Apparition of the Virgin Mary on July 13, 2018, in the city of Cologne, Germany, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Germany needs to re-consecrate itself to My Immaculate Heart, so that it may receive more Graces than the ones I bring to you today. But today I will carry to Heaven and in My Heart the breath of love of My children, which is what makes Me return to the world again and again.

This is why I am here, My children, so that the breath of the love of your hearts may reach not only Germany, but also the places that are most in need of the Love of God.

It is this Love so deep and real that will redeem your hearts and lives, that will have you understand the Mysteries of God, so that someday you may learn to fulfill His Will.

Today I have felt this love from your hearts, from each heart that is present, that has confessed their love for My Immaculate Heart to Me.

I wish, My children, for you to always remember this, for it is what will dissolve even more the mistakes that Germany committed in the past.

It is this love that will cause you to love the Universe even more, so that someday you may be participants in all that is guarded in the essence of Universal Life.

It is this love that will cause you to love everything unconditionally, that will awaken you to the service for those most in need; because the main reason for service here in Germany is for those who suffer spiritually, despite having everything and never lacking anything.

Although it may not seem so to you, My Children, spiritual suffering is greater than material and human suffering, for there is nothing that can dissolve it, except the Love of God, which again and again must emerge from your essences so that this Love may fill your lives and spirits, and in this way, fill the planet that is so in need of the Love of God in order to continue forward in these defining times.

Today the laws of transmutation have acted in a different way, because first you have donated the love of your hearts and surrendered to an unknown and invincible Will.

It is this Divine and Infinite Will, based on the Love of God, that has brought Me here to Germany, to bring to your hearts what is renewing and good so that, from your families and peoples, you may learn the new values of spirituality, based on the attributes that My Immaculate Heart offers to you for these times.

Through the path of service and of prayer, My children, through the Communion with Christ and the daily confession of your hearts to the Supreme Creator, is where you will find the keys to transform everything because, My children, you will learn to live the spirituality that God had planned from the beginning for Germany and Europe.

Therefore today, My children, a new cycle begins and your hearts are participants in this Grace that I bring to you; a Grace that will try to lead you into a further awakening and an awareness of all that God needs for this time and your humanity.

My children, the task here in Germany has only just begun. The soil has been prepared, the Shepherd has sown it and Mother Nature has watered it, so that new principles of brotherhood and of light can sprout here, which will help to dissolve the past and to heal hearts from all suffering.

Therefore, My children, first you must believe in the love that is in you and within you. Open yourselves to discover God's Universe of Love within, and prayer will be the basic pillar of your lives in order to find it. Because with this daily communication with Heaven, your Guardian Angels will help you find the path of love, in order to finally find the path of the truth that you need so much to know and understand, through what happens in your lives day by day.

So today, I not only stretch out My Hand for you to hold it tightly, My children, so We can unite Heaven and Earth, the Universe of God and the souls, but I also offer you My maternal Heart so that, through the Fire of My Spirit, new gifts may enter into you at this moment, and this may expand beyond your lives and your nation. Because whoever experiences the call of the Celestial Mother will learn to live the Will of God in these difficult times.

Therefore I invite you to generate among yourselves, children of Germany, an unbreakable unity that will help to foster Peace in the inner worlds and that will bring renewal to your lives and to all of your people.

Today I am here before you, as the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, to invite you so that, by means of your consecration on this day, group prayer may be the keynote for your lives; prayer that can heal the deep levels of the souls of Germany that are still suffering the consequences of the past and the present.

Today I offer Myself to you as the Mother of Prayer, so that you may enter into My eternal school, so that together with the Angels of Heaven, you may form this new school of prayer, which on very silent and deep levels, is not only able to transform Germany, but also Europe, which needs it so much.

With this answer that your hearts have given Me to experience today's consecration, and also for those who have come from other nations to consecrate themselves, My wish, My children, is that you be able to perceive the fire of your faith that, although unknown, must always lead you to concretize the Will of God in your lives and in the nations to which you belong.

This is My message to you, My children: I wish you to be ambassadors of peace and that you foster peace through good actions, fraternal actions, peaceful actions, that may renew your consciousnesses and all those who receive this service from you.

The greatest spiritual service for the groups of prayer in Germany will be the assistance through prayer and the invocation of the Divine Mercy of My Son for all of My Children who need to receive an opportunity in these final days.

Today I will leave here, My children, finalizing and fulfilling a Mission, which you have experienced together with Me in these last months and in which all were led to collaborate out of love and brotherliness, so that Europe could receive the Graces it so much needed.

There is still much work to be done, My children. Belgium and Denmark also hope for My help someday, as well as Russia, which is in need of a great deal of Mercy.

But if the pillars of the groups of prayer are first founded in Western and Eastern Europe, they will create the necessary conditions, My children, for the Work of Love of the Divine Messengers to reach those places in the world that are also in need of Mercy.

As from now, My children, we are preparing for this moment, as well as to carry the peace and love that you have received to Asia and Oceania.

At this moment, before the Celestial Church of Christ, which opens from the Spiritual Universe, the Mother of Heaven and of Earth, the Virgin of Schoenstatt, the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, invites Her children who are consecrating themselves today, to approach this altar blessed by Christ in order to experience this important moment of the consecration of their souls to My Immaculate Heart.

As from this moment, let the hymn of your consecration begin to be heard.

You, My children, have determined before My Immaculate Heart to form part of this first army for Germany, which will also unite Austria and Switzerland in this divine and special triangulation for the triumph of the three Sacred Hearts, of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, who from this moment, in the name of God and of His Divine and Invincible Project, have offered Themselves to these three nations in order to carry out an important moment of conversion and of redemption for this part of humanity, forming glad and joyful groups of prayer that can forever carry in their hearts the Love that I will give you today.

The children who will consecrate themselves today, put your hands in a sign of reception.

As the Virgin of Schoenstatt and the Lady of the most Holy Rosary, receive from My Maternal Heart this Grace for which you have waited so long in your lives, so that this Grace may multiply and reach the hearts that suffer the most, by means of your commitment in this life of consecration to the service of prayer for humanity.

May the Lord pour out His Gifts upon you and make you partake of His Mercy.

May the Lord always make you feel His trust and plenitude, so that thousands of souls in Germany may receive the impulse of awakening through your devotion and dedication to a life of prayer, so that the Holy Rosary, a powerful weapon against evil, may be instilled in your hearts and in the world and renew the times on this planet.

You may place your hands on your heart and thank God for this day of consecration to the Maternal and Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Remember that I will always hear you, that as Mother and Servant of God I will listen to your prayers, which will especially emerge in this time from Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Today I consecrate you as a spiritual family so that the three Sacred Hearts may be present in you and in your nations.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Today you will take these roses that I am consecrating as the testimony of My Love for you, of an eternal and invincible Love, of a Love that understands and accepts, of a Love that does not question, nor judges. Of a Love of My Heart that embraces, that heals and that redeems, because it is God through My Heart in your lives forever.

I thank you for having responded to My call.

May peace always be found here in Germany.

So be it.


My Most Holy Mother, in this time, gathers together those who are self-called to serve the Plan of God.

On the other hand, My Mother seeks the redemption of the greatest possible number of consciousnesses, which have not yet taken any step, but which are within the time and in the energy to be able to do so.

Thus, through the Work of redemption of the divine Son, the one who is not able to do so will be given the impulse to take a significant leap in their life.

The time has come to embrace the call and to make it part of yourself, every day. That will help uplift the consciousness of the servers, so that in the end, they may be unconditional collaborators, and demonstrate it to the world as part of the Victory of Christ.

In this time all will be guided so that the new Christs may be born on Earth, who will populate the planet with new teachings and experiences of love.

I thank you for placing my words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master Christ Jesus


Dear children,

When unity is established among hearts, the Purpose can then be manifested and, even more, when true love is present, this purpose or this mission can be fulfilled effectively.

It is so, My children, that I call upon you, so that every day, and beyond, the unity of the purpose prevails because this will allow the human race to continue being worked on and helped so that, above all, the Plan of the Creator is established.

In these times, this unity and this unbreakable love among the beings of the nations of the world will be that which will allow for generating within humanity a source of new and important possibilities of redemption and forgiveness.

For some reason, when the sight of the Purpose and of its unity is lost, remember what I tell you today because this way you will know that you must always be renewed, through each new invitation.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While the world sleeps a deep sleep of illusion, I call you to a true awakening.

While many see the hells opening up and burn in the fire of eternal suffering, I come to show you the Kingdom of the Heaven and give you simple keys that lead you to the Eternity of God.

While the world demands efforts from human beings to win in competition with others, I ask you to struggle to overcome yourselves and to be defeated by the Power of My Son.

While the world asks you to suffer in order to acquire material goods and that you give every last drop of sweat from your brows to build your own material kingdom, I come from Heaven to tell you that nothing that you accumulate in this world will enter My Kingdom, and whoever wants to follow in My footsteps must divest themselves of everything and leave to the life of illusion what comes from it and belongs only to it.

I come to the world to change the laws and reform human concepts. I come as Queen of Heaven, the Mother and Lady of Creation, to place you once again on the path that leads you to the Consciousness of God.

I am here to make you unlearn, die to the world and be reborn to the life of the spirit. But many prefer to continue holding on to their own will and tendencies rather than following the Voice of God, manifested on Earth through His Messengers.

Many believe they are following the path dictated by God by the simple fact of listening to My voice, and I come to tell you that until you live My Words, in the path is being trodden, and you will be deceiving yourselves when being in My presence and believing it is enough to come to Me.

Children, today I tell you that, throughout the history of humanity, many stood before Me, but the urgent need to follow their own aspirations was greater than the willingness to follow in My footsteps, and until today, after so many centuries of existence, humanity continues to run the risk of not accomplishing the Plans of God, and the majority of humankind does not fear losing their evolution, because they do not even recognize the existence of that evolutionary path.

With all of this, I want to tell you that I do not just look forward to seeing you before Me, because that is not enough. What is gained by coming to meet Me if after a few minutes, you will again be submerged in the energies of this world and are not capable of choosing brotherhood in the face of competition, understanding in the face of anger, love and forgiveness in the face of indignation?

To live My words, My beloved ones, is not to accomplish great heroic deeds of sacrifice and of conversion.

I want to see you choosing the Path of God when the adversary tries to convince you to follow its steps of dissociation. I want to see you saying 'no' to the illusions of this world, and 'yes' to the fulfillment of the Plans of God. I want to find you searching with all your strength for the path of Light, being a beacon for those who dwell in the darkness and not falling into the same abysses as your fellow beings.

My voice will not echo in the world for very long. God asks Me to announce the coming of the times of transition to beings, a moment when humanity will have to choose, by itself, to follow the Plans of God rather than their own. It will be only in that moment, when the power of love for the Creator is greater than the forces of chaos within the self, that His Son will cross the Heavens and will descend from the clouds, announcing His definite victory.

My beloved ones, do not play anymore with the path of evolution, because there is no more time. It is time to define yourselves.

I love you, I guide you and awaken you to the manifestation of the Plans of the Most High.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Queen of the Divine Word


Dear children,

I am the Mother of all peoples, all races, all languages, all beings.  All the Creation of God comes from My sacred maternal womb.  In Me all creatures are gestated; through Me are born and reborn the beings, the worlds, the universes.  In My Heart I shelter and guard much more than all souls; in My Immaculate Heart I receive and welcome all creatures of all the kingdoms of this blessed and sacred universe.

My beloveds, you might ask why so many times I present Myself to you and in My words I say who I am.  I speak about these things because God asked Me for humanity to recognize, in the end of times, the Feminine Creative Source, the Maternal Heart of God, which takes care of all that He created.

So many times I said “I am”, because humanity does not know Me and for not truly knowing Me, it does not seek Me and it does not look for My help before all the difficulties of life.

My dear ones, I present Myself to you as the Mother of Christ Jesus, because so it is.  My Son is Omnipresent and He is in everything.  His Most Sacred Consciousness reigns today in all creation and, thus, as I am His Mother, I am the Mother of everything that exists.

I ask you to receive My words in your hearts, because only there you will be able comprehend what I say to you.  The one who may not open the heart will never be able to discover the celestial mysteries and the one who does not enter into these mysteries will never be able to find the true Universal Source, that is the Consciousness of God the Father.

My words seek to lead you to the truth, but humanity is very separated from the superior reality and few are willing to deepen into something that they do not comprehend and that they do not accept, for being so far from what they live in this world.

My beloveds, My presence invites you to the complete transformation of life and of heart.  Many are the ones who do not accept Me because they are afraid of getting lost in the depth of My words and, today I say to you, that the one who deepens before the presence of the Divine Messengers and tirelessly seeks to comprehend, feel and live Our words, will not recognize themselves in a short time and they might not find themselves as they are today, because they will stop living and being a illusion, to express what they are, in essence and truth.

My beloveds, I say to you all of this, because throughout the whole history of humanity God sent Me to the Earth to lead humanity, but now, the celestial belfries are sounding and announcing that the time to live in illusion and ignorance is ending and I, as the Mother of all souls and of all beings that I am, have decided to launch Myself into the abysses of the planet and deliver the Gold of Truth to the ones that have always found themselves in the darkness of ignorance.

And even knowing that many may forever close the doors of their heart to Me, for not believing what I am saying or for not wanting to live the transformation to which I call them, I will never give up, because I also know that many will give Me their life and will make of this surrender, the reason of the conversion and the awakening of many other souls.

I want tell you on this day, My dear ones, that I will spare no effort to remove you from the sleep in which you live, that I will do everything to see you awake, knowledgeable of the Truth and of the living manifestation of the Will of God.

May today My words reach the depth of your hearts and impel you to take a definitive step.  The souls wait for the definition of your hearts to find a tangible example to follow.

I love you and I wait for you attentive, vigilant and tireless in this long journey.

Peace for humanity.

I bless you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I am grateful, on this evening, to all who responded to My Call. This has an important merit in Heaven, from the moment that you return to the House of God.

As the Mother of the Americas, I come to bring peace to this continent. I unite peoples, races and origins; and I believe, in these times, the new culture over the face of the Earth, the New Christs who awaken to the redeeming call.

Therefore, dear children, as the Mother of Brasilia, I come to ask you something very important, to continue praying every day, My Immaculate Heart listens to you offers.

I come in this final time, to untie the knots of the consciousness, to liberate the ties of the path of My children; therefore, with my sword I cut all the events of evil.

I only ask you, dear children, not to forget, in this final era, to unite to My Immaculate Heart. My immaculate Heart will be your eternal home, where you will be protected from yourselves and from the world.

I come in this final era, to ask you simple things, because many miracles have already been realized over the centuries. My Son gave testimony of His Presence over the centuries, and at His request, I did too.

Therefore, dear children, open your hearts. Open your hearts to listen to the Will of God; thus, you will be able to leave superficial things, your suffering will be calmed, and healing will be born in your spirits, because you will be consequent with Me in prayer, and I will be able to continue interceding for you.

As I have said to you today, I need awake and available souls, who can listen to the Voice of God in this time. Therefore, My Immaculate Spirit travels the nations to show you that you are one race, you are the new Christic civilization that must be born. Therefore, listen to your hearts, calm your minds and thoughts so that the Divine Energy can flow in you and the Holy Spirit can show you how much needs to be done in these delicate times.

I do not only need your hearts, but also your immediate availability. I need to ignite within you the stars of the Confederation, those waiting to shine as suns over the face of the Earth.

Dear children, I come at the request of Christ to awaken you. In previous times, very few listened to My Call. I come, in this era, to renew things in the name of Christ; but for this to happen, beloved children, you must take the first step towards Me, then everything will happen as foreseen in Heaven.

I come to prevent massive things in this world; just like I did in Fatima, Medjugorje, Lourdes and other points of the Earth that you do not know.,

Over the centuries, I come to announce the important Call for peace; but since the cup is already so full, there is something that must be done, dear children; before it is completely spilled, you must awaken in time. Everything can be reversed through a good and healthy attitude.

I come to open your hearts, to consecrate your inner temples in a favored union with God the Father.

Dear children, I assure you that, in the end of times, you will remember My Words, everything that I am saying to you this evening and, what will you do in this difficult time?

I come to help and assist you. I come as Mother of all humanity to intercede for all of My children; what else do you need to take the step?

Those who still follow Me are trying very hard, but I need many more hands that can work with Me for the Return of Christ. I need to give you, in the depths of your hearts, visible signs of the Coming of Christ; to be able to identify it and not be deceived before all false ones that will arise.

My Son is unique and glorified. His Sacred Heart is unmistakable. I come in the name of Christ to offer you the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. You are in the time of being able to consecrate yourselves to His Heart; in this way, you will be protected from things that will happen, because when everything happens, dear children, I will once again be in Heaven, accompanying you with the force of My prayer.

These descents that I make to the Earth, manifesting My universal and maternal Consciousness, are unique and determinant in this final cycle.

I come to give you that which I learned in the universe. I need you to merge as one group of souls, that there no longer exist among you lies and indifferences, ego or error. Heal your hearts through My Heart, feel My Call of Peace in your lives. I need your fervor and devotion so that the Peace that exists in Heaven may descend on Earth.

My one Purpose, dear beloveds, is to fulfil the Plan of God over the Earth through your lives, your families and all your dear beings. Thus, you will help Me, dear children, so that the world may achieve peace.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words the Virgin Mary:

Because this Portal of Peace opened on this night over this city to dissolve all of the darkness that is so rooted on this ground.

But so that My Light can penetrate the abysses and dissolve the power of the enemy within human hearts, I need the permission of your hearts, I need awakened souls to balance souls that are sleeping today; and, more than this, My children, that Marian soldiers balance those children of Mine who have lost the way and who are not asleep, but rather are consciously soldiers of darkness.

On this evening, My children, My Angels and Archangels descend to this world. Their swords of Light cut the ties with evil, but, so that these swords pass through your lives and untie them from darkness, definitively, I need your yes, a true and definitive yes, of souls who give themselves to the Higher Will.

I come to this world to carry out true spiritual miracles in the lives of all creatures.

My children, My Heart penetrates the abysses and desperation of this Earth, and there is no place in this world where My Light cannot enter. Yes, there are places where the human heart does not allow Me to reach, but if one of your souls truly surrenders to God, the Lord will give Me permission so that My Kingdom can expand in this world.

Because, My dears, My eyes contemplate the planet from My Kingdom and I pray permanently, because I observe that souls of this world suffer much every day.

Today, I call you to be able to leave your small lives a bit so that, through the prayer of the heart, you may be instruments of God and assist the Creator so that, through His Servant, the souls that fall into the abysses of this planet can be rescued.

I see from Heaven, My children, that in every instant a consciousness is lost in the world, that darkness wants to take the Kingdom of My Peace, but it is possible for this not to happen; it is possible, My dears, for you to learn through Love and not through suffering, for you to see the world falling apart in front of your eyes, but your hearts are within the Heart of God, and nothing that is outside this Most Sacred Heart disturbs you.

My dears, I want you to awaken this evening to a Higher Life, because My Divine Presence comes to open your hearts and consciousnesses so that you no longer sleep the dream of the illusions of this world. Elevate your aspirations to My Heart, because today My arms are open to receive each of your needs. I listen to your supplications and I know the reason for which each of your hearts comes to meet Me.

On this evening, I tell you that those who truly decide to be soldiers of My army, to no longer preoccupy yourselves with your anguishes and afflictions because, upon surrendering to the Heart of God, the Light of My Celestial Kingdom will dissolve all of these anguishes and transform them into a source of divine inspiration, into a will that your souls will feel to overcome fears, to overcome suffering and to go towards the great need of this world.

My dears, as I have told you on this day, I want to invite you to carry out small sacrifices, small works of charity, which little by little will convert this world.

My beloveds, today I open My arms and show you My Immaculate Heart, so that before your eyes, you may have the Higher Dwelling, to which you must return in this time. Come without delay and without fear, because nothing evil will happen to you, a profound peace will enter you lives, an unbreakable devotion and faith, so that, finally, My children, you can be converted into the Christs of the New Time, similar to My Son, similar to God the Father.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I thank you for trusting in this Call. I want to tell you, dear children, that My Graces were deposited in your hearts and families.

Adore, all the time, the Grace of God. Contemplate His Majesty and Mercy; because what I can give you are the Codes of God, the principles of the Primordial Source, that are born in love and unity. This is available for all in the vast Universe of the Creator; it is enough, dear children, that you only ask Heaven, and Heaven will give you all of its legacy, all of Its Redemption and Mercy.

I dismiss your hearts in the name of Peace and invite, to this Altar, the new children that today I will consecrate and the group of Brasilia that prepared this meeting with Me; because they will also be consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, with the hope that all of them can be the living heart for Brazil, the heart that beats in love, peace and prayer.

I bless these flowers that will be for the present, the symbol of My Universal Mystical Rose, of the beauty that God gestated through My Immaculate Heart. I consecrate the sacred images so that they can be a living symbol of Light in these times of darkness.

I bless you and contemplate you. And, now, I will listen to your voices singing to God, for the final consecration.

For all this and for the days that will come, I thank you for responding to My Call.

Go in peace, live in My Peace, be bearers of My Peace.

Hallelujah to God!


Song: Hail Mary (in Latin).


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We place our hands facing up to receive the Grace of Our Lady.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My dear children, My last request will be for you: pray every day that will come for My pilgrimage to the United States. Through your offer and donation to my Immaculate Heart, a great door to conversion will open in this place.

I gather you in the name of Christ. I congregate you through the strength of His Spirit. I unite you to the Source of His infinite Mercy, now and always.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

"Mary of Nazareth" is a song that gladdens My heart and makes My Spirit ignite souls in a perpetual devotion. Let us joyfully sing for God on this evening.

Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

The world suffers, but the Queen of Heaven comes to liberate it. The healing of the universe comes to the Earth for all.

Dear children, it is time to open your hearts to peace, so that the evils may dissipate from your lives and you may be reborn in the Spirit of God.

Today, I am in this city to bless it once again, to bring the Merciful Presence of Jesus to your spirits.

Let your eyes open up to the signs of Heaven. It is time to live in My eternal Peace. The Powerful Star is indicating the new way to you.

The new flocks gather in the Lord and proceed on the way to redemption, toward the Sacred Temple of God, that will renew them and heal them, that will liberate them from all evils and they will be reborn again in the Love of God.

Today, dear children, I bring you the Mysteries of Heaven, the Higher Rays born from the Heart of God. The Eternal Father ardently desires to live in your lives.  My Immaculate Heart has offered to fulfill this promise.

I come from Heaven to bring you My Peace, the favorite essence of My Immaculate Heart.

Dear children, I perpetually pray for your hearts. In your lives I need to build warriors of prayer, who can accomplish the call of Heaven which My Heart brings you in this cycle, to generate the freedom of humanity and forgiveness of the sins that offend God and distance souls from God.

I need you strong in the Rosary, that the beads be a weapon of protection and a constant emanation of love and wisdom; for in this way, dear children, the wise Spirit of Christ will be in you in the end of these times, so that you can recognize Him and live in Him permanently.

Adore His Most Sacred Heart that, day after day, is offended by the actions of souls.

Today, My Kingdom is not only in you, dear children, but it is also is in purgatory and in hell, to liberate hearts that have fallen into error.

Beloved children, raise the flags of peace, raise the banners of love and that your hearts may be perfect stars of faith, so that the darkness may be dissipated from the world and many years of peace may reign among you, waiting for the prompt arrival of My Son Jesus.

Dear children, I need you to be determined, ready to serve in this very definitive era. I only want from your hearts, a flame of prayer; a perfect communion with My Son Jesus every day, that repairs His Flagellated Heart, and that you may be born in Christ to face the difficult moments.

I know that many demons are scattered throughout the world, and the temptations are stronger than the power of prayer. But today, I give you a celestial key, invincible and powerful, that defeats any evil: a unity among the groups of prayer, souls who gather together to pray in the Lord. In this way, you will create celestial spheres in your homes, pillars and banners of light that will expel any evil or sickness.

Dear children, I was on Earth among you. I learned to pray just as you did. But it is necessary, dear children, that you place love and strength in the prayer. It will protect you and shelter you, will make you free of yourselves, and you will find the conversion you seek so much, the liberation from constant failures in your lives, because the Love of Christ will enter your hearts.

Today, dear children, My wish is that on this victorious night of light and redemption, you can be reborn in My arms like new children, because My Immaculate and Celestial Heart once again brings you the blessing and the absolution from your sins so that you may walk firmly behind Me.

Dear children, I Am the Bridge to Christ. I Am the Mediator between your souls and the Great Shepherd. I want to carry you into a profound Adoration, into a true Eucharist, into a constant Confession of your hearts, into a new spiritual Baptism that My Merciful Rays bring to all on this night.

For this reason, dear children, overcome yourselves, surrender yourselves to My Immaculate Heart. I do not come to harm you, but rather to open your eyes to Heaven, that infinite gaze that many have lost for the matters of life.

Heal your hearts through prayer.

Let the Sacraments be pillars of Peace and of Light in these times, in your spirits, in your families and in all the human community.

Resurrect the Teachings of Christ. Be living parables of life. Act through love and unity, that you may now be the true manifested Gospel, because the Words of My Son, the instructions He gave you so long ago, in the same way that He gives them to you in these times, are to be lived, are to be professed by all. Count on My maternal and immaculate help.

My arms stretch out to your hearts, My hands warm your hearts, radiate love, grace and unity, forgiveness, healing and liberation; but it is important that you accept My call.

My time for being among you is ending. Remember My passages throughout the centuries. I need you to rescue the teachings I left to the world. Be the true Marian Message for these times. I need you to be living mirrors of prayer, that you frighten away the evils, that you radiate peace to hearts, and find perfect unity and communion with God.

I need you, now and forever. Listen to My call. Listen to My Voice.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My children, on this night, a ray of liberation crossed the universes, because the Lord granted His Servant the opportunity of opening the abysses of the world to rescue the greatest possible number of souls, to illumine the eyes of those who have lived in darkness for a long time.

My children, today I ask you: who among you will overcome fear and overcome themselves to feel the pain of a neighbour in their own heart and help those who eternally suffer?

This world hides realities that your hearts do not know; and I pray, day and night, so that it not be necessary that you know them. Thus, today I ask that you see the hands that are raised and ask for help to the world. I ask that you fervently pray, that you pray with faith in your heart, to hear the request of those who cry out and whose voice resounds in the world as if resounding in a desert.

My children, today I ask you for a moment of awakening, because the Heart of God is scourged more each day by human actions and by the forgetfulness of hearts. Thus, to those few who came to meet Me, I ask that you are able to awaken for many who live on this Earth.

Today, I ask you, My children, to encourage your hearts to serve for all those who do not serve, to pray for all those who do not pray, to cry out for Mercy for all the Kingdoms of Nature, which each day are more outraged.

My children, I do not want to wound your hearts with My Words, but I need to count on each of your souls. And so that you may truly awaken, I need to show your hearts truths that many refuse to see.

The world chose to learn through pain, although the Son of God came to Earth to offer a learning through love. For this reason, today I tell you not to ignore the Word of Christ once again, to accept to live His teachings at this time, because it is still possible for many souls to learn through love and to not need to know the pain that the world offers them.

My children, today I tell you that it is possible to experience a lesson of joy and of fraternity of one another; but you need to want to, you need to aspire to live that life. You will need to overcome the world and overcome yourselves through prayer and persistence, and in this way, you will receive the merits for a greater time of peace in the world.

I need to form warriors of Mercy, apostles of a new time who do not fear pain, who do not fear death, because they recognize the Power of My Paradise and know that, far beyond the pains of the world, a Kingdom of infinite Peace awaits them.

Today, I invite you to find your strength in sacrifice, in surrender for the awakening of others. I ask you, once again, that you not fear, that you dispel the fear of your hearts and that you give way to the faith that exists in My Kingdom and that each day I radiate into your lives.

Today, I ask you, My beloveds, that you strengthen yourselves through prayer, because the times of definition have already come to the world and it is necessary that you cry out for Mercy, during the time of Justice, so that others may have the opportunity to emerge from the darkness in which they live.

My children, today I ask that you listen to the Voice of My Heart, because today I cry out to humanity as a mother who cries out for her children, because My eyes not only contemplate your hearts, they contemplate the whole world and, beyond this world, they contemplate the souls who are lost and are no longer among you, but continue to suffer and to cry out for help day and night.

Today I ask you, My children, that you never forget the power of prayer, because the world needs more prayer in these times. What you give God is not enough, because humanity is blind to Divine Life, and I need those eyes that are able to see and feel the Divinity, that can be in My Presence, to be the bridge for those who are lost.

My children, may My cry reach your lives, touch your souls and your hearts, so that, once and for all, the world awaken from the illusion in which it lives.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

While the Portals of Heaven open up to the Earth, My Grace is poured out upon the hearts that open and upon these sacred objects that are a divine impulse for hearts of faith.

Thus, I ask, dear children, that you open your hands so I may bless you and your families.


Holy Spirit of God,
flood the simple hearts,
heal the wounded hearts,
close all wounds.

Holy Spirit of God,
ignite the hearts that are in darkness,
resurrect the lives that have fallen,
 bless all spirits that are upon the Earth.


Under My maternal intercession and by the powerful Presence of Christ, your Lord, may the intercession of Emmanuel, the Father-Mother Universal Creator, the Supreme Existence in all things and universes, the Grace of God bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

And thus, dear children, My Star of universal brotherhood is projected in all hearts that open to feel My Words and My Eternal Love.

I will listen to your voices and songs.

Let us glorify the Lord: Grace has descended upon you. Rejoice and live in peace.

I love you always and I lead you through My Immaculate Heart.

I will preciously remain here, for a few seconds more, to radiate the Light of My Heart to all those who listen to My Voice, in this hour.

I will lovingly receive your pleas and your requests. The time has come, dear children, for you to place your needs in My Heart. The Queen of Peace will respond to your pleas.


Song: "To Look at You".


In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Responding to a request of our Most Holy Mother, we are going to distribute these flowers, these roses that were blessed for those present, were touched by the pure hands of our Mother Mary and directly received the irradiation of Her Immaculate Heart, as a spiritual and divine energy which was radiated upon these flowers.

In this way, in the first instance, all the brothers and sisters who have a rose, we are going to distribute them, according to the request of our Mother, to those who most need them, to whom we feel in our hearts. And at the end, we will distribute the roses that our Mother also blessed.

The brothers and sisters who are in the room below can also come forward to receive the roses.


Song: "Luminous Bird."


Before distributing the roses, we want to share with our brothers and sisters a short account of the Apparition of our Mother.

Before Our Mother's arrival, some angels approached directly from the Celestial Universe, coming to this city, and began to deeply work with our essences, with our inner self and with our souls.

At a certain point, before the Apparition, the portals of the Celestial Universes gradually opened and various triangles of light of a blue color were projected out here. We understood that this symbol represented some portals that were opening.

Our Lady, through a sphere of light, crossed through these triangles of light and presented Herself.

She came as the Queen of Peace. She manifested Herself very strongly for us, with a very crystalline and pure gaze, constantly smiling at us, wearing a white veil, a rose tunic, a golden belt, a blue mantle that covered Her.

At some moments, Our Lady manifested Herself as Our Lady of Sorrows. In light of this Presence, we understood that She was calling us to live the Passion during the Holy Week; that we prepare consciously for that moment, because through the Passion of Our Lord, Our Mother said, when celebrated during the Holy Week, the universe is widely available so that we may receive Codes, Christic Codes that were recorded through the Passion of Christ and that are Light for us, for our beings.

During the Apparition, Our Lady approached increasingly closer.

Today, we were faced with a quite powerful and intense Message, and with each word transmitted by our Mother Mary, She lit up with Light more and more, and symbolically further embraced each person.

She blessed the roses. She asked that we distribute them to whom we felt like, and the rest of the roses here will be distributed also, according to the request of our Mother.

She wants each one to take a petal of the roses, because She wants us to understand, through this symbol, not only the state of Grace She poured out today, but also that we be able to imitate the humility of Mary, receiving a simple petal which each one of us will keep with much love or give to someone who really needs it.

So let us proceed to do what Our Lady requested of us, and after distributing the petals, we will close this work, giving thanks with great joy. Some brothers and sisters of the Monastery will do this task.

Weekly Message of the Blessed Virgin Mary, transmitted in the city of Montevideo, Uruguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía

Dear children,

Let your hearts rejoice, for the time of the Apostleship of Christ begins. The Lord waits with Love to know which of His children will raise their arms and announce their name for this Holy Apostleship.

To be an apostle of Christ, My children, is to fully trust in His Heart, to strive with all of your being to live His teachings, and through example more than through word, disseminate His Message.

Heaven has waited a long time for this moment, in which the Good News of the Lord will be announced on Earth again; in which hearts will again be able to burn in love for Christ, and devotion be the strength of those who walk.

Beloved children, to the Glory of God, the time has come to definitely live your faith, to consecrate your hearts to the Plan of the Lord and live to fully accomplish His Will.

My children, today in your hearts I sow the virtue of faith and of ardent devotion, so that in this way, you may be ready to take the first step toward the Most Holy Heart of Christ.

I wish to find in My children the living example of fidelity to God, so that once again, the world may have before its eyes and its heart an impulse of those who surrendered in holiness to the Words of the Lord and fulfill, in love, His Commandments.

I invite you today to be brave soldiers of Mercy, so that God may establish His Mercy within your hearts, and these be sources of Divine Mercy for the world.

I invite you today to follow the example of those who were crazy in the eyes of the world and truly lived the Gospel with absolute fidelity to Christ.

I invite you to surrender your fear, which many times permeates your hearts, in order to experience something new, a celestial freedom that will transform your hearts into a bridge to the Universe of God, where My Kingdom is a reality.

I wait for you to joyfully respond to this call. I will take you by your hands and together with Me, you will discover a new world that awaits in your hearts.

Allow Me, little children, to light the flame of devotion in your hearts, a devotion that you still do not know and that, many times, will cause you to surrender your life out of love for God.

Do not fear the intensity of My Words nor the greatness of My call. It is time for great spiritual works out of love for the Lord, and I will be guiding your hearts always. Simply open up to discover My call and to live it with your heart.

I love you always and I am by your side.

Mary, your Mother and Queen of Peace

Message for the apparition of the Most Holy Mother of God, the Virgin Mary, transmitted in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Sister Lucía

By the Power of the Holy Spirit, praised be Jesus Christ.

My children,

In eternal Glory, the Lord has sent me to bless this city and its nation. My feet rest today on Earth to confirm My Kingdom in the heart of My children and to show how infinite the Mercy of the Lord is, who sends His Servant to announce the glorious Return of His Son and to prepare the flock of this Great Shepherd of souls.

Dear children, I thank you eternally for the effort done by each one of your hearts to receive Me on this day. I thank you for the love and joy with which you prepared My arrival and I tell you, from the depths of My Immaculate Heart, that today Heaven observes Earth with special attention.

The angels of My Kingdom held back to accompany My maternal task. The saints and the blessed who live in the Kingdom of Heavens pray with fervor for the conversion of the souls who meet Me for the first time.

I welcome under My Mantle all who approach My Heart and allow Me to touch their essences with Love.

Do not fear, My children, to stand before the Blessed and Most Holy Mother of God. I am the same of Nazareth, who returns in spirit, from time to time, to renew the human hearts. This is the cycle of My last call.

I come to awaken those who have not yet heard My Voice that calls them. I open My arms for all to be able to find refuge in My Heart. I am the Mother of all the creatures of this Earth and I am here, at this time, before those who see Me and feel Me in their hearts, so that all My children of the world may have the opportunity to know My call to conversion and to prayer.

I ask nothing more of you, but that you pray with love, sincerely confess your faults to God, commune daily with My Son Jesus Christ and open your hearts so that I may be able to reign in your lives.

What I ask of you is so simple and great is the repercussion that happens in Heaven and on Earth when you respond to this call!

Each one of My requests, My children, has the sole purpose of saving souls who suffer in the darkness and preparing those who will walk beside the living Christ, who will return in Body, Soul and Divinity to definitely redeem the world.

My Voice echoes in the hearts that recognize Me for they were summoned by God to be part of My Marian army of prayer and to work tirelessly with Me for the salvation of souls.

For those who accepted to follow this simple, but great call, I am awaiting them in prayer.  For, in the same way that I present Myself today to those who call Me with their hearts, I aspire to reach their homes, cities and nations whenever sincerely cry out to Me, so that My Peace may expand throughout the world.

As Mother and Queen of Peace, I come to spread My request of Peace, for the world, My children, needs to find peace in the hearts of the human beings.

I leave in your hearts this request and this call, so that you may follow the Blessed Virgin Mary in the rescue of the most lost souls.

There is still much to be done, and My children wait for your prayers.

By the eternal Grace that God sheds upon the world, I always bless you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, your Mother and Queen of Peace

Message for the apparition of the blessed Virgin Mary, transmitted in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía

My children,

Praise be always Our Lord Jesus Christ.

My beloveds, I thank you for responding with promptness to My call. The trust of My children allows My Heart to reach the most distant souls. Each time that your small beings take one more step in the commitment you have to Me, you allow the Lord to open the path for My Heart to be  among you for a longer time.

Therefore, My children, I ask you day and night to trust My Words, My guidance, that you follow without fear the path indicated by My Heart, because you will soon understand where I am taking you with My steps of Pilgrim.

The trust in My Heart will lead you to a total transformation of the heart, mind and spirit. I lead you to the redemption of life and teach you to be intercessors before God, as I am for the souls.

I am forming in your hearts a fortress of faith, for when My feet can no longer rest upon the Earth and My Word will not be so near to your beings.

Through faith you will always find Me in your hearts, and this same faith will lead you to pray for your brothers and sisters, so that, up to the last moment of your lives you will be fighting for the salvation of the most lost souls.

For My Heart to be able to bring to the Heavens even the last of the souls that are in this world, I will need many intercessors with a flame of devotion ignited in the heart. This is built now, when My feet are still on the Earth, when My Word, through My visionaries can directly reach your hearts and your beings.

Build in this time, in which you live so near to Me, the full trust in My Mother's Heart. Trust My Presence and My Words and do not fear to respond to My call, wherever it takes you.

The Lord observes you and, through the answer of your consciousnesses, I may intervene, more or less, for the world and for the souls. Your love, your prayers and your actions dictate My steps. If you understood the importance of these words you would change the course of your lives and you would have the focus of your hearts on My Immaculate Heart.

I leave this simple reflection so your beings may meditate on the actions of your own lives, on the love you are capable of living and on the word you emit. Observe, from the heart, always from the heart, if you are capable of taking the steps in the transformation of your being, for the salvation of souls, of the Kingdoms and of the world.

My Heart accompanies you with Love and will always be beside your beings.

Thanks for listening to My call to the trust of the heart.

Mary, your Mother and Queen of Peace


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of our Mother, we're going to pray the "Hail Mary" in different languages, repeating the prayer twice in each language.

Today, Our Lady brings the Presence of the Most Holy Trinity.

At this moment, She asks that we connect with that Principle of the Father, and that we think about the Most Holy Trinity.

Prayer: "Hail Mary" (in Spanish, Portuguese, English, Italian, French, German and Latin).


Dear children,

With My Arms, I hope to gather you day after day. I stretch out My Arms of Mercy and My Heart of Love to you in this time.

Today, I have need of you to go on pilgrimage, to walk from the Heart. Many souls need your prayer and your giving of selves.

I invite you to serve because we are already in the end of time.

I want you to be able to build the new paths of humanity, and if somebody begins this task, everything will be able to change. Thus, prayer is important in this time, because it will fortify you to carry out this commitment.

My call reaches out to each corner of this world; thus, your hearts must be attentive to respond to it.

On this day, My Son Jesus observes you with Love and Mercy, but many souls are still lost on the path they choose. Who will be able to help Me with them? Thus, I invite you to sincerely pray.

I need you to listen to My Words and that you hold them in your hearts, for in this way, you will prepare your dwelling place for what will come.

It is necessary that you conform to the requests of God. For this reason, My Immaculate Heart comes month after month to announce the new and the good to you, but also to announce what humanity does not want to hear.

Humanity cannot change into what it already was in the past; it must be a humanity renewed through prayer and Mercy.

Thus, today My Heart counts on so few servers. I call servers those who are available to live the prayer of the heart.

Moment by moment and day by day, your life must be a true prayer, before all the things in your life. It must be what is most important in this end time, which can fill you and guide you in this moment, for in this way, your hearts will be united with My Heart and will share in the universal task with Me.

Before My Son Jesus comes, today I come to meet with you. And I repeat this each time I am with you. Thus, your hearts must be in a state of permanent vigil so that, in the end of these times, you hear the Designs of God, you hear the Commandments of the Father and, above all, you hear the requests He has for you.

Through the daily Messages, I leave you the keys of the Lord, so your hearts may be on pilgrimage on the correct paths and you are within My Motherly Light; for when you are definitely in My Arms, you will be close to My Son Jesus and His Rays will be able to touch your hearts.

With the rosary in your hands, sustain daily prayer, for in this way, you will be able to be guided in each moment of your life and your hearts will hear the Steps of the Lord, Jesus, Who comes once again to meet with this humanity. You must believe in this, for it is already written and will be accomplished.

But the coming of My Son will not occur the way many believe. Today, He is asking something important of you to prepare for His Return: to be in vigil as the apostles were; but in this time, your hearts must be more attentive so as to be able to perceive where you are and where you are to go.

Thus, dear children, service balances all hearts.

The source of Mercy can be launched towards the Earth and all hearts be invaded by the Light of Jesus, and thus My Motherly Heart can be very close to you. Each moment you think of prayer, My Motherly Ray will be among you.

For this reason, I persist with this humanity, because as a Mother, I understand and know your needs. I know what each heart needs in this time.

So that your aspirations may be fulfilled, I invite you to pray from the heart, because it is necessary that the Holy Spirit be among you so your hearts are able to feel the Light of God, and in this way, dear children, all of you are strengthened in My Heart.

In this time, I have need of hearts that build the new, imitating the Steps that Christ left you. But in this time, dear children, hearts do not observe these teachings, because with their heart they perceive what all call the modernities.

In this way, hearts distance themselves from God, because they are surrounded by new things which they believe will wake up many things in the spirit, but that generate a significant distancing in consciousnesses; barriers are created between souls and God.

Prayer unties all these knots. For this reason, unite with Me in prayer, because I will help you untie those great knots that are in humanity so all hearts may find the Lord once again.

Today, I want to leave a request with you, to all those present here, before My Merciful and Loving Countenance; that you prepare My last coming to this place, to this city, so that in your hearts may blossom all the promises I have left with you throughout the months, and that you may work together with My Motherly Heart for the redemption of humanity, a request My Son makes to Me daily.

I will accompany you, in this time, to concretize My Plan of Peace on this world, and especially in all of Argentina.

You are called, dear children, to accomplish a part of the Plan of God. Your hearts have committed to Me from the beginning, when you said 'yes' to the power of prayer. In this way, you began to dialogue with My Motherly Heart and live in devotion to My Heart, thus being able to contemplate the beauties that God has created for all of this humanity; I am referring, dear children, to all this beauty of nature. For this reason, I leave you this task for the next month.

This is the time for beginning to fraternize your hearts, and thus, concretize My requests.

We will begin here, in this city, gathering together hearts through the strength of the groups of prayer, and in this way, on December 8, your hearts will contemplate Me here for the last time.

When I refer to here, dear children, I am referring to from Buenos Aires to Lujan. This is the extent of My Mantle for Argentina. 

You can be the light of prayer in this time, and your hearts can be My roses so I can pour them out over each province of this nation.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Let us sing "Hail, Hail Mary".

The Mother is inviting all the brothers and sisters of the groups of Salta to bring the images that came with them, as She is going to bless them because of the response you gave to Her Heart.

Song: "Hail, Hail Mary".


I Am the Mother of the Divine Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.

I Am the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, the same as yesterday and today.

Today, dear children, you are recognizing the power God has given Me through My Countenance.

May the Light of the Father, may the Light of the Son and may the Light of the Holy Spirit bless these images that represent My Immaculate Heart on Earth and the Divine Power of God, in different ways for everybody.

Dear children, may the Light of My Son bless you on this night which is coming to an end and which invites you to be in vigil in prayer.

I thank you for responding to My call, especially all My children of Lujan.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Song: "Your Purity".


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Now, as we do in all Apparitions, Friar Elías will make some comments on what he was able to see during the process of prayer and during the Apparition, and some requests our Mother makes while She speaks with him during this time.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the moment before the Apparition, we were greatly aided by guardian angels that worked intensely outside of this area, in this field; and that the work, which they did through prayer, was gradually radiated to all of Buenos Aires.

Particularly, the work they did was to free souls that were chained. Those souls were freed and uplifted through the channel of prayer that was built.

The angels had the task of drawing those brothers and sisters at that level toward the inside of the channel so they could be freed, and that task was expanded during the singing of the Hail Mary.

The task they were carrying out was by regions, by different zones of Buenos Aires. What permitted them to carry out that task was the exercising of the prayer, until at a moment before the Apparition, they asked to be helped in that task through the singing of the "Hail Mary".

Before each Apparition, they appear like flashes of light in the sky. This refers to the Lady arriving, that Her Consciousness is beginning to expand within this coordinate of the world, in this place. A special condition opens up, in this case, here, and in this way, the different states of the universe, of the Heavens, begin to descend, by way of which She comes here.

But today, the Apparition was special; we were looking toward the picture, but Our Lady appeared on the outside, in the top part of this place. Could it be the Lady won't enter this house?, we asked. Will we speak through the glass?

She said to us: "There are no limits in Heaven, but this is what the Lord has allowed Me to do on this day."

At that moment of the Apparition, nothing in this physical place seemed to be present here; only all the celestial energy She was radiating during the Apparition. Then a profound dialogue began, some indications She was passing on to us, which She was talking about in the first part of the Apparition.

Today, She was dressed in a white robe, and tightly gripped the rosary in Her Hands, which She offered to this city of Buenos Aires. She also had a pink veil and a gaze, a very transparent and natural semblance.

She then began giving us some indications until She began to address Her Words to everybody.

One of the tasks She asked of us today refers to the service which will be done in Lujan. One request is for the two Marian Centers, the Brazilian one and the Uruguayan one: that two representatives of the Grace Mercy Order from each of the Marian Centers meet with the groups of Argentina, and that after seven days, they carry out the service in Lujan, not only through prayer, but through service tasks.

Afterwards, She asks for the images to bless them, and we asked Her what the reason was for blessing these images. She said that the group of prayer that had those images had been very faithful to Her through all this time and that She wanted to make a motherly gesture to them.

At the end of the Apparition, She made a second request that we will share at the end of this work. That request was explicitly for the groups that work with the Light-Communities.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Now we'll sing to say goodbye and the groups that work with the Light-Communities can stay so we can share the task that Our Lady asked of us. The brothers and sisters that carry these images can also stay a little while to speak with you.

Our sister Suely, please also stay after the song.

Let's sing "Divine Mother."

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
