In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

 Let us pray.


Mercy, Mercy, Mercy,
Redemption, Redemption, Redemption
for this planet.

(six times)


Even if darkness seems to imprison the consciousness of the planet and all possible souls, I tell you, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart will triumph.”

Even if all wars are unleashed throughout the world and souls emigrate to different nations, I tell you, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

Even if the three days of darkness draw near and mental confusion is present in the majority of My children, I tell you, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

Even if, in cities of different places of the world, many consciousnesses see entities walk, I tell you, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

Even if desperation, anguish and spiritual blindness are present in the majority of My children, especially in those who rule the nations and who subject all of society, I tell you, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

Even if suffering seems bigger than love, even if pain seems bigger than healing, even if lies seems bigger than the truth and even if impunity is stronger than fraternity, I tell you, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

And even if the souls of this world, that is, all people, see that horrible things happen, that many uncertain doors open and that souls keep being subjected through the injustice and lies of this world, I tell you, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

My promise remains in force and hidden.

I will come, after My Son, to re-establish the Spiritual and Celestial Kingdom on the planet. For this reason, My children, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

This is the moment of all the Children of Mary. This is moment of the confirmation of all apostles of Christ.

Who will sustain, together with the Heavenly Mother, the banner of Peace?

Who will not allow their heart to become cold in the face of this planetary indifference?

This is the time of the final confirmation of all Children of Mary, because the preparatory time has passed. Now you are no longer My children, now you are evolving adult servers.

Now you must be ambassadors of peace and citizens of this universe so that the Divine Attributes may descend to Earth and so that the millions of souls in the world do not forget, because of the wars and conflicts, that God is Love, Truth and Justice, and that no one nor any event will erase from hearts the essence of the Love of God, even if it seems that suffering, the conflicts and migrations erase the Truth from hearts, the Truth that is the Living God Himself.

This is why I tell you, My children, “Do not fear, because My Immaculate Heart shall triumph.”

This is the time for the Children of Mary to be true consciousnesses that are decided to serve the Plan and allow the higher spirit of each child of Mine to descend, and who, through their own universal origin, allow for the establishment on Earth of the warrior spirits of prayer, the mirrors of prayer, the contemplatives of prayer, the guardians of prayer, the watchers of the Plan, the healers of the Love of God and the governors of the Universal King.

Place your consciousnesses in the correct direction, do not allow what is superficial and horizontal to take hold of you. Do not allow the forces that are contrary to the Light to keep subjecting all the consciousnesses through disinformation and lies.

Place your consciousnesses in a vertical position and see, on the top of the mounts of this world, the victorious and luminous Cross of the Redeemer, which will no longer be the Cross of suffering, but rather the Cross of Mercy, Justice and Love, which offers itself to you time and again, so that, through the victory of the Cross in your lives, your consciousnesses may rise to God, on behalf of all those who deny the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and so that your consciousnesses may establish Spiritual Justice and Compassion in this world. This will allow those who have condemned themselves to the fires of hell, I speak of those who rule the nations and all their subjects, to have the opportunity, through My Son, the Redeemer and Resurrected Christ, for all to be redeemed, because this is true Love, to love one’s enemy and to not destroy them.

Even if the enemy destroys what is material, mental or spiritual, I invite you, My beloved prayerful armies, I invite you, My beloved Children of Mary, in these times, to be true strategists of the Plan of God, to not fight with weapons, to not offend with words, to not attract, through thought, what is negative, but rather to be like My Son, the Christ, who, on top of Mount Calvary, redeemed the whole world, until the last moment of His expiration.

This is why, My beloved children, it is time to change the frequency of this world and, through the pillars of prayer, service, dialogue, compassion and understanding, to allow the Doors of the Heavens to open so that the Graces of reparation, healing and redemption may descend upon the neediest souls in these times and, thus, the hells of the surface of the Earth may close, where great negative consciousnesses work within the involution of consciousnesses and souls.

But in this spiritual strategy that I invite you to practice through prayer, adoration, Communion and service, you must not challenge nor tempt the enemy. The strategy of silence will be your shield, the strategy of prayer will be your sword, which will cut the shackles of evil and dissolve the hells, where many souls stay without being able to find Light and Love.

Do you now understand the strategy of these times?

Because evil will be dissolved through its own evil. Remember that My Son is Love, He is the Truth and He is your Life, and that His Love is what closes the doors to evil.

Decide, Children of Mary, not only to be the apostles of the end of times, not only to be available, decided and defined consciousnesses, but also offer yourselves to My Son and to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart as sparks of the Light of Christ, codes of His Redeeming Love, mirrors of the Heavenly Mother, which can shine on the surface of this planet so that chaos can be vanquished, purged and removed from the human consciousness.

Just as I told you yesterday, I do not want to come with a Message of warning or fear. Through the Celestial Universe, I bring you the truth and the reality so that your eyes may no longer be confused, so that your attention may not be deviated by the chaos of this world and by illusion.

Through kind and generous souls, through souls of sacrifice and through the victims of Christ's Love, once again the Love, Justice and the Good of God shall triumph. And this will be the great and victorious justification in the face of all sins and errors of the world, and even in the face of all wars, condemnations, sacrileges and indifferences, because souls will be this justification before God. the souls, the Children of Mary, who, as from now, decide that their lives no longer belong to them, but rather that their lives belong to God, the Creator.

Thus you will open the correct door to live His Divine Will. Believe that this is so. Believe, at this moment, and feel, at this moment, the same inner and spiritual situation that your Heavenly Mother, the Virgin Mary, lived with the Archangel Gabriel.

Do you by any chance believe that I doubted the Call of God when I received this Call from Heaven?

You are before the same inner moment. You are before the great opportunity, in the name of many lost children, to embrace the Call of God, to love the Cross so that it may become more victorious and redeeming.

Today, I come from a place in the universe, from a place of this solar system, where the Heavenly Mirrors work again for peace in the world, in a silent and imperceptible way.

Therefore, on this very special day for Me, when many Children of Mary have the opportunity to renew their inner vows and take a definitive and true step, I invite all praying souls, all mirror hearts, to be quite united to the Heavenly Mirrors of the Mother of God; because you know that humanity needs it, it needs this peace that has been jeopardized, this hope that has been put under condition, this love that has been oppressed and buried, this fraternity that has been dissolved through evil, lack of piety and war.

It is the Heavenly Mirrors of the Mother of God that today reflect within the prayerful hearts, that elevate their word toward the Thrones of God to supplicate for Mercy and Redemption.

May those who have persisted up to this moment rejoice.

May those who have not managed to follow the Steps of Christ meditate.

May all My children pray for those who were deviated from the purpose of Love, for different situations and circumstances.

Today, in the face of the cruel reality of the world, the pain and suffering of the most innocent and inoffensive souls, I want My Children, the Children of Mary, not only to feel enveloped by My Heavenly Mantle so that the Star of the Brotherhood may shine within their hearts, but also so that, in the name of those who cannot reach Me, due to conflict and wars, desperation and anguish, the darkness and the absolute void of the deserts of life, I want My Children of Mary, in the name of each one of them, to place their heads upon my chest so that I can embrace you with My Light and My Love.

At this moment, in the silence of the heart, feel the beating of the Heart of the Divine Mother, a Heart that loves you, a Heart that accepts you, a Heat that embraces you, a Heart that bathes you with the Love of God, a Heart that illuminates you in each one of your steps.

For a moment, feel the Heart of the Mother of God, a Heart that suffers for the world when souls distance themselves from God, when souls distance themselves from the Father of Divine Mercy.

Now, embrace Me, placing your hands on My waist, upon the golden belt of the Mother of God, place your ears upon My chest, the Feminine Center of the Light of Creation, which guards and protects the whole universe and all life.

In this alliance with Me, internally renew your vows with the Creator Father.

I thank you for listening to Me and I also thank you for having the bravery to persist so that the Return of Christ may be a victory in the whole world.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us pray. Still with our heads upon the chest of the Mother of God, let us pray together with Her in unity and trust, in fraternity and love.


may the advent of the new race be fulfilled.
May humanity be able to express its archetype. 
May the Word be alive 
and build Your temple.
That Your Mystery may expand within us
and the true existence be revealed to the world
so that we may gather in Your Name
and glorify the Perfect Unity.

(three times)


Thank you, Divine Mother, for all that you give us!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In face of the somber planetary situation, do not cease to seek God within you. Do not cease to find within you the universe that you are and the purpose that has brought you up to this moment.

In this way, you will begin to be in another dimension and under another vibration.

You will understand the events of these times from another perspective and you will no longer be one more in the planetary chaos, but you will be able to be converted into an instrument in the Hands of God so that He, at this crucial moment of humanity, can work through you by means of His impulses of Love and Unity.

Do not cease to elevate your consciousness towards the Father.

Humanity submerges, day by day, in its process of definition. The doors to the opportunities are closing.

But My energy of Grace will be able to reach you whenever you need it because My Grace is a great flow, it is an inexhaustible Fountain for those who open their hearts to receive it.

Therefore, aspire to find what is true within you. Free yourselves from the ties of life, from the prisons of consciousness, from the obstacles along the spiritual path.

This does not mean that you will not live battles with yourselves, but rather that you will learn to go through these battles with intelligence and prayer because the purification of the human being is something quite broad and unknown.

Your realities unfold and multiply in an indescribable way. But you do not know everything. Therefore, you must elevate your consciousnesses to reach the maximum point of transcendence and love.

In that point, there will be no conflict, but rather transition.

There you will also be able to help the rest of humanity to step out of its retrograde condition so that, before the last doors of opportunities close, the majority of My children can cross their state of consciousness to find the Truth.

What does Truth represent to you, My children?

It is not just knowing what the reality is, but also understanding it.

Truth is not a form, it is the evidence of a reality that is not under the control of anyone, and that comes from the Source as an impulse of revelation.

Not all truth that is shown in the world is right. Therefore, at this moment you must not be confounded.

You must nourish your spirits with true prayer, which is where everything is shown, it is from where all responses come.

Humanity has not given importance to this spiritual exercise with the instrument of prayer.

It is your strength at this moment.

It is the path that will lead you to find your true being.

It will allow you to purify yourselves and transcend your human aspects.

But to know about prayer, you must love it, so that you may recognize the beat it has in the universe and within each being.

While humanity does not communicate with the Heights through prayer, how can the pandemic end?

The disconnection of the human race is very great, but it is also unknown.

I am not speaking here of religiousness nor of any doctrine. I speak of the possibility that each child of Mine has to be able to be in God and in communion with His Spirit.

If the Father placed His Kingdom within each one of you, why do you not seek it? You already know where lies the path to return to His Celestial Home.

But souls decide to take other paths, even those souls that were once consecrated and made promises of vows before My Son and have not fulfilled them.

To live spirituality does not mean to only be adhered to it.

To live the Will of the Father is not something fleeting nor a preference for each one.

Souls do not know what it means to not respond to the Eternal Father. For this reason, they are in this planetary situation.

My Son still waits for His companions to find the path of Truth in order to leave confusion and suffering.

Children, cease to be victims of yourselves and begin to be victims of the Love of My Son. Thus, He will offer you the sacrifice and the suffering that He lives for each one of My Children.

Thus, you will feel within yourselves the Wounds of the Lord, which are not physical, but rather inner, and you will accompany Him in this calvary that He lives through My children of the world.

I would like you to reach the path of the Truth with determination, to know beyond what happens at this moment; what is the truth that presents itself, from cycle to cycle.

There is something that will protect you from yourselves and from the world, which is obedience; because obedience will lead you to understand and see where lies your humility and your offering.

It is not only by obeying that you will reach union with the Eternal Father, but through it, being humble and surrendered to the Greater Designs.

Now, My hands continue to weave the network of prayer throughout the world and your prayers can be a part of this network, of this great inner Mantle that the Mother of the World is weaving to help the souls that suffer, to help sustain the nations and the peoples.

But while humanity does not change its state of consciousness, it will not be able to find the truth nor step out of the situation in which it finds itself, because it is necessary to do penance to be blessed by a Greater Grace, which My Immaculate Heart still holds in order to someday give that Grace to the world. A Grace that will remove the world from the current situation in which it lives.

But My children, the adherence of the true prayerful beings is still insufficient. I speak of all humanity, of all those who one way or another pray to God, to the Source, to the Universe, to Creation.

Thus, you will understand the universality of My Message, so that human beings may understand what I am saying. A Message that does not refer to something religious, but to something universal and planetary.

Your gazes, My children, must leave the horizontal plane. Your eyes must elevate toward what is vertical, to find the Cross of Christ. There lies, upon the  Cross, the justification of your errors and all your evils, there lies the forgiveness and the redemption for all your cosmic and earthly history.

Prostrate before the Cross of Christ and invoke the Power of Emmanuel.

We have left, within the Marian Centers, the symbol  of the salvation of the world and the Celestial Father has deposited some of His divine Aspects upon the Cross of Emmanuel.

Although you may be far or in other nations, the Cross of Emmanuel is omnipresent. Invoke the blue Light, and the Power of what is eternal will help you and will soothe the epidemics, together with all those who adore the Eucharistic Body of My Son.

May the Cross of Emmanuel and the Blessed Sacrament be the symbol of protection during the battle of these times.

Behind the doors of your homes, place an image with the Cross of Emmanuel of the Marian Centers, and may each one of you have it with you on the tables of your rooms.

When you pray or when you adore, have this image with you, and the Father, the Almighty, will protect you from what is now happening in the world, and the souls that have been victims of this tragic world epidemic will be contemplated by Mercy, and they will be taken to the Kingdom of Peace.

I would like to speak to you someday of all the good that could take place if humanity fulfilled the Commandments and lived the universal Laws.

May the guardian angels accompany you, may their wings envelop you in Divine Light.

May the silence of their prayers inspire you to keep taking steps towards the Redeemer so that surrender may be lived by all, so that a New Humanity may definitely emerge, free from indifference, from sin and suffering.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

United to the Most Holy Virgin, we respond at this moment to Her intentions, allowing Her words to reach the depths of each being on this planet.

May the Words of the Divine Mother resound throughout all corners of the Earth so that, raised by Her Light and  protected by Her Love, we may fulfill the aspirations of the Eternal Father.

Let us pray Our Father in Aramaic together, the original language that Jesus spoke at that time, and, glimpsing upon the horizon of our inner world the emergence of the New Earth and of a Sacred Humanity, we place ourselves, just like the old people of Israel, at the foot of the Mount of Beatitudes, on which Our Lord once proclaimed this prayer and taught us to unite to the Eternal Father.

Our Father in Aramaic
(transliterated into English)

Abwun d’bwashmaya
Nethqadash shmakh
Teitê malkutah
Nehwey tzevyanach aykanna
D´bwashmaya aph b´arha Hawvlan
lachma d´sunqanan yaomana
Washboqlan khaubayn wakhtahayn
Aykanna daph khnan
shbwoqa´kh ayyabayn
Wela tahlan l´nesyuna
Ela patzan min bisha
Metol dilakhie malhkutha
Wahayla wateshbukhta
l´ahlam almin



We withdraw into our hearts to reflect upon the impulses received from the Divine Mother.

And to finish, let us intone together, as one voice and one heart, the song “Primordial Source”.


Thirty-three are the principal constellations of this Universe that carry forward evolutionary life, places from which many come and that have come for a special reason to the Earth, to be a part of this school of redemption and of forgiveness that My Son has been offering to you from the beginning.

Nobody will be able to enter the Kingdom of God without having first gone through this school.

It is necessary that the Universe becomes recreated again, based on feelings of peace, of love and of charity, based on experiences of redemption and of forgiveness; experiences of a feeling capable of going beyond everything, just as My Son did up to the last moment on the top of the Cross.

But in that time He gathered together all those who were needing redemption and forgiveness; not only those present during the event of the Passion of My Son received this great universal opportunity, but also all the constellations that are a part of this system of life, of which the Earth has also been a part for a long time.

But for this humanity to reach a new state of consciousness, it will be necessary to live the school of redemption and of forgiveness, placing at the feet of the Creator all the events, all the experiences and all the facts that have altered His Divine Plan of Love.

For this reason, My children, today I say to all creatures of the Earth that we are now in the time of living that redemption to be able to definitely transcend the suffering and the after-effects that pain leaves within the lives of human beings.

It is no longer necessary to learn from mistakes; it is necessary to learn from love, from an unconditional and living love that is capable of giving one's life for another, just as My Son gave it for each one of you.

In that time, when Jesus was on Earth and lived His Passion, the door to the great opportunity for humanity opened, and that door is still open in spite of the currrent errors. It is the door that We cross each time We come from the Universe to the Earth to announce the Word of God, to give the graces to My children, and to give new opportunities to all those who have disregarded them, for some reason.

All, absolutely all are before that door of redemption. This goes beyond religion, society, peoples or nations. It goes beyond all the errors that you have committed in the Universe, because this door is open for the Love of God, for the Love He has for each one of His children, in spite of the disregard that He receives in this time.

This too is the work of the divine and unfathomable Mercy, so that all the creatures that came from the Universe, and that are present today in this humanity, do not miss the opportunity of redeeming themselves and of unconditionally loving as Jesus loved them.

In the face of the revelation of these times, it is important to be aware of what we are experiencing, My children, because this opportunity that you receive today can also be received by your brothers and sisters throughout the entire world, seeking in a precise and objective way that souls may be able to awaken to what they came to realize on Earth, and can make the Divine Plan of our beloved Creator Father a part of themselves.

The Universe does not only revolve around this world. The Universe is something more than the Universe itself. It is broader than it seems, more vast than what it has, more infinite than what it possesses. 

The Universe is yet to show itself to humanity. Only in recent times has the Universe showed itself through the spiritual Hierarchy in order to seek the awakening of humanity, to deliver warning of the deviation from the Purpose of God, from going down the path of self-destruction.

That is why divine intervention occurs time and again, just like the intervention of the spiritual Hierarchy in different regions of the planet, with different cultures and with different impulses of light that come from the Source of Creation, to bring awareness to humans of the surface.

It is thus, that today the whole world, on this March 13, 2019, is before the presence of its origin, with the opportunity of spiritually reconsidering and of amending all events, even though they may be unknown and far away.

Today the first veils of consciousness fall from your faces so that you can see the reality that must be redeemed and forgiven, because that reality will no longer be in the New Earth, will not be in the feeling or in the consciousness of the New Humanity. Everything, absolutely everything, will be transformed, especially during this time of transition and of chaos.

The expansion and the deepening of love in the consciousness of the human being will be the great key of the end of these times that will be able to remedy the chaos that exists in the nations, bring peace where it no longer exists, and fraternity where it is not present today.

That key of love that is in your hands and especially in your hearts will be the door that Christ will use to return to the Earth.

It will not be an allegory; it will be a living reality that will come overnight.

This is why it is the time for the whole world to solve its debts, forgive its conflicts and transcend the mistakes through the help of divine intervention that the Universe gives you on this day.

Each new consecration of a Children of Mary is the opportunity to expand that divine knowledge and approach this revelation to the human consciousness, of what exists in the Universe, as well as what exists within the inner universe of each being.

This is the time in which knowledge can be deepened, when souls can become more aware of everything they have done in order to amend it and forgive it, to finally be able to live the purpose that brought them here.

That is why today the consecration of Children of Mary will be special for Me, because it goes beyond your personality, it goes beyond your spirits, it comes very close to the Divine Purpose, to the main and primary reason that this consecration will generate within humanity and not only in a group of people.

With this expansion of consciousness I call you here today so that you may be consecrated, because you will be making vows not only with your inner worlds, with the purpose that brought you here, but also you will be making a vow with humanity, knowing that humanity must finally learn to live the Will of God, that it will no longer be necessary to go through so many mistakes and so much suffering in order to be able to learn something.

Today it is the school of Love that I am offering to the Children of Mary, especially to those who are being consecrated today and placing the offering of their heart and of their life here at My feet to someday reach the Will of God.

Let the spiritual flame of your hearts be lit today so that wisdom may be present on the Earth, beyond the events or the tests, so that the Wisdom of God, like a living flame, will always carry you to the Love of God and to the experience of forgiveness, which must be lived in this time with deep sincerity and truth.

Listening to the hymn of your consecration, today we again renew the vows before the Celestial Father on the path of persistence and of faith, of constancy, of charity and of good above all evil and of every test, of every difficulty or every illness, fully trusting in the Presence of Divine Grace, in the Universe of the Mercy of God, that on this night assembles you in the Presence of the Divine Spirit to consecrate you and bless you in the name of Love

.May these flowers, which were placed at My feet today, not only be received by those who will be consecrating themselves today, but also by all those who are here, who accompanied Me here to Aurora, to support your Heavenly Mother in this impulse of the new revelation that the Universe of God is giving you so that forgiveness and redemption may be lived.

May these flowers you left at My feet today remind you of the return to your origins, to your inner essence, to your original purity, to your truth, the truth that God placed in you since the beginning as essences, as souls, as spirits.

May these flowers, these roses, always remind you of the Truth of God, and especially of the infinity of His Love and of His Wisdom, present and alive in all Creation.

May your lives, My children, someday convert into a flower, so that the Light of the Christ, of the living Christ, may be radiated to Earth. Amen.

I bless you, I consecrate you and I awaken you to universal truth, to the truth of love, to the truth of wisdom, and of the healing that all beings can experience to reach the celestial joy of being in God and with God forever.

I bless you with the authority that My Son granted Me and by the merits of His most precious and divine Passion, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 

You may sing.

I thank you.

Special Apparitions

I am the Mother of all the children of the world and from Heaven I bring you the peace that is possible to live in these times.

This is why I am here, dear children, so that you may believe in this; because in spite of what happens in humanity, My task continues to be completed in all hearts.

I open the Heavens so that your hearts are able to rise towards Me and thus enter the Heart of God, who with ardent love awaits you to give you shelter in His Spirit and in His Divinity.

Dear children, I come to Madrid with the same mission as two years ago. The Guadalupana must now travel through each province of Spain and must reach the hearts that are unknown to you; because if you go on pilgrimage with Me, carrying the Holy Image, hearts will seek it, for they have lost faith in God and need to find it again.

This is why I am here, dear children, to ask this of you; because from the Heart of Spain it is possible that this task can begin. And thus, you will find souls that will need to live in prayer, will need to learn how to pray and know how to connect with God.

You, who already live in My School of Prayer, will know how to do it and how to teach it, because I will inspire you with the power of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

In this way, dear children, you will gradually come to know the Gifts of God that are waiting to descend upon humanity and into simple hearts that open to find the path of consecration to the Plan of the Most High.

Today I come here to unite what is separated between consciousnesses, just as the song says.

I come to establish the New Humanity in your essences, something that today you will not be able to understand, dear children, but which you will build little by little within yourselves, taking the steps in the Plan of the Lord and in the redemption that My Son offers you in this time. Thus, dear children, you will never be alone. No matter how much you feel you are losing your inner strength, My Heart will always support you.

I am that sacred hand that reaches out to you so that you can take hold of it firmly and feel completely safe on this path of conversion and of the transfiguration of your lives.

Spain must be the kingdom of My Immaculate Heart, because united with Portugal, it will be able to radiate peace to the whole European continent and beyond it.

You know, dear children, that you can count on the Sanctuary of Lys and also the Sanctuary of Medjugorje, but this is still not enough. There are still hearts that have not repented and cannot find the path to My Son.

I come to show you the pathway that takes you to the Heart of the Celestial Father, and this will cease to be a theory or something that is so invisible for you, dear children.

I need you to take shape as My pillars, as I have already told you once before, and that you continue to keep strengthening your spiritual life so that I may be near you and guide you on the path of the end of times, amidst the shadows and the darkness that the world experiences.

I want this image to be a portal of Peace, because for this I have consecrated it for each one of you and for your brothers and sisters on the path.

In the same way that Guadalupe carries out an important task in the United States, she also fulfills it here, because from here I left to manifest in the Americas and to be known as the Mother of the Americas and the Mother of all Peoples.

I inspired the apostles of Christ when they evangelized and preached in this region, so that they might make My Gospel known, which is the story of the Mother of God with Jesus Christ, your Lord, so that they might make My silent Work known and that it might be testified by each one who heard it.

This story reached Guadalupe, in a corner of this great Spain. And from there I was known to the world, when My sacred Aspect of the Mother of All Races was shown in the Americas; reminding the white man of the union with all the peoples through unity and love, which in that time in Guadalupe, I came to institute by order of God, so that the people of Europe would have an opportunity in this end time, in this time of purification, in this time of transition.

Your hearts have been self-summoned for this and have not ceased to fulfill what I have requested, in this Work, of expanding the Light of My Heart throughout the world, especially in Europe.

My mission with you, dear children, must go beyond frontiers and nations. You must reach those closed hearts that do not want to know Jesus nor want to have anything to do with God. In you there will be no method for doing it, nor a rule. You transmit with the love of your hearts, the love you feel for Me, and thus I will work. And when you gather together to pray with your brothers and sisters for those who are unknown to you, they will be able to be changed by My Love and will find the peace they seek so much.

Dear children, I expect this of you in this time. That is why I have come here to Madrid, to carry out a renewal of your vows to the Celestial Father and to the Plan of redemption of My beloved Son and of My Immaculate Heart.

The next step, in Europe, is to disseminate the love of Saint Joseph, and the transformation that this holy man experienced while being human, being a simple and real man.

Thus, dear children, I want to create in you and in this people of Europe, a new human being, and leave behind the old human being who has closed themselves off from transformation and from renunciation.

Saint Joseph will be the Mediator that will lead you on this path. If you disseminate Our Lady of Guadalupe, you will know to disseminate the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, for in truth I tell you, dear children, that even here in Spain, for example, there are simple souls that feel God in their hearts, but do not know how to connect with Him.

The souls that are closed are My preferred souls. They are the ones I aspire to find through your hands, through your services united with My Son, with His Sacred Heart.

There is still much to be done here, and it is time for your hearts to be able to grow in this task and not be afraid of taking the steps, just as your brothers and sisters have done so in other parts of the world, definitely surrendering to live the Plan of God and to cooperate for the salvation of this humanity, of all the Kingdoms of Nature, which are so abused.

Dear children, I am in communion with all of you, every single day of your life, and in each moment that you pray to My Heart, I can strengthen you so that you live this Project that is so unknown to the world, which is the Project of Love and of Redemption.

Today I hover over you, dear children, because I love you. I love you so much, with an eternal rejoicing of My Immaculate Heart, which pours Its Graces upon Its children so that you may be firm and sure on the path I invite you to follow.

I am your Mother of peace, I am your Mother of love, Mother of trust, Mother of consecration and of hope. I am the one Who lifts you up when you fall, I am the one Who cheers you up when your hearts are sad or when you are confused by My adversary.

Unite with Me through the Holy Rosary. As you have done today, contemplate each divine mystery of My Son. In this way, your hearts will be custodians of the codes of the Celestial Universe, which will be indispensable in these times and for all of humanity. But as I know, dear children, not all will receive these codes that will help transform the world. The very few who will receive them will have the responsibility of being consistent with them and of expanding them with love and joy throughout the world.

Your guardian angels are confident that you can do it. Count on them in this Work of co-redemption that you are experiencing with Me and in union with My Son.

Thus, I come to prepare you for the end time and so that you never forget this moment, in which Heaven touches your hearts and lives in order to renew them and provide the impulse for giving a little more in honor to God, Who contemplates you in this hour, with gentleness and deliberation through My Immaculate Heart.

Feel, dear children, how My Peace is alive. Beyond being non-material, it is felt and beats in the heart that opens to receive it.

Seek the gifts of charity and goodness and you will be on the right path. Do not look for personal realization, but rather the concretization of works in humanity through the Sacred Hearts.

In this way, dear children, as Your Patroness of Guadalupe and of all Spain, we will be able to achieve in silence the redemption of millions of souls that are submerged in the chaos of this world, and in the superficiality of material life. My adversary has undertaken closing these hearts, but today I am giving you the master key, which is the key of your hearts, the key of love and of trust in God. Because the heart that is patient, dear children, achieves all things.

Let us pray now, dear children, for humanity.

Prayer: Our Father (in Aramaic).

And see here, dear children, that today, before the Altars of God, you offer Me the greatest testimony of truth and of redemption for the hearts of the world, through the precious Blood and the divine Body of your Lord, Who having poured out all the codes of rehabilitation for hearts and spirits, today will be present through this bread and this wine, through the transubstantiation that the angels of the Universe, united with My Heart and in adoration, will change these elements in glory to the Celestial Father.

When you drink of the Blood of Christ, do it for those who do not drink the precious Blood of Our Lord. And when you commune, dear children, commune for those who offend Him and deny Him in this time.

You will sing to Our Lady of Guadalupe, just as you have done, so that My Aspect may unify all the races and all the peoples in the spirituality of Christ. 

I thank you for responding to My call.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

We want to share with you about what the Apparition was like.

Mary asked us to do a short description and that Mother María Shimani comment on what Mary instructed us about today.

When we were singing, in one of the decades of the Mystery of the Rosary, Mary first showed Herself as Our Lady of the Assumption, that Aspect that is shown when She rises up to Heaven in Body and Soul. It was when the sister Piedad was singing the Ave María of Gomez, a very intense moment.

Afterwards, in the next song, if I remember correctly, was when a spiritual condition was created and the angels, a part of the ultra-terrestrial universe, descended and began to provide great help for Spain.

I have never seen a nation receive so much help in unison. It was something simultaneous, because it was as if, from here, from the Heart of Madrid, the angels went out to various points in the provinces of Spain and began to release many bad things, very bad. At that point, the work of liberation began, which was a harmonious work, a very aligned work, very elevated.

And well, the moment of the Apparition came and Mary showed Herself as the Queen of Peace and indicated to me that I should face you, face the brothers and sisters, because She was going to appear here and that we should pray.

At that moment, I perceived that Mary was carrying out a task with the inner self of each one of you, with the inner world, with the very deep world. She was doing something as a Mother, like when a mother tries to fix an object that is broken. I am explaining symbolically about what She did with your souls and with many souls that are not physically here, but that are on other planes, and which Mary helped to fix and to restore.

She began to do a work of spiritual restoration. She began to cleanse, to purify what we understand as our sins or our faults, our omissions, our value judgments and even our arrogance. She began to lovingly clean.

At times, we were seeing Mary as if with a wipe, with a little cloth that she was cleaning our souls, our spirits, of those present and those who are not present here as well.

She went doing this task, and I perceived that at that moment She was preparing the field of work. She began with what you heard on Guadalupe, the Pilgrim Virgin. Mary carried out an act of restoration of the task of the pilgrim image that is in the United States at this time, doing an important work with the groups of the United States and also here, on the Iberian Peninsula.

And when Mary expressed that She wanted the Pilgrim Virgin from here, from Europe, to go through all the provinces of Spain, it was because She was going to do a task in each province. She knew we would ask ourselves how to do that, because we know each other, and we don't know others. In that dimension where She was, She was showing that there were consciousnesses that were waiting for the image. For example, in a hospital, a residence, a nursing home, a family of a home that needs Mary of Guadalupe to unite, like a family that is separated or a person that is suffering.

She says that today She did an initiation in us, She initiated us for a new action. With that initiation She did in each of us, She spiritually opened a door, so to speak, so that those souls may find the Virgin of Guadalupe. She said we have to put our hands to work, just like the Pilgrim Virgins of other countries are doing in Colombia, in Nicaragua, in Brazil, in Argentina. The work with those images is important.

Then, Mary gave us an impulse. Today we spiritually received an impulse directly from Her, which is not very usual for Mary to do, so that we can begin this task. And when we do this task and get organized, things will happen naturally.

I felt that it was a task and a very great aspiration that Mary placed in you, which is to reach closed hearts. She says that Mary of Guadalupe, the Pilgrim Virgin, should reach, for example, Russia, because there are many Russians that have need of Mary, many Russians that need to be touched by the Virgin of Guadalupe, by that Aspect.

So we perceived that Mary had us face a mystery that isn't so much so, because She is revealing how She works in a simple way with humanity, with souls. She is teaching us in a very direct way to be mediators, as She was, as Saint Joseph was, or Christ Jesus Himself. That it is not something distant from us, but rather is very close to what we can accomplish. So She left this impulse with us so that we keep it well in mind.


Madre María Shimani de Montserrat:

I was also asking myself, while I listened to the Mother, when She was going to name Saint Joseph, because it was something that I had very strongly felt, because He is Who teaches us to be simple and to be humble, which is what we lack, which is why we don't reach others.

We cannot reach other people in an open, quick and effective way, because we are neither simple nor humble. I felt that we needed the intercession of Saint Joseph. If we study Saint Joseph, everything He has transmitted to us, He has a teaching technique that is infallible. With those words and that way of working, that way of transmitting the instruction, He is capable of moving through spaces in our consciousness that not even we know about. So it was absolutely essential that Saint Joseph arrive on the scene so that we could learn about that simplicity and that humility, because it is through these attitudes that we will be able to reach all those closed hearts.

Think about how Mary came to you. How it was that a person spoke to you about Mary and touched the heart of each one, in a simple way, in a humble way, in a direct way. And that is what we have to do for other people, because we cannot hold on to all the Grace in us, because there are many beings that are really needing a lot of help.

If you review the messages of Saint Joseph, you are going to find many keys there on how to be simple and humble, real, transparent. And it is in this way that other people are reached, because when it is the heart that speaks, the whole world understands, because the mind is not present creating any condition. So, let's pay close attention, because each word of our Mother, each instruction, each indication, is what we need to manage to accomplish these patterns that She brings us.

So we invite you to study Saint Joseph, to let Saint Joseph become the third Divine Messenger in our lives. Because you must remember that They are three, and for something They bring, each one, a different way of reaching our heart and changing our lives. Let's not let a part of that instruction and that change be missing, because Saint Joseph is the sure and direct path to being simple of heart, just as God wants us to be. So we invite you to study Saint Joseph and to approach those people that most need this.

There are some ways to work with the Pilgrim Virgin that open many doors. And as the Friar was saying, when one dares to go to a hospital with the Pilgrim Virgin, an infinite number of things can happen; because there are a lot of people in a hospital and not only those who are sick; there are the families of the sick, there are those who heal or those who want to heal, all those who work in hospitals. It is impressive how Mary works, just Her. We appear with a Pilgrim Virgin in a hospital, we place ourselves in a waiting room, and you will see the miracles in which you will be able to participate.

Of course, one has to step outside of oneself a little and do that for Mary and for all those people that need it. And one door opens another, and that other door opens another; and before we realize it, there is a chain of people, of souls, that were touched by the love of Our Mother. But one has to dare. You have to do something that is not for you. You have to do something for others. For this reason, we need Saint Joseph to help us be a little more simple of heart. And well, there are other ways that some brothers and sisters have done, in other places of the world with our pilgrim Mother, that have been wonderful. We have some testimonies, some videos of some meetings, in which it seems that Mary is there and that everybody can experience Her. And neither the visionaries or the choir are present; it is Her that is there.

So we invite you to take this step, that you dare, and that afterwards you tell us all the stories about what Mary is doing here, in Europe.

We will meet in the Heart of our Mother. Thank you.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
