Wherever there may be a soul that prays from the heart, there will be the Heart of God, responding with Graces to the supplications of His Children.
Wherever there may be a soul in prayer, there will be the Heart of God, finding consolation in the depths of the hearts of His Children.
Wherever there may be a soul in prayer, there will be God, gathering up each bead and each song, each prayer and each praise to intercede for lost souls and create a way for them to return to His Heart.
Wherever there may be a soul in sincere and true prayer, there will be God, opening an intercessory channel in their inner self, through which non-material Rays can descend to Earth to balance the imbalances of the world and grant peace to the conflicted hearts of humankind.
Wherever there may be a soul in sincere and true prayer, transparent before their Creator, in humility and prayerful confession before God, there, children, will be His Heart, following each word and each intention, each silence and each thought, because the Love of the Creator for His Creatures is so great that He constantly waits, and with Love awaits the supplicant prayers of His Children.
May your mouths always pronounce prayers.
May your hearts always turn to God.
May your intentions be turned toward the Divine Purpose.
Let your lives be oriented towards the Greater Will, and in this way, your beings will always find answers, the conflicts in life will bring you balance, the tests in life will bring you ascension, your miseries will bring you humility, and everything duality is able to bring as a consequence in your lives will change into a step towards human and spiritual growth, so you may always draw ever closer to Divine Thought.
In the same way as your Creator, today I hear your prayers and am always attentive to the voice of your pleas, and I sincerely say, children, that I will do everything so the Divine Purpose can be established in you, and through you, in human life.
Never cease praying, never cease pleading. The dialogue with God will be your safe harbor in the planetary transition, because He Himself will guide you by your hand to the establishment of the new being on the Earth as long as you do not desist, and in prayer, always keep yourselves united with the One Who knows and is Truth Itself.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In this time of definition, children, all beings, in different degrees, are being obliged to confront within themselves both human will and Divine Will, the old and the new human.
Within the human will are held all the beliefs about life, about yourselves, about God and His Plan, about your personal mission and how to move it forward, about knowledge, wisdom, truth and ignorance.
Within Divine Will, something profoundly unknown and silent is held, that with its simple approach, knocks down walls and structures, transforms, modifies and renews that which was out of place within beings.
But holding on to what is unknown is not easy to do. Allowing for the transformation of one's most formed and oldest convictions in the consciousness, in order to walk toward something that is unknown, where the human consciousness does not have roots but only spirit, is the great challenge of these times.
And how can this be carried out?
There will be no other way of going through this moment, children, except by praying, yielding more deeply each day and opening yourselves to a more true relationship with God so that, in this way, you may recognize Him, even in the invisible, even in the silence, so that you may know how to distinguish His Will, beyond the shouts of human wills.
During this time of the planet, you will only be sustained by a real relationship between God and humankind. It is about the experience of the Covenant already realized by Christ that must now be experienced by the beings. But in your relationship with God, there is no past, there is no human condition, flesh does not prevail, but only spirit.
To go through the doorway toward the Meeting, you will have to defeat shame, beliefs, convictions, personal plans, wills, conditions, fears and desires, goals and aspirations. It is in the void where you will find the answer and the correct vestments for going through the narrow doorway, where only spirit and love fit.
Pray to understand what I tell you. Become silent so that, in communion with silence, you may know how to listen to the Voice of the One who, even having manifested the Word, speaks through silence.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May your heart always be clean so that you may receive God within you, hear His Words and follow His steps.
May your heart be pure, a human and divine heart, where the Spirit of God can dwell and guide you at each instant of life.
To consolidate a sacred dwelling place within you, child, you need to learn from determination; not the determination that is the result of human will and impulses, but rather the determination that is the result of love, the dialogue and communion with God, the determination that is born of the will, to reciprocate with Divine Will and fully be Its dwelling, Its instrument.
Spiritual determination must be born within you so that you may mature and consolidate the Purpose of God for your lives, every day. This determination comes from the love for Christ and forms ever more intensely as your heart becomes more united with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Confession to God every day strengthens the determination within you to follow in His footsteps. Confession renews your heart and gives you the impulse to begin anew, in spite of the falls, and to not desist, in spite of challenges.
Adoration of the Eucharistic Body of Christ will fill your being with Divine Grace and strengthen the determination within you, to know how to say 'no' to the temptations and stimuli that repeatedly cause you to fall.
Thus, understand, child, that to develop holy determination within your heart, which leads to a pure heart, you need to fill it with the Grace that a sincere relationship with Christ brings into your life by means of daily confession and adoration, because these two moments will be like drinking from the Fount of the Love of God so as to love His Will and His perfect Thought, to listen to His designs and renew your commitment with Him, so that you may know how to be in this world and defeat its stimuli.
In these times of many battles, that become stuck in the invisible field of the human mind, feelings and senses, the spiritual determination will be the necessary gift for you to manage to stay on your feet. For this reason, seek this Grace and cultivate this gift within your heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To prepare for death: an art of love and surrender before God.
To prepare for death, children, is in reality a daily act of keeping the heart clean and empty of the things of the world, of fearing God and of surrendering to His Celestial Will.
To prepare for death should be a constant act in which the consciousness wakes up each day, knowing that it may be the last, and lives each instant giving the best of themselves so that the Will of God may be realized.
To fear God is in truth to love Him above all things, and to not hesitate when the moment comes to give up the things of the world in order to embrace His Celestial Universe.
Each day of your lives, you should prepare for death, in the sense of allowing gratitude, yielding, love and surrender to permeate all your atoms and enter into the deepest fears of your beings, not only those that are hidden within the human soul but, above all, those that are part of the material condition of human beings and that permeate even your bones.
To defeat these fears, you must love more, each day. But do not just love the world, love God, love life and know that life is not limited to planet Earth; to know that a greater and eternal life awaits you and that in order to always be worthy of it, it is enough that you carry with you the Love of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit within your hearts.
For this reason, carry forward the practice of loving, of being grateful and of surrendering to God, every day. Aspire to discover a Greater Kingdom within you, in the world and beyond it, and thus you will discover the unity between the realities of life and that death is a step toward a greater life, where mysteries do not exist but rather only truth and the transparency of knowing oneself to be a child of God, returning to His Heart.
Each day, children, let the Love of the Creator expand within you and allow It to replace your deepest fears.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Whoever fears the transition of times, in reality, fears himself and humanity. He fears because he does not know what is inside of him and inside of all men and women in the world.
In reality, the Apocalypse, children, is a consequence of the choices of each being, of the path that each one has decided to follow. The Apocalypse, although experienced throughout the whole world, will be supported and sustained according to the inner world of each one.
Understand, then, that you should not fear the times, the movement of nature or descending the Laws, but rather, children, you need to get to know yourselves, transform yourselves, adhere to the Plan of God and let yourselves be healed; you must surrender and not resist before the Love of the Father, allow your consciousnesses to mature, according to the divine principles.
Deepen into the spiritual synthesis that, as humanity, you must experience; let the wisdom of ancient times unite to the love that you can reach today, and make this a new step towards a new stage for your consciousness.
Seek transformation in small things, in the love for your neighbor, in understanding, in patience, in non-judgment, in compassion, in abnegated service, because it is in the day to day life where you will transform your heart.
Embrace the opportunities that God gives you to serve and to love, because it is through them that you will shape your beings according to the Divine Will. Be attentive with yourselves and with everything, and pray with your heart, with consciousness, with spirit and truth.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
How to be ready in spite of the weight of the world and the weight of your own inner world? How can you have the determination to overcome yourself on a daily basis?
The determination, children, is a Grace shed upon those consciousnesses that open themselves to manifest the Will of God. But for this Grace to act, beings need to allow it to enter into their own hearts and, from the inside out, give themselves an impulse to go forward and not deter their own steps.
This moment of the planet is marked by spiritual and human density. Inside and outside of beings, situations emerge to be transformed; from their souls, profound and unknown wounds arise to be healed, as well as from inside the planet, ancient wounds arise, because it is the time and the hour to heal them.
Nature gets agitated and so does its bodies. While there are tremors, winds, fire, wars on the planet, within human beings there is anguish, sadness, tiredness, imbalance, lack of understanding for themselves.
So then what will you do to reach peace?
Peace is born from the same Source for all life, and this Source is within the Heart of God. Do not search outside of yourselves, search within, deeper than the pains of the soul, more profound than all the confusion. Dive into your own heart and find the Creator.
Surrender at His Feet in prayer, because Peace comes from Him, from Him comes the certainty of a time outside of time and of a Kingdom that transcends the chaos of the world; from Him comes determination so that, beyond tiredness and the weight of the world, you may go ahead, you may fall, but you can rise three thousand times if be necessary.
Everything, children, begins and ends in the connection with God. Therefore, search within yourselves. Pray, and you will find Him.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When your spirit is tired, My child, enter into the Presence of your Creator, being aware that He is in everything, and simply be grateful.
Thank and offer the Father every emptiness, every desert, every distress, your concerns and misunderstandings, your joys, your conquests, your victories and His victories within your heart. Thank God for everything.
Be thankful when He makes Himself felt, when, for a second, you seem to hear His Voice.
Be thankful when you pray and when your heart is relieved, when you are able to regain peace and joy, even if it is for a short while.
Be thankful when service revives you, while helping your neighbor, the Grace of God floods your heart and you are able to feel alive, to love, to rejoice, and, therefore, to bring peace to those who suffer.
Also, be thankful when you think that you do not have the opportunity to serve as you had wished.
Be thankful when you only have the same brothers and sisters beside you, every day, and ask for the Grace of being able to see in each of them the need and opportunity to serve so that, when you are ready to love, the Grace of God may descend upon you and flood your heart as well as your neighbor's heart.
Thank God for being conscious of the urgent times of the planet, for knowing how to pray and worship, for knowing how to be grateful, even in pain and emptiness; for knowing that He is always there, even in His deepest silence.
Gratitude, my child, is the bond that unites you to God, no matter the circumstances of your lives or that which you may feel and perceive within your heart. When you thank God, it is as if you are saying to the Lord:
May this be your permanent prayer, because, in this way, child, you will always be able to perceive how the Creator guides you beyond your human understanding, how He heals, molds and converts you, according to His Will. Therefore, always and in all circumstances, be thankful.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Wherever there may be a heart that prays sincerely, there God will be.
Wherever there may be a heart that steps out of itself to serve others, there God will be.
Wherever there may be a heart capable of freeing itself from its own will and aspirations to fulfill the Will and aspirations of the Celestial Father, there God will be.
Wherever there may be a heart capable of obeying higher designs and setting aside its own beliefs and ways of manifesting in life, there God will be.
Wherever there may be a heart that, in spite of its imperfections, loves its neighbor unconditionally and, above all things, the Creator, there, children, the Lord will live and dwell, will express and speak with humankind through His children.
Seek union with God in the small things; a union that must be constant, not only when you pray, but also when you live under His Laws and make of your lives a prayer.
Allow yourselves to be shaped and corrected, and do not fear suffering or loving, but rather, children, fear to be ignorant and blind to your own miseries.
Live in the Presence of the Lord, opening a space for Him in your lives, through the forgetting of self and the love for your neighbor. In this way, it will be Him, your Lord and Creator, Who will transform you and shape you according to His Will, silently, through each situation in your lives.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
X - Find Yourself Within the Eyes of God
A soul that aspired to fulfill the Divine Will, but constantly felt itself unworthy and incapable of doing so in the face of all the great things that the Lord called them to live,questioned His Sacred Heart for feeling too small and poor to fulfill His Work, and said: “Lord, great is Your Plan and it is full of deep Love for humanity and for all Creation. I contemplate Your Will and I am amazed by Your Mercy, but when I try to manifest what You want, I feel incapable before so many imperfections and difficulties. So I look at the world and at so many precious souls that You have created, and those whom You can count on to manifest Your Work, and I ask myself: why did You call on me?”
And contemplating this soul with Love, seeing them transparent and crystalline, just as He created them, the Lord responded: “Little soul, see your reflection in My Eyes. Do not look at yourself in the mirrors of the world, but rather in the mirror of My Eyes. What the mirrors of the world can show you are limitations and defects, imperfections and perhaps skills, but what you truly are, you will only see if you look at your reflection in My Eyes.
I see you just as you are. I know of the potential that lies within you, I know of your trajectory since the beginning, I know what you were created for and for what your essence and consciousness were formed. Therefore, little soul, it is My Voice that you must hear, and not the voices of the world, or the confused voice of your mind, which is so often lost through the stimuli of this Earth. Open your inner hearing and listen to My Will, knowing that it corresponds to you and to no one else.
For each being of this world, I have a perfect Will, a path through which they will reach Me. And this path is not the one known to you; oftentimes it is not the one that you already know how to walk. This path is the one that will forge in you what I need, it is the one that will reveal to you what I see when I contemplate your little soul, for it will allow to emerge within your consciousness what you are, and the truth will take the place of the many layers with which you have covered your consciousness.
Therefore, beloved soul, when I ask something of you, do not look for your reference in the mirrors of the world. Look into My Eyes, see your real face reflected in Me and feel capable of carrying out everything that I ask of you, because My Will for you is perfect.
Open each day to discover within you that which is reflected in My Eyes: you yourself, as I see you. And it will not be vanities, nor pride or false humility that will dwell within your heart, but rather it will be Me and My Truth, the transparency and the perfection of My Thought for you.”
May this story inspire you, children, to look for your references neither in that which you see of yourselves nor in the world but only in the depths of the Eyes of God. It will be there where you will find yourselves.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
To grow humanly and spiritually is to every day contemplate, not only your own responsibilities but also, and above all, the spiritual realities, the knowledge and the Instruction that comes from the Hierarchy.
In this way, you consolidate the guidance within your consciousness and it becomes an experience that matures the being and unites you to God and His Purpose.
To every day Meditate upon the Instructions that God gives you is the elementary part of the path of maturing the consciousness. It is the first step toward becoming an adult in the spiritual life and a human being full of God, not of yourself.
It is through the Instruction of the Hierarchy that you will develop within your being the ability to discern, to decide, to help, to lead the beings through the right path, to keep yourself in the Divine Will, despite all the deviations of the world.
And I do not speak of reading or listening. I speak of meditating, feeling and trying to understand; I speak of seeking opportunities in life to practice the Instructions; I speak of making the Impulses of God become alive and making them flesh within you, every day.
This is how, children, you may grow humanly and spiritually, a little more, every day.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
More and more, child, seek to imitate the emptiness and the nothingness of your Lord.
Allow yourself to be an instrument in the hands of God and it does not matter if you are lifted up and acclaimed, it does not matter the sacrifice and the weight of the cross, the humiliation, the solitude or the abandonment.
Allow your consciousness to penetrate into the truth of every event. While you serve and your service is lifted up before the eyes of humankind, may your heart be placed in the truth that everything you do is for the manifestation of the plan of God on earth.
And when the Lord asks you to renounce, or gives you tests and humiliations that forge within your being the unity with him and the inner emptiness, allow your consciousness to be molded according to His will.
Know that all the great deeds, as well as the great renunciations, build the plan of God with the same intensity, just as your Lord, who began to build a bond with the souls upon the mounts, amid miracles, but consolidated the covenant between humanity and God, empty of Himself, on the cross on Calvary.
Deepen every moment in your surrender and in the sense of the truth of your faith so that you always remain in this truth.
The situation of the planet will place many tests, misunderstandings and challenges in your path, but your heart must be in the Christ of Calvary, empty, with Him, going through the Passion of this world to culminate as a chalice full of God poured upon the Earth.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Let your soul be enraptured by the Love of Christ. Do not fear, do not resist. Give Him your shame, your fears, your deepest aspirations, your goals and everything you are, including miseries, skills and virtues.
The time is coming to be washed by the Blood of Christ, permeated by His Love and renewed by His surrender and, more than remembering His Passion, to be with His surrender, His Love and His Cross.
Thus, child, the time has come for a definition of maturity in Christ, to deepen your consecration and to not be afraid of growing in Him and for Him.
Let yourself be new clay in the Hands of the Potter, because He knows the Purpose of God for your life and can shape your consciousness according to Divine Will.
Pray and speak the Poems* with love that the Lord gave you, because through them, He teaches you the spiritual meaning of surrender and of humility; in this way, a surrendered soul communicates with Christ.
Do not fear to live the experience of surrender. In what is left for you of this Lent and this deep desert, begin to walk, in your heart, with decided steps to Jerusalem, confirming and re-confirming your surrender to Christ each day.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
*Saint Joseph is referring to the Poems of a soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus, transmitted by Christ Jesus in the months of July and August of 2018.
In your prayers, cry out for the planet, for the deepest essence of the Earth, for its Kingdoms and elements, for its spirit.
Cry out for the gift of life that the Creator placed in this world; a life capable of renewing and recreating all existence; a life coming from the Holy Spirit of God and which holds His Divine Breath within it.
Cry out that this gift may express, grow and be revealed to the world, to the consciousness and the hearts of humankind.
Cry out, child, so that this planet may find relief and all the spiritual life hidden within it, supporting existence on Earth, may it find hope and motivation for continuing this sacred and unknown labor for humankind.
Cry out for the very consciousness of the planet. Do not forget to dedicate some time to this feminine and maternal spirit that protects the Project and Divine Will since the beginning.
Be grateful for the life that manifests on Earth, be grateful for its Kingdoms, be a part of this Creation, which expresses unity and harmony with the All.
The time has come for being aware of the participation of humanity in the support of the planet, and this is material, inner and spiritual. On all levels, the human consciousness must take action, because the men and women of this planet are the link between the dimensions, they are the bridge to the Heart of God.
For this reason, be a bridge through love, prayer and gratitude. Be a bridge with the Infinite through a simple and eternal union with God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When a heart is nourished from the impulses of the world and enters into the spiritual life, responding to an inner call, but it does not open to transformation, children, then the path of inner decline begins.
In this time, very ancient consciousnesses come to the world to overcome the stimuli of this era and become true Christs of the times of transition.
But, bound by mundane foundations and supported by the illusions of the world, the souls that reacquire their commitment to Christ must allow themselves to be transformed by Him because part of overcoming these stimuli is the surrender of all that supports them in the things of the world: one's own aspirations, personal, spiritual and human accomplishments, inner and intellectual concepts of Truth and of the Plan of God, the need for standing out among all others, even if in virtues and in saintliness, the need to supply what is lacking into what is tangible, the need to feel oneself to be loved by what is visible and admired by the world. All this, children, must be transformed within the soul that regains their commitment to Christ.
In these definitive times, your Lord removes the foundations of sand that support your feet and, having you cross through the desert, places you upon the rock of His Consciousness.
You must unlearn the things of the world, let yourself be defeated by Divine Will, and do not do that through looking around you but rather by looking inward and upward.
The souls that see themselves as weakened, look around in search of greater miseries that will justify their faults and make them small; but this, children, is not the way of rectifying any misery.
The true sense of justifying is to be found in love, in the Love of Christ, in the Love of God, which is capable not only of justifying, but of transforming everything.
Thus, in the face of weaknesses, do not look around, but rather, look inward. Do not support yourself with criticisms but rather through daily confession to God, because the one who yields does not need to defend themselves, they do not need to fear or run away from themselves nor from God, because they will come to know Divine Love.
Lose your fear; do not feed false miseries justified by deeper sins, but rather yield to God and confess. In Him you will find true freedom, the healing and transformation you need in order to be whole and bound to the rock of Divine Will.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
From cycle to cycle, re-experience the call of Christ within you.
Within your heart, child, contemplate the sea of your life, of your story and of your surrender and, along the shores of this sea, find the Gaze of your Lord that is seeking your eyes.
Without fear, start again walking toward your Savior and allow Him to ask you for something new, a deeper surrender, a more perfect yielding.
At His Feet, leave the net of all your desires and aspirations, all that you were pursuing in the sea of life, trying to conquer it, even if it were something spiritual or even if it were something for Christ.
Listen to the Voice of your Lord calling you to enter into His Heart. And empty of everything, go with Him to fulfill His designs, cross deserts, heal your own heart and thus, grant healing, be deeply loved and, in this way, grant the Love of God to souls.
Never think that you will just surrender your life to Christ one day, but rather, child, surrender, every day. Listen to His Voice in each instant; open the way within you so that Christ may reach the most hidden spaces of your being.
I am speaking about surrender and yielding every day. Perceive that these are the keys of this time; they are the bases upon which your spirit is safe in God and in His Will. This is what He is calling you to live at this moment because, in this way, you will grow, in this way, you will fulfill the designs of the Creator for your life.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray so that the Wisdom of God may flood your spirit, your mind and your heart.
Always seek the answer for your deepest questions, as well as for each decision you make in the simplest things of your daily life.
Create a link with the Spirit of God, called Holy Spirit, so that It may illuminate each expression of your consciousness, from your words, actions and feelings to your innermost thoughts, ideas and aspirations.
In this time of so much confusion in the world, child, it will be the Spirit of God that will guide your soul and through you many more souls that would otherwise be lost in this world.
This is the moment for taking the correct time to pray and, before each decision, unite your consciousness with Divine Consciousness. The Spirit of God dwells within you and animates you from your soul to your cells. And so, you just focus your attention upon that which is real and become silent in order to hear It.
The Will of God and His designs are not far from the thought and the reach of humanity. But to be united with God and to hear Him, you need to make the proper space for the Father within you.
Thus, pray and seek His Wisdom. Become silent and listen to His Voice. In this way, you will always take the correct steps for fulfilling His Will.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Even though in the world chaos, confusion and despair reign, in your heart, peace must reign.
Elevate your heart, child, beyond the dimensions, and focus your consciousness upon the true purpose of your life.
This is a time of battle, but a battle which is brought to a halt in silence, with a prayer, with the song that transmutes and transforms fears, with the love that transcends all chaos and the peace that balances all things.
This battle is overcome with knees upon the ground and with the heart elevated toward Heaven so that, in all the events of this world, your heart may know how to find the truth and the wisdom to act and live, always manifesting Divine Will.
Pray, cry out and enter into the Peace of the Heart of God. Know that this is the base of Calvary to which you have walked for some time. And even though the climb is painful, at its top, the triumph of love is drawn; just let your heart know how to be on Earth and, at the same time, elevated toward the Heavens, being a constant and perpetual bridge toward the Heart of God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Children, lent is a moment of the desert, but also of an ecounter.
A moment for finding the spirit of humility, experiencing the vastness of the Universe, the sublime Laws that make us small, the Thought of God that makes us so fragile in the face of His Will.
Lent is the moment for walking in the immensity of Divine Words, written in the Book of the Plan of God for this humanity; to understand that one must walk within these lines and that the letters of the Celestial Father are like markings upon the floor, in which your feet fit perfectly. Just follow them.
During Lent, false beliefs about oneself and all the fortresses built in the sand of the human ego are overthrown. All this falls down; the fragility is revealed, but also, child, God is revealed.
You must learn to experience Lent, when the consciousness is willing to find that which is sublime and perfect and, although it reveals all the apparent human misery, it brings you the assurance of the Divine Presence and the freedom of knowing that everything is written.
And for the one who walks in the letters of God, in spite of all the battles, challenges and tests, there is the incalculable triumph of the Love of your Lord, that has no measure in this world, but only vastness.
Lent, then, is this moment to recognize the dust and leave to the dust what comes from it; but also, to recognize the spirit and open the way so that this spirit may be expressed in all that you are.
Experience Lent fully; feel small, fragile, nothing, but be able to surrender this smallness to the greatness of God and to confess:
I recognize my fragility and misery;
I recognize my imperfection and illusion,
and made of completely nothing and dust, here I am,
as an offering at the Altar of Your Spirit
so that It may be revealed within me,
and that Your Breath may make the clay alive,
and that Your Life be wholly within me
so that I may become Your instrument,
and Your Will may be done.
This should be the prayer of the hearts surrendered in the face of the desert, which are willing, during Lent with the Lord, to be prepared with Him for the cross of the world.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When a heart loves the Law and the Grace of God, it lives under His Love and His Mercy. It lives hidden in the shadow of His Presence and, even though it may infinitely fall, it knows that the Hands of its Father will be stretched out to lift it up from the ground.
When a heart loves the Will of God and believes in His Plan, it lives according to this Will and fears leaving His path. This heart, in the face of temptations, asks for help and Mercy from the Lord to keep its spirit pure and its path of the return to God straight.
A heart that chooses to leave the Law and Divine Grace is one that yields to its will, to its most human thoughts and desires, forgetting the purpose of its life and choosing to leave it behind in order to experience its most human aspirations.
This heart, children, is not fragile in the light of God; it is fragile to the world and condemns itself by believing that its soul is invincible while facing temptations, the Law and the Grace.
This heart, that does not recognize its own deviations at the right time to correct its steps, is so distant from the Law and from the Grace of God that it becomes lost and closed off to feel the Presence of its Father; it closes its eyes not to receive His Love and does not perceive Him, until His Justice begins to descend from Heaven, like rays that break its blindness and its illusion.
But in this moment, this lost soul, in its repentance and in its humiliation, will need to find a new path that will allow it to again meet the Will and the Grace of the Father.
Nothing is lost, not even for the most sinful soul, when it surrenders, humbles itself and opens in a heartfelt way before the Father. At a certain point in its lost steps, the Creator will find it and put it in a new place, where it will be able to live His Grace. But for this, children, it is necessary to surrender to the Love of God.
I do not tell you these things so that you are fearful, but rather so that you may understand that the soul that chooses the world when called by God to live His Will, spiritually leaves the Grace and the shadow of Their Lord to live under His Justice and the illusions of the world.
Despite this, all paths may be corrected. Many are the paths that lead to the Love of God and to the awakening of the consciousness. Some choose to live it through Mercy; others, in spite of being children of Mercy, choose Justice.
The laws are fulfilled according to human choices. Thus, know how to perceive that your small and large actions; your feelings and your heart, are the measure that puts you in the place you choose to be, to learn in this world.
For this reason, know how to be in the correct place.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Wherever you are, unite your heart with God to fulfill His Will and manifest His Plan.
The Will and the Plan of God are much greater and vast than your little mind can conceive. Meanwhile, it is through the simple things where your heart finds the path to live this Will and fulfill this Plan.
The Creation of God is vast and broad within the dimensions, both in Heaven and on Earth. However, to remember this and recognize it today, being able to access these sublime realities, all you need is to be simple of heart, pure of intention and ready to love and serve more and better, each day.
Even though your physical eyes cannot see extraordinary existences and manifestations of life, your heart may participate in that which is invisible and your soul may travel though the eternal realities when you are united with God.
Humanity was created for much more than just seeing and feeling the realities of life. Human beings were created to unite these realities, live them and be within them at the same time.
Because just like the Heart of the Celestial Father, the hearts of His children have the possibility of uniting within themselves all Life, of being united with everything and participating in all dimensions of existence.
Thus, before perceptively seeing, feeling or experiencing Divine Truth, seek, child, to surrender your heart to God, and, through the yielding of your spirit and of each part of your consciousness, become one with all of Creation.
The dimensions dwell within you and your heart can dwell in all of them, and experience them when you are simple and true.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more