Today the consecrated Holy Mothers are to come here and bow down before My Altar.

Like the Holy Women of Jerusalem, I will give you My Legacy for this definitive time.

Bow down and together with My Most Holy Mother, who today has come with Me, experience the Eternal Communion, so that we may celebrate this ceremony together with you.

Those who can, kneel on the ground, like the angels, at least for some time; in this way, you will enter into the Universe of My Heart to participate in this Eucharist that I come again to renew on this Holy Thursday.

I want the Holy Mothers to have a lit candle with which to adore Me, just like they did yesterday in union with My Heart of Light.

Today the Cenacle is being established in this place, the Spiritual Cenacle that conceived and allowed the manifestation of Holy Communion, through My Body and My Blood in the bread and the wine.

Happy are those who know how to celebrate this, who repent and humble themselves before the Master of Masters; because they may be new consciousnesses, souls in rehabilitation and peace, spirits assembled by Me from different points of the Universe that will carry My banner of Peace, just as My Glorified Heart is carried for the four corners of the Earth.

Be happy and live My eternal Communion, the renewal of your vows in the Plan of the Creator in the face of a time of crises.

Before lighting the candles, I wish to bless them so that they may be purified, for My Spirit lives in purity, just as I introduce you all in My Spirit of Peace, so that you work your sublimation.

I am preparing a ceremony for you. Pay attention to what I do, because it is unique to this time and for all the hearts of the Earth.

We will renew this sacred table with offerings you have made to Me, from your hearts to Mine.

Be in adoration as My Mother is, prostrated at My Feet, praying for the world in Her Magnificent Saintliness.

Blessed water, please...

Follow the instructions that I am giving you so that the Ceremony be perfect, in Heaven as on Earth, in your souls as in your bodies, in this institution that I carry out of the Codes of My Light in each one of the elements.

The Mothers come here, please...

With this candle that I give you, you will pray for thirteen days after Easter, so that My Heart may be glorified further in the world, especially for the souls that should awaken and that are lost.

You will do so together with My Mother, each time that you light this candle, to commemorate My Merciful Heart. You will do it especially for those, your spiritual children, who must be cared for by your motherhood, just as My Mother cares for all Her children until the end of times.

Dear Mothers, give this testimony of perseverance and of love, so that your children may walk just like you walk.

Now stand in a semi-circle from one end of the table to the other.

Each one, within herself, will emit an offering to My Heart, for humanity, which I will wholly take in, so that it may be transformed by My Mercy and by My Peace.

I listen to you in the silence.

Place your left hand over your heart, Mothers, and emit that petition to your Celestial Husband.

Before the Divinity of Mary, merge with My Heart and reestablish My Legacy in the world for all the creatures that you may come across on your paths and that need much help to bear the transition.

Just as I gathered together the twelve in the Cenacle, I gathered together the Women of Jerusalem, in the Spiritual Communion with My Body and My Divine Blood.

Gathered with Mary, they all communed and prepared to face the Passion of your Lord and thus helped Me to bear the cruelties of the world, the injustices of humankind, and the omission of hearts, phases that you may experience in these times, Mothers. But in the wholeness of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your Governor and Commander will overcome everything through the extremely powerful Fire of Love and of Peace, in Forgiveness and Mercy.

Now, behind the Mothers will be the priests so that they may celebrate together with Me this Eucharistic renewal.

Do everything harmoniously, because I am gifting a special time for you and for the world, one of great importance for this place.

When the priests are ready, I will be able to continue with this celebration and this Cenacle.

Bring the incense and the blessed water to Me again, so that I may purify this table.

Now companions, at the foot of this scenario the consecrated residents of the Light-Communities must stand and together with Me they will accompany this Consecration, just like I consecrate them to My Eternal Father.

We are preparing the table for this Sacred Sacrament.

Let us together sing Kyrie Eleison.

Kyrie Eleison...

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

We can kneel, the mothers and the consecrated as well.

Let us prepare, companions, for the divination of these elements.

Water, Blood, Life, and Compassion that sprang from the blessed wounded Heart of Jesus, have pity, mercy, and redemption for all of us. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Jesus says that we are to listen to "Thus spoke the Master."

The Mothers can come to wash their hands.

Jesus says that another jar of water must be brought.

With this water I purify your feelings and sublimate your ideas. With it I baptize the humble and uplift the simple, I unite the pure with God, I sanctify those who are consecrating themselves, I lift up the small to the Kingdom of God; I forgive and heal those who have always sought Me, in the servers I find Peace, I transcend all to My Kingdom, I live the sacrifice of those who have only just begun, I present Myself in open hearts, I am vivified in those who suffer. I am uplifted in those who pray with Me, healed in those who seek Me, served in those who give themselves, I free them in the power of silence.

In that time, companions, the Holy Women communed with Me. In the same way as I did with the twelve, with My Holy Mother they did so in order to institute the power of Motherhood, throughout the times, the infinite work of love and of charity for all fallen and lost hearts.

That is why Mary, in Her Holy Goodness, instead of taking a Chalice with wine, held in Her Hands a Chalice with water, lifted it up in the name of the Power of Her Son, to institute the liberation of the planet from evil and the redemption of souls, through Her infinite charity.

In that time, in the silent Cenacle of Mary, She lifted up the Chalice in the Name of the Passion of Her Son, thanked God for that sacrifice that the Firstborn Son of God would live, and with the Chalice being sanctified by the angels of all of the Universe and in Her holy vision and inner locution, she said:

My daughters, take and drink of this powerful Sacrifice that My Son will pour out for you and for all humankind, for the forgiveness of sins. Do this for your sainthood and for the sainthood of all the beings of the Earth until the time when He returns to the world for the second time. Drink of the Precious Blood that is spilled by the Lamb of God. Purify your bodies with the infusion of His Divine Spirit, which shelters you in His Most Pure Heart. Drink of the Humility that the Father Himself manifested through His Heart, the Heart of His Son.

Do not waste time, for just as He pours out His Blood, He spills His Mercy until the end of the times. Drink, My daughters, of the perfect Code of redemption and nurture your essences with the divine Passion of My Son."

In the same way, I did this with the twelve, when I lifted up the Chalice of Redemption and of Peace for all the outrages of the world and I spoke to My companions as I speak to you today:

"Take and all drink of it, for this is My Blood that will lift you up to Heaven and will purify you in spirit." Drink and do not fear because My Light will become visible in your hearts.

Trust in what I have poured out for the whole world. Trust and love just as I loved when I poured out each drop of Blood for the souls of that time and for these present times.

Repent wholeheartedly and you will not lose the path that I have come to commend for your lives, before the angels of Heaven, that today are assembled to have the Earth shine forever and ever.

So Mary, among Her Holy Women, took the bread, lifted it up in the powerful Name of Her Son and of all the Celestial Kingdoms, asking the Creator, Adonai, that it be changed into the precious Body of Her Son and into the Spiritual Communion with all the souls of the Earth.

At that same instant, your Master and Redeemer also lifted up the bread, instituting the Eucharist in the Presence of the Most Holy Trinity, broke it and spoke in the humility of His Heart, as Mary did, eat, My daughters, this is the Body of Your Lord, which in the name of all, is surrendering to establish forgiveness for sins. Eat and before My hour, experience the Passion of the Lamb of God. Eat and renew your vows with God the Creator.

And thus, companions, before My Death, I left My great testimony of love for the world, for those who would hand Me over throughout time, for their indifference, assaults, and for the punishment of the innocent.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Thank you, Jesus Christ, for all that you give us.

Afterwards, companions, you may have your siblings commune of this most sacred blessing that today My Heart has carried out for all those present.

I rise up in prayer and in vigil until the moment of My Cross.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

I have seen many of those present in the desert of Shambhala responding once again to My Call, in the name of My Father who is in the Heavens and who brings them together in this Purpose of Love and for the redemption of humanity.

Today My Glorified Heart is illuminated on receiving the responses of souls that assembled around this oratory to pray to the Universal Father, to the Infinite, to the One. This is why today I stretch out My Arms to you, in a giving of self, I give you My Hands so that from the depths of My Spirit you may receive the rays of My paternal blessing, of My Merciful Love.

Today My Eyes cry not only because of the sadness of the world, for the suffering, for the chaos, for the human annihilation, but My Eyes also cry because My Spirit rejoices in the flocks that truly listen to Me and that, beyond their intentions and their tests, respond to the Shepherd who has assembled them in this desert of Shambhala to discover the inner purpose in each being, in each one of My children, of My companions.

It is thanks to everyone's efforts and to the reception you have given My Sacred Heart, that this work will expand even more. And that will require from all of you, companions, a heartful confidence in the projects of My Father and in the requests of the Divine Messengers, who intercede for you and for millions of souls in the world through this Universal Work. Because it is the Universe that congregates you, that unites you, that brings you together in the name of the Lord, the Almighty God.

And even in your weaknesses, My Spirit fills you, vivifies you, restores you so that you may continue onward.

If today, in this Sacred Center of Prayer, dedicated to the Sacred Hearts of Christ, of Mary and of Saint Joseph, there are more than five hundred souls assembled, how many souls do you think there are, at this moment, united with My Merciful Heart and through this meeting?

It is for this reason that I have asked you to come here. But I do not want the hearts that could not come to feel distressed, because if the praying hearts of the world are united with My Heart, they are also here. But those who had the Grace of coming to My meeting, to also receive My Graces, it is because the Universe is showing you that it is possible to give more of yourselves, and for each one to leave their own place. Because in truth, companions, you never lose anything, but rather you gain the treasures of Heaven, which are available for the hearts receptive to the call of the Son of God.

If I unite you all in Shambhala, it is to renew the original vows that you made to My Christic Spirit in Gethsemane, in the place of the flogging, at the gates of the sepulcher, or in the Ascension.

How many of you are resuming what you had left behind with Me?

And I lovingly bring you this memory, companions, because your spirits must actively participate in this co-redemptive work that prepares the return of Christ, your Lord, in this crucial time of the planet.

Thus, I have called you to Shambhala so that you could return to the heart of the Heart, to the essence of the true Essence, to the original principle, from yourselves to purity.

Today, the rays expanded by Me unite all of you with My Sacred Heart and in this way, I demonstrate to you that My Work is done in different ways and through different paths, when these obey the Law of the Lord and do not get involved with other things that are not the experiencing of the Sacred Heart of Jesus or of the Celestial Father Himself, who loves you and gathers you together again.

And thus, as you have responded to Me on this day of Mercy, in which the Infinite approaches humanity to remind it that it has to repent, let go of the reins and walk free on the pathway of redemption, I am calling on you to concretize My Works, to open your arms, to expand your hearts in the Love of My living Heart so that more souls may assemble. The souls that follow God through other paths, paths that are to be found in the spirit of all the beings where God dwells, where He gathers them all, without separation or differences, without creeds or religions, because the true religion is Love.

It is in Love that you must re-connect again and again in these end times, because it is the Love of God that will allow you to see things and to help those most in need in such difficult times. It is the Love that is also born of Shambhala and that assembles the self-summoned to respond to the Celestial Hierarchy.

This is the path that the Universal Hierarchy offers for all those who were once beginners and who are now disciples of My Mercy. It is this Mercy that I want to expand over the world through your hearts and through your living experience without fantasies or forms, without illusions or deceit.

I want you to definitely be rays of My Heart. I want you to decide upon a single path, which My Mother has offered you for so many years and many did not understand what it meant. And after all you have experienced through the times, your experiences and tests, you have opened your eyes to recognize that there had not been anything hidden in this, there was no mystery, no question, only the essence of the Love of the Sacred Hearts that entered the consciousness of your work at the request of the Almighty God, to change you into that which you still have not achieved: to be true apostles of My Heart.

And now, companions, in this desert of Shambhala, which is revealing many treasures to you, many signs of light for the soul and the spirit, do you now believe you are My apostles?

You are being formed by Myself for something definitive that is unknown to you. But as much as you do not understand, God will always show you His Truth in the small details.

If you believe that I am here present among you to love you again and again, believe that you are on the path which you were called to travel in this end time.

Through this inner retreat in Shambhala and through merciful prayer, hearts unite with My Spirit and the works manifest for all those who say "yes" to My sacred call.

While you are being purified, do not desist. My Feet will not fail to walk by your side. My Heart will illumine your paths and you will be able to see on the horizon the Star of God that is guiding you toward an encounter with the real refuge that emerges from My Unfathomable Heart.

I prepare you for carrying out a planetary work through humanitarian missions, for that is only a small sample of what the Plan can accomplish in these times. But more is still necessary.

Follow My Path with valor, because on this day I also prepare you so that you may meet Me in the Sacred Week in the month of March, because we will gather together again in this Marian Center of Aurora to take another step forward, in the absolute trust that with your willingness, inner and spiritual, you will be able to unite with the Universe and bring to Earth what He is giving to all through His celestial treasures.

My wish, companions, is that every day you raise your arms to Heaven, just as you have done today, to confirm My Mercy among you and in each part of the planet. Because in spite of wars continuing and massacres occurring without mercy or compassion in the hearts of unrighteous men and women, My Christic Spirit in each disciple will never die, because those who believe in Me have eternal life.

"Lord of the Universe, Father Abba, who rules all the worlds, dimensions and planes, who lives intensely as a spark of light in all spaces, who expresses in the most subtle forms, elements and vibrations, who unites, Father, with the spirits that invoke You, who makes Yourself present to assist Your children, who is reflected and shows Yourself in the elements, in the wind, in the water, in the fire, in the earth, and in life, whose Spirit fills all that was created in likeness of You; today I ask You, Father Abba, to piously help those who are self-summoned, for if from the beginning you called on them to live Your Work, I again offer You My Merciful and Glorified Heart so that You may redeem them.

Because just as the spear pierced My Heart to pour out Mercy, today I intercede for you, before your small heart, small human heart, small soul that must live its divinity and its ascension. I intercede before the Father Abba so that you may fulfill your part in this infinite Project of the Universe.

Listen, Father, to the crying of those who pronounce Your Words in daily prayers, listen to the voice of the hearts that feel the love of Your Spirit and of Your invisible Presence on all the planes. But distance them, Father, from the great adversary. Free souls through the prayers that Your children offer to Your Pure and Great Heart.

Do not look at the errors of the world. Let Your Heart not be wounded by the sins of humanity, but rather let It be restored through the prayerful balm of Your children, who in faithfulness and faith, aspire to follow Your Path.

Today I intercede between the Universe and the Earth, between the Cosmos and souls, asking, Beloved Father, that You give them the strength and conviction to live Your Plan, redemption to purify their spirits and a love so deep, divine and real, that it invades each part of their bodies and their cells, just as You, Father, have filled Me in the Resurrection.

Eternal Father, if You are glorified in Your Son, glorify Yourself, Father, in those that listen to You.

I offer You My Heart so that It may be the portal that leads hearts to the Purpose.

When all have finally awakened, I will be able to merge with Your Spirit, Beloved Father, and We will be one with Your children forever.


I wait for you in the Sacred Week to experience a moment of renewal, because this is now the last time that I come to meet you before everything happens.

Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus in the city of Bogota, Colombia, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Before the whole Universe that rules us, I have come here to consecrate you in My Love and to show you My Sacred Heart that is still wounded by the sins of human beings.

Glimpse My Celestial Presence. Reconsider your surrender, and offer to God your sacrifices for the conversion of this humanity and the glorification of the Name of God, from the beginning to the end.

Today I have come to satiate you, for My spiritual food is important in these times, mainly for those who lean before Me and try to contemplate My merciful heart.

I wanted to come here for one primordial reason, on behalf of the need of the planet and of all souls that live here: you must not forget My Living Heart, which will sustain you in the coming times.

I came here so that you feel My Love and renew your vows with Me in this perfect communion with My Divine Spirit in this time of transition in which many souls are defining themselves whether for the light or the abyss.

Who will have compassion for My Heart and will be able to satiate the lack I feel from the souls? For I do not seek the perfect ones.

I come to resurrect your lives, souls, and spirits from the abysses where they have placed themselves.

I come to extend My Hand toward you to show you a new path, to offer you My Heart for all souls that offend Me and do not accept My prodigies nor any celestial design.

I come here so that you know My Power that is invincible and powerful, because it is the Power of My Father who is in the Heavens, seated on His Throne of Light, observing the whole Creation and each one of your lives. This power is loving, strong, and alive for those who invoke it from their hearts, because through My Living Heart you will know the Power of God, and there should be no fear in your lives anymore because the Will of God will be acting through your consciousnesses.

Thus I come to renew you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, so that you may always remember that these times urge new soldiers who consecrate themselves to My Sacred Heart.

I do not come to request impossible things from you. I come to ask you for the simplest things that exist, as I asked my apostles. But I know that very few want to listen to Me. For this reason, I cannot show Myself to everyone, because there must be an inner reception to listen to the message that comes from Heaven with the purpose to transform your lives and families into something sacred.

This is My last attempt before My glorious Return to the world. When My Return occurs, I will not be able to talk to you in this way. I will talk to you as I talk to humanity because I will come for humanity. I will come on the day of the Great Judgment when My Father will separate the chaff from the wheat and I will only be able to observe with My gaze of compassion and goodness towards those who always searched for My path in spite of the consequences and the tests. Because those, who are the last ones, will be victorious when the day of the final judgment arrives.

The scale is upon the table of My Father. The judgment is starting and very few perceive it. But those who follow My Living Heart and My resplendent flame of Love will transform themselves in spite of what happens, because the sacred merit, the great merit of Heaven, will be on the next Earth, in the next life that they will be invited to experience by the Lords of the Law, those who judge this world and others in these times of definition.

This is why I come to show you My Heart which is living because it pulsates in the Spirit of God and still wants to pour His last Mercy upon humanity.

I come to strengthen the devotion of all Colombians because this essence of devotion cannot be lost. It will be with your very hard work that, just like in the fields, this devotion will not be lost and this living flame will never be extinguished in your essences and in all hearts that surround you, every day of your lives.

Thus, you will be waiting for Me with another degree of preparation and supreme awareness, to then see the Son of God, who is already coming in His Divine Spirit, to later arrive in the flesh, to manifest Himself in Glory in the times to come.

But the world must still be purified and so must your lives. Do not fear that which you have to purify, because if you trust in My Heart, which is sacred and full, your purification will pass and you will be renewed in body, mind, and spirit, and you will be prepared to receive My energy of Light that wants to be poured out for the last time upon the world and especially upon the 144 thousand who will prepare the return of the Universal King.

While this is about to happen, companions, may your lives be more crystalline each day. May your acts be more merciful each time so that your pride and arrogance, which have made the world succumb, may disappear from your cells, and thus the spiritual energy of My heart can be instituted.

You must purify your beings all the time, thus you will be deserving of the Grace of God, for many Graces were poured out throughout the times and few considered them as something sacred and reverent.

For this reason, now that the scale of Law is at another point, prepare your hearts through the unceasing search for My Sacred Heart. Nourish your spirits with My Spirit of Life every day in the perfect Communion that is offered in all altars on Earth.

Thus, repent in time and confess every time it is necessary. Experience a life worthy of sacred examples, of prayer, of charity, of service, and in this way, you will be serving My merciful Heart. Because I will not see you as sinful souls, but I will see you as doors through which My energy can enter to work in other hearts. Thus everything will be fulfilled in the hearts that listen to My Call.

And just as in Jerusalem, when I was gathered with the twelve to give My last offering to the world, I told them: "Eat of My bread because it represents My  Body which is divinized by the Father through His maximum offering on the Cross; and drink from My Chalice that represents the Covenant, throughout the times, with all the hearts of the world; blood that is shed by your Lord to this day."

Offer this Communion in restoration and life, and may your hearts be purer every day to receive the Grace of the Kingdom of God.

And thus I also bless these sacred objects that you have brought to My altar so that they represent the signs of light to all those who carry them with reverence and love.

Let us pray.

Most Holy Heart of Christ
convert our hearts
into sacred flames
of Your Divine Mercy,
so that Your Face is merged 
into the great human heart.
May the coming descent 
of Your Celestial Glory
redeem all consciousnesses,
in honor and glory 
to the Celestial Father.

Prayer: Our Father.

Glory to God in the highest and on Earth peace to beings of goodwill.

And thus you confirm, companions, the promise to always seek My Heart in times of tribulation.

Joyful, blessed are those who do it because they will be rewarded in the Kingdom of God.

And thus, I bless you and your nation so that you may strengthen the consecration to My Sacred Heart that wants to be alive in each one of you. Thus the Will of the Father will be fulfilled.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And now that you are cleansed, you will receive the Body and Blood that are alive in the Sacraments to strengthen the souls and your paths of life.

Go in peace and goodness.

I thank you.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Jesus is a consciousness that has many degrees of love to offer us and today He offered one of the main ones, which is the profound love of His Heart.

Within that Heart, which He showed us today, a very strong flame of love for us, for the planet, and humanity was burning.

He came as the Sacred Heart and showed us part of the Kingdom of Heaven, where He comes from, where many crystals shone as light at His Feet. And those crystals, that light of the crystals that were at the Feet of the Master, shone throughout all Bogota.

With the help of the angels that were accompanying Him, the Master led us to the moment of Genesis, in which God started writing the history for this humanity, for this creation.

Jesus led us to that moment for us to remember the importance of this Project of God, which according to Jesus, each one of us as humanity has deviated throughout times.

He wants each of us to recover that, the main Project of God, the original one, so that we may know His Love, from which we have always separated.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus came today to Colombia and to the whole planet to remind us that He is the Love of the Living God, in whom we can always trust, in whom we can penetrate with our consciousnesses through the union that we can establish with Him.

God says He loves us profoundly and He comes to remind us of that commitment.

He came to liberate many souls from this region while He descended as a sphere of fire crossing the universe, the atmosphere of this planet until he located this place here where we are.

There a portal of light opened and the crystals appeared at His Feet. Behind Him was the Kindgom of Heavens, a part of this Kingdom, the angels that surrounded Him and that at the same time went through each part of the city of Bogota carrying a soul that was lost, that was looking for light and consolation.

He left us a main message for today which is that if we penetrate into the Love of Jesus, there is nothing to fear, in spite of what happens around us. Because if we trust in Him, as the Master told us today, His divine protection will always prevail.

Thank You Lord for all that You give us.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

At the beginning, the video is shared in which Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón receives the Special Message of June 4, 2015.

Today My Feet will walk on your pathways to correct your paths.

Revere My Heart, which is the Heart of the Living God.

And thus, I want to see you always prostrated like the angels so that you may accompany My redeeming task in these times of chaos.

Sacrifices are the best petals of light that souls give Me and place at the foot of My Kingdom, like an offering of love and of restoration for the souls of the world.

These times that will come will be more demanding and thus, you must not fear. I need you united with Me every day so that you not miss the footprints that I leave you on the path.

In this way, you will know what direction to take and will not become lost over mundane things, but rather will be awake to perceive all things, all the needs to which you must respond in the name of sacrifice and for the sacrifice that I made for you at the beginning.

When I am here with you, I am with the world, contemplating you, observing you, feeling your hearts and lives, ardently waiting for the moment of your surrender to Me, for the hour is determined for each one of you. This is what My Father has determined through the Will of His Heart.

In spite of the tribulations, you will easily recognize the path I will leave for you and you will be open to finding the emergencies of the end of times, which will be revealed in hearts, in all the inner worlds of the beings, so that later, that great planetary need may manifest itself in all of humanity. Who will be prepared for that?

This is why I come in these times to comfort you, so that you may recognize My ancient Word in the Gospel and My new Gospel in these Words, which I write with My Lips of Light for all of humanity and the universe, pronouncing the Word of God, which you must know how to distinguish from the false words of this humanity.

My Heart is consequently with you, but at the same time, is very patient.

My Love can always help you. My Love understands all things, because it is the Love of God, which must be in you, just as it was in My Heart during the cruel hours of the Passion.

You will experience new passions through the sacrifice that God will send you.

In that so awaited hour, you must take the great step toward the Creator, without wasting a minute in all that He will give you during these difficult times, for the one who has trusted in Me will receive all the Graces they need from the universe to be able to meet Me again in the Paradise of God, the Paradise of the Lord.

Carry My eternal Light imprinted in your hearts. It will be useful to you. It will be very necessary and urgent for facing the transcendence of the times. The universe will register that universal hour and humanity will not escape seeing these things, for the universe will show itself just as it is, and all will be able to come to know it as it was in the beginning and as it is now, in this eternal and present time, in which all the Hierarchies of the Light congregate in order to be able to concretize the expected Project of humanity. 

You are part of this Project, although you may often not believe it. Every part of your beings is a part of this greater Creation. Every cell of your body is a part of this divine spark, which allowed you to emerge in the origin, at the beginning, when everything was created and manifested by God.

This same beginning will have an end, and you must thus return with a true experience of love to the dwelling places of Adonai, where all the experiences of redemption will merge into a single one to concretize the great desire of the Father, that you be redeemed through love and forgiveness.

Lift up your hearts to My Kingdom. I am waiting for you.

While I am here, My adversary is with many. Who will help Me to remove evil from humanity with the fervent prayer that transforms and transfigures all things, as God foresees?

On this afternoon, I come to speak to you about the importance of returning to God, because when you leave here, having received My Graces and Mercies, I know that My adversary will tempt you.

There you must be strong and invincible, demonstrating to the world what I have taught, what you learned through My spiritual energy.

In this way, you will be saved and will have the dignity of belonging to God, because God wants to belong to you. He wants to be the great space in your lives, this divine science that transforms your lives among these so confusing paths humanity experiences.

While I am here, confess to My Heart. I listen to you in the silence of the spirit, in the depths of the soul, where in truth, all things are lived. You are clear to My Eyes; I have know your inner worlds since before you came to know Me.

And in the same way that I am with you, I was with the apostles and with all those who followed My Word in trust, in faith and in love.

Let us lift up the offering to the Creator on this afternoon of Grace, while the world succumbs due to the action of its own evils.

Who will risk knowing the grandeur of My Love and being conquered by Me, without the fear of losing the personal structures that this superficial humanity creates?

For if you are in My Love, you will help the planet and I will be able to tell you that this Project was worth it for this world.

If you do not change, who will change?

I come to announce this Message to you because I know you listen to Me and that at some time you have listened to Me, in spite of the circumstances of your lives.

I come to awaken the new disciples. The armies must already be prepared for the battle. Commanded by the archangel Michael, the ranks of the evolution are forming so that the Resplendent Ones may descend to the world and can guide the new souls redeemed in the Lord, in the Heart of Christ, the Redeeming Master.

Let us make the offering with simplicity. God hears you and will hear you even more when you open your heart to live His Supreme Will.

And in this way, as infinite Mercy allows it, I will descend to give a part of My Love to your spirits and to all those that, in these moments, in the place where they are in each part of this world, are truly open to hear My Message and understand My Christic energy, the same energy that redeemed the world during the Passion.

I come to give you these gifts so that your lives no longer be the same, but rather be totally open to respond to the Plan of God.

In these holy places, where I have appeared and come to visit you, there must be true Light-Nuclei. God has entrusted this work of the Communities to you.

Your signature is written in the Books of Light, in this sacred commitment to this part of the Plan that I come to remind you of in this difficult time. Because when things become tempestuous, you must be fully aware of what you have received. Thus, you will be able to correspond to God.

Support and help this Work.

Here your true inner dwelling place exists. It is what God needs you to live. Nothing else exists. It is what God destined for your spirits from the beginning.

Woe to those who left here without having perceived this!

God asked Me to descend here to remind you of this sacred commitment, which is not an obligation to Adonai, but rather an inner fusion with the true purpose of this sacred task of the Light-Nuclei, of which the Divine Messengers avail themselves to help humanity and mainly you all, perfect models for redemption.

I appear in this sacred Cenacle to remind you of the vows, the same vows that the apostles made in the past and that, in this life blessed by God, you also must make, giving a testimony of your absolute trust in My Most Sacred Heart.

Lift up your lives to My Spirit. That is all that is left for you to do. In this way, I will be able to work through your lives, amidst an intense purification.

I will not let you go, I will cover you with My Mantle in the most urgent moments of the world. In this way you will know, companions, that I have always been with you, just like with My apostles, in spirit.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

At the request of our Master, we will consecrate the elements. He will do the blessing on this afternoon, among all of us. Some brothers will hold up these sacred elements for the consecration.

Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).

And in this way, I am over you and the world to consecrate you, and My priesthood is for everybody, for those who may wish to live My Christic ministry, renew their spirits through My Heart and My sacred Words.

In this moment of Mercy, in which My Rays radiate to the world, and under this priestly ministry of your supreme King, we will bless the elements and your lives, renewing the vows for the Divine Plan of God.

Song: "Pater Noster".

And just like at the Last Supper, I renew you, giving you My glorious Body and My precious Blood, sacred gifts that wait to live eternally in the tabernacle of your souls.

I bless you and again absolve you, under the power that God has granted Me, out of Love and Mercy for this humanity.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen (twice in Portuguese and once in Latin).

Go in peace and I wait for you tomorrow, because your spirits will be renewed through the sacraments that I so lovingly have given the world, that it may always return to the Kingdom of God.

Song: "Prayer for the Restoration of the Heart of Christ" of the Prayer of the Passion and the Transfiguration of Jesus.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Brothers and sisters, through this consecration of the Communion done by Christ today for us, He took us to a part of the Last Supper and brought new codes for each one of us.

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
