Saturday, January 28 of 2023

Weekly Messages

My dear children, from the Sacred Tree of Figueira,

In these times of hard confrontations and conflicts among nations and peoples, in these times in which the innocent blood that is poured out has no significance, in these times in which impunity has become the forefront in many people’s lives, may you now contemplate the sacred fruits of conversion and renewed faith, My children, so that in this cycle, in which the Final Judgment comes closer, your lives may be the faithful example of a redemption that has been achieved through the intervention of the Holy Grace of God.

Each time your Heavenly Mother comes to Figueira it is an opportunity of repairing the outraged Hearts of Christ, Mary and Saint Joseph. It is an opportunity for Me to feel love, joy and relief in My Maternal Heart, through the faith and hope of My children of Figueira, when meeting again with Mine.

Thus, My beloved children, remember, and at each moment relive the possibility of being before your Heavenly Mother. Feel it for all those who do not have the Grace of feeling or hearing the Mother of God in these times of uncertainties.

I ask you to keep this spirit of unshakable faith, a faith that helps the consciousness and soul of Brazil so that this land may not only be redeemed together with the Kingdoms of Nature, but so that souls may also again find joy and a reason for belonging to this beloved and blessed country.

Together, in continuous prayer with Me, I invite you to strengthen the spirit of the armies of prayer so that the torch of the victorious Light of Saint Michael the Archangel may remain lit within the hearts of each Brazilian child.

May all the necessary Graces descend from the Kingdom of God to this beloved nation of Brazil.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Figueira

Wednesday, January 25 of 2023


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

What are you afraid of? Am I not here? I am your Mother, the Mother of this people, which will announce the Coming of the Messiah, the Redeemer, and the emergence of the New Humanity.

God will never forsake you, He will always give you strength. This is why He sends Me here, with all the joy of His Heart and of His Love: to give courage and bravery to My children of Brazil so that My children may believe that, despite the tribulations, the Celestial Kingdom approaches and elevates hearts toward God, especially those who live His Word and His Message, especially those who listen to the Sacred Call of the Creator, through the Presence of His Son. For My Son today also sends Me here, to liberate your lives, to appease your hearts so that nothing may frighten you nor disturb you.

You have consecrated Me as your Patroness, and today I consecrate you again to My Heart, although you consecrate yourselves every day, on the spiritual path, to a life of service for others, for those who suffer, and especially although you consecrate your lives so that they might convert into a temple for God in which His most hidden Treasures are kept, in those who are brave apostles of Christ and sustain the flame of faith, the spirit of hope, in spite of all that may happen around.

My son once told you that this time is similar to that which the apostles lived. You are at the same moment as when your Master and Lord was handed over in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Could My Son be capable of retrogressing?

At each whipping, could My Son ask the Eternal Father for that not to happen?

With each drop of His Blood shed up to the top of the Cross, could He repent from what He lived for you?

And even so, He continues to surrender for the world, and He surrenders through the Heart of His Celestial Mother so that all My children may be worthy of the Graces they need in these times.

Will you retrogress? Will you leave the Master alone, as the apostles did?

To Me, this will not happen, because your consciousnesses and your souls have received everything, and have the possibility of living your transformation, you have the possibility of living your time of purification, that which corresponds to each one. In this way, you have the possibility of living the end of times and learning  how to go through them with bravery, because if your lives are truly of God, what should you fear?

With the strength of daily overcoming, with the strength of your inner emptiness, with the strength of your divestment, with the power of renunciation and surrender and, above all, with love for sacrifice, this is the time for you to sustain, together with Us, the end of these times, fully trusting that you will always receive what you need, for it is all written, remember? This is why you are here: because it was written.

God has not made a mistake. He brought your consciousnesses to this planet so that you might not only redeem yourselves and reconcile, but also so that you might learn to be free from yourselves, allowing the Love of My Son to govern you forever, and make of your miseries something new. This is why many suffer, because they have not taken the step for My Son to govern them through His Love.

He knows you deeply and He knows why you are here, and the purpose of you being here.

Faithfully follow the path of the Purpose and no longer seek it, do not seek this Purpose. Live this Purpose by being part of it, daring every day to love and live the unknown, and to make of your lives instruments for the Lord, capable of mirroring His Attributes and Virtues.

This is what the world urgently needs, because at each passing day humanity moves away from God’s Purpose. And it will be your souls and the souls of your brothers and sisters that will build the New Earth, the new and renewed Earth, healed, redeemed and liberated, which will recover the values and principles that the sacred people of Israel once lived.

Therefore, continue on without fearing anything. One thing I tell you, something you can really live spiritually: do not forget the Gift of the Fear of God, do not forget this Gift of the Holy Spirit. Do not move away from God and do not allow your brothers and sisters, before your eyes, to move away from Him.

This is the school of the rescue of souls, and you must learn from My Son to take care of them, because many souls do not know why they are here and the reason for being here at this time. But throughout the times, We have said everything to you.

It is time to keep building the Spiritual Purpose of Brazil. However, My children, this will begin within yourselves; do not seek it outside. Be an example for God, be an example of life, because many souls are going astray due to very low examples, due to examples that are far from God because of all that is offered by the world, more sophisticated, cunning and tempting, at each day.

But your consciousness must always be on that star that shines in the firmament of your inner universe, the star of the Sacred Divine Purpose, which has no differences, no protagonism, and is the Purpose that unites all in God’s Love and, through souls and hearts, is fulfilled little by little, day by day.

Thus, do not be frightened at what you hear or at what you see, but do not be indifferent. Work every day to sensitize your heart, just as you have learned to become sensitized through prayer.

Now, in these final times, you must not only be pillars of Light, you must also be mirrors that reflect that which the world needs, which many souls are losing day by day due to ignorance, lack of discernment, lack of wisdom and lack of much knowledge.

We have left at your feet the pearls of Creation, the most incalculable and inexhaustible treasures, through the presence of the Sacred Inner Centers of the planet.

A day will come, My beloved children, when your consciousnesses will be in that which is universal, and regardless of the cultures, peoples or nations, your hearts, the human heart, will consider this place as important as any other, just as the Hierarchy considers it, without comparisons or differences, without categories. This is the attitude that We need in these times, and this will allow you to calmly be where needed and not where you want to be. 

Because this is the time to learn how to transmute and equally distribute this energy. I am not telling you to ask to transmute, but rather for you, through your daily efforts and your surrender, united to the Spiritual Hierarchy, to learn to support this transmuting channel, which is a Law that is unknown to the whole world.

How is it possible for me to be here, for My Son to come and meet you, or even for the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph to present Himself if a Law of permanent Transmutation is not acting?

Each day the planet and humanity needs this Law more. Learn from the saints, learn from those who are selfless, from those who work secretly and whom no one ever sees. However, God does see them all the time and He gives thanks for these brave hearts, because they are free from expectations and personal accomplishments, because they dare to sustain their ‘yes.’

It gladdens me to be here with you once again and to be able to accompany you in the coming days. Although I do not come here every day, your Heavenly Mother, through Her perpetual prayer and with predilection, will be present on the inner planes upon the Hill, making the Relics of this Sacred Center shine, especially the treasures that God holds in the hearts that are here.

Therefore, never tire of surpassing yourselves. Remember that My Son told you, once during a Sacred Week, that you would learn to surpass Him in Love. Do you dare to do so?

They answer: “Yes.”

Are you sure?

They answer: “Yes.”

Even if it hurts?

They answer: “Yes.”

This is what it is to be a Christ, this is what My Son needs. Remember what you have said.

I will ask you to make the vow of not complaining, but rather of loving, just as your Heavenly Mother and Saint Joseph silently loved all that God sent them as a test, because behind each lesson there is the possibility of maturing in love, becoming true peace-makers, learning to reconcile, to unite and no longer separate. For unity is the center of Divine Purpose, it is the great mirror that refracts Will, because Will cannot be separated from unity.

When you lose unity or separate, remember that I told you today that in this way you will not be in unity.

Unity will always help you to live obedience, acceptance of changes, expansion of consciousness so that there may be more good people in this world each day, a world of so many contradictions and so much disorder.

But remember, My children, that My Love, the Love of My Son and the Love of Saint Joseph, will always be present on the top of the Hill for the one who wants to come and drink from the Source and quench their thirst, even during the greatest disturbances in their life.

With these Words, I strengthen you for the coming times. I unite you to the Creator Father so that, through His Will, His Determination and Design, you may learn to live the next events to come.

And never forget, My dear children, that My Heart has a place at this Community and that, although you may not believe it, the Heart of your Mother can be repaired here. I know that this is a mystery for you, but submerge into this mystery and, when you learn to repair My Heart, the mystery will be unveiled in the innermost depths of your beings.

Today, My Hands extend over all of Brazil, just as My prayers illuminate this people.

Make My Heart triumph through your union with Christ, by living faith rather than discord, by living love rather than indifference, by living unity rather than separation, by living brotherhood and leaving the differences behind. In this way, you will make of Our Hearts, Sacred Hearts in reparation, so that God may allow us to continue to intercede for this humanity.

Those who seek to give Me their ‘yes’ on this day, through your consecration as new Children of Mary, draw near.

Bring Me the anointment oil here.

Lord and God of the whole Universe,
Who have created Your Children, Your Creatures, in Your image and likeness,
pour out, through Your Anointment,
the spirit of Your Grace and Your Mercy
so that they may be marked by Your Love and Peace,
and these souls may recover the path of consecration.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now, through our silent prayer, we will support these sisters and this brother, who, before the Immaculate Heart of Mary and through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, before God, will make their offering and inner consecration to our Most Holy Mother.

We will pray the Hail Mary internally, as long as Our Lady indicates.

May the priests lay their hands.

Let us pray.

 Prayer: “Our Father” (in Portuguese).

I consecrate you as My children, Children of Mary.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will close this meeting, feeling the Immaculate Heart of Mary and giving thanks for her Presence, for her Unconditional Love, for Her Motherhood and for Her support.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We may go in peace.

Saturday, January 21 of 2023

Weekly Messages

My dear children,

Today your Heavenly Mother comes to the world so that, through the majesty of the Grand Canyon of Colorado, humanity may for an instant feel the Attributes of God flourish so that, from now on, the coming of the New Earth may begin to be seen upon the horizon, free from human mistakes and free from the suffering that drives My Children away from God.

For this spiritual reason, your Heavenly Mother and Mother of North America is here today, opening Her Arms and offering Her Hands so you may hold them tight, trust and feel encouraged to follow this infinite path towards the unknown, because in that which is unknown you will find God and Our Sacred Hearts which, once again, present themselves to the world to remind it that it has not yet fulfilled the Will of God.

In order for the New Earth to begin to emerge upon the horizon of the human consciousness, I ask you, My children, that this New Earth, this New Humanity, may be lived first within you, protecting from yourselves the principles that unite you to the Creator and to the entire Divine Brotherhood.

Be bearers of the Sacred Love of My Son.

Be an example of constant transformation, but also be an example of perseverance, hope and, above all, of Love, of Christ's Love that allows you to accept and understand others, a compassionate love that no longer allows human beings to be selfish and autonomous.

Live the promise of this New Earth in your daily lives and create the correct condition for this moment of the New Humanity to be able to arrive, just as the Eternal Father had thought of and felt for it.

My Heart of a Mother will always be this bridge for you to feel encouraged to cross it, towards the emptiness of self.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Saturday, January 14 of 2023

Weekly Messages

My favored children,

On this day, your Heavenly mother is once again facing the inner and spiritual situation of the United States so that, through redemption and the healing of souls, this nation may again find the path toward the Purpose it has lost.

If since the beginning the United States had been a country with open arms, a nation that welcomes, cares for and takes care of the most discarded and vulnerable throughout all of Latin America, I assure you that a large part of its spiritual debt, caused by the commercialization of weapons, would have been placated.

But in these times, in this place as in other places, all we have left to do is continue praying so that certain actions, which this country wants to carry out, may not continue leaving its people under a condition without a spiritual way out.

It will depend on praying hearts, present in the United States, who can create the correct condition so that certain situations may no longer put the country in a place without a way out.

I repeat this again to all My children so that it be very clear to you, that it will be necessary that something be done; it is time to take action, because there are also nations throughout the Americas that are conditioned by the United States, something that nobody has yet risked resolving.

The true sense of equality and of the good is distorted. For this reason, children, I invite you to remain in the exercise of repairing and peaceful prayer so that, in the United States and in the rest of the nations of the world, the peoples marginalized by disorder, conflict and war, which leaves many open wounds, may have the Grace of being governed under a spiritual principle of balance and equality.

From Heaven, your Heavenly Mother intercedes together with Her Son, so that humanity may change in time.

Let us pray so that nobody else suffers.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Thursday, January 12 of 2023


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As the Mother of the World and Mother of the Original Peoples, I come today to step upon this sacred ground with My Feet, so as to bless it again. I come to dissolve the valley of tears of all Indigenous consciousnesses, elevating hearts and consciousnesses toward God, so that they may receive the Father’s Grace and the Universal Mother’s Love.

But this is not the only aim with which I am here today. I am also here for the soul of this nation, so that this nation may find, in the end of these times, through the souls that awaken to universal knowledge, the possibility of responding to the Will of the Eternal Father.

The spiritual debt of this nation to other nations of the world has not allowed this people to express its spiritual archetype and Purpose. It has not allowed the consciousnesses of this nation to be liberated from evil.

This is why the path that I offer to you, which is the Christic path, is the way out. A path that will lead you to re-encounter your true Spiritual Purpose, through the Will that the Father so much hopes to fulfill in this nation.

Not only God, but also the whole Universe, knows that the souls of this nation are directly affected by all that which this nation decides to carry out in these times, and souls inevitably remain under this spiritual prison.

This is why I come today to step upon this sacred ground of Oklahoma, with My Feet, so that the entire North-American people may remember the values of the Indigenous Consciousness. Despite all that has happened in this country throughout recent times and the compromise that this country has made with the world, these spiritual values, kept on the inner planes, are still alive.

Thus, just as the North-American people of the great Indigenous nation did, the North-Americans of the current times must turn toward their inner worlds and ask themselves, “What am I doing, and what is the goal of my life?”

In this way, dear children, very slowly, souls will have the door open toward the great awakening, and this people, so deeply contemplated by the Eternal Father since the beginning, will receive the Grace of forgiveness, redemption and rehabilitation.

But I tell you again, dear children, as I have said throughout times, that it is necessary to follow just one path, the path that will always lead you to the Heart of God, because in It you will be able to understand His entire Manifestation and Presence.

This people of the United States must not only continue to pray with more fervor and determination, but it must also supplicate to the Universe so that it may receive the Grace of liberation that is much needed due to the compromises it has made with evil, with My enemy, a condition under which millions of souls in this country are stuck.

However, as your Mother, who loves you and considers you, as the Mother of the whole Indigenous Consciousness, of all original peoples who live here, I come to give you this opportunity to again find the path of rehabilitation and forgiveness, which are important bases so that, through hope, the true aim of each one of your lives may re-emerge, the true Purpose of this nation, so that, through its soul, it may fulfill its written Purpose and be a nation that co-operates and collaborates in the face of the needs of the poorest nations.

All that I am saying now may seem daring to you, but it is not so if there are souls that awaken, if there are hearts that gradually adhere and  that dare to break their own structures to live the Purpose of God fully, that is, His Divine and Holy Will.

This will slowly allow the spiritual bases of the Purpose for this country to gradually manifest themselves, not only here in Oklahoma, but also in other parts of this nation.

My children, I need you to understand the importance of this spiritual and inner moment.

I come here with the permission of My Son to bring expression make flourish that which needs to manifest itself here, not only on the inner planes, but also on the external planes. And the consciousnesses that awaken to the Spiritual Purpose, which are a part of this nation, a nation that is in much need of love and light, will be the pillars that My Son so much expects to see expressed on the surface of the Earth, so that the Plan may be reflected here, the Plan that God so much expects. And this goes beyond a mere ‘yes’, this goes beyond absolute adherence.

What is most important in all this, My children, is unity, which will allow the defeat of the pillars that evil has here and will also allow the dissolution of the contrary currents that dwell here, directly speaking of the soul of this nation. 

In this way, you will also help the angel of this country, which carries too much weight on its back, a weight that must be relieved not only by perpetual prayer or selfless service. It is necessary for souls to be aware of this collaboration so that this angel may carry forward its Purpose and service for the United States, because, as the events take place in the world and many of them are fostered and executed by this country, uncertain doors continue to open, and there is no one who can stop this.

This is why I come here for this cause, to close these uncertain and invisible doors, so that souls may no longer live this spiritual captivity that is created and infused by the spiritual debt of this country.

In simple words, My Son sends Me to bring liberation to that which is tied, to break with His Sword the chains of illusion and materialism, which imprison souls, preventing them from emerging and awakening.

In just one Message, dear children, I am trying to tell you many things, but I would have much more to tell you, than just this moment of meeting with Me.

Do not think that everything will change overnight. If your lives change and if your lives transform, you will be like a drop in this great ocean, a drop which, however small, invisible and insignificant, if this drop of Light that your souls are were not in this vast ocean, which is this Plan, this would not be possible, this moment would not be possible.

Thus, you will be able to understand and also perceive how infinite and inexhaustible the Grace of God is, which goes beyond all times, but also all events. It crosses all structures and forms so that His Love may reach His Children, His Creatures, so that His Presence may reach that which is essential, the spirit of each North-American, which must be wide awake and attentive to receive the impulses of the Hierarchy with gratitude.

Since days ago and for the days to come, I will keep praying for you and for your brothers and sisters of this country.

I know that achieving what God so much aspires for and expects will be a sacrifice and also a great surrender. But faith and, above all, trust, transcend all forms, all ideas and even all limitations, because the heart that lives through faith is a heart ignited in a flame, in unity and in divine life, and this allows the fulfillment of any task or commitment.

I ask all My children of the United States to ask yourselves, for the sake of pity and charity:

What is my true spiritual commitment?

What am I doing to fulfill it and live it?

Do I perceive the Presence of the Hierarchy, not only of Its Word, but also Its Love?

What must I do to fulfill this commitment?

How much longer must I wait to be able to live it?

Do I understand that this commitment goes beyond myself and that all has a greater cause?

I leave these questions to My children of North America. And as the Mother of the original peoples, I ask you to contemplate the history of these original peoples and, in perfect communion, recover the values that they live on the inner planes.

I thank you for being here on this day and for listening to Me with bravery, openness and gratitude.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, Mother of the Indigenous Nation.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saturday, January 7 of 2023

Weekly Messages

Dear children, 

Throughout 2023, the trilogy of spiritual impulses will again take place, through My Son, Christ Jesus, the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph and your Heavenly Mother.

Thus, in this year of 2023, devoted and prayerful souls will be able to avail themselves of three spiritual and divine currents that can place consciousnesses on the fastest path of redemption and conversion.

For this special reason, My children, I invite you to be receptive, vigilant and attentive to the precious instructions that the Chaste Heart of St. Joseph will bring as the Water of Life to all His companions.

For this, dear children, the Three Sacred Hearts, through Their Words, will broaden the path for the transformation of the consciousness of human life. In this sense, each Divine Hierarchy, united as one Consciousness in God, will be able to help so that, in these critical times, open souls may receive more impulses from Our Eternal Legacy.

The Three Sacred Hearts of Christ Jesus, St. Joseph and your Blessed Mother, will contemplate the different internal needs in this cycle so that the praying, devoted and persevering souls of the Work of the Divine Messengers may feel cared for and accompanied.

Therefore, this year, St. Joseph will work every week through His weekly Messages, as well as through His monthly Apparitions. Thus, St. Joseph will be addressing different spiritual reflections that will allow souls to see and observe themselves on the path of transcendence and ascension.

Once again, the Three Sacred Hearts will be reaching out Their Hands in offering so that all who feel so, may be accompanied, just as they were accompanied since the beginning of the Apparitions in 2007.

Dear children, be truly open in this cycle in which the Divine Messengers will be closer, so that you may feel Our support, Mercy and Love.

Let us celebrate the Grace of having St. Joseph again this year.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
