Monday, December 5 of 2022

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today you can be closer to Me, on the top of these mountains of the Alps, where My Sacred Heart gathers all Hierarchies in solemnity and devotion.

Today, you can be closer to Me to accompany the deep feeling of your Master and Lord, Who, from the top of the Alps, attracts to the world the Kingdom of God, in the face of an outraged and wounded planet, in the face of the violated Kingdoms of Nature, mistreated and wounded by the humanity of the surface.

From the top of the Alps, My Sacred and Eternal Heart comes today to contemplate those wounded in war, all those who escape terror and persecution.

This is why I place all in My Arms, especially those who are wounded by war, hurt by weapons. Because their souls are lost, as they are fighting for something that does not make sense. And this brings serious consequences due to the lack of peace, leaving a great part of humanity in an uncertain dimension.

But trust today. All your prayers pronounced and offered to My Sacred Heart fill the Kingdom of the Heavens, good prayers of My disciples and friends, so that this world may receive one last opportunity, an extraordinary and undeserved Grace.

Because here, upon the surface of this planet, the Eternal Father knows that there are many innocent and good souls that have come to this world to embody and live the experience of love and forgiveness, who have come to be a part of the Promised Land, that Land that was announced by My own Eternal Father to the people of Israel.

For this reason I Am here today. Not only as the Lord of the Night, but also as the Lord of the twilight, Who invites you to retreat in the Temple of My Sacred Heart, to implore together with Me to the Eternal Father, so that His most high angels and archangels, as well as all the guardian angels, which untiringly serve the souls of this planet, may intervene on the inner planes of consciousness to dissolve and destroy the plans of evil.

My Sacred Heart and My loving and humble Gaze still feel and contemplate the suffering of this planet and humanity in its diversity. And this suffering affects many souls in these times, because not only do they distance themselves from God, but they also submerge in a deeper and more difficult suffering.

But today, from the top of the Alps, I bring you the table of salvation, the Law of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy for the whole world through the expression of the Rays of My Sacred Heart, for all those who wish and aspire to be under them. In this way, they can be in communion with Me and, by being in communion with Me, they will be able to be in communion with the Source, the Sacred Source of the Eternal Father.

In this cold Winter that the planet is living, from the Inner Enclosures of this place, where the Hierarchy also sustains the balance of the planet, the sun of hope and faith begins to rise and emerge from the depths of the planet, a state of divine and cosmic consciousness that the Spiritual Hierarchy grants to the souls that believe in My Mercy, so that all hearts may have the Grace of overcoming the end of times and the planetary transition, knowing that they must still overcome many barriers and obstacles in this material life, knowing that they must live with a vaster and deeper patience so that, in the face of each planetary event, their consciousnesses may not lose sight of the Law of My Compassion.

In truth I tell you, companions: there is no other solution for all that happens in this humanity. This is the time for My apostles to live and express the Christic Love that will allow them to overcome themselves every day. That Christic Love will also allow them to place others first, as something more important and essential, and to understand the suffering of others, without judging or condemning them. My Christic Love will also allow them to be close to those who are denied and rejected by their brothers and sisters.

This is why I tell you again that there is no other way out. In the Source of My Merciful Love you will find the spiritual and inner strength to do so and, someday, just as it happened to my apostles of the past, you will realize that in fraternal love the Sacred Spirit of Brotherhood will spontaneously emerge.

From the top of the Alps, and in this final Message that I emit to the whole world, during this cold winter afternoon in Europe, I come to implore and ask you, Children of My Father to definitively live in Christic Love, because many souls known and unknown to you, suffering hearts and lives, need forgiveness, love and redemption.

In this dark night that the Earth is going through, may you know how to sustain the incandescent flame of the Divine Purpose. May you know how to truly express the spirit of My Peace so that more regions of the world may not be touched by darkness. May humanity not keep submerged, because in truth I tell you that I cannot bear this any longer.

In a place similar to this, on a mountain similar to this, your Master and Lord was crucified, killed and buried, surrendering even His last drop of Blood so that this planet and this humanity might be considered by the Project of God as a feasible Project for this Creation and this Universe.

United as brothers and sisters, united as servers, united as members of this Order of the Brotherhood, I grant you protection, care, sustenance and inner union with the sacred treasures of the Hierarchy so that this world may no longer lose light or love. And, even more, I grant you the merits of My Sorrowful Passion, so that peace may not be lost in this world and you may not forget that you are brothers and sisters of one people, brothers and sisters of this humanity, a sacred project of the old people of Israel.

Now, I retreat in the Eternal Father, just as you can retreat in the Lord to keep praying with Me in the coming times, for all that the Hierarchy must still carry out in the Northern Hemisphere and in the rest of the world.

I thank My missionary children for opening the doors in Asia through Thailand. In this way, more nations of that region of the planet can receive My Mercy, through those who simply say ‘yes’ to Me and walk as My last apostles in this world so that, through love and service, they may announce My Return to the world, which is near.

I love you, bless you and give you My Peace again so that, through Me, through the sacrifice of the Son of the Father, you may commune with God in unity, love and brotherhood.

I thank all those who made this sacred task in the Alps possible, responding to the request of My Celestial Mother.

I invite all to accompany with the heart the sacred task of the Mother of God in Garabandal. In this way, all the Inner Centers of the Northern Hemisphere may be lit up and expand in their emblematic spiritual and sidereal presence, so that souls may receive the spiritual treasures of the Brotherhood.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sunday, December 4 of 2022

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In silence, I try to have you listen to God. The lack of silence in the world causes absence of peace and, due to the lack of peace in the world, there is no harmony.

For this reason, this is the great moment for souls to turn to their inner silence, because God has been waiting up until now to speak to His Children, to His Creatures, so that they may listen to His Call and to His Voice, so that souls may be led to the Purpose and, as a part of this Spiritual and Divine Purpose, hearts may learn to express His Divine Will, day by day.

The lack of silence in the world is what causes chaos and war. This is what causes faulty listening, and the difficulty to feel and recognize all that happens to one’s neighbor.

This is why the world and humanity are confused, lost and disturbed, because the lack of peace disorients the consciousnesses of the surface and slowly distances them from the Purpose of God.

But on this day, once again, through the doors to My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, through the Wound of My Side, I come to grant souls the opportunity to reintegrate themselves into the evolutionary path. Thus, they may not only learn to listen to God in the silence of the heart, but they may also be impelled to carry forward the preparation of My Return to the world. And although this is about to happen in humanity, very difficult things will still happen on the surface.

Through the Divine expression of My Word, through My New Gospel, which springs from the innermost depths of My Heart, I come to prepare souls for that moment.

In the meantime, I ask you to sustain yourselves in Me, because in Me you will be able to continue on despite the times of tribulation and darkness, although you may see these nations oppose one another, although people may rise against people, although indifference, for many, may be the theme of this age.

Companions, I invite you to get up and begin every day as if it were the first time, knowing that in your hearts there must emerge the ardent inspiration to fulfill My Purpose no matter what, regardless of what may happen, regardless of what is carried out in this world.

Do not seek the solution in that which is material and concrete. Seek the answer in your inner worlds and in that which is spiritual, because the one who seeks an answer on the material plane will never find it, as all of this surface needs to be redeemed and rehabilitated, from the human beings to the Kingdoms of Nature.

All of Creation waits for the great moment of redemption of the planet. All evolutionary consciousnesses of the universe are waiting for the awakening of the human being so that it may become aware, once and for all, of everything it has done to this world, of every harm it has caused to this Creation.

But from the brave and anonymous hearts will emerge this spiritual power through the love, adherence and unity of souls, which will allow the conversion of the most adamant sinners, those who have condemned themselves to the fire of hell.

There would be no other reason for My Divine Mercy to be present in this Creation but for the souls that are lost and condemned.

My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy comes to bring atonement to all. It comes to replace Justice through the presence of Grace and Compassion.

Therefore, when you see all that will happen in this world, as is happening now, strengthen within yourselves the aspiration of being in Me and of serving Me, so that I may have instruments on the surface of the Earth, of which I may avail Myself and with which I may work in these very definitive times of the planet, in which unknown and incredible situations will be lived in which your faith, the faith of each one of my disciples, must be first in the lives of all, no matter what happens, as I have said to you.

Because it will be this science of faith that will help you to love the planetary cross, and it will also help you carry your own cross and, through faith, you will learn to transcend yourselves a little more every day.

Imagine, even for one moment, what would have happened to Me if I had not had faith so as to surrender in sacrifice through the Last Supper, to be condemned, humiliated, flagellated and then crucified, as if I were less than a lamb.

What would have happened without the presence of faith!

The Living God became small and humble in an abandoned place in Bethlehem. The Living God waits, at this moment and in this time, at the eve of the Nativity of the Lord, to be born again in the hearts that wait for Him, and thus change this planetary situation, through all those who profess their faith and trust in Christ, through all those who love the science of the Sacraments.

It is in this way that, once again, that the Lord of the Night, the Lord of the Mountains, the Firstborn Child, Christ the Redeemer, comes to anoint you through His Spirit. Thus, you will dare to cross the threshold of the end of times and you will never lose sight of the Divine Purpose, the blazing flame of Peace and the Will of the Father for all His Creatures in this Creation.

This is why neither your Master and Lord nor any other Hierarchy will raise their sword although the battle is hard and difficult. On the spiritual planes of consciousness, I call all Hierarchies, just as I call you, My companions, to express Christic Love, which overcomes the errors, dissolves indifference, transcends sin, liberates suffering and opens the doors to hope and peace.

Evil does not know these attributes, or these spaces of the consciousness. And the more people live these attributes and are a source of these Christic experiences, the less long time will evil be able to sustain itself, because it will dissolve itself, as Light, Love and Unity reign.

I invite you to abandon wrath. I invite you to leave behind the planetary disconformity. It is time for you to live what I taught you with so much Love, because the Father only expects that His Children may be the Christs of the New Times.

On this second day of meeting with Me, I come to make you think about all these things because, as I told you, there is no longer time, and My Instructions must not go unnoticed.

My Instructions must be lived in plenitude and awareness so that someday you, as awakened, adhered and available beings, may be part of My Celestial Kingdom on Earth, may be the preamble to the emergence of the New Humanity, free from sin, suffering, pain, as bearers of peace.


You who look at this world with anguished Eyes,
trust those who follow My Steps in faith,
just as you trusted Your Son.

Empty the hearts so that You may enter them
and all Your Children may commune with You,
just as Your Son communed with You
at the culminating moment of the Garden of Gethsemane.

Help Your Creatures go through the end of these times,
to love the unknown more and more every day,
so that all may find the sacred promise
of belonging to Your Kingdom.


Let us keep praying for the descent of the Divine and Unfathomable Mercy upon the whole world.

May these impulses that I give you be a reason to fulfill the Sacred Plan, through the surrender of your lives and essences, through your adherence to the Divine Purpose.

May My Peace be in you and in this place.

May My Peace be infused in this world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
