Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I am the Mother of the World, I am the Mother of the Mountains.

And today you are here, in this place, as a part of this humanity, representing the entire race, all souls and consciousnesses that are at some point of this climbing of the mountain; a moment when the climbing becomes harder and more difficult for all, because this is a moment of inflection, when a change, not only in the consciousness, but also in what is material, has to take place.

But while the world, that is, the human race, does not silence and go inwards, the Plan of Rescue will not be fulfilled.

At the end of this year, I not only come with all the Grace of God to again bless you  and be with you, but I also come with a warning Message, but also with a Message of awakening. This is the time to cross the great portal of salvation and rescue that the Hierarchy is presenting to you.

We know that not all listen to Our Words, that not all practice Our Messages, that very few are the example of a Christic and fraternal life upon the surface of the Earth. But today, I do not come to point out your mistakes, your faults or your traumas. Today, I come to ask you to keep climbing up this mountain, because at the top lies your liberation.

There you will find My Son, the Resurrected, the Resplendent, the True Christ that up until now no one has known. At the top of the mountain you will recognize His true Face, and you will deeply know where He comes from and what was the reason for Him to be created.

He used an image for everyone to be able to understand, but, in His Heart, and, above all, in His Spirit, in His Divinity, God was there. It was so that the world might understand His Message of salvation and the announcement that the Kingdom of God lives and dwells within each being.

Now, all religions must also be rescued and elevated again, because, in these times of tribulation, the consciousnesses lose the sense of their spirituality.

I call you to be attentive, I call you to be vigilant, I call you to be collaborators of peace and of good within this humanity. Even if the acts carried out are small and insignificant, I invite you and call upon you to keep doing them.

All the good that can be generated in this human race will relieve the chaos of these times and will allow the Armageddon, the great door of the Apocalypse, to be more transitory for all, and not more painful, as it has been up until today.

In this way, those who take advantage of the marginalized, those who take advantage of the poorest, extracting the goods that God sends to them so that they may survive and remake their lives, cause them to live in global injustice. Therefore, the Hierarchy gathers, at this moment, to also work upon those very material situations, although it does not seem to be so.

But the state of consciousness, of the awakening and discernment of each being, will give them the wisdom they need to continue forward.

I come here, once again, as a Messenger of God, because, together with you, I am climbing this sorrowful mountain, which is the corrupt consciousness of humanity, it is this planetary calvary that all are going through, some with greater impact, and others with greater relief, but if you join My Marian Spirit, My Spirit of Love and Fraternity, many more souls will be touched so that they can awaken and realize that, up to today, they have been asleep.

I also come as the Servant of My Son, the Christ. I come in His Name and at His request, to tell you this Message: do not let yourselves be pushed, at this moment, by the adversities of the world, by all that which the governments do, by the conditioning that souls live in this cycle, although they are submerged and pressed by a global system, but rather, keep moving forward.

May your faith lead you to transcend all these situations.

May your love for the Plan of God lead you to overcome all these situations.

And may you be capable of, at this moment, loving as My Son loved you, up until the Cross, until each moment of His martyrdom, of His flagellation, of His sorrow and of His pain.

Who will offer themselves as a great server of the world, a great humble and peaceful server, to help My Son transmute and internally liberate this planetary situation?

This is why I ask you, My beloved children, not to remain in what is superficial, not to remain in what is material, to be free from yourselves, from the comments, from the judgments, from all that you see, observe and contemplate in this world. Do not be just another weight for the soul of this planet. Relieve the consciousness of nature and all the Lower Kingdoms; because, in this way, justice will be lighter for all.

In this way, the planetary birth is drawing near, the consciousness of the planet shakes and trembles, because it is the time of the awakening, but it is also the time for the purification of this world, of all its evils, adversities and errors that were committed by this race and by all previous civilizations.

For this reason, the Great Celestial Brotherhood is here, in the invisible and silent planes, where peace, sovereignty and truth reign, to guide as many consciousnesses as possible, especially the most asleep and most ignorant.

For this reason, opening up My arms and extending My Hands towards you, I beg you, beloved children, to follow the path of the inner truth. Do not let yourselves be confused and influenced by the spiritualities of these times, you already know and have heard that there is only one Truth, which is My Son. He is the Way, He is the Truth, He is the Life, for each one of you.

What do you most need at this moment?

Keep rowing at this planetary moment, because the boat of My Son must reach a good haven. This boat is formed by all the serving consciousnesses of the world, regardless of their religions or even of their belief.

I need you at another level of consciousness. I need you at the top of the mountain, to be able to glimpse and understand the reality of the world, because if you are at the foot of the mountain, you will be submerged by evil.

Open your eyes, and, above all, open your hearts, so you can feel what I am telling you, because this is a time of great transition, the end of a year that culminates with many defeats, in the consciousness of this world, in the consciousness of humanity, but Faith, Peace, Love, the Light and the Mercy of God have not ceased to descend upon this world.

If these attributes had ceased to descend to the world for the souls that truly pray and make a commitment with Me, day by day, what would have happened, My beloved children?

For a moment, think of all that I am telling you. May My Words not be carried by the wind, as they were many times before. May My Words remain in the heart of each one of you and in the hearts of your brothers and sisters, because in the Word of the Hierarchy, you will find the power for overcoming, the power for the transformation, for the transcendence of these times.

We do not come to ask you for something impossible or unattainable, we come to ask you for what is real and for what is possible, which is a thorough change in your lives.

You have received many gifts, you have received many spiritual treasures, you have received many Graces, and, I could even say, many amnesties and atonements. This is the time for the apostles of My Son, the companions of My Son, to be defined and to live and fulfill what they have come to do in this world.

These are no longer times of theories, these are times for the Teaching to be in the practice, in each detail, in each step taken, day by day.

Thus, you will acquire a mature consciousness, in a quick and surprising way, because My Son needs it to be so. My son needs the virtues and the talents that He left to us so that He can return.

In this way, you will allow, My beloved children, the Work of God to be strengthened in this world, and even in what is insignificant, in order for this humanity to be transformed.

I come with a goal, I come with a purpose, that, more each day, you may grow internally, that in the availability and self-giving of your lives, there may be healing for this world, because, as has happened to many servers throughout the times, someone will always have to give their life for others, give their life for the Plan of God.

At the end of this year, this is what each one is called to think about and meditate upon, to reflect and feel My Words within their heart, Words that only have the mission of elevating you, transcending you, making you ever-more aware and awakened before the reality of this cruel and difficult world.

I know that many times you have thought that your lives and your paths would be different. I am not saying that in your lives happiness or the joy of serving is lacking, even the sharing as a family or as brothers and sisters, I am talking about the inner attitude, the attitude that each one of My children must have at these times. While this is not happening, while this is not fulfilled, while this is not carried out, the Graces will remain kept in Heaven.

You must keep opening the doors of the universe because there are consciousnesses that have decided that they do not want to change, and this is something that only My Son will be able to solve when He returns.

I impel you to enter this coming year of 2022 under the spirit of Divine Wisdom, which leads, guides and concretizes the Aspirations of the Father in the three planes: spiritual, mental and material. May this important network of souls, this important network of light, of love and service, formed by you, expand and nourish as many hearts as possible, which wait for an opportunity.

I leave you My Light and My Peace at this moment, thus blessing in this way the whole world on this day, on the last day of 2021, so that not only the spiritual principles may be respected by humanity, and also valued and recognized, but also so that the material principals, human dignity, the common good, fraternity and love for your neighbors, the help for the needy, may be the keynote that may motivate the consciousnesses so that the great debt of this world may be placated by the service, love and peace of those who truly give of themselves, and may this also help the religions to give more, and even the non-believers to give, so that they may realize they are children of the Source.

I thank you for having the bravery of listening to My Words, and of making your attention hang on each one of My Words, in each part of My Message.

I am the Mother of the World, the Mother of the New Humanity, the Queen of Aurora.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Apparition of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In Love and Mercy, I meet you here today, just as I have met with the rest of My children in Medjugorje, a time in which your Heavenly Mother, with Her children, celebrate not only the anniversary of the apparitions, which I have been carrying out for over thirty-six years, not only in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also in the rest of the world.

This evening I celebrate the devotion and affection of My children, the love that the children of God have for the Queen of Peace.

Today I come from Medjugorje and I unite the two hemispheres of the planet under the Principles of Love and Wisdom.

Just like I took a message of peace to the world in Medjugorje, in this place I was able to bring a message of consciousness to the world, something that the majority of My children, and especially the Church of Christ, will delay in recognizing.

But that is not My main concern, My children. My concern, My children, is your salvation and redemption, that you live the Christianity that My Son taught you through His Love and His infinite Mercy.

In all My apparitions throughout the world, over the course of time, I have brought the same message to humanity, at different times, moments and circumstances, that humanity needed regarding the Call of God, the Word of God, a warning to be able to change and transform.

The time and the moment are approaching, My children, in which the Queen of Peace will withdraw, as the Rose of Peace will also withdraw.

My Presence must be in your memories and in your hearts, everything that I have taught you throughout the years. In a way similar to Saint Paul and Saint Peter, you must experience this time. Nothing and nobody will be able to take away that which I have given you here, because what I have left and will leave here is a profound spiritual and non-material treasure, which souls can avail themselves of in the end of these times, to learn to go through the most acute moment of humanity.

This evening, I thank you, for the trust of those who believe in Me and, especially, the love that you express to the Kingdom of God for all that you have received. This is immense, this is what brings Me here tonight: the response of those who trust and of those who love, beyond their miseries and imperfections, because the true Church of My Son is within your hearts rather than in the foundations.

The true bases of the spirituality of My Son are the true testimonies of your conversions and redemption, of your daily prayer and service to humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature. This is the path towards the new humanity, it is not the path towards a new age.

The human mind could never understand the Mystery of God. How long will My children who do not understand this defy it?

I came to Medjugorje and to this place to bring the maternal Grace of My Heart and this is what should be perpetuated within your hearts and souls, this will be the greatest testimony of love for your lives, for God and for His entire Plan of Love within humanity.

I come to bring a call, as I have brought a call to each part of the world where I have appeared throughout the course of time.

And, on this evening, from each place where I have appeared and where I have established a sanctuary of love and prayer, I can gather together the love and devotion of My children. This is what I place today, at the Feet of the Creator, of those who persist in their transformation, of those who live in communion with My Son, of those who incessantly practice the word of prayer. These are the bases of your faith and of your reconciliation with the Eternal Father.

Now, My children, with this consciousness that I bring you today, through very simple but profound words, you will be able to feel and perceive how the Mother of God is here and in Medjugorje, congregating the consciousness of all the peoples and races, because My message is for all of humanity, and not just for one religion.

Here I bring you, My children, the opportunity to love, through reverence for the Word of God, which I have brought you throughout times, and mainly, throughout these last years.

Today My Immaculate Heart not only gathers together the pleas of the children of God, but also gathers the love of the children of God. It is this love, that you can have and experience for the Father and for My beloved Son, that will heal and regenerate the Earth, and that will put an end to what humanity is experiencing and going through today.

While religions and peoples do not deepen into their love and really experience it with their fellow beings, humanity will not be renewed. This is the important message that I bring to you today, because you must remember it and, above all, practice it, at this time.

Children, as Queen of Peace, I am here to help you, to lead you and to guide you toward My Son. I bring you the same message and the same revelation that My Son gave you more than two thousand years ago. In the name of My Son, I tell you once more: love one another as My Son loved you and as He continues to eternally love you.

I only ask this of you, because you will need it. It will be for your own good.

And now I dedicate My message to My children of Africa, to My dear and little children of the holy and humble Santa Isabel House, in Angola.

Just as I visited My cousin more than two thousand years ago, although I will stop coming to this place as from August 8, I will visit you, in a special and miraculous way, and will have the joy of definitely consecrating you as My children. That will be the great and last special pilgrimage.

Continue praying, loving, serving and pleading for the world. God, in spite of what He sees of humanity, is pleased by the voice of your pleas, because He, the All-Mighty and Merciful, can only live and dwell in simple and humble hearts. God does not dwell in institutions, God is present in the smallest ones, and He is far from those who call themselves powerful.

Today, My children, one of the passages of the Bible is once again fulfilled. God reveals His mysteries to the humble and small, and defeats the powerful and the arrogant.

The Love of God is within the smallest, like in My children of Africa. A Love that needs to be healed, redeemed and cured by the kind and merciful Hand of the Redeemer.

I will go to Africa when the time and moment allows for it, but there is not much time left. Live in My time and you will not feel the wait very much, rather, the time will go by fast, and just as today I am here with My children, I will meet with you in the Love, the Grace and the Mercy.

I would like to dedicate this moment to My beloved Africa, which has been waiting for over five hundred years, for relief from its slavery and persecution.

With all the glory and power that My Son has given Me, I will make a special pilgrimage to Angola so that together we may celebrate the day of the great union between Heaven and Earth, between God and Africa.

My last Words are already echoing in the hearts that know how to recognize them. These last Words that the Sacred Hearts announce to the world are the most saving and redemptive Words that souls need in order to prepare for the important moment of the Return of My Son.

Drink from the fount of the Words of the Sacred Hearts. Every day relive Our Messages. We have left you all that you need for the time that will come, the definitive time that the world is already experiencing, and that many do not want to recognize.

Enter into your heart and feel that which we have left for you. The Heavens are closing a cycle before it was expected, but My Love will not leave you; each time you pray with Me, I will be there. My Grace will be your fortitude when I am no longer here.

The month of July and the month of August are the last and great moments for humanity, of the intercession of the Sacred Hearts for all souls. Do not miss out on these last two months because the time of synthesis in your lives has come, a spiritual and inner synthesis.

It is necessary that you see and remember all that has happened in these last twelve years so that you may be able to understand what will happen afterwards, in the way God needs it.

Receive into your hands a flower of Light. The white flower of Light is the first sign I leave you, so that you may prepare for the end of time. Carry this flower of Light, which is the mirror of My Love, into your hearts and be blessed by My motherhood, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Before I leave, I want to carry within My Heart a song that is important to Me, which is part of that spiritual synthesis that you have to make, united to My Heart.

This song reveals a story, but also an inspiration, a true testimony, humble and simple, that I taught you in Aurora.

I will have the Grace tonight, among you and with you, to listen to "Revelations of Aurora."

I thank you.


I come to ask the world for peace.

I come to the world to remind humanity of the Plan of God.

I come to the world to rescue lost hearts, to provide guidance for souls that have forgotten about God.

I am the Lady of the Holy Rosary. Just like in Fatima, I come to ask you for prayer. The prayer that emerges from your hearts, in a simple and sincere way.

I come to ask you, My children, for the act of your repentance.

I come to ask, My children, that you be seekers of peace and truth.

Half of this world suffers the consequences of ungrateful human beings, of human beings who do not live the Law of the Lord.

Today, I show everyone My Divine Immaculate Heart, still surrounded by thorns because of the scourges of humanity that stays away from the path of Christ and goes toward the abysses of this sick humanity.

But My powerful Light, which is invincible and great, comes to consecrate you in this oratory so that we may elevate the offering to God of saying 'yes' to this Plan of evolution.

I need your hearts to be stars that light up this darkness, that you dispel the tribulation through family prayer.

Within your hearts, My children, there exists the potential to be able to love, to love beyond this world, to love the universe and the Creation of the Lord, a Creation that is very injured by everyone. The Heart of God is sad. Who will be glad to be able to console It?

In this way, throughout the times, I come to give you a Message of Peace. But My Words are pure maternal energy that enter your hearts, and they are received by the souls that seek a true union with God.

My children, I do not tire of telling you that there is no time to lose. The world is very sick and especially the spirits that draw away from the Path of the Creator.

Just as Moses received the Laws, I come to remind you of the Laws of God. Humanity does not know the power of the Laws of Creation. But the heart which is united with My maternal Heart can feel the Laws of the Creator and apply them within this life, that is so forgetful of God.

My children, who are fast asleep due to not finding the path of redemption, I come through My Light to open your eyes. Like in Fatima, in this century, in this time and on this special date, I come to remind you of your commitments. Since the origin, from the essential Source of God, I come to awaken your gifts, I come to awaken your talents, that are so necessary for My beloved Son, so that He may fulfill His Work of Redemption.

Dear children, feel the beat of My maternal Heart. Open your arms and give shelter to My Divine Spirit within your hearts. I come to bring you a message from Heaven, something that is not normal in your lives.

I need you, My children, to reconsider and repent, to live in the Law of God.

Among My Words can be found the Rays of Truth, which are lit up from the universe, so that, through prayer, Adoration and Communion, souls awaken to their true path.

For many of you, this is not the first time you have heard Me. I come here, to this city, to remind you of your commitment to prayer. Go to your parishes. Pray from the heart. Let your homes be oratories, oratories dedicated to the life of the Lord. Let the Word of Life of My Son be able to return to your hands. Let your hearts be able to read the Words of Our Lord because they are still active for those who know how to recognize them.

Unite with God, for many souls are separating from God. The world is in a spiritual war, and this is expanding at a material level. When will this stop? If your prayers are sincere, the Justice of God will be placated. Hearts should not suffer the martyrdom that you are causing in many regions of the world. 

I come to bring you My Spirit of Peace because I know that your lives are disturbed, you cannot find consolation or a way out. But, on this evening, My children, I offer Myself as the path of return, the path of the return of the Lord to His Sacred Dwelling, which is your true origin, to again find the path that many of you have lost.

I would like if many of you could see Me, but, what I need, My children, is that after so many miracles, throughout the times, that your hearts be able to feel Me. I can dwell in your lives always, and when you allow Me to.

But My task is ending and the world must cross through the threshold toward Heaven or toward hell. Where will you want to be, My children? You are no longer beginners, but rather My apostles of Love.

Vivify the Presence of Christ in your lives. Do works of charity, of truth, and your hearts will live in joy, in spite of the darkness of the times.

Thus, My children, through your little lives, My Work will be able to be expressed as a mirror within redeemed hearts, in peace-bringing hearts that seek union with God at all times.

Set aside the normality that always surrounds you, which does not let you see the Light of God's Kingdom.

Dear children, if you truly pray with Me, many things can be avoided.

I am the Messenger of Peace. I am the Prophet of Christ that announces the Return of Christ to hearts in these times of chaos.

Your hearts must be prepared. If you do not pray, My children, if you do not forgive one another, if you do not become reconciled, how will My Son be able to be among you again? How will your hearts awaken during the night, to see the glorious coming of the King among the clouds?

For this reason, My Immaculate Heart, which is your noble Heart, and the Holy Heart of Saint Joseph, work together for the redemption of souls.

The Heavens and the universes open their streams of Light through the Sacred Hearts, so that daily, My children, you are able to understand that there is something to be changed. There is no more time to lose, the clock will stop so that souls experience their lesson in this end time of transition.

What brings encouragement to My Immaculate Heart is to see that your clear souls seek the path of redemption and are never discouraged, for who is with Me, is with Christ, and is with God, in His great Plan of Redemption.

I feel encouraged to see the souls that truly become consecrated and that clothe their bodies with My Mantle of Light to represent the new legions of Christ on this planet that will support humanity, because the majority, although it may not seem so to you, My children, will do nothing.

Who will do something for this world? Who will respond to the Plan of God, step out of themselves to see others and find the need, which is very great in this humanity? The need for love, prayer and service.

But if you unite with My Heart, the army will be invincible and peace will not disappear from the Earth.

Your souls are pilgrims of the universe and come here to have an experience of redemption and love, to again find Christ on your paths and make your lives divine, according to the Will and the Purpose of God.

Do not cease to look for your true mission. There must be active apostles that can respond to the emergency of these times.

Leaving here, My children, your hearts must think, reflect upon each vibration I have given you, for it can transform your hearts; and that Light will expand within your families so that more hearts may be touched by My Light.

I do not come here by chance, My children. Thus, I remind you of Fatima, because you are at the same point as in the past, and that must be reversed through your determination to be shining hearts that will seek a life of prayer, to finally achieve your redemption.

In this way, you will please God and not waste time, because the world must experience a new stage, and your own brothers and sisters, members of this one civilization, are stopping this from happening. For this reason, the Spokespersons of Heaven come to you to remind you that there is a path to infinity and that this life does not end here.

Your spirits, My children, must awaken to spiritual life, must evolve, must take steps, just as the apostles took them, those beings who accompanied Christ in this Work of Redemption.

Now it is your turn, My children. Thus, this is My last call. My voice is uttered for the whole world.

I do not want you to feel My pain, which is the pain of the world, but many must feel it in order to understand the feeling of your Universal Mother.

I do not tire. I continue onward with the hope of finding you again awakened upon this path toward the Universe of God.

You have a universe within you. Seek it. Cry out for it. Call for it, it is there to help you. This is your inner world, the world of the soul, of purity, of the original principle.

Perhaps have you perceived it? I come to reveal this Grace to you, because it is necessary, My children, that more hearts awaken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken.

Let us pray.

Prayer: Our Father (in Portuguese).

And it is in this way that you must always ask God for your conversion, there is always something to heal, there is always something to redeem when the heart is sincere with God.

Stars of Light are scattered over the Earth. These are My dear children who are awakening, who wear the Mantle of My Light. They are My littlest ones, who I love and I hope they will faithfully represent Me on this planet because the time will come, My children, when your day will only be prayer, while the world is purified, to achieve the thousand years of peace.

Do not tire of being transformed, it is necessary. Your lives must be sanctified, must be corrected, must follow the Designs of God.

Thus, I am the Lady of the Holy Rosary. I pray for you and for the world so that something changes soon. I pray with you every day, from the Universe of the Heart of God.

In this way, through your sincere response to My universal call, everything will be accomplished, everything will be consummated, just as My Son accomplished it.

Let My warriors of prayer, spirits called to live in the name of peace, come here.

Let those who will be consecrated today in My Presence come here, bringing the candle of light, the presence of an ignited soul in all of this humanity.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:


While you sing, dear children, I will bless you and all those present. When I bless you, I bless the world and renew all things, for that is the authority that Christ gave Me, so that souls could be reignited.

Sing from the heart, proclaiming your confirmation to God.

Song: "Hymn of the Children of Mary."

By the authority granted to Me by God, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, I bless your lives so that they may be changed in Christ and by Christ, and, as from now, you may be My apostles of Peace.

I pour out My Rays over you so that your hearts may keep them and not forget that the Mother of God, the Queen of Peace, the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, the Lady of Mount Carmel, was here today with you to pour out Her Grace upon humanity.

Hold My Words in your heart and follow Jesus, follow Him always.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for responding to My call.

I thank you for praying to My Immaculate Heart.

May peace always be in your lives.

I love you.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Our Lady asked that, at this moment, in all places of the world, we have a minute of silence for peace in humanity.

Brothers and sisters, we would like to close this meeting with a short story about the Apparition, responding to the request of Mary.

She sometimes asks us to speak about what She shows us. To begin, we would like to say that during the prayer, the souls of each of those present were greatly worked upon.

In different degrees, the angels worked according to the indications of Our Lady; and they were carrying out a kind of spiritual healing as we truly prayed.

Then came the moment of the Apparition. Our Lady came as always, from Heaven, crossing the universes, entering into the consciousness of the planet, and Her consciousness gradually located this place.

She came as a great sphere of light and fire, descending through the Heavens to be here.

While we were praying, waiting for Her arrival, that was the moment when She showed Herself as Our Lady of Fatima, dressed all in white, with a rosary in Her hands. Her gaze was gentle, maternal and loving. She was barefoot and placed Herself at the center of this portal of peace. And the first thing She said was: "I give thanks for whom had the Grace of being able to honor Me, building this portal in honor of My Immaculate Heart."

Then, Our Lady reached out Her arms to us, opened Her hands and lots of Light began to come out of Her hands and penetrated our souls. At that moment, Mary showed us an image of the planet, and we saw a great triangle of Light that united Europe with the Middle East and with the south of the Americas.

At that moment, we could see that many souls were being lifted up to Heaven by Our Lady, not only in the Middle East, but also at different points of the planet. Then Our Lady said: "Look at the center of the triangle," and many roses began to appear, which She said were our prayers, the prayers of all Her children of the world that were united with this purpose for Peace.

Our Lady cried a little, showed Her wounded Heart, but as She spoke to us, word after word, Her Consciousness entered into our inner universe, which is what She called it. And it seemed that Our Lady, for a few moments, as She repeated the words, multiplied within our spirits. Then we were seeing Mary within everyone as one Consciousness, united with God, in Christ.

Afterward, as Our Lady transmitted Her Message to us, She went showing us different situations in humanity. She quickly showed different regions of the planet that had great need, very great need for prayer, until the moment came when, in the Apparition, She showed the Purpose of God for this humanity. And, above Our Lady, there were many angels that began to show the original idea the Creator had, from the beginning of this humanity and this planet.

She was telling us that the Sacred Family of Nazareth, when it was present here, in this humanity, through Saint Joseph, Mary and Christ, brought a continuation to this Purpose.

She said She has appeared so much throughout time, not only to teach us, warn us and call upon us, but so that She could bring continuity to this Work of the Idea of God. She said, very sadly, that this Idea was being broken by us.

She comes to remind us that we were created by God, that God loves us, that we cannot become separated from Him, and that together with Our Lady, we must bring continuity to this Work that God has foreseen for us.

She lovingly comes to correct us and asks that we think and reflect upon what it is we are doing with our lives, whether we are with God or not with God.

Today, She gifted us with Her maternal Love, and when She gave Her blessing for the Children of Mary who were consecrated, a great amount of Light spread throughout this place, the aura of Our Lady lit up and that Light reached several places on the planet, in the form of rays.

That is what happened. So everybody has this invitation and this call of Mary, and we can continue united with this work for peace, praying the Rosary, praying from the heart as She has asked of us, and striving a little more, every day.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

