Friday, June 19 of 2015


Let My Holy Wife, the Virgin Mary, always be the path that leads you to God. In Her holiness and perfection, find the eternal guide for your lives.

Even in the end times of humanity, She will never abandon you. Her arms will always be stretched out to those who are able to open their eyes. And even if it is in the last instant of your lives, you can give your hands to this Lady, the Mother of all of humanity and all beings.

Never forget: in all the times of humanity, the Most Holy Heart of the Virgin will always receive you. Simply repent from your heart and ask for Her help. Her forgiveness and Her motherhood will welcome you always.

I thank you.

Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Today, Saint Joseph came with our Most Holy Mother. They seemed like an engaged couple, dressed in white as if getting married on this day.

He spoke to us in a very simple way. Generally, His Words are already simple, but today in a special way. It seemed like He wanted to get right into our human hearts and have us understand that He once had a heart like ours.

(Sister Lucía de Jesús then began reading the Monthly Message of Saint Joseph of June 19, 2015.)

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Just like Sister Lucía de Jesús said, when Saint Joseph and Mary came here today, we saw that between them there was a space of light, like a void that was coming from Heaven. We did not understand why They were so separate one from the other, and then, afterward, the Child Jesus appeared with His Arms open, about two or three years old, giving us a blessing. At that moment, Mary began to transmit the message, speaking about the principle of the Universal Sacred Family.

(Friar Elías then begins the reading of the Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, of June 19, 2015.)

Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Today, during prayer, I began to very intensely perceive the Presence of the Messengers; and in my heart, which is how They speak with me, They announced that They would show me some things.

When They appeared, They began to project a series of images of what Their life was like when Jesus was little.

They conveyed to me that the most difficult thing to experience in this humanity was humility because people believed that to be humble was to be less than others and that this was an incorrect concept which the consciousness of humanity had. So They began to show how They had learned about humility since Jesus was small.

They were showing a very humble stone house, the three of them sitting on the floor, around a small table, and how Jesus, since He was three, instructed the two of Them; how Jesus transmitted the Word of God to Them and how almost every day They had a moment when They did this meeting of love, and that They, as adults, allowed Themselves to be instructed by the Little Jesus, Who, since then, transmitted the Words from His Father.

They asked if we listened with the same humility as They, those two adult beings, listened to that little Child; if we listened with that same humility to the Voice of the Divine Messengers.

(Mother María Shimani then begins reading the Special Message of the Virgin Mary and of Saint Joseph.)