In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come to the world as the Mirror of Peace so that My children may remember that Peace exists, but that Peace has dissolved, in this times, in many hearts.

This is why I come as the Mirror of Peace, bringing with My Presence the Celestial Universe, all its tools and attributes, bringing the Angels of God that reflect the Hierarchy in the Higher Universes.

Through the Portal of My Heart, I want each one of you to enter My Peace again, because the more whom among you enter My Peace, through the Portal of My Heart, the more situations will be solved, and fury or adversity will not be unleashed in the oppressed hearts.

Now, I extend My arms towards you, so that you may take My hands and, like little children that learn to take steps in evolution helped by the Heavenly Mother, you may enter the Universe of Peace. Believe that Peace exists beyond the life situations, the challenges, the lessons or the tests.

Beloved children, I am the Mirror of Peace and, if you are in My Heart, you will be in the Peace of God, in the Peace of Christ, in spite of all that may present itself or manifest itself in these times, because My aspiration on this day is to heal you through My Peace.

The lack of Peace sickens the body and the spirit, maddens the mind and disturbs the heart. For this reason, the lack of Peace leads souls and the world to conflict, to disharmony, to the absence of faith.

But I, who am your Mother, the Mother that has accepted you since the Cross, the unconditional and eternal Mother, the Mother that loves and consoles you without conditions or rules, I want you to enter the Universe of My Peace, because in this way, My children, each one of you and of your brothers and sisters will understand what is happening to you in these times, what you are going through in these times, what you are facing in these times.

Let us go together, in this spiritual exercise, toward the encounter with the Peace of God in the Celestial Universe, where His Heavenly Mirrors radiate, to all Creation and all life present in the universe, the regenerating and healing attributes of Peace.

Little ones, My children in evolution, it is time for you to grow and become strong. It is time for you to mature your spirits and forge within your consciousnesses the warrior of God, the unconditional server, the untiring apostle who understands and comprehends the Will of My Son, which is the Will of the Father.

Therefore, approach the Heavenly Mirrors of Peace and, before the Creator Universe and all the Angels of God, let us enter the consciousness of the Mirrors of Peace, sacred emanations of the Heavenly Light that purify the inner worlds, that strengthen souls, that ignite the living flame of faith within the hearts.

Through the Heart of your Mother, contemplate the Mirrors of Peace so that, through you, as instruments of the Father, Peace may reflect itself throughout the world and may be established in the souls that have lost it.

In the Mirrors of Peace there is a mystery that will be unveiled today: when God thought of Creation, absolute void and the deep silence of the universe, do you know what He thought of through His Creator Mind?

That, in your neighbor, that in all the creatures that He would create, there should exist the molecule of Peace at the center of the essence of each being.

Therefore, all that you have lived throughout the times or even throughout the different civilizations, has been situations that have led you to lose Peace.

In all that you live, at this moment, you are invaded by and even permeated by different pieces of information or situations. All the stimuli of this modernity that lead you toward spiritual disconnection, have the goal of taking Peace away from you, and, being disconnected from God, from His Source, your bodies sicken, your spirits become oppressed, because they do not find Peace.

There is only one tool, one instrument that is common to all, which will lead you to recover Peace. And, as you recover Peace, in spite of what you may keep living or experiencing, you will not lose spiritual strength, bravery, courage, the willingness to serve God or experience sacrifice. This instrument is the prayer from the heart.

This is why, in these times, so that you, your brothers and sisters may recover Peace, you must unite even more your word to the Creator Word of God so that, in this inner fusion and in this inextinguishable unity, you may be guided toward the Source of Peace, and so that all which may happen in these times, and what will happen in the coming times may not take Peace from you, but rather you may become bearers of Peace, instruments of Christ’s Peace that, in consciousness and in unity, will prepare His Return.

He needs to have Mirrors the Mother of God's Peace: who will volunteer? Who will be a postulant to be a Mirror of the Divine Mother? Who will bring to the Earth the Attributes that were outraged, interfered with and dissolved within many consciousnesses?

Through prayer, you must keep uniting Heaven and Earth, your souls with God, the planet with the Divine Source. There is no other way out. Each one, living the prayer from the heart, lives Peace, and learns to carry their own cross, in spite of what may happen or the weight that it may represent.

Now, turn your gaze inward, place your souls before the Mirror of Peace. And, all of you together, united to Me, at this moment, will re-establish the Peace of the Celestial Father in the inner worlds and, from the inner worlds, in the whole planet, so that consciousnesses and souls may be relieved, may recover their faith and confidence in the Father, and all may be healed and renewed. For this, we will sing the word “Peace” as a sacred mantra of elevation and, thus, we will ignite the Mirror of Peace of the Celestial Universe.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Having the Light of the Mirrors of Peace descend and embrace all the consciousness of the world, reaching each heart on this planet.

Let us breath in.


Remember that I am the Queen of Peace, and that you can always seek Peace through Me, knowing that, in spite of everything, God loves you and blesses you through His Eternal Love.

My Heart collects all the intentions that were deposited, through the prayerful hearts, on this day of reencounter with Me.

Through the Community of Fleur-de-Lys, I have asked for a basket of intentions to be placed today at the foot of My Altar, together with a sincere and honest offering on behalf of all humanity and of all who aspire to receive a response from the Heights.

Today, not only this basket that is at My feet will be attended to as God has thought, and as the Father determines, but also these intentions will be responded to as an instruction for all My children.

Through this example, I invite you to strengthen your faith in prayer so that your requests and intentions may be elevated to the Father in a correct way and, above all, you may always seek the common good and the need of all so that everyone may receive the Graces they need.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

First intention of a brother of the Community Fleur-de-Lys:

“Humility, grant to the world the Grace of awakening and may they know and feel Your Love.”

Our Lady responds that, in this, She has worked today with all those who have listened to this Message.


“Mary, lead this humanity to know True Love.”

True Love, says Our Mother, is found in our selflessness, in our untiring service for others and for the Plan of God.


“For the relief of suffering of all children throughout the world and for all those who rule the nations.”

This is the main purpose that My Son has, said the Mother of God: that those who rule these nations and govern peoples may have a consciousness of fraternity and equality, having the opportunity and the Grace, when My Son returns, to know true Self-Government.


“To be an expression of Will and of Truth, which descends from the Heights and dwells within us so that, united to this Source, we may be an expression of the Higher Reality.”

It was a sincere intention, said the Divine Mother.


“Mother, may the souls of the darkest places of the abysses be rescued by Your Love and taken to the Kingdom of God.”

She said She thanks you for having the consciousness of this intention.


“May all have the opportunity to follow the steps toward Christ. For all priests.”

The Mother of God said that Her main strength are the priests, when they manage to fulfill the requests of Christ, because the priests are Her favorite children. Without priests there is no unity between Heaven and Earth, there is no communion between Heaven and humanity.


“For Peace and Healing in the whole world.”

This is what the Mother of God did today.


“May all those who were called be strengthened by God, in these times of inner and external tribulation. And wherever there is someone who prays to Our Lady, may they find Peace for their entire people.”

Mary said, So be it.


And now let us go to the last intention, among so many that were received:

“Divine Mother, may Your Mantle of Light always illuminate me so that I may reach the Heart of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.”

The Divine Mother said that She works for this eternally and untiringly.


And just as I have responded to these intentions, may My other children who listen at this moment know that I hear the intentions of your hearts and souls, because everything has its right time.

I bless you, under the Mirrors of the Peace of God.

Be strong and brave. My hand guides you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Apparition of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In Love and Mercy, I meet you here today, just as I have met with the rest of My children in Medjugorje, a time in which your Heavenly Mother, with Her children, celebrate not only the anniversary of the apparitions, which I have been carrying out for over thirty-six years, not only in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also in the rest of the world.

This evening I celebrate the devotion and affection of My children, the love that the children of God have for the Queen of Peace.

Today I come from Medjugorje and I unite the two hemispheres of the planet under the Principles of Love and Wisdom.

Just like I took a message of peace to the world in Medjugorje, in this place I was able to bring a message of consciousness to the world, something that the majority of My children, and especially the Church of Christ, will delay in recognizing.

But that is not My main concern, My children. My concern, My children, is your salvation and redemption, that you live the Christianity that My Son taught you through His Love and His infinite Mercy.

In all My apparitions throughout the world, over the course of time, I have brought the same message to humanity, at different times, moments and circumstances, that humanity needed regarding the Call of God, the Word of God, a warning to be able to change and transform.

The time and the moment are approaching, My children, in which the Queen of Peace will withdraw, as the Rose of Peace will also withdraw.

My Presence must be in your memories and in your hearts, everything that I have taught you throughout the years. In a way similar to Saint Paul and Saint Peter, you must experience this time. Nothing and nobody will be able to take away that which I have given you here, because what I have left and will leave here is a profound spiritual and non-material treasure, which souls can avail themselves of in the end of these times, to learn to go through the most acute moment of humanity.

This evening, I thank you, for the trust of those who believe in Me and, especially, the love that you express to the Kingdom of God for all that you have received. This is immense, this is what brings Me here tonight: the response of those who trust and of those who love, beyond their miseries and imperfections, because the true Church of My Son is within your hearts rather than in the foundations.

The true bases of the spirituality of My Son are the true testimonies of your conversions and redemption, of your daily prayer and service to humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature. This is the path towards the new humanity, it is not the path towards a new age.

The human mind could never understand the Mystery of God. How long will My children who do not understand this defy it?

I came to Medjugorje and to this place to bring the maternal Grace of My Heart and this is what should be perpetuated within your hearts and souls, this will be the greatest testimony of love for your lives, for God and for His entire Plan of Love within humanity.

I come to bring a call, as I have brought a call to each part of the world where I have appeared throughout the course of time.

And, on this evening, from each place where I have appeared and where I have established a sanctuary of love and prayer, I can gather together the love and devotion of My children. This is what I place today, at the Feet of the Creator, of those who persist in their transformation, of those who live in communion with My Son, of those who incessantly practice the word of prayer. These are the bases of your faith and of your reconciliation with the Eternal Father.

Now, My children, with this consciousness that I bring you today, through very simple but profound words, you will be able to feel and perceive how the Mother of God is here and in Medjugorje, congregating the consciousness of all the peoples and races, because My message is for all of humanity, and not just for one religion.

Here I bring you, My children, the opportunity to love, through reverence for the Word of God, which I have brought you throughout times, and mainly, throughout these last years.

Today My Immaculate Heart not only gathers together the pleas of the children of God, but also gathers the love of the children of God. It is this love, that you can have and experience for the Father and for My beloved Son, that will heal and regenerate the Earth, and that will put an end to what humanity is experiencing and going through today.

While religions and peoples do not deepen into their love and really experience it with their fellow beings, humanity will not be renewed. This is the important message that I bring to you today, because you must remember it and, above all, practice it, at this time.

Children, as Queen of Peace, I am here to help you, to lead you and to guide you toward My Son. I bring you the same message and the same revelation that My Son gave you more than two thousand years ago. In the name of My Son, I tell you once more: love one another as My Son loved you and as He continues to eternally love you.

I only ask this of you, because you will need it. It will be for your own good.

And now I dedicate My message to My children of Africa, to My dear and little children of the holy and humble Santa Isabel House, in Angola.

Just as I visited My cousin more than two thousand years ago, although I will stop coming to this place as from August 8, I will visit you, in a special and miraculous way, and will have the joy of definitely consecrating you as My children. That will be the great and last special pilgrimage.

Continue praying, loving, serving and pleading for the world. God, in spite of what He sees of humanity, is pleased by the voice of your pleas, because He, the All-Mighty and Merciful, can only live and dwell in simple and humble hearts. God does not dwell in institutions, God is present in the smallest ones, and He is far from those who call themselves powerful.

Today, My children, one of the passages of the Bible is once again fulfilled. God reveals His mysteries to the humble and small, and defeats the powerful and the arrogant.

The Love of God is within the smallest, like in My children of Africa. A Love that needs to be healed, redeemed and cured by the kind and merciful Hand of the Redeemer.

I will go to Africa when the time and moment allows for it, but there is not much time left. Live in My time and you will not feel the wait very much, rather, the time will go by fast, and just as today I am here with My children, I will meet with you in the Love, the Grace and the Mercy.

I would like to dedicate this moment to My beloved Africa, which has been waiting for over five hundred years, for relief from its slavery and persecution.

With all the glory and power that My Son has given Me, I will make a special pilgrimage to Angola so that together we may celebrate the day of the great union between Heaven and Earth, between God and Africa.

My last Words are already echoing in the hearts that know how to recognize them. These last Words that the Sacred Hearts announce to the world are the most saving and redemptive Words that souls need in order to prepare for the important moment of the Return of My Son.

Drink from the fount of the Words of the Sacred Hearts. Every day relive Our Messages. We have left you all that you need for the time that will come, the definitive time that the world is already experiencing, and that many do not want to recognize.

Enter into your heart and feel that which we have left for you. The Heavens are closing a cycle before it was expected, but My Love will not leave you; each time you pray with Me, I will be there. My Grace will be your fortitude when I am no longer here.

The month of July and the month of August are the last and great moments for humanity, of the intercession of the Sacred Hearts for all souls. Do not miss out on these last two months because the time of synthesis in your lives has come, a spiritual and inner synthesis.

It is necessary that you see and remember all that has happened in these last twelve years so that you may be able to understand what will happen afterwards, in the way God needs it.

Receive into your hands a flower of Light. The white flower of Light is the first sign I leave you, so that you may prepare for the end of time. Carry this flower of Light, which is the mirror of My Love, into your hearts and be blessed by My motherhood, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Before I leave, I want to carry within My Heart a song that is important to Me, which is part of that spiritual synthesis that you have to make, united to My Heart.

This song reveals a story, but also an inspiration, a true testimony, humble and simple, that I taught you in Aurora.

I will have the Grace tonight, among you and with you, to listen to "Revelations of Aurora."

I thank you.

Special Apparitions

How many wonders God has performed in you through My Heart! Do you believe that has happened?

That is why I come to meet you and to meet all of humanity, where on this day, My profound and divine Grace is granted to the souls of the world.

Today My Heart is glorified by the worthy children of God, by all those who have responded to My call in this last year.

Do you accept, dear children, that I return for another year?

Those present say "yes."

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Mary is smiling.

Today I am here as the Queen of Peace, so that peace may be established in the depths of your hearts. Because if My Peace is in you, peace will be in the world, and the world will be relieved; especially those souls who suffer the chaos of these times.

Another marvel that God has done in your lives through My Immaculate Heart is that you can pray with Me every day, because the value of prayer is to be found in the simplicity of the offering and above all in the love that you can express for God.

It is that love that I seek in you, it is that love that brings Me here from Heaven as a great Divine Consciousness, to be able to continue accompanying you every day, until My Son finally arrives in His Glory and restores the Kingdom of God in this humanity.

Until that can happen, dear children, I will be among you and with you, as long as you call Me by opening the door of your heart and your soul, so that your Heavenly Mother can enter and make every new meeting a sacred oratory for God, a profound praise to the Father and to all Creation for granting this Grace.

With your confirmation on this night, today I am able to say to you, dear children, that I will be with you every day for one more year, until I truly achieve an awakening of your inner Christs, because it will be those inner Christs that will serve in the transition of humanity and of the Earth, until the great promise of Christ is fulfilled, of coming a second time to humanity.

On this anniversary, I want you to be able to offer your hearts, your lives, to a greater consecration, so that each one of your souls can live for this entire race, which must achieve redemption and above all, the Mercy of God.

I want you to come up to the foot of this stage.

Come here, children, because in this way, you will come for all the souls of the world that still cannot find My love of a Mother, nor My Grace, which tries to reach them through your serving hearts.

So today I invite you to be transmitters of My Peace and of My Grace, and thus allow My Grace to be granted to the hearts that are far from God.

And now that you carry the flame of the lit candle, confirm in yourselves, for all of humanity, for all of the planet, and for all the Kingdoms of Nature, your precious original purity.

And thus, on this evening, the Queen of Peace and the Mother of the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima unites two Sacred Centers: this Marian Center of Figueira with the Marian Center of Fatima, mirroring over this place the Original Purity of God, what God has granted within you, so that it may be conscious and so that in this time, it may awaken as a gift of praise to the Creator.

I want you to offer a very special song for Me: "Purity, soul of Lys."

I invite you, dear children, on this anniversary, to alleviate your suffering, your pain, and your sorrow.

Place your left hand over your heart and with that burning candle, let us radiate the Purity of God to the planet, that which the Father granted to all this civilization.

I invite My children of Europe to accompany this practice, so that in the Purity of Lys-Fatima we may unite in fraternity and in brotherhood.

I listen to you.

Activate the mirror of your hearts, invoke this essential purity on this night of Grace.

Song: "Purity, soul of Lys." 

May the portals of Lys open.

May the essential purity emerge on the surface of this planet.

May the new codes awaken in the souls that invoke them and that planetary healing be established beyond, and to the ends of the Universe.

Come, essential purity of Lys, awaken in each inner being the Christic flame of Love, the fruit of the new brotherhood.

So may it be.

I thank you, dear children, because on this night, God granted an inexplicable, unalterable, and extraordinary Grace to the world.

Seek the purity of the heart, for it is eternally present there.

Together with the angels of Lys-Fatima, I bless you, I consecrate you, and I baptize you with the Light of the Holy Spirit and with the good of the Most Holy Trinity.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now I will listen to "Mary Lys" from your voices.

I thank you!


Like a flower of peace, I descend to the world to bring peace and unity among peoples and nations.

The Heart of God is wounded on seeing some nations divided, in which My adversary works, bringing worry and horror to hearts. But do not forget that I am the Queen of Peace, the Mother of all that is possible and impossible.

I am the advocate of this world and for all, I bring the reconciliation that you will still have to experience in these times.

My Heart is pleased on seeing your praying hearts, for it finds in them a refuge, a breath of peace to continue onward, carrying out My Work in the world in the hearts that most need it.

Today I am the Queen of Peace before your hearts, but I am also your Mother of Guadalupe. And I come to request, on this day, that this same Altar, blessed today by My Grace, remain present for the next meetings that will take place here with My Immaculate Heart.

For in this way, dear children, through the testimony that I have given you by means of the Virgin of Guadalupe, all the codes that are kept in My Face will be reactivated again in this time, so that your hearts and the hearts of the world may receive the codes of My celestial Light, which will gradually form the new race.

Today I come with this special request, because in your inner worlds, the hands that prepared this Altar, the hearts that gave of themselves to make it beautiful, have understood My primary petition, which is to reach those places, those peoples in which I am still not present in spirit or in divinity.

It will be through your arms and your hands, dear children, through the prayer of the heart, such as you have practiced today, that I will be able to reach those who most suffer and are in need in this time.

Here you are in a celestial paradise, because the sacred light of the Hierarchies interpenetrates each one of these spaces. So, dear children, you lack nothing. But have you asked yourselves at some point in your prayer: how many lack peace?, how many lack spiritual life?, how many lack healing, and mainly, food for their body?

The world is still divided; it does not want to hear the Voice of the Messengers of God.

The Americas must be consecrated as this new Eden and it will be through your works of peace and of charity that this will be able to happen, the charity of being able to collaborate with what is important for God and of contributing to this Plan of Redemption for the planet.

Through My Heart I come to open your pockets, because I know that you can give Me everything in this end time.

My great miracle of love is that I am present among you, instructing you, while My Son and My Father allow it.

For this reason, dear children, I come to open the flows of the love of your hearts, because in truth, it is the heart that gives of itself to God rather than the coin.

It is from your hearts that will be set forth the impulse to experience fraternal charity for your neighbor, and especially for those nations in the world that need to strengthen their peace, live in My Grace and in the Mercy of the Father.

Today My Son especially sends Me to give you this message, to deliver this request to you. Because it is important, dear children, that the Plans of My Peace be fulfilled in the world.

Thus, I have also come today to ask you, dear children, to reactivate the Campaign for Peace, that in your hearts and in all places this campaign for Central America and Mexico be expressed.

Spread My request to reach these nations and you will understand what I will do after some time, because there I will leave a Grace, the same Grace that you have received many times.

I invite you, dear children, to live in fraternity. I also invite you, dear children, to preserve these sacred lands with the gift of manifestation that they have, which the Eternal Father Himself has given you through Divine Providence.

So I invite you to be guardians of this Marian Center and each part of this Community, that they do not be in the hands of others, but rather in the Hands of God.

Again I tell you, dear children, that today I come to ask you and to invite you to live the giving of self, just as the Sacred Family lived in the beginning, giving everything they had, in each step of the Evangelization of My Son. Even when we took refuge in Egypt, without anything to carry, God Himself did not forsake us.

Whoever surrenders the things they have in hand will enter Heaven first, because in Heaven, they will not keep their material life. Material life is part of the evolution and the learning of consciousnesses. The life of the spirit is your sacred goal until the end of times, until you can achieve it, dear children.

Today I open My Heart and I expand it before you. And this invitation that today I extend to all is not only for those present here, but also in the world.

Thus, through the fulfilling of the Plans of God, you will be helping in the correction of the material and planetary imbalance, that the poorest receive what they need, and that the world come into balance through the Presence of My Immaculate Heart, of the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

We invite you, dear children, in this time to cross the threshold to detachment, so that you may experience the transcendence of self and the perfect union with the Laws of God.

We invite you, dear children, to seek inner balance so that planetary life may also come into balance.

Today, in your hearts, I find a willingness: of aspiring to comply with My call, of aspiring to comply with My requests in this new cycle for Central America and Mexico.

Today, dear children, I see you more open than at other times, to embrace other sister nations, so that you can definitely become constituted as the new race of humanity, and through your giving of self and your service, you can attract to yourselves the new principles that will reform the planet, that will transfigure the consciousness of humanity, and will sublimate the hearts that have still not achieved Light and Love.

Much love was poured out upon you, dear children, so that the manifestation of this sacred center could be present, love is in everything.

I invite you to penetrate the Mystery of the Love of God. In the Love of God, there is nothing for oneself, there is no property or control. For this reason, dear children, I invite you to seek freedom through the giving of self, to seek the freedom of your souls and of your consciousnesses, of knowing how to understand, above all things, that there is an infinite purpose that must be accomplished in this end time.

Remember that My last goal is to reach Australia to rescue My children of the native peoples, just as I have spiritually rescued many children through the pilgrimages.

Redouble your efforts and you will be able to see the Purpose of God manifest as healing in your lives and as redemption for your hearts.

It is in Divine Providence where you should live, so that the doors may be open to all those who come to find food for the body and the spirit.

Remember that through these years I am preparing you to live in the Islands of Salvation in this Plan of Rescue that begins to be postulated, that begins to show to all the consciousnesses of the world.

Lastly, I ask you to pray for Venezuela, so that its people and its nation may find the peace and the help of all nations, which it needs today.

Listen with the heart to what I am telling you. Your Heavenly Mother also suffers because of what She sees in Venezuela.

I invite you to transcend the indifference and open your hearts even more to those who will seek refuge from this exile that they are experiencing today, just like is happening in the Middle East.

I invite you to live in confraternity, in union with the Father and with all your spirits, so that the time of Redemption may thus be fulfilled.

This is all that I came to tell you today. I withdraw in peace, seeing your hearts receptive on receiving My sacred celestial call in your spirits.

I bless you with My Grace and I give you the impulse to continue onward so that you never forget My Greater Purpose, which is the triumph of My Heart in all of the Americas.

I thank you!

Special Apparitions

I am the Mother of all the children of the world and from Heaven I bring you the peace that is possible to live in these times.

This is why I am here, dear children, so that you may believe in this; because in spite of what happens in humanity, My task continues to be completed in all hearts.

I open the Heavens so that your hearts are able to rise towards Me and thus enter the Heart of God, who with ardent love awaits you to give you shelter in His Spirit and in His Divinity.

Dear children, I come to Madrid with the same mission as two years ago. The Guadalupana must now travel through each province of Spain and must reach the hearts that are unknown to you; because if you go on pilgrimage with Me, carrying the Holy Image, hearts will seek it, for they have lost faith in God and need to find it again.

This is why I am here, dear children, to ask this of you; because from the Heart of Spain it is possible that this task can begin. And thus, you will find souls that will need to live in prayer, will need to learn how to pray and know how to connect with God.

You, who already live in My School of Prayer, will know how to do it and how to teach it, because I will inspire you with the power of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

In this way, dear children, you will gradually come to know the Gifts of God that are waiting to descend upon humanity and into simple hearts that open to find the path of consecration to the Plan of the Most High.

Today I come here to unite what is separated between consciousnesses, just as the song says.

I come to establish the New Humanity in your essences, something that today you will not be able to understand, dear children, but which you will build little by little within yourselves, taking the steps in the Plan of the Lord and in the redemption that My Son offers you in this time. Thus, dear children, you will never be alone. No matter how much you feel you are losing your inner strength, My Heart will always support you.

I am that sacred hand that reaches out to you so that you can take hold of it firmly and feel completely safe on this path of conversion and of the transfiguration of your lives.

Spain must be the kingdom of My Immaculate Heart, because united with Portugal, it will be able to radiate peace to the whole European continent and beyond it.

You know, dear children, that you can count on the Sanctuary of Lys and also the Sanctuary of Medjugorje, but this is still not enough. There are still hearts that have not repented and cannot find the path to My Son.

I come to show you the pathway that takes you to the Heart of the Celestial Father, and this will cease to be a theory or something that is so invisible for you, dear children.

I need you to take shape as My pillars, as I have already told you once before, and that you continue to keep strengthening your spiritual life so that I may be near you and guide you on the path of the end of times, amidst the shadows and the darkness that the world experiences.

I want this image to be a portal of Peace, because for this I have consecrated it for each one of you and for your brothers and sisters on the path.

In the same way that Guadalupe carries out an important task in the United States, she also fulfills it here, because from here I left to manifest in the Americas and to be known as the Mother of the Americas and the Mother of all Peoples.

I inspired the apostles of Christ when they evangelized and preached in this region, so that they might make My Gospel known, which is the story of the Mother of God with Jesus Christ, your Lord, so that they might make My silent Work known and that it might be testified by each one who heard it.

This story reached Guadalupe, in a corner of this great Spain. And from there I was known to the world, when My sacred Aspect of the Mother of All Races was shown in the Americas; reminding the white man of the union with all the peoples through unity and love, which in that time in Guadalupe, I came to institute by order of God, so that the people of Europe would have an opportunity in this end time, in this time of purification, in this time of transition.

Your hearts have been self-summoned for this and have not ceased to fulfill what I have requested, in this Work, of expanding the Light of My Heart throughout the world, especially in Europe.

My mission with you, dear children, must go beyond frontiers and nations. You must reach those closed hearts that do not want to know Jesus nor want to have anything to do with God. In you there will be no method for doing it, nor a rule. You transmit with the love of your hearts, the love you feel for Me, and thus I will work. And when you gather together to pray with your brothers and sisters for those who are unknown to you, they will be able to be changed by My Love and will find the peace they seek so much.

Dear children, I expect this of you in this time. That is why I have come here to Madrid, to carry out a renewal of your vows to the Celestial Father and to the Plan of redemption of My beloved Son and of My Immaculate Heart.

The next step, in Europe, is to disseminate the love of Saint Joseph, and the transformation that this holy man experienced while being human, being a simple and real man.

Thus, dear children, I want to create in you and in this people of Europe, a new human being, and leave behind the old human being who has closed themselves off from transformation and from renunciation.

Saint Joseph will be the Mediator that will lead you on this path. If you disseminate Our Lady of Guadalupe, you will know to disseminate the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, for in truth I tell you, dear children, that even here in Spain, for example, there are simple souls that feel God in their hearts, but do not know how to connect with Him.

The souls that are closed are My preferred souls. They are the ones I aspire to find through your hands, through your services united with My Son, with His Sacred Heart.

There is still much to be done here, and it is time for your hearts to be able to grow in this task and not be afraid of taking the steps, just as your brothers and sisters have done so in other parts of the world, definitely surrendering to live the Plan of God and to cooperate for the salvation of this humanity, of all the Kingdoms of Nature, which are so abused.

Dear children, I am in communion with all of you, every single day of your life, and in each moment that you pray to My Heart, I can strengthen you so that you live this Project that is so unknown to the world, which is the Project of Love and of Redemption.

Today I hover over you, dear children, because I love you. I love you so much, with an eternal rejoicing of My Immaculate Heart, which pours Its Graces upon Its children so that you may be firm and sure on the path I invite you to follow.

I am your Mother of peace, I am your Mother of love, Mother of trust, Mother of consecration and of hope. I am the one Who lifts you up when you fall, I am the one Who cheers you up when your hearts are sad or when you are confused by My adversary.

Unite with Me through the Holy Rosary. As you have done today, contemplate each divine mystery of My Son. In this way, your hearts will be custodians of the codes of the Celestial Universe, which will be indispensable in these times and for all of humanity. But as I know, dear children, not all will receive these codes that will help transform the world. The very few who will receive them will have the responsibility of being consistent with them and of expanding them with love and joy throughout the world.

Your guardian angels are confident that you can do it. Count on them in this Work of co-redemption that you are experiencing with Me and in union with My Son.

Thus, I come to prepare you for the end time and so that you never forget this moment, in which Heaven touches your hearts and lives in order to renew them and provide the impulse for giving a little more in honor to God, Who contemplates you in this hour, with gentleness and deliberation through My Immaculate Heart.

Feel, dear children, how My Peace is alive. Beyond being non-material, it is felt and beats in the heart that opens to receive it.

Seek the gifts of charity and goodness and you will be on the right path. Do not look for personal realization, but rather the concretization of works in humanity through the Sacred Hearts.

In this way, dear children, as Your Patroness of Guadalupe and of all Spain, we will be able to achieve in silence the redemption of millions of souls that are submerged in the chaos of this world, and in the superficiality of material life. My adversary has undertaken closing these hearts, but today I am giving you the master key, which is the key of your hearts, the key of love and of trust in God. Because the heart that is patient, dear children, achieves all things.

Let us pray now, dear children, for humanity.

Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).

And see here, dear children, that today, before the Altars of God, you offer Me the greatest testimony of truth and of redemption for the hearts of the world, through the precious Blood and the divine Body of your Lord, Who having poured out all the codes of rehabilitation for hearts and spirits, today will be present through this bread and this wine, through the transubstantiation that the angels of the Universe, united with My Heart and in adoration, will change these elements in glory to the Celestial Father.

When you drink of the Blood of Christ, do it for those who do not drink the precious Blood of Our Lord. And when you commune, dear children, commune for those who offend Him and deny Him in this time.

You will sing to Our Lady of Guadalupe, just as you have done, so that My Aspect may unify all the races and all the peoples in the spirituality of Christ. 

I thank you for responding to My call.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

We want to share with you about what the Apparition was like.

Mary asked us to do a short description and that Mother María Shimani comment on what Mary instructed us about today.

When we were singing, in one of the decades of the Mystery of the Rosary, Mary first showed Herself as Our Lady of the Assumption, that Aspect that is shown when She rises up to Heaven in Body and Soul. It was when the sister Piedad was singing the Ave María of Gomez, a very intense moment.

Afterwards, in the next song, if I remember correctly, was when a spiritual condition was created and the angels, a part of the ultra-terrestrial universe, descended and began to provide great help for Spain.

I have never seen a nation receive so much help in unison. It was something simultaneous, because it was as if, from here, from the Heart of Madrid, the angels went out to various points in the provinces of Spain and began to release many bad things, very bad. At that point, the work of liberation began, which was a harmonious work, a very aligned work, very elevated.

And well, the moment of the Apparition came and Mary showed Herself as the Queen of Peace and indicated to me that I should face you, face the brothers and sisters, because She was going to appear here and that we should pray.

At that moment, I perceived that Mary was carrying out a task with the inner self of each one of you, with the inner world, with the very deep world. She was doing something as a Mother, like when a mother tries to fix an object that is broken. I am explaining symbolically about what She did with your souls and with many souls that are not physically here, but that are on other planes, and which Mary helped to fix and to restore.

She began to do a work of spiritual restoration. She began to cleanse, to purify what we understand as our sins or our faults, our omissions, our value judgments and even our arrogance. She began to lovingly clean.

At times, we were seeing Mary as if with a wipe, with a little cloth that she was cleaning our souls, our spirits, of those present and those who are not present here as well.

She went doing this task, and I perceived that at that moment She was preparing the field of work. She began with what you heard on Guadalupe, the Pilgrim Virgin. Mary carried out an act of restoration of the task of the pilgrim image that is in the United States at this time, doing an important work with the groups of the United States and also here, on the Iberian Peninsula.

And when Mary expressed that She wanted the Pilgrim Virgin from here, from Europe, to go through all the provinces of Spain, it was because She was going to do a task in each province. She knew we would ask ourselves how to do that, because we know each other, and we don't know others. In that dimension where She was, She was showing that there were consciousnesses that were waiting for the image. For example, in a hospital, a residence, a nursing home, a family of a home that needs Mary of Guadalupe to unite, like a family that is separated or a person that is suffering.

She says that today She did an initiation in us, She initiated us for a new action. With that initiation She did in each of us, She spiritually opened a door, so to speak, so that those souls may find the Virgin of Guadalupe. She said we have to put our hands to work, just like the Pilgrim Virgins of other countries are doing in Colombia, in Nicaragua, in Brazil, in Argentina. The work with those images is important.

Then, Mary gave us an impulse. Today we spiritually received an impulse directly from Her, which is not very usual for Mary to do, so that we can begin this task. And when we do this task and get organized, things will happen naturally.

I felt that it was a task and a very great aspiration that Mary placed in you, which is to reach closed hearts. She says that Mary of Guadalupe, the Pilgrim Virgin, should reach, for example, Russia, because there are many Russians that have need of Mary, many Russians that need to be touched by the Virgin of Guadalupe, by that Aspect.

So we perceived that Mary had us face a mystery that isn't so much so, because She is revealing how She works in a simple way with humanity, with souls. She is teaching us in a very direct way to be mediators, as She was, as Saint Joseph was, or Christ Jesus Himself. That it is not something distant from us, but rather is very close to what we can accomplish. So She left this impulse with us so that we keep it well in mind.


Madre María Shimani de Montserrat:

I was also asking myself, while I listened to the Mother, when She was going to name Saint Joseph, because it was something that I had very strongly felt, because He is Who teaches us to be simple and to be humble, which is what we lack, which is why we don't reach others.

We cannot reach other people in an open, quick and effective way, because we are neither simple nor humble. I felt that we needed the intercession of Saint Joseph. If we study Saint Joseph, everything He has transmitted to us, He has a teaching technique that is infallible. With those words and that way of working, that way of transmitting the instruction, He is capable of moving through spaces in our consciousness that not even we know about. So it was absolutely essential that Saint Joseph arrive on the scene so that we could learn about that simplicity and that humility, because it is through these attitudes that we will be able to reach all those closed hearts.

Think about how Mary came to you. How it was that a person spoke to you about Mary and touched the heart of each one, in a simple way, in a humble way, in a direct way. And that is what we have to do for other people, because we cannot hold on to all the Grace in us, because there are many beings that are really needing a lot of help.

If you review the messages of Saint Joseph, you are going to find many keys there on how to be simple and humble, real, transparent. And it is in this way that other people are reached, because when it is the heart that speaks, the whole world understands, because the mind is not present creating any condition. So, let's pay close attention, because each word of our Mother, each instruction, each indication, is what we need to manage to accomplish these patterns that She brings us.

So we invite you to study Saint Joseph, to let Saint Joseph become the third Divine Messenger in our lives. Because you must remember that They are three, and for something They bring, each one, a different way of reaching our heart and changing our lives. Let's not let a part of that instruction and that change be missing, because Saint Joseph is the sure and direct path to being simple of heart, just as God wants us to be. So we invite you to study Saint Joseph and to approach those people that most need this.

There are some ways to work with the Pilgrim Virgin that open many doors. And as the Friar was saying, when one dares to go to a hospital with the Pilgrim Virgin, an infinite number of things can happen; because there are a lot of people in a hospital and not only those who are sick; there are the families of the sick, there are those who heal or those who want to heal, all those who work in hospitals. It is impressive how Mary works, just Her. We appear with a Pilgrim Virgin in a hospital, we place ourselves in a waiting room, and you will see the miracles in which you will be able to participate.

Of course, one has to step outside of oneself a little and do that for Mary and for all those people that need it. And one door opens another, and that other door opens another; and before we realize it, there is a chain of people, of souls, that were touched by the love of Our Mother. But one has to dare. You have to do something that is not for you. You have to do something for others. For this reason, we need Saint Joseph to help us be a little more simple of heart. And well, there are other ways that some brothers and sisters have done, in other places of the world with our pilgrim Mother, that have been wonderful. We have some testimonies, some videos of some meetings, in which it seems that Mary is there and that everybody can experience Her. And neither the visionaries or the choir are present; it is Her that is there.

So we invite you to take this step, that you dare, and that afterwards you tell us all the stories about what Mary is doing here, in Europe.

We will meet in the Heart of our Mother. Thank you.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I come to pray with you, for you and the world.

Today, I come to stay close to your hearts and in silence, so that you can feel and can understand what your Mother sees in this world, which does not stop to think and to seek God first, so everything can be remedied.

I call on you to live in My silence, in this same spiritual moment, in which Heaven unites with the Earth.

The universe shows you what happens in this world to hearts that truly want to see the indignation of the Mother of God for souls that do not listen, that are behind each one of you, without a path or a direction.

I come to profess this silence in the name of the Love of God; so that you not only listen to Me, but also learn to feel I am here, in each part of this world that has need of the Light, the Light of God.

I Am the Queen of Peace, and come to invite you to a deep silence, for if you are in silence, you will be able to understand what I tell you.

Dear children, the world is about to collapse, and nobody believes this can be possible.

I come to stop the anger of God over your heads, for I am your Mother, I love you and wish the best for you.

Once again, I come to give the same Message; now through My silence; because it is necessary, My children, that you grow in the Truth.

The world will not bear it if it truly does not seek to change in the small things of life.

Who will be a part of the New Earth if My hearts only give Me half of their lives?

I need you to seek the Truth and not fear finding it. Thus, I come to pray for you and for all My children, mainly for those that do not listen to the Word of God.

Now do you understand, dear children, the need for My Sacred Centers to be manifested by you?

I do not come to remove any coins from your pockets. I come to call on you to become part of the manifestation of God; in this way, your hearts will be reconciled with the One and all debts incurred throughout the history of humanity will be relieved by the Grace of God.

My silence, My children, is a Grace. I need you to seek silence.

How will you understand what My Heart suffers? How will you feel My deep core and My Most Pure Womb, which is assaulted when each mother causes a life to be lost? I am in the little ones, but I am also in you. Each time you remove a life it is a sorrow for God.

The debt becomes ever greater. Who will pay it? Who will be worthy of suffering out of love for others and surrender their heart into the Hands of God, so the Queen of Heaven may make Her offering in the last intervention God grants Her?

I come to show you the world through My wounded Heart. My Life is not only glory, but also the suffering of others, the suffering I assume from this world.

My Heart lived among you since the beginning; and throughout the times has showed itself to all, trying to reveal the sacred secret, the secret of the Love of God which can completely transform your lives.

Today, My warm voice speaks with sadness; because while the world moves rapidly without stopping, souls condemn themselves to the fire of the abyss and become embers at the feet of My adversary. Who will rescue them? Who will help Me?

I do not come only to bless you because you are My children; you must be My soldiers of the end of times, who respond to any call without an interest, without conditions and with no indifference. In this way, My works will be able to be accomplished through your hearts. But I know it is difficult for you to leave this world; it is conquering many hearts, mainly those that do not pray from the heart and who only do it as a commitment, without giving any love.

I come to teach you, My children, about simple things. It is necessary that you grow up in time. Things are not the same as those of yesterday. The world changes day after day without being perceived, and the Kingdoms of Mother Nature are what most suffer the consequences of this humanity. Have you thought about the seas without whales, the lands without trees, deserts with less and less water? Have you thought about those that live on what God gave them?

A creature without water is a soul that dies. An animal without peace is a disturbed spirit. A tree that is cut is a spirit that does not rise up. How will God be able to reach you if you cut off His Hands? How will He embrace you through His blessed Creation if you assault all the principles of the Law?

But My Message is for all the consciousnesses that, in truth, want to wake up to a great change.

These are already My last Words for the end of these times. Mother Nature asks for help and few are listening to Her. I not only need you to serve others, but that you serve Creation.

Today, My Mantle is lined with the Nature of God. With Me, in My Heart, is the Kingdom of minerals, the devotion of the plants, the love of the animals, and the Kingdom of the Angels that have given everything for this world.

Perhaps what you hear is not what you want to know. Blessed are the humble hearts that recognize the Word of God, for they will not lose themselves, but rather will be guided by the Spirit of God toward the Kingdom of Christ.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My Words are simple and always have been throughout the history of humanity. Thus, few were able to understand the grandeur of My Heart, were able to understand that it was God who descended to this world to tell you His Will, to reveal to His creatures the path to the perfection of the heart and of the human essence.

Those who recognize My Presence and deeply seek Who is before their hearts, can feel within themselves that it is the Mother of God, the Lady of the Divine Verb, Who brings this Sacred Verb to the world.

I want you to learn from the simplicity of My Heart, and that you never tire of listening to Me, even though My Words are not what you would like to hear.

Do you know why you are disinterested in what I tell you so many times? Because if you heard Me attentively, you would be carried into being completely transformed.

The Will of God, My children, is not the same as what you experience in your daily life. By any chance, do you ever simply gaze at an animal as you pass it by?

Do you feel the devotion of the trees, which in every instant try to inspire humanity in its upliftment?

By any chance, did you feel the beauty of the minerals, which support this world, which attract the Rays of the Universe for the healing and redemption of all creatures?

Who of you one day decided to attract the Rays of God from the Universe, not for yourself but rather for this sick world, so each creature would be able to reach the perfection of Divine Thought?

The Kingdoms of Nature permanently give of themselves to humanity, showing them through different attributes, which path is for the manifestation of the Human Kingdom. And this Kingdom, My children, which expresses in each of your hearts, should manifest the maximum attribute of the Kingdom of God, which is Love, that heals everything, forgives everything and redeems everything.

If you observed the Kingdoms and were ready to learn with them, you could come to this expression.

But, on My Words being so simple, sometimes you do not want to hear Me. You do not know, My children, Who speaks to you; you do not know that the Kingdom of God descends to this world and a unique opportunity is given to humanity, not only to those present here, but also to all those who can awaken upon hearing My Words.

Today I show you the reality of this world, but I also bring you the grandeur of the Heavens so you may know you can surrender all that you are, because all that you are is very little in the grandeur of the Universe.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

How much I love you, dear children! And I know everything that you can give Me in the simplicity of prayer, in the love of your hearts that give themselves completely to Mine, to thus concretize the Works of God in this world.

Let us pray, dear children. Let us pray, as the Lord indicates; and while we pray, let the children who today will be consecrated come here so I may bless them with My motherhood.

I am here present, praying with you.
Mother of Heaven, Mother Earth,
intercede for us and for the Kingdoms.

(thirteen times)


And in this way, I carry your prayers to plead to God for this humanity.

Through the blessed Grace God granted Me at My Conception, I come to bless you so the Spirit of God manifests the principle of His Will in your lives.

I come to consecrate you in the Holy Name of the Son, so He may manifest the sure path toward redemption in your lives.

I come to bless you through the Holy Spirit, so that Its Gifts, true and deep, may be sown in your spirits; and thus, just like the apostles from the past, you become the new apostles of Christ guided by the simplicity of the Love of God.

May this mission be accomplished in your lives and you are able to achieve living in the Will of God and in the maximum expression of His infinite Love.

Through the Grace which My Immaculate Heart pours out, My dear children, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will make the Sign of the Cross twice more, at the request of Our Lady.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

In the Presence of Adonai, I rise up to Heaven, as it was in the Assumption of My Body and My Soul, in honor of all My children of the world and for the salvation of all of Creation.

Sing and be glad in humility; you are the children of My Heart.

I thank you.


I come to the world to bring peace to the nations, the end of wars in families, in homes and in hearts, and in all peoples who suffer the great punishment of the end of times.

I come to establish devotion to My Immaculate Heart throughout America and, today, after having been in Medjugorje celebrating My world anniversary with the whole humanity, on this night of Graces, I come to meet you to pour out My Light over the world once again.

God wants the best and the good in your hearts; therefore, I invite you, dear children, to experience the path of charity and also the path of prayer of the heart.

If you experience these simple but important things, your debts will dissolve from the account of God and your homes will open up to receive My special Graces, those that I wish to establish in your hearts and souls.

As the Queen of Peace, I gather everyone in My Sacred Cenacle for through My Immaculate Heart, dear children, today you are celebrating with Me the Communion with My Son.

God has allowed Me in a special way, My children, to bring the Sacred Universal Monstrance, the Great Glorified Body of Christ, the Precious Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ that must be contemplated in this definitive time.

With joy, go to your parishes and adore the Lord. He has waited, for a long time, to listen to you in detail, to listen to your hearts and problems. God wishes, through the Sacred Hearts, that humanity can once again save itself, and the Lady of Peace, the Universal Queen, wants to prevent the Law of God over the world so that humanity may emerge again from the Heart of God, and it enters the Heart of the Father through a profound communion that you must experience, dear children, in this time more than ever, so that evil can be removed from your lives and the same divine unity that the Sacred Family of Nazareth experienced, can be established in your families.

As the Queen of Peace, My children, I invite you to enter My Universe of Peace. Therefore, it will not be necessary, beloved children, for you to be able to see Me with your physical eyes. I wish that you can feel me within your hearts and remain in My eternal devotion.

I pray for you all, day and night. From the Celestial Kingdom, I send my Guardian Angels so that they may protect and accompany you; but, in this very special time that the world is living, I need you to give the great yes to the Lord, thus your lives will quickly change and your families will renew themselves by the loving action of the Holy Spirit.

Dear children, just like in other times in the past, when I appeared to other visionaries in the world, today I announce to you, beloved children, that you awaken to this last call of Mine, may your eyes be opened to the Light that comes from Heaven, may your heart hear My special Message, the Message that I have for the current time.

Live the Sacraments, My children, and if you have forgotten one of them, live them again promptly, thus you will be united to the Father and the Celestial Universe.

I desire, in your lives, a path of conversion, a conversion that will open the door to experience redemption, but in this time only the prayer of the heart will suffice.

I, as your Mother of prayer, come to teach you this so simple and sincere path, the same that I learned when I was with you in the world. While carrying Jesus in My arms, I did not stop contemplating the greatness of the Lord. Thus, you should understand, dear children, that in your daily chores you can contemplate the Lord. God contemplates, with greatness and love, when His children make a sincere effort.

May your hearts be mirrors of prayer, may you be lights for this world which is in darkness. This is possible, dear children; if you do this, you will not recognize yourselves in a short time, for the Light of My Son will shine on your faces and the Love of Christ will beat within your hearts.

Pray for all priests, for all universal religious life. I come to institute in this end time, a great request that My Son Jesus has made to Me: to unite all the peoples who are dispersed across the world through the heart and through prayer. If this happens in this way, through your permission and loving acts, new Laws of Mercy will descend over the world and it will not be necessary for you to suffer anymore, dear children.

I come to meet you as the Universal Mediatrix. I have desired for so long time that you may live in My Heart; but truthfully I tell you, dear children, that many of you have forgotten about My call.

For this reason, through the Maternal Love that I impart to all hearts, I come to remind you, dear children, about this important call to seek the peace of the heart. Thus, you will help yourselves and this special Grace that comes from Heaven will expand through your families and friends.

You know, dear children, that many of my children are suffering, at this time, spiritual problems that are aggravating in the souls, diseases that appear in the bodies of My children, which seem incurable.

Seek the path of prayer, in this way you will find the path of healing. The Gift of Science of the Holy Spirit will show you the path to experience redemption and, in this way, My beloved little children, you will free your hearts from all the evil you experience.

Today, I ask you, dear children, to not open the doors to evil. Heaven invites you to something special, the Infinite God comes to meet you through My Immaculate Heart.

I am the same from Nazareth, dear children, the same who appeared throughout the centuries.

Meditate on this special events that you experience today. Read about the events and thus, in the silence of the heart, in the profound prayer of the heart and in abiding faith, you will understand all that I say to you today and you will understand why I am coming into the world again. It is a great need of the Father, in His Majestic Will, that all His children turn towards His Heart.

Look with open eyes towards the horizon that is awakening, the light of dawn that is emerging. I am the Sun that shines in the darkness, I am your Guiding Star.

Hold on to My hands, dear children, thus I envelop you with My Sacred Mantle and thus, as I did in Guadalupe, I will unite all peoples as one, I will dissolve the evil of hearts for true faith will resurge within all children who have believed in My Word.

On this night of Graces, I will not fail to bless you. I come to pour out My Maternal Grace over you, placing My hands upon your heads, imploring My Son for His Mercy; in this way, your families, dear children, will be rewarded by My Maternal Light and you will be reunited in love.

Do not forget to seek the love of the heart, thus you will be liberated from experiencing human feelings. God said that, through your faith, all your brethren, families, friends and acquaintances will be reunited; and this will be possible when you live a life of permanent prayer, then your homes will receive the needs of other brethren and you will be able to envelop them with the power of prayer so that healing can be established in those hearts.

I know that many expected miracles. The true miracle of God, dear children, for this 21st century, is that He has allowed Me to return to meet you, especially in this part of America, announcing Myself as the Queen of the Sun, the Woman who wears the Golden Rays of the Father, the Wisdom of the Father and His Mercy so that they can be poured over the world.

I seek, from your hearts and souls, true sincerity. My eyes contemplate all your necessities. I wish that all My children can take a step towards the Plan of God through the heart, faith and prayer in profound communion with Christ because if you do this, you will receive the Grace that you seek so much.

God has many good things for you. He has already knocked on the door of your homes, but in this time He sends His Faithful Messenger in the name of Jesus, Christ the Redeemer, to awaken those who sleep in this world because of the strength that the illusion of this humanity has had and that, through modernities, hypnotized My children, making them lose the path of faith.

Therefore, today I come to announce that it is time to return to the House of the Lord.

I thank you deeply, dear children, for this preparation that you have made for My Heart.

On this sacred night of faith, I come to give you My Love, the faith that your hearts need and the healing that your souls need to be able to continue walking in the paths of the Lord, in the Plans of God and His magnificent and loving Will.

I announce Myself to you as your Mother, I do not want to do you any harm but rather that you feel the radiance of My Immaculate Heart.

Dear children, all this is true when hearts open up to faith. I need you as My servers and apostles of the new time.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús,

Our Lady is praying for us and the city of Sorocaba.


Today, I tell you, dear children, as My Son has said, that the last will be the first and the first will be the last, those who will close the door for those who have been left behind, and we will all be together in the promise of Paradise, of the Kingdom of God.

I also come, on this night, to bless you, and I unite to the hearts of all My children, confirming your faith before the Most High Lord. This is the most important thing, dear children, that the flame of your heart never be extinguished. Therefore, today I ask you, that the children who are sitting in the last row of this room come forward for the blessing at this altar and all of those who feel it may do so. But I call in a special way, to this nearest altar, the new children of Mary, who again are the example of conversion and of the Love of God manifested by the power of faith and prayer.

Let us sing.


Song: "Our Lady".

When a soul sings it instantly unites to God and the Celestial Universe manifests in His heart, creating the perfect union between the creatures and God. In the simplest and humble things lies the true key that will take you to salvation.

My very beloved children, by the authority that God has granted Me and under the protection and shelter of the Archangel Raphael, of all the angels of Heaven who perpetually glorify the Lord, by the power of My Immaculate Heart and by the imperious force of the Mercy of Christ, I bless you on this heavenly night, pouring out the most pure of My Heart over your hearts; and I hope to promptly meet you in Heaven, after having lived the great experience of love and forgiveness on this Earth.

Unite yourselves, in this time. My Immaculate Heart will always help you whenever you open your heart to Me, which is the direct path to God, the eternal blessing of Our Father and the favorite Love of the Lord for all that He created since the beginning.

I am the Mother of the Beginning and the End, I am the one who waits with joy and love to strongly embrace you, so that you may rest your heads on My Heart and thus, with your inner ears you can feel the beating of My Immaculate Heart which is the only reason of your joy in this life.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Pray the Rosary every day, peace is needed in this world and an end of the spiritual war as well. Thus, the Mercy of the Lord will descend and we will be One in the heart of the universe.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you little children for responding to My call!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús,

At the request of our Blessed Mother, to close this meeting with Her Immaculate Heart, let us listen to and sing the "Hymn of Medjugorje".


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat,

And to close, let us together sing "Mary of Nazareth".

Special Apparitions

On the eighth day of the Apparitions of the Celestial Mother in Aurora, the group present continued to grow.

In silence, everybody arrived at the tree of Apparitions to begin with the prayer. At a certain moment, while everybody prayed, the sisters of the Monastery of Eternal Faith, a female monastery, intoned the song "Celestial Mother".

Friar Elías and Mother Shimani stood up, contemplating the crown of the orange tree, and shortly thereafter, Friar Elías, Mother Shimani and one other sister approached the tree, to then return to the group.

Later, Friar Elías spoke about what he had perceived.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

When the sisters intoned the song, several celestial doors opened over the whole area where the group stood.

The Divine Mother appeared, holding in Her right Hand a golden Christic cross. From each end of the horizontal arm (called PATIBULUM) a golden plate was hanging, forming a scale.

At that moment, in the Heavens, choirs of angels could be seen singing and praising the Divine Mother.

Then, from the Heavens, She effected an expansion and radiation of energy over all of us. Our souls rapidly rose up to where the Celestial Mother was, and She placed them close to Her Heart. She then had them descend back to our beings.

A few moments later, She manifested two great silver-colored medals, one in each Hand. Each one of those medals had the image of Christ the Redeemer; He had His Arms open, radiating a lot of Light. At that moment, the Divine Mother repeated several times:

"Redemption, Redemption, Redemption."

Afterwards, behind Her, another much deeper Heaven opened, where there were more angelic beings very far away. At a higher point in Heaven, above the Divine Mother, Christ in His aspect of Christ the Redeemer appeared, and over Him, at an even higher place, a white dove manifested, which beat its wings as if flying, but remained always in the same place. This image emanated a lot of Light, coming from those Three Presences.

After a few minutes, the image changed. She descended to the orange tree over which a crown of roses and other flowers formed, which had the shape of an arcade, it was very beautiful and with many flowers.

At that moment, the Divine Mother, on Her Breast, manifested a great red rose, which She supported with both Hands, and She said to us:

I Am the Mystic Rose, come to Me, touch My Mantle.

I Am the Mystic Rose, come to Me, touch My Mantle.

Afterwards, the Divine Mother asked us, the two brothers and sister who were present at Her Apparitions during 2007, to come close to the tree. When we approached, She descended a little more and stretched out Her Left Foot, placing it on an orange. She asked us to touch Her Foot and that we feel Her energy. She transmitted some Words to us, and in the end, told us not to fear, for She would protect us.

After this account, Friar Elías transmitted to us that the Mother asked that we all pray the prayer of the Universal Mother.

After a few beads, Friar Elías began the transmission of the Words of the Divine Mother.


Today, I come to ask that you carry My Mystic Rose in your hearts, a Spiritual Rose that was born in Nazareth.

Between the prayer and Joseph's carpentry, devotion emerged when we accepted the chalice as parents and children; something far from our comprehension. But the light of the angels guided Us in the Purpose of fulfilling the unknown.

The Archangel Gabriel appeared to me thirty-three times after the elevation of My Son, and there, My task as the prophet of the new times began, as the Mother Who was to begin to embrace all Her children to take them toward the Father.

When I rose up, My task expanded on all levels and in all senses, levels that today you will not understand, but which are divine lights that all can welcome into their hearts.

Today, My Mystic Rose manifests before you so you may receive My Peace and My Redemption.

I Am the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, the Higher Spirit that is descending into hearts at this end time.

Carry My Message of Peace with you, so that in your hearts My Immaculate Heart may emerge. Find refuge in Me, over My roses and under My Mantle, so you may walk far from the pathways of darkness which are settling first in minds and then in hearts.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now the Divine Mother is lifting up a scepter, which has a golden cross at the top.


This is the redemption of humanity, the coming of the New Christ, of a Christ even more merciful than we can understand with our intellect.

I have been here for centuries and in various parts of the world, safeguarding hearts until the coming of the Master. You already know, He is reappearing first in the consciousness, then in hearts, and in this way, He will descend to His old Earth. He will return renewed as a Sublime Heart of Peace and of Love for souls.

But first, Divine Justice will come, and the initial prophecy He has given: "The straw will be separated from the wheat," it needs to blossom through Me and then the fruit will be born.

Do not seek and do not wait for sublime meetings, but rather, more profound prayers in which you unite with Me and My Immaculate Heart, which must shine forth over your beings and over all My children who cry out for My Voice.

I Am the Queen of Love, the same Queen of Peace, Who brings the victorious Message to those who have fallen, to all those who cannot stand up and all those who must heal the profound sorrow that only I know.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Mother is lifting up Her hands to Heaven and a light blue light has begun to descend.


I lift up My Hands to Heaven so you may find refuge in each part of My Being. I will thus be able to protect you as little children who must walk in this end time.

Hold My Messages in your hearts and promise to pray for My Peace, for in this way, I will trust in each one of you and in each one of My children. Teach everybody how to pray in a simple and sincere way, defeating the limitations of this reality and opening the heart to find Me.

I Am the Resplendent Flame of the Trinity, the New Holy Spirit that descends, a Spirit that all will know and which will not be far from your realities.

A Grace descends, even while this world is purified. All will go through the door of purification, but whomever withdraws into Me will find the strength to continue forward united with My Heart, which shall shine on your path, to be able to walk without rest.

These are My Messages in these times, in which higher realities, the Heavens with the Earth, are uniting, and there, you must be prepared to find Me as the Guardian of Prayer and so we may contemplate together the mysteries which took place in Jerusalem.

We are reappearing not only at the center of this world, but also in all parts of it, so My Message of Peace may be disseminated into more hearts that suffer.

Today, you are receiving a special Grace: the Mystic Rose of My Heart, which must be spread through prayer.

If you think about My rose, you will think about Me and I will be united with you, giving out Graces to the hearts that open and understand the mysteries unknown to your realities.

Heaven is descending over this place and this is beyond consciousnesses; this is part of My Ministry of Redemption and of Rescue in this end cycle.

This place will be a Center of Prayer, the same as Medjugorje has been for a few decades; because now God has asked of Me, with you, that I place My Eyes, My Hands and My Heart, together with My Light, over this place.

This is the New Aurora which is being born and in which you must trust, a Celestial Aurora that shines in the darkness. Call for this Aurora, which is My Aurora, which is the one that rises before you to ignite the hearts that are dark through incomprehension.

If you pray with Me, I will have a preference for you, inner guides that will unite with Me through prayer, in a continuous dialogue of voice to voice.

Three principles will unite for this Earth, which are being born for the second time, for the work of My Celestial Purpose, for the Light that emerges from My Hands and is born from My Immaculate Heart for all, the sick, the healthy, the awake, the sleeping, known and still to be known, I seek you all, again and again, through My preferred prayer.

Heaven is coming over you, a Heaven you will not understand. Listen to My Voice, which is emerging in this part of the world for those who need it. Embrace and accept My Inner Flame, My preferred Fire, so you may have the strength to walk where it seems dark and unknown.

Carry My torch of Peace, as an inner flame, so it may allow more springs to emerge within your hearts, hearts that must be redeemed and forgive the past.

Hear My Voice; listen to It!

I Am the Queen of Peace, the Path of Love, the Merciful Bird that pours out Its Graces over the ones who do not deserve them.

Ignite your hearts and continue to trust in Me so as to find the correct path toward the celestial universe. All of you must return to these Heavens through My Heart which is open.

I will be here until next Friday, to continue to pour out My Light over those who do not see it and do not feel it. If you are united with Me, your lives will transform so the Calvary may be alleviated and you achieve the Light in front of your eyes. I Am the Light that comes from God, I Am one of the Sources that has been born in this world to protect it and rescue it.

Listen to My Voice, so that it may echo in your hearts and pray with Me for Peace in this world.


All together we pray the Universal Mother three times.


Next Friday, at 8 pm, you will come here and each one will light a candle that will represent the coming of Christ the Redeemer in this time. When I appear, you will put them out, because My Light will illumine you.

I will reveal something to those who remain in prayer with Me.

Sow Peace in all hearts and walk in the trust of Christ, Our Lord.

I Am the Conception that once again is being born in hearts.

By the Burning Fire which is born of the Heart of Christ, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you for responding to My call!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

She is now slowly rising up to a part of Heaven where there is a choir of angels formed in two lines, leaving a corridor between them where She is walking.

She has turned, and opening the orandium, She extends Her Hands downward and forms a small glowing pink heart.

The Mother disappears and all the images fade away.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
