Tuesday, September 25 of 2012


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Because of a secret just revealed to us by our Most Holy Mother, we'll carry out a prayer at Her request, a prayer we know and which was born in Fatima.

O my Jesus,
forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell,
lead all souls to Heaven,
especially those
in most need of your Mercy.

(6 times in Portuguese)
While we continue to pray, we will move to where our Mother is, because today She received the special Grace of being again with Her children.

Prayer: continues for 12 times in Portuguese.


Today I am very much accompanied by the Light of the Most High, by the Heart of My Son, by the Heart of Saint Joseph and by the hosts that praise the Eternal God of the Heights.

Dear children, this is the true path you must tread. And today, celebrating one year with you, with My Heart present in each of you, I ask once again that you accept My last call for the end of this time.

As Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, as Mother and Guardian of the prayers of all My children, opening My Motherly Heart, the Source of Light of My Immaculate Heart, I ask, dear children, that you revere this Humble Heart, for in this way, you will be before the Heart of God.

I invite you, My children, to unite your hearts with the heart of each of your brothers and sisters.

The true alliance that Christ promises you is to be found in His unfathomable Mercy.

Those Rays must reach each of My children; and if you carry out this simple practice of uniting hearts with hearts, your souls will be protected under the Light of the Holy Spirit, under the Light of the Heart of My Son, under the Light of the Spirit of God.

Dear children, today I announce Myself to you once again, and as Mother and Guardian of all hearts, I cry out to each one for a true prayer. You, dear children, with Me, must weave the new network of prayer; you must ignite the light through prayer.

Know, dear children, that many hearts are still fallen. Today, I invite you to share My pain, and that through your prayer of the heart, you are able to alleviate My Immaculate Heart. I do not want any more thorns from this humanity; I have need of love from you.

As I love you deeply, as I know you very well since your birth, as the Mother of Eternal Grace, today I bring you the promised Grace.

What greater expansion of your love than achieving salvation in this time?

You know, My children, that I have spoken to you throughout these months on the conversion of the heart. The conversion begins through forgiveness. Thus, My children, no longer waste time; forgive yourselves, love yourselves, unite, alleviate any pain, wake up real hope, hope for the peace, hope for the love you must find in this time.

Today I also tell you, dear children, little essences of the Creator, that God wants to make use of your hearts, not through your faults, but rather through the love of your heart.

As the Mother Who loves each of you, as the Mother of Help of this humanity, I cry out for each of you in this most elevated part of the Heavens.

Dear children, I cry out for you, for your salvation, I cry out so you may reach this Kingdom where I Am, and know, My children, how simple the practice of prayer is; simply pray, speak with God from the heart.

You know, dear children, that My Son placed on Earth the true spring of Love in your hearts. For this reason, the time has come, dear children, to open that spring. It is not time to close your hearts to God; Divine Justice is approaching and you must be prepared.

Know, dear children, that the Sacred Scriptures are being fulfilled. It is now time to mature the heart in the consciousness. And when I invite you to forgive, I am inviting you to begin the path of reconciliation. Thus, throughout these last months, My Heart has repeated the same Words, because know, dear children, that many are still not listening to what I tell you.

When yesterday I said to you that you were not placing love in My very simple Words, it is because I can see the light in your hearts and find what still needs to be purified before the Lord.

As the Mother of Christ, I was on Earth sharing with Him. With My Heart, I felt with My Heart in the same way your hearts feel, and I know what humanity means.

For this reason, through My merciful intervention, from the moment in which God lifted Me up to the universes, and consecrated Me as the Mother of all of you and of all of humanity, as from that moment, dear children, I sought no other aspiration for Myself; I offered the experience of My humble Heart for each of you.

In this way, dear children, the Grace of God allowed Me to come here, throughout the years and throughout the centuries, Apparition after Apparition, Message after Message, warnings and more warnings for this humanity.

Dear children, My Motherly Heart does not come to suffocate your hearts; It comes to open your hearts to Infinity. Know that from the moment in which you were created, God left you with His Molecule of Peace, His Cell of the Holy Spirit. For this reason, with the apostles, we received the Grace of that ancient time in Jerusalem, when in the Cenacle we received the Spirit of God.

Why did we receive the Spirit of God?

Dear children, the heart must be simple in order to receive that Great Spirit; it must live humility, it must be empty of everything. I know that for many of My children, it is hard to achieve that mystery. For this reason, on this day, I am here, and throughout this last time, I have been activating the Flame of the Holy Spirit, bringing the Presence of My Son so that you may remember, through My Words, what it is that God wants for you: Paradise, Eternity, eternal Light, eternal Peace, Love and Unity with God, which is lacking in many of My children's hearts.

As a Pilgrim of this world, as a Servant of the Great Will of the Lord, as an Emanation of Infinite Humility, I come to travel this world throughout time, intervening for each one of My children, listening daily to millions of pleas, and focusing My attention on each one of them.

As you still do not know the Omnipresence of God, I invite you to be omnipresent through My Heart, because you will be in My Motherly Temple, you will glorify My Soul and My Spirit which are totally gifted to your beings.

In this end time, dear children, marking My annual Apparition in Brazil, as in other places of the world, I tell you that My Rays of Graces are being poured out. But I have need of children to be able to place them; servants of prayer, having given their hearts so that the Commandment of the Lord may be accomplished, that which is written in the Tablets of the Law, which was written by Moses, and that, in this time, the true mystery of salvation I am revealing to you today through My Love, must be fulfilled.

This is everything I need to tell you at this moment, and once again, I am inviting you to reflect.

I invite you to not fear anything, but rather to be strong in the Heart of My Son. Dissolve any uneasiness in your hearts, any pain, any sorrow. Commune in this moment of My Immaculate Heart, because My only Mission, My children, is to lift you up to God.

I will leave a spiritual practice for you in the portal of My voice, in the portal where My Message is announced. Know, dear children, that just like in Medjugorje, I am making many requests.

Here today, I make a request for prayer, because there are many situations that must be contemplated by each one of you, so God is able to intervene for them and all of you may achieve the Light of Eternity.

This exercise will be announced in a short time; so you must be paying attention. An exercise that is added to the other prayers, the other requests which My Heart has announced. Thus, today is the time for multiplying prayer work, for living the essence of prayer.

I want you to begin to truly recite the verb of prayer; first, feeling it with the heart, and if many still do not feel the prayer with their heart, I invite you to place Me before you so My Immaculate Heart can unite with your little heart. My promise is to help you, dear children to prepare for the Return of Christ.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

If Suely is here, please come forward, with the group of Our Lady Aparecida.

Song: "Hail, Hail, Hail Mary".

We breathe in. Let us sing "Mary, Virgin Mother" at the request of our Mother.

She is asking that the Sacred Heart and Europe groups come up here.


With a Greater and Divine Love, I want to bless all My children who are here, especially those groups that have responded to My call under the infinite Light of the Mercy of My Son.

I especially bless these roses for My dear son José, giving him a celestial and universal blessing under the luminous Sign of the Cross, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear children, tomorrow I wait for you with greater joy. May the Love of Christ be revealed from your hearts.

Let us praise God, praise the Lord, glory to God in the highest and Peace on Earth for all the souls of the Lord.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Our Lady is asking that we sing "Revelations of Aurora". And in this way, we will close this moment with our Mother.

Thank you, Mother, for all that You give us! And in union with Your Immaculate Heart, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

As we do in each Apparition, we will give an account of what happened during the prayer and during the Apparition.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

You brothers and sisters all know that each Apparition is different, and today, it was a very special Apparition because of the celebration of one year since Our Lady came to Figueira.

Many things happened during the prayer work and during the Apparition. We'll describe some of these events that happened, in which we were all partakers. And when we say everybody, all were partakers, including those connected through internet.

The Mother carried out a very strong, truly planetary work which will remain engraved on our consciousness forever.

In the ending part of the process of prayer, a scene appeared which we will explain.

Over this area of Figueira, twenty-four elders appeared, each with a book. Each elder was focused on the task they were doing with that book; some read, others wrote, and others erased what was written in the book.

At that moment, those twenty-four elders gradually manifested some geometric figures which, because of the magnitude of the power, we couldn't understand very well what it was about. But little by little, that manifested.

Some figures looked like stars, others diamonds, and other figures were triangles. And those figures began to interweave with each other, be connected to each other, and gradually settled over this place.

At the moment when the elders were studying those books, in absolute silence, angelic armies began to appear. Some of those groups of angels were winged angels, and those winged angels assisted those twenty-four elders. It was a service they were providing for those elders; for example, helping them to erase what was written in the book, helping them to mark different parts of the book. Everything was done very delicately, with great love and great concentration.

While these scenes were occurring, through those geometric figures, a series of portals began to open. We didn't know how many portals there were, but they reached infinity.

That great portal, supported by a great six-pointed star, began to open over the elders. And there, a light blue energy began to move through the portal towards here, while the elders continued to do their task.

At that moment, we lowered our gaze and closed our eyes; and afterwards, we again looked to see if this situation continued. The elders were no longer there, but that portal remained open, up to infinity, until the moment of the Apparition.

There was a very beautiful scene which we're going to describe, which took place before the Apparition. Through that portal, Heaven was reached, and there was Our Lady, preparing for the Apparition. With great reverence, we're going to say She looked like a bride.

There were Cherubim angels, tiny angels, which lined up in two rows toward that place. And all were kneeling with their heads on the ground; there were also other angels crowning Our Lady.

At one moment, when two angels were placing the crown on Our Lady, over Her Mantle, a great number of roses appeared. When we could better see this manifestation, all the roses were imprinted on Her Mantle. It was a very beautiful image, because not only was She  beautiful, but the clothes She wore were very beautiful. She was in a state of constant prayer, with Her Head bent slightly down, joining Her Hands with the rosary.

When this image with the angels and with Our Lady appeared, She raised Her Gaze to us. When She first Looked at us, a light blue Light emanated from Her Eyes, beginning to take over the soul of each of us.

And an important event also occurred; She began to walk among those groups of Cherubim. She walked very delicately, taking each step slowly, and opening Her Hands, radiating Light downward. And as She walked, She was barefoot, and at each step She took, She would stop and the Cherubim would kiss Her Foot. At each step She took, She was kissed by the Cherubim. The grandeur and the love those beings held was inexplicable.

And at that moment, when She begins to walk, preparing to come here and cross this threshold, She calls with impact each of our souls and lifts them up. At one moment, when She had Her Hands radiating Light downwards, She made a sign, opening and closing Her Hands, calling us. Through this gesture of Light, which She made very impactfully, our souls began to be lifted up to where She was, until She reached here and appeared, revealing that secret.

When She arrived, She placed Herself close to the tree, and Her presence was stronger than yesterday. She was totally given, surrendered to us, and each word She repeated was an energy of Love that came from Her Lips and began to completely take us over.

A pink atmosphere was created around the tree, which was generated by each Word She emanated. And then, we strongly felt the Presence of God, and also strongly felt we were not alone. She brought several companions at that moment; one of them was Saint Joseph and another was Juan Diego, the visionary of Guadalupe.

When Juan Diego approached Our Lady, dressed very simply, he suddenly had the cloak we know placed on his chest. At that moment, we knew he was going to show us something; he opened the robe he wore, and the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was not engraved on this robe, but rather, appeared over his heart, which emanated Light.

Now, let's breathe in, because the story is not yet finished. Those are Mother's things.

At that moment, She asked us to go to the place where She was, because She told us She had received the Grace of being able to once again be over Her children. When She came very close, over the brothers and sisters, She brought the consciousness of all of humanity.

Afterwards, She told us She was traveling as a pilgrim through each part of the planet, bringing the consciousness of each of the continents, of the nations. And She was showing us how She manifested in each of the nations with different aspects of the Universal Mother. But there was something that united all these manifestations, which was Her Immaculate Heart, Her Spirit. Then we knew that She was one Mother, and that She transmits different Messages so that all are able to understand them.

At one moment during the Apparition, She called some brothers and sisters, as you know, to give them a blessing. In a very impactful way, She addressed Her Words to some brothers and sisters present. She said to them: give My daughter such and such a Message; give that son another Message. Then, at that moment, we understood She was giving some instructions as Mother.

When She called on the Sacred Heart Community, She brought Fatima in Her Heart, the Peace of Fatima, from the place where She had been. And at a certain moment, very quickly, She united Europe with the Americas; there was something that joined the two continents, which was the Heart of the Mother.

At the moment when She called the group up to bless them, She said: "I received another special Grace, to return to Portugal. I will be there in November. And I ask for permission to use this November Apparition, which would take place in Figueira, to be in Fatima, Portugal."

The last thing She revealed to us, at the beginning of the Apparition, was the following: "I will be here, in principle up to the end of the year, on the dates that have already been indicated, but that is about to end." And at that moment, we felt a great inner movement, and we asked Her: Does this mean that the Lady will not come here anymore? "No, dear child, everything is foreseen by God. I will come here as from next year and will also be in Aurora, every fourteenth."

She then explained that there will be Apparitions on the fourteenth of each month in Aurora and Figueira, alternating, one month in Aurora and another in Figueira, during 2013.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Very well, I believe that there's nothing more to say; except that tomorrow, we should come with a heart even more open and with great gratitude.

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!