The voice of Saint Joseph, through Sister Lucía de Jesus:
May the presence of the Sacred Family prepare each one of your hearts for a new time.
Today, in the presence of your Most Holy Mother and Our beloved Son Jesus, we place in your hearts that profound love that we were able to experience as a Sacred Family. Everyone who opens to receive this blessing will receive it, because we did not come to the world just to have an experience. We did not come to the world just so that Our story could take shape on paper or in the ethers of this planet.
We came to the world, children, to leave an example, a path, a guide for each human heart. We came to the world to demonstrate the perfection of the Plan of God, not only to humanity but to the whole universe.
Today My daily message will be one with the message from Mary, because we will speak to you, bringing to your hearts that which you need for really preparing to receive Christ, for this is Our mission: preparing the human heart for the coming of the real King. Just like we prepared His coming to the world, His birth, thus we also prepare for His return.
That is why God asks us to continue to come to this planet each day, to instruct the human heart. In Jerusalem it was our silence that instructed hearts because the birth of Christ was also a mystery even for Us. Many knew that something was happening in that very mysterious Family, but they did not know exactly what, because for the human mind it is not possible to conceive the great Grace that God Himself should manifest among humankind. This happens, children, because you do not really recognize yourselves as a Creation of God because you believe that you are far from the One Who created you when, in reality, He is within each one of you. If you were to discover your unity with the Creator, that absolute unity, unique throughout the whole universe, it would not be difficult for you to believe that He comes to meet you through His Messengers and that He will return, He will come back in splendor, in the vestments of His Son.
To truly understand the mysteries of the Sacred Family, to understand about Our life on this planet, and also Our presence here in these times, you must learn to unite with God because it is only with the heart united to the Heart of the Creator that these mysteries will be comprehensible to you, not with the mind, but with the heart. It is the heart that understands without being able to explain how, it does not have a theory, it simply knows.
I would like to remove you from this third dimension, from this always so human thought and this always so human way of living. Thus, we speak to you about celestial divine matters, because the time has now come to return. And if you do not begin to love Heaven, to love higher life, how could it become a reality in this world?
Heavens will descend to Earth at the exact, correct moment for humanity, but before this happens, you must come to your hearts and essences. This is why we ask you to pray so much, that you serve, that you learn to love because it is the love that you develop in your hearts each day that will allow you to find God, His Universe, His Knowledge, His Wisdom.
I have also had a human mind, a human heart; I also was not capable of understanding many truths, until God taught Me to love. And in light of the greatness of this love that I saw being born in My heart, there was no theory, there was no thought that could defeat it. There was no doubt that could remove that love from My Chaste Heart. And for this, we are calling on you in these times: to live that absolute love.
In the coming days, you will be with Christ, who is the representation of love itself for all of Divine Creation. Will you let yourselves be loved by Him? Will you understand the sacredness, how majestic this meeting with Christ is? When I held Jesus in My arms, at His birth, I could not understand how God could place Himself in the arms of a human. The Child God grew, gave His life for the love of all, placed Himself in the arms of those who hated Him and allowed Himself to be martyred and crucified because of the greatness of His love. It is that same God who returns to the world and who for seven days will be with you. It is that same God who invites you to announce His Presence, to be witnesses of His Mercy, multipliers of His Grace, for He does not aspire to remain in this room, He does not aspire to only reach this place.(1)
God wants to live in each human heart, He wants to reach those who do not know Him because they fear His Love, He wants His Sacrifice to be worth it, that which is perpetuated throughout the centuries, through the victory of your hearts.
Thus, do not fear following Him, do not fear allowing yourselves to be led by Him, do not fear yielding to Him. For this reason, listen to Our words. If you did not believe in Our teaching in Jerusalem, if you did not believe that it was God within That Child, now you have the chance of responding to His celestial call, of having your own faith grow, and this time, be worthy of being called His companions.
Now listen to your Most Holy Mother.
The voice of Mary, through Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesus:
My silence is shared by Saint Joseph and by the little Child, for in the humility of spirit is born the power of the brave and the conviction of the neighbor to follow the Plan of God and His greatest Work in spite of everything.
Sublime Grace of God,
descend into the hearts
so that souls may awaken
to Higher Life.
The voice of the Virgin Mary:
When Jesus was a child, He taught the Sacred Family of Nazareth, His beloved Father, Saint Joseph, the bases of His Spiritual Priesthood, because the Archangel Gabriel inspired all the work of that Sacred Family, which came to the world to concretize the redemption of souls and the salvation of all fallen spirits.
Saint Joseph was the first consciousness to learn about the holy communion with God and with His Divine Spirit. Thus, today, He will carry out the consecration, in the name of the Sacred Family and all the families of the world, that each day must unite more and more in love, in brotherhood and in forgiveness. He will consecrate this Communion for all the youth and children, adults, women, elderly and the sick who are in the loneliness of the human heart and who must find Christ, Our Lord, again in this mystery of the holy sacrament.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús: Let us lift up the offerings from our hearts, the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary and of Saint Joseph, so that the love of our hearts may touch the Heart of God, and He may spread His Mercy throughout the world.
Sublime Grace of God,
descend into the hearts
so that souls may awaken
to Higher Life.
Sister Lucía de Jesús: At the request of Saint Joseph, let us listen to seven bell sounds, that announce the seven days of the meeting with Christ.
O Blood of Christ
poured over the world,
purify our souls,
relieve our hearts,
have pity on us, Lord!
The voice of the Virgin Mary:
We rise up to Heaven with the offering of your hearts and souls so that the Graces may multiply within those who have most need of them.
We give thanks for you having responded to Our call and Our celestial invitation.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
(1) He refers to the Marian Center of Figueira, Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more