Dear children,

When God created humankind, it was so that they could represent Him on Earth, as a part of His Divine Consciousness. Since humankind modified this principle, they separated from the Purpose of their creation and, through striving, had to work hard in order to approach the Purpose again.

Humankind only saw their outer beauty and forgot about the beauty of the soul; the influences and the movements of terrestrial life led them to become more mortal rather than sublime, as they once previously were.

So that humankind might have the chance of returning to the path of the elevation of consciousness, My Son came, because it was only through the Christic path, and not through the material one, that they would recover the pathway that, for different reasons, they had lost sight of.

Thus, in these times, the majority of human beings still remain in the outer senses and draw away from the inner senses.

The worldwide moment generates great contradictions and souls become confused. Only those who place themselves under the Presence of My Son will manage to recover the Purpose that, as a project, had been lost.

Determination, effort and the principles of life will help to gradually change those aspects of life that are in need of redemption and light.

Faith will be the foundation for all this to happen.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


With the Light emanated by the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can bring to the planet the ruling Principles of the Consciousness of God, and from the Mirrors of Light, pour out these inner attributes into the consciousness of humanity.

With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can dissolve the contrary forces that impede the awakening of humanity.

With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can grant the spiritual healing within souls so that afterward material healing may occur.

With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can regenerate the consciousness of humanity and withdraw it from spiritual illusion so that hearts may find the Christic path.

With the Light of the Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can encompass large regions of the planet, and from the most natural and sacred places of Creation in this world, She can help elevate the consciousness of human beings so that they may awaken to their inner reality.

With the Light of the Mirrors I can reflect upon the planet all the Love of God, so that souls may feel and perceive that it is time to change, so that the world may change and the entire Earth may be redeemed.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The enemy of love: the Apostasy

My dear children,

While today My Divine Consciousness approaches the planet and humanity in a special way, My Voice directs itself to each one of you so that you may continue assuming the prayers for the nations with the seriousness and responsibility that they have, because, for these last times, the great enemy of love will be the apostasy.

This state of consciousness, contrary to the awakening and to evolution, is begining to gain place and space in the hearts of the people through My adversary.

To become apostate means, for the spirit, to consciously dissociate itself from the Love of God and give permission so that the consciousness begins to be ruled by suffering, something that will lead it, gravely, not to have a spiritual opportunity to receive some grace.

This is the urgent reason why the Divine Messengers will go to the encounter of this and other spiritual situations that, in this case, is compromising Argentina.

If the Southern Cone assumes, in a conscious way, lifestyles which are against the Law of Creation, incredible experiences will develop overnight in this region of the planet, and South America will cease to be the promised New Earth and become converted into the Earth condemned, by itself and by humanity.

This will lead to the minority of humanity, less than five percent, being participants of the new race.

Do you understand, children, what this means?

Therefore, on this day I come to ask My children of Argentina, and of the whole world, to unite efforts and hearts so that, from the coming month of September until the days of the first meetings, the propagation of the next prayer meetings in Argentina may be massive, in order to reach as many essences as possible.

I wish and aspire to be able to deliver My Graces to many more hearts, this will strengthen the consciousness of Argentina, in order to prevent it from becoming a scenario of horrors at the end of these times.

For this important mission of propagation you must count on the great help from the angels of Heaven.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Origin of the Sacred Feminine Source

Beloved children,

Who in these last eleven years spoke and shared with you the Love of God, comes from a peculiar Source that was created by the Ultraterrestrial Universe before the Material Universe existed.

In that Source, the Divine Essence, of Who later would be Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was gestated, conditioned and lovingly prepared to carry forward the great mission in the humanity.

This Ultraterrestrial Source of the Spiritual Universe, was characterized by its highest level of purity, of love and for its immaculate essence.

The Father, after the fall of the Project of His first children, Adam and Eve, He thought to create a way and a sufficiently pure, immaculate and humble Consciousness, which with Her invincible Love could embrace all human error and convert it through forgiveness and the sublime Maternity.

It was thus that the Creator Fathers, the Archangels, received the request of God and, in the elevated Celestial Universes, each Archangel began to contribute with the best of Themselves, so that the Feminine Essence, which would emerge from the Creative Source, would come to Earth to begin as soul and divinity with Her special mission.

The Sacred Source of the Feminine Energy was translucent by means of the Principle of Maternity.

In past times, the Eternal Father thought that it was necessary that His children  have a Mother capable to receive them, understand them, help them and guide them on the right path of good and of peace.

Thus, from two human beings, from Anne and Joachim, the Consciousness of Mary was born, the One who from a young age would carry forward the mission of gestating in Her Most Pure and Immaculate Womb the Child Jesus, the Redeemer.

A special universal conjuncture, cosmic and spiritual, happened during the gestation of Mary, as during the gestation of Jesus.

The Archangels achieved to manifest, and attract to the Material Universe, creator currents of energy which contained high voltages of Love-Wisdom, as of essential and virginal purity.

At that time, the Idea of God was fulfilled and again, by the Presence of the Mother of God and of the Divine Son, evil was defeated, just as the fallen angel was once defeated by the Archangel Michael in the Universe.

The existence of the Consciousness of Mary, a simple mother of Nazareth, was the result of a divine and angelic experience that overcame all times.

The Eternal Father, through Mary, has shown us His Consoler Love, taught us how great is His Mercy and how infinite is His Forgiveness for His lost children.

God has taught us, through Mary, the universality of His Love and the presence of His Paternal Heart at all times.

From this special Divine Conception comes Mary, the Mother of Christ and Mother of everybody.

She is the unconditional and eternal advocate between humankind and God.

She is who waits in the silence and who prays for Her children in the stillness of Her Immaculate Heart.

She is the one that comes to the help of those who sincerely repent and She reaches to all the poor and humble of heart.

Mary is the Mother who consoles all, who repairs all and who heals all.

Her Heart suffers when Her children are separated from the Truth and submerge themselves into the lie.

She is the Mother who will never say "no", who will always say "yes" to whoever calls Her.

God gave us a Mother that we many times offend, hurt and omit with our indifference and ignorance.

She is the patient Mother who always expects us to reach beyond appearances, that we can feel the heart of the brethren who searches for peace and comprehension.

Mary teaches us how to truly love so that, in Christ, we may walk towards the goal of being in God, forever.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace Rose and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Mount Aconcagua, Mendoza, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

The arrival of the Aspects of God from the Universe 

I would like humanity to understand the inner, universal and cosmic meaning that in certain places of the planet the Aspects of God descend, brought by the angels within great celestial spheres and placed in the most sacred places so that the spiritual consciousness of humanity may be helped, liberated and transmuted from the precarious conditions of its own spirituality and life.

Therefore, children, the descent of the Sacred Names of God, to the interior of the planet, generates a space of luminous, atomic and cellular renewal of humanity. In this way, the spiritual meaning of humanity is protected and the great spheres of the Consciousness of God bring to humanity a sense of rescue and salvation that it also needs.

In these times, the descent of the Aspects of God to the planet generates an immediate possibility of being and remaining in communion with Creation and with Life, thus being able to repair the serious mistakes that the present race makes, distancing itself from the Law and from the essence of Creation.

The Father, who is fair and merciful, comes to the world in search of union with the essential life of His children; thus helping, in every way, the unconsciousness of humanity that is deteriorated by all of the actions committed.

The Aspects of God allow the creation, within the sacred and spiritual spaces, of this new bridge that will help the creatures in the inner world to recover their affiliation with the universe and with all existence, with their true inner origin.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in Monte Gargano, Foggia, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

If nature were more loved and respected, perhaps the world would not be purified nor would humanity. This would avoid Creation being constantly altered by the hand of humanity.

If nature were more loved and cared for by humanity, peace would reign and there would be more time for gladness, joy and jubilation.

If nature were more loved and not destroyed, there would be no cause or reason for there being ideas about war or for carrying them out, because it would not be necessary to suffer or endure.

If nature and the lower Kingdoms were loved and contemplated, perhaps it would not be necessary to experience a transition of the Earth and it would not make sense to begin a new humanity.

If this current humanity truly did not sacrifice the Kingdoms so much, if nature were more loved and the Kingdoms more protected, it would not be necessary to experience a definition, for everything would be in harmony and unity with created life.

If nature and the Kingdoms were truly loved, there would be no need to suffer, to learn or to die, because everything would be in balance with the universe.

If nature and the Kingdoms were considered as part of the Divine Consciousness, evil would not be in the world nor would it be active in the human mind, because any creature could be united with the Source of the Creator.

But humanity has already chosen the opposite and has decided to continue on the path of pain rather than the path of love. For this reason, the change in humanity will be as similar and as great as the unpayable debt that the race has generated with the Kingdoms of Nature. It will be in this way that universal movement will unleash the chain of spiritual evolution of the end times.

I thank you for lovingly regarding the Kingdoms of Creation!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Weekly Message of Mary, Mother of the Most Sacred Eucharistic Body of Christ, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Sister Lucía

My beloved children,

Today I come to teach you to commune of the Most Sacred Body of Christ, as a unique and renewing act for each of your lives. I thus invite you to discover the mysteries held in the Eucharist, a source of redemption and transfiguration for all souls.

At the moment when your beings prepare to commune of the Body and of the Blood of Christ, the whole universe, in its omnipresence, observes the Earth, and the angels that live in the Kingdom of the Heavens, as well as the angels that live over the Earth, gather together in praise of the King of the Universe.

Your souls glorify God, and your spirits are allowed to be closer to matter, when your bodies are before the most sacred act of communing.

In profound reverence, at the altar that holds the Body of Christ, the angels prostrate themselves in light of His Grace and open the Heavens, so that the merciful gaze of My Glorified Son may reach the world.

Each time you commune with Christ, a door opens onto the sacred space where His Consciousness contemplates Infinity, and with eternal Love for humanity, Christ sends a Christic molecule of His Consciousness to the Earth so that it may multiply and permeate all the souls that open to His Miracle of eternal Love.

My dear ones, today I reveal a mystery to you that is simple, but that to many is incomprehensible. Through My Words, I want you to be aware in each moment of communion with Christ, no matter how simple it may be; because in this way, in reverence, you will also be communing with all of the universal movement, and the Creator, through the Body and the Blood of Christ, will be able to transform each one of His creatures.

Those of you who, communion after communion, cultivate within yourselves a pure and true heart, simple and humble, will allow this Christic molecule to expand throughout the spaces of the consciousness and light up the inner abysses that each one has in the silence of their own inner world.

The most ingrained miseries of the human heart and all those habits that you are incapable of transforming on your own, must be offered to the Body and the Blood of Christ, because His Body is here to take the place of the old body, and His Blood will wash away the stains from the heart, the cells and the spirit, and will allow a new code of light to permeate your bodies and dwell there.

For the transformation of all of humanity and for the consecration of the world to the Most Sacred Heart of Christ, commune daily, with a purity of intention, with love, being renewed, in this way, before Christ and before God, Who observe you each day.

I love you and I lead you to the Heart of My Son Jesus.

I thank you for being with Me today.

Mary, Mother of the Most Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Christ

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
