In this end time, remember My Words of Light and hold on tight to Me so that My Love may dispel the confusing ideas of evil.
Thus, I ask that each day you trust in Me a little more and that you remember these last moments of love which, in My Celestial Glory, you have shared with Me.
Do not delay, time is going by and My sidereal bell tower is calling the last sheep before the time of Divine Justice comes.
Decide to surrender. My absolute confidence has descended upon your being. And in all of this precious mystery is held My Love for souls.
Thus, with resolve and emptiness of your own will and expectations, focus your attention on what I tell you, for you have the supreme Grace of being worthy of My Father and of receiving My infinite Mercy every day.
If you walk toward Me, the darkness of the pathway will not touch you or embrace you.
Be intelligent and decide to seek the things that come from My Will. In this way, you will know what correct path to follow and you will be free, by My Grace, of your peers being lost.
Open your heart, for you still have not done so. To open your heart to Me means to constantly renounce your own desires. Take care of yourself more than your opponents. The pure pathway is built based on the perfect unity you establish with My Kingdom.
Throughout time, I have given you My Peace and My Mercy. Be thankful and good. Listen to My Words through your brothers and sisters.
Remember that I am present in tabernacles and in all the praying temples of beings. If you still have not recognized My wise and pure Will, today I show it to you, and this is My spiritual petition: follow Me and renounce your projects.
I Am the only portal to salvation and redemption of your tiny terrestrial life.
It is no longer the time or the moment for your feet to be in two boats. Stop being shipwrecked in your own world and humbly recognize Who has come to call you and redeem you.
When you open your little heart, you will already be loving the things of Heaven. While you look for your own fulfillment, for Me you will only be a part of the sin of this cruel world.
Be resigned and implore for My Mercy. The Tablets of the Law are already at the Feet of the Creator and they will soon be revealed by the celestial choirs before My Return.
I have come for a long time and so many days, so that one day, you can give up and unite with the spirit of My holy Humility.
May this merciful Marathon, after so many have been done, be the moment that every being reconsiders because of all that they have received directly from My Sacred Heart of Light.
When you have reconsidered, meditating on My Passion, I assure you that you will realize all that I have told you in the name of God.
Pray and seek nothing but to pray. Ask forgiveness for your immense pride and decide, now and always, to be worthy of the Lord.
I thank you for your gesture of humility and reverence.
Under the infinite forgiveness of God, be blessed.
Thank you to those who adore Me from their heart, in the Most Holy Body of Christ.
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Woe to those who do not recognize My coming!, for they will lose the path for having believed in their own fantasies. Thus, day and night, I call you to a sanctification of your lives so that, in truth, someday you may be worthy of receiving My Legacy.
When the day of the great darkness comes, you must not fear. I will be with you until the end of days; I will be with all those who truly recognized My Will in time. I will also be with those who were able to renounce themselves and forget their own preferences so that My Plan could be fulfilled in their fellow beings.
When the time of tribulation comes, many will remember these Words, which will be their support at the critical moments and especially during the days of the Great Final Judgment, in which the angels of God will open the Book of Life of all beings of the Earth; and before the Thrones of God, the Eternal Father will move forward with His Universal Judgment.
Those who communed with Me, in humility and love, will know it in those days, before My Return in the Spirit of Peace, and will be able to recognize that My Presence is real.
Happy are those who have strived to fulfill My Wills, which are the Will of God.
Woe to those who, convinced of their own truth, will follow other footsteps which are not Mine!
Who will give a coin for them?
Who will give their life for those who were unjust?
I wish at all times to speak to you of the beautiful things of Heaven, but now I must tell you about the unjust things of the world.
To those who seek experiences with the Divine, do not deceive yourselves; seek more and more to pray from the heart and without expectations for what will happen in the future.
God gives His great Tools to the most simple, a greater Wisdom to the more pure, and a divine expression of Love to the most empty of self. If you still do not have this in your heart, listen to Me and read the Words I have given you throughout a whole year, and in this way, you will know what it is I want from you rather than what you wish all the time.
In this way, My companions, today in this Message, I summarize the keys of Mercy I have given you for a whole year.
Have you perhaps contemplated My Words with sincerity and without pride?
All the Messages received and transmitted by My Holy Word are the last drops of Mercy I have poured out over the world, on the eve of Divine Justice.
I thank you for persisting.
My Light will also be gathered up from the world, but I will be present in hearts which are simple and true in their intention.
Pray lovingly for those who have been ungrateful to Me.
Under the Mercy of God, be blessed and just.
Thanks to the brave for dwelling in My Merciful Heart!
The Glorified Christ Jesus
I Am the Light that exists in places and worlds where there is no Light. I Am the Morning Star of the universe that dispels the gloom.
I Am the One Who brings with Him the essence of Life and Truth, and I hope that all of Mine will one day become that very Light, which defeats evil and awakens the Mercy of God in the world.
While the time of the universe announces new profound changes, We the Divine Messengers are preparing to gather Our Hearts in the Great Heart of God.
But in essence and in pure spirit, We will be with humanity until the end, waiting for the designated moment to help in the redemption of the last souls on the face of the Earth.
While that moment has yet to take place, make good spiritual decisions in your lives, in this way, you will be truly ready and sincere to face the Plans of God, because then, His Higher Source will be able to trust in you until the end.
Your hearts hold the potential for experiencing an unlimited transformation, capable of transcending inner and outer barriers and difficulties.
Through these last times, I have given you the possibility of knowing the path of love and forgiveness, something that must be practiced when the moment of the tribulation emerges throughout all humanity.
Everybody, in due time, will be witnesses to My Presence and My return to the heart of the simplest and the greatest sinners. At that time, you will be the testimony for many, for a great opportunity of pity and Mercy.
But all of this cannot be left behind, forgotten, when the time of giving your own life out of love approaches.
At that moment, I will be by your side to encourage you, in absolute trust, to take the great step for the salvation of this lost world.
Your support will be My hope, your joy will be the power of My consolation, your fortitude will be the gift of My faith, your immediate step will be to die for Me and for your brothers and sisters.
When this time comes for everybody, each being will be able to understand and clearly know how much they have worked by My side, and how much they have, without fear, given to Me, so that I could transform their being.
The times are indicating a different moment.
Your attention and silence can be the precise keys for understanding the final signs that the universe will send.
May your thirst to experience Me never end.
Let the renewing love that I offer you at each meeting be the definitive mark that will remain engraved forever so that in the great moment of My return I am able to recognize you as My apostles rather than My executioners.
Love the Law of God, even though you do not understand it; this will protect you from yourselves.
My Rays are poured out upon the just.
In the Peace of the New Time
Jesus Christ, Solar King
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
During the Vigil of Prayer of December 24, 2014, at the Marian Center of Aurora, Our Lady announced that the new cycle of monthly Messages of Christ Jesus will be carried out through a program on the third Friday of each month; it will be called "The Sacred Call".
Today, during the last weekly Message of Christ, the Master again announced that, in the coming cycle of His monthly Messages, the program will be called "The Sacred Call."
While the world of today largely forgets to look to God and recognize Him, I come in this time to announce My last Call to you, that which shall congregate you out of love for a spiritual and higher task with Me.
However, the souls of today are different from the souls of yesterday; there is a need instilled in the hearts to seek the good and to satisfy their lives.
I come to give to you everything that you do not know of the universe. In the name of the Love of God, I come to awaken the last apostles who shall await My arrival in the cold night.
I know you all very well, I know about your certainties and difficulties; but I need, all the time, the pulsating heart of each being; that heart and that soul which shall allow me to work in critical times.
Your efforts of love must be greater. The moment shall come when you will love that which you have never loved and forgive that which you have never forgiven.
Now, in this time of changes and tests, I deliver to you the great key of meekness, something that I experienced for you during the Passion.
I feel comforted by this world when souls love My Sacred Passion, a mystery that I began to reveal to you precisely, so that both the faithful and the atheist may find the Light of Christ in times of tribulation.
Therefore, seek to penetrate the mystery of My sacrifice and My surrender, because through My Heart you will learn to bear the attacks of the enemy, like many beings that lived and worked in My holy Name.
Woe to those who will turn their backs on Me in this time; their own ignorance and vanity shall make them sink like a boat in the open sea.
Pray for all those who shall not recognize in time that I have returned first in Soul and in Divinity.
Happy are the responsive and the persevering, they shall never lose the opportunity of knowing me deeply and in a spirit of peace.
Be workers in plenitude. Be living bearers and witnesses of My sacred Message, for the hour indicates the moment of experiencing My redeeming Love.
I Am that Being Who was born out of the work and grace of the Holy Spirit. You are those who were also born from the Source of Love.
Remember the principles of your origins and serve God in complete peace.
I shall never fail you. Call out upon My Name, seek My Word to quench the inner thirst. Always be merciful.
Under the Glory that comes from God, be blessed.
Thank you for seeking the Light of My Glorified Heart!
Peace upon the Earth.
Christ Jesus
And now that you have understood what I told you yesterday, receive My Heart in Light and in Glory, and do not separate My Heart from your hearts. Fulfill the promise of being with Me forever.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Let us repeat:
With these simple words, you will be giving God permission for your souls to be rescued through God's Firstborn Son, in the end of times, so that, when I return in Glory to this world, souls can recognize Me, as many of you knew Me in the past.
Thus, on this afternoon of Mercy and Pity, I bring you My Presence; I bring you the remembrance of having been with Me in other times, sharing the Supper with the Lord, the favorite Communion with the Greater Universe.
Once again, I bring your consciousness the opportunity to remember all these things, of being able to relive the passages you have lived with Me, because all I wish is that your lives be close to My Heart and no longer be scourges for Me, but rather sources of love and of truth, as is My merciful Heart for you.
Through this day of merciful prayer, I was able to deeply come to know your inner beings, visit your inner worlds, your greater spirits, and repair many things through the simple practice of prayer. Perhaps you will not notice this great change, but let a little time go by so as to be able to understand what I tell you today.
My Words are not just simple words. Through them, I bring the Light of God to the world. I was conceived to be the Spokesperson of the universe and I will continue to be so until I can return to the world. And while that does not happen, I come with the hope of preparing your inner worlds so as to be able to dispel the shadows and the darkness, those energies that envelop your lives all the time when you simply stop looking at Me for a moment.
I observe you all the time, My companions. Imagine how much I observe the whole of humanity. Through My brothers and sisters on the path, I move past all lives, waiting for yet another soul to awaken and prepare this flock of apostles that will give testimony of My Return to the world.
When the false lies about My Appearance come up in humanity, I will not confuse anybody. My love is unmistakable, because I Am the emanation of a feeling of Love, of a pure and healthy word that brings you the Will of God, as energy and as Presence, for those who simply say 'yes' to Me.
When I told you yesterday that you have the great task of unity, this is not something so simple. You have to work with your inner beings so that My Consciousness can permanently reign. And when I am present among you all and in all, I will be able to carry out My Works of salvation for Uruguay.
Do not stop praying for the priests and for all those who strive to live My Path in the four corners of the Earth, because it is necessary, My children, that the brave be able to bear the great tribulation.
When the time comes for the great division of humanity, your hearts must already be resplendent and the dark stains must no longer exist, those which sometimes permeate your hearts, blind your eyes and take away your faith.
Thus, unite with Me at this time, while the Mercy of My Heart is poured out upon the world. I only hope to fulfill what God asks of Me for this era. So, too, hope the Divine Messengers and all the Creator Fathers, who, in Their Love, hold an awareness for the best idea for this planet, the greatest purpose for this world, the infinite objective for humanity.
While you comprehend and understand all these matters with the love of your heart, receive My Words in your essences. These are no longer times to experience normal things nor to have brilliant ideas. I am showing you a Path of Light that is very little accepted, that is very forgotten, because souls are involved in other things. The things of the world are stronger and take you from the path of spirituality.
But when you are aware of being able to recognize My Words and My Petition, be willing to wholly transform. Allow My Angels to tear your old garments so that the true being that dwells within you, the high self that is very unknown to humanity, may emerge; for humanity strongly lives the terrestrial life, is involved with the things of the world and forgets to look at the sky, contemplate the stars, feel itself to be part of the universe. All the universes are waiting for your 'yes.'
Thus, up to where We are allowed, the Divine Messengers will travel and do pilgrimages, giving the Message, the warning, the call to attention to humanity, because the great change of this race is drawing closer and you will not be able to say you did not know. I already announced it 2,000 years ago. John described it in the Apocalypse.
The words are being revealed to the world through the facts and the events that take place today, in this XXI century, of profound changes in which souls do not known where to go.
I invite you to become a part of My Fount of Mercy; in this way, you will be able to think of My Heart all the time, and your own reasons will disappear from your minds so that the Will of God may dwell in your consciousnesses.
When I call on you to follow a single path, I announce to you My companions, and I invite you to deeply seek My Heart all the time, to not think of anything but My Heart, so that your lives may be guided correctly and you not miss the path of redemption that is being offered to you.
This is the last word that is being said to the world. Thus, be attentive, vigilant, present in this moment, so that My Codes of Light do not dissipate from your beings and you do not fall again into the normal things of this world because of a lack of love and unity.
In these difficult times, I invite you to seek Heaven, to aspire to find the star of your origin. Let each one live their true mission, no matter what it is, simply following My Steps so as to not be confused and think that you are living a mission just as God wishes.
Thus, He sends Me to represent His universal Voice so that you not be confused and truly hear what I am saying to you. My Words are moving through this Earth, but where will they remain? I seek receptacles for My sacred Words, dwellers of My Mercy that are able to disseminate My Message of Light and of Peace for this race that is being lost.
Meditate on what I tell you.
Many have questions to ask of Me, but I will respond to them over the course of time through the signs of Light that I will give everybody, which will demonstrate what My desire is for all.
Africa is preparing to receive us. I invite you on this afternoon to be carriers and collaborators of this Work, because it will be important in this end time to seek the spirit of reconciliation with the Africans, the redemption and the healing that there must be between the souls of America and of Africa.
I also wish, My companions, that Europe be present on this mission. If you do it thus, many conversions will occur. Your hearts will be released of faults through the service of being and sharing with all My children of Africa, who wait for you and need you in these difficult moments.
So I invite you to be carriers of My Peace, that you may discover, through this sacred mission, how many things I have done through you by means of prayer of the heart.
I will baptize you again with My Spirit of Life, so that you may always be aware of My existence in every place, in the simple and humble hearts that seek God with much love.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Jesus asks us to pray while He consecrates the elements for the Baptism, the Foot-washing, and the Communion. From His Heart, He invites all the connected brothers and sisters to do the same, wash your feet and commune with His Body and His Blood. That you place these sacred Sacraments close to His Presence so that He may bless them as He did in the past.
Jesus asks Me to repeat the following prayer once, and then that we repeat it all together several times.
Uruguay has received a timeless Grace that must remain beating in your hearts so that it may overcome barriers, convert hearts, lift up the fallen, raise the unredeemed again, and thus the Plan of God may be accomplished.
May this timeless Grace that I give you be able to remain in your lives and you be consistent with this Grace. In your hands will be the permanence of this Grace or its disappearance.
My Heart gives you a star of Light of the universe.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
For the consecration of the elements, at the request of Our Lord, we will sing the Our Father in Aramaic. At this moment, He asks that all the connected Grace Mercy Order carry out the same exercise.
Sung prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).
Let the Lord receive this sacrifice into His Hands so that His Name be praised and glorified by the whole universe, and His Source of Love and of Unity be able to help all souls to achieve transfiguration, the path of redemption.
I am present here, contemplating Uruguay and the world. My Heart is the Aurora that shines in your lives. Seek this essence, the Christic essence of Love, so that your fears disappear and the faith prevail that will carry you into eternal life.
Amid this universal sky that surrounds Me, I consecrate you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Be a source of Love and of Truth. Thus you will make Me glad.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
For His elevation, Jesus wants us to sing "Primordial Source" and that we remember the glorious Ascension of Christ, which we will also experience in this moment.
I have opened a door for you throughout time so that all of humanity could enter, cross the threshold of My Heart, and become a part of My new redeemed Supper.
But throughout the times and the centuries, hearts did not listen to Me, many did not understand My Message because of finding it difficult to live it.
Thus, My companions, through My Divine Mercy, I bring you the last opportunity, your lifeline, the portal to the great change of your lives.
While I remain silent before you, My Heart beats in your hearts. I do not cease to pour out the Christic flames, precious codes that will allow you to change in time, as God the Father has foreseen.
For this reason, My companions, do not change the path you have chosen. In spite of temptations and deceits, strengthen yourselves through My Divine Mercy, and in the moments when your faith disappears, ask for help from My Heart; keep your hearts in My Heart and I will protect you from all evil.
I come to this nation to give it a last chance. It has been the most difficult to work with for Heaven, because the rest of the nations, dear children, dear companions, My friends, opened the door of the heart.
I am not saying, My companions, that love is lacking in your lives.
The main seasoning for this time will be unity, the one which must prevail above all things, in spite of behaviors and attitudes.
I come to form new disciples, new flocks that can unite through My Heart. The time of separations has ended. My Heart has given Itself to you, throughout these months, so that you could perceive in your consciousness the importance of working in unison for the Plan. In this way, you will be luminous stars that will light up the Earth, which is in darkness in these end times.
Open your eyes; not your physical eyes, but the eyes of your heart, so that you may see the Light that comes to you, the codes that are being poured into you so that you may prevail in this time of chaos.
My Grace wants to reach all of humanity, but My Words are coming to an end.
The cycle of your own confirmation has come. There will not be two paths or two tasks. I Am the only Laborer that congregates you for a greater purpose.
Dare to say 'yes' to Me and you will be able to walk with absolute confidence. You will no longer find any more stones on your paths, but rather you will find your paths open, because I have already opened them so that you can confidently walk, be transformed and purified, as is the Will of God.
Dear companions, feel My Heart present, My Words that reverberate in the depths. I sustain you through the times, but do not say 'no' to Me. I was always present in your lives. In some way, I gave you a true sign so that you could feel Me and thus be able to follow Me on the paths that I propose for you in your lives.
My voice is announced for the last time, before I return to the world in Glory and find the great tribulation, the moment of the great purification of all the beings of the Earth, so that the next cycle may be lighter and souls not suffer.
Continue praying to My Divine Mercy. Among the prayers there is a great mystery that you will soon discover; it is the mystery of real Love, the essential purity, which will fill you and transform you as worthy children of God. Simply hold My last Words in your hearts.
I am going through your lives so as to be able to go through the lives of the others, so that many more are able to awaken and find the consolation they so search for, the consolation that comes from Heaven, from all the sidereal universe.
Today I inform you of an unknown universe, which is the universe of My Heart. Accept it as surrender, as sacrifice and as love, because of the great compassion I have for all of you, but especially for those who turn their backs on Me throughout the rest of the world.
My Heart descends to the world in search of the lost. Heaven congregates in this place to call you as the only chance of returning to the path, the path of God.
I pray for you in My greater universes, and I send My angels to the Earth so they may help you to experience the great transformation, to pray for you to help you, to transform you, to purify you and transfigure you, as I have wanted for a long time; thus your lives may be a faithful instrument of God, without preferences or wishes, full of the Love of God that will transform you completely.
Accept My convocation. This is the last key that I give you.
I will consecrate the bread and the wine as a living symbol of My Body and of My Blood. Happy are those who are called to avail themselves of My sacred Sacraments. Your souls will be grateful for this unique moment in your lives.
Who eats of My Body will live, who drinks of My Blood will resuscitate, and you will not recognize yourself in this life, because I will have transformed you, as God has requested of Me.
I come seeking, in you, that you can awaken the sacred life. If you only take that step, the world will change.
Today I expose My Heart to you as the Blessed Sacrament. Adore and venerate it before the Eyes of God. Adoration, Adoration, Adoration, a life of Adoration of the Heart of Christ.
In My silence, I bless you. With My Love, I fill you. With My healing, I free you. Through My Grace, I consecrate you as new souls in the Kingdom of God.
Trust in what I tell you. Do not lose hope; the time of peace will come and you are called to participate in that through this sacred meeting.
Let us pray to consecrate.
Those who, in any part of the world, have had the intention of communing with My Body and My Blood, know that you have already done so in spirit and in soul for having invoked the Love of My Heart at this moment.
And to all those who will commune with My Body and My Blood, I invite you to do so for those who do not experience it, for those who forget Me in the tabernacle, and who do not even see Me in the Holy Monstrance.
I invite you to pray for all those who do not experience God, to commune for them as one race, one civilization that walks toward the consecration of the New Humanity.
I thank those who are persevering with Me and who pray from the heart for the fulfillment of My Project, My Project of salvation and peace.
I thank you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
To understand the Words of Our Lord, it is not only necessary to open one's ears, but one has to try to perceive with one's heart what exactly it is He wants to place within it.
And another thing we have to also do is know that each ward is for each one of us; it is not for the other, because sometimes we think that those words are not for us. And sometimes we miss the opportunity of being instructed and guided, of repairing a deviation in our path, because we think that the Words of the Lord are for other brothers and sisters.
So let us open our heart and always know that each word is for each one of us. In this way, we will never miss an opportunity.
Friar, what can you tell us?
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Today, Christ, in an unusual way, exposed His Heart as if it were the Blessed Sacrament, and that Light of His Heart expanded toward us.
He also gave an important key for this country, which is unity. He greatly emphasized this, because He knows that we can hear what He says, keep His words, and put them into practice.
Today, at the Apparition of Christ, I felt that He was giving the last alternative. I felt that it was nothing definite, but that it was a call to our inner consciousness.
He knows that we can unite a little more. He knows that Uruguay has a very important task in the end of times. He says that it will depend on our degree of unity that this should take place.
He asked us to set aside the superficial things, our own wills, in order to be able to accomplish the Greater Will. Perhaps we do not understand what that Will is, but if we do what Christ asked of us, of uniting, something positive can happen here.
At the Apparition of the Master, we also felt that he came to open a door here and that only He can open it.
He also gave us an important key, which is Adoration. Something that perhaps we do not know and do not pay much attention to, but just as He said, in the prayer we did at the end, He is present in all the tabernacles on Earth and offered His Heart so that we could adore It and understand many things.
He was very grateful for this opportunity of being here, among us, but He knows we can give a little more, mainly as Uruguayans.
Today He symbolically gave us a mission: to be united so as to be able to carry out that Plan that He foresees for this country. At that moment, we felt that all the angels of the nations were united in this purpose that Christ put to us; and other celestial Hierarchies were also present with Him, writing many things in great books, which we understood to be something in the future that was not revealed. He offered us His Heart so that we could understand what He is asking of us.
He had a lot more to give us, because He said so, and He hopes we will give more to Him so that He can give us more of Himself.
Today we also felt, before Christ, that we were also being seen by God with a lot of compassion.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
One of the things that Our Lord said today is that there are not two purposes, but rather only one Purpose exists, which is the one He asks of us. So sometimes we need to clearly perceive if we are following the Purpose He proposes or we are following our own purpose. Most of all, in this very little country where we are so few, He asked that we work in unity and that we not have two purposes. It will be necessary for us to reflect a lot on this, as to whether we are all really fully focused on this one Purpose, and about what we are going to do so that our unity be real and whole.
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
Surrender to Me and you will survive in this time.
I have washed you with My Water to purify you. I dried you with My Mantle to protect you.
I healed you. I healed your wounds with My Blood and all were witnesses of My wise Return to the heart.
Fill yourself with My Light. Be nurtured by My Spirit and withdraw from evil, which only wishes to harm you.
Do not open even one door to the enemy, but rather wait for Me with open arms when I come to visit you.
Be supported by My Trust; you already know that I will not deceive you. Allow My Divine Fire to burn your structures so that now the new redeemed being may be born.
What are you waiting for to surrender to My Light and be a particle of My Christic Energy?
Before you enter My Kingdom, you must empty yourself a whole lot more than you imagine. But have faith and hope, My Hands will never let go of you. I will accompany you until the end, when you truly give Me the space to do so.
I leave My Heart as an offering of life. I would like all to hear Me, as you once heard Me.
It is now time to prepare the dwelling place. It is already time to unify with rather than distance yourself from Me.
My Father has given you everything and I too will give this to you. Thus, trust in what happens within you. Do not feel alone or abandoned, because the shepherd never abandons Hisprecious sheep.
Come and remain in My Lap, in this way you will be worthy of being called a Child of God. While I wait for you to take the step toward My Heart and be a part of Me, I will not cease to tell you that you must return to Me.
I am here for you and nothing else, just as I am for each soul and essence that My Kind Father has conceived.
I Am the Guardian of your life and your destiny.
I Am the perfect Threshold to cross and walk with faith toward the unknown.
I want to make something of you that is unknown to you. I wish for you to let Me work and continue, for My plans for your existence are deeper and truer than you may imagine.
Confess to Me and do not miss the chance for renewal through My Presence in your heart.
Will you accept Me in the way that I Am?
Who will dare to erase their identity to be a part of Me?
Who will wait, in joy and in glory, for My Return?
Now, I come and visit you in Spirit, but I will come in Glory so that you may remember Who I Am.
I only wish to have instruments purified by My Mercy in My Hands. I only wait for your final 'yes'.
Now listen to what I will tell you directly to your heart: "Child, small prayerful soldier without a sword, rest in the Arms of your Commander so that, in the dawn that will come, you see the flame of Love emerge in your inner universe, the glorious flame of the resurrection of humanity."
Under the glory that permeates and consecrates you, be blessed.
Thank you for visiting My Sacred Heart, in prayer.
The Glorified Christ Jesus
Make your heart small and you will grow in Life.
Become the pious Mary Magdalene and come to Me to wash My Feet with your tears.
Come to remove from Me the dust of sin that many souls cause in My universal Being.
Come and sit at My table. I will listen to you day and night. I hear the clamor of your heart in the universe.
Unite with Me and trust; you are in the correct place, where God has placed you. You are where you should be, under the Will of the Creator.
Let Me tell you how much I long to feel you close and enfold you in My Mantle, to place you in My lap and take care of you during the long nights of storm and cold.
Do not feel discouraged, I have already given you the key to supreme joy. Allow your whole structure to move within you and the true being that comes from God to be able to be born in life.
And while you still are crossing the arid and desolate desert, I stretch out My sacred Hand to take you off the path of desolation and emptiness.
Feel now the warmth of My merciful Heart again and allow Me to erase from within you everything that no longer belongs to you.
Be the same as My apostles, accept dying for Me and being reborn in My Flame of life, the divine Flame of God.
In this time that passes, I come to call you to tell you where I want to have you in this cycle. Listen to My Voice, which resonates in the heart that opens to recognize Me.
I Am that I Am. I Am the One that was born and returned to the Source of Love. I was the One that came to give the greatest testimony of Love and Forgiveness, and I Am the One that will return to give Life to that which has already died.
I Am the Spirit of the Truth of God.
Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.
Thank you for returning to My Heart!
The Glorified Christ Jesus
I am here to silently ask you to unite with Me and to not separate yourself from Me.
In the mystery of tests, there is the path of the great step to transcendence.
My project for your little life is to transform you into a new instrument, always available for when it may be necessary and opportune to help the souls of the world.
After this life, there will be another one, better than the one you have experienced. For this reason, take the necessary precautions to live My holy Word in this life.
I have come to ask you for something that is beyond your expectations and aspirations. I come to ask for your innermost trust in My Sacred Heart because when souls trust in Me, many human decadences are replaced by My Rays of Mercy and everything is transformed by the gifts of My Light. In this way, souls do not miss the opportunity of again finding the consolation they so lack.
I come to unite you with My father, with the great Universal Emanation of Love and Unity. I only ask you not to miss the path of sanctification.
In order to be able to experience current changes, you must strengthen your faith in Me; this will allow you to erase doubts and concerns.
When a soul strives to seek Me every day, it will be able to know that in its last days My Heart will remember it and it will go to the Kingdom of My Father.
Do not fear to face that which you cannot face; the Lord sends you His supreme Grace through My sacred Presence on this day.
The Lord assembles you in one consciousness of peace so that, in these times, redemption may awaken in everyone.
I give you the assurance that you so greatly seek within yourselves. I give you My sincere and inseparable Love of the Heart.
Under the Grace of God that assembles and heals you, be blessed.
Thank you for living in My Heart!
The Glorified Christ Jesus
Mother María Shimani:
Good afternoon to all of you; we are now in the last 150 beads of the Marathon of Divine Mercy. And we here, at the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, have experienced a very special day. The only thing lacking was the descent of the Dove of the Holy Spirit, carrying us all into Heaven. The fervor, the intensity, the devotion, and the love were the essence of today's prayers, and the scenery was there to welcome us, so that the descent of the Holy Spirit could manifest.
Today we have learned that we can converse with God, face to face, when we pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and that, word by word, we place our supplication for this world and for this humanity in the Heart of God. And when His children cry out in this way for Mercy, Our Father, Who has a great and kind Heart, does not wait for even a second to pour out His Mercy upon this world.
So today we have learned to speak, face to face, with God and our prayer has changed completely. So as from today, we now know how to speak with God every day at three in the afternoon.
Receive an eternal blessing so that this blessing, in the coming days, may sanctify you.
Pray with Me for My petitions, for My precepts, for My designs, for My great Will, which is the Will of the Most High God that comes on this day to aid you.
To pray with Me, concentrate your heart on the flowing source, on the water of Life, the water of redemption and of peace that, from Heaven and Infinity, comes to wash and purify you.
Pray from your heart with Me as you have done today, in offering and in the giving of self to God.
Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).
To honor My Heart and so that your sins and faults be forgiven, in the name of all this humanity and of those who become lost and do not listen to God, of those who do not drink of the fount of My Heart, for this purpose, for this divine objective, let us pray together, three times, each sign of My Passion and of My Transfiguration. I am listening to you. Elevate your offerings to My Most Sacred Heart.
Following this, the decades of the Orandium of the Passion and the Transfiguration of Jesus are prayed, repeating each prayer only three times.
When I pray with you, I pray for the world, and My codes of light and of Christification enter into your cells and atoms to modify your faults and debts and convert all your beings into the Light and Spirit of God, so that someday, My dear ones, you sanctify the great Name of God, Iod-He-Vau-He.
Today I carry the Rosary of Peace in My Hands. Blessed are they who imitate My example and in the evenings pray with Me in the whispering of their heart, in the silence of their Spirit, the soul that prays and speaks to God.
Blessed are they that sleep with the Holy Rosary in their beds. They will be united, fused and broadened by the great Spirit of God. Their bodies will rise to the Kingdom of God at each new supplication, because My Heart hears the souls that patiently pray and ignite fervor in their hearts.
Today I will reveal to you, My companions, My disciples of yesterday and of the future, today I will tell you, My companions, what I have done with your prayers and with all those who were united with My Heart in the depths of Love, of Truth, and of Justice. Many souls were relieved. Irreparable situations were transformed. Many souls were rescued. Spirits that had gone out re-kindled. Many nations received more time of peace. Because My Rays of Divine Mercy descended through your word, through each new word you pronounced with your heart. And even though you are tired of struggling for so long in this life, My Heart contemplates your efforts and sacrifices.
Just as the Holy Virgin Mary has said to you, I come to ask you for simple and true things. I need you to remain in this world without belonging to it. That every day of your lives, at each new awakening as well as each new sunrise, your eyes may wake up remembering Me, feeling Me in your heart, so that your day may be blessed and praised by God, the Almighty. In this way, you will allow Me to descend into your lives.
Through this Holy Marathon, many seeds were placed in your essences, which must sprout in the coming time. Now, My companions, it will depend on your conviction and prayer that these seeds may yield their fruit and that in the times of greater chaos, of greater tribulation and darkness, I may be able to avail Myself of your seeds as new gifts in My Hands, which will be radiated to the whole world through the fruit of your efforts, of your dedication and surrender to My Heart.
In the same way that I speak to you today, My voice echoes in the souls of the whole world, for I will not be able to leave here until a soul achieves Christification. That will be a great event for the Universe and it will also be the most profound and truest when all, as a group of souls, achieve the great step to Christification.
In this cycle, My Heart comes to purify you, to pour out Its Graces and blessings, to separate the wheat from the chaff, the old and hard from the healthy and good that your hearts hold. Thus, sacrifice yourselves every day.
I am also in the very simple things, in each daily routine of life, in all the daily tasks. You will find Me in each place and will be able to hear Me when you simply pay attention to the simple things. Because when I can no longer be here, among you, announcing My Word of Life and of Resurrection, you will find Me through the signs, signs that will be pure and true, which will be a light on your paths, a blessing for your souls, a deep love for your families.
The great moment for humanity is approaching. Many are drawing closer to the definitive threshold of time. The fusion of the universe is nearing. All of the solar system is congregating and preparing, through the Laws and the Rays, to give the last impulse to the race of this humanity. That will be the great moment for all, before the sighting of the red moon, when you will be able to take that step, withdraw into My Sacred Heart, deeply pray in your homes without looking outside, without paying attention to what is happening, only in the inner temple, which will be your true protection.
I do not come to announce fears to you, but rather a time of awareness, of awakening, of evolution, of a great step toward the Kingdom of God.
Humanity has been greatly assisted by Us. We are part of you. Our Hearts were human and now are glorified Hearts. Your hearts can be glorified only when you follow the path and the guidance that I give you. Thus you will be united with Me.
And in spite of the challenges and the tests and of all that may fall on you, no matter how heavy it may seem or the great debt it represents, I will not leave you alone not even for a moment. I need that you fuse with My Spirit, that you lift up your consciousnesses to My Greater Kingdom, because only the prayer and the unity of all the groups, of those who pray, of the devotees and faithful, will be the possibility for all to cross the threshold to the ocean of My Mercy that awaits you all the time, when you simply seek it through the humility of the heart.
When the time for the great step of humanity comes, you will see the advent of new signs emerge in the Heavens, which will indicate My coming to humanity.
Thus, I offer you My Heart as the only path for your conversion and redemption. I give you the Gifts and the Sacraments, because all souls that have separated from the Purpose of God must experience the Sacraments in a simple way, commune with Me, be baptized by My Spirit, by the Spirit of My Father, by the Holy Spirit of God, confess to My Heart, work and provide charity to all and offer yourselves in selfless service. This will allow you to take the great step in the name of all those who will not take it.
The 144,000 beings who will be the suns of the New Time, must help humanity to rise again, to look toward God and ask for forgiveness for you faults.
Today I give you the keys of the great change.
Come to Me. Draw closer for a blessing. Continue to pray from the heart, connected with My Spirit, with My Source of Life.
Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).
Just as on the Cross, I spilled the Water and the Blood of Life that allowed the redemption of humanity, I would like that in this spiritual moment your beings and your souls receive the Water and the Blood of Life, glorified and sanctified at the moment of My Resurrection.
Sing "Water and Blood of Christ," thus I will unite My Heart with you and with your families.
I ask all the Marian Centers to offer their surrender for humanity and for the Kingdoms of Nature, which are heavily outraged by humankind, and this has caused you to lose your innocence. Thus, the Water and the Blood of Life allows you to find the innocence again to live in purity and holy humility.
Song: Water and Blood of Christ.
Thank you for having responded to the Call of My Voice.
Thank you to all those who work for the Plan of God, irrespective of their ideas and feelings.
Thank you to all those who achieved a preferred unity with God, fusion with His Holy Spirit through the word of prayer and song.
Today I leave you the Holy Spirit of God, the Gift of Wisdom, so that it may guide your paths when you simply invoke it in heart and soul. Wisdom will give you the answer in the end of times.
I thank you.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
At the request of Our Lord, in the presence of the Spirit of Wisdom, we will sing "Holy Spirit, come" in gratitude to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Song: Holy Spirit, come.
We now need to give thanks to everybody for this opportunity received, and we truly believe that we were all cleansed, baptized, anointed in some way.
What is so strong behind these Sacraments that Christ offers us in this time?
We are imitating His example and everything He requested that we carry out at this time.
Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic and in Spanish).
Today I come to speak to your hearts, a place where you will always find Me. There are many hearts that are wounded and hurt by different experiences in life.
In this hour of Mercy and Pity, My universal Sun comes to meet with you so as to be able to aid you and forgive you. And like this fount, this Water of Life that emerges under My feet, so is the spring of My Mercy for you.
You are in time, dear companions, to surrender to My Sacred Heart so that you may receive the gifts you need in these times. Do not delay, My companions, in taking the great step toward the universe. The Lord needs you to be firm so that He may accomplish His works in the end of times.
Today I come to wash your hearts with My Water of Life, I come to give you My Glorified Body so that you may eat of It and commune.
Do not waste time, My companions; rid yourselves of yourselves so that the Graces of God can inhabit your dwelling places and can be radiated to all.
While I am here with you today, sharing this priestly mystery, My Heart contemplates the whole world, the souls who need God, mainly those who become lost day after day and cannot find the path of My Mercy.
Like a great emanation of universal Light, My Countenance becomes present before you so that you may receive the luminous codes of My Heart and, definitively, be renewed and healed.
You are already crossing the threshold of purification. Many hearts suffer these consequences, but this had already been written since the beginning. It was already announced by My Glorified Heart when I was among you here in the world. Hold tight to My Hands and your hearts will be freed, will not suffer the purification so deeply, but rather will be washed by My Light and will receive My celestial Graces.
Console your hearts with My Presence. Receive, from My Mantle, the sacred protection you need. Open your hearts for the great change of the end of times. My Heart will guide you, It will accompany you.
I come in this time to be able to deeply give of Myself to you, but I also come in this cycle, in this period, to be able to free the world from all the impure spirits that deceive souls, that disturb hearts, and that divert the feet of all those that must walk toward the Celestial Kingdom. But this will end when your decision is deep and sincere.
I will show you the new path to be traveled in times of purification and tests. Do not remain in your purifications. Allow the Law of Divine Justice to be able to balance everything, within and outside of your beings. You will never be alone to be able to purify yourselves.
The Sacred Hearts gift Themselves, in these times, like the true balm of Love and Peace. And through these meetings I have with you, upon your lives and all your families, I pour out that which you truly need for these times, which I call "Grace of God," which will allow you to overcome the tests, free the paths, cut the ties and find the new shining hope on the horizon, so that all may find the true Paradise of God at the end of the path.
My silence today carries you into a preferred union with God, to a constant search for love.
Today My Heart visits each of you to teach you new things.
You will wash your heads and purify your feet of all stains, as I have taught you, so that you can be renewed and find unity with God, a unity that many are losing through being so indifferent to change, to the great transformation.
Let us repeat and pray with the heart.
When you are separated and cannot be united, invoke the Sacred Unity of God, a blazing flame that is held in the Sacred Hearts. In this way, you will be completely helped by Me, by My Most Holy Mother, and by the Most Chaste Saint Joseph.
Be just in these times, so that you may be balanced in the end time. All together live in Sacred Unity, the Sacred spiritual Unity of God, the Divine Thought that unifies forms and all differences under one single redeeming purpose.
Seek the Sacred Unity of God. Nurture your lives through Unity, a flame of Grace and of Pity that will comfort you, that will not separate you, but rather unite you with My merciful Heart.
When you do this invocation, you will affirm that in your lives you are united with God and will not become separated from Him, in spite of what may happen in this world.
Seek the Sacred Unity and you will be in profound fraternity. In this way, you will be worthy of serving Me and will deserve the healing of God so as to achieve redemption.
Meditate on what I tell you. Aspire to live Sacred Unity.
Let us pray for all those who do not experience unity with God and for those who deteriorate the Divine Plan of God through their indifference and arrogance, and their pride which leads them into perdition.
When you cannot experience Sacred Unity, pay attention so as to invoke this prayer. You will be protected and safe so that your paths not deviate like a leaf blowing by.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Let us say the prayer all together three more times.
Christ requests, at this moment, that all the brothers and sisters that are connected in different parts of the world and in the Light-Communities bow down before Him to carry out this invocation:
And that in the consolation that I pour out upon you today, your lives may achieve the original purity.
Receive My Graces, My Peace, and My blessing.
This is a special day so that your hearts, already strengthened by prayer, may find Me tomorrow at another point of consciousness, a great inner step that I invite you to take in trust and in peace.
Be purified, transmuted, and find freedom.
For this world that gathers you together and for all those who must awaken in time, I lovingly thank you for your faith.
Go in peace and be strengthened.
Under the spiritual blessing of God, be blessed and receive the Love of the Father and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
We will fulfill a request that Our Lord made to us. He asked that we perform seven Baptisms and seven Foot-washings, and that we perform the baptisms here, in this bowl He consecrated.
What did He call the bowl, Friar?
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Bowl of the Sacred Heart.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
Tell us, Friar, what it was that Our Lord told you.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Moments before the Apparition, we saw Christ, Jesus, having a meeting as if in another time.
He was celebrating the supper. He was washing the feet of some of us. He was calling Peter, from his home, so that he could follow Him and accompany Him to preach.
Afterwards, He consecrated this bowl and asked us to do the baptisms here, in the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, where the first baptismal bowl was consecrated, the Bowl of the Sacred Heart.
Song: "Christ, Source and Spring of Life".
If you still do not dare to walk barefoot by yourself, follow the simple path that I am indicating to you; for I will wait for you by the ocean of Mercy, to remove your shoes from yourself and wash your feet through My Forgiveness. Do not turn your back on Me.
I am calling you to truly go on pilgrimage with Me through the apostolate and the word. It is not a parable that I bring you today; it is the true mission which My Heart reveals to you in this end time.
I know that you are already tired of yourself and also of so much suffering. There are greater sorrows that I have not yet made known to you. Therefore, surrender and listen humbly to what I tell you today.
Do not seek to understand all things, the true fruits are kept in the simplest of hearts. They lack nothing.
If you want to be My beloved disciple, be like John the apostle, surrender in trust to the power of faith and allow Me to remove all your secure structures.
What will you lose when you stand before Me? What will you gain if you remain resistant?
I Am the Greater Light that sprang from the Heart of God. I Am that Spring of Life that never ends.
Keep me in your heart and you will be another consciousness.
It is no longer time to wait to mature, it is time to transfigure your little cells.
I have the power to set you free. I have the cure for your shortcomings. Just make sure you are following the right path.
I call you one by one, so that, one by one, you may respond to Me.
Under the Grace of God, be My apostles.
Thank you for transfiguring your lives!
The Glorified Christ Jesus
May your feet walk towards Me, for the journey will still be long and deep, and many will be called by My Heart to imitate My sacred Passion.
On a Friday like this, I was on the Cross, giving Myself entirely to the world, saving many lost souls, igniting many hearts, and resurrecting many who had died.
The tombs opened in Jerusalem and many bore testimony to My Resurrection, for My Divine Spirit, which is not of this world, awakened all those who should live in God.
Sacred cosmic crosses expanded upon the world and re-established the Plan of God, even though I was on the Cross.
I did many things for you and all humanity.
Those who opened their hearts to My Call were partakers of My precious Blood, received My codes and My Water sprang and expanded throughout the world as a great spiritual fountain of salvation.
All those who were fallen at that time were raised by Me, they were resurrected in the Spirit of God, found the path of their evolution and awakening. And now in these final times, I remind you again of My sacred Passion on the Cross, because this will be the key that will protect you, that will keep you free from yourselves, and all corrupt codes will be transformed into a source of Life and Grace. I have the power to transform you.
I ask those who listen to Me and follow Me to no longer close their hearts. I am trying to enter more and more into your lives.
There is no more time, My companions. The time of tribulation is approaching humanity. Darkness will emerge from the surface of the planet and many will have to be prepared before My Return.
I need you to define yourselves as My apostles and to risk giving more, each day more until it hurts your bones. That will be the confirmation for Me, that I will be able to fulfill My Divine Plan within you and that My words have not been in vain in these times, because they will have been heard by open hearts.
I need you to be awake and available, to help Me sustain the sword of My Mercy, for many are still tied to this material world, especially those who believe that they live the spiritual life.
My Truth is revealed to you tonight, but many should have been present here. The apostles reach the end of the path and, if it is necessary, they give their lives for others.
I come to give you the true testimony of life, the essence of My merciful and deep Love. My Christic cells must find a place to rest so that everything can be fulfilled as it is foreseen.
Today My Voice echoes on the four corners of the Earth. The angels of the Father send impulses of Light to all monads, to those who want to awaken to spiritual life.
Dear companions, these are no longer times of living in average terms, define yourselves deeply for My Plan. You have always been free from the beginning of your birth. Tonight I need many to fulfill the vows that I come to present to you and to respect the path that many have decided to follow, to follow the great Master of Love, the Redeeming Master, the Master of Peace.
Be consistent with Me. Tonight I present to you all the sources of My Mercy so that you may be strong until the end. Do not allow yourselves to fall further. Rise from where you have fallen, you already have the instruments to do so. My Father will take care of all this and He will ask you what you have done with what He gave you.
Therefore, as His faithful Messenger, I come to announce to you this last Call.
I ask that all prayer groups unite with the proposal of the Divine Plan. I ask you that there be no more indifference, comments, or vain ideas; you will be weakening the Plan of God.
Therefore, I need you transparent and true, that will be the sign that will allow Me to transform you.
The times are not like those of yesterday. The world is developing wrongly, and many do not perceive this severity. Behind all this, there are many who suffer, who endure pain, are forgotten and nobody remembers them. But I shall never leave them alone. My Heart visits all those who invoke Me, visits all the homes of the world that open the right door of the heart so that I can enter and work.
In these end times, the Divine Messengers have tried to reveal to you what is the way to go, the way of the Will of God, of the sacred Purpose, and the true mission for all.
It is no longer time to waste time. It is time to work, to rebuild, to safeguard humanity. It is time to work with Me in fullness and truth, without fear and dread; risking everything for this blue planet that needs you so much, that cries out for you, and that few listen to it.
This is My Message to you. It is a time of reparation. All are called to salvation, but few perceive what this means. For this reason, I still come to meet you so that your consciousnesses awaken to the essence of My Will.
Humanity is still very immature and very few will have to row this great boat, this great and heavy boat that represents your sacred world.
Who will assist it? Who will risk themselves? Who will give more for love of God and His original Plan? Who will respond? Who will open the door? Who will close it? Who will wait for the one who has been forgotten, for the one who has never been seen, or for the one who has never been looked at with compassion? Who will stop in order to recognize Me in the streets of this world as the great Dying One who awaits the relief of the Heart?
I call you to the synthesis of life. You must rescue something from all this, from these meetings with Me, which are unique and determining, for there is little time left for Me to be no longer among you until My Father sends Me in Glory, and for those who have trusted in Me to find Me seated at their table to commune with the new communion, the covenant with God the Father, in the New Humanity.
If you do not feel worthy, you will not be able to fulfill My Plans. Work for your spiritual dignity through purity and humility. Be sincere with Me and I will forgive you.
Cry out to My Heart when you cannot endure being alone; when by yourselves you cannot stand up from the ground and keep walking towards Me.
Look into My Eyes, see My compassion, glimpse My Divine Mercy and you will be filled with My Spirit of Love. You must allow it, even when you cannot, you must allow it and I will act.
On this night of union with the infinity, I transmit My Words to you, with some silence rests, for My sacred Words must reverberate within your hearts so that they remain within your essence and become fruits, gifts of life, to be able to work in God.
Help Me, through prayer, to save this world and so many souls that are lost at every second that passes from your clock. While I am here, blessing you, have you thought about how many become lost and stop seeing God?
I need you to be the roots of My tree so that other creatures can sprout within My Heart and be the sap of life for eternity.
Pray to My Father:
It is the Body of Christ that gives you eternal Life. Joyful are those who are invited to eat My Body. For they shall be redeemed.
Blessed be those who drink the precious Blood of Christ from My sacred Chalice, for the good and restoration of all souls in the world.
Under the spirit of peace and sacred fraternity, blessed be all those who drink of My Blood until the end of days.
Under the spirit of peace, I bless and absolve you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Through the Holy Eucharistic Body of Christ, I give you peace; go in peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank you, Lord, for all that You give us!
In this meeting, we honor You, Jesus.
Invocation to the Original Plan of God
The Celestial Powers
unite in the Universe and
the rays of Liberation
and of Transmutation
expel the corrosive energies of evil.
The soldiers of Light
unite to the principle of Universal Love
and all the treacherous doors
are closed by the Great Awakening of Humanity.
Peace is established
in all of those who listen to the divine call
and the planet as a whole
receives the opportunity of Liberation.
The Celestial Masters
radiate the power of the stars
and all self-summoned
respond to the Greater Will.
The redeemed New Humanity emerges
because Christ, the Master amongst masters,
has returned to the Earth.
All souls are responsive
to the fulfillment of the Divine Plan
and the new Suns participate
in the Great Current of Fraternity.
The Celestial Universe
descends to the planet
and all that has been created and thought of
by the Mind and the Heart of God
receives the codes of christification.
The soldiers become resplendent flames
and illuminate the darknesses of this world.
The Great Master of Love,
Jesus Christ,
guides and accompanies
the evolution and the redemption
of all of the children of God.
The Plan of God is fulfilled in this era.
The Original Project
becomes possible and true
because the summoned respond to the
Universal Voice of Adonai.
Emmanuel becomes visible
amongst the creatures
and all the human beings
recognize His Spiritual Paternity.
The Divine Plan is vivified
in the existence of all of the beings
and the planet Earth enters into the thousand years of Peace.
The Universe manifests its true spiritual identity
and all of the living humanity,
in the four corners of the Earth,
receives in Glory the arrival of the Universal King.
All undergoes a new cycle,
all is transformed,
transmuted and redeemed.
Humanity is blessed
by the rays of the Universal Love
and all those who have awakened
commune again in the
Sacred Supper of Reconciliation.
Those who are oppressed
are liberated.
Those who are ill
are healed.
Those who are prisoners of themselves
become free.
Those who invoked the blessed name of God
are consecrated.
All is reconstructed.
All is restored.
All is elevated to the foot
of the Greater Celestial Altar.
The forces of evil are redeemed
and removed from the entire sphere of the Earth.
The New Humanity breaths Peace,
Harmony and Love.
Now the original promise is fulfilled
under the Supreme Light of the Creator.
This prayer is a spiritual and internal invocation for all of those who have been and will be self-summoned for the end of the times. It is an affirming prayer of internal and spiritual help for those who follow the steps of the Redeemer.
Under the Glory of God, be blessed.
Thank you for decreeing through My Sacred Heart!
Glorified Christ Jesus
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón reads the special Message of Christ Jesus of October 5, 2014, and says:
With these words, we will wait for the coming of Christ. Let us focus our hearts on these remaining beads, allowing the Celestial Universe to concretize Its mission here, in Paraguay.
I am telling you about the events of My Passion as nobody has ever spoken about them before.
In My merciful Heart, are kept not only the signs for your salvation, but also the true mysteries that God made known to me during My agony.
I show you and tell you about My Passion so that you may find the path to your strength. Many forget about this important universal event that was lived by Me here on Earth, and more importantly, many more forget about wanting to know this very true and deep Passion that allowed the redemption of humanity.
In the Universe of God, the Passion is alive and resplendent, for there, the pain and the suffering are not held, but rather the true sacrifice of Love that I gave, for all of you, in those times.
Today I come to remind you of these things in light of the severe issues that are taking place in this world. I want you, My companions, to be able to penetrate the mystery of My Passion through My Heart. The Rosary of the Seven Agonies, which I gave you, holds true keys for your redemption, significant symbols, luminous signs, for those that truly want to discover My Passion.
I do not come in this era so that you may be martyred. I come to give you the Truth, the true knowledge of that which many forget. For this reason, My companions, enter the universe of My Heart and dwell in My Heart. I will be able to resolve the rest when you liberate yourselves from the control of things.
The true spiritual healing, which I promise you through My Mercy, can happen in you through an inner detachment from all that is bad for you in this life, in which you went through many learnings and tests.
Thus, open your hearts again. Allow My Blood to be able to flow through you, wash, cleanse, and purify all the stains that you hold before the Eyes of God.
I give you the possibility of coming to know My Mercy and the chance for loving, through My Presence at three in the afternoon. To that soul who invokes Me in any part of the world, I will go to aid it, most especially I will bless it, because I will be performing a true miracle of Love in its life. One who believes in Me will achieve eternal life and it will not be necessary to wait for the next world to be within My Celestial Universe.
I reveal to you, through merciful prayer, the potential to attain redemption and peace, for your hearts must be increasingly open to be able to love the infinite mystery that My Life represents for you, in these times.
At this very moment, I come here to bless , heal and forgive you. I come from a distant place of the universe where God vibrates intensely through His Love and His Unity, and many celestial consciousnesses participate in that vibration of Love and of Peace.
Thus, dear companions, today I ask you to elevate your bodies and cells, and permit the rays of My Passion, which allowed the Resurrection of My Being and the sacred Transfiguration, to penetrate the depths of your cells.
The first step, My friends, is to love the unknown, to have absolute trust in God the Father, because He will always give you the answers to the great problems you experience today.
Many more souls could have participated in this meeting with Me here, but where are they? Did you call them correctly?
The first call to awakening is done through the giving of the heart. It is the heart that calls another heart, not the mind. Thus, help Me to concretize My Plans, as I did in Rwanda when I gave an important message to the world and only fifty percent of humanity heard Me.
Now I come closer to you, I approach your lives and hearts so that you may be My testimonies. Give the example of your redemption to the other brothers and sisters. I come seeking you as I did with the apostles. You will not be able to escape My universal commitment, but you will always be free to follow the path you desire, My love will never disappoint you.
I bring you a possibility, My companions, of finding a change. Open the doors of the spiritual universe so that it may reside in you all the time. I point out a last path to you. I bring you a last key, I give you the last symbol, which is My Heart of Light.
The strength of My Spirit of Love must be stronger than your intentions. In this way, My friends, I will find a space to be in you and I will never waste time as I reveal My Will to you and you may know My profound petition for these end times.
I ask something from each one of you so that you may accomplish it in the name of God. And when this mission comes to an end, I will have you come to know other things in the next life, in a next world, where suffering will no longer exist, and hearts will not suffer, they will no longer need to suffer to learn to grow. I bring you the opportunity that, every day of your lives, you may be willing to drink of My Fount of Love so that your sins may be erased, and in these times, the cells of light may be born in your beings, so that the New Christs awaken that must fulfill the mission of disseminating My Peace and My Redemption in the four corners of the Earth.
But who will be willing to follow Me until the end?
I will always give you a greater test so that you may overcome it and transcend it, but My Hands are stretched out to you; I will never stop helping you, I will always pour My Light upon you and upon those that open to receive Me.
I give you, I gift you My Heart as the only reason for your lives, because through My Heart and around My Heart all My disciples will be able to fulfill the Designs of God and carry out the life works that are foreseen in Heaven for them to be manifested on Earth.
Today I come to meet with you so that you feel motivated to give Me more, without fear, without apprehension, in absolute trust.
Hold My Love in your hearts, keep My Peace.
I thank those that feel motivated to accompany the pilgrimage of Mary through Paraguay, for the Children of Mary are indispensable in these times. They are sparks of the Celestial Universe that expand and radiate the Grace of the Universal Mother in each place they go, in each space where they walk, in each heart they face for consoling it, alleviating it, healing it through prayer of the heart.
Under the ministry of Peace that God has granted Me and the protection of the Holy Spirit, at this moment, I will bless the Sacred Body of Christ and the Precious Blood of Jesus, and all the sacred objects that in any place in the world are elevated to My Heart at this moment. Because what is most important for your lives is that through the symbols, you always find a path for the way out and for salvation.
In this moment, offer Me that which you want Me to consecrate, from where you are. My energy expands in Omnipresence, Love, and Mercy. Let us elevate this offering to God for those who forget to live in God and do not find consolation in this time.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón elevates the offerings to be blessed and says:
At the request of Our Lord, we will pray the prayer of the Angel of Peace together with Jesus.
My last Will, beloved companions, is that together with My Angelic Guardians, we pray, sing for all the Guardian Angels that cannot fulfill their mission, that cannot reach souls because the souls do not hear the inner call. In profound Adoration of God, let us help the Guardian Angels so that they may accomplish their purpose in this end time.
Let us repeat:
Now let Adonai touch your hearts.
I bless Paraguay for this moment and all the souls that made it possible for My request to be fulfilled. God will bless you.
Song: Kodoish.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
With this joy Christ leaves us with for being able to meet Him, we are closing this Marathon which was so important here, in Asunción, in Paraguay. We believe that many souls were helped by the Mercy of Jesus.
We thank you all for this moment, all those who were connected with Our Lord.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
We are going to consecrate the communion with Our Lord and we are going to sing the restoring sign of the Orandium of the Passion and the Transfiguration of Jesus.
Christ Jesus:
In fraternal love, I bless these sacred elements that represent spiritual life for people, the essential motive for each soul, for all those who carry them within themselves.
This represents for My Heart, a luminous sign that on this Earth, new peacemakers carry the living sign of Christ through communion and prayer.
I assemble you all in My Heart and I thank you for responding to this Call.
The greater strength lies in the kind and pious heart that says 'yes' to God.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
Brothers and sisters, today Christ manifested as the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
It is the first time He appears with a rosary.
We asked Him what He was doing with that rosary, because generally, He never appears with a rosary. He said to us: "I am praying for you and for the world."
Afterwards, He showed some things that were happening on the planet so that we may be able to compare the opportunity we received with how many, many souls who do not receive that opportunity.
He carried out this reflection for us so that the opportunity that He gives us be able to move through us and not be just something normal, but rather a living memory of His Presence in our lives.
Let's read the special Message He transmitted today on October 5, 2014.
Last Friday (October 3, 2014), the day for the weekly message of Christ, He made a request for prayer and asked us to repeat it.
This message is already available on the Divine Mother webpage, where you will be able to find the Words of the Master.
As a synthesis, we want to respond to that Call He made today about praying for an urgent situation in Africa, because of the spiritual Ebola illness, just as He calls it.
He calls on all His followers, all those who listen to Him, to pray the "Rosary of the Seven Agonies of Jesus", which is also already available on the Divine Mother website.
Christ brought this forward in this way, on this day, because He is directly treating this situation that is occurring in Africa.
He said He is already listening to our prayers, but that He needs many more prayers so that He can eradicate that illness which, according to Our Lord, has already become a spiritual disease.
He says that it is through humanity, through us, that He will be able to treat that situation, relieve souls, heal those hearts that are suffering, and pour out His Mercy.
He asks that we be able to respond to that Call, since it is a serious situation that is happening in Africa and that, even though it is a continent very distant from ours, the Master is showing us how everything is one.
He said that He will be very grateful for the prayers that all can offer.
And after this call of Christ and this message of today, we are going to say goodbye, to thank all those who prayed, all the Communities, the Monasteries, all those who were involved in this day of Mercy.
But this task does not end today; it continues to work on our inner plane. Tomorrow morning, we will be here again to begin the second part of the Marathon.
All that remains for us do is to thank the universe. Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
The virtues that I awaken in you belong to Me because by means of them I will fulfill My Project. For this motivate yourself to be part of Me and to become indelible in the eyes of God.
I wish for you to be able to see the steps that I Am indicating to you through My Presence. Let Me show you the way out. Seek the aid within My Heart, in the sacred shelter of love.
Today I declare all these things so that you may be able to find justice in all, because My single motive is to make you grow up and mature as My Apostle.
Seek the perpetual union with Me so that in the days that are to come your heart may be prepared to face the end of the times. I can only promise you My unmistakable Love, My constant relief for the circumstances of life. Avoid following other paths that are not Mine.
I have demonstrated to the world by means of the redeeming communion the way of reconciling yourself with God the Father. But many forget this important spiritual nourishment, that which will strengthen you and will show you the path to be able to find Me.
Be attuned for My Arrival. Wash your feet from the dust of the past.
And now, sitting at My Table, tell Me how much you love Me because this love that you give Me, I pour it over the most disconsolate.
Motivate yourself to follow My Footprints. After all the purification will come the shelter that I will give you in this life.
Construct the Real Time within yourselves so that My Message of life may act in your lives.
I only wish that you be with Me and that you never forget Me as this is My last call before My Return.
Under the Love of God, be blessed.
Thank you for listening to My Heart.
The Glorified Christ Jesus, the Shepherd of Love
Open your arms and receive My Love.
Open your heart and you will be consoled.
Open your soul so that My Fire may elevate you.
Open your sacred spirit and let Me work.
I look for the simple ones so that they may live in My Celestial Works. I call the humble ones so that they may be My Testimonials. I invoke all the hearts so that they may recognize My Return.
Open to Me the door of your life because in this way I will let you to know the meaning of your existence. You were created, you were thought, you were gestated in the Divine Thought of God. From there comes the mission of your life, the unmistakable purpose, the call to the immediate donation.
Ascend in spirit to My Kingdom of Peace and transcend all the material life. Let your spirt act, manifest itself and be able to recognize its true origin and awakening.
Open to it the door to the Universal Life, commune every day with celestial principles. Be charitable. Be humble. Be free from your own self.
Consecrate yourself as My Servant. Confirm yourself as My Apostle.
Aspire to be My Disciple by means of the lessons of life. Only unite yourself to My Spirit and let My Fire transmute, remove your cells, purify your impurities, transform all your being.
Accept My last call, listen with the heart to My soft whisper that calls you to redemption.
Hold Me tight, feel Me near, I have never separated Myself from you. Let die the old that lives within you, renovate yourself by means of the greater impulse that today I give to you. Do not seek to understand the mysteries of My Presence, love the unknown universe and be part of the laws that will consecrate you.
Abandon yourself to Me in trust, lie in My Arms, listen in silence to the merciful beating of My Heart. Revive My Passion, seek to accept it, in this way you will find the key of sacrifice.
I promise you Eternal Life, I will find you in Paradise. Feel yourself as a complete server, a pilgrim that walks in purification. Become like a new wineskin between My Hands, in this way I will deposit My Rays upon you and I will be able to place you on the altar of My Father as an offering of eternal prayer.
Sustain yourself in Me in moments of captivity. Pray to Our Father for the salvation of humanity and of all the minor kingdoms. Convert yourself into a flower in order for it to express the true beauty that dwells within you. Convert yourself into a crystal of light so that its brightness may illuminate the world with peace.
Be a part of Creation. Be a conscious part of where you come from. Everything has a beginning and everything will have an end. Take the risk to follow Me, My Promises of love are greater than your difficulties.
Conquer My Heart, I will give you the greatest love of all the universes. Let Me dwell within you.
For this I have come to Paraguay so that My Flocks may recognize Me as the Shepherd among the shepherds. I intimately desire that all the souls may be served from the Source of Graces. That all may enter again into My Heart so that they may be healed.
I have come in search of My most simple Apostles. I have come here to share with the honest hearts. I have arrived to Paraguay in order to envelop with My Mantle all the Guarani Nation, that which also vibrates in the Heart of God.
I hope that all may be able to recognize themselves as My Redeemed ones, as the worthy children of God.
Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.
Thank you for awaiting the arrival of My Sacred Heart!
Glorified Jesus Christ
You are mine, for Me you have been born and from you I want all, the soul and the heart. In this way I will be able to fulfill My Commandments.
Blessed are those who seek My Source because they will never be thirsty.
The Water that springs from My Heart is like a rain of graces and blessings for those who in My Name wait in patience and gratitude.
I remind you of the union with My Heart all the time that I can, so that you may not lose sight of the meaning of the call and of the opportunity that I present to you for this time.
That one who with their heart opens the door of their house will be dining with Me, will be living the principles of fraternity and of grace.
That one who opens the door of the heart to the Great Master will be uniting themself to the universal force of Love and of Mercy. It is by means of this union that I form the new Apostles.
Infinite Graces for opening to Me the doors of your hearts. My Piety will let you know the greatness of Love and of Unity, attributes that your consciousnesses must incarnate internally.
Blessed are those who can avail Me for these critical times in which peace and love, healing and hope are lacking, it will be by means of the most simple of heart that I will be able to work before My Return.
For such purpose I ask you that in honor of My Most Pious outraged Heart, the one which I present to you today, that you pray with Me the Rosary to the Seven Agonies. In this way by means of the merits that I achieved on Earth as in Heaven, these may be able to be poured upon Africa. This will alleviate the great spiritual crisis and illness that many innocent souls are living.
I wish to combat by means of the strength of your prayers, supplications and sacrifices, the horrible martyrdoms and consequences that many African hearts are facing because of Ebola epidemic.
My Mercy wants to reach to all of them. For this to happen I have come to ask to all of those who listen to Me to be aware and to feel love, pity and compassion for all of those who die unjustly.
If you truly pray to Me, imploring the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I promise to raise to Heaven all of those who suffer hell in this moment. In this way you will help the Immaculate Heart of Mary to triumph again in humanity.
Under the Glory of God that protects and embraces you, be blessed.
Thank you for listening to My Heart
Merciful Christ Jesus
Let My Blood circulate within your heart. The powers that I manifest and give you are unknown to you.
Let My Blood circulate through your veins, so that your codes of the past may be renewed by My codes of light and redemption. Let My Blood remove all your cells from their place.
Let My Blood purify your feelings and transmute your wounds, for I have the power to reverse all evils. If My Blood does not yet live within you, seek the reason why you do not have Me within you.
Let My Blood free every part of your being; and may your body, even while it is still impure, reach purity and consecration through Me, because what I offer you is not part of your will nor of your desire.
I come from a cell of Higher Life that illuminates even the smallest particles of those who seek Christification through the giving of self. Therefore, let My Water emerge from within you, so that every corner of your being may be bathed by My Water of Life and Liberation.
Let My Spirit dwell within you and cause that which is now old, to die. I have the authority to renew you and, at the same time, to embrace you with My warmth and My peace during the hard cold nights that will come.
Let Me act through you and, in a short time, you will not recognize yourself, for I will perform wonders in your life.
Leave your miseries and tears on the palm of My hands so that, in the name of My Father, I may convert your evils into blessings, your sorrows into liberations, your unhappiness into joy, your doubts into affirmation and truth.
Therefore, I wish My Spirit to have a dwelling within imperfect souls; I seek them and they hide from Me out of fear or distrust. If this happens to you today, it is because you do not know the power of My healing Love.
Let Me be in you, day and night, in your mistakes as well as in your virtues. I contemplate the world and keep it every day within My Heart, in spite of the wounds that many cause Me.
Let Me be unity and life, Mercy and consecration; if you only allow, in a short time, you will be My apostle.
Allow Me to be, allow Me to act, allow Me to live in you, just allow Me to be in you forever because the only way out is through Me.
Under the Love of God, be blessed and united.
Thank you for just allowing Me to be!
The Glorified Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more