In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The great ocean of My Mercy opens, but still, only very few souls want to enter it.
In this ocean, I will purify these souls, amend their errors and faults, liberate them from the past, I will grant them eternal life and sanctify them through the Holy Spirit, which will anoint these souls that enter My ocean of Mercy, just as the apostles were anointed with My Most Holy Mother in the Pentecost.
The Powerful Spirit of God will be propagated throughout the world again and the hearts that are open to It will know It. But before this happens, souls must accept to enter the ocean of My Mercy so that I may justify them before the Laws of Creation.
This is the hour when the great door of My Mercy begins to close in the world, because the time of Divine Justice must be fulfilled, just as it was written by John, the Apostle, in the Apocalypse.
The hour will come, during the three days of darkness, when Divine Justice will be complied with, but not in the way humanity believes. The Justice of God is Love in balance. The Justice of God is Love in harmony. The Justice of God is Love in wisdom.
But before this door of My Mercy closes to the world, tell souls that they must turn to God before it is too late. Because when I cease to be with you and to speak to the world through this Work, all, absolutely all, will be unleashed.
Therefore, while there is still time, a very short time, you must affirm yourselves in My Mercy. You must sail in My ocean of Light through the constancy of your prayers and supplications. You must be the faithful testimony of My Love for the world, especially for the hearts that have lost their faith and trust in God for everything that happens to them, for everything they live, face and go through.
However, just as I once came to Poland through Saint Faustina to reveal the infinity of My Unfathomable and Divine Mercy; just as I came in the dark night of a war that was presenting itself as imminent in Europe at that time, in the same way I will return as the Light of the world.
On the inner horizon, you will feel Me, you will recognize the Face of Christ. And I will expel the antichrists, just as I expelled the traders from the temple, because the House of My Father is sacred, in this world and in others. The House of My Father is blessed because it is celestial, cosmic and divine, because He created it for all His Children and Creatures, for all the essences that have emerged from His Immaterial Source.
And this House dwells in the depths of the temple of souls, temples that have been corroded by the influences of this world, by its trends and ideologies. In this way, the world loses the sense of perspective, while not finding God, while being with its attention somewhere else.
For this reason, I have delivered all the treasures that I have promised to you and to your brothers and sisters, so that you may have a part with My Father in the Kingdom of the Heavens, so that this world may know that in Love lies the overcoming of everything, of any trauma or pain, for I come in the name of God’s Love, of this unchangeable and unmistakable Love, this Love which has a flow unknown to the world and humanity.
This is the reason why We have been here with you for such a long time, because We hope that you will learn from this Love, which the world and humanity no longer have; that you will learn from a mature and conscious Love, a Love that is capable of accepting and welcoming the fellow being, the one who no one loves or accepts because they are seemingly a problem.
But if I accepted the twelve apostles as they were, just as at this time I accept you as you are, where is the Love that I have given to you so that you may represent Me in this world and in this humanity?
God’s Love is the foundation of the whole spiritual path and of the entire earthly trajectory, for in Love lies God’s Happiness and His Joy, the bliss of the reencounter with the Eternal Father, the healing of all wounds.
I deliver this Message to you again with other Words, for you must have love for all that you have received and for all that has been offered to you since the beginning, when your consciousnesses were awakened to Universal and Divine Knowledge, to the Immaterial Laws and to the Universal Currents.
Before I bid you farewell to you in this cycle, and for the month of August, it is My imperious need that there may be souls and people who can assume the treasures of the Hierarchy present in the Inner Retreats of the planet, because not only you but also your brothers and sisters of the world will need it in the face of all that which is to come.
What more does humanity need so that it may change?
How much abundance has My Father given to you through His Creation and, above all, through life: the possibility you have of seeing the sun at each dawn, of breathing the purity of nature and of the oceans, of having a family, regardless of how it may be, and of learning to love this family, just as God has loved you from the beginning, the possibility of learning to serve so as to come out of yourselves a little more each day and abandon this inveterate ego, which only places consciousnesses in obstacles and dead ends.
God has given you His Love because His Love is His Power, not authority. His Love for souls and Creation is His Spiritual Government.
Without Love, there would not be the Compassion and Mercy poured out by His Most Beloved Son on the Cross, when He was pierced by the spear on His Side. Even lifeless, dead on the Cross, I gave you God’s Love to the limits of My Consciousness, through My Blood and My Water; a sublime act that overcame all errors and all consequences during the Holy Friday.
Now that in the last recent years, we have formed the oratories and Rosaries of Light, it is time for you to remain in your houses, at home, and pray to God with fervor to invoke the power of the Heart of Mary and My Heart, so that all may be protected and supported, and many more may have the same Grace of being supported by the Mother of God, Who extends Her Mantle of Light upon the world day by day.
The Mother of the World, in the most invisible and silent part of Her Spirit, takes the Scepter with Her Hand to guide souls toward the Kingdom of the Heavens so that one day all may be in Paradise, living the same spiritual happiness and the same spiritual bliss that We live with all those who have said yes at some moment of this evolution.
The instructions have been given to all. A long time has passed, many teachings have been delivered, everything has been said.
Now, it is time to assume and join the lines of the Plan of the end of times. Thus, when you do it for yourselves, for the love that you say you have for Me, you will assume your role, you will assume your service, and you will no longer complain. You will not evade the necessity that the universe places before your eyes. You will no longer lie to yourselves, you will not deceive yourselves, for you will do each task and live each commitment, just as I have lived it for you since My Origin in the Creative Source until My Ascension.
As I said to you, the Plan waits for the consistent, for those who must no longer be pushed, for those who will be aware of what they must do without anyone having to tell them. Because the one who lives in My Love is capable of perceiving everything and recognizing where lies the need at this crucial time, not only in My Islands of Salvation but also in the world, where souls wait for help, for someone to listen to them, for someone to welcome them, for someone who can love them. Just as I love all, regardless of the errors, regardless of the denials and the indifferences that the world causes to Me.
It is time to rebuild humanity and this will take a lot of work. But have faith, because a Good Father never forgets His Children and a good foreman never forgets his workers. Because the one who serves God renews, transcends and transmutes themselves. There is no other way for overcoming yourselves, companions.
We are in the stage of preparing My Return, and I will only touch with My Feet this wounded yet also sacred ground, when I can live in you forever, in the most intimate communion of hearts, of life and essence.
May My Words remain and not just pass. Heaven and Earth will pass, but My Words will remain in those who open to receive them and recognize them as their own, as a life raft.
On this third day of encounter with Me, at the doors of Montserrat, may Communion be offered as a reparation for those who suffer the wars of the world, for the refugees and those who are neglected, for those who are discarded, forgotten and forsaken, without even a degree of love moving in the consciousnesses of those who see them.
This is why reparation is necessary for Justice to be placated, so that Mercy, My last Mercy, may act and work in souls.
May this Communion nourish life. May this Eucharist strengthen hearts and encourage them to move on, just as your Master moved on at each step of Calvary up to Golgotha, without losing the faith of fulfilling the Will of God. In each nail received in My Body, at each whipping that tore out My own flesh, in the very Crowning of Thorns, in the insults and rejections from all those in whom I had worked miracles.
Everything must be repaired so that the time of the Promised Land, the new Eden, may come.
O Adonai,
You, Who see the errors of the world and their consequences,
contemplate for a moment all those who follow You
and have faith in Your Unfathomable Presence.
Pour out Your Love upon the consistent
but, above all, Adonai,
pour out Your Love upon those who are condemned.
May the price of My Blood not be in vain.
May the codes of My Love,
which are Yours and come from the Source,
heal, redeem and nourish the souls that,
lost of their spiritual filiation to You, need You, Lord.
Adonai, embrace all with Your Mantle,
just as this wind of Montserrat
embraces all with its softness and purity.
Adonai, do not close the door of Your Mercy,
but rather let Your Mercy be perpetuated in all those
who supplicate for Mercy for the sake of My Sorrowful Passion.
Adonai, just as on the top of Mount Calvary,
You saw the great offense and sin of the world,
and Your Love descended and acted with the power
of all stars and all suns.
Thus, the universe was moved
by the descent of Your Love,
and in this way, everything was liberated and closed
so that, in the Resurrection of Your Son,
You, Adonai, might bear witness to Your Love
and Triumph in the world.
O Adonai, Sacred Father,
Omnipotent and Sovereign Creator,
may all vivify You,
may all be a part of Your Sidereal Existence.
May many more do it
and have the Grace of living it
so that, in the end of times, all Your Children,
together with Your Favorite Son,
may reestablish the union between Heaven and Earth,
and may establish the One Thousand Years of Peace,
through the Supper of Redemption,
when I will break the bread again
and consecrate the wine in Your Name, Adonai,
so that all may begin from scratch,
and all may be renewed forever.
In this way, after these three days of impulses and confessions of My Heart, I prepare you for the month of August.
Go in peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Heaven and Earth must be united through good and surrendered priests. This is the main Legacy that I have left for humanity and for the planet.
Since the days of old, there have always been good and surrendered priests: through the patriarchs, through the announcement of the prophets, through all those who, throughout the times, have given their lives to the Lord, not only to live the total consecration of their consciousnesses, but also to serve the Lord of the Universe.
God had already thought of all this, that this Human Project could unite to the Universe and to the Primordial Source through the presence and existence of good and surrendered priests.
Within all the tasks that exist on the spiritual level, the life of My priests throughout the world is the most persecuted and harassed, but the master key to overcoming all this lies within the total surrender of the priests to My Merciful Heart.
Throughout the times, I do not come to seek perfect consciousnesses. I come to seek the virtues and talents that I left within each one of them, which is what I need in these times to carry forward the emergency Plan of Rescue. For this reason, priestly consciousnesses has been spiritually attacked throughout the times.
However, I have given you several examples of overcoming. Through surrendered consciousnesses, I have given you the testimonials and the example of how self-transcendence attains union with Christ to carry forward this extremely important and sacred task. Through the priests of the world, and regardless of their religions and beliefs, regardless of their dogmas and institutions, this will allow the people of God to spiritually live the gift I have given to them.
I want you to know, companions, that without priests in this world, the world will perish. Without true and good priests, souls may continue to go astray in this world.
It is very important to Me that priestly life may reflect and mirror upon the planet the sacred treasures that I left to all souls through the Sacraments.
Tonight, I want the whole world to remember the Passion of the Lord. This profound and eternal Passion that Christ lived at the Last Supper, not only instituting the greatest Legacy of Universal Love through the Body and Blood of Christ, but also instituting the Spiritual Priesthood on the planet, renewing it through the surrender of the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world and gives you peace.
This is why I give thanks because, within this Monastic Order, just as in other religious orders in the world, there exist conscious souls that pray for the priests so that My Christic Legacy may not disappear from this world.
Through all My priests, there is the bridge that unites souls to God, there lies the opportunity for them to draw near the Primordial Source and for all hearts, regardless of their sins and faults, to remember they have the Grace of being worthy Children of God. This is also a sacred task of priests in the end of times.
For this reason, I will return to Israel this year, to re-establish and re-build the planetary spiritual priesthood.
I ask all souls who pray for priests, all those of religious profession who live My Priestly Ministry, living it with devotion, faith and love, to unite to the Great Priest of the world, Christ Jesus. In this way, and just as it was 2,000 years ago, at this moment of planetary inflection, priests that still continue to live in Christ and for Christ may be spirits that receive the Legacy of Love and Redemption, through all that I Myself will offer to the world during the next Sacred Week.
I would like you to understand, companions, that there is no other way or solution. Because through the priests that I internally form when they truly surrender their lives to Me, I can work miracles, liberations, reconciliations and profound acts of Mercy in those souls that still have not attained atonement from God.
It will be priestly life, in the end of these times, that will allow souls to find the strength they need in times of emergency, through the living of the Sacrament as something unique and spiritual.
In this way, souls will be able to unite to My Priestly Spiritual Archetype, which is a living, eternal and inexhaustible state of consciousness that Christ Jesus radiates to the universe from the sublime heart of Andromeda, from where My Christic and priestly impulses can reach all humanities, beyond this humanity.
But I know that what I left to the world 2,000 years ago and through the Last Supper, having founded the apostolate to the world, is still a mystery or something unattainable for souls.
However, I ask you to love to discover, in these final times and through yourselves, the science of the Sacraments. For what I instituted 2,000 years ago must flourish again in these final times and especially in this next Sacred Week, because it will be the last great impulse that I will give to the whole world so that, through priestly life, souls may be ready and prepared to live the last and great time of tribulation, when all will seem lost. In such a culminating and unknown hour for humanity, the Light of God will return to the world through the Return of Christ.
And just as I have called you all by your names, I will also call My priests so that they may come to celebrate the Supper of Redemption with Me, together with the angels, blessed ones and beings of goodwill who, throughout the times, have valued the Precious Blood of Christ, poured out upon the world, bearing witness of the Presence of My Love in this world, through the sacrifice and surrender of My companions.
Thus, I will not only re-build the planet and prepare souls for the New Humanity; I will also come and seek My apostles, My priests, all My prayerful ones, those who live the spirit of contemplation, the seekers of peace, the adorers, all those who try to bring to the world healing for the planet, as well as those who reflect, through their lives, like a great mirror, the Grace and Mercy of God, such as those who guard and keep the Evolutionary Plan.
In this way, I will gather you, on top of a mount, but it will no longer be Calvary. It will be Paradise, the emergence of the New Earth on this horizon of the world. And together with Me, for the redemption of the human race and for the healing of this planet, everyone will again break the Bread, share it with their brothers and sisters, again eat from the Living Body of Christ, present within it, and they will drink from the Chalice of renewal and peace.
Through souls, I will renew the world and expel from this planet the forces of evil. And no nation will ever again rise against nation, division in families will no longer be known and no soul in this world will know what disease is, for they will have attained inner healing, which will come from the Cosmos to the planet through all those who attune with the Laws of Healing.
And the sign will be visible at the moment of the Return of the Lord, for I will come as the Supreme Healer, the Redeemer of the World, to return to you the peace you so much seek and yearn for. Thus, hand in hand with Me, you will enter Paradise and the Project will finally be fulfilled.
This is why we must pray with more fervor, with unknown fervor. Not with fanaticism, not with euphoria. Truly pray, from the heart, feeling each one of the words that are pronounced through the praying word.
Thus, through the merits of My Sorrowful Passion, those who have not repented will repent. And I will keep the door to My Mercy open for those who have abandoned and left Me.
At that hour, I promise you, each soul will be before their own reality, know who they are, know who they were and what they did in other times. And at that moment, they will have the opportunity to place their knees on the ground and ask for forgiveness, mercy and redemption, so that even their own origin may be re-established and recovered from all that once happened in other times.
For this reason, My Arrival will be not only in the world, My Return will also be in the universe. For this I am preparing you. Do not miss the opportunity to be with Me, because little time among you is left for Me. I have extended My time here more than had been foreseen.
Throughout these years, in these meetings, at each moment shared with My companions, the Father has allowed Me to stay longer than what was had been foreseen. For this is the moment for you to finish strengthening and be My apostles in action, not in theory. To be My apostles in closeness, in listening, in dialogue, in the opportunity to appreciate differences, in the Grace of living the sacred spirit of compassion. In this way, at this moment and under this planetary condition, souls may receive the last opportunity they need, with one aim: to again find the path to My Heart.
This is the reason why it is important to have priests in this world, despite the interference and clashes experienced.
The one who truly loves Me and does not exchange Me for anyone, shall not perish. This is a Law.
Therefore, before My return to Israel, when My entire history will be exposed and available for the inner worlds, correctly know how to drink from the Fount of Grace.
At this hour and in these weeks, I prepare you to enter the Sacred Week with greater awareness and determination, for I still hope that your lives may be My instruments on Earth.
At this hour, I commune with those who listen to Me in an open way.
I renew My Presence through all those who hear Me.
I pour out My Mercy through those who cry out for Me, because the great spiritual wounds of the planet must still be healed by the Christs of the New Times. This is a promise that I made to the Eternal Father.
You now have everything. I ask you for everything. And I hope you understand Me.
The hour is coming. The prophecy of John, the Apostle, is being fulfilled. It is time to act.
Now, we will celebrate My Legacy of Love, by re-living the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus, through the Sacred Eucharist, when all, once again, will have the Grace of being before My Christic Legacy, for the angels that will co-celebrate this moment will be able to place My Graces in your hearts.
Do not forget that I Am the Lord of Love and Life, and that I give My Life for My friends, just as I gave My Life on the Cross, at each step of the sorrowful Calvary. At each flagellation, I did not think of the pain, the agony or all that I was going through while I was being torn apart or hit, because they wanted Me to die before reaching the Cross of the Victory of Redemption; before being able to renew the Tree of Life.
Thus, I hope that not only the priests, but also all those who consciously unite to Me, will surrender their lives for Me. It saddens me to know, at this moment, that some of those whom I have called have abandoned Me, not understanding at all the power of My Love, for one reason: not having surrendered before Me.
For this reason, if you see that this happen to someone, do not judge nor criticize them. Do not condemn that lost soul. See within yourselves, with wisdom, love and compassion, how your surrender to Me is. For the contrary currents will come, the ground will shake, and you must be firm through My Love and your trust in Me. I Am with the one who is with Me. This is a promise.
Now, through the priests, I will allow Heaven to descend to Earth, just as it descends through My Word.
Now, I will allow My Graces to descend so that souls may be spiritually renewed and healed, so that the relief of suffering of the innocent may once again be possible, the relief of those who are experiencing chaos and still do not have the Grace of Mercy or of Peace.
May this moment be celebrated by each one of them, because I need it this way.
May each moment that you will live, from now on, in your spiritual life, in your moment of prayer or adoration, be offered for all that which your Master and Lord will carry out in the Middle East, during the next Holy Week.
Do it as I ask of you, and you will later understand why. The emergency demands it so.
Let us open the doors, at this moment, of the Celestial Church, so that the guardian angels may elevate the offerings of the souls that are present at this place and in other places, so that souls may re-live with sincerity the Passion of Christ through the Eucharist.
Thus, once again, each one of you will be marked by My Light and My Peace.
Let us celebrate.
I bless you, giving you strength, courage and bravery for the next stage, so that the Christ of the New Times may emerge in you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Seven are the seals that will open and the scrolls that will be shown; the time is indicating this moment, dear children.
And to testify to this event that goes beyond all human consciousness, all understanding and intellectuality, today I have brought My little Son in My arms, because He is the one who entrusted, in the name of the Heavenly Father, the revelation of these mysteries, that will try to correct the human consciousness again and will bring to everyone the opportunity of receiving new principles and ways of life that, throughout the times, have been very far from humanity and from the planet.
The Divine Higher Consciousness is approaching the Earth to make its revelation and, not only My Immaculate Heart, but also the hearts of all Hierarchies of Light are testifying such an important moment for humanity.
Today I cannot reveal to you in details what this means, but welcome with love each one of My words because, as I told you today, My words are the action of the Grace of God in all human consciousness and upon the whole planet.
This higher and divine revelation, which is written in the deepest depths of the Heart of God, will bring to all beings of the surface the awakening and the awareness of having distanced so much from the Plan of God, as well as of having transgressed the universal Laws and all the natural laws of Earth.
However, through Mercy and Grace, the Heavenly Father has entrusted this divine intervention in humanity to His archangels and angels, so that at least one colony of this whole race can prevail at the end of these times, fulfilling and living, in a simple way, the same attributes of life that the Sacred Family lived.
This is the reason for having asked for the novena during nine days, for the sacred families of this planet, which must again recover the values that they lost when they submerged into the chaos and world illusion of these times.
I say “sacred families” because in the Essence of God, all are sacred children of God. Your essences have not lost the filiation with the Heavenly Father; only your more lower bodies have been distracted from the Purpose.
For this reason, the Revelations of God that will come in these times will bring to the human consciousness the elevation of spirit, of its human condition and the transformation of the human aspects that have conditioned the evolution of the race and the possibility of the awakening of the New Christs.
Today the Creator has decided, within His vast Spiritual, Mental and Material Universe, the revelation of His Mysteries, expanding the terms that are found in the Bible, the symbologies and messages; expanding and deepening even more into the terms of the Apocalypse, even more into the visions that John the Apostle had, so that all this information, which comes from the Spiritual Hierarchy, may no longer be a mystery, but truths, clear and precise revelations of how to act and conduct this humanity in the end of times.
With My arm, I sustain the Child Jesus who is present here today, with you.
With My other hand, I sustain the scrolls of the Revelation of God so the divine information of what God has seen and participated in, throughout the times, since before, during and after the Creation, may start to approach your consciousnesses.
I know that this event will remove many structures because the impulse that will come from the Source will be extremely strong and will give the opportunity for each creature upon the surface of the Earth to be able to re-evaluate its life and consciousness so that it may define its spiritual life and path to be inside of the Paradise of God or to condemn itself.
Before the time of the second coming of Christ, this revelations will bring an impulse for each human being.
It will be by a state of Grace and Mercy that souls will have the opportunity of submerging into their awakening and opening to the sacred knowledge that vibrates and pulses within the Greater Universe, as little spheres of light that travel between time and space, from the Spiritual Universe to the Material Universe, with the intention that the spirits of all human beings may awaken to the great Divine Consciousness and to the greater knowledge that has always been alive in the Universe.
Only now, children of Mine, after a thirty-year walk, the time has come for your consciousnesses to define themselves within, to truly define, to allow the doors of knowledge to open above humanity and so that there may not be any resistance or obstacle for the Hierarchy.
Because if we are still here, it is for a universal reason, it is a purpose that your consciousnesses are still not able to reach. It is an infinite reason that was thought and meditated upon, since before your existence, so that this divine revelation, which derives from the Non-material Source of God, might come in this time, and before this planetary event.
In the past times, this revelation would not have been possible; it would not have been efficient nor effective because the human consciousness was not prepared.
And even though the human consciousness is very immature and childish, the times that will come, which will prepare the advent of Christ to Earth for the second time, will raise the consciousness of those who open from heart and soul to receive the divine revelation, so similar to the headwater of a river that quenches the thirst of beings and that nurtures the whole human consciousness, so that it can live and breathe, and thus carry on its evolution. It is in this same way that the information from the Universe will come.
This will make you mature consciously and will place your consciousnesses in the universal Purpose in the face of the great planetary adjustment of these times; wars, conflicts, division of families, illusion through modernities, spiritual blindness that generates many spiritual movements, believing that the human being is invincible.
Only love will make you invincible, My children, but you must live this school, you must encourage yourselves to enter this universal knowledge.
The first steps to live in this school of love and wisdom are registered in the experience of Christ on Earth and in all the teachings that He delivered to humanity.
There is no other Master for the present humanity but Christ.
He announced and warned: “Many will come in My Name and will be recognized. Many will believe in their words, but afterwards, they will regret having completely trusted in something that did not come from love and was not true.”
With this, My children, before the Son of God, who is today in My arms, in the presence of the Most Holy Trinity, your must choose only one path so that you make room and give an opportunity for the divine revelation.
I want you to be conscious, My children, truly. The school of My little children is now over. It is time to prepare yourselves and to face the end of times, because the battle between love and indifference is not over.
You must conquer love, by living love and being love at every moment. Renouncing, sacrificing and loving. Silently surrendering each experience of life for the others, without anguishes and despairs.
Because, if in truth you lived a true spiritual crisis or were at risk of perdition, you would not be here, My children, as many, many are not and many have ceased to be, because they have been blinded by ignorance.
Only in the Father is the Truth for your lives. The human being must only learn to be true in the small details, so that after it can be in the great, assuming great responsibilities before the Spiritual Hierarchy, conducting and guiding the flocks of Christ, all races of the Earth that will need this spiritual impulse that descends upon this Marian Center, to be able to relocate their lives and find a meaning for the spiritual path.
Therefore, those whom I will consecrate today as Children of Mary will have a great commitment with Me, it will be a personal and group commitment between your hearts and Mine, a reason why you must pray, every day, so that these Revelations that God has decided to deliver to humanity, which overcomes the entire existence of the Church of Christ on Earth and all of the Sacred Books, may descend correctly and in a way protected by the Celestial Hierarchy.
But it will be necessary, My children, as in other times and in other Apparitions, that there may exist intermediaries, so that these revelations, which will expand human consciousness, can arrive.
I apologize for being so quick, the Time of God here on Earth is limited, because we must attend many more events that get worse within the race of this planet, in different regions of humanity, which need to be attended and helped by the Hierarchies.
Thus, you can understand, My children, that each Apparition of Mary, Christ and Saint Joseph, is not something else, especially in these definite times, where the transitions and its greatest apex will surprise everyone overnight.
Hence you must be prepared through this knowledge so that worldly inertia does not paralyze you and take you away from the path of light.
I hope you understand what I tell you. I am frank with each one of you because there is no longer any time.
Those who will consecrate today may come here. And playing the melody of your consecration, your souls will be preparing for this blessing that My Immaculate Heart will impart.
Because it will be necessary, My children, that you assume this commitment of consecration with responsibility and maturity, as My Heart was left very offended by those who abandoned their consecration, not only to My Immaculate Heart, but also to My Maternity, which cannot be defeated neither interfered with by any of your human aspects, not even by your own will.
The consecration that I deliver to each Child of Mary is non-transferable and undeniable. It depends on each of My children that this consecration may become a part of you in a true, sincere and honest way, because you will thus avoid, My children, entering into the chaos of humanity and in the great spiritual conflicts that many souls live today in the world by believing that they do not need God and not even to kneel down to supplicate to Him.
I only ask you that on this day of consecration, many more children of Mary re-consecrate themselves again interiorly, renewing this vow to the Mother of God, so that this inner and divine vow may be renewed with the Heavenly Father.
The Graces that I pour out cannot be wasted.
I want to tell you this, My children, with all the Love of My Heart, for each one of you.
Great parts of the world, entire peoples, different races and cultures, so similar to yours, are suffering for the lack of God and due to those who govern them, submitting and unjustly chastising them.
You, children of Mine, who have the grace and opportunity of being before My Immaculate Heart and the Sacred Heart of My Son tonight, must try to balance the misunderstandings and misalignments that the other part of humanity live for having set themselves apart from love, and because the most innocent are the most overpowered and the most chastised by the hand of humanity.
I need that you represent Me upon the surface of the Earth, as those stars of light that have once fallen from the Universe, but today they rise again, by the sincere offer and loving supplication of your Celestial Mother before the Heavenly Father.
As a sphere of light, today I deliver to your souls this commitment to pray for the next Revelations of God, in order that His Divine and Sacred Will may be fulfilled.
So then, receive the energy of My Grace and be bathed by the Light of My Spirit, of My unconditional and serviceable Spirit, which is United in Soul, Divinity and Essence to the Heavenly Father, as to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
I bless you so that in the next Nativity of the Lord, families re-consecrate themselves to living the Attributes of God in these critical times, so that love may overcome, light may triumph and all evil may be defeated by the divine intercession of Saint Archangel Michael. Amen.
I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I thank you, children of Mine, for opening yourselves to listen to Me, because the only thing that I wish for is your wellness and well-being.
I thank you and listen to the song of your voices.
Your Powerful Mother now steps with Her blessed feet on the head of the serpent so that redemption and freedom may prevail in the oppressed. This head of evil is the one that generates discord, lack of love and an illusory conquest of the planet and of humanity. The serpent is fearful because it is stepped on by the unwavering strength of the souls that pray sincerely so that the thousand years of peace may be established.
As your Powerful Mother steps on what causes sorrow and war, She extends Her arms upon the world so that it is surrounded by the Infinite Grace which springs from Her holy hands. Thus the prophecy of Saint John Apostle is being fulfilled. As the Mother of God steps with Her feet on the fierce serpent of evil, it is time, My children, for you to pray more with the heart and not only with word. It is time for you to define in time if you want to live in this praying school that My Heart offers you.
The good souls, the ones that are being congregated by the Heavenly Mother, are managing to take the steps towards the Purpose of Light.
As the Woman Dressed of the Sun presses with Her feet the sly serpent, the one which imparts all its poisons of chaos and perdition throughout the world, may My children take the opportunity to turn holy each of their actions, as well as each of their acts and thoughts in the times of today.
Still when the fierce serpent cannot endure the inner victory of the souls that open themselves to express their lives through fraternal charity and service, an imminent battle precipitates on some of the soldiers of Christ. The struggle for the Kingdom of Peace has already begun and no one can remain outside this event.
Although the evil serpent receives the weight of Divine Justice, still the final battle has not begun. Blessed are the attentive and not naïve hearts: all is happening in the spiritual plane, all the Marian soldiers battle this war through the power of the word of prayer which decrees the higher Laws for impossible times.
At this time the dragon wallows inside its abyss and the fury of its poison tries to repel the good actions of peace that the world is silently achieving through some beings.
There will never be another truce, this is the last one. Therefore, while Your Powerful Mother holds down the fury of the poisonous serpent, may the apostles prepare to run towards the inner desert of Adonai where they will all be protected.
The false dragon will try to imitate the true enlightened spirits but in one of its paws you will be able to see the shortcoming of a great spiritual fantasy.
Those who pray with steadiness will not be tepid during the battle; each soul will see inside themselves that which they have never known.
Although the serpent sent by the dragon is under the weight of the Light of Your Lady, the battle will continue and the tests will exacerbate overnight.
It will be the moment of fidelity for everyone because in truth I tell you, My children, there will be no place to run to if not the Heart of the Celestial Father who is attentive to the steps that His creatures are slowly willing to take.
Everything has a cycle but while the serpent is under the feet of Your Powerful Mother, rush your spiritual steps; still the human legions are being formed in the middle of the battle which will define the next kingdom.
In the invisible clouds of the universe My Son, the King, watches all the events. He is being dressed by the holy angels with resplendent linen and robes, a presence that He will reveal in the most acute moment which is approaching.
May the praying ones not be fearful because everyone will see the complete purification of Earth in time. Unite with your guardian angels and do not leave spaces in the consciousness for superfluous energies.
Do not stop answering the call for the permanent prayer of the heart, this will help very much Your Heavenly Mother, who will be stepping with Her feet on the head of the serpent a little longer so that the greatest number of imprisoned and ignorant souls be rapt by the presence of Higher Love, the one which will awaken them in this definitive hour.
Your consciousnesses will help very much this spiritual construction Your Mother is making for the salvation of many sleeping souls.
The fierce serpent does not bear the seeds that are being sown through the missions. While it appears that nothing great is happening, the Celestial Divinity, the Father-Mother Creator, is taking sides, and the essences already rebuilt in the deepest of their consciousnesses are beginning to feel hope, trust in love, peace and faith again, which makes them abandon rage, oppression and constant punishment.
The triumph of the Sacred Hearts will be surprising and no one will be able to counter it.
The more love and consciousness the souls have about the fulfillment of the Plan, the dragon that wallows in its abyss will be defeated in another way by the legions of the Archangel Gabriel without escaping to the surface of the planet.
Its plans are defeated and this awakens fury against the friends of Christ. But they may be protected when obedience is lived. There will be no time anymore to repair the faults committed inside human commands.
You will only have to follow the spiritual guidance which is indicated by the Celestial Hierarchies, there will no longer be two paths to elect. This will make you remain or not adhered to the Higher Will.
May My praying children be prepared for what will happen. I ask that no one wastes time in the insignificant and that attention is placed in the details of everyday, there will be the protection from everything.
As Your Powerful Mother isolates the souls from the dangerous poison of the serpent, warn and announce to the world that the deepest entrails of the Mercy of Christ will be still open during the coming Sacred Week , in which the souls and their inner core will finish sealing their eternal commitment with the Celestial Father.
The hour marks the moment of awakening. The angelic operation has already started in the eve of the Return of Christ.
I thank you for answering My call!
Who awakens you to the Higher Consciousness,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:
When we were halfway through the prayer work of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, I began to see a desert-like place, a place that was unknown to me. At the end of the prayer and while we were singing "Christ, You are Love", I saw the Master walking in this place. He said it was the Middle East, specifically Syria, where He was spiritually gathering those brothers and sisters who had died trying to cross the desert, looking for a way out, an alternative. I also saw Him in the ships of the refugees, rescuing the soul of each of these consciousnesses.
During the whole time that He was here transmitting His monthly message, He continued to carry out this task in that place. It was an invisible and profound task, with each person that was there needing help.
He showed that the demand was very great, and that His Consciousness was able to encompass up to a certain number. At that moment, we asked Him why, and He responded that it was what the Father allowed, what the Law of the Universe permitted, since with what is happening in the Middle East, the conflict and the refugees, there is a great imbalance in the Laws, and He respects the Law. But nevertheless, the Master helped those consciousnesses.
At another moment, we saw Him with many children in His Arms. He showed the faces of many children in need, many of them undernourished and almost dead.
When He appeared here in Aurora, He showed Himself dressed as an Arab, the clothing covered all His Body, and only His Face could be seen, drawing attention to the brilliance of His Eyes, of a deep sky blue. While He transmitted the Message, in His left hand He held His Heart. It was a human Heart that beat, that was alive, and through which circulated vital, living and luminous Blood. He was stretching out His Hand to us and offered His Heart, to us and to all of humanity.
Look at Me and I will be with you.
Seek Me and you will find Me.
Do not turn away from Me and stay by My side.
I still offer you My Heart as salvation and rescue.
I still offer My Heart for you, especially for those that do not want Me nor live Me.
Today I have come from the universe not only to give you My Peace and dissolve all evils. Today I came in the name of My Father, to please Him and bring relief to His wounded Heart.
Today I came from a special place that is unknown to many, because you have only been there through prayer, through your souls and your sincere offerings to My Heart.
Today I come from far lands where hearts suffer and many despair because they cannot find peace and because of living in fear of death all the time.
Today I come with the vestments of a great Arab Master that travels through the deserts because in all places He hears voices crying out for help and pity.
Today, in My Arms I have held those who have died, those who are shipwrecked, those who are lost in the seas from so much indignity.
And today they are here in My Lap, in this warm manger that is being prepared to again incarnate the Son of God, in the face of a great time of tribulation and of darkness. But who has shed a tear for those they do not know and that suffer?
Today I come to remove you from your comfortable spaces, so that you may see beyond yourselves the true need of the Plan. It is for this reason that My Father, through My prayers, heard the supplications of His Son, so that consciousnesses in offering and service could carry My Peace, the Peace that I have given you here for such a long time.
Today I do not come to demand anything from you, but rather to ask you to finally decide to be what you still do not want to be, to be My instruments, My lamps that light up a world that is in the dark.
Today I have come to show you where the need is. While I walk through the desert of faraway Syria, I listen to the crying of the innocent. But to transcend the sorrow that I feel on seeing so much cruelty and indifference, in the face of so much lack of love and of pity, I offer My Heart as a refuge.
Today I am planting My last ray of light in the world, so that those that were imprisoned by their own brothers and sisters may find the way out to redemption, that they may see My Light on the horizon shining like the Aurora to bring a rescue to those who truly deserve it.
Companions, in light of what is happening in the world, you can perceive the smallness of your difficulties. If you turn away to not speak with a brother or sister, what would you do if you were facing a rifle about to kill you? Would you give up your life for Me to testify to the world that I was among you and resurrected from among the dead to give you eternal life?
There is no time to waste on superficial things. You must not give yourselves permission to become lost in such insignificant things that have no value or essence in the Eyes of God.
I come to awaken your consciousness, which is still asleep in you, because it is now time for it to awaken to the call of the Plan. Look around you and understand what is happening, and thus, continue to firmly walk to console those that call and cry out for My Mercy even though they do not know Me. That is why I am in the desert and also on the seas, stretching out My Hand to those that are shipwrecked all the time and have no land or place to live.
O companions! How insignificant are your things that have not seen hundreds of children crying from hunger, for bread or for water.
The times seen by John are taking place and nobody will be able to escape. The hour of evil has come and it is not enough, companions, that you hide in your amenities or in your ideals to justify to My Father that this is not real.
Thus, I offer you My Heart as a living and resplendent flame, for your Master that is in Heaven, and that is now in Syria, prepares the important mission of carrying peace from one heart to another. Of carrying love from one spirit to another. It will be in that hour that I will confirm if in truth you have understood My Law of loving one another in spite of your errors and your faults.
While souls know the first steps of their purification, let nobody fear, for who seeks My Heart will not be lost nor will be empty of feeling or of word.
I come seeking that which you still have not given Me, I come to banish what still does not want to die and that has increasingly deeper roots in the consciousness. I have no need of your dry and hard roots. I come to transplant you so that you may be a new being, a new consciousness, in which My Light may act in the most difficult moments.
I know that you all fail Me again and again, but My gaze is on your talents that are a refuge for My Gifts, which I place in each human heart. That is why I have come to assemble you all for this new mission in the Middle East. You will bring reality to many, that will help many to experience My Message and make it part of their being.
Recently humanity is crossing its first darkest part, but the worst has not begun. It is at that hour that I will return to reveal to the world the time of its judgment before My Lord, before the angels of Heaven. There is where the Earth will enter a new state, a new beginning, and those who have rejected My name will no longer be present, because the Earth will be repopulated by those that I have called to live My path. I need this mission to be carried out because the most acute hour is drawing closer.
May this Christmas be the Christmas of the renewal of consciousness and not of childishness, naivety, or indifference. You are already prepared to give the fruits that My Heart needs rather than being bad fruit in clean baskets with fresh fruit. Do not destroy what I am building.
I know that many will not believe what I am saying, for truly humble is the one that listens and is silent so as to recognize reality. I do not need your barriers, I do not want your obstacles, I need companions with a pure heart where God and His Work lives throughout time. Do not let your hearts become as hard as stone, be free of yourselves once and for all. Always seek a filiation with Me and with My Father Who is in Heaven.
I do not want you to deceive yourselves. I come to bring you My Light and the testimony of My Truth. I come to give you what you do not deserve, although I know you have offered yourselves for Me many times. Friends, I need your unity, where My adversary cannot enter. If in the basket there is a rotten fruit, the rest will be lost and that will not be because of lack of My care, but rather because of your actions, for you do not care about the great need of this planet.
I give you My Love that is the Love of the Living God, the Love of the Eternal and Omnipresent God; it is that Love that through the centuries takes care of fragile souls. The same as a plant dies because it cannot manage to survive, I give you of that water, but you do not drink it. I give you a little of My Love that transforms you, but you become closed. I give you My Word and you do not want to hear it. If I gave all these things to My children of the Middle East, the war would end and the thrones that have been built would fall down to the right and to the left of God, because the Father Who is in Heaven is the One Who has the Power and not you or any being of the Earth.
I incarnated in this world so that you could learn to love and to live through My Heart. I am always here, but you do not seek Me. I always wait to give you My embrace and My consolation.
Everything that must die will experience its suffering, but do not fear; love overcomes all barriers.
Be My witnesses in this time and walk at My side so as to always see peace. Remember that My Love is invincible and penetrates all things.
Surrender your powers at My Feet and I will resurrect you. It is time for humility.
In the end, the war and the persecution of humanity will finish when the majority of the men and women of the world repent from the heart and confess to God all of their sins. Until this happens My Immaculate Heart will not triumph.
For this I lovingly ask all of My children that listen to Me and that answer to My designs to continue to pray, so that peace will not only be reached, but also so that peace will not disappear from the human heart.
Every material war is a consequence of a spiritual and involutionary conflict; every war between humans and between nations is fomented by pride and by power that time and again attempt to defeat the human civilization.
For this, children of Mine, raising My hands to Heaven in sign of prayer and of piety, I implore to each one of you, creatures of the Earth, that you transform your arrogance into love, that you exchange your wrath for peace. Thus, in little time, the Father will have in His sight enough examples and testimonies for the world to receive a great amnesty and not to self-destroy.
Be one with your guardian angels. Be one consciousness, one mind and one heart in the times to come. In an extraordinary way, the Sacred Hearts are gathered in prayer in the Celestial Universe for all of you and for the whole project of the Earth.
I need, dear children, that you become conscious of what that means for these times of spiritual Armageddon. May your hearts be very united to Mine so that no force contrary to the Light of God will continue dominating the planetary consciousness.
I ask all of the praying beings of the world for an answer for all of humanity, that must be immediate enough before the Celestial Universe of Your Father.
The great abyss that once was seen by John the Apostle is already being opened. In truth, dear children, no one could ever interpret well the Book of Revelations. There has not been any erudite or religious person that has achieved it, and this is so because the symbols reveal themselves as a message by means of the heart.
In face of the lack of truly understanding that these are no longer normal times, but rather Apocalyptic moments, dear children, under the divine authority that has been entrusted to Me through the full state of My Grace, I will be assisting you in interpreting each one of the signs of the Apocalypse.
Many will be opposed in the face of this, but when Your Heavenly Mother, who comes from the Greater Universe begins to speak, everything will occur as it was seen by John.
No longer believe that all that is being prophesized will happen in another moment of humanity; the race is gravely condemned to a severe Final Judgment and the angels have been preparing themselves for a long time for this moment.
But finally the Immaculate Heart will triumph in the life of all those who will have transformed and redeemed themselves, giving thus space to the powerful divine intervention that is given at this time.
Dear children, while the hands of the clock indicate the passage of time, all is precipitated quickly. This is the cause of so many guidelines and requests for prayer. Your offerings will be lovingly welcome.
The Americas will have to face the greatest oppression in order to materialize the project of the Promised Earth, for this your spirits are summoned by Me.
I thank you for embracing My call with faith!
Who shelters you in face of the times of spiritual battle,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The great grief of My Immaculate Heart is due to the cruelty and the lack of love that exist among the beings on Earth.
And that, children of Mine, is not due to lack of proof or witnesses of the power of love. Jesus Christ was and will be the most truthful proof of love that overcame all in order to take the leap to the universal consciousness.
For this, Your Mother of Heaven comes to remind you about the Love of God manifested through His Beloved Son. Humanity no longer feels the need to love, but to conquer, judge and above all, destroy the spiritual and moral dignity of others.
That increases the sorrow that the Heart of God feels by seeing His children created in full captivity and shipwreck.
But the power of the Love of God transcends all barriers and although in this time there are souls that do not want to love, but to harm and hurt others, Your Mother of Justice holds the scale that is about to break down due to the weight of sin, omission and martyrdom.
This time would come; the majority of humanity chose the pleasures of material life and the ambition for everything, thus, day after day, separated itself from God until replacing Him for the modernities and false gods that it assumed as its own.
The prophecy of John, the Apostle, is fulfilled as it was written but before everything happens your faithfulness to the designs of God will make the difference between walking to Paradise or towards hell on Earth.
Children, sorry for My profound statement because the glass not only overflows but it spills and poisons many hearts. Now this glass is about to break by the impact of the Angel of the Justice of God.
Help Me! Help Me and pray! The fraternal power of My Immaculate Heart will help humanity.
Thank you for answering to My pleas for peace!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Spokesperson of the Universe
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more