Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Yesterday, I sent you the Angel that guards the Eucharistic Body of Jesus, which, tomorrow, everyone will have the Grace of knowing.

This angel has fulfilled what I have asked of him and, although the dimension of your consciousnesses does not know it, continue to respond internally to what this angel has asked of you in My name.  

The offerings have come to Me and the Reliquary of My Heart receives them today. This is something immeasurable to Me, it cannot be measured by the mind or by thought, because the angelic presence is helpful and eternal.

Therefore, I have asked all the Messengers of God, the hosts of Light that serve the Eternal Father, to present themselves in this world again, given the urgency of these times, because millions of guardian angels of millions of souls in the world are not receiving the response they need to present to the Creator God.

For this reason, your Master and Lord repeats the same fact, just as He did with the apostles of the past.

From very few will come the great offering, and the whole world will benefit from this offering, due to the fidelity and loyalty of the Children of God that respond to the commands of the angels, who respond to the call of the archangels.

Lys-Fatima has this scenario and this preamble. Since 1917, a great part of the Ultra-terrestrial Angelic Universe touched this place and continues to do so for the whole planet.

Therefore, all the angels, devas and elementals of the most remote and impenetrable places of the planet, in this final time, in this time of Armageddon, in this beginning of the Apocalypse, will be responding to My call and carrying out My Petition, the Sacred Petition of the Son of God; so that, through the angelic and archangelic consciousness, the greater part of humanity may be saved, before everything happens physically.

Because souls are precious to God, they are an unimaginable treasure for this planet; for this Project of Humanity is a faithful part of the first and sublime Divine Will, when God, from and through His Creative Source, decided in the beginning that this civilization should exist on the surface of the Earth, to respond to His Will.

Today, in these critical times, humanity, for the greater part, does not respond to the Call of God, and restlessness and depression embrace many souls of the world because they do not respond to the Call of the Heavens. This is why, in the inner affliction of My Heart, and because of the suffering of My Children, I will send again the angels to Earth so that, from the higher spheres, in union with the great elementals and devas of the planet, the great guardians of the Lower Kingdoms, they may intercede and intervene for the current humanity. Because the veil of the spiritual field continues to be vastly torn, and hundreds of retrograde forces enter the planet at an unimaginable speed, bringing conflicts, discord, revenge, illnesses and wars.

But do not forget My promise, the one I pronounced on top of the Mount of Olives moments before My Ascension to the Heavens. I come to fulfill this promise to humanity in a gradual manner, because I know better than anyone that, from the four cardinal points of the planet, many souls, families and peoples cry out for help, because they can no longer stand the impunity.

Therefore, trust what I Am doing, even if you do not know it. When you see the Moon with the color of blood, and when the clouds are grayer than normal, that will be the time when I will be returning.

I will present Myself again, just as I presented Myself to My apostles a few days after My Resurrection. But at that moment it will be necessary, and I might say it will be a special urgency, that the great angelic and ultra-terrestrial consciousness prepares My arrival in the world in the innermost depths of the consciousness of humanity, because the Lord of the Universe and of the Earth will not be nailed again on the Cross.

They will want to imprison Me, put Me in jail, but they will not be able to. I will demonstrate the Power that the Father has given Me since My Birth, not through authority, but through utter obedience to God. Because just as I will re-appear in the world and in various places on Earth, in the same way I will disappear if necessary, for those who want to persecute or harm Me.

But My Word, when it is pronounced again upon this surface, will deter this illusory time that many live. And My Word, which is the Word of God, will make the Real Time of the universe descend to the world, and the veil will be definitively taken out of many consciousnesses.

At that hour, all those who have not believed in My Message, the Message of these recent times, will repent and hit their chest with their own hand. This is the reason why the help from the angels is important.

It is time for you to open yourselves to know the Angelic Universe, because the innocent presence of the angels, devas or elementals of the Lower Kingdoms raises the human consciousness to re-discover the Source of God’s Love.

The angels will return at this time with a special mission. This is why at the moment they are surrounding the Lord and permeating the spaces with Light and Redemption, through the codes of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, of which they make use because I have allowed them to do so.

Therefore, all those who at this time are deciding to renounce to themselves, to carry their own cross and follow Me, do not stop, but rather continue to do so, because I promise you that the great day of liberation will come.

For that are your faithful friends, the holy angels, ignored by many and even despised by some, because they do not know the faithful testimony of self-giving of the angels of God. Many situations would not happen in this humanity, if humanity allowed the intervention of the angels and archangels.

Therefore, today the seven main Choirs of the Eternal Father accompany your Master and Lord. Each one of these Choirs is responsible for one dimension and one plane of consciousness.

They are the angels that guard the Relics of God. Among them is the Angel that Rules and Guards the Eucharistic Body of Christ, responsible for collecting from all Tabernacles of the Earth the offerings of the adorers of God, the friends of Christ Jesus, through veneration, devotion and reverence to the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.

This is why yesterday the Angel that guards the Eucharistic Body of Jesus taught you a simple prayer, which completes the prayer of the Angel of Peace. A prayer that will allow and grant, to all the souls that say it, that the offering may be accepted by the Eternal Father at each moment of communion, prayer and adoration to the Sacred Heart of the Son of God.

Today, I come with this preparatory Message, to tell you that, given the importance of this moment for the Angelic and Ultra-terrestrial Universe, I will return tomorrow with the Angel that guards My Eucharistic Body so that, through the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, through the Holy Monstrance of the Son of God, together with Me and the Angel that guards My Eucharistic Body, you may adore My Sacred Heart present in the Eucharist, so that the offering of each one of you may be elevated to the Thrones of God, so that evil in this world may be placated and the betraying spirit of revenge, impunity and war may be dispelled.

Let us pray:

Holy Angels of God,
faithful guardians of the Divine Relics,
radiate Light and Peace to the world.
(three times)


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us all pray now together, in one voice and with one heart, united to the Heart of the Great Master:

Holy Angels of God,
faithful guardians of the Divine Relics,
radiate Light and Peace to the world.
(six times)


I thank you for being with Me today.

In union with all Angels of God, all Celestial Choirs, to honor this invisible and powerful angelic presence and so that the Angels of Creation may intervene in the world, we will honor the One who created them, the One who manifested them and the One who determined that the world, the suns, the stars and the souls should exist.

Together with the host of Light, let us honor the Father-Mother Creator, Adonai.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us sing "Kodoish," remembering the Holy Lord of the Hosts.  

Song: melodic “Kodoish.”

We thank You, Lord, for all that You give us.

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If you enter Me, you will enter God and know the Great Creative Consciousness, the Sublime Purpose of God, which conceived the First-Born Son so that He might incarnate on Earth and bring His Message to the world.

This is why My Spiritual Retreat is so important, the one founded in the Holy Land through the experience of your Master and Lord, not only for His apostles, but also for all those who would come after them throughout the times, throughout all the generations.

The vibration of this Retreat is unknown, but souls can feel it within themselves when they enter into communion with Me through the Sacraments, through perpetual union with the Sacred Heart of the Lord.

This Spiritual Retreat comes at this time to reveal itself to the world, because this is the time of the last apostles, those who say ‘yes’ to Me, to concretize My Plan on Earth, to carry out the last Projects of the Redeemer.

Through the great spiritual consciousness of My Retreat in the Holy Land, souls find again the path toward the Inner Christ, by listening to the Great Call of the Universe.

This Call you once heard and that, in this end time, you hear again to remember it and in this way remember the commitment you have to Me in this Redemptive Work of the Lord, as a preparation for His Great Return to the world, for the fulfillment of His promise, made after His Resurrection.

These treasures, which I bring to you today, are treasures for the spirit of each one, which in trust I grant to your souls, so that they may become a temple, a living temple for God, and may also, by means of your transformation and redemption, transform and redeem the world. Because to carry in yourselves My Sacred Spiritual Relics, companions, means a commitment to the Lord of the Universe.

Because you will have to represent on this surface, a Legacy that comes to hide in your cells, through your purification, bringing to you in essence, the Christic Life, the emergence of the last Christs, who, in any part of the world, must represent the Lord, paving the way, the path, for His Return.

This is why you must live the great transformation, so that someday you may represent Me fully, in the face of all that must yet be done for this humanity and on this planet.

Because I want to state to you that the mission has not concluded, and that this mission will be concretized and completed through the last Christs, who will give the example in that which is small, in that which is silent and anonymous, in that which no one can recognize, only a prayerful heart can recognize it, just as the Heart of your Lord recognizes it.

In this way, I come to establish the great scenario through My last apostles. This scenario which is My Plan, My Project and My Aspiration, to be fulfilled in the end of these times through the souls that sanctify themselves by means of their surrender, love and service to God.

Because it is there, in what is most hidden, in the heart of each soul, in the life of each spirit, that the much-awaited New Earth will begin to emerge. It must first emerge within, and then be a reality on the outside so that all souls can recognize it.

All souls need to be purified to be part of the promise of the Son of the Father, just as your Lord was purified in the Temple. If this had not been so, your Master would not have been able to carry out His public life.

This is why all that the Father grants to you, even that which you must purify and transcend, is part of a path of Christification, rather than of suffering. It all depends on each one, on how each one contemplates and observes it, whether it will be a path of victory or a path of suffering.

That is how you will begin to learn about duality and how to transcend and transmute it, first within you, and then by helping transmute this duality in the whole world. This is a task that is still unknown to most.

This is why it is important to have inner communion with Me, so that you may live under this Law, which will be highly active in the end of these times, because without the Law of Transmutation and Purification a New Earth or a New Humanity will not be able to exist.

But I bring you the spiritual support that you need, to dare to take the steps toward My Heart. This spiritual support, which I grant to you, is the Legacy of all My Relics and experiences, as well as the Legacy of the Patriarchs and Prophets who also lived their path of Christification and redemption, and learned to love the Plan of God, by knowing it first in themselves and contemplating the Supreme Will of the Father, so as to understand, at some moment, what it means to carry out this Holy and Divine Will.

These Spiritual Relics of the Sacred Retreat of Christ come to impel you to achieve a state of perpetual communion so that, in this state of perpetual communion, your inner beings may be quite attentive and vigilant to the signs of the Return of Christ.

Because at first these signs will not be so visible. These more invisible signs will come for the chosen, those who have dared to become divested of themselves and surrender their lives in the Hands of the Redeemer.

But My most impactful signs will also be fulfilled, so that this transformation of the world may be achieved and this hope may also be established in it, which will lead humanity to redemption.

You must keep in mind this moment of transition which all are going through, by participating in all that is happening in the world, becoming aware of the need of souls and above all of nations, so that they may fulfill their Spiritual Purpose, just as Brazil must fulfill it.

For this reason, I Am here. This is the first reason for the special visit of your Lord to Brazil, from Israel, bringing the Spiritual Relics of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, contemplated at this moment by the Hierarchies of this Center of Love.

Will you measure up, companions, when it comes to contemplating this unique moment that I bring to you, just as the Hierarchies contemplate the Ark of the Holy Covenant, exposed with all Its divine and cosmic knowledge, radiating all Its principles and attributes, generated by the Creative Source, in all directions of the planet through this Center of Love?

Thus, your Shepherd and Redeemer comes to renew the Tree of Life, through the Tree of Figueira. He comes to tell you that the times of change have arrived and that you, as branches and leaves of this Sacred Tree of Figueira, must also change so that you may follow Our principle and Our energy, so that you may accompany and adhere to Our universal task. This is the offering that you have accepted, just as your Instructor José accepted it, in an unconditional and immediate manner.

The change I speak to you about is the total opening of your minds, above all your hearts, to the emergencies of these times. It is the opening of consciousness to recognize the suffering in your neighbor and live under My Law of Compassion and Mercy.

I speak to you of this, companions, because you are not fulfilling it. I have come from Israel to say this to you, because you are still in time to change and, through your brothers and sisters, recognize Christ Himself, who speaks to you today.

In this way, you will help your Lord to relieve the suffering of the world in a real way, rather than in an illusory way; to be side by side with Me, forming, in the end of times, the Commands of Christ the Redeemer, without stepping back or fearing anything, being ready and available to be where needed and whenever necessary, to eradicate from yourselves any complaint.

Because an apostle of the end of times does not complain. An apostle accepts the cross they do not deserve, carries it with them as if it were their own, doing it for Me at each step and at each moment.

I speak to you in this way, companions, because there is no time left, and the emergency is ever greater in all senses and ways. Because a knock will be heard on your door. Will you open it to your Lord?

Therefore, you must be in My Love, to identify the signs and recognize them. To know when you must respond with wisdom and discernment.

I come here to deposit My spiritual Legacy, through the presence of the Ark of the Holy Covenant at this Sacred Center of Love. For the Hierarchies were waiting for it, and the soul of this nation was also waiting for it, just as the Angel that governs this country, who is sustained at this moment by your prayers, so that the Project that is destined to be carried out here may be fulfilled as it is written in the Heart of God, although humanity may try to change it.

Brazil is the cradle of the New Humanity, where all cultures and expressions of the world unite, because this country was formed, since the Indigenous Consciousness, through Love-Wisdom.

The heart of Brazil must not die, its soul must not be enslaved. This is a country of hope and rebirth, a space and place where everyone will be able to meet Christ as He places His Feet on this ground, when He returns.

Therefore, the offering must be mature, conscious and, I might even say, responsible. Remember that I do not come to ask you for something impossible. If it were not possible, you would not be able to listen to this Message today, packed with the highest degree of the Love of Jesus, so that your dormant cells may awaken and you may be firm as warriors of the Plan.

So that all this may be possible, companions, and My Spiritual Retreat may echo even more in each human heart, in the innermost depths of the spirit, I come to offer to you Graces through the Sacraments and especially through the Sacrament of Communion, knowing that it is a moment of renewal of the inner vows, reparation and of a great encounter with the Source of My Mercy.

For this reason, I will celebrate Communion for you today, so that, just as My apostles and once again, you may receive the impulses of Light and Love of the Retreat of Christ, preciously comprised of the souls that respond to My Call.

Let us celebrate.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Christ, we will do an exercise at this moment, while we prepare for the celebration in His Presence.

Each one of us, in the greatest possible physical, mental and inner quietude, will sustain this moment in inner prayer, knowing that the Lord is present here, waiting to celebrate the Eucharist with us.

In reverence, just as He has asked, we will prepare for each cell of our beings and each atom of our bodies to receive this impulse of transubstantiation, which comes from the Sacred Retreat of Christ.

We remain in silence, as He has asked of us, open to His Presence, His Love and His Wisdom.

We invite those who can, to kneel down or stand up.


May My Words purify your lives and hearts so that the advent of the New Race may be fulfilled, and for eternal peace to be established in the world.

Thus, before My Sacred Heart, recognize at this moment your faults, omissions and indifferences, and, in an act of profound contrition, make reparation for this moment in the silence of the heart.

Thus, I come to renew you again, giving you the testimony of My Life through the surrender of My Body and My Blood for the world. Therefore, I come to celebrate the Eucharist with you, just as I celebrated it with My apostles or with My disciples in Emmaus.

I come to break and share the Bread of Life. I come to give you to drink from the Chalice of Redemption and Mercy, so that souls in the world, in this month of May, may receive the spiritual amnesty they need to attain the ocean of My Mercy, to unite again with the Eternal Fountain of the Father, in communion with all the angels and blessed ones.

Thus, I celebrate this Sacrament again with you, and I ask you again to enter the inner cenacle of the heart, just as My Holy Mother and the holy women did, in perpetual contemplation.

At the altar of My Celestial Church, we offer this moment for the redemption of the world, for peace in humanity and in nations, for the salvation of those who are lost and forgotten, so that this sacred people of Israel may remember its commitment to the Father and, above all, to His Sacred Project, which you will be able to renew with Me today through this Eucharist.

Thus, I take the bread in My Hands, raise it to the Father, asking Him to convert it, through the angels and archangels, into My Glorious Body, which I break again so that it may be shared with you, reminding you that this is My Body, which was given for humanity for the pardon of sins.


We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We revere the Presence of the Body of Christ at the altar.


In the same way, I take the Holy Chalice in My Hands again, and offer it to the Eternal Father, so that it may justify, through the surrender of Christ, all errors of the world,  especially those errors that place humanity at uncertain doors.

This wine, once blessed and converted into My Precious Blood, I pass it again to Mine, saying to them, “Let all take and drink of it, this is the Chalice of My Blood, of the new and eternal covenant between souls and God, the Blood of the Lamb, which was shed for the remission of all faults.” Do it today in remembrance of Me, until I return.


We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We revere the Precious Blood of Christ.


This is My Body and this is My Blood. Blessed are those who avail themselves of this spiritual banquet, which I offer to you today for love and for the redemption of humanity.

United to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, let us consummate this consecration by singing the Our Father in Aramaic.

Song: “Our Father” (in Aramaic).

I announce Peace to you, so that Peace may always be present in the human heart, so that Peace may be present in each space of this planet.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We announce the Peace of Christ and we say to our Redeemer:


Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but just say the Word, and I shall be healed.


In the joy of the meeting with Jesus, we announce at this moment the Spiritual Communion of all souls with Christ.

In union to the Love of Jesus, we give one another the greeting of Peace.

Let us sing the “Names of God.”

Song: “Canon of the Names of God – no. 1.”


Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly.
I offer Thee the Most Precious Body,
Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ,
present in all the tabernacles of the world,
in reparation for the outrages, sacrileges and indifferences
by which He is offended.
And by the infinite merits of His Sacred Heart
and of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
I beg You for the conversion of poor sinners.


In the name of My Father, I grant you Peace again, so that Peace may be in the world, and I bless you, thanking you for this meeting of brave hearts.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord. 


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As Mother of the Sepulcher, I am waiting for My children, for those who will still have to be resurrected in spirit for this time of transition, when souls live and face unexpected and incomprehensible situations.

For this reason, with all the holy women, the Mother of God deepens in Her perpetual prayer, to ask the Son of God for Grace, to grant the spiritual resurrection for all those who need it, especially for those children of Mine who left the Path of Christ.

But this is also a mystery for the entire human mind, because only God knows the moment and the hour that this will happen, to grant spiritual resurrection to My children of the world.

Today, on this special day for your Heavenly Mother, as a special day for all the followers of Christ, I come on a pilgrimage with you to Rome, following the same path that your Heavenly Mother followed with the holy women and Joseph of Arimathea, bringing the Sacred Relics of Christ for all of Europe and the whole world.

And on this path of spiritual and inner pilgrimage, your Heavenly Mother reignites the Inner Centers again, those that the Spiritual Hierarchy has governed from the beginning; since it was granted to the world to have the Inner Centers of the Hierarchy present on the surface of this planet, so that all souls, in their diversity and in their paths, find through the Inner Centers the impulse they need to live redemption.

For this reason, we are here today, and everything is transformed again, so that the universe takes advantage of each moment that is lived to grant souls, who have not yet been spiritually resurrected, the Grace of liberation.

And after all the itinerary lived in the Holy Land, an inner pilgrimage towards the Relics and Holy Places of My Son, your Heavenly Mother returns to accompany the world through this Work, donating the Christic codes of love and redemption in the souls so that everyone has, once again, the opportunity for redemption.

I want you to contemplate for a moment all the stages that you lived in the Holy Land, because this will be poured out as a Grace in the consciousness of humanity.

You, My beloved children, are part of this Project of humanity on the surface. When a soul of Christ takes a step towards Him, all of humanity receives that impulse, even if it does not deserve it.

How far does the infinity of God's Love go, that your Mother, tireless and eternal, continues to walk together with Her children, together with the sacred people of Israel, today spread throughout the planet and that must be imperiously prepared for the Return of Christ?  

But to be in the face of the great moment of the arrival of My Son, you need those Christic codes to be able to understand that event.

No one could be in front of the Return of Christ as something common or transitory. For this reason, through My Son, I come to offer the world the codes of the Sacred Relics of the Redeemer that, in these last days, through the Sacred Week, were highly exposed for souls on a spiritual and internal level.

For this reason, I am here. And today, through Israel and Italy, I create a bridge of Light between the sacred and between the apostolate. Because from all those who contemplate the Sacred Relics of Christ in the Holy Land, the impulse of the apostolic and missionary life can be born so that the Codes of Christ are shared with humanity.

Dear children, Rome has been the site of many historical events. The successor of My Son, Saint Peter, was here and in this place, he lived his great surrender to Christ. As a good Mother, I wept for that moment and even on My pilgrimage with the Sacred Relics together with the holy women and also together with Saint Joseph of Arimathea, we were here with Saint Peter to encourage him and so that he could carry forward that great task that My Son entrusted to him, of opening the doors of Heaven for all hearts through the Christic life, through service and love for others. And this was fulfilled, just as it was foreseen by Christ.

And now, I am here to complete this moment with you, aspiring that after this Sacred Week your hearts will have lived an inner experience that enriches and strengthens your spiritual journey so that, starting from this new cycle that will begin after the Sacred Week, your paths are more mature and defined.

Because Christ still expects you to accompany Him to support the planetary cross and this, dear children, is not something symbolic, but deeply spiritual and true. Thus, He will know when He will be able to return, because He needs his apostles and followers to be ready.

Who will accompany Him when He is here, on the planet, in everything that the Master will do at that moment?

This is nothing imaginary nor is it a fantasy, My dear children. The King of the Universe will touch the soil of this planet with His Feet.

He will reunite the tribes of Israel spread throughout the planet and will call them to meet with Him again, for His Voice will be more than thunder and His Call will resonate more than this material universe, and He will ask you:

"Companions, what have you done with everything I have given you?"

 And so, the Prophecy of Christ will be fulfilled again through the parables that He taught everyone.

Will you be ready to answer Him at that moment?

Now, you will be able to understand the importance of inner preparation and attunement; because, as it was said by the Lord Himself, My Beloved Son will not announce the day or the hour that He will arrive, He will appear in a way never seen before and His signs will be impactful and not tenuous.

Those who never believed in Him will be able to believe and everything will be unmasked, because His Law that no stone will be left on stone will be fulfilled again; and that moment needs to be supported by everyone, especially by those who have defined themselves as His apostles and disciples, the apostles and disciples of the end of these times.

For this reason, He sends Me here, to Rome; and thus He sends you, as He sent the apostles, to various regions of the planet to bear witness to His Love, through example and not so much through words, to bear witness to His Truth through the example of your transformation, and not so much of your appearances, to bear witness to His Path through your faith and not your fanaticism.

The path that My Son indicates to everyone is very clear and free of secondary intentions. The apostolate of the end of these times is also something unique, because it is the apostolate of the transition of the end of times, of a well-marked before and after for the entire consciousness of humanity.

I wanted to bring this Message to all My beloved children, because I come to close everything that has happened in this recent Sacred Week.

The Plan of the Hierarchy is on the table. It has already been evenly divided. Now, who will take their part and be that fundamental piece that the Hierarchy needs? So that, in this time of the Rescue Plan, the Spiritual Hierarchy is able to carry out Its operations and everything that is yet to happen beyond the chaos of the planet, beyond the conflicts or confrontations between nations and peoples, beyond all situations, known or unknown.

This is the time to concretize the commitment and for the apostles of Christ, who appeal to follow His Path to the end, to stop remaining on the periphery and focus on the center of God's Purpose.

I know that what I am saying cannot encompass all of your consciousnesses; for this reason, I must perpetually pray that you are wide awake. That is what My Son has imperiously asked of Me; thus, in each new stage, you can live what Christ offers you out of love.

I would like to end this Message, My dear children, by thanking all those who prayed for the Mission to Israel and also those who will continue to pray for the Mission in Turkey.

The Middle East urgently needs the doors of Mercy to be open to that region. Let us continue praying, dear children, for all that the Hierarchy needs to materialize in that region of the planet.

Thus, My beloved, you will be able to confirm, at this moment and in this cycle, how far the Work of the Hierarchy has reached, from the emergence of the Figueira Light-Community to the present.

I am grateful to those who continue in faith and who aspire every day to drink a little more from the Source of My Son's Love to learn to go through these unknown and difficult times, to learn to surpass themselves in love.

In the name of My Son, as Mother and Lady of Israel, I thank you for everything that has happened, because today the sparks of Light of the Internal Retreats of Christ are kept ignited in the Middle East by the efforts of the apostles of Christ, by all those who dare to say yes.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses and loves you,

Mary, Rose of Peace

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In these recent times, I have waited for this moment, to place My Divine Consciousness upon this sacred enclosure of the Hierarchy and of Creation, so that the true spiritual treasures of the United States might emerge on this day, before the inner eyes that are open to perceive them, before the hearts that is open to feel them.

I come to let the world know about these treasures kept in the Grand Canyon of Colorado so that the soul of this nation may remember the Purpose of its formation and existence, so that all those who live here may know that the Spiritual Purpose of the United States is still to be fulfilled, despite the ties of this country with war and conflict, in which it has been dwelling for decades.

I come to place, before humanity and especially before the entire Northern Hemisphere, these Sacred Relics of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Grand Canyon of Colorado, so that as many consciousnesses and souls as possible may drink from this fountain that dwells here, in the deepest and most reverent silence before Creation, through contemplation and inner prayer, capable of entering the spiritual soul of this place, as well as other places in the United States where the Hierarchy silently expresses itself, such as Mount Shasta.

This is why in these definitive times, when the soul of nations compromises with non-evolutionary events, I come tell those open in heart, those who incessantly seek the path of transcendence and ascension, to feel, in the depths of the heart, these sacred energies of the Grand Canyon of Colorado, which expresses an incalculable and infinite history of the love and experience that the original peoples achieved with this universe and this planet.

In this way, I would like you to perceive that this life does not end in that which is material, that true life lies in that which is spiritual and that, from the beginning of this Human Project on Earth, God thought of every detail, so that the human civilization, through its true communion with the Kingdoms of Nature, could connect with the Primordial Source. This is the true service of the Lower Kingdoms, which are so outraged and mistreated by humanity of the surface.

But how great is the love of the Kingdoms of Nature, of the most beautiful landscapes of this world, which, despite all the impacts they receive, continue to give of themselves and surrender for you with an essential goal: that the human being of these times may learn to evolve and awaken.

As I told you, Sacred Relics dwell here, the pure in heart can attune with them and, in this way, find their true origin and the true reason for being incarnated here, in this world, to learn to live the school of love and redemption.

In synthesis, My companions: on this planet, thought of and created by the Creator with the sublime assistance of the Archangels, the Sacred Creator Fathers, the best conditions were created for souls incarnating here to go through their deep spiritual experience and, through this sacred experience, find their purpose and reason for being here in these times and this cycle, to be a part of the expression of the Divine Will of God.

For this reason, In joy and bliss before the Grand Canyon of Colorado, a Sacred Enclosure of love and brotherhood, open your consciousnesses, expand your hearts, so that your spirits may have the opportunity, given to you by your own selves, to live under the Breath of the Spirit, receiving the impulses and cosmic currents that dwell here, and thus you may begin to recover the values that humanity has lost in these times.

This is the main reason for Sacred Enclosures: for souls to remember that they are a star, for inner worlds to know they are inner suns that can shine in this space and time, living their commitment, their lineage and task, to rebuild the conscious and unconscious of this humanity.

And thus, as it happened to the sacred people of Israel, may humanity recover its Original Project, and live the Principles and the Law of Creation so as to begin now to gestate the emergence of the New Earth.

In simple, yet profound words, how many brothers and sisters of the past have come to this planet from the universe, since the origin of the Earth, to accompany the steps of this incarnated human civilization! And despite the times, the traumas and events on the surface of the Earth, they are here to continue to accompany you. They gave their ‘yes’ in sacrifice, surrendering that which is most valuable of their spirits and higher consciousnesses so that this Project on the surface would not become lost.

Will humanity have the courage and bravery to accept this reality?

Will the human being of the Surface, in these times, have the courage to contemplate Creation in another way, and understand that this life is not only material?

I bring you the Grace, and also the opportunity, for your consciousness to expand, open and awaken to an encounter with that which is real, through the example of this sacred place of the Grand Canyon of Colorado.

I leave these impulses to you upon this journey. And your Master and Lord, together with the entire Divinity, now prepares His Steps to help Brazil, because, for the Hierarchy, everything is important, and I hope you will learn to contemplate Our sacrifice with one intention, the true intention of gratitude.

In this way, you will be able to continue to accompany the Hierarchy in this long trajectory of the planet so that the law of suffering may end, consciousnesses may be freed from their spiritual captivity and receive the sacred impulses of the Enclosures that this planet holds, for the purpose of evolution of the human race.

May your stars shine together with Us, may your suns be a part of Our Sun of Love and Mercy, so that this human race may be more fraternal and just, and may someday be worthy of the Third Order of the Brotherhood.

I pray for this every day, and I invite you to pray with Me so that this burning Aspiration of God may be fulfilled, beyond the 144,000.

I thank the brothers and sisters present in the United States for accompanying this task, for giving it the value it has in the importance of this planetary moment.

May my Graces and above all My Consoling Love are poured out upon them all, so that they may have the inner strength to continue establishing the foundations of group and community life in the United States, a deep aspiration of the Masters of the East.

From the Sacred Valley of the Grand Canyon of Colorado, where the Light and Love of the Hierarchy shine and are perpetuated, may all be blessed and receive My Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May this world be redeemed. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I have come from Heaven and from the heart of the Universe to remind all of you that this is the time for you to be with Me, because these are the final times.

Therefore, I again gather around My Sacred Table the Templars of olden, so that you may be before Me again and for a moment remember the sacred commitment lived with Me.

You were marked by My Cross, you were bathed by My Blood, you received the Codes of My Resurrection. In these crucial times of the planet, value the Sacred Relics of your Master and Lord, carefully kept in the Ark of the Holy Covenant.

For this reason, I Am here in Brasilia, to remind all of Brazil that beyond this surface, beyond nations and peoples, there is a true and unique Spiritual Government, which I bring to you today. The same Government that I taught you about more than two-thousand years ago, through the Good News of the Gospel.

But now, the Creator has asked Me for something bigger than preaching, than healing, than working miracles, than redeeming lives or exorcising impure spirits. The Creator has asked Me for a experience of Love greater than the one I lived on the Cross for you. This experience of Love will begin through your lives, when you not only testify to My Presence, but also live My Presence within yourselves.

Therefore, I Am here today, to encourage you all to live this definitive path, and not fear the cross that the Father gave you. I Am the Great Redeemer of the world, and I come here for your salvation and redemption, for the redemption and salvation of all of humanity.

Thus, raise your heads and look to the sky, wait for the Sacred Coming of your Master and Lord. Because, just as His Birth was prophesied in the Sacred Books, today also His Return to the world is prophesied, to liberate humanity from the spiritual slavery that the corrupt systems of the world impose.

Therefore, do not lose hope. I come here as your great Healer and Lord, I come to anoint you with the Spirit of Life, granted by the Holy Spirit of God.

Therefore, feel healed by Me, through My Word and My Presence. May those chains that bind you be dissolved today by the Presence of your Lord and may hearts be liberated from this captivity that the world imposes on them.

Place your trust in the Creator. I told you a short time ago, the Eternal Father has His Arms open to receive and welcome you. Do not pay attention to the gods of these times, turn your gaze toward your inner universe and again find the original wealth that God stored within you at the beginning. While you do not search for this inner wealth, you will suffer.

Therefore, with intelligence, enthusiasm and determination, I ask you to no longer resist, open your hearts to the great transformation, because God places His spiritual treasures in simple, not in powerful hearts. This is where His Great Universal Legacy is kept, which comes from the Divine and Supreme Source.

This is why I ask you once again for your lives to be receptacles only of Me. Let your inner temples be the tabernacles where the Cosmic Christ, the Solar Son, the King among all kings of the Universe may live.

Thus, the emblem of the Sacred Star of Light, the Sacred Star that once shone in Bethlehem, the Star of the Confraternity, will be able to shine within you, and My enemy will fear and move away.

Therefore, trust all that I tell you. Take decisive steps toward My Heart.

How many Graces My Spirit wants to pour out upon souls and it still cannot do so!

This is why, time and again, I offer you the Sacraments, so that you may remember your origins, so that you may remember the Commandments, which are not rules imposed on your lives and consciousnesses, they are steps for you to learn to live in the Universal Laws and thus be protected from yourselves and the world, under the Protective Mantle of the Celestial Father.

Therefore, today the Lord of the Universe sends Me with His Angels and, under the support of the Archangels of Creation, I come to pour out the Wisdom that Brazil needs at this moment so that souls may decide with discernment and understanding, so that the Holy Spirit may guide souls and this dear people, and the decision may be beyond that which is material or mental. That your true decision may be in the innermost depths of your hearts and lives, where the Living and Resplendent God is to be found, the One who has always sacrificed and offered HImself to this humanity, to guide it and support it.

Therefore, I tell you, ancient people of Israel, rise, keep elevating your prayers to God, allow the prayer of the heart to close uncertain and unknown doors so that souls may no longer be confounded or tempted by those who believe they are crafty in these final times.

Many have heard about the antichrists. Although they are present in this humanity and in these times, no one can have the Power of God, only the Son of the Father. This is why I surrendered for you and died on the Cross.

I want you to value each drop of Blood shed by My Consciousness, because My passage through this planet must not be in vain, as the sacrileges are still being lived in this humanity. Honor the Passion and Death of the Lord.

I come to give you the Love of the Father, which is infinite, grand, prodigious and merciful.

I ask you not to stay in superficial things, elevate your consciousnesses through prayer and service for others.

At this moment, there is no solution for humanity, other than making use of the profound attribute of fraternity, the good and peace. While this is not practiced and does not happen, there will be suffering in the world, because outside of here, of this place, in every corner of this country, in every corner of this planet, there are souls that thirst for light, love and service, souls that cry out for My Infinite and Unfathomable Mercy.

Brazil, which has an open heart, must keep all of Africa in mind, as well as the duty to serve that continent and repair it for all that it has lived throughout times, because the very love that Brazil has as a country, as soul and as spirit, could avoid many situations throughout the world in the end of these times.

Therefore, ask for clarity within your consciousnesses. Ask for the Presence of the Holy Spirit so that it may guide you at each step. Thus, you will be on the correct path of evolution and peace, and you will no longer be confounded, but rather guided and internally oriented.

Thus, tonight, through the Grace of the Sacraments that I will offer. I come to purify you inside and out so that you may be new vessels to receive the Codes of the Lord and so that these Codes of Love, Light and Mercy may multiply throughout the whole world, because there is no longer time, companions. It is time to act and to prevent, it is time to fulfill the Plan of God beyond religions, beyond beliefs and even beyond philosophies and dogmas.

I come to unite all in the name of My Love, never forget this. There would be no reason for Me to speak only to My Church spread throughout the Earth. My Message comes for all, just as it came for all such a long time ago. My Message comes for the simple, for the pure in heart, for those who aspire to be converted and redeemed, for those who, for Me, will someday offer to be nothing.

Therefore, today I invoke the Sacred Spirit of God so that the souls present and those not present may receive this Sacred Spirit. Thus, souls may be worthy of the Grace of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, which comes here as Light to illuminate the world in these times of tribulation and pain.

Keep praying for the Spiritual Purpose of Brazil. Have faith and persist. I give thanks in advance to all those who have offered to faithfully collaborate in this task of prayer because miracles, companions, are still possible.

Remember My Life on Earth whenever you need, and everything will be relieved, because the Living God became Man and incarnated among you to bring you the Good News of liberation and salvation, so that everyone may remember, and you may also remember today that you are a part of a Sacred Project of the Creator, which goes beyond this planet and this universe.

Thus, tonight, companions, feel as partakers of this re-encounter with Me and that your ‘yes’ to My Heart may be true and sincere, and grant to the souls that are not present the Graces that they need as well.

It is time to heal internally, it is time to find the path of peace again so that you may feel strengthened, supported and loved by the Eternal Father.

I Am the Voice of the One who created and gave origin to you.

I Am the One who comes in the name of the Light and Love of the Universe to make your lives new.

Place your intentions at My Feet, because I always listen to you and respond to all those who call upon Me. Through My prayer, I transform your intentions into sublime prayers to God, and the Father always responds.

Therefore, always seek your filiation with the Heights. Be dignified Children of God so that this planet may be worthy and deserving of greater Mercy, greater peace, healing and liberation.

Allow your Guardian Angels, at this moment, to write this meeting with Me within their Books. Because nothing is by chance, all is part of a Higher Purpose, which you are called to consciously live so that you may be wide awake and very attentive to the signs of the end of times, revealed in the Book of the Apocalypse.

We are in the times when the last seal will open. Remain united to My Heart and be peace-makers of the Lord, because many souls will need this Peace in order not not to be tormented or confused, so that, just like you, these souls may be guided toward the Kingdom of God, the only Kingdom that exists for each one of your lives.

Therefore, let us honor and glorify the One Who created us, by singing in solemnity the Names of God.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Together with Our Lord, let us sing these Sacred Names of the Eternal Father.

Let us stand up.

Our Lord asks the youth who are present in this room to come here, at this Altar, for Christ wants to tell you something.


Song: “Sacred Names of God-Canon No. 1.”


Today, I Am forming a new oratory, new apostles of the end of times, peace-makers of Christ the Redeemer. And through the Holy Spirit, I come to give you Its Gifts, so that these Gifts may form your lives and, in these coming times, your lives and souls may be guided by the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Today, I consecrate you as a favorite group of youth from Brasilia, which will also proclaim peace, the good, love and service in humanity. And so that you may understand the significance of this, today, all of you, at My request, will be baptized so that your souls may be consecrated to Me in trust and faith, as My friends, companions of the Redeemer.

May the Lord baptize you with His Spirit and by His Consoling Spirit reach all consciousnesses that you find along your paths, because it is through the youth of this humanity that the Earth will be reborn and the One Thousand years of Peace will come.

Support this initiative of Mine. Take care of them, I entrust this to you.

Let us celebrate this moment.

I thank you for having responded to this call in Brasilia.

May the Spiritual Government be fulfilled and lived in Brazil for the good of the simplest and poorest, for the humble in heart, for those who are anonymous and know God.

I bless you and give you My Peace, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
