Saturday, October 25 of 2014

Monthly Messages

My little disciple:

Rest, rest from yourself and do not worry, you know that today you live in a time full of tribulations and tests; carry on firmly, waving the flag of peace that I have given you in the name of My Son. Do not get discouraged, unite yourself to My Heart and celebrate with Me in the altars of Heaven.

Today I come to ask you to repair your heart from anything that has hurt you. Today I come to ask you to be happy as God so wishes for this.

You are part of My Grace and by My Grace you have been born to life. God gave you eyes so you could see Me. God gave you arms and hands so you could serve. God gave you feet so you could walk along the path of the good pilgrim. 

My child, My beloved, I know you know the difficulty of your sins; I come to give you, in the name of Christ, the resurrection of your spirit, precious to the Eyes of the Creator and beautiful to the Gaze of the entire universe. 

I will help you, hold fast My hands, take My arms and hold Me as you have never done before. Trust what God the Father places on your path, everything is perfect in the eyes of Jesus; He will give you strength to carry on and you will not waste time in this world.

Today I come to announce Myself as His immaculate Mother, accept the redeeming call that I present to you and be sustained under the Light of My Sacred Heart. I come to ask you for the fidelity and the peace that dwell within you, you are a part of a new Project thought by God.

Commune of My Son and you will not regret doing so, if you were called it is because you are worthy of the Lord. With My blessed water I will wash your face from all stain and you will be purified and presented as Jesus in the Altars of Heaven.

Dear child of Mine, look at My blessed hands that are extended before you and wish to touch your soul. Enlighten your soul by means of the fire of the Holy Spirit. Invoke the Spirit of God on your paths.

I come to show you that you can be humbler than you try to be. I come to consecrate you as My disciple of love and redemption. My Voice will not stop speaking until you and your brothers and sisters have taken the step. 

The Aurora of the new time dawns in the brave hearts and the servers are summoned to a greater unity with the Infinite. Thus, dear server, do not tire yourself from searching for the right path, My Heart indicates the portal that you should cross on behalf of many. 

Have patience, have love, have will and I assure you that you will get to Heaven and merge yourself with the God of Love. Unite yourself with Christ and let Him completely transfigure you. Hide yourself within His Wounds and let yourself be transformed. Keep your being in His Glorified Heart every day and you will receive the blessing of His infinite Mercy.

I am here for the last time. I am calling the sheep so they recognize the true Shepard that is coming. 

I thank you for being consequent with My divine call!

Let go of your guilt, heal your hearts, love and forgive each other, as God wishes. 

Mary, Mother of the World and of humanity

Saturday, October 25 of 2014

Monthly Messages

I want that My mantle of universal healing be expanded to the world and to reach the most forgotten, the sick of body, of soul and of spirit, those who die in life and those who are no longer in this world, so that all the wounds of the past and of the present may be able to heal and to be cured before My Heart.

I am the Lady of Aurora, that which dawns in the heart of those who live in darkness whenever a little hope lives there.

My dears I truly want to come to the world in order to touch each particle of life, because My Heart has a celestial power to transform everything that was created, to allow for the creation of God return to its original path and fulfill this purpose for which it was created.  But it is necessary that the hearts of the world give Me a sign, a permission, no matter how small it is.

I do not come to ask you for great works, neither for great sacrifices.  I come to ask you for that which humanity does not want to give to God, that is a humble heart, meek, kind, fraternal and serving; a heart that prays, that contemplates its Lord in all things; a heart that knows how to find and follow the path left by Christ.

My beloveds, many in the world aspire to great things, heroic deeds, which are recognized by all, great acts of service and charity, but few know that the greatest service is found in forgetfulness of self and in the love of others, those who you have on your side every day.

If you want to heal, together with Me, the indifference of the world and all the injustices engendered by lack of love, then begin by transforming the lack of love that exists in your lives, among the servants of  God.  Walk towards the living of a full, permanent love, which accepts all imperfections, in this way to heal them.

I want those who are self-summoned for this time to be carriers of the Living Message of Christ.  That His Divine Word is not only in their mouths or in their public actions.  May the actions of Christ be permanent in the more hidden actions of your lives, because these are the ones that have more value in the eyes of the Creator that sees all.

My beloveds, I come on the day of today so that the Universal Healing may descend and be expanded upon the world.  For this I speak to you about all these things, which are the roots of human suffering and of all diseases.

May love be your only remedy, and may prayer be the path to traverse in order to find this love.

I thank you always for persisting in answering to My Call, and on this day I ask you to not only come to My encounter every day, but that you live My words.  In this way you will open the doors so that the healing that I bring in My arms may be poured not only upon you but upon the whole world.

I love you profoundly and I bless you, so that you may be tireless in the face of the tests that God sends to you.

May the Peace and the Universal Healing be today in your lives.

Mary, Lady of Aurora

Saturday, October 25 of 2014


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Our Lady asks us to go in procession to the Portal of Peace, with our candles lighted, because She will show us something there.

Let us continue in prayer.

Prayer: Hail Mary (in Latin).


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 

Dear children, I ask you to be in attunement for the revelation of the next secret. Remain inwardly in prayer.

Dear children, I am the Messenger of Truth. Let us pray so the world will be saved.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Today, in My Heart, I uplift all the hearts that are being consecrated in this place as My disciples of prayer.

Today, at the altar, I receive all your flowers as a symbol of reparation, of restoration and of healing for the essences that have fallen.

Thank God for your awakening, for your awareness and participation in this task carried out by the Messenger of God.

Pray, do not forget to pray.

In this time, I come to announce what humanity must come to know. I come to avoid many things in the times that are close.

Continue in peace and in prayer.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Brothers and sisters, today we experienced a very special Apparition, because our Lady manifested as the Lady of the Divine Verb, and from the very moment of Her coming, She pointed us towards the Portal of Peace, a place She considered safer, so that through this portal, She could reveal the secret, and Our Lady asked us to explain what She said to us as the essence of the secret.

When She reveals a secret to humanity, which in truth many do not know what it is about, and when Our Lady says She will reveal a secret and we become aware that there is something held there, a mystery that Our Lady reveals to us, She calls it this as a warning for us. It is a way for our consciousness to pay attention to Our Lady, Who is announcing something different for this cycle of the planet.

Today, She told us She has revealed many secrets throughout Her Apparitions in the world; and when She announces a secret at a special and specific moment, She tries to awaken  our beings to something greater.

Today, She tried to elevate our consciousnesses toward other more subtle planes; She tried to make us aware of things unknown to us; for example, what She calls the Laws of God, which according to Our Lady, is completely unknown to humanity; and the lack of knowledge of these Laws and of being able to live them, says Our Lady, causes events to develop in the world.

Today She came accompanied by Celestial Hierarchies, and always two Archangels at Her side, and other beings of Light that accompanied Her in this secret. Mary was making us aware of the essence of the secret so that we could collaborate and reverse this foreseen situation.

During the revelation of the secret, Mary made our sleeping cells vibrate, and awaken with the energy which was descending at the time She was revealing the secret. It was a strong and higher energy, which Our Lady channeled to us and to humanity.

She said that when She reveals a secret, it is not to bring us fear. She needs us to earnestly become aware of the things that happen in the world. For this reason, She counts on each of our prayers so that daily, we may reverse those secrets and Graces can be poured out over humanity.

Today, for the first time, She said that Mary has the task of warning humanity, that She has always done so in other times and will continue to do so until the Coming of Christ.

She said that we are in time to change many things within us, and that we take advantage of every moment of our life. Today, She asked us to not overlook things, that we should transform, accept the moment of our purification, that we fully trust that everything is in the Hands of God; because She says that in the near future, we will be instruments for other consciousnesses, which She calls "fallen consciousnesses," of those that are asleep, of those that don't want to change, nor even hear the call of Mary.

Prayer, Our Lady said today, is a preparation for the end of times, and is an instrument which will protect us and shelter us.

At a point in the revelation of the secret, She stopped, She stopped explaining many things, and concerning prayer, She gave an important key to the Children of Mary. She says She consecrates so many children at this moment because the Children of Mary must be shields, impenetrable shields that are strengthened through prayer, and provide this service for those who do not pray. In this way, Our Lady counts on each Child of Mary, consecrated or not yet consecrated, so they may provide this service of prayer which is so important in the end of this time.

Today Our Lady came very silently. At certain times, She was a little serious; but in spite of what She was dealing with and announcing, She never stopped permeating us with Her Light, never stopped observing each one of us present here.

Today we asked Her: Lady, why do you speak a secret that nobody can know? Because souls, She said, pay attention when I speak some secret; they feel an inner interest in being able to collaborate and solve what is happening in the world, which is through prayer.

And in the end, before withdrawing, She told us She revealed this secret because those of us who were present are prepared to receive this secret in a disinterested and simple way.

In the end, She rose up. She took our flowers as a spiritual symbol. She consecrated the Children of Mary through the Sign of the Cross. And She asked that the Children of Mary consecrated today, who are part of the groups of prayer of Salto, together walk past the image to thank Her for that blessing.

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Friday, October 24 of 2014

Vigils of Prayer

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I will always bring you hope and the future in difficult times.

One who lives in My Son will never regret it. Their heart will be favored in the Eyes of God and they will always find the key that will open new doors for them.

In these difficult times, dear children, I invite you to persist with the heart. My sacred Mantle of healing is over you and over all those who pray, for My networks of Light stretch out through the world and My children multiply at the call of the Lord.

I bring you My Immaculate Heart as the great emblem. I offer Myself to you as the Morning Star of the world; I will be with you in the times of darkness.

I Am the great Lady Clothed in the Sun, the great Mother of Universal Healing. Happy are those who believe in My favored Presence; for in the time to come, after this world, all will be immaculate in the Eyes of the Most High.

Do not be afraid of getting free of your ties; the time has come for this to happen.

Give Me your lives fully and I will be able to work through you.

Unite in this time and do not allow yourselves to be separated.

My Son wishes to be among you at all times, leading souls and hearts toward the true personal purpose of each being.

My Light makes your eyes open. My joy fills you and permeates you.

I come on this night, dear children, to announce the time of your healing and redemption.

The Aurora has already been shining for a long time and open eyes must recognize the future, which comes from the infinite horizon; when the heart opens to receive it, many reins are untied and hearts achieve the healing they need.

I have come to Aurora to assemble you through the Love of Christ, Our Lord. Today I invite you to unite with His Sacred Heart, on this day of reparation and communion. Allow the Laws of His Mercy to act so your hearts may be clear.

You must purify yourselves, My children; in this way, you will be full of My maternal Grace, which always embraces you and allows you to feel the profound Love of God.

I would like, deeply, to heal many more hearts; but they are blind, they are in the shadows, they live in the darkness of this material life.

I invite you, beloved children, to be forerunners of My universal healing; in this way, My Rays will touch your essences and will expand toward other hearts.

Universal healing is the essence that will rescue you before the Coming of Christ. Do not fear being purified, do not fear to suffer for God. Everything in this time is foreseen; what is in Heaven and what is on Earth. Each day more, with the passing of time, the universe and the Earth are blending and the great moment is drawing closer to humanity.

I come to announce the signs, the prophecies and the mysteries to you, those that many do not know, that will reveal themselves to the world at the right and correct time. And in spite of the darkness circling through the Earth, hearts that hear My call, that pray the Holy Rosary with Me and remember My Immaculate Heart, will always be within My great Universal Sun. I will take you out of the tribulation as long as you allow Me to.

I am here as your Mediator, your Mother of the Graces of the Great Heart of God which beats in this world, assembling the servers for the great final Mission.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

May the tiredness of your bodies not reach your hearts, so that you may never tire of being in My presence, because if you persevere, accompanying Me on this path, I can even make use of your tiredness, of your persistence in the purifications of life.

My children, at this moment, imagine if My Presence were visible to your eyes, if every time I came to the world, all creatures could see Me, would you at any moment become tired of coming to meet with Me?

Today I want to leave you with this reflection, because although your eyes do not see Me, your hearts can find Me, because My Presence here, at this moment, is more real and true than the matter of which your bodies are composed and that composes all life on Earth.

My children, all you see around you will disappear one day, but My Presence will never disappear, not from this world nor from the universe. My Maternal Heart expands every day, and each second that passes in this world, My Consciousness encompasses one part more of the Divine Creation, because all that was created comes from My Heart, despite having been thought of by God.

My dears, I want you to be renewed every day in My Heart so that, in this way, I am able to renew your consciousnesses, because if you are not ready to experience transformation, with so many opportunities given to you, what will become of this humanity, which many times does not know God, which many times has not even heard His Name?

My dears, you who have the opportunity of being at the doors of Heaven, must experience that which all of humanity will one day experience.

Do not feel fear because your hearts are purified today. Do not ever feel fear on not finding the old human being you were for so long. My Presence comes to renew your lives, as it comes to all of humanity, so that you are able to be new in light of Christ, at His glorious Return to this world.

I know that many do not believe, but the King of the Universe will return. For that, My Voice echoes in the world to prepare hearts and consciousnesses, to prepare each space of this planet, so they may be receivers of Divine Mercy and that, when Justice arrives, hearts are prepared to experience it and to understand the Will of God, which manifests in each thing of this life.

My children, divine injustice does not exist. All human actions generate consequences which must be balanced in this time by awakened hearts. And what I call awakened hearts are those that are before Me, are those that hear My Voice in many places of the world, are those that love Me, that love the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, even without knowing of His Presence in this time.

My dears, I want to turn you into apostles who renew the ministry of a past time; who are able to give their lives for their brothers and sisters, for the redemption of humanity, for the redemption of the Kingdoms of Nature, which from the beginning of humanity, wait for this opportunity of redemption, wait for the human being to be able to be their faithful example of elevation to the Creator.

But up until today, My children, only the Kingdoms gave an example of elevation, of humility, and there has been no reciprocity on the part of human beings. Thus, I ask that you be able to live what God expects of humanity in this time since the beginning of your creation, that you no longer miss the Graces the Lord sends you, as you have lost them over the centuries.

Dear children, listen to My Voice and allow it to enter into your consciousnesses as well as your hearts.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, tomorrow, I invite you to bring Me a humble flower, which I will consecrate and will be your sincere offering for the peace and redemption of humanity, a sincere offering to God the Father Who will unite you with His Creation, its beginning and its end.

Dear children, today I consecrate you, I bless you. Lift up your sacred objects for the maternal blessing.

God in the Highest and Almighty blesses these sacred objects that represent the sign of life and of redemption for souls that, together as a one humanity, achieve the New Time, waiting with hope for the glorious Coming of Christ.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Again, I thank the groups of Paraguay for having responded to My call. God thanks you.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

In these latest Apparitions of Our Lady on the 24th of vigil, She has transmitted very important Messages to us.

After a time of silence during the Vigils, we have understood that the planetary urgency is great and Our Lady is trying to aid us and be with us as much as possible. She has mentioned to us that the more we surrender to Her task, the longer the time She will be able to accompany us and be with us during the difficult times, as She said today.

So it depends a bit on our dedication that Our Lady is able to continue with us for more time.

We will ask the brother and sister if they have something to share.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Our Lady has a preference for Aurora. She always feels whole on being here, among Her children of the Community. She always feels a special receptivity; and this does not mean you are different than others, but rather it is a degree of affiliation which each has with Mary.

Today, the moment of the Apparition was different because, in general, when Mary appears, there is an explosion of Light that is expansive.

Today, before She came, a spiral of Light of seven colors appeared, and at that moment, She manifested as the Mother of the Sun. Immediately, from below Her Mantle, many Cherubim began to come out. Many began to climb over us, with so much harmony and so much love that we said: "Mother, what is happening?"

At that moment, from the Immaculate Heart of Mary, threads of green light began to come out, which the Cherubim placed within our hearts; and they were taking out sorrows, anxieties and lack of understanding. For an instant, we saw ourselves all united with the healing Heart of Mary, and within us was generated a feeling of great relief.

Then, Mary began to direct Her Words. At the moment when She said She would walk with us in the darkness, She showed us a vision of Mary walking in the world, among the peoples, guiding many persons toward a mountain; and there was something very significant in that vision; She had a candelabra that lit up that darkness, and went opening the paths so that those who were behind Her were able to recognize the Coming of Christ. She didn't explain anything more about that to us.

Today, She was very happy, because She not only managed to touch our heart, heal some wounds, but also touch other hearts that were not here. She was saying that there are many hearts which are closed because they suffer; for this reason, She was inviting us to be forerunners of that healing.

During the whole time of the Apparition, Mary had Her arms stretched out, supporting Her Mantle, which was green and was over us the whole time. Over us and over all those connected with Her at that moment, She poured out codes of Light of different tones and colors.

Sunday, October 19 of 2014


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of Saint Joseph:

When hearts say 'yes' to the coming of the Celestial Messengers, several knots are untied in the world, because it is as if the whole of humanity emitted its 'yes' to the Celestial Universe.

As a Chaste Heart, I come to meet with your beings to place in each of your essences the principles of a new life. I always call you to come to be around Me, to kneel at the celestial altars and before the doors that open into Heaven, because My Presence in the world represents a new step for humanity.

When I was on Earth, I experienced the simplicity, the purity and the humility that all of humanity should express as a race. My Heart was a human heart, like this one which beats within your beings, but My faith in the life I lived, in the God Who guided My Heart, made it possible for Me to transform all those human aspects that permeated My Heart.

For this reason, it was asked of Me that I return to the world because I know how humanity lives, I know about each test your hearts experience, and I also know that, in spite of all the opportunities given to you, it will be very hard for you to continually live the true transformation of your life. But it is necessary to persist because you do not know what takes place within the invisible of this world; the reflection of your smallest actions has repercussions on all of this planet.

The Grace of receiving the Three Divine Messengers will be registered in the history of this nation, as well as in the history of each of your souls. These codes that We place in your lives will never be able to be put out, even though you lead a common life in the world. All I ask of you, My dear companions, is that you lovingly cultivate these lilies of peace that today I pour over your essences, for they represent the purity you must experience as humanity.

Today I want to tell you that the Heavens are gladdened, that the angels sing and glorify the Creator, because humanity is taking its steps. Even though you do not perceive it, souls are walking toward the Kingdom of God, and through you, many other souls will receive the opportunity to awaken.

This is why I ask you that, just as the Sacred Family so long ago was an example and reason for conversion for all those that approached us, the faithfulness in your hearts also be a reason for the conversion, also be a light that guides those who are in darkness. Because today I tell you that a time of chaos, a time of profound darkness in the world will come, but after a deep and cold night, a new sun will shine, because after all darkness, the light must come.

This is the Law of the Universe. Thus, I only ask that you be persevering, that you never desist from this path of prayer that the Divine Messengers are building in your lives. Study the Messages that were given to you, for in these Divine Words can be found the keys for all transformation, to open all the doors that separate you from the universe, from your Celestial Origin.

My dear ones, today I tell you, as the Chaste Heart, as a Heart that has already been a human heart, that it is possible to live the transformation of your life, that it is possible for a new human being to be born within your souls, who will represent the perfect manifestation of the Creation of God in the universe.

All of Heaven awaits the step of humanity. Great is the suffering that you have experienced over the centuries; also great is the destruction that you caused in this world because of the unconsciousness and thoughtlessness toward all the Graces you have received. But that darkness is great because great also must be the Light that will emerge through each of you.

I want to thank you for having come to this meeting, for having shattered the doubts that the mind imprints on the heart, for having opened the door of your lives, of your houses, of your families for the entry of this higher Light, because through that simple act, the Divine Messengers can transform the destiny of this nation and free all that was imprisoned in this world, even if invisible to your eyes, all the suffering that still exists, an ancient suffering that marks the heart of this nation and that through the descent of the Sacred Hearts, must definitely be extinguished.

I thank you for being here, for saying 'yes' to a higher life, because your souls could once again draw close, because this thread that connects you with the cosmos can exist again, linking each of your essences with its celestial origin, the divine essence from which you came and to which you must return when the time comes.

Now, I ask that you sing joyfully and with devotion, because the Virgin Mary and Christ Jesus wish to accompany Me in this hour, wish to come to this place to end, with the blessing of the Holy Spirit, this cycle We carried out in this nation.

Sing to the Sacred Family and wait, for a new portal will open in Heaven and new Graces and blessings will be poured out over this world.

Song: Sacred Family


Words of the Virgin Mary:

Continue to play.

Dear children, your beloved Celestial Mother is speaking to you, coming here to meet with you to pour out the blessings and the Graces over your souls that you must carry to the four corners of this world.

Today I bless you with the Light of the Spirit of God, so that today and forever, this Holy Spirit can become life in your beings and can be carried to all those who have need.

Thus, go and serve, carrying the divine actions in your hands. Go and live in fellowship, in unity with all the hearts of this world, serve without distinction of race, belief, social status; serve the poor, but also the rich; serve the sick, but also those that are healthy, for there are many illnesses in this world that your eyes cannot see, but that your hearts can feel, because suffering, pain, fear, the lack of faith, the lack of compassion are also illnesses that exist in this world, but which can be healed through love, faith, compassion, joy, the faithful commitment to the Heart of God.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Our will is to heal and cure your hearts: and today, as the Sacred Family of Nazareth, we consecrate your families of the whole world as the New Humanity.


Words of Saint Joseph:

As first Father and Priest of Christ, in the Presence of Jesus and of Mary, of Love and Purity, we will bless a small soul that, for all your spirits, will represent the healing of your inner children.

With joy, devotion and ceremony, let us celebrate this meeting, this Will of God that is known to everyone today, to the simplest of heart, to the humblest of heart, to the purest of heart that are always able to see God.

Let us prepare for this blessing and close this Sacred Meeting.

My Chaste Heart, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, present today in Paraguay and in the world, ask all the faithful to kneel for this blessing.

Let us sing.

Song: Sacred Family.

Prayer: Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory.

By this flash of Light that permeates you and this meeting with the Sacred Hearts, may you serve as a testimony of life for all in the times that will come and up to the time of Paradise.

We bless you all in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

While We rise up to Heaven, listening to your pleas, together with the angels, sing to the Sacred Family of Nazareth.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

To end this meeting, we would like to tell you a little about today's Apparition. Before Saint Joseph came here, the angels began to make lilies rain down on us, and those lilies entered into our essence and disappeared.

After Saint Joseph transmitted His Message, He showed how that Light of the Divine Messengers expanded beyond this place and touched not only this nation but also many other parts of the world.

As we were able to hear and feel, the Three Divine Messengers were with us today, giving us this blessing, this water of life, which baptized not only the child, but all of us present here.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We wanted to add that when the Three Sacred Hearts announced Their Presence, at Their feet appeared the image of Paraguay, and a river of precious and luminous Blood began to bathe this Nation, Blood that was coming out of the Heart of Christ.

And what we also remember is that when Saint Joseph was telling Sister Lucía that He was a man of this world, He showed many scenes of His life, here on Earth, which still are not very well known to humanity, and that He one day plans to reveal so that we can come to know Who Saint Joseph really was, and what mission He accomplished with Mary and Jesus in that time, and also, what the task is that He comes to carry out at this time of humanity as a Divine Messenger.

And to bring this to a close, we want to thank all the brothers and sisters of Paraguay that made possible the concretization of this Divine Plan, all those who prayed, all those who worked, all those who disseminated it and dared to take a step in this call; because, in truth, we will only understand what occurred here, in this nation, in the long term.

From today on, may our true motive be the search for those Three Sacred Hearts, the perfect union through prayer, and let us find in Them the possible hope that we need to find.

If we continue to give our permission for Them to work on us, many keys will certainly be awakened in our lives, which will serve as examples for others.

So, we invite you to carry this Presence of the Sacred Hearts with much gratitude and peace, and let us give thanks.

Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!


Saturday, October 18 of 2014

Monthly Messages
Monthly Message of the Virgin and Mother of Divine Mercy, the Most Holy Mary, transmitted in the city of Asunción, Paraguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

As Mother of Divine Mercy, I come to the world, with the Light of My Son, to heal and redeem all those who are so in need of forgiveness, redemption and peace, and who are on Earth, lost from God and forsaken of heart.

I am the Holy Mother of all peoples, of all races.

I am the same One who is hidden in the mountains, Caacupé, as the One who was found in the waters, Aparecida.

I am the One who delivers freedom to the 33, I am the One who comes to those who need to take a new step, and I give the world the fruits of a Figueira of love.

I am the One who brings to souls the Spirit of God and conceives the Divine Trinity in hearts.

I am the Queen of Peace, I am the Mother of the Divine Verb.

I am the Mother of the world, the universe and of all of you.

Those who decide to be under My Mantle recognize My Countenance in all the manifestations of the world and know I am the same one in Heaven as on Earth, and that I come to teach you that nothing should be separate, not in this world, nor in others.

My beloveds, I travel through the nations to unite the peoples, even if it be through their representatives. I come to build that network of light, which must light up the planet through prayer, when the sun no longer shines in the sky of this world.

I want to see in My children the light that illumines the paths of those who walk in darkness. I want to form you, so that the Holy Spirit may find a dwelling place in your consciousnesses, and others who did not have the Grace of being in My Presence may find Me in their hearts.

My dear children, blessed are they who take the risk of responding to the call of God. Now I ask you to allow that call to become a fertile seed in your essences, and little by little, be a life that testifies to conversion and faith for those who have forgotten God.

In the simplicity of your hearts, may the door be found through which My Son will return to the world. May your hearts be humble, so that they may became the cradle of the poor but blessed inner Bethlehem, which will receive the New Child, so that for the second and last time, He may remove the evil that torments the heart of humankind and the Kingdoms of Nature.

Beloved of My Heart, begin today through your little lives to prepare the path of the Lord. Once and for all, remove from your lives all that which does not belong in this humble manger of Bethlehem.

Once again, the Birth of Christ is announced to the world, and now, He will be born in many hearts, and others He will cause to be reborn in life, for redemption and the institution of Peace.

I am the bearer of Mercy, Who asks of you: be merciful, so that the Kingdom of God may descend to the world.

I bless you and thank you, because Divine Grace descended upon this place and your lives were filled by the divine presence.

I love you.

Mary, Queen of Peace and Mother of Divine Mercy

Monday, October 13 of 2014

Monthly Messages

My dear children from Ciudad Del Este and from all of Paraguay.

Today, My Immaculate Heart offers itself to all of you.  A pure and immaculate Heart, free of stains, but full the Love of God; a Heart that heals and redeems; a Heart that liberates, embraces and forgives.

Today I offer you My Immaculate Heart, free of thorns and of outrages, so that united with Me, you can take the steps towards the Kingdom of God.

Children of Mine, today the light of My Immaculate Heart surrenders itself to the world in the same way that I did one time in Fátima for the whole world.  I ask you that today you unite your consciousnesses with the Kingdom and Sanctuary of Fatima, so that by the Supreme Grace of God, you receive the essence of the original purity.

And how will you be able to enter into this path of inner purity?

I only ask you to pray, pray every day so that the world, at least the majority of souls, do not lose the innocence that God the Father gave them.  Many hearts of mine have already stopped being innocent and became contaminated with the influences of the modernities from this world; this caused the original purity that was in the hearts to be lost.

For a greater and infinite purpose My Immaculate Presence descends upon the ailing reality of this world in order to extend to all the divine energy of My Full Grace.

You, My novice disciples, are called to practice prayer and selfless service, in order to balance the scales of the law that is at the point of breaking itself up.  To prevent many things today I introduce Myself to all as the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, in order to remind you of the importance of finding new commandments of life by means of the prayer of the heart.

The more souls that join with their hearts to My call for peace, the greater will be the probability that the world will not have to suffer for everything that is not done well.

From Heaven where I come from, We observe the precipitous actions that humanity has been realizing in the material life.  Through cunning, humanity is diverted from the spiritual life, that which will lead them to find the sacred purpose.

For this My dear children, today I offer you on this 13th day of October, the day of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, the opportunity to return to God by means of My Luminous Heart.

Release your ties and no longer have pacts with the impure life of this world, this one that will make you spiritually sick.  Be intelligent and invoke the power of the love of My Son; thus you will be withdrawn from illusion every day and will be blessed by His Infinite and Divine Mercy.

Seek My beloveds, the way out that I am showing you.  Cultivate in your hearts the flame of original purity.  In this way you will be protected from your own selves and from this material world.  Remember in your prayers all of those who are blind and deaf, lost and trapped in these times.

I ask you with fraternal Love, to banish disunity and separateness.  If you, My apostles, do not come together, where will be the project of God for this world?

Your Eternal Father is Wise, Pious and Merciful.  He wants to see you whole and happy, healthy of mind and of heart.

Today I offer Myself as your Sacred Mother, so that you may accept the path of conversion and of peace that I offer you.

Let us bless this day of Glory for the presence of the Kingdom of Fatima, the Source of original purity.

I thank you profoundly to all those that made possible this pilgrimage in Paraguay!

My Peace in your lives.

Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima

Monday, October 13 of 2014

Monthly Messages

The miracles are for everyone because it is only the faith in each heart which opens the doors, so that Laws that are not from this world can act.

A few centuries ago I performed the greatest miracle of the conversion of this country because a simple and pure Indian fully trusted in My Presence, because he knew that I was observing him all of the time.  In this moment of danger, with faith he invoked Me and I came to him because I knew that this faith would be imprinted in the history of humanity, as it was so true and crystalline.

His eyes shone before My Presence because not only could he feel My protection, but also he saw My gaze and My maternal smile, he heard the sweet voice of the Lady of Heavens who told him: “Do not fear.”

At this moment, My mantle lit up in celestial Light and My sacred protection descended upon the world in such a way that those who were persecuting   the loyal Indian could not find him.

I tell you this story, My beloveds, because I want to repeat it every day in your lives.  But for this it is necessary that faith be greater than fear and doubts.  It is necessary to fully trust in My presence and in prayer to tell Me what you need because I will listen to you.  Issue to the Universe a petition for redemption and it will come to your aid in order to release you from all the evil that persecutes you.

My beloveds, this world is almost completely submerged in darkness.  Just a few are those who truly hear the Voice of God and follow it. The modernities and illusions distract the hearts of My children.  And even those who trust in God the Father cannot unite themselves with the others because the differences between the beliefs have separated them completely.

My beloveds, today I call you to the living unity and fraternity so that you may know that there does not exist in this world only one single true religion.  All are children of God and because they so different in this world, there are many ways to arrive to the Father.  What matters is that you be truthful in everything that you do and that your prayers are done with love, for the good and for the redemption of all humanity.

I invite you to the universal ecumenism, to be able to pulse in only one heart, with all of your brothers and sisters of the world. The army of the Creator must be one and only, independent of the faith of each one of you.

My beloveds, I call you to live a love without frontiers or distinctions of race, without religion, without  culture, so that you can enter into the Kingdom of God where all are one, the Essence of the Creator of all things.

As this loyal Indian who was for humanity as a ray of the sun, trust in My presence and in My protection.

My mantle today descends upon this city, as well as upon this world to push away from My children all that prevents them from evolving and elevating themselves to the Heart of the Celestial Father.

I love you and I thank you for the faith in the Lady of Caacupé, who is your protector for these and for all times.

Be My companions all of the days and permit other beings in the world to awaken and to receive such great Graces.

Be praying soldiers of this army of light and bring My peace for all.

Pray, pray every day with your heart.  Pray as you know how to pray.  Cry out for this world as you do for yourselves and for your relatives. The world is your great family and needs a lot of help.

I thank you for accompanying my steps.

I bless you and I love you always.

Mary, Lady of Caacupé and of all the hearts of the world  

Sunday, October 12 of 2014

Vigils of Prayer

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My dear children, in times of no peace, may peace exist; thus, open your hearts to My call so My Voice may reverberate deep within you.

I open the Book of Heaven to you so you may know the Mysteries of God, which are the essence of Love and of Truth.

My dear children, I have come here, to Ciudad del Este, to ask for the consecration of all souls to My Immaculate Heart, because this city, Foz do Iguaçu and Asunción must be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

There must be strong prayer groups who dedicate their prayers and pleas to all the Kingdoms of Nature, which are also My children and have need of your prayers, so God may pour out His Mercy on them.

I come to ask you for simple things, because your hearts can understand Me. My hands open to caress you, bless you and consecrate you in these end times to the Will of God, which is unknown to many as they forget the Commandments, the basic laws of life which allow you, in your lives, to follow a correct path toward the Light.

For this reason, dear children, base your lives on the Holy Rosary. Seek the essence of the prayer of the Holy Rosary; in this way, you will participate in My Plans of Peace, even though you do not believe it.

Just like in Medjugorje, I come to announce a last time of peace for humanity.

You, My little beloved ones, have in your hands the key to salvation. Carry the holy rosary with you as an emblem of peace and of love, of unity and of compassion among creatures. In this way, My beloveds, you will allow Me to accompany you in each new prayer exercise.

When the sun rises every day, it is My Immaculate Heart that rises to illuminate your abysses, dispel the shadows and bring the Light of God to this suffering world. Thus, unite with Me every day in prayer; in this way, you will help Me, dear children, to have many hearts that live here today also be consistent with the Call of God.

Do not tire, dear children, of looking for the path of peace and of surrender. God promises you precious things for your lives, when your souls simply unite with Me in prayer.

Since the beginning of this world, God has given you the sacred attribute of the prayer of the heart, which not only brings peace to your hearts and lives, but also an inner and outer silence which is so lacking here. Your hearts must learn to listen to God.

I Am your Mediator, your Universal Mother. I need you to hold tight to My Mantle in these times. Many souls are lost in this current world and the majority do not perceive that this is damnation.

Day and night, My tears are spilled over this world because My children do not change, do not seek the truth, do not want to live redemption so as to be able to experience a glorifying of their lives. I need you to be firm and ready, open to listening to My Words, which are the last in this time, and which reverberate in this space and in the depths of your essences, where God and My Son Jesus Christ wish to reside.

Thus, open your eyes to My call; be builders of the New Humanity, allow your cells to awaken through My Voice and be able to change into sources of Mercy.

I will not tire of reminding you that the door for the return to God is open.

This is My last request of humanity.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today, in My Purity, I open the doors of the Kingdom of the Heavens so that, My children, you are able to reacquire the original purity that lives in your hearts, and which was lost over the centuries through the illusion and the modernity of the world.

Today, I want you to recall that holy Indian who one day trusted in My Presence, giving this nation and all of humanity the possibility of being consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

My dears, each of you brings in your blood and in your essence the purity of that holy Indian. Today, before the Doors of Heaven, open the eyes of your hearts so that, as in that time, you are able to feel My Presence, can see My Heart, My Immaculate Spirit which comes into your lives never to be forgotten again.

Today, My Love is held in your cells, in your souls, as long as you say 'yes' to Me. If you come to meet with Me, even if out of curiosity, do not be afraid to be before My Heart, because I called your souls one at a time so that you could find Me again; so that through you, My children, many others who are lost in the world may be able to return to the Heart of God. This is a unique opportunity for your souls as well as for humanity.

My children, the Divine Verb comes to the world to make souls in likeness to their Creator, to teach you to love, to forgive, to be merciful in this world, which so lacks Mercy.

My beloveds, on this night I invite you to truly open your heart, so that it is not only a moment with Me, but that this hour be perpetuated every day of your lives and that, through daily prayer, you are able to unite again with Me, because I am with all those who pray, I am with all those who cry out from the heart.

I hear your pleas even when you do not feel Me. I perpetually observe the world, I observe the children God entrusted to Me, so that the smallest opening of the heart could make the conversion of your beings possible, so that you could return to the Heart of the Father as to the Heart of the Universe and to that Origin from which your essences come.

My children, today I invite you to return to My Heart, which shows itself to your eyes, and those who accept My call can see and feel My Presence. Come into these arms that open to the world today and call humanity to an awakening.

I wait for you from the beginning and will eternally wait for you until one day, you are able to decide on a definite 'yes' to the Heart of the Celestial Father.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

As Queen of Peace, I leave the sacred symbol of the Cross of My Son over your beings, as a sign of conversion and of rehabilitation for all.

I need you, dear children, to open the door of your hearts to God.

I am very grateful for your presence, and I call all those children who need a celestial blessing, a sublime Grace, to meet with Me here tomorrow, in this same place and time.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

As Mary said to us, She came today as the Queen of Peace. When She arrived here, behind Her we could see many beings that were singing, and I asked: "Mother, is that song of the Celestial Kingdom?", and She responded: "No, this is the song of this world, of all the pilgrims I accompany on this day," and She was showing us that, at the same time She was here, She was accompanying the devotees in Fatima, in Belén de Pará and Our Lady Aparecida.

Afterwards, She said the words we could all hear and said goodbye, leaving an invitation for each of us of offering this Grace we received today so that others of our brothers and sisters could also receive it.

So, we are going to call those who we know have need of the Presence of Our Lady and we are going to bring those brothers and sisters here, so She can also listen to their pleas and pour Her blessings over them.

We thank you all for having come, and tomorrow we will meet again in the Heart of Mary.

And to all the brothers and sisters who followed us through Misericordia María TV, we also deeply thank you.

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Thank you all.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
