The Laws of Nature and of the Earth will be modified, because as they are not respected nor loved by humanity, they have undergone a polarization of their original form and, instead of being laws that assist in the correction of humankind of the surface, for all the serious things that the human race has done over the course of time, these laws have become a form of self-punishment for the planet.

This is the reason for so much adversity, even within nature, for great elementals and devas have been affected by the constant transgressions of humanity.

For this reason, the laws themselves have become a form of severe punishment against the human race through climate alterations, the severity of sea contamination, as well as the great natural areas devastated and exploited by the human beings themselves.

Everything must be redeemed and transmuted. The laws must be re-polarized so that, on a spiritual level, they may achieve the state that originally always corresponded to them.

It is time for the human being to take on the responsibility and the consequences of what they have generated and cease to blame God or that which is High.

It is time to repent from the heart so that the path of perversion and of chaos that today's human being experiences may be liberated through love and forgiveness.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


When the Hierarchy needs to make a decision, They must measure the consequences and what beneficial impact that it will have on the Universal Plan; because what is most important is that any decision must always be filled with wisdom and with discernment.

In all this experience, the decisions may broadly modify the destiny of a consciousness, of a situation or even of the Universe itself.

It is essential that within the decision that is taken, the sacrifice or the sacrifices that will be assumed are also kept in mind so that an inner purpose may be accomplished, assuming the consequences and the possible results.

Not all consciousnesses are ready to experience a decision or a moment that will modify their parameters or their own meaning and reality of what this represents for evolution.

With this, I want to tell you that the moment will come when the Spiritual Hierarchy itself must sacrifice or give the best It has for the fulfillment of the Purpose, since it will be necessary that certain spaces of manifestation remain ignited.

This action could take place at any moment because the need for the fulfillment of the aspirations of the Infinite is great.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Your defects are not important to Me; what is important to Me is your true and sincere effort. If this does not exist between you and I, it will be difficult for you to love unconditionally.

Therefore, your effort must come first rather than your immediate comfort. In this attitude of effort and of unconditional surrender, you will be demonstrating to Me all the time that you accept My Will and that you inwardly understand My requests and designs.

I will never let you reach the most extreme in your life, because a good Shepherd always takes care of and protects His sheep.

Therefore, dare to look within, to be able to be aware of how much you are still lacking in deepening into your true effort.

I am not akin to the souls that prefer the fast and the quick; each stage has a foreseen timing, each moment has its place within the events.

I know that perhaps this unconditional effort that I need may not emerge immediately within you; I know that you are a human being in redemption; but never forget to be sincere with Me in the smallest detail, because it is in this that the concretization of the Plan moves forward.

This is the moment and the hour for you to perceive that the need of humanity is very great and that the time has come for delegating new responsibilities.

Continue forward.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Now that Colombia has been faced with the opportunity to find the principles and the values of its culture again, souls will be able to receive the dignity and the freedom of feeling a part of this legacy, which brought Colombia the spirit of the immaculate and of the sacred.

Through the Pilgrimage for Peace, Colombia will be gradually placed before the spiritual treasures that the people of Guatavita knew in the past, and they will have the Grace of essentially recovering all that was taken from it and erased from ancestral memory.

Colombia is a great original people that, like other peoples, entered into the rebellion and the conquest that was carried out during the discovery of America. For this reason, Europe owes much to South America, just as it owes much to Africa.

Everything that happened must be balanced, and the European descendants of the conquistadores will be the ones to settle the consequences generated over the course of time.

Colombia will be able to rise when it remembers the values of faith and trust that it experienced in the past; which will allow its people to have the chance of recovering their original roots.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus

Marathon of Divine Mercy

There is nothing more precious to God than your life, because God knows what the existence and the presence of your being means at this planetary moment, in which evil and chaos put everything at risk. For that reason, God deeply knows the reason for your life and the purpose of your existence.

In spite of adversity wanting to submerge the Earth and all its humanity in illusion, what exists beyond your life and is called essence, is what is most important to God, what will always be present throughout times and eras; even though one day you will no longer live here, but rather in the dwelling places of My Father, where you will learn to love more deeply everything that He has given you from the beginning.

Humanity is immersed in that adversity and chaos because it fails to recognize God within itself; even though God is within each being, many souls do not recognize or feel Him, until the extreme and difficult times come, in which God will show Himself with all His Might and strength so that hearts may be redeemed.

For that reason, I am here not only for you who are present, but also for your brothers and sisters who are in adversity and are swept away by those currents of illusion that the surface of this planet experiences.

I am taking you to meet My Heart where Divine Essence exists, where your essences may be renewed and may receive from on high what comes from the greater Source that nourishes all consciousnesses, that brings sublime vibrations so that hearts may be reborn in God and may receive from Him all the Gifts and all the Graces that will allow you to endure the end of times. Because, companions, you will see extraordinary things, things that will happen overnight and many will not understand what will be happening. Thus, you have to strengthen your essence through the nourishment of spiritual prayer, as well as through the service that you can offer those who need it the most.

If God wants Me to be with you, just as with those who are in adversity and who will one day strongly awaken, nothing will be able to prevent it, because above all things is the love of God that grants hearts His Divine Grace, that brings the important moment of redemption to each one of your lives.

The doorways of the Universe, which are infinite and unknown, close the uncertain doors of the planet, where many souls are submerged and experience the terror and the sorrow of these times.

Thus, the work of Mercy grants salvation to all hearts and essences. Through this meeting of prayer, many souls were benefited and in some moment of their lives, when the time comes, they will find the truth and will not be able to go back. They will have to recognize it and accept it because it will be a Divine Power that will show Itself to those who live in the greatest world illusion, and there will be no doubt that it is the presence of God, through His infinite manifestation in this universal reality, that will present Itself before each one of His children to give them the chance for repentance and for redemption.

For that reason, today not only you are benefited, but also millions of souls who are not here, who have lost a sense of their reality and a full discernment of what is or is not right. Thus, today the work is in the inner worlds, which My adversary cannot reach, nor enter. Thus, it moves agitatedly because it is losing part of its kingdom, the kingdom of illusion which it believes it has above all consciousnesses of the Earth. 

Just as I defeated it on the Cross seven times, today I will defeat it again seven times, until its heart feels oppressed and drowned by the powerful Light of My Love, until all its structures and powers fall, as will fall its governments and leaders and there will be no stone left upon stone.

As that moment is approaching, the essences of God must be awakened and strengthened, in intimate contact with the Universal Father. Because when everything happens and appears, you will know what to do and how to proceed; you will not be submerged in the world ignorance, rather, you will help your brothers and sisters, those you never expected you would help or assist, so that they may be rescued and saved by the Law of My divine and unfathomable Mercy.

And through you, if you offer to be with Me, with my own Hands I will remove those who are immersed in the illusion and hypnotized by the modernity of these times, adverse tools that only lead to global indifference. I will come to take souls out of that illusion just as I come today to remove you from world illusion.

Your essences will prevail above all evil, you will be in contact with your inner Christs, you will have the tools you need at the appropriate time to be able to proceed and work in My Name. But those tools will not be material, but internal. Tools and instruments that the Holy Spirit will provide for you so as to be able to separate souls from evil and from adversity. Thus, on this afternoon, I come to cause inner essences to prevail, because it is there where the Plan will be carried out.

In order to not spiritually expose you, companions, to everything that I am removing at this moment and which is part of My universal task, to exorcize the greatest evil of the world, I will raise you up in this moment to My Spiritual Church, as well as all the souls also immersed in the world illusion, so that by raising your vibrations and hearts, you may receive the impulses not only of My Divine Mercy, but also the Glory and Grace of the altars of God.

To give honor to this important moment, in which the most lost essences of the world are withdrawn from the most unknown abysses of humanity by the hands of My archangels and angels, we will listen at this moment to the instrumental of the Pater Noster, so that the doors of the Celestial Church may open and souls may be submerged in the Ocean of My Love, where Light will always triumph. Amen.

While you are waiting, make your inner offering. Do not miss the opportunity that God may hear you in this moment and receive your prayers and supplications as part of this celebration in the Celestial Church.

Make your inner offering at this moment, while the doors of My Church, with the power of His Light, defeat the hells of Earth.

We stand up to begin this celebration.

In the presence of our greater Governor, Jesus Christ, responding to His request and petition, under the Light of the sacred city of Guatavita that gives an impulse to hearts for redemption, we will begin the blessing and the consecration of these souls that offer to help, serve, and collaborate with the most needy, with those who have nothing and who need in this moment instruments of love.

We listen to the Pater Noster.

To consummate this consecration, we are going to recite a very simple prayer, offering ourselves to the Celestial Father so that He may always guide us and lead us, not only through His Love, but through His Will.

These brothers and sisters who today are being consecrated as auxiliary missionaries, are preparing to take new steps, offering their souls to God through His divine Son so that He may always lead them from His Hand towards the fulfillment of the Plan.

Prayer: Celestial Father (repeated twice).

My priestly Heart, in the name of all the priests of the Earth, blesses you and consecrates you through My Mercy. 

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You may go in peace.

Song: Pater Noster.

At this moment we are going to do the same practice that the brothers and sisters did previously, of praying a prayer to the Celestial Father so that He may not only lead us through Love, in this service for those who are most in need, but that He also guide us through His Will.

Let us pray together.

Prayer: Celestial Father (repeated twice).

Let My priestly Heart also bless you today, so that you may always be within My Grace and an eternal giving of self.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I am going to invite the sisters to remain there, so that we may celebrate Communion.

Those who can, kneel for this consecration.

On a day so like this one, I gathered the apostles together in the Holy Cenacle because I knew the time would come for them to represent Me on Earth as My apostles and soldiers, throughout the ages and the generations.

Today I not only invite you, companions, to re-live this Sacrament which is the expression of a mystery of a very great Love that humanity has not yet understood, but that many have approached this mystery of Love through the bread and the wine. For that reason, today I invite you to enter into the scene of the Last Supper.

For that, our Master is asking for the instrumental of "Thus spoke the Master." 

Before the doors of His Celestial Church, we symbolically bow down, through our souls, so as to receive the impulses, the codes of Light of this consecration.

After having washed the hands and the feet of My apostles, I gathered them around a simple table to celebrate and institute the greatest legacy of love for humanity.

I took the bread, lifted it up, and gave thanks to the Father for the sacrifice that I would live, and the Holy Spirit of God changed the bread into My precious and glorified Body, and then I handed it to the apostles, saying to them: "Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body which will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins".

We praise you Lord and we bless You (repeated three times). Amen.

Then I took the Chalice and raising it up to God in complete trust and love for the sacrifice I would live, He sent all His hosts of Light, the angels, so that they could transubstantiate the wine into My precious Blood. I then handed it to the apostles, saying to them: "Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new covenant that will be shed by your Redeemer for the remission of faults. Do this always in remembrance of Me".

We praise you Lord and we bless You (repeated three times). Amen.

And in union with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, let us recite the prayer that Christ taught us: Our Father.

My joy is to be able to be in these difficult times and bring souls to God, so that they may find again the meaning of being here and of having come to fulfill an important mission for all of humanity. For that reason, on this afternoon, I thank you, I bless you, and I give you My Peace, so that My Peace may be carried to more difficult places on Earth where the Light cannot yet enter.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

We give each other the greeting of peace.

We may stand.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

What humankind of the surface does not know today, the peoples of the past knew, because they were in absolute contact with God. They knew the reality of the Universe, of this solar system and beyond, without having physical tools or applying their minds to understanding or observing if this was true or not.

What is it that allowed these original peoples to know the truth? What is it that caused them to persist over time, before the white man arrived in America?

Their culture was the true religion that they experienced, because that culture was united with the Love of God, and it was this Love that allowed all the peoples to know the Truth and the Cosmos. In a simple and easy way, they tried to represent what they saw and recognized.

But the history of humanity has still not been fully revealed. That is why, previous to the original peoples, sacred and inner Enclosures were opened in the interior of the Earth that, like a great mirror, held all that greater knowledge that was known in detail by the peoples of the past.

That information still lives and vibrates in these Enclosures. It is this information and this knowledge that humanity needs in order to again rise up to the consciousness of God and to understand that in this time they have chosen the god of modernity and of technology, completely substituting their inner contact with the Universe.

For that reason, companions, and through this Pilgrimage for Peace, your Master and Lord comes to Colombia to have you revive that sacred knowledge which many were part of in the past. So in this way, My Hands remove a veil from your consciousnesses today, so that your spirituality may awaken and you make contact with your origin and your beginning.

Although many of the peoples who lived in the past were exterminated, were not understood nor even valued, the spiritual Hierarchy recognized and valued them, and today they are in spirit and essence, not only as a culture, but also as a brotherhood within those Enclosures.

In the same way that Colombia and all the Andes safeguard them, this expression of the Divine Truth and the deepening of universal knowledge must be the basis for your support for this time, above all for this time of transition and of tribulation.

Today I want to tell you, companions, that the peoples of America came before My arrival on Earth. This is what the white man did not understand, that rejected this truth, that did not plunge into the knowledge to understand it and feel it, in the same way that each one of the cultures in America understood it and felt it.

In this way, you will be able to understand today, companions, that these peoples are more sacred than I am sacred because their evolution, their consciousness, and their awakening were not only measured by their union with nature and the respect they had for all that was created, but also, companions, they achieved this awakening and this consciousness through degrees of love that are what the current humanity needs to reacquire and experience.

For this reason, you must serve and give of yourself all the time, because the whole of humanity as a culture and civilization has lost the values of the past. That is why it is in the situation it is in; that is why today nations experience what they experience, because they distanced themselves from the wisdom and the love that the original peoples knew and lived through their contact with the Primordial Source.

Is it that in this situation of the original peoples Christic Love does not exist?

Of course it exists, companions. That is why they are so sacred and more sacred than I was for you. Because the Father gave them His gifts, His knowledge and revelations, as He did with the patriarchs and the prophets.

Through the ages, humanity only placed itself in the story of the Middle East. But what really happened beyond the Middle East and on all the continents; were there not more sacred peoples than those who existed there?

Yes, there were many sacred peoples throughout the Americas who were decimated by the white man because of their ambition for power and conquest that completely blinded their hearts. And in the end, it caused them to realize that they made a mistake, beyond all that they took from these sacred lands, because in the same way that nature is sacred, the knowledge of the original peoples is sacred. A true Gospel resides in them, not like in Christianity. It is the Gospel of simplicity, of brotherhood, and of unity with the Kingdoms of Nature and of their true contact with the greater Universe.

That is why I had to return to Earth many times, it was not the first time as Jesus. Humanity always had to be corrected and guided, because it always left the path of Light and of Love.

This is why this human genetic Project is so important to the Celestial Father. If America re-acquires its origins, cultural roots, and especially its union with the Universe, as it experienced in previous times, a great many situations will be avoided.

I am not telling you to believe in God, but rather that you believe in the life that God gave you; that you believe in the Universe, in the galaxies, in the suns, and in the stars that are above you.

Contemplate the starry sky one night and ask yourself: who am I? Have you ever done it? Never cease to do so, and the Father will give you His revelation, just as He gave His revelations to the sacred peoples. 

In all of this, companions, is divine unity, the Presence of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit that the original sacred peoples understood and experienced in another way; that is why they were strongly rejected and hurt.

And in truth, companions, where was the wisdom, the true wisdom in past times? In the East or the West? Today I tell you the truth, that the true wisdom was in the hearts of those who experienced purity, simplicity, humility, and union with the Celestial Father.

But the original peoples were not understood, not only because of their way of life or their culture, but also because of their cosmogony. They reached levels of supra-consciousness, which makes them the representatives of the Brotherhood on the surface of the Earth and you have the opportunity, companions, of being part of that Brotherhood.

Spiritual life does not end in the sacred books, but rather in the true experience of love and of redemption that each one can experience, as those peoples experienced it. Because everything they had and all they received in those days was sacred and blessed to them.

The humanity of these times has completely lost the essence of its culture. Thus, at this moment, it is a necessity for the Hierarchy that the humanity of today, which has distanced itself from the Father and from the path of Will, may be able to return to its origins through its service of love to the original peoples, because indeed in them you will find the essence of love for Creation and for life. And you will feel yourselves to be a part of it, because in the simplicity you will be in communion with that which is High.

I do not come to ask you for the impossible, rather I come to ask you, companions, for the simplest practice of all practices: it is to always place yourself in the love and the Brotherhood of God, so that you can constantly find the meaning of being here on this planet and to know that this material life does not end here, that the true life which is inner and spiritual, causal and profound, follows its path and its trajectory just as the peoples followed it, in total trust and in union with Creation.

I come to revive these values in Colombia so that the superficial and stingy life can come to an end and in your hearts you feel the need of returning to God; because it will be important in this time, just as the original peoples did, to always seek an inner contact with the Universe. Because the times are difficult and will be more difficult; your only way out will be the inner contact with that which is Greater, with the infinite, with the Source, with what is non-material, just as the original peoples experienced it.

Do not allow your original roots to be erased from your consciousness, live with love and with joy that you attained over the course of time, which comes from the life of the spirit and of union with the Universe, and in this way, companions, in the name of all humanity, you will be within universal life as the Hierarchy is.

That is why, through words, through teachings, and especially through love, I come to place in Colombia and to reintegrate in the consciousness of its people, the opportunity and especially the Grace, of reviving those cultural and spiritual values ​​that the sacred peoples of the Andes left shaped in the consciousness of the ether of this place.

This will be the unique opportunity for re-acquiring the path toward the infinite and toward the Universe and to feel yourself part of the macrocosm. In this way, your inner stars will shine, and someday these stars will become fleeting suns that will illumine the end of times, the times of darkness and the times of tribulation. And the true divine essence at the center of each being will emerge as a single consciousness, deeply united with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

And so you will assert My Celestial Church, which comes to the aid of the men and women of the Earth and also of the Church that is on the surface of the Earth, very reviled and wounded by its own members.

I come to rekindle the values that the conquerors and the Church did not know; that they rejected, repudiated and did not recognize in the simplest men and women of this planet, who lived along the Andes, in a deep inner contact with Creation and with the Divine Brotherhood.

It is time for the doors to Truth to be opened and for you to discover the true Christianity that is based on the essence of My Love, which is present as a seed of light in the heart of those who believe, so that the Divine Will may be fulfilled.

Colombia today is ignited by the light of Guatavita and its ancestors. United in essence with you, they pray for you and for your people at this very moment, imploring God for His Mercy and His Grace and so that the unfathomable Source of His Wisdom may cause hearts to acknowledge that they have lost their way because of the distraction of the world illusion, and that it is time step back onto the path toward the origin.

United in love and in essence to all those sacred and blessed consciousnesses that had the knowledge of God prevail on the surface of the Earth and that many, but many of them, were converted in that living knowledge of the Father, today I deeply aspire to Colombia and all the sister nations of the Andes rekindling in your hearts those divine and inner values ​​that will enable you to be in brotherhood and far from the chaos of these times, so that through you not only the Source of universal peace be established, but also the Source of harmony, which will heal the wounded hearts.

In the face of this scenario, in the face of this conjuncture, we will celebrate the Eucharist, and through it, the reintegration in your consciousnesses and spirits of those divine values, sacred knowledge that the original peoples experienced in the name of humanity. Amen.

When humankind of the surface is able to feel as the mineral Kingdom feels, as the plant Kingdom feels, as the animal Kingdom feels, and thus as the devic and elemental Kingdom feels, it will be able to open its heart to purity and understand that everything around it is not edible, but rather sacred and blessed.

In this moment we will lift up our offerings to the Universe.

We invite you to stand up for this consecration of the Eucharist.

At this time, feel yourself to be not only in a spiritual ceremony with My merciful Heart, but also feel yourself to be participants in a sacred ceremony as the original peoples experienced it, to worship and praise God.

This is a time of the renewal of vows, this is a time of commitment and is the time to see the truth that can awaken in each heart that believes in the divine reality.

We will raise our intentions to the Father, we will open our hearts to His Will, just like the original peoples opened their consciousnesses to universal knowledge.

Each one, at this moment, in the silence of your heart, perform this exercise of forgiveness and of reconciliation with the past so that in this present, we may be renewed by the Compassion of God, an infinite expression of His Mercy.

We invite those who can do so to kneel for this consecration.

In this moment we relive the legacy of Love that Christ left us through the institution of the Eucharist.

And as if it was in that time, we enter into the Last Supper and we offer our beings, our lives in honor of the Love of God, and thus we are renewed, reconciled and united with the Source of the Father.

When Jesus was gathered together with His apostles, He took the bread, lifted it up, and gave thanks to the Father for the sacrifice and the surrender He would experience. The bread was blessed. He then gave it to His apostles, saying to them: "Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body that will be delivered for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

Prayer: We praise you Lord and bless You (repeated three times). Amen 

Then Christ took the Cup with His hands, raised it up to be blessed, and reaffirmed within His Being the surrender and sacrifice He would make for each one of us. After having been blessed, he gave it to His apostles, saying to them, "Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the new covenant that will be shed by Your Redeemer for the forgiveness of faults. Do this always in remembrance of Me."

Prayer: We praise you Lord and bless You (repeated three times). Amen. 

On the Mount of Beatitudes, gathered together with the multitudes, our Lord taught us the simplest but most profound prayer in existence, the Our Father. In union with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, we will pray this prayer to finish consummating the consecration.

Prayer: Our Father.

We may stand.

I always give you Peace so that you may experience it and multiply it in the hearts that have nothing, that live in solitude and uncertainty, so that the peace that you may be able to propagate will cause you to renew all your brothers and sisters under the impulse of love and of hope.

Now yes, a special time has come for Your Master and Lord, because now your souls have been consecrated to the Will of God and with this intention and this cause, I will expand this consecration, as I did with the elements; but today I will consecrate My new assistants, who will commit to be the help through the altars for those who seek the Peace and Mercy of God.

Bring the rings, the veils. and the oil for anointing.

Lord of the Universe, You Who grant the opportunity and the infinite Grace that all may love You, today I offer Myself as Your instrument, as Your beloved Son and intercessor of souls, so that through the Mercy I achieved in the moment of expiring on the Cross, souls may receive the Grace of always being able to recognize You and serve You for all eternity. Amen.

Cover these daughters of Mine with the mantle of My Celestial Mother so that they may always remember Her original purity and the opportunity to eternally gift themselves, as My Mother gifts Herself for each one of Her children. Amen.

In the same way that the holy women anointed My wounded and whipped Body, today with this oil I anoint those who always belonged to Me and who return to Me in unconditional service. Amen

I recognize the Truth of God in the simplest.

Today your name will be Nazarena.

Your name today will be María del Renacimiento.

Your name will be Victoria de la Cruz.

The Blood of Christ, the Body of Christ (to each one).

Let us say goodbye to our Master, carrying the impulse of His love in our heart and in fraternity we will give each other the greeting of peace.

We may greet each other.


That which is at the center of your being is the most important to Me. Thus, what is to be found there must be protected and safeguarded from the influences of these times.

Most of humanity ignores such existence, that lies at the center of each being. For this reason, people are disconnected from spiritual and inner reality.

This is the time in which the center of each being is very exposed, and only the principles of prayer and of universal life will keep the being protected from those influences that completely blind the consciousness to higher life.

Therefore, in such cases, it is necessary to use the intelligence of the spirit and, beyond the attacks or the constant influences, it is important to not allow yourself to be thrown or intimidated by those stimuli, that only come with the purpose of withdrawing the being from its true path.

In protecting the center of the being, from oneself and from external influences, the necessary fortitude will emerge for being able to go through these moments that exist to discourage the human project.

One must never cease to aspire towards the Heights, for in this way you will allow the cosmic currents of the Light to always come in to assist.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


I return to Colombia with the intention that your spiritual and cultural values may be recognized, not only by the people that dwell here, but also by all those who once, or over the course of the history of humanity, learned about the sacred, which is to be found here.

I do not come back to cause you to re-live a historic past; I come to re-ignite the cultural and spiritual values that made Colombia a special place within the spiritual purpose, because these values are what will allow the dignity and the authenticity of this people to emerge, who like many others were a slave of the conquest of the white man.

Colombia is this Eden of the sacred and of the reverent for humanity, and all that was once experienced of the sacred here, in this current time, will help the rest of the peoples, beyond the Andes, to remind them of the importance of keeping their roots fertile and alive so that nothing nor nobody may cause the pure and the sacred to be lost, which the original peoples lived as a foundation of experience for the New Humanity.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


To My companions and servers of Colombia,

Never forget that charity and goodness must come first in your lives, and that this charity will help you, every day, within yourselves, to love and to respect service to your neighbor as well as to the Kingdoms of Nature.

Charity, companions, will make you love more, each day, and thus embrace each call and each invitation with greater trust.

Do not expect accomplishments or results in everything you do, because the trophy of My apostles is not recognition, but rather the constant and never-ending surrender of self, which will make you worthy before the Father and His precious Will.

Allow charity to let you understand your neighbor so that appearances and mirages created by the ego may disappear and the heart may be the ruler of your lives and of your entire existence.

When you live this message, your consciousness will expand, and you will be able to see reality in a different way. You will no longer be carried away by judgments nor commentaries but rather, through charity, you will conquer the spirit of brotherhood, which should beat and throb in your hearts forever.

Never forget all of this.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master Christ Jesus 


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today I come back here to Colombia as the Solar Son and, at My Feet, I show you, in the inner planes, the sacred city of Guatavita, that legendary city that once was expressed upon the surface and brought to the Andes a sacred knowledge that has still not been revealed to the humanity of today.

But many of you participated in this.

This is why I am returning to Colombia, to gather you in My name and so that you define your paths for one Hierarchy, for one Law, for one group.

This group of souls is congregted by My Love, like many groups of souls that I have in the world, which in this time come to Me, to serve Me and to express My redeeming Work, before this sacred city that shines like gold and copper. I have you inwardly revere this legacy, to which you have belonged in other times, in other experiences, and now the veils over your consciousness fall so that you can see the truth and the primary reason for being here, in this place, present in this country, and united like brothers and sisters.

This is what is most important, that I need in this time, so that Colombia can finally express its task. There is still much to do and there is still much to carry forward. You are the preamble of something very important, but remember unity and the Law of Hierarchy. If this is not accomplished among you, nothing will manifest.

I know that it is not easy for many consciousnesses to obey what I ask of you and to strictly carry out what the Hierarchy says. But, companions, My brothers and sisters, there is no longer time, there is no time left. And this is the reality of it.

The impulses of the inner Hierarchy come to change hearts, to awaken them, to purify and transform them. This is why today I bring My Solar Consciousness and, as a Mirror Being, I reflect upon the sacred city of Guatavita all the principles and attributes of God, which this sacred city, indigenous and internal, also achieved in other times.

The values of the culture of Colombia are very important for God, as are the values of the Aztec culture and of the Mayan culture. These are the values that today's humanity will need in order to experience the transition of the times and the Armageddon; to not forget the principles, the attributes and the commandments of the Father, which are basic Laws for its evolution and its awakening; so that it may go deeper in degrees of love and in degrees of solidarity.

This will build among you, and in many more that will come, the true brotherhood of the surface, this sacred third Order that must be expressed in South America so as to be able to bear and contain the end of times, the time of purification, the time of tribulation.

Among you, there must not exist lies, deceit nor appearances. It is something that I taught My apostles in the past and it is something that I have been teaching all of you for many years.

I do not come to see your imperfections nor miseries, because My Mercy grants you the transformation and liberation for your lives.

All I ask of you, companions, is for loyalty, transparency and crystalline unity. This will allow for My Work to expand in Colombia and for many more emergencies to be attended to by the Hierarchy.

But meanwhile, and in spite of all that you receive, of all the impulses that were given since the inner Hierarchy expressed itself in this place of Guatavita, there is still much to purify.

But I, as a Solar Mirror, give you My hand so that you may hold it tightly, so that you may trust, so that you may repent and reconcile.

This will allow to dissolve, in Colombia, many streams of chaos and of adversity that still surround this country and this beloved people, to which I come to give My Mercy and My forgiveness today, so that it may be reborn and re-emerge through the impulse that the Holy Spirit brings as Solar Essence.

Return to your origins, regain the roots of your culture, and preserve from yourselves all that is sacred, blessed and sublime; everything that comes from the Hierarchy, be it Its knowledge, be it Its word, or be it Its love or Its presence.

If you, My companions, are here today, congregated by My Presence, and not other people, it is for some spiritual reason that you still do not know.

Never break the rules because the Father and, above all, His Son, see everything.

Elevate your hearts in a spirit of repentance and someday you will receive the sacred flame of redemption, which are the Christic Codes, the merits achieved by your Master and Lord when He was on Earth.

And, in this way, you will become My memorable apostles, the apostles of the end of times, those who will protect the legacy of the Hierarchy, not only on the surface, but also in the inner worlds, and who will be able to reflect and represent the Brotherhood, wherever or whenever.

For this, I need you to be firm, available and open to change, not only in consciousness, but also in heart, in personality and in ego.

This will allow the legacy that is held in the sacred city of Guatavita to always be protected and radiate its principles toward humanity, which so needs it in this time. Because not only will you receive transformation and renewal, but also other peoples in other parts of the world, who continue to lose the values and the principles of their culture, those which they have received and experienced throughout time, and those which My adversary set about dissolving, dividing and erasing from the memory of the men and the women of the Earth.

That is why South America is at stake, not only in a political, social or economic way; South America is at stake in a spiritual way, and it is on this level where the real and serious situations present themselves and where the Hierarchy must face and attend to them in this time.

You must not only be suns on the surface of the Earth, as was the sacred city of Guatavita, but you must also be mirrors of love, of solidarity, of brotherhood, of good, of transparency. It is now time for there to no longer be any trace of evil, any trace of adversity or contrariness within you.

You are now depositaries of the Christic Love of My Heart, and you must protect it and support it so that it can grow and expand into the world, because many, many souls are missing the opportunity, not only of evolving, but also of awakening, of carrying out their true task and mission in this time.

This people of Colombia has had the grace of being blessed by the Hierarchy and it is in the small groups of souls where the Plan is carried out, to then give a chance and graces to all the rest of the souls of the world.

So that you can do all that I ask of you, companions, you must trust in My Presence, in My Word, in My support and, especially, in My Love that is immeasurable and unconditional for souls.

Let all that no longer belongs to you be withdrawn. Empty yourselves, empty yourselves in this moment and offer your lives, your souls and your hearts to God, through the Solar Presence of the Son of God, and elevate your aspirations to the Heights, the aspirations for redemption, for reconciliation, for unity and for peace, so that those attributes may descend upon you and upon your brothers and sisters, and a solid, firm and crystalline brotherhood may be built, which lives for the Plan of God and its fulfillment in this cycle.

I bring you this golden city of Guatavita, the sacred city of Guatavita, so that you can be reborn and rediscover your origins within; the main reason that brought you up to here, which is not personal nor individual; which is group-oriented, which is among souls, to serve God and to fulfill His aspirations, not only for Colombia but also for the rest of South America.

Remember that you have the assistance and support of the sacred Sites, where you will be able to place your consciousnesses, souls and beings so that they may be worked on and healed, and still continue to experience the process of redemption.

Be these sparks of redemption of My Heart, because the world needs it, so that someday it may realize that it was mistaken and that it has deviated completely from the truth.

Colombia is still to awaken; it must awaken more deeply than it has awakened. But for this to be possible, the transformation and the change must first begin within you, My companions, who represent Me before God in this spiritual task for Colombia, and for all the souls that are to be found here.

It is in this way that the spiritual and material slavery will end in this country and souls will be able to become aware of the importance of turning toward God in order to be able to hear Him and deeply feel Him again.

Offer this next Marathon of Divine Mercy as an opportunity for returning to your origins, to your beginnings and to your original culture; and may you benefit from the company of all the inner beings that collaborate in brotherhood and love for the Hierarchy at this moment.

Let Colombia be reborn to the principles of its culture, of its solidarity and of its love for the Celestial Father.

For this reason, companions, to all of you and to all your brothers and sisters that are listening, I give you a blessing so that this task, through the Meeting of the Prayer of Mercy, may be blessed and filled by the gifts of the Holy Spirit. And I ask you to trust in the coming of these gifts, that will not only transform and give impulse to your spirits and consciousnesses, but also to your material life that, day after day, must be a mirror of the Brotherhood upon the surface.

As the Sun of the Universe, of the center of this Galaxy, that shines upon this sacred city of Guatavita, which today reflects its principles and its origins towards the souls that have belonged to it, just as to all the souls that have belonged to the original peoples of the Andes, I give you Peace and a blessing, wishing you a beautiful and glorious task in this crucial time in which souls must be reborn to love and to forgiveness.

With the rays of the Central Sun that come from the emanation of the Heart of God, and in union with the Great Universal Confraternity, let Colombia be elevated, let hearts be firm to experience their redemption in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


To the one who surrenders their life to Me with trust, I assure that they will never be sorry for having surrendered it to Me.

The one who surrenders their personal will to Me will never be sorry for having surrendered it to Me for, in this way, I will be able to perform wonders and spiritual miracles in their life. 

To the one who surrenders their whole being to Me, as well as their miseries and defects, I assure them that they will never repent, for I will place them where they always should have been so that, together with Me, they may serve in the armies of service and of prayer.

The one who surrenders their opinions or their beliefs to Me will never repent, because in a short time they will not know themselves, and their problems will no longer be obstacles nor limitations in their life. Thus, I hope that the rest of humanity may someday do the same, that it may surrender all of its being to Me, so that I Myself can transform and redeem it in the same way that I redeemed and transformed the apostles.

But, even more, the one who surrenders blindly to Me, without thinking and without establishing conditions, will know spiritual liberation, and in their moments of tests, I will help them to overcome themselves a little more each day, without fear of the consequences or results.

I am waiting for many,  a great many more souls to surrender to Me with trust and, in this way, I will transform them.

 I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


The bases for the next Pilgrimage for Peace are almost ready so that, in this way, My unfathomable and divine Mercy can bless the Colombian people.

It will be through these spiritual bases that your Redeemer will be able to attend to and handle difficult situations that are not within the reach of those who participate in this Work, but indeed the Hierarchy contemplates it in order to be able to attend to these situations as soon as possible.

Thus, the next Marathon of prayer will be the main setting that will open the doors so that the Divine Hierarchy may work upon consciousnesses and upon the most urgent situations.

By means of the next Pilgrimage for Peace in Colombia, Your Master and Lord will also attend to serious religious cases that need much wisdom so that they may be assumed and resolved, and so they may receive the necessary penalties for what they have committed, just as Justice establishes.

During this pilgrimage, with only a few days and with little time, the Divinity will attempt to help and attend to all that may be possible. Thus, each meeting of prayer that will be held will be the spiritual basis for the Hierarchy to be able to help the situation in Colombia, as well as the nations of Ecuador and Venezuela.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Through the next Pilgrimage for Peace in Colombia, the Spiritual Hierarchy will try to embrace the greatest possible number of humanitarian situations so that, from the spiritual plane, they may be served and a solution may be carried forward on the material plane, in face of the infinite number of causes.

In this context, although the Divine Messengers have cancelled the pilgrimage in the cities of Cucuta and Barranquilla, it does not mean that, through the next Marathon of Divine Mercy and through the meetings of prayer that will succeed it, the Hierarchy will be unable to take care of everything that They planned to assist in these regions of Colombia.

Therefore, the Divine Hierarchy will increase efforts so that the greatest amount of spiritual and concrete situations may be assisted by the Divinity.

In this way, it will be necessary that inner and material support be provided for, so that the more concrete bases of this pilgrimage may be really firm and, as a result, through the spontaneous contribution and the collaboration of everyone, the Hierarchy may count on this foundation, that will be built by the loving help of all.

Thus, the tasks will be broader and the help will be deeper, and not only Colombia will benefit, but also the rest of South America and, from South America, the whole world.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


There are situations in the human being that only love can solve. But sometimes that love is not so expressive or welcoming, but rather it is a love that corrects and prevents many things.

This does not mean that love is not present in the one who, helping their neighbor or solving a situation, uses an act of prudence as a measure.

In this sense, love is also to say "no" for in that "no" there exists a reason or a cause that goes beyond occurrence or even some spiritual situation.

At this moment of humanity, love is what will protect beings from a great many dangers, and on many occasions, it is necessary that this love impose things so that balance and peace do not dissolve.

In this love, apparently neutral, a situation can be maintained under some protection, which does not mean that love is cold or indifferent; on the contrary, love will help protect the consciousness from the very dangers that it may experience.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


While chaos and evil illusorily join efforts to find out who will win the power over the people in the region of South America, on the other side, the Hierarchy, attentive and vigilant, works silently from within the inner fortresses of the Sacred Sites of the planet to be able to maintain the most effective balance among consciousnesses, so that complaints and movements may be avoided in order to prevent them from compromising universal peace and harmony.

But there is a piece that humanity must experience in response to what it chose for its near destiny.

Because of the lack of transparency and truth in the majority of nations in the world, souls have to face situations of even greater uncertainty and doubt, because the essence of the governments have become corrupt through unlimited abuse of goods and power, which should be shared equally.

This reality is that which causes humanity to regress and distances it more and more from the Law and from Love.

Thus, the necessary change and the needed transformation will come by means of the coming events, which will cause consciousnesses to define the path that they will decide to follow in the coming time.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


On the eve of the destiny that Uruguay and Argentina will decide in the coming hours, the divine and universal Hierarchy withdraws from the scenario of the Planet to contemplate in silence, vigil, and prayer all that will develop on the inner planes and that will immediately reflect on the material plane.

Beyond an election or a decision, what is most important will be what each consciousness reflects in the moment of choosing: who will condemn, even further, the nations of Uruguay and Argentina, or who, beyond their errors, will try to move forward a people that is chosen to receive Christ.

This is the moment of going inward and of imploring God, because once again, from the decisions that the people make, the consequences will immediately knock on the door of each consciousness.

Brazil is a clear and precise example of what must never again be chosen.

The human being has not yet learned to discern, since the influences of the fantasies and of the hollow political promises that they experience deceive them and tempt them to decide for another human being that is as imperfect and weak as they are.

At this moment, only seek union with higher spheres, so that the Holy Spirit may be the one to dictate to each heart what it must do, rather than have the stimuli and political fantasies interfere. Because in truth, I tell you: there is no nation at this moment that is being governed with fidelity and transparency.

The power that humankind believes it has is like a puppet with two heads. With one head they promise and with the other they confuse and take what does not belong to them.

But do not worry, because when I return, I will stop these games that only lead to a loss of confidence in all terrestrial life.

Uruguay is already on the verge of the abyss. One further false move and it will repent for the rest of its existence. But I will not abandon the Uruguayans that are faithful to My Word. 

I am praying for everything and for everybody.

The hour has come, just like My hour on the Cross came.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses and prays for Uruguay and Argentina.

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus



Now, with the Pilgrimage for Peace in Colombia reduced, the spiritual Hierarchy will concentrate and amplify all of its inner tools more than expected so that, through the pilgrimage, many human needs may be attended to.

For this reason, the Hierarchy has decided to move the spaces, the sacred tool of the Holy Grail so that, through It, Mercy and pardon can be radiated to the planet and to all those situations that need it. As the hosts will be arriving, so will the awakening of the consciousness so that the human being may closely follow the wisdom that will descend during the days of the meeting with souls.

Colombia might be before stronger and more definite events, not only so that it may awaken its consciousness, but also so that this movement may bring to all the existence of the sacred and of reverence.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


All the effort that is made, as a sincere offer for humanity, is recognized by the Universe because it knows that this offer is for compensating something that is unbalanced.

At this moment, the planet, and mainly humanity, need beings of sacrifice, beings of renunciation who offer themselves for the weight of the debts generated by the human race not to fall upon the planet and, above all, upon humanity.

To live renunciation or sacrifice at this time means the opportunity of generating miracles and graces, for more consciousnesses to awaken and to also begin to compensate all that is out of universal harmony.

Therefore, My Heart is attentive to the inner offerings, which can be internally given for love, only to your Redeemer.

This is the time to do something for love, for other consciousnesses to leave behind the  indifference and ignorance in which they live, knowing that all are brothers and sisters and that it is important that creatures help one another to leave individualism and personal property.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus



When souls place themselves, with sincerity, to pray for a difficult situation, the Universe will always respond and the angels, and all the hosts, will dissolve that invisible interference that is feeding on the indignation and fury of consciousnesses.

Thus, group prayer, regardless of being gathered together physically or not, fosters an operative and angelic movement in search of those causes that generate disharmony and rebellion within people.

In this time, such operative prayer will keep the portals open and the hells closed so that souls may not find themselves encouranged to move forward with actions that they will later repent of, for the rest of their lives.

Even after having prayed for a long time, if apparently nothing happens or everything continues on the same, do not be alarmed nor question yourselves, because you will see the power and the results of the prayer carried out, and how many situations will be benefited for having prayed with the heart.

Remain firm in this purpose, for you will not only be protected, but you will also have wisdom to be able to proceed.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


While in Colombia the natural riches continue to be removed from the depths of Mother Nature, in benefit of those who refer to themselves as first world countries, nature will show itself, because it is something very similar to the human being losing some part of its body. In this way, nature also loses parts, except that it does not scream in pain, although it vastly suffers. But it will show itself.

If Colombia does not prohibit the exploitation of its resources, and does not protect them from the ambition of humankind, the nation will come to know the untamable power that nature holds.

Do not give pearls to swine. The nations that call themselves powerful have impoverished all of South and Central America for centuries and, furthermore, they cause humble nations to become indebted, those that hold the best and most incalculable natural riches in the world and that are to be part of the New Humanity.

The debt of the exploiting countries is great and unknown. Let their inhabitants hold fast to prayer so that the impact and the effects of all that they do outside of the law may be gentle.

Nobody can surpass Creation, because Creation and nature exist to educate and instruct the human being, which is miseducated. 

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
