Welcome into your heart all the revelations of God and let your consciousness expand to other planes and realities.
Receive these impulse as if they were the last and make an inner synthesis of all the revelations that have already been announced throughout time.
Nurture your consciousness with sacred knowledge and make your life even simpler so that the Treasures of God may reflect in your actions, and every space and place may be transformed and elevated according to Divine Will.
Thus, let the revelations of God bring you closer to His Divine Simplicity so that sufficient humility may be incarnated in you to help you understand and experience the forms that come from the Universe and give impulse to cosmic life.
Let spirits be ennobled by all the knowledge received, as from the Supreme Source, sacred impulses are emanated that will simply cause the consciousness of humanity to elevate in plane.
Any revelation is always full of the Love of God.
I thank you for responding to My call and for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Most souls only believe that I am present in a certain place if there are miracles.
Miracles are acts of Love that the Father emanates to His children, so that souls can be transformed and renewed.
But the true faith and trust of knowing where the Son of God is lies in the gift of the heart, because the heart thus united to Christ never fails, for the trust and firmness that He radiates is indelible for the end of these times.
This fortitude of heart will allow you to live the new cycles and will lead you to embrace the new challenges that will come to impel you and lead you towards the goal.
The path of faith of the heart is something unchangeable. That is worth much more than hundreds of words, because faith awakens fortitude, and this fortitude helps the consciousness to accept the new times.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Love your brothers and sisters just as they are, just as I love you, without conditions, without rules or restrictions.
Love your brothers and sisters as they are, without trying to change anything in them, because they themselves should make the great change in consciousness, just as you should make the inner change.
Love your brothers and sisters with all their defects, with all their imperfections, with all their anger and with all their resistances, just as I love all of your being, with all your errors, with all your faults and with all your miseries.
Love your brothers and sisters with all their talents, skills and abilities, just as I love you with all your potential, with all your intelligence and with all your energy.
Love your brothers and sisters in their moments of happiness, in their moments of pain and in their moments of joy, just as I love you in your moments of falling, in your moments of test and in your moments of defeat.
Love your brothers and sisters with all their happiness, with all their anger, with all their folly, just as I love you with all your resistances, with all your misconceptions and with all your doubts.
Love is capable of everything and it has no limits, no commitments nor schedules.
Love is the giving of self and is the acceptance of the biggest and of the smallest errors.
Love will always free you from chains and will heal your heart.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart.
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Feel My Heart close to yours and My Spiritual Energy filling each corner of your being.
Feel My Presence within you and the great Universe of Love that expands inside of you, and how your soul is collected by the balm of this most potent Divine Energy.
Stay inside this emptiness and discover the magnitude of humility and the infinite splendor of love.
Help yourself of My Gifts so that your life transforms into the project that I have thought of from the beginning.
Feel the strength of the Love of God and cover yourself with His Mantle of pure Mercy; in this way, you will receive the simplicity of the Universal Kingdom and you will commune, together with the angels, of the powerful Divine Energy.
Render yourself into My Arms and this way I will take you up to the Cosmic Dwellings where you will discover the joy of being able to serve God and the gratitude of being able to feel Him and recognize Him.
May your consciousness expand and may everything be healed and redeemed in this expansion.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Before the second return, of your Master and Lord, I will unmask My false friends and everyone will see who they are.
I will not let any more deceptions and illusions exist, as they have existed in recent times.
I will raise the Scepter of the Power of the Love of God and, with a single decree, I will cleanse each consciousness and each space so that the Glory of God may descend to the world.
Before the second return, of your Master and Lord, I will separate the chaff from the wheat and with those who were faithful to Me, I will make the new flour as the symbol of the redemption of the planet.
Before the second return, of your Master and Lord, to the world, I will free souls from their captivity and I will let men know the immensity of the Love that has brought them here.
When I return, for the second time, I will see the eyes of My disciples, full of joy, because their Shepherd will be returning.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
First Message
From the Great Star of the Universe, I greet you and send My Message of peace to the world.
Today My Words emanate from the heart of Andromeda, a place from where the Universes of this Universe are governed, and many more Universes that are ruled by the Law of the Hierarchy, and are under the care of the great universal Consciousnesses.
I have come to Argentina to correct it in its purpose, to again lead it towards the path of the light.
This is why I extend My Hand to the People of God, so that they may hold on to Me tightly and follow Me on the pathway of the true faith and of the new hope.
From Andromeda, I emit My Voice to the world and especially to Argentina, knowing that it is a people that needs to straighten its paths to be able to accomplish the Purpose of God, to be able to vivify it, to be able to fulfill it, in these critical times, in which everything is at stake.
What I ask you today is nothing new, companions, just only remember your commitment so that you can remember your origin, knowing that this material life does not end here and that after this life there is much more to learn.
The Universes offer themselves so that you can learn in its sacred Schools, where everything is written and where everything is accomplished.
Therefore, I invite you on these days to drink of My Mercy so that you can drink of the Source of Knowledge, a knowledge that reveals the Truth to you, a knowledge that will give you the peace and the wisdom that you need for these critical times.
But My coming to Argentina will not avoid many other things more that happen in these days and in these times.
Freedom is still in the hands of humankind.
Freedom is what can lead you to God or what can condemn you without you perceiving it.
For this reason, the choice is in each human heart, the choice of living in God or not being in God, of submerging in the Love of God or moving away from the Love of God.
Nobody will be forced to live a spirituality that they have not yet understood, nor felt inside.
But what I can promise to Argentina is just My Love and My Mercy. Streams that will lead you to find the Divine Purpose, to find the answer that you are looking for so much, for a long time.
Thus, I am gradually forming My new soldiers, the soldiers of the last times. I am gradually building the inner Christ in the dwellings of all beings, the inner Christ who will live the end of times, the one who will give testimony, in My Name, that I am here among you and with you.
For this reason, today My Voice is emitted from Andromeda, a place where the Universal Government dwells and complies the Divine Laws of this Material Universe; a place where great decisions are taken for the evolution and the awakening of the consciousnesses, for the infinite expression of more degrees of love, of a greater Love than the one I could conceive when I was on Earth among you, a long time ago.
At that moment, I had left you a key that would help you to transcend all times and all generations, all experiences and all learnings.
It is the love for life what will rebuild Argentina, beyond the mistakes and faults.
Love is what will heal, it is what will fill.
Love will concede you peace and thus you will live in justice.
It will be worthless to oppose one another, because even though inequalities exist, which are seen by all, what matters for God, companions, is the destiny of your nation and its people, as a Promised Land, that will no longer have injustices nor inequalities, which will be permeated by the Presence of God, in the perfect living of His Beloved Son, in the heart of humanity.
Do not fight for what is material, although it is unjust.
Build in you what is true and what comes from God, what will really make you free, someday, to reach the Kingdom of God, which is inside of you.
Living in the Kingdom of God you will be in communion with the High and it will be no longer a religion nor a doctrine, because your religion, companions, regardless of any other, will be love.
It is love that will lead you to live service and fraternity towards your brothers and sisters.
It is love that will allow you to build brotherhood and thus be able to live the new life that will repopulate Earth in the coming times.
But while you live your internal and external transition, do not fight, do not oppose to one another any longer. Seek this justice in the Gift of the Mercy of God and everything will pass.
Thus God will make justice, as the Great Divine Consciousness that He is, and His children will finally represent Him on Earth, as He so much has expected since the beginning.
Be capable of living My Words beyond the senses.
Be capable of risking to do a little bit more than you do or than what you have achieved in your lives, because everything will start again in love, and from love will begin. The rest will become dust and to dust will return.
In your spirits is the Sacred Reliquary of My Heart.
In your souls, the presence of My Soul can be, so that you may be in communion with the Divine Justice and in a perfect balance.
Therefore, from Andromeda, a Voice of equality is emitted and the Great Star of this Universe calls you to the elevation of the consciousness, to step out of forms and battles, to achieve the true meaning of your existence and of your mission on Earth as individuals, as a people and as a country.
Close the doors to chaos. Open the doors to My Divine Mercy because thus My Presence will triumph in you and My Energy will triumph in your nation.
The time has come to perceive reality and not deceits.
The time has come, companions of Argentina, of climbing one more step to approach God and to feel His Love that fills and fills you, time and again.
Be a people that deserves Divine Justice and not human justice. Thus you will learn to be in balance and in harmony with the Universe.
Andromeda emits its voice, from the Universe to your planet, so that you can listen to it and count on its great Government that is celestial and complies with the superior commands that the Eternal Father dictates.
Join this chain of prayer for peace and prevent chaos to submerge you.
Be intelligent and activate the prayer of the heart so that your own inner Mirrors may dissolve all reigning darkness.
For this reason, Andromeda comes to bless you and consecrate you so that each human heart and each soul may listen to the Voice of the Universe and receive, from Andromeda, the spirit of peace.
May your offering for this Marathon be true as you have demonstrated on these last days.
Because the Universe is contemplating all your efforts, however small they may seem. All efforts add to the descent of Divine Mercy that allow to love the enemies and forgive the unjust ones.
Encourage yourselves to surpass Me in love and you will find the Truth.
Encourage yourselves to be My testimonials and you will be free, as you expect so much.
The Kingdom of God is inside of you and it must remain there throughout the times, for the Sacred Will to be fulfilled.
I thank you for having said “yes” to Me for this meeting, because this means much to Me, as a Divine and Universal Consciousness.
Here exists very valuable souls and very important spirits for the Creation. This is why you are in Argentina and not in another place.
Everything in the Creation has a divine meaning and a superior Purpose to be manifested.
Be part of this universal current that comes from Andromeda and recognize, in these times, your mission with humanity.
May in this Marathon of springtime, the love of your hearts flourish.
May your hands, arms and feet give the fruits of service and walk to meet those who are most in need, so that Mercy may reach all, without distinction.
May the Light of the Spirit of Andromeda bless you in the name of the Sacred Brotherhood.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
From My Five Wounds flows the light for souls.
From My Five Wounds flows My testimonial of Love for souls.
From My Five Wounds flows the infinite mystery of the Love of God.
From My Five Wounds flows the Truth for the planet.
From My Five Wounds flows the memory of My Passion for each one of Mine.
From My Five Wounds flows the sense of having been here, among you.
From My Five Wounds flows the non-material fount for the whole Universe.
From My Five Wounds flows the reason for loving you so much.
From My Five Wounds flows the feeling of having lived the Will of God on Earth.
From My Five Wounds flow the attributes that humanity needs for these times.
From My Five Wounds flows the Principle that restores the spiritual life of each being.
From My Five Wounds flows the unforgettable experience of living in God.
From My Five Wounds flows the path of return to the transfiguring love.
From My Five Wounds flows the purpose for rescuing the human race and the opportunity that it has to return to God in Mercy.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
First Series of Poems
Second Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Make me love the Divine Purpose, Lord,
as You have loved it since the beginning
while You were among us as a Child,
while You preached and taught the Word of Life,
while You worked and did wonders in the most closed hearts.
Beloved Jesus,
faithful Master and Celestial Spouse,
commit my life more and more to You.
During the cold night, may I feel the warmth of Your embrace,
may I always take refuge in Your Heart
when I cross the desert of the soul,
may I be absolutely empty
each time You call me to serve.
Venerable and noble Heart of Jesus,
participate entirely in my life,
because my life is Your life,
my breath is part of Your breath,
my dreams are part of Your magnificent Projects.
Dear Jesus,
convert my aspirations into Your Designs,
my longings into part of Your Work,
so that I may make You known to the world
just as You, my Lord,
have let humankind know
the Greater Love of God.
May Your Kingdom, Lord, descend to Earth
so that each aspect of my consciousness
may be ennobled and transformed,
according to Your Word and Your infinite Mercy.
Keep me beside You, Jesus,
because in the dark night of the soul
I need to feel confidence and strength
in being able to be near You.
Allow me, Lord,
to empty myself completely by Your intervention
so that You may deposit in this small heart
the Work of Your Kingdom and Your whole Legacy
and thus the higher design of Your Spirit
may be fulfilled in this humanity.
Make me see with clarity and wisdom
the steps that today I must take towards You.
Sustain me with Your Hands
so that, with confidence, I may cross
the inner abysses that separate me from You.
make me recognize Your powerful Light,
make me recognize the sublime Fire of Your Heart,
so that You may be able to fulfill Your Divine Will in my life
I thank you for keeping these words of a Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Let My Liberating Power extract, from your being, the old vestments of the past, so that the true purpose may emerge in you, and thus the new being may be born.
Sometimes to deprive oneself of the past is more painful than crossing an entire desert, thirsty and without water. But My Liberating Rays descend upon those who are Mine so that they may surrender everything to Me and thus My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy may triumph.
Dare, companions, to let My Liberating Rays divest you of the past, so that your true and only essence may be revealed, and with it, all the treasures of the Love of God enter in you.
Do not think you will die before you reach Me due to being divested. The spiritual death of the past begins by accepting the designs of the Great Master.
This is the hour in which your Lord will cause Truth to emerge within His Own people, which is to say, the truth of being able to know pain, misery, and bitterness. And all of that together will be liberated by Me, so that the grand mission, of representing Me in the world and in the most crucial moment of My Church, may be fulfilled in souls.
For this reason I divest you and I deliver you to My Father, empty of everything, so that your testimonies be the true example of your lives.
To truly be by My Side, I will need up to the last drop of your effort; in this way, My Plan will be fulfilled as it is written in Heaven.
I thank you for holding My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Message
May the Voice of the Lord of Egypt be heard today, because there is a people crying for liberation, piety and redemption; there is a people crying for justice, mercy and peace. And it is not for lack of divine help nor of supreme help; this is part of what humanity generates among peoples and nations, among races and cultures.
From the Sahara Desert, the Voice of the Lord of Egypt be heard, Who today presents His Throne of Wisdom and Power to bring Justice to the world, the Justice that will balance the planet and humanity.
That is why you should pray as you are doing, every day.
The Voice of the Lord of Egypt comes to bring Justice to the world, for the requests of its people and its culture; for the pleas of the simple and of the humble.
May differences no longer exist between races and religions, between beliefs and doctrines.
The Voice of the Lord of Egypt comes to unify everything, from the beginning to the end; it comes to reveal to you that in essence you are all one. And from that unity, you all come from God; from the same Father who has created you; from the same Universe that has manifested you, from the same Love that has expressed you in an infinity of forms and manifestations.
All are one in essence, and in this unity there is the Love that transcends borders, cultures and peoples.
The Voice of the Lord of Egypt comes to reveal to you a time of great planetary purification; a time that no other race has lived in another era or in another century.
I come as the Lord of Egypt to speak to you in the name of Love, and also to show you that I am in everything, not only in Christianity.
I Am part of God and from God I come.
I Am part of His Divine Emanation and of His Purpose for this and other Universes.
This is the Voice that speaks to you, the Voice of the Lord of Egypt, the One Who was with you before and the One Who is with you now to give continuity to the Purpose of God.
May no people, culture, race or nation forget that each being first is an essence, before being matter; that they are part of an original Source and of a principle that must be fulfilled in you so that it can be fulfilled in the world.
Those who believe that they are powerful and make wars, will not win.
Those who are oppressed and suffer the consequences are the ones who will triumph.
Because Love will always be able to do everything. Love will renew everything and beliefs or religions will not be important, but rather the essence that will unite peoples and nations, where there will be no distinction of culture, race or color.
I come to show to My Church that I am also in those who would not believe in Christ. Because they do not really believe because they do not know Me, they have not felt Me and they have not lived Me, as you once lived and knew Me.
Expand this Love that I bring to the world, so that the world can have an opportunity and reconsider.
Therefore, from the Sahara Desert My Voice is proclaimed so that Christians, Arabs and Muslims listen to Me as the only God, as the emanation of the Firstborn Son, as the One Who has renewed all times in the past, through the Cross.
A moment will come when everyone will find themselves on the same path, and together, as peoples, cultures, religions and nations, they must cross the last portal, because there will be no other; there will be no portals to choose or door to cross, but one, which is the door of My Heart. There everyone will understand one another and will have clarity in the end times that I have always been the same, from the Alpha to the Omega, and that My Divine and Omnipotent Presence has been in everyone; although in the majority it has been hidden, even in order to awaken.
If I come as the Lord of Egypt, it is for you to know that My Christic Love is in others, and not only in so few or in those who believe they can retain Me by proclaiming My Name.
I Am the Son of the Living God, but also God is in Me, as in My brothers and sisters.
God, Abba or Allah is in everyone, as it is written in all the Sacred Books.
Because a day will come when the knowledge written in the Sacred Books will be one, when humanity receives the revelation that only one God was always in all creation, as in all times; going through all generations, all cultures and all peoples. And they will know that He has tried to express and show Himself in all places, as in all the corners of this planet.
And so, knowing this revelation, they will understand their filiation with the Father and they will join the Source. In that moment it will no longer be necessary to make wars or create conflicts, for material goods or for spiritual dogmas. At that moment I will already be present in the world and within humanity.
But, as in the past, the Living God in the Beloved Son will show Himself to small groups before showing Himself completely to the world and everything that will have happened through religions and this Work will be understood.
Those who did not accept it, will recognize it. Those who have stepped aside, will be ashamed for having abandoned Me. Those who persisted and will persist to the end, will enjoy My Spirit, something that will be unknown.
It will be the last impulse revealed by your Master and Lord to His disciples, in all those who have faith in My Name and in My Word.
And everything that will have been difficult, hard and sacrificed for those that are Mine will be understood and will have a meaning.
The anguishes lived; the sorrows that oppressed; the bitterness felt by the hearts that have separated themselves will be understood; because it is part of a purpose and a history that I am writing in this world and, mainly, in your hearts.
When everyone has conscience of what My Work has done through souls, many will regret too late; but those who are with Me will rejoice because they had full confidence in My Message and in My impulse of Light.
That is why I settle My Work in the most difficult places, so that it may be fulfilled and, at least, peace may be sown in the spirit of each place.
Therefore, everything you offer to your Lord for this Work will be invaluable in the eyes of the men of the world.
Because at this time it is written: The Lord of Egypt, the Lord of the East, will take away the power from those who believe they have it, and will give His treasures to those who have suffered for injustice and inequality; and the Promised Land, which dwells in the Heart of Christ, will be revealed to those who with effort have followed His steps, towards the path of Light and of unity.
And at that hour I will unite everything, cultures, peoples, beliefs, religions and races; and everybody will listen to the Master and Lord in one language, in His original language, which reverberates in the Universe and echoes in the deepest spaces of the Cosmos, like a mantric melody that, in an impulse of vibration and light, renews everything that it touches and transforms everything that is impossible.
The Voice of the Son of Man, the Voice of the Lord of Egypt, will be like a thunder that will illuminate the cusps of the Churches of the Earth, without preference of place or people.
Because at the least thought moment the Lord of Egypt will show Himself and in His Heart, as in His Divine and Trine Face, He will bring the synthesis of all His experience lived on Earth as in Heaven, so that a New Humanity may begin.
In the meantime, listen to the Voice of the Lord of Egypt that tells you: do not tire of working for God, because God always will give His Treasures to those who live His Word truly and without prejudice.
Therefore, may love abound in these times so that millions of wounds may be closed in hearts that suffer for different reasons and motives.
When they understand the essence of the Purpose of God many will be surprised by what they will know, because they will know something they have never known; because something that they never saw will be revealed, and it will be clear to all; there will be no doubt, interpretation or mirage. Because when the Lord of Egypt returns to the world with His true Face, everything will be consummated.
May each prayer be valued. May each bead offered be contemplated. May every prayer offered be placed at the Foot of the Creator, for those who turned away from Me without understanding everything; because the only thing that I want for all of My companions is that they always see the truth and in truth live to someday be free of themselves.
I thank those who persist; those who are sincere and transparent; those who are not afraid to accept their mistakes and ask forgiveness to their brothers and to God.
I thank those who accept without understanding, because someday they will understand everything and, without realizing it, they will be transformed into what I have so much desired with ardor in My living and patient Heart.
May everybody learn from this moment and benefit this opportunity so as not to lose the Grace of awakening and renewing times, just as the Father expects from His creatures.
May the Gift of Wisdom be in the open hearts.
May the Gift of Wisdom illuminate the closed hearts.
May the Gift of Wisdom reconcile those who have moved away.
May the Gift of Wisdom restore the unity between the souls and God.
May the Gift of Wisdom impulse you to live the Purpose and the transformation of times; because who aspires to the Gift of Wisdom will know My Face.
I encourage you to continue materializing My Work.
I encourage you to continue fulfilling My requests; because I tell you again, companions, that everything will be clear at the end of these times.
Remember that My Kingdom is for everyone.
When a heart breaks inside, it is a sign that the Law of Inner Liberation is being fulfilled.
Therefore, on this day, leave your heart open so that, like others, it is available for structures to fall and all forms to be broken.
Leave your heart available for all that it must experience, because thus you will allow the Universal Laws to flow in you, those which will order your life and adjust your consciousness.
May your heart find the necessary liberation from all that hinders the free walk of the disciple of Christ.
Let your heart conquer the emptiness of self so that it may soon be filled by the balm of the Mercy of My Heart.
Surrender, as if nothing else makes sense, and in this way you will find the exit door that will lead you on the path of hope and Greater Love.
Let everything within you find a meaning, a realization thought of by God, but which is not under your human power.
In this sense, allow the Work of Love to act within your being so that in the next cycle you may be what in truth the whole Universe expects you to be.
Follow My Steps of Light.
I Thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
"Lord, forgive all of humanity for its ignorant inner and moral destruction.
Forgive them because they do not know Your Love nor Mine, that only comes from and is born of You.
Forgive them, Lord, for so many denials and outrages, for taking the life of innocents and for not allowing the birth of those that should be born in this divine life.
O My Lord! Supreme and Glorious Father, let Your beloved Son, Who carried the Cross to the foot of Mount Calvary and crawled as the most despised among all, be able to offer a total reparation today for all the faults that humanity continues to commit.
Lord God Almighty, hear the prayers of those that are consequent and good; immerse yourself, My God, in the souls that only desire to seek You through sacrifice and renunciation.
No longer look, o God, Adonai!, at the fragility of Your creatures, but rather, beloved Father, allow all good essences, which please You and satisfy You, to restore this submerged and lost humanity from its decadence.
Abba, Source of all creation and origin, remember, beloved Father, all Your creatures from the origin, and let Your Love impregnate them completely until they feel the divine wholeness of only living in You and for You.
Emmanuel, Celestial Presence of Power and Truth, continue without tiring to pour out Your Graces over the innocent, so that the demolished spirit of the pure may revive in the essence of Your most pure Love.
I promise You that through Your Mercy, everything will be possible, and the last of the self-summoned will achieve Your eternity; and although the world causes Your infinite Heart to suffer, today I again offer You, Lord, the Cross I carried, the Wounds that marked My Body, and above all, Father, the precious consecrations of those that do not turn their back on you.
Today I offer you all My flocks, so that the whole world not experience Justice, but rather a constant reparation that I offer to Adonai, the gratitude of the humble and the simplicity of the pure; for the time has come, Father, that You show the world the universe of Your Love."
For this reason, today I come here to pour out the last drops of My Water and of My Blood over those that listen to My Words and truly live them.
In your hearts carry My blessing to the Celestial Father and understand that no other path but Mine exists that will give you a spiritual life and peace.
Woe to those who distance themselves from Me! How will they be able to be worthy of My Mercy? And when will they stop being thorns in My Crown?
I offer you My only Truth. I give you My true Words so that you may incarnate them in your essences.
Let this new Marathon be dedicated to the absolute and urgent reparation of the hearts that suffered martyrdom and that today, in My Kingdom, are glorified for having been faithful unto death.
Receive My last Graces before the end time. The hands of the clock mark the time of the surrender and the emptiness of self. In this way, the world will be able to recover the innocence it lost.
Be merciful always; thus you will make My Heart happy.
I only ask that you not forget Me.
Under the Glory of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for seeking the Mercy of My Heart!
The Glorified Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more