So, be His apostles of the end of times, and place yourselves in the first lines of His celestial command; in this way, My children, with this inner and conscious attitude, you will not only be serving the Celestial Father but also the fulfillment of His Plan upon the surface of the Earth.

While I speak to you today, in a maternal and loving way, the chains of illusion are gradually broken away from the human consciousness, the hells are closed, and many crystals are elevated to find their process of liberation and of redemption.

In truth, My children, this world still does not know the mysteries of the Universe and all the relics that have been kept here for millions of years, since before My Divine Son incarnated.

I give you an impulse to the awakening of your consciousness so that your redemption, My children, may be the truthful testimony of God so that a new and renewed humanity may be able to continue, freed from the world illusion and the chaos, freed from the prisons that the forces of evil place around souls.

For this reason, your moment of consecration is now, your moment to testify to God is now, your moment for taking a step is now, and not at another time or another moment.

I call upon you, My children, to consciously assume this planetary situation, to establish within your homes groups of prayer that can be, at this moment, pillars of light where the angels can work, not only with you and your families, but also with your cities, peoples and nations so that the planetary balance may be sustained, and especially the mental balance of humanity which is highly unbalanced. So that many things do not happen, respond to this call that comes from My Heart and which is given impulse to by the fire of the Holy Spirit.

Today, I return to this Marian Center to strengthen and bless it in its spiritual task, so that its way of life, simple, austere and humble, may be able to open the eyes of many who are here, in this region and beyond it, so that you can feel God in your hearts; so that you may find the only path, which is the path of My Son, the path that will protect you and safeguard you in this crucial time.

Thus, you also will represent My Son on Earth and will be able to reciprocate to His call, knowing that it is necessary, My children, that your lives and the lives of your brothers and sisters do something for this planet. Much blood has been shed in this world after so many wars and conflicts, where humans were against their brothers and sisters.

Now, My children, I come to ignite you with the fire of the Holy Spirit so that you may assume your positions in this moment of the Plan, so that you may hear the voice of God through His Servant that resounds in the very depths of your souls and hearts, bringing you the impulse of truth and of consecration.

It will depend on the awakened human consciousness that the new time may arrive, free of atrocities and evil, of conflicts and of darkness, so that these conflicts may change, and this will help the Divine Hierarchy to be able to intervene.

Like in this moment, My children, My beloved Son has asked Me to intervene not only for your consciousnesses, but also for the world. At this moment, My children, I am not only here, but also in seven places in the world, where extremely serious things are taking place that you cannot even imagine.

All this is possible, My children, through your faithfulness on the path of prayer, knowing that it is urgent to do something for this humanity and this planet, knowing that it is important, My children, that today, when you leave this Marian Center, you be different people, you transform your lives and redeem them, consecrate them and elevate them to God so that He may consider you in His infinite Mercy when the time of the great Justice arrives for humanity, in which there will be no governor, nation or any weapon, however intelligent it may be, that will stop the authority and the power of God, which will move within this local Universe and beyond it and which will have repercussions in all the planets that are part of this solar system.

With this, My children, I do not come to bring you fear, I do not come to give you a warning; I come to advise you, My children, that there is still time for changing the events, for taking up a life of consecration and of redemption that, in the face of the Celestial Universe, can justify all the human errors committed in this time, all the lack of unity experienced in families, in the peoples, in the humanitarian crises, and beyond what you know, of all that is in the mental universe of this humanity and that, day after day, grows and imprisons the human consciousness.

Through a gigantic pillar of transmutation, I come today to this planet that is being subjected and completely lost. But remember, My children, that as much as there are souls in an absolute and profound darkness, there is within you a divine essence, something My adversary cannot touch, although it may torment you and persecute you.

Be intelligent, with the true channel of individual and group prayer, build your powerful swords of light so that each bead of prayer, each new meeting, each opportunity to serve and to surrender to God may, with the Light of the Father, cut all the chains that imprison My children, rescue and save those most in need, not only in the Human Kingdom but also in the Kingdoms of Nature.

Do something for this humanity, this is what I ask of you. Humanity does not know the power of God; it is an unknown and very ancient power.

I ask you, My children, to be mediators with your Heavenly Mother, that in your hearts you hear the Voice that My Immaculate Heart proclaims, that you be different people, that you live the examples of charity and of good, that you no longer judge one another, that you love one another deeply just as My Son taught you. Because in such simple but profound things, you will grant the Mother of God, by divine authority, that I may spend a longer time among you, especially in these moments in which frightful things will be seen, which no previous humanity has seen before.

For this reason, I come to protect you with My Divine Mantle, I come to awaken, in the very depths of your beings, this celestial and universal commitment that you made with My Son.

Because thus, dear children, you will be in the correct place, you will be in the correct moment, you will be on the path of Light and you will no longer see the mirages that this world and this humanity emit to spiritually confuse hearts.

I give you everything that I am and everything I have been, today I also give you everything I attained since My assumption into the Heavens; because I am not only your Mother, who intervenes within impossible causes, for the most serious illnesses, for the hardest problems, I am the universal Governess, the Queen and Mother of Peace, the Sovereign and Lady of the Universe, who comes with the power of the Scepter of God to put an end to many planetary situations.

But so that this can be concretized and carried out, so that millions of souls may get out of the hells of the Earth that they are in, and especially so that humanity may become aware of the errors it commits today, I need you not only as My consecrated, good and humble, charitable and merciful children, but also as My soldiers, so that you may be with Me twenty-four hours of the day, placing the call of God, the path of prayer as a priority; because in this way you will transform, My children, and you will not, in these times, enter the cycles of planetary purification that will be very acute and difficult, but rather you will be ready as soldiers of Christ to go where you are called, to be assembled where there are great needs, to help your brothers and sisters and the Kingdoms of Nature, to know that it is important to establish and rebuild this spiritual family of Israel that has been completely distorted throughout the times.

Do not feed the forces of chaos, be in silence, enter into meditation, seek the Light and mainly, seek God within you. The Father is full of Mercy and of Love to give you; suffer no longer, because what you suffer is what you think and generate, build the new humanity based on a great change in consciousness.

In this way, My Son will come, and you will recognize Him when He comes in an unexpected and inexplicable way, and although the Universe may move and the stars accompany this movement of the second return of Christ, My children, you will be able to feel Him, you will be able to recognize Him, you will be able to find Him within you, and in this way the Plan will be fulfilled. Amen.

Today I needed to talk to you in this way because these times are times of emergency in which you cannot miss any opportunity of awakening and realizing your part, that the planetary situation is harder than it seems. Thus, today I approach your human language and do not use an abstract or symbolic language, because I was your Mother, I am your Mother, and will be your Mother. You have a Mother, nobody in this world is an orphan, even though they may have lost their biological parents.

You have Me and will have Me, and I will always wait for you with open arms to listen to you, to feel you, to receive your love and, above all, your giving of self.

For this reason, today the consecration of new Children of Mary will be special for Me.

I invite you to approach this stage, the Light of My Altar, so that I may consecrate you because, in truth, My children, your essences are consecrated as My children and accordingly, are consecrated to God, it is just that at this moment, the veils of your consciousness spontaneously fall, so that you may find the truth of your origins and the reason for having come to the Earth to serve God and to love Him, to someday find that celestial happiness that is real and palpable for human hearts.

Because in this celestial truth, in this infinite happiness, is where you can find the Kingdom of God and discover all of His mysteries. They are mysteries of Love, of an incalculable and incomprehensible Love, of an immense and very great Love, it is this Love that brings Me to Earth for each one of My children, for each one of My soldiers, for each one of the Kingdoms of Nature that expect from human beings a greater service and a response, to heal their profound wounds and martyrdoms.

My children, in light of the Celestial Father and His powerful divine hosts, on this day and until the next Marathon of Divine Mercy that will occur in this place, Argentina will accomplish its second preparatory stage for what will happen in the month of October, in which the entire consciousness of Argentina will define its destiny and the continuation of the presence of the Mercy of God in each part of this land, in each corner of this place, of this precious nature that God gave to Argentina.

For this reason, I want you, My children, to fulfill My aspiration, an aspiration that I once asked of you, many years ago, that in all the provinces of Argentina there be groups of prayer, and that will begin not only through the help of My warriors of the Light-Network, but also through the very simple but important practice of prayer in families.

It is thus that, with much joy, on this day of the consecration of new Children, this army today stands before My Celestial Altar and surrenders their hearts to My Immaculate Heart, so that from this moment on I may guide you and protect you. It is this army that is consecrated today that will give impulse to the concretization of My request that in each province of Argentina there be groups of prayer. And if this aspiration is fulfilled before the month of October, through the prayer of families, of prayer for families, many things will be avoided and Justice will move away, Mercy will come and hearts will celebrate the return of Christ.

Listening to the hymn of your consecration, I invite you, My children, that each one of those who are being consecrated today before the Celestial Mother, place within My Heart your deepest and most intimate request, knowing that God in His Infinite and Unfathomable Mercy hears the intentions of His children when they are truly profound and sincere.

Today I will carry in My maternal Heart not only your intentions, My children, for yourselves, for your families or for your country, for the impossible and difficult causes, for the greatest or smallest problems, I will carry everything today in My Heart, My children, to bring you relief, so that you may feel God in your lives and hearts; and may that presence of God, which is so necessary in this time and especially in Argentina, be able to be emanate to other hearts through the vow of your consecration.

On such a especial and important day in which you, as a single people and a single family, like that ancient family of Israel that resumes its commitment up to this moment, unite inwardly with God to love Him and adore Him, to recognize Him and to live Him, and thus, always find His powerful Kingdom.

With the Love that comes from the entire Universe, with the Love that created all that exists, all that breathes, all that manifests and vibrates with the Love that comes from the great Divine Essence of God and encompasses all that exists and beyond, with this powerful and immeasurable Love, I bless you and consecrate you as My children.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And with deep love, I am grateful for all that My children of Argentina did during this month of October, because you are already experiencing October.

I invite you to be in real time, in which the most difficult things can be dissolved so that love may triumph in Argentina and in the world.

Today, through this consecration, you have allowed, My children, that the month of October may be filled with a special light that will guide and orient hearts in the decision that they will make for the coming times.

And now I want to hear the hymn of your consecration so that, elevating your hearts, you may seal this alliance between Heaven and Earth, between God and your souls.

I thank you for having responded to My call.

And I promise to return here, to Argentina, so that together you may accompany Me through other provinces that will also ignite in My Love, such as Tierra del Fuego and Tucuman.

I thank you.


While in the multiplication of the Divine Consciousness, the Creator manifested His Holy Spirit, and from it the Most Pure Womb of the Creation, the Source of the Feminine Energy, the Source of Life and of Peace; He made His most pure principles of love emanate from this Source.

The Thought of God planned and emanated the creation and the destiny of the different creatures. The angels and archangels conducted His impulses of love among the dimensions and manifested the creatures thought of and loved by God, even before they could exist.

All life, children, in each one of its details, is the fruit of a perfect Love, of a unique Thought and Plan, which is the design of evolution, of the growth of beings and of their return to the Heart of God so that the Creator Himself can renew and thus, a new cycle of life may begin for all that exists.

This sacred world, loved by God, is a seed of love in the Creation. In it, your Celestial Father sees fertilized the most sacred principles one day emanated from His Celestial Source.

Each being, as each Kingdom of Nature, has a purpose, which is not only planetary, but universal.

Each creature of the Earth brings in itself, not only its experience in this world, but it brings with it the essence of life manifested in other parts of the Creation, in other stars, planets and galaxies so that, in this way, from the evolution of each creature of the Earth, all life may have the opportunity to experience love.

From the smallest seed to the greatest mountain, they each bring with them their experience on Earth and represent other points of the Creation. Because life arose from the Creator Founts that are beyond the Earth, within realities that human beings still do not know; and each element present on the planet has a spiritual function of its own for the help of the evolution of the Earth but also, My children, for the evolution of all Universes.

With this, I tell you that when you cause the Kingdoms of Nature to perish, as well as your brothers and sisters of the different cultures, peoples and nations, you are not only destroying life upon Earth and removing the opportunity for a child of God to evolve; but also, My children, you are erasing, with your own hands, the Plan of rescue and of evolution for all life upon the Earth and beyond.

The moment has come for beings to understand that the balance of life on Earth must not only exist for the planet to keep living in this vast Infinity but, above all, My children, because this world is the greenhouse of a new life of love, it is the greenhouse of the pure Love of God that must reach all corners of His Divine Creation.

The experience of life on Earth was designed by God in each detail so that, through the triumph of His Creation in this world, all life might attain a new evolutionary step and could come closer to God.The men and women of this world are the center of this Plan of Love. Within them, they hold the living flame that gives life to all things, the engine that can give each Kingdom of Nature, as each element, the impulse to find its purpose and its mission.

But the mission of experiencing love is not only for human beings. Everything that lives and breathes on this Earth has a function within the Divine Plan.

Understand the sacred that inhabits in all things, understand the purpose of your lives, to elevate and transform all life, all Creation. And thus, My children, no longer be ignorant and blind in spirit but rather living, prayerful beings, peace-makers and catalysts of the expression of love in this world and beyond it.

I love you and for this reason I reveal all these things to you.

All soil of this Earth is sacred. All creatures are sacred before God, but many have lost their purity and do not know their divine essence. 

May the love within those who awaken reveal this purity in the heart of each being.

Be mirrors of light for the world, be torches that announce the way.

I am with you, and I bless you so that this Divine and Universal Purpose may be fulfilled in your lives and in all life.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


One of the important aspects of God, within His Trine Source, is the Holy Spirit, an aspect that acted within humanity during certain occurrences with the aim of giving an impulse, of guiding and of helping the consciousnesses that were invoking it.

Until recent days, the Holy Spirit has not been a revealed mystery of God, which after having fulfilled Its mission, more than two thousand years ago, in this time Its manifestation, presence and action happens through the Mother of God, as the Lady of the Holy Spirit.

It is in this time that the Holy Spirit of God will work through the souls that offer to receive Its divine impulses and Its Gifts.

It would be of great importance if the human being were filled by at least one of Its Gifts, and this will help for the real task of each being to manifest, according to the necessity of the Divine Will.

The Holy Spirit accompanied specific events of humanity and, at the same time, It helped with Its science and wisdom in the culminating moments when only the Holy Spirit of God could deviate or reverse a fact that would happen.

Without the action of the Holy Spirit throughout the history of the human race, the planet, as a consciousness, that evolves and experiences, would have lost its spiritual dignity and its rescuable character.

For this reason, God sent His Spirit, in certain moments of humanity, to help His creatures, similar to Him.

God sent His Spirit to the patriarchs so that, from the peoples, the Gifts of the Father and His Virtues might arise, so that they could awaken the prophets and announcers of the Divine Truth.

God sent His Spirit so that His creatures, through Christ, might be baptized by the most potent non-material Fount, which is the Holy Spirit itself.

God sent His Spirit so that, from the main cell of His Project: the family, might arise the knowers and seekers of the Truth, so that the gifts and virtues of the healers, the governors, the mirrors, the hermits, the guardians and of the servers might awaken.

God sent His Spirit to repopulate the Earth with His infinite Love so that His creatures might learn to feel that the only guidance comes from the Eternal Father and that all Sources of manifestation emerge from the Father.

After two thousand years, during which the Spirit of God worked and became flesh among His children, through Christ, today the Holy Spirit will come by means of the Sacred Word to fill the sleeping and darkened hearts with the same gifts that the apostles and martyrs received, with a confirmation and an absolute trust that, through the Holy Spirit of God, the Project will be fulfilled and nothing nor nobody will prevent It from acting through the children of God, and the Spirit of the Father Itself will allow that, for all participants in His work of Pity and of Mercy,  the Holy Virtues of the Spirit of God can awaken and incarnate in the essence of His children, so that all talents and lineages may be at the service for this current crucial time of humanity. Because the one who opens and welcomes the coming of the Holy Spirit will have the inner force to represent the redeeming Work of Christ upon the surface of the Earth; will have the strength to proclaim the coming of the Kingdom of Peace and of the end of the planetary captivity; will have the impulse of faith to keep transforming their life completely according to this same spiritual model that the Celestial Father realized in the patriarchs and in the prophets. 

God comes to give you His Spirit through the Divine Body and Blood of His Son and through the message that is announced by His Divine Messengers.

May the Holy Spirit help you face the end of times, within and outside of you; and may you be able to sustain yourselves, in this definitive cycle, through the action of the Holy Spirit of God.

May the Holy Spirit bring you the force of renewal and of changes.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Like a sun that rises upon the horizon, today I bring the splendor of My universal Consciousness to illuminate your paths and hearts.

I come under the maternal and divine authority that the Celestial Father granted Me, from the first moment when His Servant said “yes“ to the fulfillment of His Plan on the surface of the Earth.

Under all the light of the Universe, I come today to lovingly meet you, to dissipate and transmute those forces of evil that imprison and condemn nations and their peoples.

I come to offer honor and power to the Name of God, in each one of His servers and disciples of Christ. Under this powerful divine authority, I come to meet you and to make you participants in the Truth that springs forth from the Heart of the Eternal Father, to each one of My children who said “yes“ to His Will.

Thus, dear children, I come to sustain you and to console you.

I come to encourage you to renew in Christ so that you can witness the existence of Christ within your neighbor, beyond that which is human and mortal.

I come so that you may value your inner world and everything that this inner world has received from the Universe and from the experiences of life.

Children, these times will place each child of Mine before the truth, their own clear inner and personal truth so that, before the culminating moment of the planetary Armageddon, you may have resolved within you all that which separates you from God.

Therefore, We invite you not only to pray for the suffering nations of the world, we call you to sustain a time that you have never experienced nor gone through.

We are leading you toward the path of Love and of the solid Brotherhood.

Therefore, all the dark nights can be moments of light in which the flame of faith and of trust, as small as it may seem within you, will help you to change and transcend the difficult moments that the human being is facing.

But do not forget, children, that I am here, in silence, waiting for you, waiting for each one of you to call Me and to ask Me for what you need.

But know that you have ceased to be My children, now you are the new apostles of Christ, those who, with effort and sincerity, assume greater responsibilities and greater situations.

Be willing, every day, to die to yourselves, as much as it may hurt, as much as it may seem difficult. Die to yourselves, every day, in this way My Son will be in you and you will be in Him, helping to fulfill His deepest aspirations, helping redeem this sick humanity through your personal and collective redemption.

I know that it is not easy to look at yourselves, but see the Divine Light that God conceived within you and, in this powerful and inextinguishable Light, seek the union and the Peace of God.

I am by your side, I am the Mother that supports you and that understands you.

I thank you for listening to My words from your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

Today culminates the first cycle of work with the Divine Hierarchy in Buenos Aires.

Now is the moment in which each heart that was called to the meeting with the Sacred Hearts may have the opportunity to choose the spiritual and inner destiny of this country for the upcoming time.

For this reason, the Divinity has requested and entrusted the Three Sacred Hearts to be in Argentina, with the aim that souls could receive all the impulses necessary to be able to make great life decisions.

In this way, My beloved Son arrived first with a message of revelation for Argentina, and of reconciliation and redemption of the hearts with the Eternal Father.

Then, for August 8th, when the spiritual cycle of humanity changed, the help of the Mother of the Most High came, the one Who, until August 13th, led you to the recognition of your true and only existence.

Then, My Son returned on August 16th, and led each one to be before God through the inner and pure truth that each one is.

And today, August 18th, the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph will be arriving, Who will appear so that, guided by His holy hand, you may tread the path of humility. Of a humility that may grant to each Argentine the possibility of meditating and deciding upon never failing to fulfill the Divine Purpose.

Saint Joseph, a Father and Worker of God, will arrive in Argentina to give the impulse for the construction of a peace-making and humble country, resigned to God and willing to live and fulfill the Divine Will.

All this preparation has been the basis for the next steps that the Divine Hierarchy will take for humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I have already told you, My children, that something greater exists within you that you do not know; and that within your original essence, the purity that God conceived, for each one of His children, there are many mysteries to reveal and to show to each one of your souls.

I come as your Mother, but also as your Universal Governess, as this great Mirror of Justice and of Mercy that comes to reflect upon Earth the Principles and the Gifts of God.

What the Father expects of each one of you, My children, is that you also be able to represent Him on the surface of the Earth and that you be able to be mirrors, in such likeness of what I am, that you not only bring the divine attributes to the Earth in this very critical time of humanity, but that you also, My children, come to know your own inner mysteries that the Father will reveal to you when He, with His own Hands, takes away the veils from your consciousness, a moment in which everything will be fully shown and you will remember and know who you are.

Through your daily consecration to My Immaculate Heart, you are sending an answer to the Eternal Father, so that He may count on you completely and unconditionally, because at least a part of this great flock of humanity must fulfill what the Father needs in this planetary cycle.

The tribes of Israel must exist in the four main continents of this planet, not only remembering their origins and their Divine Principles, but also being aware and available to serve the Celestial Father in the last missions that He will entrust to humanity, directly to those who have awakened and will awaken in this time.

This is part, My children, of the Infinite Plan of the Creator, a Plan that has not been fulfilled yet and has not been concretized, a Plan that is being written by your lives and your hearts, not only by the beings that are on the surface of the Earth, but also by all the beings that are in the Cosmos and are part of this great universal fraternity that God formed and created since the origin.

Now you are aware, My children, that you are not alone, but you must be still more aware of sacred knowledge and mysteries that will come to the world so as to awaken it. This will put you ahead of the events of the end of times in a more conscious and mature posture, just as God needs.

I come to bring you, My children, this revelation, because it is not written in the Sacred Bible, in truth this revelation was omitted from the Sacred Bible. Thus, My children, I am part of this Divine Word that, in the name of God, comes to be pronounced to the world through a message and the Divine Word, so that the children of the Father may be aware that there is a purpose and a goal to achieve in this cycle, which no race and no previous humanity has reached up to now.

Everyone that is present in this acute cycle of the planet, are so for a spiritual reason, experiencing within themselves the universe of the learning process and of the tests; learnings that bring you into maturity of consciousness, into an inner willingness and into the unconditional service to the Eternal Father.

There are no major tests, My children, that cannot be overcome. I give you the key of prayer as a path of communication with God, as a bridge that will always link you with the truth of existence, where your consciousnesses will be able to be completely elevated, despite how the world is. And it is in this elevation and in this constant aspiration, My children, that you will find the different aspects of God and will come to more deeply know His Sacred Names, which are true emanations of His Infinite Consciousness, of His different tasks and missions in this Universe, just as in other unknown Universes.

And so I bring you the Light of the Truth, this Light which must penetrate your hearts and souls, a Light that will always take you to the Truth and will remove you from the ignorance of the Earth. Because today I am not only here for Argentina, but also for the world, for all who hear My message in this crucial time and cry out from their hearts for the existence of Peace, not only within you but also in the world.

This elevated consciousness is what God invites you to attain, day after day, not only through the path of prayer, but also through the path of service. This will allow you, My children, to be in another vibration and in another consciousness, from where God will be able to intervene in humanity through the instruments, His children, and thus little by little dispel the chaos that is present in humanity. And in this way, you will perceive, My children, the existence that is in the Mirrors of the Cosmos, which are great powerhouses of information that have always fed your spirits and essences from the beginning.

But now, My children, the time has come to remember all these things, to re-live all these treasures that are deeply spiritual and non-material, and which will place your consciousnesses at the service of the Plan of God, because I assure you, My children, that you will know where to be and what to do at the exact time.

You and all of your brothers and sisters of humanity are a race in transition, a race that experiences the first steps of the Apocalypse, in which many mysteries will be revealed, but also incredible things will be shown by the men and the women of Earth, never seen before, which will also offend the Heart of God.

Therefore, I invite you, My children, to elevate your consciousnesses, and your souls have already made this request. This is why I come today to speak to you about all these things, My children, because you will be nourished by the Non-material Source rather than by the information that humanity itself encourages, which confuses hearts, and which are not true.

As the Mother of the Most High, the Universal Mother and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I come in this time and outside of the Church, to expand the human consciousness, which each day is more asleep, more hypnotized and indifferent to the universal reality.

It will be the elevation of your consciousnesses and hearts, and of all those who aspire to awaken, that will place the human consciousness on another level, in which the Presence of God and of His Source will be able to be perceived and bring the Truth to your hearts and consciousnesses.

What I need, My children, is that you build the New Time through your examples and the teachings that My Son has given to you, not only through the Gospels, but in His Sacred instructions, through all the impulses that He has given to you in recent times.

But the time has come, My children, for the consciousness of the Divine Hierarchy to be shown and make itself felt in humanity, because the human race is at the edge of the abyss and I have the task, My children, of rescuing you and awakening you, and of taking you to the Heart of the Redeemer, where you will be safe and protected. But I also have the spiritual mission, entrusted to Me by the Archangel Gabriel, of revealing the true Consciousness of God and that of Our Sacred Hearts, which not only refer to a holy image.

This is the time in which your consciousnesses and minds can expand and the center of your heart be what governs your lives. In this way, your spirits will prompt you to experience changes without fear, without restrictions or doubts, so that you may represent My Son on the surface of the Earth as His apostles, and so that you not only live His teachings and His example, but you carry the relief of God to your brothers and sisters, to those most in need, and that you  learn to sustain your own nations through the instrument of prayer and of service, which will allow Me to continue to firmly stomp on the head of evil and more souls will be freed from the hells, more consciousness will recover their faith and hope in the Eternal Father, and nothing more will separate you from the Truth, because you will be able to prepare the glorious coming of Christ; not only by living the Truth of Christ within you, but the advent of His Consciousness in humanity, which nothing or nobody will stop, because in the most unexpected moment He will return.

That is why I come as His Mother and as His faithful Slave to inform you and announce to you, My children, that this moment is drawing closer and He will be your Great Patriarch, your Governor, your Leader, your great and infinite Love. And you will have Him before your eyes, like the apostles did, after He resurrected. But now, you will not touch His Wound as Thomas touched it, rather you, My children, will touch His Body and His Sacred Vestments because He will come to embrace you in the name of Love and to definitely establish redemption.

And so, My children, let your hearts in this moment of crisis not lose hope. Be willing to reorganize your lives through group life, be willing to experience communitary life in the Light-Communities that Our Sacred Hearts and the Sacred Consciousnesses of the Universe requested to be founded many years ago, at certain points in South America, so that humanity, which would be suffering during this time, could manage to find a place where it could see God, feel Him in the depths of their hearts and know with certainty that nothing is lost, in spite of the chaos that reigns in the world.

These Light-Communities, My children, are the Islands of Salvation for the entire humanity. Thus, My children, know that the sacred values of God are still present on the Earth and in these places.

But you must fully live detachment, neutrality and trust, so that your lives may gradually change, little by little, and know that God, through the Light-Communities, places His Sacred Aspects, each one of His Sacred Names, so that His Attributes may feed your spirits and all those who arrive there to experience the presence of Love, of brotherhood, of solidarity, of cooperation and of Truth.

Because We are present there, among you and within you. There you will find a refuge for your spiritual and inner needs. There you will find support in following the principles of brotherhood and group life so that all may remain in order and in harmony.

The Islands of Salvation are for those who want to truly transform and surrender their lives into the hands of God, in a way that they never have before. The Islands of Salvation are places for the families, for the main cell of the Plan of God which must be protected and safeguarded by the Hierarchy so that family, as a spiritual archetype, may continue to last throughout time and not lose the happiness and the love that conceived it, but rather they may always receive the Grace of God so that all those who were born and will be born may also be worthy children of God, a part of the universal family.

But the world has its attention on other things; this is why the time has come, My children, that your Heavenly Mother reveals to you that which the Universe has held for a long time and, at certain periods, in the course of the history of humanity has touched this race through awakening and knowledge, through the experience that the sacred peoples, the first peoples that had that managed to fulfill the Plan of God, before they were exterminated.

This teaching, the form of inner contact with the Universe and with God, must be re-acquired by humanity so that it may be in the correct attunement and with the correct protection.

Now, My children, as a testimony that it is important to maintain this universal family, as Mother of the Most High and Lady of Argentina, listening to the instrumental of the hymn of consecration of the Children of Mary, the time has come for those who will be consecrated today to come up here to receive My words and My blessing, knowing that I continue to trust in all those who have already been consecrated, and in those who, beyond the human appearance or events, are being consecrated to serve the Mother of God, the Governess of the Universe and of the Earth, the Mirror of Justice and of Mercy.

So, children, rejoice, be glad and experience hope, which My maternal Heart is giving to you today in this consecration, of allowing your souls and essences to be thoroughly awakened and aware so that your lives may completely be a part of the Attributes of God.

This evening, during which all of Argentina is lovingly blessed by the Mother of God and in the presence of the angels of Heaven, in you, My children, I ignite the Original Purity, so that it may make you free in spirit and in body, in soul and in heart, knowing that God is within you and loves you, and that He has the authority to heal all things, no matter how difficult and impossible they may seem.

You, My children, are today committing yourselves before My Immaculate Heart to not only pray for the families of Argentina, but also to pray for Peace in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.

With Me you have the spiritual mission of protecting the Project that God has thought of for this time and for this place in South America, where the Star of the New Jerusalem must shine, which will allow Peace and Love to be reborn in all hearts.

I consecrate you, as I have already consecrated you many times, but now I consecrate you as My children, as My dear children who will walk by My side being part of the armies of Peace, of the powerful commands of prayer of the heart.

I also invite you, My children, to practice and to live service for your neighbor and for the Kingdoms of Nature, especially for the very poor villages of Argentina, many of which are to be found here in Buenos Aires, where hearts wait for a smile, for a gesture of love, for an embrace of compassion to be able to bear the misery they experience in this time.

But, My children, if your hearts rise up to Heaven through the impulse of prayer, and your prayers are deeply true, not only you will continue to be under My Mantle, but so will all the poorest among the poor.

Because the Mother of God will continue working spiritually so that the New Humanity may be in Argentina and may receive the return of Christ. Amen.

I bless you and give you My maternal embrace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today I leave you My Light, My Affection and My Consolation so that you may take it within you and share it with those who most need it; in this way, the powerful network of My Love will reach the whole world.

I thank you for responding to My call!

And I will listen to the hymn of your consecration.

See you soon.


My Heart of Mother finds encouragement in pure souls that pray from their heart for the establishment of peace.

My Heart of Mother finds encouragement in the souls that open the Doors of Heaven with their prayers, and do not fear to know the Truth and the Kingdom of God.

I come, My children, so that your spirits may know this Truth, so that Argentina does not remain in ignorance about itself and about life on Earth, but rather that it may know who it is and what the potential is that it holds as a nation and as a people.

I come, as I came so many centuries ago, to prepare the birth of the new humanity which will emerge from within each one of you. A humanity that will reveal the similarities of your hearts with God; a humanity that will demonstrate to you what you were created for and what the purpose of your lives is.

I come to raise men and women by means of My presence; to raise a people from its darkness and from its inner abysses so that, strengthened by its best virtues, it may convert into a fertile and sacred soil, worthy of receiving the Feet of the One who will come to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth and to reveal this Kingdom within beings.

My Heart of Mother, so many times flagellated and outraged by human actions and by the indifference of hearts, is repaired by the sincere prayers of My children and, more than that, beloved children, I find encouragement and merits to intercede for the world when your spirits are open and available for a new life.

I come, to remove you from illusion and suffering, and to teach you to repair the Heart of God with your own lives. I come to open your eyes to the simplicity that there is to find and live the celestial Truth and higher life.

I come to point out the way and show you the signs in the sky and within you so that your inquietudes may find responses in the Truth that is revealed to your hearts.

Argentina is a nation filled by mysteries and hidden gifts, and the moment has come for them to be revealed, and it will be the very Hand of God, My children, that will remove the veils that cover your eyes and will show you what is hidden, although it has always been here, since before the establishment of your people as a nation.

From the top of the mountain ranges to the depths of the seas, everything will be revealed. The light that shined, hidden by nature, will no longer shine within the Earth but rather before your eyes, reflecting in the mirrors of your hearts and revealing that not only upon the Earth, but also within yourselves, a greater life was hidden.

This is a time of revelations; revelations of a Truth that has existed since the beginning of the Origin of life; a Truth from which you have distanced and which will be revealed to you so that you can return to it. With the light of this Truth, the light of My Son will also be shown to you. You will first see His splendor in the Sun of His Eyes and of His Heart; then you will see His Feet, which walk toward the Earth, and then you will recognize Him as the Son and a part of God, as God Himself surrendered to humanity.

Rejoice and awaken, My children. It is time to make of your own conversion a reason for bliss and joy. It is time to make of your own awakening a reason for plenitude; to make of your own sacrifice a reason for renewal and of your own life an eternal revelation of God.

I love you, bless and thank you for responding to My call.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In the beginning, God thought and felt in His merciful Heart that there should be creatures, so similar to Him, that out of love for life they could populate all the spaces of the Universe to experience the happiness of being within His Kingdom.

It was at this point that the Divine Project was born because His children, beings of the Earth and of all the Universe, were the same Project that emerged and was created, through the Archangels, within Sources of Light, which all His children hold within themselves as a divine spark, called the essence.

But when the first disobedience manifested, on the part of one of the Angels of God, evil and darkness emerged, states opposite to the Light and the illumination of the consciousness.

In that time, an intervention in the Divine Project occurred and, so that the Project did not deteriorate, the Celestial Father decided that He Himself would incarnate in different moments of the planet to demonstrate that He deeply loved and loves His creatures, His children, and that He will eternally love them because nobody but the Eternal Father knows who His children essentially are and why today they are here on the surface of the Earth.

But from this disobedience, the first universal errors emerged. An action contrary and opposite to Divine Will was created in the mental Universe and finally took shape in the material Universe through events and facts that led the children of God to step out of the Law countless times, and from this emerged what we know as duality, which is the spiritual, mental and material feeling of finding oneself divided or upset before the spiritual or inner steps that a consciousness is to give to the service of God.

So God incarnated again and, this time, the Eternal Father decided that His Second and Divine Person, the Son, would come to the Earth through a spiritual and cosmic preparation that was capable of reversing the deviation which, in that time, all of humanity was experiencing.

And so great consciousnesses that serve the Universe helped in the preparation of the incarnation of the Son of God and through the supraphysical and non-material action of higher Laws, it was granted that the Most Holy Mother be impregnated by the Holy Spirit, and in the form of a perfect and sublime design, should bring the Second Person of God to Earth.

Since the birth of Christ, all creatures of the Earth would find the perfect key to dissolve and overcome duality on their own; a duality that was generating unpayable debts and that continues to awaken contradiction and opposition to the Divine Plan.

That key, which opened and will always open the doors, is called Love. The Love of God, which is wisdom. The Love that is understanding. The Love that brings science to all that exists.

For this reason, this is the time of transcending that duality again, within each one of you, placing all of the being and all of the consciousness upon God, where you will always find meaning and answers for all that you experience.

Because if more consciousnesses that work every day to overcome that duality or that spiritual inequality exist, you will give impulse to others so that they too experience it and do it, and you can break the chain of suffering and of ancient errors, which only carry humanity into darkness and into confusion.

But if your consciousness is in Christ, nothing will be doubtful or confusing, because in Christ you will be in wisdom, you will be in discernment so that in these very complex times you may not be confused about the path of faith that you have decided to travel.

For this reason, the Sacred Hearts come to meet you as they have in other acute moments of humanity, in which the path of prayer and of service were bridges that led millions of souls into finding their own redemption.

Now is the time to carry nations, for example, Argentina, to not forget God, so that its learning process and school may be beneficial for all who integrate it into this cycle.

Argentina needs to remain protected from assaults through responsible and mature groups of prayer that, like within a spiritual war, do not cease to cry out to the Father and attract His Gifts and Attributes in order to keep peace and inner unity during times of crises, so that nobody should go against their brother or sister, so that a spirit of understanding and of Truth may exist.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Before all adversity and chaos of these times, may My Rose of Light and of Peace ignite within you so that, in the face of the definitive events in the nations and in the human race, the conviction and faith of being in Christ may not be lost.

May My Rose of Light and of Peace ignite within you so that the times of planetary darkness may be filled by the Love that transcends and forgives everything.

May My Rose of Light and Peace ignite within you so that all the praying beings, united, may avoid, with their supplications, more catastrophes and human traumas.

May the power of My Rose of Light and of Peace allow for the salvation and the redemption of the hearts that, out of ignorance, have closed the door to God.

May My Rose of Light and of Peace ignite within you so that these times, of definition and judgment, may be illuminated by compassion and not decreed by the chastisement that the men and women of the Earth are generating for themselves.

May My Rose of Light and of Peace ignite within you, My children, so that repentance may awaken, and in this way the souls of the Earth may learn to mend the offended Heart of God.

May My Rose of Light and of Peace, dear children, bring to the world the recovery of its original purity so that, in this way, hearts may awaken to the feeling of having more charity for the Kingdoms of Nature and more love for those who suffer, day by day.

May My Rose of Light and of Peace help you to correct human deviations and, based on true penance, may the nations of the world recognize that they have moved away from God, so that divine assistance may not be lacking for them.

May My Rose of Light and of Peace ignite within you so that, from the youngest to the eldest, you may receive the Grace of redemption and the most innocent may be no longer be exploited nor commercialized, as are the harmless animals of nature.

May My Rose of Light and of Peace lead the whole world to be prostrated before the Love of God and to acknowledge all the disobedience that His children live daily. A disobedience that separates them, more and more, from God to where His divine Grace cannot touch them.

Therefore, may the Rose of My Light and of My Peace make you perceive the emergency of these times so that each server of Christ may be positioned on the path that corresponds to them and consciously prepare the Advent of Christ.

May the Rose of My Light and of My Peace make you truly humble so that you may listen to God within, feel His Divine Heart and be at the service of His Kingdom.

May My Rose of Light and of Peace convert you into ambassadors of Christ on Earth.

I thank you for igniting, within you, My Rose of Light and of Peace!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

These are times of transmutation, times of redemption, but if your hearts are open to this service, you will never lack anything.

My Son gave everything for you, up to the last drop of His Divine Blood. Yet, today, He does not ask you to shed your own blood but rather that you surrender your hearts into His Hands so that, through you, My Son may work and redeem the world.

I know surrendering one's life for the sake of humanity and of the Plan of My Son is not easy, that is why I am here as your Mother and Mother of Argentina to accompany you daily in each inner surrender, knowing that your real prize lies within the triumph that My Son may achieve in your hearts. Thus, His Work of Redemption and of Love will continue to endure throughout the coming times and, even when My Son returns to the world, His Work of Redemption shall continue forward because there will be much to do on this ill planet.

Children, due to the serious condition of humanity and the turning point which some nations have reached, such as My beloved Argentina, as a Mother, I invite you to again experience and meditate upon the sacrifice of My Son so that, in every moment of your lives, it may be the example of a total transformation and of trust in the Celestial Father.

Remember I am always here, as a silent mother, to accompany you and to bless you, because all surrender and sacrifice will compensate for the great spiritual and material inequality that your race experiences.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
