Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us pray:

Who is in God fears nothing.
Who is in God does not retrocede.
Who is in God lives from the Love of God.
This is the force of today.
In God, in God, in God.
(three times)


Through the Sacred Heart of My Son, today we bring, to this Marian Center and its foundation, one of the Aspects of God, among His seventy-two Sacred Names.

The Aspect of God that will protect this Marian Center and its spiritual task will be the Name El Gibbor so that strength, faith, compassion and love may impel, through this Marian Center, the elevation of all souls toward the Kingdom of God. So that not only human beings but also the Kingdoms of Nature may be welcomed here in spirit, to be healed and redeemed.

I know that you are before an unknown Aspect of God, but if your souls unite to Our Three Sacred Hearts, you will understand this Aspect of God through the Science and the Wisdom that it provides to you.

Because the aspiration of the Eternal Father is that this Marian Center, as a point of Light on the planet, may reflect the Attributes of the Supreme Source, those Inner Attributes that humanity will need in order to regenerate and heal so that, at last, the emergence of the New Humanity may be fulfilled.

Today, Our Three Sacred Hearts, as receptacles of the Attributes of God, are here with all of you. They are here for the Brazilian nation and for all the Americas so that the peoples of this continent may be brought toward the Purpose of God and, through the Angels of the Nations of Latin America, all the peoples and cultures of this region of the planet may approach the fulfillment of God’s Project. That Project that unfortunately is being oppressed and silenced.

But, at this moment, I invite you again to be in prayer. I invite you to stay silent. I invite you to have wisdom and discernment because what will happen in this part of the planet may affect the rest of the world.

Therefore, through Our Presence, through the Presence of the Three Sacred Hearts, We not only come here to begin the cycle of this Marian Center in its spiritual task and in its inner task, but We are also here, beloved children, to deter what is intended to happen on the surface of this continent.

Your fidelity to Us has been very significant, and the response in the consecration of new Children of Mary represents to God, as He told us just now, that it is possible to establish, on the surface of the planet, the Project that He has always wanted to carry out in this humanity.

My children, do not worry if you do not reach the Mysteries of the Father. First love the Mysteries of God and then understand them. Follow, in fidelity and obedience, what the Spiritual Hierarchy dictates to you.

I am here and I Am your Mother, your Universal Mother, your Celestial Mother, the Mother of all of Brazil, the Mother of all of South America, and I have My Arms reaching out towards you. Once again, I offer My Hands to you so that you can hold them tight and move forward. Because as humanity on the surface of the Earth, you have demonstrated, after these last two years, that it is possible to continue forward when souls truly love.

Now, My children, Saint Joseph wants to say something to you. Hear Him.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of Saint Joseph:

Just as Heaven opens up today before your hearts, it can also open up within each one of you.

Today, before the Sacred Hearts, allow your souls to learn the mystery of faith so that, way beyond what may happen before your eyes, the truth that beats within your hearts, invisible for the majority of human beings, may sustain your lives, and, thus, My children, the Promise of God may always be a reality for each one of you.

Through faith, you will find the Kingdom that manifests itself before you today. Contemplate this reality within you and, in this way, you will know that Heaven and Earth may pass, but Divine Love will remain alive in the essences of all who believe. Even if your eyes do not see, your hearts can feel, and, through them, you will penetrate the mystery.

Many things will happen throughout the world and bring hopelessness to humanity and make hearts feel the pain and suffering that My Son once felt in His Agony as well as on the Cross. But just like the Heart of Christ, today I call upon you to transmute that pain through a Higher Love, through faith in that which beats within you and reveals to you that which you truly are, through the maturity of the heart, spiritual maturity, which the time has come for you to experience.

Children, be responsible for your choices, for your actions, for each step that you take from the first thought that you have when the day begins, to the feelings that you emit, your gazes, your actions.

Beg God for your actions to be pure, for your lives to be pure, because the time has come for a new life to emerge in humanity, and you have made a commitment, from the beginning, so that, through the steps of your redemption, you might live this new life.

And this life, children, is like the life of Christ at Calvary. Around you, there will be chaos, confusion, pain, but within you the Love of God renews itself, a Love is born, which is unknown even to the Heart of the Father. And it is through this Love that new genetics and a new human being begins to be born, a Love that your cells can experience, that expands from your essence to your entire consciousness.

And although this may seem impossible to you today, I just ask you that you may have faith and that this Divine Gift, which descends today from the Heavens upon your lives, may find a place within your hearts, to transform your lives into something you have never before thought of.

Do not be afraid, but be firm. The world will drag you along paths that are not correct. The battle will be lived within and outside of you, but, through prayer, you will find refuge and, in the sacred places, where the Divine Consciousness dwells, you will again find peace.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, today My Mantle is the Mantle of Brazil. The Mantle that represents the life of this entire people and of all nature, of a life that, unfortunately, has been transgressed and violated.

My children, do not allow for Brazil to be another place of the enemy. The power of your prayer and of your faith can transform everything.

If you have managed to go through the calvary of the last two years, it is a sign, My children, that it is possible to move forward, although it may hurt.

This is why that now the King of the Universe, the Son of the Sun, in the name of the Three Sacred Hearts, of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph, will bless and consecrate this Marian Center. Thus, He will consecrate all the Children of Mary who are postulants before My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, to be faithful and firm at the service of perpetual prayer.

I invite you to stand up.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Christ Jesus:

This flame that is lit before your hearts, the flame that represents the Light, Love and Wisdom of God for the whole planet, for all of humanity: may it replicate and multiply not only within human beings, but also in the Kingdoms of Nature. The Kingdoms of Nature, in these times of emergency, need to be understood, welcomed and loved, protected and taken care of, as a vital part of Creation.

If this communion with the Kingdoms of Nature takes place through your prayerful service, by means of the Marian Center Sanctuary of Creation, I assure you that not only Brazil but also other regions throughout the world will be more protected, although the planet may show, in these times, its chaos on the surface.

Within your hands lies the decision, within your hands lies the power of prayer, the power to allow Heaven descend to Earth, as it is at this moment.

May not only the Son of the Father, but also the Most Holy Mother and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, in this Triune Unity, grant Brazil and the world the atonement they need to go through the current Apocalypse.

Do not allow the seals of the Book of the Apocalypse to open. Welcome the prophecies, but do not provoke them.

Be consistent in all that you do and live. Do not forget the Commandments, a life of service, a life of love as a family, among all your loved ones. Do not allow the cell of family to keep dividing.

Remember that you and your families are a part of the Project expected by God, the Sacred Project of the people of Israel.

Remember that this part of the planet is the promise of the cradle of the New Humanity, where the whole planet and humanity, through this place as well as through the Kingdoms of Nature, will be able to regenerate and heal.

Within the Kingdoms of Nature lies the healing that you need, within the Kingdoms of Nature lies the peace that you seek in these times.

Do not allow your lives to become superficial and indifferent, embrace, with your open heart, all of Creation, and I assure you that you will not lose peace.

Before the Supreme Source, before the Angels and Archangels, Creator Fathers who conceived this beauty of the planet Earth, before the servers of the Cosmos and of the Earth, before all those consistent in prayer and service for others, before the Aspiration of God and His Project, through the Heart of Christ, the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, through the Supreme Power of El Gibbor, may the Supreme Source bless and consecrate this Marian Center. Thus, may it be a true Sanctuary of Creation, which grants souls and the Kingdoms of Nature the healing and redemption they need so that all may be in communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the name of Love and Wisdom.

I bless you and consecrate you as the Marian Center Sanctuary of Creation, and as children of the Divine Mother, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that you may understand the importance of this meeting, I will offer you My Body and My Blood, through the Eucharistic Celebration.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, I will also consecrate, by the authority of My Son, a little and innocent soul, who came to the world from a special place of the universe. Through the sacrament of the Baptism, this soul will receive not only renewal, but also the remembrance of its commitment with God for the coming times.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Saint Joseph:

Through My Chaste Heart and by the authority that Christ has given Me as a Servant of the Redeemer, as a Watcher and Protector of souls: through the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, the Grace that My Heart will offer to you today will be the Anointment, so that the Luminous Signal of the Cross of Emmanuel may always guide you and protect you.

In these times, it will be necessary to discern before acting, to meditate before working, so that you may be consequent with the Law.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Christ Jesus:

In this way, Our Three Sacred Hearts rejoice and bless this meeting, starting this cycle of the Pilgrimage for Peace, so that souls may recover the hope that they have lost, so that they may recover the joy that has been stolen from them, and so they may feel the joy of being Children of God. Never forget: through My Merciful Heart, you will reach God.

Let us sing the Hymn of Consecration of the Children of Mary. But let us all sing it, those who are here and those who are at home, renewing the inner vows of consecration for this cycle of service with the Divine Hierarchy.

The Three Sacred Hearts thank you, for you have responded to the call.

As Christ the Redeemer, may Peace be within you and within your brothers and sisters.

So be it.



In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come as a Servant sent by your King, as a Messenger sent by your Lord, bringing to your hands and in your Hearts, not only a message, but a Grace, a Divine Gift, a part of the Heart of God that surrenders to humanity as a symbol of the Love of the Father for all of His Creation.

I come so that this part of the Heart of God may flood your essences and may make them remember whence they came and why they are here, not only on the Earth, but in the dimensions of manifested life.

Today, children, you can now understand the reason for your existence in this world, but you must begin to understand the reason for your existence in all of Life, beyond this planet, because your evolution did not begin here, and will not end here.

I have gradually been bringing and revealing to you the science of the Heart of God, not only so that you may have knowledge, but so that everything you are may awaken to this memory of the Celestial Truth.

Remember whence you came and the entire path that you have trodden up until arriving here. This is possible, children, because everything that is manifested comes from God. From your consciousness and essence, up to the smallest particles of your physical body, everything comes from the Creator. And even the smallest atom has in its memory the remembrance of the moment in which it left the Divine Consciousness to manifest itself, to become a similar part of the Universe of God, and of His Creation.

You are like small universes; each part of your being is infinite, containing in itself life, spirit, essence, and all this composes what you are. You must be conscious of the entirety of your own life.

If you begin to meditate about yourselves, to feel your bodies, your organs, your cells, your souls, you will begin to understand life, children. You will begin to understand the existence of God in the Universe, the stars that compose the Mystical Body of your Creator, who is as perfect as a human body.

The Universe renews itself, transforms, evolves, lives cycles, new beginnings. Life is born and reborn of the Divine Consciousness, time and again. This is what happens within each one of you and with your physical bodies, fruits of clay that returns to dust and returns to spirit.

Why do I tell you these things? Because thus I help you to remember whence you came and to approach God.

Not only through prayer do you reach the Father, but also through Knowledge, the Science that reveals itself to the humble hearts that have learned to communicate with God, through the purity of their hearts.

The Divine Truth elevates you, leads you to the Universe, not only the one you see in the sky above you, but the Universe that is kept within you.

When you recognize this inner Universe, you recognize the divine presence within you, which is more than a spiritual presence; it is a Science, children, a truth manifested in your cells and atoms.

The similarity with the Father is deeper than the Light within you. The similarity with God materializes in everything you are, from spirit to matter, but not in what you can see with your eyes, but rather in the essence of life, in the essence of your atoms, in the essence of your bodies, in the principle, in the Purpose of His Creation.

I know that many will not understand what I tell you, but I say it just so that you may feel, that you may allow yourselves to enter this mystery, which is the Divine Creation and the presence of God within you.

You were not created simply to live an experience on Earth. You were not created simply to live an experience of love, because love itself is still incomprehensible for you.

Christ did not only live the love of the Cross. After this Cross, after His Resurrection, a whole Universe waited for Him, Infinity waited for Him. His Love kept resounding throughout the Cosmos, in all of Creation, in each space of this vast Universe, of this vast Infinite, which your human mind cannot even imagine. And each particle of life renewed itself and received a new opportunity, because the Love of God was not only for the Earth, it was for all creatures.

In the same way, it must happen with each one of you. The existence of the Earth is not only for humanity, but for all of Life, a mysterious life, a life that you do not know and that, often, you do not feel a part of.

The time has come, children, to return, little by little, to the Time of God, to this reality that has remained invisible and hidden to the eyes of humanity and that today, from the inside out, I come to reveal to you.

For those who are awakened, the Divine Mysteries must begin to be revealed within them; the Universe, all of Its Grace and manifestation will begin to show within you. And it is in this mirror, which is kept in your hearts, that you will begin to see the Truth of God, the infinitude of Life and of Creation because, when it manifests before your physical eyes, you will not fear. On the contrary, children, you will see manifest before you a reality that you already knew, that was alive within you.

Everything must happen, little by little, because the human beings are very distant from God, from what God really is. The Creator is not only an invisible Existence, a Voice that speaks to the hearts, or a history kept in the sacred books.

And this will be revealed to all, to those who believe and those who do not believe in the divine existence. But if you begin to deepen your own spiritual life now, and let the Truth reveal itself to your hearts, you will be able to help others who will suddenly awaken during the time which will come, and this, children, is the greatest service of this time.

Many say they want to serve the planet, serve the Creation. Today I reveal to you a way to do it, in the silence of your own heart, in the sincerity of your lives.

Begin by praying, entering your own inner world, deepening what has been revealed to you, seeking this inner door that leads you to God.

Do not be satisfied with what you know; seek a greater Truth, because it is before you, within you, to be revealed.

Today perhaps you do not totally understand what I tell you but, without understanding, try to live what I say and in the near future you will understand Me. The awakening takes place in stages, by cycles, and I am having you enter a new cycle, a new stage of this evolutionary life, through divine and spiritual Science.

If the Creator calls you companions, children, it is because you can now enter an adult stage of Knowledge, of prayer and of the revelation of the divine Truths.

Hear My words, time and again, until they enter your consciousnesses. Let yourselves be lead along this inner path that I show you today, so that you can mature as spiritual beings and as children of God.

In prayer, talk with your Creator, seeking and finding His Presence within you; asking Him to reveal Himself to all that you are, not only to your hearts, but to your consciousness, because thus, children, God will cease to be a feeling to become a knowing.

Welcome My impulses into your essence, welcome My words into your hearts and let the peace that emanates from them open the paths for your inner spiritual transformation.

With this, I leave you My Peace, I leave you the message and the blessing of God. I give you His Gift and this part of His Heart that I brought today to the world.

And in this way, I thank you for giving a new step in the name of all Life.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph.

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Today I want to introduce a Kingdom to you, a Kingdom that has always accompanied you from the beginning of this evolutionary walk and although you have been on this walk for so long, very few know it.

Today I want to introduce a Kingdom to you that remains on the planet, in the spiritual worlds, where the eyes of matter do not see it, but hearts feel it.

The time has come for you to know this Kingdom upon which you have your feet, so that, the moment it emerges like a seed of the New Humanity, like a door to the New Jerusalem, you can recognize it and do not fear entering it.

Today I want to introduce a Kingdom to you where My Divine Consciousness dwells and also the Universal Love of God; I want you to feel that love in your hearts, so that you dissolve all the fear of knowing the truth about life on Earth.

This planet, just like your hearts and all of Creation, holds many mysteries within itself, many truths that humanity has not known, because its eyes were in darkness, its minds in illusion, and its hearts closed to the life of the spirit.

After so much time with your feet walking on sacred ground, the time has come for your spirits, your souls and your consciousnesses to finally be able to enter into it; the time has come for the planet, My children, to recognize that the sacred dwells within it, to recognize the grandeur of the spiritual life held within it, and to awaken to that life, so that it does not only exist on the levels of the spirit.

May this sacred life exist here, on the surface of the planet. May your feet not only be on sacred ground, but may everything you touch, each space in which you live be sacred; may your beings become sacred, may the sacred emerge in your essences, converting your spirits into that which the Creator expects of each one of you.

You are My children, you are children of this Kingdom, and you must now truly become My companions, whom I can count on to build the Divine Work in this place, and, responding to the Will of God, I may send you to many other places of the world where the sacred also exists and which humanity overlooks.

I want to awaken you so that you awaken others, and in this way, you create a network in the human consciousness so that those who so much hope to, may find awakening and the meaning of their lives.

Close your eyes and enter into this Kingdom that I am introducing to you today. Its temples are not only for healing, but come to free you and awaken love for the Plan of God in you.

Light the mirror of your own heart and unite it with the Mirrors of this Kingdom; in this way, that which is purest within each of you will be able to be reflected in the Mirrors of this Kingdom for all of humanity, and will be able to grow in your consciousnesses, so that each day you may become greater servers of this Plan of Love.

This Kingdom has been waiting for you since the origin, because you made a commitment to God to manifest it on the surface of the Earth. The children that live here today are those who will build the New Jerusalem, that land that is not only a divine promise; it is a divine truth, a higher archetype that is still waiting in the Celestial Kingdom to descend upon the planet. 

I do not come to convert your spirits into sacred spirits just so that you may know a little more peace. I come, children, for a higher purpose, because for this sacred Kingdom to emerge, and for the New Jerusalem to descend, your souls must be crystaline, your hearts pure and your spirits awake to higher life. That life is not found beyond the stars; it is to be found within each one of you and must emerge from within the planet to convert life on the surface of the Earth. With all this that I am telling you, I open the door of this Kingdom for you so that you may finally enter and achieve an awakening.

Many among those who are on this sacred ground are experiencing their last opportunity, because it is a time to convert the errors of the past and awaken the heart for the manifestation of love and the fulfilling of the Plan of God, beyond personal plans.

On the ground you touch and stand on, today place your plans, your goals, your aspirations and your desires so that, with the radiation of My Hands, I can place in your essences the Divine Plan, the goal of the Father for each one of you, the aspiration of the Creator for His creatures, which is so far from all that you want for yourselves.

On this floor that you stand on, today place all material aspiration, all competition, all the need for power, of conquest, because on this afternoon you will no longer conquer anything, but rather it will be the Creator that, through the yielding of your spirits, will conquer your hearts, and will show you, children, the great truth that He has aspired you to live from the beginning.

Enter into this Kingdom, through the doorways of redemption, without fear. Let your spirits be welcomed by this Kingdom of love.

Here you will find brothers and sisters from yore that have accompanied you in the invisible of your lives.

Here you will find the Divine Consciousness that made this His Kingdom, His home, so that He could thus manifest His Plan on this planet.

The Consciousness of the Creator had one of His Faces descend to this home so that, in this way, children, it may become even more sacred, and each day, the archetype of the new life, the new humanity may emerge from it.

Enter into this Kingdom and allow yourselves to be healed. Let your spirits live redemption, and with this symbolic step, attract many more souls, which are connected through the streams of life and need you to take a step so that they too can enter into that school of love and of forgiveness.

Contemplate the doors of this Kingdom today, and recognize that behind you, there is a very long line of souls and spirits that cry out for redemption.

Take a step without fear and enter with your whole consciousness. Within this Kingdom, contemplate its lakes of light, which are reflected in the mirrors of your hearts.

In this Kingdom, contemplate its gardens of healing, of rehabilitation, which lead you to peace and unite you with the Heart of Mary, because you are deeply connected to Her Celestial Kingdom.

Contemplate its temples, enter them, feel the peace, the presence of the angels that accompany the Creator in their new mission on Earth.

Feel, children, the liberation of your lives, of your hearts, and say 'yes' to God, and that you aspire to accomplish His Plan.

Be ready of heart so that after being healed, you can serve and aid humanity, which will find a doorway to liberation here, for the salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature, for the relief of the spirits that suffered in wars, in the conflicts of this world and beyond it, because it is not only here that wars exist; the whole universe experiences the duality that you face on this planet, and it is to balance this universal duality that you come to the world to awaken unity and love in your hearts.

Thus, today I have your consciousnesses before an even greater mystery, which is to transcend your lives, not only through the conversion of life on the planet, but through the life of the whole universe, because even though you may not believe, the 'yes' of your hearts has repercussions in each star that you see in the sky when the night falls. And in each of these stars, there are many eyes that contemplate you, many hearts that wait for you to say 'yes' and to convert your lives into a source of transformation for all of existence.

Enter this Kingdom and patiently endure your own purification, endure with gratitude the old human that will be uprooted from your beings, the atavisms and the commitments with evil that you were once able to make through ignorance and illusion.

Enter this Kingdom and do not resist, because its waters will wash your spirits and will renew you so that you may accomplish the Plan of the Creator.

Today I place you before this mystery and I ask you, children, to simply contemplate it, to feel it, and to not leave this place to simply experience just another day.

Leave this place with an aspiration, with the divine aspiration in your essences; leave this place with the resolve to wake up to higher life, to not doubt the existence of a Greater Plan, which transcends the mind and human understanding.

Leave here with the determination to know and to come to know your true origin; leave here with the determination to be different, knowing that there is a truth that transcends all the teachings that have already been transmitted to Earth, that even transcends the truths of the sacred books, because they hide in the symbols of the words written there.

To seal your commitment to God and definitely unite you with this Kingdom, I will give you to drink and to eat of one of the great universal mysteries, so that the conversion of these elements may also convert your consciousnesses; and with this living mystery within you, you can unveil the mystery of your own existence and know that, in the same way that this bread is not just bread and this wine is not just wine, you are not just what you see, the matter you seem to be, the emotions that you feel, the thoughts you emit, but that a hidden truth exists, and it is there where the hope of God rests.

Within this truth, this mystery, in the same way that you unveil the conversion of the bread and of the wine, you will little by little unveil the conversion of matter into what it really is, and the conversion of these houses into what they really are, the conversion of these valleys into what they are, and the conversion of this world into what it should be.

Today you will commune with the codes of a new life. Today I place these elements in the hands of those that guide you, that are responsible for this Kingdom both in matter and in spirit.

I place these elements into the hands of those that untiringly have served you since the beginning. This is a Council that represents not only this Work, but also a large part of the Plan of God on Earth.

With your hearts open, children, emanate gratitude to the Universe so that, in this way, you may heal the past and prepare a life of greater companionship for these times.

The time has come for you to be companions not only of My Chaste Heart, of the Heart of Mary or of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, but that you be companions of those that guide you, so that in these times, this Work may expand and the Plan of God can count on you to encompass more spaces on the planet that are so in need; for it is not only here that there are souls that must awaken, because it is not only those that watch us in their homes that must receive this life instruction. In each corner of the planet, no matter how hidden or forgotten it is, there exists a heart that has a commitment to God, and that commitment must be fulfilled.

By the authority that My Child gave Me and by the fatherhood that I once shared with God, protecting the One Who descended from the universes to be the Son of Man, I bless and convert these elements.

Together with the priests of this Kingdom that consecrate their lives to the invisible, that serve, that pray, that contemplate and support the planet, may the elements be converted, so that your lives may be converted, and you may go two by two, expanding the Plan of God on Earth.

Feel the Presence of the Most Holy Mary, so that Her Purity and Her Divine Consciousness, still not understood by humanity, may touch your hearts and help you in the transformation and in the consecration of your lives.

By the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, I convert these elements and I thank you.

Remain united with the Sacred Hearts, because a new cycle is rising and will expect from all a new consciousness, a new awakening.

I thank you.

While the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesus transmitted the Words of Saint Joseph, the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón was receiving the Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, which, at the end of the meeting of prayer, he shared with everybody.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more

