Friday, March 6 of 2015

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus during the 20th Marathon of Divine Mercy, in the Marian Center of the Child King, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

In the name of the ungrateful, sing to the Celestial Father, in this way you will gladden My Heart: Adonai Holy Spirit.

While I am here with you today, once again, the world is going through a great transition.

The actions done by humanity are ever more serious. Who will offer themselves to transmute these states as many beings have done in the past, in the total silence of heart and voice?

The time that was written about has already begun. But many do not manage to see these things.

Through the Grace granted Me by God, I come on this afternoon of Mercy to open your inner eyes. Because at each new day, I hope that you may be renewed by My Light and that you will not be the same people nor the same consciousnesses, but rather that you will be transfigured by My Redeeming Love through the Sacred Sacraments that I give you.

Time will continue to go by and things will become more complicated each day, for many must suffer for what they have done. Many do not know My unfathomable Mercy.

This is why I call you, My beloveds, so that you may be witnesses of My Merciful Heart; at least some souls in this world, mainly those that approach their paths, will find the encouragement they so seek and the inner strength they lost, just through knowing My Mercy.

I will mark the sign of My return for you. It will be very obvious for open hearts, mainly for those that pray to My Mercy.

Today My Voice is uttered to all and I hope it will yield fruits in your beings, for I deeply wish, My dear ones, that the apostles of the new time may be born.

This is something real, it is no longer only spiritual. I need living testimonies and workers of My Mercy, who profess peace and the good, in spite of the evil that circles the world.

I will never leave My flocks alone, for in the silence of the heart I follow your steps, until the accomplishment of the final mission, for those that take the risk of transforming and fully living My Divine Will.

In the same way that today I will consecrate these Sacraments, I will also consecrate your spirits, impregnating your beings with a Greater Light so that, for once and for all, you may be agreeable and lovingly fulfill what I ask of you.

Because if I am still here today, among you, it is for something greater, for a Greater Will. I hope you can perceive someday what this means for these times.

Many die without seeing the Light of the Creator. And I insist on these things because they continue to take place as if nothing were happening. But the time of freedom and of Divine Justice is now coming to the world and there is no going back.

Just like children cry, our hearts cry. Thus, you can  understand, My companions, the lack of consolation in My Heart.

You are My repairing strength, the main reason for My coming to the world, as so many other servers that only seek My Spirit amidst the tribulations of humanity.

Let us now consecrate ourselves with heart and consciousness.

Let us repeat:

Glorious and Eternal Father,
with all my heart and consciousness, I offer You
the perfect and privileged union
that I have established with Your beloved Son.
And by the Celestial Powers
that emerge from His Merciful Heart,
have pity, My father, on this humanity,
on all of this planet, for the centuries to come.
So be it. 

Today I again give you My Blood.

Today I lovingly give you My Body full of the outrages and thorns from the unfaithful and impure hearts.

Make reparation for the offenses of your peers and proclaim the moment of your redemption to God.

Drink of My Blood and eat of My Body, thinking all the time of the sublime energy of restoration. That is what the world needs for these times, the restoration of God; thus, Mercy will be born.

I thank you for having shared My Graces with this needy region, which must awaken to the Principle of Redemption.

Close your eyes and take me within, in perfect communion with My Spirit, where evil does not lie, but, rather, the absolute Love of the Creator.

Multiply your prayers and make God happy, for all that that He has given you, and for your ungrateful brothers and sisters. You will thus glorify My Heart and will be in eternal communion with Me.

Never forget that I have passed this way, for this is My last time.

Peace to all. Mercy for those most in need. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.