Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

"Allow Me to remove from your eyes the blindfolds of illusion, so that with wisdom you may learn to recognize the reality.

Deposit your trust in Me, and all that comes from God will be fulfilled.

At these last steps of the Lenten desert, allow the synthesis of this entire Christic experience to be lived within you. 

You have to accept that all that happens in life is the result of a cause. What is the cause of your life?

It is time to assume that certain situations occur as a result of decisions that are made. Nothing happens by chance on the path of the life of the spirit.

Be brave enough to face reality and, under the blessing of My Grace, continue walking until you can find the answer, the meaning and the reason for having incarnated in this world. 

Remember that, after here, there is something beyond."

Christ Jesus

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Holy Angels of God,
faithful guardians of the Divine Relics,
radiate Light and Peace to the world.
(5 times)

I have fulfilled My promise and here I Am, with the Angel that guards My Eucharistic Body.

Revere one of the Sacred Relics of the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

Forms are permeated by the Light of My Heart at the moment.

Corrupt matter begins to be transformed, density is transmuted and elevated, and within the atoms and cells of beings the Sacred Science of Healing is fulfilled. In this way, the bodies of human beings will liberate themselves from this retrograde condition of the surface.

The angels send their voices to the Heavens, so that the shackle of perdition may be broken and souls may be liberated from the cage of spiritual enslavement. In this way, the time of My prophecy is fulfilled. Hearts begin to attain redemption.

The doors of the Heavens open with the help of the saints and angels. Those who dare to cross them will discover in themselves the sacred mystery of the unknown, which will cease to be a higher mystery and become an inner reality in the consciousness.

Thus, the angels, responding to the request of the Lord, begin to remove the very fine layers of planetary illusion. In this way, many veils will slowly begin to fall from your eyes, from all the eyes of humanity and, on the horizon, those who used to be enslaved and now are liberated begin to see the Son of God coming.

And the Son of God will no longer hide behind the Sun. He will no longer withdraw into the stars, because the great mystery is unveiled and, just as it was on Mount Tabor, the Lord will arrive transfigured. 

And that which has always seemed to be unattainable for many, will be a palpable reality for those who have faith and persist on My Christic path. Because the chosen and the self-summoned will feel the planetary cross with Me, not as suffering, but rather as a great moment of liberation.

And that hope that has been suppressed from humanity, due to all the errors it has committed throughout the ages and up to the present moment, will again emerge and appear as a supernatural force in the heart of those who persist in Christ.

Thus, life on the surface will cease to be a calvary, because the school of suffering will no longer be necessary. The law of spiritual debt will be dissolved, and those who have come with Me until the end, will never again know about duality.

There will be no differences, there will be no dissociations, there will be no wickedness, there will be no sadness, anguish or disease. Because those who will be part of the Last and New Humanity will not know what sin is, because sin will have been transcended by the merits of the power of My Blood, and souls will be bathed in My Light, just as My Light envelopes the world today.

Despite the errors and outrages, despite the indifferences and omissions, despite the fact that the majority no longer seeks God today, nothing will prevent Me from returning to the world.

You may feel at the moment that the spiritual desert becomes more and more arid, that you cannot find the oasis to quench your thirst, that the soil under your feet dries and cracks, perhaps leaving the paths confused.

When all seems absolutely dark and it may seem that the Light will not shine at the bottom of the abyss, that will be the hour of the Lord, just as it was His hour during His Death and His rest for three days in the sepulcher.

At that moment and in that time, which are not so far away, I will descend to the hells of this world, in which many dwell on the surface, to put an end to that suffering and despair.

I will come to heal the deepest wounds, and with My own Hands touch your bodies, just as it was in the Holy Land at each place where your Master and Lord passed.

And at the least expected hour, I will open the door of your homes and you will see Me, just as the apostles saw Me in the Holy Cenacle after I had resurrected.

I will re-appear and fulfill My promise. At that hour, the existing evil will tremble and cry, unable to come out of its profound abysses, because I will give the order to Saint Michael the Archangel to close the uncertain dimensions of the planet, because He will pour out upon the world a Source of Light that is unknown, and never seen before.

But this will not be an analogy or a theory. The Source of Light that your Lord will open upon the world will be seen by all. It will have more power and splendor than a rainbow.

And thus, little by little, the spiritual darkness will dissipate, the sick bodies will be healed, the blind who have never seen will see. Many of My enemies will be converted; and I will be upon a Mount, similar to the Mount of Olives, so that all may see Me come in glory.

I know that many still lack preparation for this event. But do not be perfectionists. Be simple, just as your Master and Lord, just as your Most Holy Mother is, just as Saint Joseph is in humility.

Because God is in that which is simple and true. God does not stand out by Himself, because He shows Himself where His Love lives and reigns, not only in the Heavens, but also on Earth. His Love is shown and manifested among the brothers and sisters who love each other, who are capable of giving their life for their friends, just as I did for you.

When you have Me close in your homes, or when you find Me on your paths, at the moment or on the day you least expect, what will you do? Because I will see everything in you, just as I saw everything on the Cross, in the solemn Silence of God.

When you are face to face with Me, what will you say to Me? Will you do the same as Mary Magdalene did, when she found the Lord in the garden of the sepulcher? In this way, I will call you by your names, just as I called Mary Magdalene. Just as I called the apostles, because they were afraid for having abandoned Me.

And how many times have you perhaps abandoned Me, through the brother you do not love, through the service you do not assume, through the step that you do not dare to take, through the lack of prayer? But I will not come to point out these facts. I will come with Love and Mercy, because I know who Mine are.

Therefore, prepare yourselves to meet Me. May your lives be a mirror of gratitude, let there no longer be complaints, may you no longer be petty. May you value and honor all that I have given to you, because just as you listen to Me today, you will listen to Me when I call you by your name and your guardian angels will be witnesses of that moment.

Therefore, you must remember the Tabernacles of the Earth, just as the angels remember them every day and adore them, so that your hearts may be ready for the first moments of the Return of the Lord.

For just as I showed some of My apostles My true Face on Mount Tabor, so will I show to Mine their loved ones who have left. And at that moment, the covenant of Love will be sealed. And through your efforts and sacrifices, you will allow many of your loved ones to enter My Kingdom, just as many have already entered.

Now, the Chalice of the Angel that guards My Eucharistic Body is in My Hands. It is the Sacred Heart of Jesus that comes to offer this Chalice to humanity, so that it may be filled with the most precious offerings of My children, because in the self-giving itself of each one of Mine lies liberation.

Give of yourselves and you will be liberated, and the cross of each one will no longer be a burden, because there are worse crosses in this world, and many of them are in Africa. And My children of Africa are brave, because their faith overcomes all adversity and the Holy Spirit guides the humble in heart.

Now, we will do what I have asked of you, before the moment of Spiritual Communion, when this immaterial Chalice will be attentive to your offerings: you will offer the adoration to My Eucharistic Body so that the Angel that guards My Eucharistic Body may receive the offerings of the hearts.

Thus, I bless you in this new stage and in this new cycle, when My Love must be brought to the nations of the world. Remember this: the Love of Our Sacred Hearts must be brought to the world and to the nations that need it the most. Do not forget it, because the coming months will be definitive to avoid more suffering in humanity and on the planet.

Let us adore God, the Creator, through His First-Born Son, the Lord of Israel.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



When you need to return to the beginning of the Whole, to your origin, contemplate the starry sky at night and ask: Father, where am I from? Thus, you will be opening your heart to awaken to the knowledge of your existence.

Open yourself without fear, so that one day you may know where you come from and why you are here on this planet, because you must recognize that true life is not material, but immaterial.

But if you ask where your inner origin comes from, you should know, My child, that knowing this will commit you to being responsible and mature, for your evolution and awakening.

Therefore, I invite you to risk knowing who you really are, and allow your soul to be released from the material prison, which does not allow it to be what it has come to be here on Earth.

I am not talking about looking for achievements, but rather about knowing, in order to grow and better serve the Plan of God; because the Celestial Father needs His children to be awake and to abandon the illusion and pleasures of material life.

Thus, knowing who you are and placing yourself to serve, you will not fear death, because you will know that the spirit does not die but reintegrates into the dynamic universal life.

Be patient, but also be humble. Persevere every day in the ardent aspiration that your consciousness may rise to expand, only so that you become more aware, responsible and surrendered to Higher Life.

You have My support and blessing to begin this sacred path towards the return to Higher Existence.

Go ahead!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A story is written in the Mirrors of Heaven, a story that you should come to know today. It is the Will, but it is also the impulse of your great awakening, of the awakening of consciousness that all the creatures on Earth should experience, although we are in a time of transition.

Within the Mirrors that I rule throughout the universe, the Will of God is deposited, and, through this Will, His most ardent aspirations are written. One of these aspirations, My children, is that humanity be withdrawn from illusion, from world illusion, so that it may enter the Celestial Truth, that which we call the “awakening of consciousness”.

If today you have come here, and if others arrive later, it is because you have already begun the path toward the great awakening, toward the discovery of your true inner being, which can allow you day by day to step out of appearances and illusions. May all of you have the Grace of coming to know your essences and of being aware that you are a part of a great system of universal communication, a system that the planet integrates.

Today I want to lead you through My Divine Consciousness toward these spaces. I want you, just like your Celestial Mother, to only contemplate, in reverence and in solemnity, the great network of the subtle Mirrors of the universe, of which a part of your being is a part.

It is toward this origin that you must return today, because, by returning to your origins, My children, you will allow the consciousness of humanity to be elevated and transmuted. You will allow the suffering, the anguish and all the conflict of the world to be dissolved by the spiritual Light of My Mirrors, which can descend to your lives through sincere and true prayer.

Today, this great system of great universal communication is latent and present at this moment upon the world, upon what you call the orbit of the Earth, so that this humanity may be helped and alleviated, so that the soul of your planet may be withdrawn from the hell in which it lives in this time.

Do not forget, My children, that My Son and His Heavenly Mother have incarnated here, and that we are a part of this humanity, we are great universal Consciousnesses that understand the human condition and work every day towards sublimating this inferior condition by means of the great keys of Love, Mercy and Peace.

I want you to enter with Me into three specific mirrors that today I reveal to you, to your souls and to your inner beings, which are the Mirrors of Love, Peace and Wisdom.

For a moment, open your inner eyes, feel your inner senses, and contemplate the Purpose of God, which, through you, must still be revealed and built.

In these Mirrors lies a part of your existence, of your origins, of your universal trajectory. You can perceive that you are not only matter, but that what is true is your spirit united to the Divine Spirit of God. You can perceive, at this moment, how through a simple but loving attunement with Me, you can reach God and come to know, from within yourselves, the purpose that He has for each one of you.

Today I make your essences return toward the great Mirrors of Creation, which have their foundations upon the Mirror of Unity. Let it be Love, Peace and Wisdom that lead you to build, within and outside of yourselves, Sacred Unity.

All of you have walked much throughout this universe. So many experiences are registered in the Mirrors of Creation! What a long trajectory you have lived throughout the times, the eras and the generations! And you still aspire for your awakening? So that once and for all you may recognize that you are not only what is imperfect, but rather that within yourselves, within the innermost essence of each being, there lies the Perfection of God, which was thought of by the Eternal Father Himself, before the emergence of Creation.

Do you dare to love the mystery ever more? So that the mystery may some day be converted into a revelation, and the sacred secrets may be unveiled so that souls may awaken and know, beyond everything, that each one of you has a purpose and a mission to accomplish in this life and in the next one.

Work for this, every day, strive for this, every day, because the Kingdom of God is drawing near and the Sacred King of the Universe will meet you again, face to face, and will ask you for the talents that He left within your heart. In this crucial time of humanity, may these talents be converted into virtues, into concrete actions, into the expression of the higher Love of God in all situations and circumstances so that, My children, you may learn, each day more, to love among yourselves.

For this reason, God still awaits, through your service, that through your surrender and obedience to the Plan of the Creator, you may come to know His Will, which must be the will in you in the three planes of manifestation: material, mental and spiritual.

With the effort that you experience in this time, with dedication to the life of prayer and to service for your fellow beings, as well as the Kingdoms of Nature, many are approaching this truth written in the story of the Mirrors, because within it your spirits will live the synthesis and find the meaning and reason for having come here to Earth, to live this school of forgiveness and redemption.

For this reason, today, I tell you, My children, that many of you can count on the sacred places that are present throughout the Americas, places where the different Purposes of God beat, not only for this planet, but also for all souls of humanity.

Sooner or later, the consciousnesses will face the Will of God, and they will have just one instant to decide which path they will take.

But today, I not only come for you, so that you may keep walking toward this Will and toward this Purpose, so that the great awakening may be more real in each one of you, but I also come as the Mother of the World, for all those who have lost the path toward the Purpose, for the most lost.

In this time of tribulation, a point of Light of the Third Order of the Brotherhood shines upon the surface of the Earth, which after 33 years has become a reality. May the Sacred Star of Divine Union between Heaven and Earth, between souls and God, between the servers and the Hierarchies, shine within your chests.

Carry within you a feeling of true concretion, not only of your path of redemption, but also of concretion of the Divine Plan, by means of all those who someday self-summoned to respond to this call of the Brotherhood.

I want to tell you, My beloved children, that the loving and compassionate gaze of the Hierarchies is at this moment upon you and especially upon this wounded and outraged planet.

Who will dare to go, together with Us, to the rescue of the essence of this planet and of this humanity?

Who will dare, together with Me, to listen to the cry of the soul of the Earth, subjected and enslaved by human beings, by those who outrage Creation?

May your prayers and all your services, in the coming times, mend the mistakes that are being lived today, and, above all, the grave climatic causes that the planet is experiencing today.

Do not cease, not even for a moment, to pray, although you may see in the coming times a dark sky or even the Moon painted red like blood. Do not see the horrors nor listen to the cries of despair of many nations.

Elevate your hearts toward God and cry out with the power of the Divine Word. May your words not only be words, may your prayers be decrees in the moments of greater tribulation, may your hearts burn in the love for service so that many more souls may have one last opportunity.

This is what is emitted today by the Mirrors of Love, Peace and Wisdom, Mirrors that not only remind you of your origin, where the principle of your harmony and balance exists, but also Mirrors that reveal today the true situation of humanity, where evil has conquered many hearts.

Because if you have ever been struck, as My Son was struck, stand up. Because if you are ever humiliated, do not respond, and, thank God. Always practice the good, because in the good you will find peace and the certainty that you are serving God, in spite of the consequences.

Today, I extend My arms toward the wounded world. Today, I open My Mantle so that all My children, those awakened and those not awakened, can be under Me, under My spiritual and maternal Light.

For 33 years, since 1988 began, the Hierarchy was waiting for this moment, for a united Fraternity to be present in the three planes of consciousness. Today, this great spiritual triangulation is complete, the Brotherhood of the Divine, the Brotherhood of the Universe and the Brotherhood upon the surface of the Earth, prepared to face the last moment of the Armageddon, the great and last battle between the Light and the darkness.

I also pray, from this day on, that all My children, all possible consciousnesses, may have the Grace to recognize the Return of Christ, who will not come as many may think, but He will come in an indescribable way, and I would even say an unknown way, because no one has seen and no one knows how He will come, but the hearts will feel His arrival in the very depths of their beings. At that moment, in spite of where they may find themselves or wherever they are, they will start walking toward the Return of Christ, and many will hear about His arrival.

But pay attention not to be confused. Many will use this moment to benefit themselves. The true Return of Christ is the one which you will only feel within your heart. If your hearts do not feel the Return of Christ, it is because it will not be My Son, but rather others who will pretend to be Jesus.

But those who in these last eight years had the Grace of His Presence, within this Work of the Mercy of God, have learned to recognize Christ as a sacred spiritual vibration that leads them to peace and to feel His ardent Love. In His Words you will always find strength, in His Sacraments, you will always find salvation.

As hard as these times may be, never lose faith, because if you have come this far, My beloveds, how much more will you be able to do in the end of these times? He died for you, to give you eternal life, because, in Him, all will always be renewed, rest assured of this.

As the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity of Aurora, today I bid farewell, and, after fourteen years, I am here again to be close to all My children, to bring them the healing of the heart of Aurora, which will always be able to shine within you, if you just trust in the Light of Aurora.

Let us recognize the Grace of God, at this moment, and, just for an instant, let us see, My children, all that has been built through effort and surrender, and, especially how much your lives have changed up to the present moment. Believe in the power of the Love of Christ so that all may be renewed, although it may seem impossible in these times.

Today, I bless the planet, I bless the continents, especially all the regions that are suffering the catastrophes of these times, all those who are exiled and take refuge in other places of the world, fleeing wars, mistreatment, blood. Today, I pour out My Light upon all those who are sick, lost, forgotten, forsaken, impoverished and miserable.

May this Light of Aurora that you have received throughout these years, by an act of true Love and Mercy, be deposited in the places that need it the most. May this spiritual family bless the families of the world so that, once and for all, upon this horizon of Creation, the New Humanity may emerge, the New Humanity may awaken, the New Humanity may arise.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I leave here, listening to a poem that was made for My Heart. May this poem, that you will hear today, through a song, confirm you to My Heart forever.

I am very grateful.

See you soon.


 In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the universe, which belongs to you and this is still unknown.

From the universe, I have come to bring you My Message of awakening, in the face of a planetary scenario that only provokes chaos, conflict and confusion; a scenario in which the human consciousness in this time must make a great effort in order to elevate and transcend itself; in which the abysses of the earthly consciousness absorb souls and make them lose track of the Christic Path.

Time and again, I approach the Earth’s orbit to contemplate the world and humanity, knowing that this moment would come, because I already knew it since the Garden of Gethsemane.

Today I come dressed with My violet garment, with the flame of the violet fire of the universe so that the waves of adversity may be transmuted and liberated from the earthly consciousness, so that My apostles and disciples are not absorbed by evil.

I have always spoken to you about the importance of entering My Heart. This is the time, this is the moment; but in order to cross the door of My Heart and be protected, you must surrender, you must yield, you must humble yourselves.

The door of My Heart is so small, that you cannot imagine. It is through the door of humility that you will be able to enter My Heart and there you will be safe from any harassment.

Although the human consciousness commits itself, day by day, to that which is not evolutionary nor spiritual, I come again to the world to make it remember what I left here more than two thousand years ago.

The Blood of the Lamb was shed upon the surface of this planet and this has incalculable value for you.

Invoke the power of My Blood and be bathed by it, receive the Christic Codes of Light that were achieved through the sacrifice of your Lord. In this way, from the consecrated consciousnesses to the consciousness of humanity, everyone will be filled by these Codes and be able to straighten their paths, until they can meet Me in the inner planes.

I know it is not easy to liberate oneself from the chains of oppression, of harassment and of darkness, but you have the tools to do it.

The power of the word of prayer will lead you to be at another point and in another state of consciousness.

The commitment to the life of the Sacraments will lead you to be protected and blessed by My Gifts.

To love the power of the Cross of Emmanuel and of the Cross of your Master and Lord will free you from sin.

A life of charity, of surrender and of service will remove you from yourselves so that you may learn to truly love.

Thus, with these simple tools that We have taught you, you will be able to survive in this fierce battle that is taking place on the planet, which many do not see and most do not want to accept.

This is the time of Armageddon, it is the first time of the book of the Apocalypse.

No longer let your eyes be covered by the blindfolds of illusion. Tear up these blindfolds and free yourselves forever from that which is superficial.

May your hearts not become points of indifference, of insensitivity nor of despise.

I have given you all that you need and a little more so that you may come to this moment. Do not fear knowing yourselves just as you are, and not what you appear to be.

Through the spirit of My Truth, become free from yourselves, and thus you will free the world from suffering.

Many of Mine throughout the whole world were assigned to live this time, they were anointed by My own Hand of Light, under the impulse of My Divinity, so that they would never forget the commitment.

Now it is not time to be busy with yourselves, but rather with My Plan. It is time to love the proposal that I gave you seven years ago.

I still wait that you can be My Word, My Message. I still wait that you can be My apostles, as many have been throughout the times. But this, companions, has a price; it is not a favor, nor is it an emotion.

To be under My Government means responsibility and discernment. To be under My Government means love and unity, transparency and truth, because evil does not know these attributes.

If your lives are these attributes, as imperfect as they may be, you will be protected and you will not suffer. For a moment, look around you, and you will realize what I tell you, it is not necessary that you go far to perceive it.

Each one of you must purify your lives during this Lent, but let this be a true purification and not a mental one.

You must feel in your own flesh the need to be different, the aspiration to fulfill My designs and at least reflecting on Earth a little love, a little light; because the world lacks this light and lacks this love, and you know this.

May this Marathon number ninety represent discernment for all, the action of love in all things and needs, the responsibility to live the commitment and not to escape the commitment; the affirmation to be My apostles, and someday be the New Christs, the Christs of the New Time.

I know that many of you have thought someday that you would not come to this moment, nor to be so aware of the responsibility of being with Me, of being by My side; but this is what God needs.

His celestial treasures cannot be kept just anywhere nor in just any consciousness. His celestial treasures must be kept in the most humble, the most simple but truest hearts.

If humanity could understand the need to live change, that which is happening in the world would not be so.

Many think that the Celestial Father does not want to dissolve everything that is happening in the world, but this is not true, companions.

Humanity generates its own sufferings, and these sufferings fall upon the most innocent and the poorest among the poor.

A true King would never be born in a palace. I need you to be humble, just as I had to be in the manger in Bethlehem.

God does not hide in material wealth. God is present in the spiritual treasures, which can be the very example of souls that are converted and redeemed.

May the sacred violet garments of Christ make you understand, in this Lent, that you are already in the time of a great transition, a transition that is more definitive and profound than it seems to be.

Open your inner senses to understand all that I tell you. Do not try to understand with your mind nor with your external senses.

In this Lent, open yourselves to be transfigured by My Light.

May My apostles hear the call of the Lord of Israel and may they prepare the spaces for His arrival.

This is the time marked for My Return. It is the time when many of Mine will have the opportunity of learning and of growing, if they so accept.

I will no longer force you to follow Me. Your feet must walk by themselves, just as I have told you, that for faith you must walk upon the waters, just as the apostle Peter.

May this Marathon invoke the Gift of Discernment of the Holy Spirit so that the consciousnesses, from the consecrated consciousnesses down to all of humanity, by irresponsibility, by indifference or by lack of common sense, not miss the opportunity that the Father has given them.

At the doors of this Sacred Week, and after so many Sacred Weeks, the moment has come for you to carry your own cross and to be brave, to learn to endure the fire of purification and to learn to transcend yourselves, to free yourselves from yourselves, forever.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Humanity must still learn how to search and find the Light, the true Light that comes from the Source and not from other places.

In this Light, you will find the synthesis of all Creation, the life of all the universe.

As long as you do not aspire toward this Light, evil will keep being active within humanity and in the nations. There is no other key for this time. You must only place your consciousness in the Divine Light because there all will be solved.

The souls of today move away from this Light, from the Light of the Source, and they seek other paths, they seek other experiences.

I need you to keep this in mind, at this moment, because the Light will always triumph.

The Light of God will lead you to peace, to the peace that you need, to the peace that many hearts do not have today due to different circumstances.

It is in this Divine Light where your consciousness must remain, as long as possible, even though you live material life.

Although you go through the experiences of life, the tests, the deserts, adversity and chaos, your consciousness must be merged into the Divine Light so that your inner faith may be nourished; and thus you can go through the end of these times.

In this way, you will understand why these times develop in this way.

In this way, you will know why humanity has moved away from the Law.

Being within this Divine Light is so simple and profound, but souls often do not do so, they rather seek their own fulfillment or even their own light.

Yes, God has left Light within everyone, but it is towards Him that you must go, and not towards yourselves.

Therefore, companions, do not be confused. Do not let yourselves be deceived at the end of this year, when many spiritual events are promised to humanity, which are the reflection of a fantasy, of an illusion and of adversity.

If you are in the Light, you will learn to be in the Law of the Hierarchy and you will not open the doors of your hearts to be invaded by ideals and spiritualities that are different from those of God, because the world is full of many gods, of many idols.

Your reference, companions, is only in the Lord, because His Light is eternal, It is invincible, It is unchangeable and It will never perish. In fact, the life of the world could perish, but the souls that are in the Lord and that seek this Light will never perish because their inner worlds will be nourished by faith, and faith will give them strength and provide them with understanding and science.

The world offers many options in this time of despair, in which souls seek solutions and seek to have many experiences in order to find a way out, a solution.

But everyone must live what corresponds to them, that which is written. And that which is written may change if their adherence to the Heights is always true and does not change due to other events, due to other options.

At this moment of humanity, the situation is dizzying, and it is quite definitive.

The moment will come and it will correspond to each one to know where they should place their consciousness, in which path they should insert their consciousness so that they may be truly led and guided.

Behind the stimuli that the world sends to the spirituality of this time, there are many intentions that are deeply unknown to you.

At this moment, your refuge is in prayer and in the active participation in prayerful life, to be in communion with Me and with the universe so that your lives may someday be a sacrament, a representation of the living Love of God, testifying through your redemption and your conversion.

You must only aspire for this and remain in the higher spheres of the Divine Light and not in others.

Your inner worlds do not wish for nor wait for your life experiences, the various stories that you can create along the path of spirituality that the world offers.

When I came here, to humanity, it was to found one path that is the Christic Path, a path of service and of selflessness, of simplicity and love.

If you leave these pillars and abandon them for other offers that the world makes you, what will be made of My Project in you and in your brothers and sisters? How many doors could you close to Me, preventing Me from continuing to work through your hearts and essences?

At each step that humanity takes, it falls towards the abysses of its own consciousness, and that is when the angels of God work most so as to be able to rescue souls from hell.

Today I speak especially to all those who follow My path, to all those who participate in this Work that I founded many years ago, and that I have waited for many years to reach here, to touch your consciousnesses so that you may live this moment with Me, this event that is preparatory for the Return of Christ.

I only need you to be within the constant void, because if you are not in the void, companions, in the void of experiences, I will not be able to give you My treasures. Because My treasures are spiritual and wait to be given so that souls may fulfill themselves in the Spirit of My Love and My Truth.

You must not let yourselves be deceived by all that the world offers you at this time.

You must not confuse your spirituality or the paths that, with effort, you try to build in order to come toward My Heart.

You could not imagine what it is that I feel when souls move away from Me.

In this time, I am trying to bring you the knowledge of the universe, true cosmic life, so that your gifts and virtues called lineages may awaken and be at the service that prepares the Return of your Master and Lord; because, companions, chaos keeps advancing throughout the world, in the nations, in the peoples, in those who suffer the most and have nothing.

If you place your consciousnesses on this level, you will understand how what you choose hurts My Heart, because you close a door to an opportunity of Mercy, which is necessary on the other side of the world.

The apostleship that I offer you is of fidelity, but it is also of demands, of loyalty, of sovereignty and transparency.

I do not expect that you will be perfect in three days; because your imperfection will be transformed when you love more than I loved the world, when you serve more than I served the world.

Your daily overcoming and transcendence will be the proof and the justification before My Celestial Father so that I return soon to the world and not continue on waiting.

I want you to take this Message as a reflection, as an opportunity to grow inwardly and not externally, of not letting yourselves be dragged by those spiritual forces that are against My Project and make of the world a scene of horrors and suffering.

I come to tell you this, refraining from saying what I must tell the world because it is the last time that I can do it, companions.

I need you to understand that My Call is not fleeting nor transitory, that My summoning is not a moment of emotion nor of fanaticism; because what I bring to the world is a truth, but it is also a commanding need that the New Christs may awaken.

My Words come to be able to purify you and so that within the purification you may find the Divine Light that I bring today from the Source, a Light that will always consecrate you, a Light that will always elevate you and allow you to be removed from this coordinate of chaos and adversity that is lived upon the surface of the Earth due to stepping out of the Law.

From the beginning, God promised eternal happiness to this race and yet it chose to live free will.

Do you now understand, companions, that you have been living in a parallel world since ancient times? That you live in an alternative time that is not real but rather created by yourselves?

But the Hierarchy will bring this Real Time so that, beyond that which is material,  you may see with your own eyes that which exists in the universe and the active life that is lived in the stars.

When that day comes, you will understand Creation and the meaning of this Human Project on the surface of the Earth, and you will realize how much time humanity has lost due to neglect and indifference.

Only allow the true Divine Light to awaken within you, and not the supposed light that the world offers to you in its spiritual inventions and or in its ideals.

God does not get entangled in these things, neither does the Law, let alone the Hierarchy.

The impulse of the Hierarchy is constant and eternal, it is rhythmic, it is dynamic, it is real, and it will always direct you so that you can take a new step and not stop, so that you do not become complacent, so that you do not become indifferent.

Do you perceive now what is real and what is unreal?

Your souls must not lose this opportunity, how much longer will you wait?

The step depends on you and not on the universe. The universe can always help you, give you an impulse and assist you, but the door to Christification is open to the brave, to those who say ‘yes.’

Be consequent with what We have given you and the Divine Light will not be lacking for you in your evolutionary path, because when the moment comes for the stimuli of the world and the offerings that humanity itself makes, you will realize that they are not real.

No one in this world understands what the alignment of the universe or of the planets means, or even the activities of the stars themselves.

The science of this Earth cannot understand this meaning, let alone those who do not know about science.

How is it possible for you to believe in something that they promise to you and that they do not know about?

Open your inner eyes, open your inner ears, open your hearts and live My Word, so that I am in you and you, someday, may be in the Father, as the Son is in the Father and the Holy Spirit is in the Son.

I leave you My Word as a balm of consciousness and of light for the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



Give thanks, every day, for being able to be next to My Son, Jesus, because many souls in the world are not, nor do they live His Word.

Give thanks that Christ has called you to serve him in the diversity of surrender and sacrifice that each praying heart can offer.

Give thanks for being able to listen to the message of My Son, and that your consciousnesses are free from the illusion and mirage of these times.

Give thanks for being able to contemplate and adore My Son in the Eucharist.

Give thanks because every day you can receive the Communion of the Sacrament of Faith.

Give thanks because you are loved and appreciated by the Heart of the Redeemer. Thus, your lives, My children, will be an example and a testimony of holiness and redemption.

I invite you to embrace your own cross and carry it so that you may follow in the footsteps of the Lord.

Dear children, this is the time to truly offer yourselves. It is time to give yourself to the world in service and apostleship so that Divine Love may reign in this critical moment of humanity.

In your gratitude lies the key that will open all doors.

In your effort lies the freedom for your souls.

In your self-giving lies the holiness of your lives.

Jesus expects you not to be afraid of effort or self-giving because I will always be there, as a Mother, to help you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


From distant universes, the Sacred Word of God can be heard. It is emitted from the Heart of the Source, so that it may resonate as a vibration within beings, and they may recover the origins that they once lost.

From distant universes, the Principles of Creation are dictated so that souls may remember in essence what they once were, and the reason and motive for being present in this world to serve and fulfill the blessed promises of the Redeemer.

The Sacred Word does not vibrate in the mind, but rather in the depths of the heart. Its aim is broad and unknown. Its goal is to draw souls toward superior reality. In this way, what is matter will lose power and credibility, because consciousnesses will discover within themselves that they are not only matter, but that the Divine Essence dwells within each sun.

The Sacred Word echoes in those who listen with attention. It solemnly fulfills the creative purpose. Its starting point is to withdraw beings from illusion, and its objective is to awaken consciousnesses through the impulse of knowledge and instruction, because the time has come for stepping into the ranks of the armies of the Plan of the Redeemer, so that the Earth may be prepared for the Return of Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Forty-eighth Poem

Mirror of God’s Justice,
intercede for the whole world,
intercede for Your children of the Earth
so that souls may awaken in time
to the true state of consciousness,
and, thus, the lives of the world may make
the very necessary changes in this time.

Mediatrix of Divine Love,
place in the hearts of Your children
the Gifts and Virtues of God
so that souls may become aware
of the importance of turning towards God,
and of reconciling their lives
through Divine Mercy.

Guardian of Faith,
help us protect the purity
that God deposits within our hearts.

Through acts of charity and love,
may we renew our inner vows with the Eternal Father.

Help us, Most Holy Mother,
so that any trace of illusion may disappear
from our consciousnesses.

May we be able to find the truth we need
so that, in Your Son, we may achieve spiritual freedom.

May the angels of Heaven
break with their swords the shackles of damnation,
and may souls find the meaning and reason
for being present on Earth.

May ignorance give place to wisdom,
and, in wisdom, may we find the peace and faith
in living the Divine Plan of Love.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Forty-fourth Poem

Mother of Mercy,
help me overcome the fears of my consciousness
and, through Your Grace, may I dissolve them
in Love and Peace.

Mother of Mercy,
after so many tests and falls,
may my soul be strengthened to continue forward,
able to see the Footprints of Christ.

Mother of Mercy,
liberate me from sin, from constant faults;
remove me from the chains of damnation and illusion
so that I may fly as free as a bird
until I can find
the path of return to the Heart of God.

Mother of Mercy,
pour out upon my life the merits and the victories
that Christ achieved during His Passion.

Through the Light of His precious Body,
may I elevate my consciousness
to be more united to God.

Through the Power of His Blood,
may my soul receive the impulses it needs
to finish this school of redemption.

Mother of Mercy,
hear my prayers, every day.

Come into my life
so that I may achieve liberation from spiritual slavery,
because, thus, I will be able to be a disciple of Christ,
willing to surrender my life
as a testimony of Love
and as a work of Mercy.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Forty-third Poem

Sovereign Lady of Peace,
Mother and Most Pure Virgin,
help us recover our essential purity
so that we may again reflect
innocence in our lives.

Liberate us from the ties of illusion,
from unreal situations.

May our consciousnesses be available and whole
 to be able to serve God.

Virgin of Purity,
awaken within us the sacred essential purity
so that we may be deserving
of Divine Grace, Love and Peace.

Make the Light that God placed in our hearts
emerge from within us
so that, through service and prayer,
we may be little stars
that shine in the darkness of this time.

May more souls be able to awaken to essential purity
so that they may also be closer to God,
and thus feel the Love of the Divine Source.

Most Pure Virgin,
refract in us and through Your Light
the virtues that You achieved
during Your passage on Earth,
so that we may learn to find
the elevation of consciousness
in effort, in surrender and in permanent prayer.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


The Angel of Justice holds a set of scales in their hands, and with it measures the merits and the faults of humanity so that, in this way, the fulfillment of the Laws for the coming times may be accomplished.

Chaos and evil struggle to influence beings into fulfilling their false will and manifesting their desires, placing on the scales the weight that strengthens their false laws, based upon deceit and the illusion in which humanity lives.

The Angels of Mercy and the Guardian Angels pray and inspire hearts to transform, to yield, to serve, so that, upon the scales of justice, the good may have weight, and humanity may always receive a new opportunity.

Each action of the beings are weighed on those divine scales. Each small or large act sketches the future of humanity. For this reason, children, way beyond Love and Divine Grace, each being must be responsible for humanity.

We no longer speak of the choices for your own lives, but rather, of the responsibility in front of God that each being has with regards to the destiny of this world. To be awake is therefore to be aware of each action, thought and feeling. Allow your lives to be instruments of peace and Mercy for all beings.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Thirty-seventh Poem

Most Holy Lady of the Rosary,
unconditional Sustenance of humanity,
celestial and profound Love,
make us understand the mystery of Your service and surrender.

Impel us to serve and surrender
so that we may be deserving of Heaven’s Graces.

Along the path of unconditional surrender,
may we recognize, in our brothers and sisters,
the living Face of Christ,
because we need to grow in love
and in the transparency of our lives.

Lady of eternal prayer, allow us to know
the incalculable value of inner prayer.

May our flame of faith be lit 
and may our supplications rise
to the Heart of the Father.

Do not let us fall into illusion or indifference.

May we have our hearts open
to recognize the urgent need
of service and prayer at this time.

Lady of the Most Holy Rosary,
may we see and feel,
just as You feel and see Your children of the world.

Bring us the awareness
of what it means to fulfill the Will of God.

May our perception of reality expand
so that we not remain in what is small
but rather in what is great,
in the marvel of responding to God.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Twenty-fourth Poem

Beloved Lady of Lourdes,
let us internally come to know
the unfathomable Mysteries of Light.

May we be able to renew
the Sacrament of Baptism within us
so that we may always be blessed,
just as Your beloved Son Jesus was blessed.

May we be able to convert our lives,
just as Christ converted the water into wine
during the Wedding at Cana.

At this time, may we be able to receive
the Good News with gratitude,
just as Christ announced and proclaimed
the Kingdom of the Heavens within the human heart.

May we be transfigured
and may our true beings be revealed
so that we may come out of illusion and appearances,
just as Jesus was transfigured
and showed the Power of His whole Being.

May we be deserving of the Grace
to always spiritually commune
with the merits of Christ,
just as Our Lord communed
with His companions, at that time,
and testified to the immensity
of God’s Work of Mercy.

In this way, most sweet and loving Mother,
with Your help, we will be able to live the Mysteries of Light
and finally be apostles of Christ,
praying servants of Your Immaculate Heart.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Twenty-second Poem

Powerful and invincible Lady,
with Your feet, step
on that which causes pain and darkness.

Through the powerful Rays
that Your Most Pure Heart emanates,
liberate us from damnation.

Break the chains of illusion
from our consciousnesses.

With Your Sword of Light, cut the ties with evil,
so that, by the power of the Blood of Christ,
which was poured out upon the surface of the Earth,
souls may manage to again rise
and thus they may find the Footprints of Christ.

Powerful Mother of the World,
Celestial Mirror of Light and Wisdom,
lead us towards the great portal of our freedom
so that we may be redeemed,
according to that which the Sacred Word indicates.

We want and we aspire to be apostles of Christ,
a fundamental part of His Mystical Body;
thus, we will know how and manage to represent
the Work of Redemption and Divine Mercy in this world;
we will know how to sustain, with responsibility and adherence,
the great Project of Christ upon the planet.

Mother of Light,
make us aware of each step
that we take towards Your beloved Son.

make us deserving
of God 's Love for the world.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


VIII - Pray without Ceasing

A soul that was awake and willing to enter the celestial mysteries, prayed every day to God and asked for His help to detach from the world and to not fear Heaven. That soul feared suffering, the transition of the times and the change on the planet, because all this was unknown to them.

So, one day, questioning the Lord, the soul said:  "Lord, I believe You are God and that beyond this life there is a greater Life. I know we are experiencing a great illusion but, immersed in it, I am not able to understand the truth. I fear the change of the times, I fear the suffering of the world and I fear everything that we are supposed to experience before the Return of Christ. Will you be able to defeat this fear in my heart?"

And contemplating this little soul with a gaze of compassion, the Lord answered:  "When a heart is within Me, it experiences everything in a different way. For them, suffering transforms into an offering and loses its weight, converting pain into a greater Love.

The transition of the times and all that humanity will have to go experienced through will be experienced in a different way by those who are within Me. Their eyes will see the confusion of the world, and within them will lie wisdom. Because I tell you, beloved soul, that it will not be the plagues, the movements of nature or the signs in the sky that will cause souls on Earth to suffer. It will be the ignorance and their disconnection with higher life that will cause them to be lost.

The foundations upon which they used to sustained themselves, tirelessly seeking a life of pleasure and comfort, will no longer exist, and this will be the greatest sorrow of humanity, the root of all suffering.

That heart that is within Me will not fear, because I will give it peace and will strengthen its faith. And the more you pray, the more you will be within Me and I will grant you wisdom. And within the confusion and darkness of the world, your souls will be like beacons showing the way, and you will thus be the salt of the Earth and the light of the world. And My Words will be fulfilled, and the fulfillment of the prophecies will also bring you peace. For this reason, do not fear, but pray and be persistent in your fidelity, because I have chosen you to be a light at the table, and this is your destiny."

May this story strengthen you, may it dispel your fears and place you in the correct direction so that you may pray and not stop praying, and thus find peace.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Thirteenth Poem

Most Holy Mother of Truth,
take from our eyes the veils that blind us
so that, freed by You from illusion,
ignorance and indifference,
we may recognize the majestic Work
of Christ on Earth.

Lady of Divine Justice,
lead us to commit ourselves every day
to the Sacred Commandments.

No one, more than You, 
was the obedient example of God
on the surface of the Earth.

Therefore, we supplicate to You, sweet Lady,
make us love each Divine Law
so that our lives may be mirrors
of transparency, fidelity and commitment.

May our emotions not confuse us.

Make us see reality
in each moment of life
so that we may learn
and, thus, the divine gift of Your maternal Wisdom
may descend upon us,
because, dear Mother, we need
to mature and respond as apostles of Christ.

Impel us to seek awareness in everything.

May our responses to the Divine Plan
not be personal or impulsive,
but, rather, may they be responses in accordance
with wisdom and discernment.

May we, now and forever,
be guided by the Holy Spirit.



I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Through the Light of the Mirrors, the sacred Spiritual Hierarchy brings attributes toward the planet that humanity needs to learn in order to take the correct step that will withdraw it from the illusion in which it lives.

The Mirrors, as part of non-material life, represent that state of consciousness in which is established inner communication between the spiritual and the material.

In this time, the Mirrors work far more than before, because humanity is at the moment of finishing going through the last and great cycle.

With them, the Mirrors will bring the spiritual impulse of powerful currents, which will help to transform and reveal that which humanity needs.

At least a part of humanity and the planet, through the Mirrors, will achieve the real time and, little by little, consciousnesses will see this alternate time dissolve before their eyes, because the Mirrors will achieve the spiritual union that will allow the truth of Knowledge to be revealed.

For this reason, this is the time of definition for the whole planet.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

On this day, in which the infinite ocean of the Mercy of God is expressed through His beloved Son, the souls that were congregated by the healing Light of Saint Raphael the Archangel are now receiving the spiritual and inner assistance they need.

Meanwhile, Saint Raphael the Archangel sends His armies to gather the most miserable souls, which remained imprisoned in illusion and error. Through today's prayer, these souls receive a new opportunity to become aware of life and the purpose for which they are here.

The Saint Raphael the Archangel reaches the spaces of the planetary consciousness where the majority of human beings only know pain and suffering and, through the light of the prayers of peacemaking hearts, these souls are also withdrawn from these levels of consciousness so that, through Divine Mercy, they may enter the Source of healing and restoration.

Continue to pray to the Saint Raphael the Archangel so that the end of this pandemic may free hearts from oppression. 

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

The Source of all Instruction and Knowledge descends to Earth through the Word of the Hierarchy so that humanity may be conscious of the Truth and, at the same time, conscious of the possibility it has of fulfilling the Creator Project of God, even if as a minority.

This Source of Instruction not only enters the consciousness of each server so that they may be renewed, but it also gives them the impulse for a more rapid process in their redemption and their consecration to the Divine Plan of the Father, so this may be accomplished as foreseen.

It is in this last cycle when the Source of Instruction will assist many consciousnesses and will allow them to perceive reality, and thus change their way of life forever, acquiring the patterns of life that will be good for their own lives, souls and spirits.

For this reason, Instruction and Knowledge will come with many revelations so that the human race, in this last instance of the planet, may place itself on the correct step and, by redeeming its past and its errors, it may resume the Plan it once lost, which will begin within each being.

Thus, Instruction will be this light that will indicate the way so that many more consciousnesses may abandon the world illusion.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
