Thursday, September 13 of 2012


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Lady of the Immaculate Conception is asking us to pray for the conversion of those who lack God.

Prayer: Hail Mary (4 times in Spanish).

Now, we will pray in Portuguese.

Prayer: Hail Mary (4 times in Portuguese).

Now, we will pray in English.

Prayer: Hail Mary (4 times in English).

Now, we will pray in Italian, at the request of our Mother.

Prayer: Hail Mary (4 times in Italian).


Dear children, I am building the humble Altar of Peace so that you may remember in your hearts the Simplicity of God. 

The two candles, next to My Altar, which My daughters lit, symbolize My guardian angels. The flowers, at My feet, symbolize the Love of God. And to kneel means to reverence God, for those who do not reverence God.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now Our Mother is asking us to pray in French.

Prayer: Hail Mary (4 times in French).

I will always remind you of simplicity so that you may reach humility, dear children.


Song: “Ave Maria.” 

My children, today My Heart is a little more relieved by your prayers.

Today, through My special invitation, I call you to simplicity so that you may attain humility. You must lift your hearts to My Son so that you may find that essence. I am here, dear children, to pray with you for this humanity.

Today, I Am the Lady of the Immaculate Conception among you, so that you may see the Grace of God through My Heart and so that you may remember, dear children, that you must always return to the Father.

The bridge to the House of God is found through prayer. The bridge to the House of God is found through My Heart and the Heart of My Son. Therefore, My children, accept this call in this most important hour. 

Yesterday, I showed you how great My pain is. Today, I show you, My children, how great the Grace is that God has given Me. Therefore, you must carry My call in your hearts.

Raise your gaze towards the Heavens, which are now open; and accept, by saying 'yes' to the Will of God.

I want you to build in your dwellings the new and the pure, I want you to carry My light in your hearts.

What is more important, My children, than being in the Light of God? 

This will strengthen you and help you on the path you are traveling. Count on My Maternal Hands, so that I may lead you to Jesus. See, following in  My footsteps, the guidance toward the Infinite for all those who do not yet believe in My call.

Today, I tell you, My children, that I am the mediator before Jesus, I am the faithful servant of My Son. Know that He entrusted you to Me and My Maternal Heart endures through all times; He burns in the Fire of God for each one of you.

Carry this call with Me so that you may find the door to Eternity. Therefore, dear children, listen to what I ask of you today.

In this earthly life that each of you is living, you are not only working for your own conversion, but also for the conversion of humanity, of all cultures and of all beliefs . Know, My children, that I am the only Universal Mother who never tires of conveying to the world works of Peace and of calling you to live in that Peace. That Peace is possible, My children, I invite you to want to live in that Peace because, on that path, you will find Me.

I am the Queen of Peace, the Guardian of each of your hearts. I am the One who opens the Mantle of the Father over this humanity to place all My children under Me, so that I may lift them up to the universe. And there, at the highest point where My Son is, He will be able to see you shining as true essences of prayer, as pilgrims, as sheep of His flock. 

As it is written in the Law of the Lord, My children, the flocks in this end time are gathering. This definitive time calls each of My children to define themselves before God; and this will happen, My children, before the Return of the Redeemer.

As it has been said, dear children, I have been given the task of preparing your hearts, of strengthening your hearts in prayer; for it is true, My children, that many hearts forget to pray to the Lord because they are part of this humanity which offers them promises and illusions leading them down paths of confusions.

But if you accept, My children, the call to prayer, the call of the Lady of the Immaculate Conception, you will be building, together with the Queen of Peace, new paths for the pilgrims, for all the souls who are still lost.

Little children, the pain of this humanity is great, My Heart and the Heart of My Son have sustained this humanity for a long time. 

Therefore, I need you faithful and sincere in the prayer of the heart. That is of great value, My children, at this time.  

You, as little souls of God, are receiving the Presence of My Immaculate Heart month by month. But how can I reach those who are distant from God if they deny the Father, if they deny the existence of the Universe of God?

Therefore, today I invite you also, My children, to open your hearts so that the Light may enter and My Words may remain in your dwellings. 

Simple is the effort I ask of you, dear children: pray with your heart, fast with your conscience and confess to My Son daily. 

In this way, dear children, the Queen of Peace will help you to purify your hearts, to sublimate your intentions, to free your minds so that the One Mind of God may act and the new cell of peace may dwell in your hearts.

Even now, many of My children are unaware of the Project of God; therefore, My Son and God above all things, send Me to this world to announce this call to you.

Remember, My children, that this call is special. It is a call of the end of time, a different call, different from the one I have already made in other places where I have appeared. 

This call, dear children, is to open the awareness of your heart, so that your minds may dispel any thought that intellectually opposes God; because in this way, dear children, purified and relieved by the Love of Jesus, you will find peace and you will have My Light as guidance on your path.

When I invite you to build new paths, they are paths for other souls, for those souls whom I cannot yet reach. 

Know that My Grace is still being poured out upon this world, at a time when the Law is coming to rebalance hearts for all that they have done. 

What John, the apostle, once wrote is gradually being fulfilled. To that call, to that annunciation that John wrote, your hearts will not be able to refuse. Know that God is Just, My children, He is Love and He is Truth.

Therefore, I invite you to be under the Holy Spirit, for that sublime Spirit of God will free you to find the true Love of God in this life.

Many of My children, much of mankind, have separated the Plans of God from the aspirations of My children. Now, the time has come, dear children, to awaken again your aspirations so that true consecration may be realized on this plane. You can count on Me. 

My Words are spread once again. My Words are being spread for the last time and today I repeat them again, dear children, for your hearts must already be prepared.  

It is so simple and so humble what I ask of you: pray with your heart to love God. Pray at every moment of your lives and place your brothers and sisters, especially those who do not know God, very close, very close to the Kingdom of God; because in your beads, My Maternal Spirit, My Immaculate Love, will be with you every time you utter and call My Heart. 

How will a child grow before God if they do not have the guidance of a mother?

How did Jesus reach the Cross?

He had to first be in My Arms to receive My consolation and then He began to take His first steps and became a Great Instructor for the Chaste Heart of St. Joseph and for My Immaculate Heart. Jesus learned humility when He trusted and surrendered Himself to God.

I invite you, My children, to be in My Arms so that you may feel the Peace of My Heart. In that way, dear children, My Light will radiate from your hearts and your hearts will be illuminated in the essence of My Peace.

Now that My Words have been spoken, I invite you to pray, united to the Heart of My Son, for all souls of this humanity and especially for the times to come. Embrace, with your hearts, the Love of My Son.

Today, I leave you a special gift, the white flower of My Heart, Essential Purity.


Prayer: “Immaculate Lady of Peace” (5 times).

 You must always praise Jesus so that My Heart may come into your lives.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Our Mother, at this moment, placed at Her Feet a significant number of white lilies. And She told us that it would be to give a blessing to Paraguay, as the Lady of the Immaculate Conception.

That is why, at this moment, She is asking the organizing group from Paraguay to come forward to receive this blessing on behalf of all of us.

We are going to sing “Christ the Redeemer."


Song: “Christ the Redeemer."

Song: “Mary, Virgin Mother.”

As My Heart knows that you will be waiting for My return to this country, I will give you a maternal blessing. 

May your essences always shine before the Throne of God.

May you accept to live eternally under the Light of My Son's Love.

May the Flame of the Holy Spirit be kept in your hearts.

May your consciousness be united to the Great Consciousness of God. 

And under the maternal blessing of the Trinity, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

I thank you, dear children, for responding to My call.


Song: “Ave Maria.”


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat: 

Let us offer our hearts to our Mother and say to Her:

Thank you, Mother, for all that You give us!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Responding to Our Lady's request, we are going to distribute to this group each of the roses that She consecrated and that were also consecrated by the Heart of Jesus who, at the end of the Apparition, approached our Mother. 

Also, responding to our Mother's request, we will sing “Magnificat” while we distribute these roses.


Song: “Magnificat.”


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

As we do in every Apparition, we are going to share with you some details of what happened during our Mother's visit. But first, I would like us to reflect together on some details of our task.

You saw the difference between the task we did yesterday and the task we did today. It is important for all of us to be clear that to be with our Mother we have to place our heart into what we do; that to receive the Grace of Heaven, we have to give ourselves entirely. And that, from what we have been able to see, we can really do it; we just have to want it. So, let us keep this in mind. 

This is important because this planet needs a lot of Mercy, and that Mercy flows through us as well. That channel opens through the openness of our heart; if we are lukewarm, there is no Mercy, because we are saying no to the universe. Therefore, let us be very attentive and vigilant with our will.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

As everyone could hear, today She came as the Lady of the Immaculate Conception. Her presence represented an age between 25 and 30 years. When She appeared, next to the left side of the picture, the first thing She asked us to do was to pray the Creed.

Whenever She appears She asks us to pray the Creed with Her and She also asks us to pray a second prayer that we are going to pray now, which is a prayer that the Angel of Peace gave to the shepherds of Fatima. She said that this prayer has a great power of conversion and also a power of salvation. She prays that prayer with us when she appears:

O my Jesus,
forgive us our sins,
save us from the fires of hell,
lead all souls to Heaven,
especially those
 in most need of Your Mercy.


She repeated this prayer about seven times until, today, at the moment of the Apparition, She began to walk towards the brothers and sisters who are here. 

Today, She picked up Her Mantle with both Hands, carrying something inside that Mantle and when She released it, many white lilies began to fall, spilling over everyone. Then, She approached near the place we have here on the left, and She had a white lily on each of Her Feet. 

And today, in a special way, She showed us Her rosary. At the end of the rosary was the Christian cross, which did not have the Crucified Christ, because She told us that He is alive and that He is returning. At that moment, She began to transmit the Message.

Today Her Eyes had a more contemplative look, a look of peace and inner recollection, until She asked one of the sisters of the group to come closer; and it was at that moment that She asked us to pray the Hail Mary in different languages. As we prayed in each language, we did not know how it happened, but She showed us something important.

Every time we recited a Hail Mary in different languages, She was here, but at the same time She was on every continent. And very quickly, She walked through every region of the planet and helped many souls; above all, She showed us that She helped souls who were in deep physical and interior pain and how with so few prayers, great things happen.

At one moment, when our sister did not understand some words well, Our Lady smiled with great joy and only said: “Don't be nervous, don't worry, My dear daughter, because we are all learning.” And She added: “With great patience, I will speak to you slowly.” And She continued to transmit the Words, little by little.

At one moment during the Apparition, we prayed the prayer “Immaculate Lady of Peace,” and She also used that moment of prayer to do a task. She showed us a part of purgatory where, She told us, one lives well; a state in which souls do not suffer. 

The place that She visits is that purgatory; because She told us that purgatory is a very vast consciousness that has several levels as if it were a building; and in that place She showed us, there were groups of souls who were serving through prayer, souls who were praying for humanity. 

Before the end of the Apparition, She blessed the flowers, the roses. She placed Her Hands on the roses; She approached as She had never approached before in this last year of Apparitions. And as you heard, She pronounced that special blessing. She placed all Her Light on those flowers, and we understood that She placed, at that moment, Her Spiritual Light. 

We felt at that moment a great movement of Her Consciousness as a Mother, because She opened a beam of Light over this place, a beam connecting this place with the universe and the Presence of God was descending through that beam of Light as She pronounced that blessing.

At one moment during the Apparition, She came accompanied by a group of brothers and sisters. When She asked us to kneel before Her, it was to make an offering for the conversion of those who lack God. 

Then, She points with Her Hand to our side, where the group was, and an indigenous family appeared; an indigenous family that wore, on most of their heads, colored feathers. They were in total reverence before Our Lady. And, when Our Lady showed that image, She told us that She was showing it to remind us that She is the Mother of all; and for Her, as Mother, there are no differences between races.  

At the end of the Apparition, when She consecrated the roses, She made a request to the organizing group from Paraguay. As you heard, She said that She is going to return here, to Paraguay, and She made a request to this group, which will remain as an intention in the heart of each one of these brothers and sisters.

She asked them to participate in the Annual Apparition in Figueira, at the end of this month of September, because She will perform an important task there. At that moment, She told us that it is a task with the nations and added: “Because I know that there are many brothers and sisters from different nations who come here, to Me.”

Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Well, so every day more and more committed, right? How nice!

We are very entertained, so that life has salt and pepper. 

Well, we will see each other soon, God willing.

To all of you who see us on the internet, we send you our greetings and our thanks for being with us.