On the eve of My sacred Anniversary of daily Instructions, I wish that the good and holy hearts, those that follow Me, in spite of tiredness, emptiness and pain, may make Me known as the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus.
To whoever makes My Face of the Return known, I promise the following:
Whoever carries the image of the Glorified Heart of Jesus will not perish in life, but they will know the power of My Mercy.
Whoever adores the sacred image will enter into contact and inner union with Me, as if I were eternally present by their side.
Whoever carries the sacred image with them, close to their hearts, or places it at the head of their beds, and prays a little daily prayer to Me, I promise to be the Watcher and Gatekeeper of their homes so that nothing that is not of My Light can approach.
Whoever shares the icon of the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus with the sick, the elderly, the youth and the children, in a sacred and fraternal way, I promise that I will be visiting, in the inner levels, all of those who adore Me for just five minutes of their time, because I deeply wish to prevail in the hearts and in the lives of each being.
Whoever makes Me humbly known as the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus, I promise to help, protect and illuminate the paths of all who call for Me out of love, devotion and truth. I promise to be present in the moments of emergency and rescue.
Whoever recognizes the Sacred Icon as true and, at the same time, as merciful, I promise to protect them until the last days of their lives and to carry them with Me towards the Universal Kingdom of Peace.
Whoever sees Me reflected in the sacred image, I promise to make them feel deep trust, fullness and celestial bliss so that they may live in the eternal joy of My Heart.
The Sacred Icon of Christ shall represent the union between Heaven and Earth, between souls and the Glorified Christ, who will return to the world in order to remove it again from the death in which it is living. God wishes you to glorify the Sacred Heart of Jesus because He is offended by the unjust actions of souls. In this way, I promise that whoever holds this sacred image within their homes will receive My Special Graces in order to achieve redemption.
May this Anniversary Marathon signify for everyone a step of absolute surrender to the Christ King so that, in this way, the New Christs may awaken.
Under the Glory that comes from God, be blessed.
Thank you for receiving My Heart in your hearts!
The Glorified Christ Jesus
The Sacred Icon of Christ
The hearts who may venerate the Sacred icon of Christ, that is, the image of the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus, will receive the special blessing of My Divine Mercy.
For this I ask that in all of the Centers of Prayer, especially at the Marian Center of Aurora, there be placed the image of the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus, that which represents the Christic manifestation that occurred on the 5th of January of 2013 to the visionary Friar Elias.
The souls that during the 5th and 6th days of January of this year adore Me and venerate Me, will receive directly from My Heart the spiritual help that they may need.
For this one year ago I asked you to paint the image of the Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus in the way that I indicated. After a year of intensive work I ask for the presentation of this face in all of the Houses of Prayer.
The Sacred and Glorified Heart of Jesus complements the Merciful Christ. These two images that were given to humanity will serve as spiritual and inner help for all who may contemplate them.
See, through this request of the Sacred Icon of Christ, that there is a real need for the awakening of the new Christs. In this way the Plan of God will not be affected by any other human situation.
May this sacred icon be lovingly contemplated during the two important days of the Marathon of the Divine Mercy because this sacred icon will work on the inner and on the healing of the consciousnesses.
Seek through this icon the key for your redemption. Also, those hearts that may feel so may dedicate to Me some prayers in front of this sacred icon. I will receive them with joy and love. Good work for the worshippers.
Under the Love of God, be blessed.
Thank you for receiving My Love in your hearts!
Christ Jesus, the Sacred and Glorified Heart
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more