Wednesday, January 6 of 2016

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Like the twelve Apostles sitting at the table, today I have all of you close to Me, to fill you with My Gifts of spiritual life, to show you the Purpose of God in these times of chaos.

I am that Sun that shines in the darkness of these final times.

I am the Eucharistic Heart for the universe of souls, for all the spirits that are in God; but I also come for the sinners, for those who turn their backs on Me through those that I send to deliver My Word of salvation.

Today you are before My Cenacle not only with the twelve who followed Me in the beginning to give the greater impulse of the Christification of humanity, a project that has been reached only by very few. I do not lose hope, the battle has not finished and still the truce has not been established because the Apocalypse has not occurred and the hearts do not know what will happen.

I come to give strength to the inner worlds where God truly lives and His great experience of love.

While the forces of evil unleash furiously over the world to conquer hearts, I come to establish, in those never seen before, My true Cenacle of consecration impregnated by the Purpose of God and by His Divine Thought, in all this Creation and for all this race.

If Adam and Eve broke with the project, humanity had to assume its own faults throughout time and the generations. But I incarnated in this world to put an end to those things.

I offered myself for you in the Passion and on the Cross, in Death and Ascension, to be that thread of light that united all the commandments. 

Now that you know you must love one another, you must support each other. You must learn to heal through the experience of love and unity. In that, My adversary will not be able to work because he does not know what the True Love of God is.

When he was in Heaven he became confused and the Law deposed him; he will be the last one that will be defeated by the force of My own Blood when I return to the world in Glory and Light.

Until that happens, the good Christians will be persecuted and those who believe in Me will be mistreated, not by punishment, but to do as I did.

In the silence I gave myself for love, for Redemption and for Salvation. You should not think about who will live it or how it will happen. In the Heart of the Father everything is written, but you beings of the Earth, created in the image and likeness of God since the beginning of the project of Earth and humanity, can change the events when you are true, pure and humble.

Sins embrace many hearts that do not find consolation or a way out.

I give you the table of My Mercy so that you can make it known. This table replaces your faults in the book of the universe where everything is written, from the beginning until the end.

I told you some time ago that I am that Omega who comes to bring an end to all things, but for that it will be necessary to pass through the transition.

I know that many of your hearts would want to hear words of hope, but this time has already been written in the heart of the prophets, in the peoples of yesterday.

I Am that star that shines in the universe, which ascended towards the house of the Father to first return in the divinity of the beings and in the spirits of the workers of God who work tirelessly to concretize the Plan.

Suffer no more for your imperfections, just work to concretize My Plans and I will give you the strength of transformation and of the life of all the universe.

I am that Sun which comes to announce Itself again in the end of times just as I once came to this world to die for you.

I am that glorious Sun, that Sacred and Glorified Heart that brings to you Grace and  Mercy; that is why My enemy works to dispel the aspiration of the hearts of finding My Mercy and My Peace.

The soldiers are formed in the first lines of the Apocalypse and the spirit of all men is prepared to face the final time.

I would like to be able to tell you everything that is predicted, but humanity changes the destiny of things as a consequence of its actions and tasks.

You must learn to love the Will of God without judging it or rethinking if it is right or not.

You must love the Will of the Father as I loved it and as I will always love it, because it is a will filled by the Love of God, by His most pure and noble Heart for the whole universe.

The human will is the hardest thing to die, it is the most resistant stone in the hearts of men, and behind it is pride and denial.

I come to give you the impulse to transform all these things, so that you are not the same.

I come to draw, by means of your lives, the new paths toward the Lord.

Therefore while you are purified or when you rejoice, you must thank God, because in truth I will always be extending My Hand to give you inner strength and reasons to change life, to change the genetics of the Earth, of all humanity.

I came through Jesus to show you the path of overcoming, of redemption, of transcendence, despite being constituted as a Divine Being.

The apostles achieved the same prodigies that I lived through the Archangel Michael.

If you have faith, everything is possible and nothing is delayed.

In this way, the Project of God descends and is realized in the hearts of all beings.

I expect that all souls recognize My Presence in this place where the aurora dawns in the life of each being.

I leave in this forgotten place, the refuge of my Heart for the coming times, and I expect My apostles to take part in caring for this refuge, that I spiritually leave here and which will serve the souls that will come to seek help, as well as the holy oratory of Archangel Michael.

I come to remind you of the humility of things in the simplicity of forms and in the beauty of what is manifested.

All of you should be bearers of the spirit of harmony and of vigilance of everything that is sacred, of the care that it needs to endure  throughout the times.

All those who pray have the mission, in My name, of helping in the manifestation of the Centers of Light of the communities that I establish, for the great final task.

The Fig tree must continue giving buds, flowers and fruits so that new Centers of Light may be born which will serve as support in the transition of the Earth and especially to the groups of mercy that have responded to My Call throughout this time.

Thus you will see, companions, that when we are no longer here to announce Our Word to you, Our Spirit will be there until the moment when I return to this world to again redeem it and lead it towards the New Humanity.

There will be no other place to go on Earth, except where you have worked spiritually for so long to learn and instruct yourself, to grow in prayer and in service to others.

When everything is more difficult, My Church, extended through the Earth will recognize what I did here, and it will be late for the impious, for those who claim to be immortal before God.

God is the Spirit of Immortality; He is the Eternal and Omnipresent Spirit, as is His Son, who was born of the Spirit of Immortality to give you eternal life and teach you to transcend the times through Love and Sacrifice.

I institute here a sign which will be seen in the hearts of those who believe not only for their faith, but for the love of the unknown, the love for overcoming themselves by My Holy Name.

That is why today I have you seated at the table, celebrating this first spiritual communion, at the top of Mount Sinai. So that you remember that I Am that thread of light that unites the commandments.

Next month, I expect to see here, in this Center, those who say they are with Me, begging for My Mercy for this humanity, for what will happen with the missions will be important, and this work here must be supported. Aurora needs it, just as Aurora has given it to you in every new inner encounter.

The prayer groups should be organized to be in this refuge that I am giving you next month.                                                  

Thus, we will constitute a new ceremony of redemption for those who suffer in humanity and will be bearers of My paternal blessings.

In this sacred cenacle, on Mount Sinai, I find many coming to Me, to present to Me many petitions.

I hear you when the prayer is truthful, as it has been in these days, when My Heart is relieved of the sins of the world, of those who forget the Lord.

It is so much love that I have to give you that you would not bear it. Each drop of blood shed in the Passion, was a drop of love for the world, for each one the souls, in the course of time.

If you counted how much Blood I shed on the cross, on the Calvary or the flogging, and also with the crowning of thorns, you would understand how much I love you, because My Father loves you through Me.

I leave you this sign and I bring quiet to your hearts.

In the Light that comes from the infinite, I bless you.

In the Holy Name of My Father, in the Victorious Light of His Son and in the Power of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, uniting you to the High and the Superior, renewing your hope and strengthening your faith, so that you are able to live me, as I expect.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Glorified Christ Jesus

Tuesday, January 5 of 2016

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus during the 30th Marathon of Divine Mercy, at the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

What do you fear? When I am present, Light reigns and darkness is dispelled from the deepest spaces of all beings.

Why do you fear? Is not the Power that God has given Me stronger than a thousand armies?

The Power that comes from God is invincible but cannot be tempted by anybody.

The fallen angel has not come out of his abyss yet because I still have to return to give you My Victory and My Peace.

I take you all through a long desert and some fear to die on the way due to so much thirst.

I Am that great Mirror of Water, I Am that Oasis that is halfway of your paths to save you and give you to drink from the last Water of Life that saves all, that redeems all and that heals all.

You are still at the doorways of this great desert that I invite you to cross through experiences and tests. Do you not trust that I might be there to help you?

Today lie prostrate as I once was at Gethsemane.

Solitude is part of the test of all initiates. If I, Who Am your Life suffered it, so will you, but not to the same degree that I suffered for you and for the whole world, up to nowadays.

There is nowhere to escape to, companions. Armageddon is the entryway to the Apocalypse, that many believe has not arrived yet but that is unfolding in a devastating way in this humanity.

I am that Sacred Heart that consoles you, that moves you, that unites you with the Heavenly Father.

The thorns in My Heart are a sample of the gravity of the world and of all its inhabitants.

The yoke is intense in these times, but there is nothing to fear; work for My Father and together with Me, to serve Me in the name of Love, of Infinite Love.

Today the great and first spiritual battle is unleashed in the world, which is not visible, nor in anybody's reach.

For this reason, I have come this evening to comfort you, to give you to drink from My Water, that will not cause you to die but to be reborn in spirit, in union with Me.

These are difficult times, and they will become even more difficult, but I need you to hold fast to My Heart so that you may be in the Heart of My Father.

I also suffer because of so many cruelties, so much discouragement, so many sins; but I died for you on the Cross and the Mercy of God was granted to Me.

The same God had Himself nailed to the Cross for you, so that you did not lose yourselves. But that experience seems not to be sufficient for today's humanity, which in its deep consciousness believes the Master failed.

The victory is in the strength of true and invincible Love that comes from the Fount of My Father and which regenerates all things, those most lost things.

If your paths ever deviate from Mine, know that you can return.

So much love have I to give to the souls and few avail themselves of it!

For so long have I My Arms open and stretched out to you to receive you and few embrace Me!

So much peace can I give to you and few seek it!

I gave you the Sacraments, the signs of salvation so that you could live them again and again; because the body can die, but the soul lives in eternity.

It is your souls you must not fail, it is your spirits you must not hurt with your actions, your doubts, your little faith.

I know that many do not dare to cross this very large and hard desert.

Whoever trusts in My Mercy will be saved and will not be lost.

Today I come as the Jesus of the Divine Justice for the world.

My Hands continue to be wounded because of the faults of the world, because of the pride, the arrogance, the lack of penance. But I give you the strength to rebuild you, to heal you, to renew you again and again.

I am at the doorway of this desert to accompany you, since many souls will not know how to walk it because they do not have the inner guidance. But I Am that path that will lead you to the Father, to the house of the Heavenly Father where there is no fear, there is no darkness, only Love reigns.

I offered Myself to the world so that you may reach My Father, so that you may ascend to the heighest. Many times your bodies do not want it, but do not feel intimidated, the universe is still dual and the experience is alive for all.

But if there is love among My own, nothing will happen, because where there is true and not proud love, I am present. Perhaps you will not see Me nor feel Me in the most critical moments, but when the battle is at its peak, I will be there to support you.

For you I lived the first war of Redemption through the Passion and the Cross. I showed you how to do it in silence, in surrender and trusting in God, but many do not want to do it because they are afraid of failing.

Non-resistance will be your cordial sister, the one that will give you the strength to go through the tests, just as they are written. If you do not purify yourselves, you cannot reach the Kingdom of God.

Adam and Eve left this project during the Genesis and from that moment, original sin was cultivated in the heart of the men and women of the Earth.

The Patriarchs came to straighten out the paths of humanity.

The Prophets came to announce the salvation of the world through Christ.

Mary, your Mother, came to accompany you in love and in faith; if that very simple woman decided to live the powers of Heaven, embracing them with fervor and devotion, accepting the Will of the Father, why do you not do it?

Everything that is shown on your paths is part of an experience.

Sanctity is the goal of the new christs, of the new lambs that will go to different slaughterhouses; but nobody will go to the slaughterhouse as I did, for each one of the essences that lacked peace and reconciliation.

My Blood was poured out upon the world and few adored it; it is the Blood of God made flesh that was surrendered for Redemption.

The light of the mysteries is for all without exception; the mysteries of the Blood poured out, the mysteries of the Cross, of the Passion, of the Agony, and of the Resurrection were and are so that the world may be able to take its steps towards the Lord.

While I talk to you, I contemplate the world that is in agony and others celebrate their own realization. What is more valuable? That a humanity saves or that a nation develops through its poor powers? Weapons were created to instigate hearts to create fear and persecution.

If you are united to Me, you may die, but your spirits will always rise. The victory is to be found in Love, in the Unity that is commended by My Father to the whole Universe.

While I speak to you, I walk in the desert together with you, just as I did with the twelve to show them where truth was to be found.

May your hearts become peaceful, calm, may they be meek and loving. Your peers may fail but your love cannot disappear.

How will I be present in you if the Power of Love that moves all and recreates all for souls to grow in the Love of God is not there?

Today I comfort those who have fallen, those who are not able to raise from the ground because of their own experiences.

Today I baptize you as John baptized Me in the Jordan and I entrust you the joy of living this experience that many do not understand because it is unknown.

Do not lose hope, let your faith not succumb, because today the King of God, the Son of Man, the Servant of the Most High steps with His Feet on what causes pain and bitterness in the hearts, delivering you from sins, from temptations and from deviations.

I give you My Faith which is what I can bequeath to you. Do not cease to seek Me, for many hearts need Me through My true disciples.

Today I bring serenity and calmness, for the battles will not end, and each time many more souls will have to join so that this Army of Light never falls away.

Your Mother runs to the desert to seek refuge, just as John said; you too should do it before the bad time comes. Many will be surprised for not having prepared.

The Sacraments will be the keys to enter that refuge, as well as prayer and vigil.

You must not persecute yourselves, you must not feel intimidated, but rather be at service for what God needs for humanity. Because in this Book that I hold today in My Hands, there are few who have committed themselves, although there could be many more if everybody walked in faith.

I love you, I bless you and I baptize you in the indulgence granted by My Divine Mercy.

Worship the Lord, worship Adonai.

Father, Who entrusted Your Son with the mystery of the sacrifice for the world, help them, Lord, so that they may rise again in Your Holy Name.
Just as you sent hundreds of angels to the Garden of Gethsemane so that they could help Me, thus, Lord, lift them up from the ground when they fall.
The flesh is weak but the soul is strong, created in likeness to You, created in the name of Your Love.
Adonai, nurture the spirits, lift up souls to your Kingdom, to Your Life, to Your Heart. Dissolve the pain of the world, rebuild Your Project for those who listen to You through Your Son. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Glorified Christ Jesus

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
