Friday, September 15 of 2023

The Sacred Call

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Just as the breeze of this morning, My Consoling Love floods you. This Love, which emanates from the Source in an inexhaustible and inextinguishable way. It is the Love of the Eternal Father, who is with open Arms waiting for the arrival of each one of His Children.

For this reason, He sends Me as an emanation of His Consoling Love to comfort the lives of Mine, to bring them towards My Peace, so that, through My Peace, each one of My disciples and companions may learn to make their decisions in this final cycle. Because these decisions, companions, will define the next steps of the Spiritual Hierarchy for all this Work of the Plan of Rescue of humanity.

Today I Am here not only for this reason, but I have brought you near Russia so that you may accompany the Lord in His spiritual and occult task. Only open eyes through the heart will be able to understand and feel what I Am doing at this moment; because the Lord does not come to raise His sword before His enemies. The Lord of Israel comes to show you once again, by means of His example of life and surrender, the same as your Master and Lord lived in Israel in His great moment of pain and agony, when most of His companions and followers abandoned Him.

But perhaps this is not the school that fits you in this time. Rather, the school of My companions of the end of times will be the great decision of absolutely following Me. Because in the face of the reality and the situation of the planet and humanity, it is urgent, for the Lord of Israel, that some souls may be depositories of Light impulses, spiritual and inner impulses that will materialize the New Earth.

And although the chaos of these times is present and this may seem premature to you, the emergence of a New Humanity takes place in what is deep and most invisible, where there is no ostentation or privileges. It is in the absolute void of the heart that God can build His Temple and Dwelling.

This is why I do not come here only to liberate the enemies of God; so that, through the price of the Precious shed Blood of Christ, the most fallen and lost on the planet may stand up again, and have the opportunity and grace of knowing Love, so that hatred, vengeance and impunity may be dissolved from their hearts.

When you see someone who is a very hard enemy, do not see them with eyes of hatred, anger or even denial. You must know that in the depths of this hardened heart there is no love, because love has been stolen by My adversary.

Therefore, I come to rebuild all these situations. I come to give opportunity to all these consciousnesses, which are lost in darkness. Because I want you to know that many of them have fallen from My Boat, and just as I have helped you many times, It is My wish that the most lost and forgotten, who have closed their hearts to the Love of God, may have, before leaving this material world, the opportunity of redeeming themselves through Love, a Love that transfigures and renews, the Love that sprang as Blood and Water on the Cross. Although for many the Death of Christ seemed like a great defeat, in the innermost depths of the spirit the lives of the most lost souls were being reborn and all was slowly being transformed.

Thus, your Lord of Israel and Finland comes to exercise His Order and His Government through the same merits He achieved. Because it is not through battle or confrontation that the war will be won, it is by breaking the hardest aspect of the human heart through the Ray of Consoling Love.  

If you do not have this as a premise and a spiritual rule, many will suffer, because they will not understand. Because when you are before the reality of the end of times, and all seems not to make sense, you must remember these principles of your Lord, so that you may learn to go through life circumstances and live the lessons through love, not taking them as injustice or defeat, but rather as an intelligent opportunity to take a new step.

I know that many souls in the world would like everything to be different, but if Love were not the first rule, nothing could be different.

By any chance, was the Death of Jesus an error? Was the surrender for His enemies an error?

How does God try to make you understand this mystery of Love, so that, in the face of the turbulent scenario of life, you may not become afraid or disturbed, but rather that, through the strength of God’s Love, you may learn to overcome the times and situations?

In the face of the devastating scenario of the end of times, and the barbarity of those who are unjust and covered by impunity, in the face of all those who make millions of souls suffer in the world, the Lord of Israel and Finland comes to present this Christic school to you.

Although I know that perhaps not all of  you will follow it, My Heart makes this offering to you because more complex and unexpected times will come and, within your hearts and essences, you will have to have clarity about your decisions and attitudes so that nothing takes you by surprise, but rather your hearts may be ready, just as I have once said to you:

give me a heart that is ready
to live what You need,
to fulfill what You expect,
to concretize Your Holy and Divine Will.


This should be your prayer in the end of these times.

You must fear nothing of what I tell you, because nothing that I tell you is to do you harm. I Am the Light that incarnated in this world to remove you from darkness and error, to open the door of redemption to you, to give you life in abundance.

I thank all those who are with Me at this moment, following My Steps, contemplating My Footprints, carrying forward My projects, fulfilling My aspirations, trying to live in My Peace every day.

Although the times are urgent, never forget that Love will triumph and that Love can never be defeated, because Love in its essence is compassion and light, it is science and understanding, it is wisdom and healing for souls.

Jesus, the Christ, places His gaze today upon the nation of Russia, and does not observe it with Justice, but rather with eyes of Mercy, so that those who have been fallen since past times, may see the light of Love in the abyss of their consciousness, so that once more, these consciousnesses may be redeemed, as it was in My Death on the Cross, just as it was in My falls on Mount Calvary, when I had no more breath, and seemed that I would not make it until the end, I gave My last second of life for all those who denied Me.

Would you be able to live the same school?

The times show these doors so that the disciples may dare to cross them, and maturity may be the keynote of this time to dissolve mediocrity and negligence from the consciousness, so that you may know that each moment of your lives is important and precious, that nothing should be wasted in this universe, and that all should be transformed and resized, until it reaches communion with the Source.

We will continue to walk along this world on mission and in prayer.

I thank all those who have presented themselves here, in this place, to accompany the Lord of Israel and Finland, in this occult and secret task with Russia, because a good farmer always plucks out the roots from deep within, and sows new things through their self-giving and, above all, through their love.

I come to throw the seed of the New Life, just as I have thrown the nets to collect the lost souls for Me.

That should be the attitude of the New Christs: love, but not with differences, love, but not with conditions, love, but not with preferences, love, but not with denials, love, but not with injustice; simply love from the heart, just as I love you, because all is already foreseen in the Heart of God.

May My Light fill the Northern Hemisphere and the whole world so that Mercy may act and work, just as the Mercy of My Heart intervened during My Calvary on the Cross, by means of the Water and Blood.

It is in the solemn silence of the Hierarchy that the next steps are projected, the future aspirations of the Plan are manifested. Keep this in your consciousness and thus all will always be materialized, because it is the Will of God, it is Law and Justice.

Now, spiritually walk with your feet upon the waters, just as Peter did, and through his faith, without perceiving it, went to meet the Master. Go and meet My Heart so that the Lord of Israel may also be consoled.

I bless and thank you for having allowed this moment, all those who trust My Call.

Be life with nature. Be communion with Creation, because in it you will find the healing you need and the peace you seek so much. Because in Creation is God, His Love and His magnificent Beauty.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord. 

Wednesday, September 6 of 2023

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Holy Angels of God,
faithful guardians of the Divine Relics,
radiate Light and Peace to the world.
(5 times)

I have fulfilled My promise and here I Am, with the Angel that guards My Eucharistic Body.

Revere one of the Sacred Relics of the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

Forms are permeated by the Light of My Heart at the moment.

Corrupt matter begins to be transformed, density is transmuted and elevated, and within the atoms and cells of beings the Sacred Science of Healing is fulfilled. In this way, the bodies of human beings will liberate themselves from this retrograde condition of the surface.

The angels send their voices to the Heavens, so that the shackle of perdition may be broken and souls may be liberated from the cage of spiritual enslavement. In this way, the time of My prophecy is fulfilled. Hearts begin to attain redemption.

The doors of the Heavens open with the help of the saints and angels. Those who dare to cross them will discover in themselves the sacred mystery of the unknown, which will cease to be a higher mystery and become an inner reality in the consciousness.

Thus, the angels, responding to the request of the Lord, begin to remove the very fine layers of planetary illusion. In this way, many veils will slowly begin to fall from your eyes, from all the eyes of humanity and, on the horizon, those who used to be enslaved and now are liberated begin to see the Son of God coming.

And the Son of God will no longer hide behind the Sun. He will no longer withdraw into the stars, because the great mystery is unveiled and, just as it was on Mount Tabor, the Lord will arrive transfigured. 

And that which has always seemed to be unattainable for many, will be a palpable reality for those who have faith and persist on My Christic path. Because the chosen and the self-summoned will feel the planetary cross with Me, not as suffering, but rather as a great moment of liberation.

And that hope that has been suppressed from humanity, due to all the errors it has committed throughout the ages and up to the present moment, will again emerge and appear as a supernatural force in the heart of those who persist in Christ.

Thus, life on the surface will cease to be a calvary, because the school of suffering will no longer be necessary. The law of spiritual debt will be dissolved, and those who have come with Me until the end, will never again know about duality.

There will be no differences, there will be no dissociations, there will be no wickedness, there will be no sadness, anguish or disease. Because those who will be part of the Last and New Humanity will not know what sin is, because sin will have been transcended by the merits of the power of My Blood, and souls will be bathed in My Light, just as My Light envelopes the world today.

Despite the errors and outrages, despite the indifferences and omissions, despite the fact that the majority no longer seeks God today, nothing will prevent Me from returning to the world.

You may feel at the moment that the spiritual desert becomes more and more arid, that you cannot find the oasis to quench your thirst, that the soil under your feet dries and cracks, perhaps leaving the paths confused.

When all seems absolutely dark and it may seem that the Light will not shine at the bottom of the abyss, that will be the hour of the Lord, just as it was His hour during His Death and His rest for three days in the sepulcher.

At that moment and in that time, which are not so far away, I will descend to the hells of this world, in which many dwell on the surface, to put an end to that suffering and despair.

I will come to heal the deepest wounds, and with My own Hands touch your bodies, just as it was in the Holy Land at each place where your Master and Lord passed.

And at the least expected hour, I will open the door of your homes and you will see Me, just as the apostles saw Me in the Holy Cenacle after I had resurrected.

I will re-appear and fulfill My promise. At that hour, the existing evil will tremble and cry, unable to come out of its profound abysses, because I will give the order to Saint Michael the Archangel to close the uncertain dimensions of the planet, because He will pour out upon the world a Source of Light that is unknown, and never seen before.

But this will not be an analogy or a theory. The Source of Light that your Lord will open upon the world will be seen by all. It will have more power and splendor than a rainbow.

And thus, little by little, the spiritual darkness will dissipate, the sick bodies will be healed, the blind who have never seen will see. Many of My enemies will be converted; and I will be upon a Mount, similar to the Mount of Olives, so that all may see Me come in glory.

I know that many still lack preparation for this event. But do not be perfectionists. Be simple, just as your Master and Lord, just as your Most Holy Mother is, just as Saint Joseph is in humility.

Because God is in that which is simple and true. God does not stand out by Himself, because He shows Himself where His Love lives and reigns, not only in the Heavens, but also on Earth. His Love is shown and manifested among the brothers and sisters who love each other, who are capable of giving their life for their friends, just as I did for you.

When you have Me close in your homes, or when you find Me on your paths, at the moment or on the day you least expect, what will you do? Because I will see everything in you, just as I saw everything on the Cross, in the solemn Silence of God.

When you are face to face with Me, what will you say to Me? Will you do the same as Mary Magdalene did, when she found the Lord in the garden of the sepulcher? In this way, I will call you by your names, just as I called Mary Magdalene. Just as I called the apostles, because they were afraid for having abandoned Me.

And how many times have you perhaps abandoned Me, through the brother you do not love, through the service you do not assume, through the step that you do not dare to take, through the lack of prayer? But I will not come to point out these facts. I will come with Love and Mercy, because I know who Mine are.

Therefore, prepare yourselves to meet Me. May your lives be a mirror of gratitude, let there no longer be complaints, may you no longer be petty. May you value and honor all that I have given to you, because just as you listen to Me today, you will listen to Me when I call you by your name and your guardian angels will be witnesses of that moment.

Therefore, you must remember the Tabernacles of the Earth, just as the angels remember them every day and adore them, so that your hearts may be ready for the first moments of the Return of the Lord.

For just as I showed some of My apostles My true Face on Mount Tabor, so will I show to Mine their loved ones who have left. And at that moment, the covenant of Love will be sealed. And through your efforts and sacrifices, you will allow many of your loved ones to enter My Kingdom, just as many have already entered.

Now, the Chalice of the Angel that guards My Eucharistic Body is in My Hands. It is the Sacred Heart of Jesus that comes to offer this Chalice to humanity, so that it may be filled with the most precious offerings of My children, because in the self-giving itself of each one of Mine lies liberation.

Give of yourselves and you will be liberated, and the cross of each one will no longer be a burden, because there are worse crosses in this world, and many of them are in Africa. And My children of Africa are brave, because their faith overcomes all adversity and the Holy Spirit guides the humble in heart.

Now, we will do what I have asked of you, before the moment of Spiritual Communion, when this immaterial Chalice will be attentive to your offerings: you will offer the adoration to My Eucharistic Body so that the Angel that guards My Eucharistic Body may receive the offerings of the hearts.

Thus, I bless you in this new stage and in this new cycle, when My Love must be brought to the nations of the world. Remember this: the Love of Our Sacred Hearts must be brought to the world and to the nations that need it the most. Do not forget it, because the coming months will be definitive to avoid more suffering in humanity and on the planet.

Let us adore God, the Creator, through His First-Born Son, the Lord of Israel.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Tuesday, September 5 of 2023

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Yesterday, I sent you the Angel that guards the Eucharistic Body of Jesus, which, tomorrow, everyone will have the Grace of knowing.

This angel has fulfilled what I have asked of him and, although the dimension of your consciousnesses does not know it, continue to respond internally to what this angel has asked of you in My name.  

The offerings have come to Me and the Reliquary of My Heart receives them today. This is something immeasurable to Me, it cannot be measured by the mind or by thought, because the angelic presence is helpful and eternal.

Therefore, I have asked all the Messengers of God, the hosts of Light that serve the Eternal Father, to present themselves in this world again, given the urgency of these times, because millions of guardian angels of millions of souls in the world are not receiving the response they need to present to the Creator God.

For this reason, your Master and Lord repeats the same fact, just as He did with the apostles of the past.

From very few will come the great offering, and the whole world will benefit from this offering, due to the fidelity and loyalty of the Children of God that respond to the commands of the angels, who respond to the call of the archangels.

Lys-Fatima has this scenario and this preamble. Since 1917, a great part of the Ultra-terrestrial Angelic Universe touched this place and continues to do so for the whole planet.

Therefore, all the angels, devas and elementals of the most remote and impenetrable places of the planet, in this final time, in this time of Armageddon, in this beginning of the Apocalypse, will be responding to My call and carrying out My Petition, the Sacred Petition of the Son of God; so that, through the angelic and archangelic consciousness, the greater part of humanity may be saved, before everything happens physically.

Because souls are precious to God, they are an unimaginable treasure for this planet; for this Project of Humanity is a faithful part of the first and sublime Divine Will, when God, from and through His Creative Source, decided in the beginning that this civilization should exist on the surface of the Earth, to respond to His Will.

Today, in these critical times, humanity, for the greater part, does not respond to the Call of God, and restlessness and depression embrace many souls of the world because they do not respond to the Call of the Heavens. This is why, in the inner affliction of My Heart, and because of the suffering of My Children, I will send again the angels to Earth so that, from the higher spheres, in union with the great elementals and devas of the planet, the great guardians of the Lower Kingdoms, they may intercede and intervene for the current humanity. Because the veil of the spiritual field continues to be vastly torn, and hundreds of retrograde forces enter the planet at an unimaginable speed, bringing conflicts, discord, revenge, illnesses and wars.

But do not forget My promise, the one I pronounced on top of the Mount of Olives moments before My Ascension to the Heavens. I come to fulfill this promise to humanity in a gradual manner, because I know better than anyone that, from the four cardinal points of the planet, many souls, families and peoples cry out for help, because they can no longer stand the impunity.

Therefore, trust what I Am doing, even if you do not know it. When you see the Moon with the color of blood, and when the clouds are grayer than normal, that will be the time when I will be returning.

I will present Myself again, just as I presented Myself to My apostles a few days after My Resurrection. But at that moment it will be necessary, and I might say it will be a special urgency, that the great angelic and ultra-terrestrial consciousness prepares My arrival in the world in the innermost depths of the consciousness of humanity, because the Lord of the Universe and of the Earth will not be nailed again on the Cross.

They will want to imprison Me, put Me in jail, but they will not be able to. I will demonstrate the Power that the Father has given Me since My Birth, not through authority, but through utter obedience to God. Because just as I will re-appear in the world and in various places on Earth, in the same way I will disappear if necessary, for those who want to persecute or harm Me.

But My Word, when it is pronounced again upon this surface, will deter this illusory time that many live. And My Word, which is the Word of God, will make the Real Time of the universe descend to the world, and the veil will be definitively taken out of many consciousnesses.

At that hour, all those who have not believed in My Message, the Message of these recent times, will repent and hit their chest with their own hand. This is the reason why the help from the angels is important.

It is time for you to open yourselves to know the Angelic Universe, because the innocent presence of the angels, devas or elementals of the Lower Kingdoms raises the human consciousness to re-discover the Source of God’s Love.

The angels will return at this time with a special mission. This is why at the moment they are surrounding the Lord and permeating the spaces with Light and Redemption, through the codes of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, of which they make use because I have allowed them to do so.

Therefore, all those who at this time are deciding to renounce to themselves, to carry their own cross and follow Me, do not stop, but rather continue to do so, because I promise you that the great day of liberation will come.

For that are your faithful friends, the holy angels, ignored by many and even despised by some, because they do not know the faithful testimony of self-giving of the angels of God. Many situations would not happen in this humanity, if humanity allowed the intervention of the angels and archangels.

Therefore, today the seven main Choirs of the Eternal Father accompany your Master and Lord. Each one of these Choirs is responsible for one dimension and one plane of consciousness.

They are the angels that guard the Relics of God. Among them is the Angel that Rules and Guards the Eucharistic Body of Christ, responsible for collecting from all Tabernacles of the Earth the offerings of the adorers of God, the friends of Christ Jesus, through veneration, devotion and reverence to the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

This is why yesterday the Angel that guards the Eucharistic Body of Jesus taught you a simple prayer, which completes the prayer of the Angel of Peace. A prayer that will allow and grant, to all the souls that say it, that the offering may be accepted by the Eternal Father at each moment of communion, prayer and adoration to the Sacred Heart of the Son of God.

Today, I come with this preparatory Message, to tell you that, given the importance of this moment for the Angelic and Ultra-terrestrial Universe, I will return tomorrow with the Angel that guards My Eucharistic Body so that, through the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, through the Holy Monstrance of the Son of God, together with Me and the Angel that guards My Eucharistic Body, you may adore My Sacred Heart present in the Eucharist, so that the offering of each one of you may be elevated to the Thrones of God, so that evil in this world may be placated and the betraying spirit of revenge, impunity and war may be dispelled.

Let us pray:

Holy Angels of God,
faithful guardians of the Divine Relics,
radiate Light and Peace to the world.
(three times)


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us all pray now together, in one voice and with one heart, united to the Heart of the Great Master:

Holy Angels of God,
faithful guardians of the Divine Relics,
radiate Light and Peace to the world.
(six times)


I thank you for being with Me today.

In union with all Angels of God, all Celestial Choirs, to honor this invisible and powerful angelic presence and so that the Angels of Creation may intervene in the world, we will honor the One who created them, the One who manifested them and the One who determined that the world, the suns, the stars and the souls should exist.

Together with the host of Light, let us honor the Father-Mother Creator, Adonai.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us sing "Kodoish," remembering the Holy Lord of the Hosts.  

Song: melodic “Kodoish.”

We thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Sunday, September 3 of 2023

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the Lord of Shambhala, the Light of God that has always shone in the East, the Light that initiated many consciousnesses into the sacred path of ascension and transcendence.

Behold the Sacred Light of Shambhala, which reverberates throughout the times and generations, the Light that inspires and awakens religions, for a favored union with Creation.

I Am the Lord of Shambhala, who impelled, on the inner planes, the unity between peoples and cultures, from the East to the West.

Behold the Star of Light of Shambhala, which perpetually shines on the inner planes of the Sacred Gobi Desert; the Light of the Star of God, which guided the great masters of the East, which consecrated many yogis and consciousnesses to attain the path of self-transformation and liberation.

Behold the mysterious and unknown Light of Shambhala, which instituted, from the beginning, the Spiritual Government on the planet, which opened the doors to the self-knowledge of beings, and manifested the Wisdom and Compassion of God.

Behold the return of the Lord of Shambhala, who announces His Return to the world for all generations and peoples; who will come to unite, through inner communion, all cultures and religions.

Behold the Lord of Shambhala, who writes with His own Hand the Law of Creation, who forges, from the human heart, the true warrior, the eternal server, the one who is capable of giving their life for Me.

Be welcome to the Kingdom of Shambhala, to the Infinite and Cosmic Wisdom that impelled and awakened the first peoples of the East of the planet to enter into communion and unity with Creation.

The mysteries of Shambhala reveal themselves for the peacemakers of the Lord of Shambhala, for those who know how to identify in themselves the Signs of God.

Behold the Lord of the transmuting Light of Shambhala, Who will eradicate the incorrect laws of the Earth and replace them for the Divine and Cosmic Laws, because the Spiritual Government of the Lord of Shambhala is approaching, and the consciousnesses are touched by the Light of the Sacred Kingdom of Shambhala.

Just as it was in Israel, the Light of Wisdom and Compassion re-emerges from the East, and many, many who were consecrated in the past, who always followed the footprints of the masters, will again find in this time the reason and cause for serving the God of Creation in the end of these times.

For this reason, remember, remember the Light of Shambhala, the Eternal Mystery of God that was unveiled in the Gobi Desert, and has guided and conducted many peoples who have faith in what is immaterial.

Today, sacred forms emerge from the Heart of Shambhala and express their sublime creative geometries to replace the matrix of evil of this world, convert, transmute and liberate it, until it becomes the archetype that the Celestial Father needs for this Project.

I Am the Lord of the Heavens of Shambhala. I come to announce the New Time. I come to grant the last opportunity. I come to remind you of your origins, preciously held in the stars.

Behold the Lord of the Temple of Shambhala, which is not visible to the physical eyes, but which is visible to the eyes of the heart. The soul that intuits the Light of Shambhala, sees itself before this Sacred Temple, which has been founded here on this planet, from the beginning of the Earth, to institute spirituality in this world. This is one of the seven mysteries of the Source. As the seals open, the Light of Shambhala is gradually revealed through the Lord of the Desert.

The Lord of Shambhala gathers again His disciples, after many schools and experiences lived on this planet so that, at this culminating moment of the Earth, the disciples and followers of the Lord of Shambhala may make their spiritual synthesis, and so that, through the center that rules the heart, the fiery currents of this universe, the sublime impulses of the Source, through the rays and currents, may reconstitute this planet on a spiritual level.

But it will not be through confrontation and battle that evil will be dissipated from this humanity, but rather like the great monastics and yogis from the East, who, with their heads on the ground, recognize the Light of Shambhala and the time of compassion that comes to heal the human heart, and comes to liberate the spirit of each being from the marks of the errors from the past, dissolving the shackles of perdition, cleaning and purifying the paths and pathways of each one of My disciples. Thus, before the great Portal of Shambhala, which unites today all religions and peoples of this planet, may the Grace be granted to start this Sacred Project of humanity from scratch.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Shambhala comes today to meet you, to meet each heart that has faith in the Divine Light, to meet each heart that perseveres in its ascension and transcendence.

The Light and the Lord of Shambhala come to meet those who strive to be consistent with the Law of the Universe and with the Law of Earth, so that peace and harmony may be established in this time of pain.

I promised I would return. Behold the Face of the Lord of Shambhala, who reveals Himself through the prayers of His children and consecrates those who have defined themselves to follow the steps of the Master among masters.

Shambhala returns to present itself to the world for the last time. The Light of Shambhala comes to prepare the coming movements of the Spiritual Hierarchy in this last phase of the second semester of this year.

The Light of Shambhala will come, as it does today, to reorganize the Laws of Manifestation and internally impel the establishment of the Government of Christ. Although this may seem premature, it is not so, because the Light of Shambhala is original in its Wisdom and in its Science.

Many consecrated monastics and disciples have contacted it. From the extensive deserts to the high mountains, from the Gobi Desert to Tibet and from Tibet to India and beyond that nation, the Light of Shambhala has manifested itself through the masters.

Thus, We make you return to the beginning of the Origin, because those who have decided to follow Christ the Redeemer, and have taken the step to consecrate their lives to the Law, will imperiously need the inner guidance of the Light of Shambhala.

Behold the Solar Son of Shambhala, who, through this new Marathon of prayer, opens the doors for the next cycle, after the last August 8.

Many will be the works to accomplish, perhaps few will be the self-summoned, but do not forget to serve the Lord of Shambhala out of love and for no other reason.

May the inner strength of each one emerge from the love that you have for the Wisdom and Compassion of the Great Kingdom of Shambhala, which always has the task of guiding the Plan of Manifestation in the different spheres of consciousness.

I rejoice today for those who work in this world for the causes of wisdom, peace and compassion and, even more, work giving their lives for the presence of the Higher Love in this world. Because without Love souls die, without the Love of Shambhala souls precipitate into uncertain decisions.

Behold the Heart of Shambhala, which presents itself as a teraph, permeated by the pure, innocent and inoffensive experience of many of My disciples of the past, from the East to the West.

May these Words strengthen you, encourage you to follow the steps of the Lord of Shambhala, knowing that there will be a lot to do for this humanity in this time of harsh purification.

But do not forget something: the  Light of Shambhala, which is radiated by the Love of the Creator, will always triumph, will always win in those who have faith in it.

May this Marathon be a re-encounter with the wisdom of the East so that you may be sustained in all works that you will carry out in these months, building the Plan of Manifestation of God in this humanity.

From the Sacred Gobi Desert, who blesses and encourages you, your Master,

The Lord of Shambhala

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You may go in peace. 

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
