Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"You must know that, after your feet cross the desert, you will find the secure door to your redemption.
Remain in the inner joy of knowing that you will no longer carry your own traumas and that you will always be shown the horizon so that everything may be healed.
Contemplate, then, how wonderful it is to serve God and the Grace represented by being part of His Celestial Kingdom on Earth.
Therefore, allow your heart to be pierced by God's Love, by a Love that can make you surrender at the Feet of the Lord, so that you may recognize that, regardless of any circumstance or painful experience, there is something greater that blesses and purifies you, just like the rain water; that there is something that gives you the dignity of being a Son or a Daughter of God, just as the Most Holy Mother experienced within Herself when She entered the Temple."
Christ Jesus
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"May your gaze be upon the Heavens.
May your soul be in the Heavens.
May your heart be in the Heavens.
May your spirit be in the Heavens, and may you always remember that, regardless of any circumstance, God loves you as you are and wishes the good and peace to you and the world.
Make of your life an instrument of Peace.
Make of your life an action of Mercy.
Make of your being an expression of God's Love.
Let yourself be transformed, do not fear the power of My Fire; because when you conclude your experience on Earth, remember that you must shine like a star, capable of reflecting everything evolutionary and transcendent that you have lived.
May your consciousness be embraced by faith. Walk in this desert, and do not stop. I Am here always."
Christ Jesus
I speak not only to you but also to the world.
I waited for time to pass and some days for this moment to come, to be able to find you truly in union with gratitude, because gratitude is an expression of the merciful Love of God. And when I saw that gratitude in you today, I could confidently approach to speak to you.
You are a part of the Plan of your Master and Lord, of a Plan that cannot break down or fail, because behind you there are many, many souls and consciousnesses that have still to come to drink of My Fount, to be nurtured by My Message.
The time is coming to an end, which is why the emergencies are so great and the commitments are also so great.
In the key of gratitude and of love you will be able to understand everything that I ask of you and thus unite with My Consciousness.
I see a world suffering because of indifference and because of error.
I need you to be amenders of My Mercy, I need that you can compensate for and bring into balance what humanity does not do well in this time, for the risks that are run, day after day.
Thus I come with the Light of My Wounds, to entrust you with a deepening of this mission, and of this task which is of the Hierarchy and yours, of your inner beings with the participation of your souls.
That is why it is necessary to correct, in order to improve and to grow. Everything said by the voice of the Hierarchy is because of love, rather than for some other cause.
Souls sometimes resist hearing and understanding because their heart is closed, but you have learned to open your heart to Me. This is why I speak so directly to you, because we can no longer waste time in what is not necessary, but rather we must invest our time in that which is urgent, and you know, by the grace you receive, that the emergencies will grow and increase.
I am here because of the responsibility that I have toward you and that you have toward Me. But it is not a commitment that comes only from the period while I was present on Earth. They are very remote commitments unknown to you.
I only come to ask you for what I need you to give Me, but I will not oblige you to do so, nor demand anything from you.
My apostles from the past went through the same school, but it was a more demanding and immediate school. It was a very great responsibility because your Master and Lord, among so few, had to achieve a very great victory, and through Grace and Divine Mercy, this occurred.
I know that the human being is fragile and sometimes tepid, but the Love that I give you and have given you for so long must ignite within you, in the fire of My Love and of My Truth.
I come to ask you to be aware of what will come in the near future, in which you will not only experience personal situations or realities of the nations. Now My Work will expand to continental situations, as is Africa.
In Africa there are those who suffer most and yet give the most to Me, because they offer Me their hearts, which is what I need from you so that you may recognize the Grace that you have received, and still receive, and the care provided to you by the Hierarchy over the course of time, without lacking anything.
For you, Africa will be a school of the love of sacrifice and of the possibility of recognizing that, in the great and extensive misery, there are souls that love God unconditionally. And it is this love that nourishes them spiritually rather than physically, that quenches their spiritual thirst and thus satiates their physical thirst.
I do not ask you to be the same as them, because everyone has their school and their lessons. I need you to inwardly be like them, that you are aware of the possibility and of the opportunity that you receive in this time.
Within a process of planetary emergency, sometimes hearts need to be straightened out, so as to not lose the path toward God, for one must never forget humility, which is the great master-key of your liberation.
Today I have seen that you have drawn even closer to gratitude, to a spontaneous and sincere gratitude that touched My Heart. Thus, I have decided to speak to you to bring you awareness and wisdom, so that each one may recognize within themselves the effort that they still have to make, not only for Me, but for your Celestial Father, which is Who placed you upon this path and in this mission so that you may accompany Me.
Thus, today I again surrender to take in your miseries and for you to know that the Light of My Mercy can transform and redeem all things when a heart sincerely opens and pleads, without letting its resistances control or dominate.
When a heart spontaneously opens, miracles can happen. Faith is the great Light that bathes the consciousness and redeems it; it has the Grace, as a group consciousness, of being able to implore to God, to help the world and humanity, to help in very serious and sorrowful situations that this race experiences at this time.
You must never forget that Our task is planetary rather than personal; that it is a task with the Hierarchy and by the Hierarchy, for the advent of the energy of Grace and compassion within the world.
Today you face the opportunity of reflecting upon many things because of love and trust in My Heart, because times of greater challenges will come and projects that will seem impossible will come, but who is united with Me will do it, as they have done many things over the course of time, through this mission of carrying Love and Peace to souls that most need it, and to the nations that most need it.
While I am here, I take care of humanity at this moment, and I carry everyone within My Heart, the most miserable and the sinners that have need of spiritual relief and healing.
Everything that is done at this moment and through this Work is for the healing of humanity and so that love may be established in the human heart, and so that this love may allow you to become free and live your spiritual mission with Me.
My Heart is full of graces and pity for all. And the support that Adoration provides you with will be the great defense weapon for the coming times and for the next missions.
I am thankful for the sincere and loving effort of everyone, because not everything is error or failure. You must raise your eyes to the horizon to contemplate the victories that I have given everyone, spiritual victories.
In the strengthening of this union and of this alliance with Me, beyond all adversity or darkness, nobody will be able to take away what I have given each one of you, and you must defend it and protect it from yourselves and from the world.
It is that same conviction, certainty and faith that the apostles experienced, as for example, Saint Peter, who up to the last second did not doubt what he felt and what he trusted in. Love caused him to believe in Me until the end, and thus he surrendered.
Today I come to read of the achievements and the Graces that I have given to everyone, that which you always must contemplate so as to gain inner strength from them in order to continue onward, for a time will come in which this mission will come to an end, and when that happens, everything will be unleashed. And at that moment, you must be strong and firm in everything that I have given you over the course of time, not only to support yourselves, but also your brothers and sisters, who will not have been able to build that same fortitude in themselves like that of which I have given you, through love.
This is My Message for you, because it is also a message for the world, for those who enter into the service of My Merciful Heart, for those who daily seek the path of transformation and of the elevation of consciousness because, in truth, it does not matter to Me that you not achieve it, but rather that you try, and that you try every day. And without perceiving it, one day you will reach My Glory and, on that day, you will realize that I told you the truth.
This is why I am here today, and for this reason, I pray at the Feet of My Celestial Father, because I know that many more will be able to surpass Me in Love. I trust in this and I know that it is possible.
I thank you for listening to Me and for gathering My Words up into your hearts, which are now the last for the world.
May the Light that comes from Love guide you and bless you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Today I am with all the Inner Fraternity present in the Himalayas so that together we can transmit a message of healing and peace to the world, from the most elevated Sites of these sacred mountains.
We are gathered as one heart that pulses to the beat of the end of times, and we feel and see the great spiritual and material needs and lack of humanity.
For all this, we pray, and through our mantric keys, we ask for the assistance of Love-Wisdom as well as of the Sacred Divine Spirit so that all consciousnesses, situations or terrestrial species may be filled with compassion an light in these times of experiences and of great planetary traumas.
We unite with all consciousnesses that profess their faith in the Heights and in goodwill, and we adhere to all of them as one heart that seeks to vibrate in cosmic melodies.
We inwardly embrace the guiding consciousness of the planet and all that this consciousness holds so that, as much as possible, it may be transmuted and freed, that hearts may have the happiness of feeling love rather than contempt or conflict.
Thus, from the heights of the Himalayas, we emit our positive thought to all the world, so that all beings incarnated today upon the surface of the Earth may achieve the so hoped for elevation of consciousness and thus, the Greater Purpose may be established, in spite of the final events.
As Masters and Watchers of humanity, we aspire that at least a minority may achieve Our ardent desire of being filled by the Love of God.
I thank you, in the name of the Inner Fraternity, for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
From My Heart emerges the Blood of redemption and of life, because in My Heart the Wound still exists, that which had was once opened on the Cross. A Wound which at that moment nobody knew. Only My Mother and the Holy Women, as well as John, the Apostle; they knew about the emergence of this material and spiritual Wound.
That Wound was the last and great spiritual, mental and moral surrender of your Lord.
In truth, more than the Wounds of the hands and of the feet, it was the Wound that up until these times justifies the errors of humanity and it is the Wound that allows Me to still be here, among you, to announce and proclaim the Kingdom of God within each being and in the entire Universal Creation.
This is the Wound that testified to the Love of God for humankind, although they were mistaken or were in the greatest and most absolute darkness.
This is the Wound that is still to be alleviated, which is caused by the ignorance of those who do not experience God and by the indifference of those who turn their backs on Him and leave, abandoning the Love of the Redeemer.
This is the Wound of Your Master that is still to be healed for a long while. And what will close it someday will be the love of those who are blessed and have no preconceptions of the Universal and Divine Work of Your Lord.
This Wound will be healed through those who help and surrender to a silent transmutation.
This Wound will be healed through all those who blindly trust in Me, beyond what happens to them, what they go through or purify, because if I still carry the Wound of the pain and the ignorance of the world in My Heart, be means of those who are Mine, it will be possible for that sorrowful Wound to be alleviated, as it is in each moment of adoration, of prayer and of communion with Me.
Because when everything happens and when My Wound is healed, you will only find refuge in My Heart, in My Divine Life and in My Presence.
Never cease to be generous with others, loving towards those who are in pain and suffering.
Never cease to serve and to surrender to Me, because the day will come in which, in the Glory of the Father, you will be seated at My table and I will crown each one for their efforts and inner merits.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Those who have nothing, those who want nothing, those who are poor of spirit and pure of heart will be the pillars of the redemptive work of My Mercy.
In those who aspire for nothing, in those who expect nothing, in those who are empty of themselves establish the pillars of the work of My Mercy and through them I can do more than with hundreds of workers in a vineyard.
By your fruits, you will be recognized, because all that you unite to in Heaven will be united on Earth, and all that you disunite with in Heaven will be disunited on Earth.
This is the time to recognize the virtues and gifts that I make flourish within the hearts of the simple. It is also time to recognize My Face in the fellow being, in the one who is alone, in the one who is sick, in the thirsty and in the one in agony, because all you do for the least of Mine, you do it for Me.
This is the moment to relieve the heavy cross of suffering, of indifference and of error that hundreds of souls commit, day by day, before the salvific Love of God.
It is the time that, within each one of you, you confirm your surrender to My Sacred Heart.
I bless you and thank you for keeping My Words in your heart.
Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ
Companions of Mine,
I acknowledge, at this hour, your true effort and sacrifice out of wanting to fulfill My Divine Will, which is the Supreme Will of the Father, the Will which congregates you and allows you to accomplish the different stages of the Plan under divine protection.
Therefore, companions, today I can regard, contemplate and appreciate the inner and physical effort of My apostles, which fills My Heart with sweet hope and attracts even more the sublime action of Divine Mercy to the world, an opportunity which spiritually embraces many souls and takes them before the Presence of God, for them to be before His compassionate Love.
It is in this time, while sacrifice is experienced, that My Heart grants you the inner strength for you to overcome obstacles and barriers and thus you, companions, can make My Sacred Heart triumph within the essences of the world.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
As days go by, the special moment draws closer in which your Redeemer will place His Feet again on the sacred ground of South America and will enter one of the regions destined to be the New Earth, Argentina.
Beyond the social, political and human decadence, Argentina is a country blessed by the beauty of the Creation of God and the most precious landscapes, from Tierra del Fuego to the peaks of Jujuy, serve as immaculate and inner sites so that the Hierarchy may always be present there.
The Celestial Father knows that the majority of His children of Argentina and of all of South America are going through the first cycle of the transition of the Earth. But beyond what is done by the leaders and those responsible in the equity of the South American nations, in beloved Argentina, there are souls with great hearts that beat and are moved by the coming of the Redeemer.
It is like an inner impulse that never ends, it is a love of the Argentines that matures as time and experiences go by.
It is My ardent desire to be received once again by the love that beats in each heart of Argentina, so that the doors of Heaven may be kept open and may all be filled by the Love of the Lord, a Love that will always renew you and give you the impulse to continue forward.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
To manifest My Plan of Redemption upon the surface of the Earth, you must correspond to the Law: "As above so below, as it is inside it is outside."
Think of the concretion and the manifestation of what does not yet exist, which will materialize, because if it is the Will of the Father, it is Law, it is fulfilled in the Universe.
As of now, see the Plan of your Redeemer fulfilled in Argentina and do not think about what was has not been fulfilled.
Each of My collaborators already know that they must help to manifest the Will of God, on the material plane, through the pilgrimages.
It is the burning wish of God to dedicate a special space, during the whole month of August, to Argentina.
God knows how His children of Argentina find themselves and how they are. For this reason, His Love and His Mercy will go towards them so that, in times of tests, they can strengthen themselves and thus remain in His paternal Heart.
But if you, intelligent servers, willing to help the Plan of the Redeemer, from now on begin to use the Law of Correspondence and the Law of Mentalism, that which is in the Universe will manifest itself for the Will and the Wish of the Father to be fulfilled, that the Three Sacred Hearts may be in Argentina.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ
My Heart is a Temple and a refuge of Love and Light for whoever accepts it as a perfect receptacle of God.
My Heart is a witness to the Creator Love of the Father and of all that He thought of to carry forward the project of the happiness of His children.
This is why My Heart offers Itself to the world as He offered Himself on the Cross, for each one, so that each being might have the Grace of inner rehabilitation and of redemption.
Here is My Heart which, even though being offended and hurt by the world, gives Itself, again and again, out of Love and Mercy so that planetary redemption may be established.
Stay in My Heart and nothing will remove you from It, because My Heart is the temple for the elevation of your consciousness, and is the consolation for your moments of purification.
I give you My Heart as the door of salvation and as a support in times of tribulation.
In My Heart, you will always find God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I have the authority and the permission from My Father to reestablish in the essences all experiences that they may have lost for some spiritual reason.
Therefore, through My Hands, today I give to the essences of My apostles everything that they may have once lost.
Thus, I spiritually place within those of Mine the virtues and fortitudes they have achieved during the course of this life so that, again recovering what they lost, they may feel blessed by the Love and the Light of God.
I come to meet you on this day, to restore you with My Presence of Love and Mercy, for you to feel My Peace again and take My Hand to follow the path towards the triumph of Christic Love within you and, in consequence, in the world.
Feel capable of crossing these difficult times through the trust you have in My Heart.
May My Light be a rain of blessings for you.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The time is approaching when the doors of the terrestrial hells will close and where the souls will pass from a level of suffering towards a level of Light and Mercy.
This will happen through the prayer column established on the surface of the Earth, an inner exercise that will sustain any consciousness and under any situation.
The Prayer for the Nations will continue to grow as a task and as a purpose and, each day that passes, more souls will be touched and called to participate in this luminous network of prayer, preciously formed by all the beings of prayer and goodwill of this planet.
This spiritual and, at the same time, human foundation, is what your Redeemer will use to prepare nations, people and cultures in order to welcome the second coming of your Redeemer.
This is the time to have knowledge of this internal purpose that is being carried out, day by day, in the life of those who participate in this proposal, and thus each prayer becomes a possible instrument that, in humility and selflessness, is capable of carrying forward the Love of God and His Messengers, to any part of the world and under any circumstance,
Magnificent is the internal network of prayer that unites nations and peoples, a network created and sheltered by the Heavenly Mother.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Who will collect, in the chalice of their heart, the Spiritual Blood that your Master sheds at three p.m. upon the world today?
Who will give the deserved value to this infinite Mystery of Love?
Who will decide for Me to give everything for everything, for this world and the nations not to disappear?
I only need that, each day, you value the Legacy of your Master more, because His Divine Blood is able to purify and to wash your faults, especially those that are rooted in the deep consciousness and that only the Love of God can eliminate and liberate from your beings.
Therefore, every day, value and recognize the sacrifice of the Blood of Jesus by communing with Me truly, everyday, so that the world does not lack Peace nor the unfathomable Mercy of My Heart.
My Spiritual Body, My Heart and all of My Being are filled with codes of Mercy and of the Divine Blood for those who, in their purification, want to accept them.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ
Feel yourself in the Hands of God, in spite of the difficulties and adversities, because the Love of God and of His Son will always triumph, and at the most culminating moment, all darkness will disappear and everything will convert into light and into peace, as in this moment.
I know that fulfilling My Project of Redemption through pilgrimages means, to those who say they are entirely with Me, a moment of overcoming, of trust and of unconditional surrender, knowing that each stage fulfilled in a new pilgrimage means and represents the true and luminous “yes” of all those who supplicate and cry for Grace.
Now the time has come for Europe because it is the one that owes the most to God and to other nations. For this reason, I carry My Mercy to the most miserable and in need of redemption because this is the moment to follow the steps of Your Lord, besides the requests made and the events.
To arrive in Italy again means to do something for a universe of souls lost in illusion and in modernities.
From Italy the impulse could arise, from all of My followers, for this pilgrimage to be completed and for nothing to be altered.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
We begin to work on the inner planes with all that the Celestial Father expects will happen through this new Pilgrimage for Peace, which once again touches the soil of Europe, so that souls may be blessed by the Love of God.
From now on, the Marian sanctuaries of Europe will become large and important epicenters of light and of salvation so that the Spiritual Hierarchy may be able to work with souls that will need to awaken in this time.
The time has come in which hearts are to re-ignite with fervor and praise for God so that these souls may find the path toward the expression of the Purpose which brought them to the Earth.
Thus, the spiritual Universe prepares to prompt great changes so that the majority of the souls of Europe may find the path of redemption and of peace.
Everything has been prepared to commence.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy reaches the most imperfect and miserable spaces of the consciousness so that everything may be transformed by the Christic Light.
This is how, through My Divine and unfathomable Mercy, Your Master and Lord brings to the world the great opportunity of living forgiveness, healing and redemption; because, through Mercy, the soul finds the necessary justification to be able to receive an undeserved grace.
In this sense, the Source of Mercy is able to place the dying or imperfect soul before the possibility of living the sublime energy of Grace, so that its faults can be amended by the very powerful flow of the Divine Mercy that comes to the planet.
Divine Mercy is the great Mirror of God's Love that is projected to bring peace and liberation to the earthly consciousness.
In Mercy lies the key to inner healing.
I thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who Blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The Universe stops to hear the Server of God and in all the inner planes His Word is heard, His Voice emits the essence of the Truth and there is no essence in this Universe that does not recognize the Voice of the Son of God.
Because I am the One Who came to be with you, who is with you and will be until the end of times so that the Purpose of My Father may be fulfilled in the hearts that are consecrated by My Love.
From the Celestial Universe, My Word is pronounced, and It echoes in all planes of manifestation.
Not only you listen, but the Universe also listens.
And everything that is beyond it is permeated by the Word of God and the Spirit fills the hearts, vivifies them, raises them and redeems them before My Presence.
The void must be present in your hearts at this moment so that the Son of God may be able to work and act, bringing to the souls the opportunity of light and of redemption.
Today I not only speak to your physical consciousness, but also to the innermost planes because in the internal planes the opportunity is granted to souls and souls do not lose the chance to find the Truth, to approach it and to be able to live it for these hard times.
Today, the Greater Priest comes to meet you, and He brings between His Hands the Chalice of Redemption; dressed in the stole of purification; barefoot and humble as a servant of God, He is on the right hand of the Almighty and comes from Heaven to meet you, to bless you and to grant you the Love of the Creator; a Love that must multiply and expand in the world, which will heal disease, which will bring peace, which will heal all pain and incomprehension.
It is in this Love that you must live, the Love that I offer to you and the Love that I grant you; because in this Love there will be your liberation from all perdition, from all guilt, from all evil.
In Love, there is the triumph of the Work of God, because the love that you can also give Me and offer to Me is contemplated by the Almighty, as part of the Work of His Wisdom.
May Love, then, be transformed and sublimated.
A Love that is unconditional, able to go beyond limits, able to overcome any difficulty and to surrender before any necessity.
If, in this time, My Love is not in the world, humanity will perish.
I do not grant you self-love, personal or autonomous. I grant you, companions, the Love that once created you as essences. It is this Love that must be regenerated within you, every day. Because Love is the best company.
In the Love of God, the soul can be in the Truth and learn not to move away from it.
You will have to go deeper in Love for the Truth of God to be in your lives, so that you may live it and teach it to your fellow beings, knowing that in this time Love and Truth, as attributes, will be able to walk together in your lives so that you may always have guidance and wisdom.
The times that are coming announce great changes. It will be essential to live in this Love to understand beyond forms, to live beyond the events, to accept beyond the mistakes.
It is this Love that I lived in the Passion and that also raised Me, for the Sacrifice given.
It will be this Love that will always sustain you and thus, you will never lose sight of its presence.
Because the Love of God always comes from the Source and it never ends, because it is an unconditional Love, able to embrace the error, able to transform the pain, able to understand and accept the impossible.
Love can do everything.
Offer your personal love to the great infinite Love of God so that, someday, your feelings may be the Feelings of God in the spiritual life, in charity and in the unity among creatures.
Love will always transcend borders, overcome obstacles, understand and accept beyond the events.
Because Love does not take over anyone. Love liberates, Love uplifts, Love welcomes the dying in spirit.
If this Love were not in you, nothing would be possible.
This is My great Message to the whole world, on this day, in which a stage between My Heart and your hearts finishes.
This is the moment for this Love in you to be real and not theoretical; to be a living Love, which accepts, which gives itself and which surrenders to others, without anything in return.
It will be Love that will defeat evil.
It will be Love that will dissolve the chaos of the nations.
It will be Love that will strengthen the faith in the hearts.
It will be Love that will ignite in the spirits the trust in God.
Today My ceremony is in the name of this Divine and infinite Love that makes everything possible from what is impossible.
A Love that grants, that yields. The Love that surrenders all the time.
This is what I can convey to you, beyond the miracles, the phenomena or the curiosities.
The one who, in this time, does not live in the Love of God will be like in a desert, alone and empty, with a great thirst that nobody will be able to quench.
Do not lose the opportunity for this Love to bring you to the Truth every day, so that someday you may reach the same Wisdom that I reached on the Cross.
My Love for each one of you, for each being of this world, was with arms wide open on the Cross.
My Love was never closed. The Love of God expanded in each drop of blood, in each suffering, because it is a Love that is able to go beyond all adversity.
And today I bring you within this Chalice, the testimony of the Love of God represented in the Blood of Christ so that each one of your souls may drink of this commitment and remember every day, that Love is what must reign so that it may triumph over all evil.
May your hearts open for this spiritual communion with Me, in which you are called to My Table to unite to the Love of My Heart, the Love that surrenders everything and that forgives everything, at this very moment.
Empty of your faults, absolved of your debts, receive from My Heart the greatest Treasure of God manifested in the symbol of this Sacred Chalice that kept, throughout the times, the most real and alive experience of Love that the Son of the Father granted up to the top of the Cross, until His last breath, until the closing of His Eyes, when he exhaled, commending His Spirit into the Hands of the Creator.
May this Love perpetuate within you until the end of times, and may this Love be capable of making you return to My Path when you remember and perceive that you have stepped out of It for some reason.
What matters the most to God is that His children, His creatures, do not separate from Him, from the Source of Love, because Love will be what will regenerate the world and will bring healing to sick souls.
Today I deposit here what I lived on the Cross and in the inner planes, a scenario similar to the Mount Calvary manifests here to demonstrate to the world, and especially to humanity, the triumph of Love above all pain and all adversity.
Because it was Love that, from the top of the Cross, transformed the pain into Mercy and Grace so that it might reverberate until the end of times within the heart of all those who may recognize the Son of God and feel part of Him, in each moment of life, as in each communion with His Body and with His Blood.
Before the doors of Heaven, open over Aurora, may the Breath of the Spirit of God be ignited within you as a sacred flame, just like in the Apostles, so that you may spread, in this time, the power and the trust that My Love can express for all souls, for all those who are fallen, for those who have lost peace.
May those who live wars persevere.
May families that suffer chaos not lose hope.
May the children who are not born today, cease to cry in the inner planes, because the new Paradise will come for them.
And may the Kingdoms of Nature, which suffer in the silence of their essences, persist, because the day of liberation will come and evil will be defeated by the powerful Sword of Love of Saint Michael Archangel.
And in the hearts, the New Earth will be born again, the light of the last Christs will repopulate humanity and the attributes and Commandments of the Father will return to the planet to build the Plan again in all those who were self-summoned and did not respond.
With those who come with Me until the end of the days, they will lack nothing, they will be blessed by the Grace, filled by the Spirit of God, for the surrender and persistence of each believing and devout heart.
Suffering will be extinguished overnight and the light of the New Aurora will come, so that the souls may celebrate the day of their liberation. Amen.
Let us celebrate this moment with the opportunity of renewing your commitment, through the Sacrament of the Communion, before the Celestial Father.
May the doors of Heaven, at this moment, make the Divine Grace descend to the Earth. So be it.
Lord of the Universe,
giver of life,
untiring Father of Grace,
deposit over these elements,
and especially in the hearts,
the same opportunity You gave Me to love until the end, on top of the Cross.
May each pain convert into relief,
may each suffering convert into liberation,
so that all beings of the Earth,
gathered in the name of Your Love,
may participate in the glorious coming of Your Son.
At that time I gave you the bread and offering it to God, He blessed it. And today I repeat again, companions, that this is My Body, which was given for you, for the forgiveness of the faults.
Taking the Chalice and offering it to God, He blessed it. And today I tell you again, take and drink all from it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, of the New Covenant between the creatures and God, for all eternity.
This is the Body and the Blood of Christ; blessed are those who avail themselves of this mystery of love to participate, someday, in the Eternal Glory. Amen.
I hope this Marathon is a Marathon that attracts hope to the Earth and the opportunity to live in God so that all souls may receive the Supreme Grace.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In fraternity and for peace on the whole planet, you will give one another the greeting of peace.
I thank you.
That My last Words may write the triumph of My Love in the book of your soul.
That, in this new cycle, your memory may recall the passage of each Instruction delivered, and that your spirit may be enriched with the impulses of light sent by My Heart.
That each one of My Messages may serve you as encouragement, strength and hope so that, someday, when you are before the portal of My Presence, your consciousness may definitively surrender to Me, in love and in trust.
Let My last Words not only be written within the book of your soul, but also each vibration emitted by My Voice fill the deepest place of your being so that you may learn, through My Messages, to be in Communion with Me.
You will still cross deserts. You will still feel loneliness.
You will still find the bitter drink of gall, like the one I drank for the last time on the Cross.
But you will never feel abandoned, despised or offended because if in truth you have been with Me, each test will be an opportunity of taking a new step.
You have renounced in order to follow Me. You have surrendered your family to God to follow My steps and, after having lived and experienced so many challenges, you are here today, before Me.
I know what it means for you to leave everything. I know what it means for you to surrender everything.
Do not forget that I was a human like you, who experienced, in His own flesh, the abandonment and the loneliness of the heart.
But That One, who is above everything, That One, who is beyond everything, will always place you in His Arms because He knows that you are fragile, small and inexperienced.
The Celestial Father will always give you His Love, for you to live it.
My Words engrave in your soul the inner treasures, which will prepare you so that someday, soon, you may recognize Me. And on this day, without adversity, without suffering and without anguish, you may sit at My Table to share the Bread of Life and of Renewal.
Remember that I always want to be within you.
I need a refuge to relieve and strengthen Myself in, in the face of everything that I see in the world.
Do not separate from Me.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
O warrior heart! Beseech the Celestial Father for the rain of meek humility to descend upon you so that your spirit may be eased in the face of all the adversities and challenges.
O warrior heart! Let the momentum of your faith never waver. May the fire of love that is born of your confirmed heart be renewed, time after time, regardless of the events or the tests.
Warrior heart, always be the light that illuminates in service the path of your brothers and sisters.
Never battle against anybody because your warrior heart is born from the absolute certainty of your obedience in fulfilling the Plan of the Creator.
O warrior heart! Let your shout not be sword against sword, but rather of constant prayer and pleading that brings the Mercy and the Love of God to Earth.
Warrior heart, never fear to be naked before God, empty of self, stripped of yourself, and completely surrendered to the unknown and great Will.
May your steps, warrior heart, be marked by the same footprints of your Lord, so that, in everything, you may be fulfilling and living the service to the Greater Universe.
Warrior heart, soldier without a sword or shield, guardian of love and hope, surrender to the sweet commands of your Master and Lord.
I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
In everything there always exists and lies the Love of God. It is this Love that generated the Creation and that once made it a reality in the Universes.
The Love of the Father is the Consciousness that brings wisdom and understanding, that brings healing and compassion to souls. In this Love lies the path to enter into the existence of each being, into the knowledge of the inner reality of each creature.
In love manifests kindness, the good and consideration for fellow being.
Love is the tree that gives seeds of peace, of charity and of Mercy.
Love acts in everything when we allow it to manifest.
Love has more attributes than love, it places us before the Truth.
Love dissolves indifference, pride and denial.
In love there is the overcoming of oneself and the overcoming of differences.
In the Love of God, we find the meaning of why we are here and the purpose for which we were created.
In love, there is only forgiveness and, in forgiveness, everybody reconciles and loves one another.
Love only tends to expand.
Love is not reduced, because love gives itself, and in the self giving is the expansion of consciousness.
I thank you for keeping the Love of God within you!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Jesus Christ
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more