Learn, children, to separate the impulses that come from your own souls from those that come from the Celestial Kingdom and the Higher Universe of consciousness.

To hear one's own soul is an important step for the human consciousness, without which there could not be any evolution. Evolution is a path of ascension, of communication and of union with the different levels of existence, until the being finally returns to the Heart of the Celestial Father, carrying within themselves the renewing codes of manifested life.

Over the centuries, beings who have sought to tread the spiritual path learned to listen to their souls, and many times, their spirits, their monads, to thus walk the path of life on Earth with the assurance of higher impulses.

However, now is the time to go beyond that. Now is the time to indeed listen to one's own soul, but not remain there, believing that the impulses for evolutionary life all come from this single inner contact.

Now is the time to go beyond, of learning to distinguish the contact with higher levels, so that, in touching the dimensions of your souls, you are able to go beyond and carry the souls with you to a deeper and more silent state, more transparent and full, a contact with Higher Universes, where you should only seek a pure and simple unity.

When your consciousnesses enter into sincere prayer, and between one word and another, you are able to become silent, then you will be capable of hearing your own souls, feel them and perceive them in just the way they need you to perceive them. However, if you persist in that elevation, in praise and silence, in concentration and emptiness, without wanting anything for the self, only a unity with God, you will be able to go beyond and allow your souls to also be able to look upward and inward, to also be able to enter into the practice of contemplation.

When souls contemplate, minds become silent and simply observe; the personality does not give an opinion, does not analyze, and does not look for answers, it just observes; the aspects of the human consciousness do not confuse inner contact with what they experience in matter, they simply observe; the soul does not seek to guide and lead anything, it is not treading any path, is only being drawn like a magnet to its source of vibration.

It is attracted by the Divine Consciousness, and with the yielding of its planetary part, it simply goes into the experience of unity, and in that experience, children, there can be full silence, you do not need words nor intentions, thoughts or actions: just being.

Here you will receive the knowledge of unity from God, and with it, a wisdom that is not acquired with the mind, but rather with the essence.

You must walk towards this experience, because in this time of chaos and confusion, of deep purification and challenges, your beings must enter into secure Universes, where not even the mind, nor the personality nor even your souls can interfere, but just live.

And from the principle of Unity which emanates from the Heart of God, from the deep Love of the Father on being before His Creatures, the essence of wisdom will emerge that will strengthen you and bring you answers to your deepest questions, which you will not know how to explain, but just experience.

And those who draw close to you will not need to hear or ask, but rather just feel and observe the example and the presence which will transform the human condition.

You have My blessing for this.

Your father and friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound awakens souls and indicates, to the heart of the Earth, that the time of renewal has come.

The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its sound announces that the time has come for the fulfillment of the prophecies. Listen, children, with the ears of the heart, to this divine sound.

The Celestial Belfry now sounds, and through its vibration, it activates the Mirrors of the Cosmos, which turn to the Earth to radiate the divine principles that come from the Heart of God.

The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its vibration echoes in the universes, among the dimensions. All that is life feels the vibration of its sound. The angels ring the Celestial Belfry and, through its sound, awaken the sources of the Immaterial Rays so that, from the depths of the universe, they may descend upon the material consciousness and transform manifested life according to the divine principles and thus begin the rebuilding of the Earth in all its expressions.

The Celestial Belfry resounds in the universe, and its sound touches the depths of the consciousnesses that have not understood human existence, and have not opened up to the renewal of the Love of God. Through the Celestial Belfry, the creatures of the universe begin to understand the essence of life and offer themselves to collaborate with the Earth in the awakening of the New Humanity.

When the Celestial Belfry resounds, the Love of God, latent in the hearts of His Children, begins to awaken and brings them a greater understanding. This Love, children, which emerges from the creatures of the Earth, lights up and can be seen among the dimensions and among the universes. It is in this way that hope emerges within all creatures beyond the Earth, beyond this universe.

The Celestial Belfry marks the time of rebuilding, when duality has promoted the transformation of human consciousness, when suffering becomes sacrifice and humanity no longer experiences pain, but rather self-surrender, just as Christ did, transforming each Wound into an offering that transubstantiated life, that transfigured beings and granted them a new opportunity.

This same thing will happen in the hearts of all those who live the power of surrender, and who, in God’s Time, are His instruments, to transform life in all dimensions, in all expressions of the cosmos.

The Celestial Belfry resounds in the Time of the Universe, called Real Time, because in it all has been concretized, human life has been transformed, and the Divine Purpose has been achieved. Listen to the resounding of the Celestial Belfry, because its sound awakens the Temple of the Sphere, and this Temple, which holds the history of human consciousness, radiates like a mirror the vibration of a new life, so that all consciousnesses may awaken within themselves the potential of a new being.

When the Celestial Belfry resounds, its sound also echoes in the depths of the Earth, and the immaterial life that hides within it begins to emerge spiritually and become one with the terrestrial life on the surface of the planet. Thus, human beings will feel an unknown will to know that which cannot be seen; they will feel an imperious wish to deepen into their spiritual life, because material life will not bring them answers.

When the immaterial life from within the Earth begins to emerge to the surface, it awakens in consciousnesses an imperious will to remember and return to their Divine Origin. The unknown will no longer cause them fear, but it will rather be the firm purpose of the consciousnesses that will not find satisfaction on Earth, but rather in the depths of their own hearts.

The Celestial Belfry will resound and can be heard within beings. All those who become silent to seek higher life will hear its sound and awaken through its vibration.

The Celestial Belfry, children, is a divine tool manifested at the beginning of life, before creatures incarnated in the material dimensions, because before the Creator sent His Children into matter, He manifested the Celestial Belfry to call upon His Creatures to return to His Heart when the time has come.

This is the time.

In the Real Time of the Universe, where there is no past or future, but only the Eternal Present, there the Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound strengthens hearts so that, despite all that they must still experience on the planet, they may know that the Purpose has been fulfilled. May your strength lie in the sound of the Celestial Belfry because, despite all the tests that you will still live, the path of return has begun to be trodden.

When you cannot bear the chaos in the world, the transition of days, be silent and listen to the Celestial Belfry, because from the moment it begins to sound, it will not stop until the last creature returns to the Heart of the Father.

Find strength in the spirit, find strength in the silence, because it is through silence that the truth will be revealed to you.

Experience today, children, the presence of the Real Time of the Universe, experience the Divine Purpose concretized, your missions accomplished, your spirits transformed.

Experience today the entrance into the Temple of the Sphere, that Spiritual Temple which dwells within the planet as a part of the Heart of God. And may this experience be for you like a promise that all will pass and that the Plan will be fulfilled.

Teach your hearts to find silence, so that they may find again the balance of their minds and emotions, so that they may allow the retrograde impulses that the planet sends to them all the time be transmuted and liberated from the human consciousness.

Teach beings to be silent, contemplate nature and find God again through this simple exercise; this will be a key when all seems lost. Hold within your hearts what I am saying to you, so that you may not forget that, through silence, you can find the Temple of God, and know, in this Real Time, that all is now fulfilled.  

Argentina must someday rise from within. This is why your hearts are here, congregated in this Sacred Center, experiencing the Temple of the Sphere, in which divine codes are deposited in your essences, in your cells and consciousnesses, so that you may rebuild yourselves and in this way impel this nation, which must become the cradle of a new life, must be ready to prepare the way for the Redeemer and that, with your hearts rebuilt, you may help rebuild life on Earth.  

May all the Sacred Centers that dwell within this nation re-ignite, so that souls may feel again hope and inner strength.

May the Disks of Love be activated, to awaken souls and elevate consciousnesses. This must be your mission in this time: elevate the vibration of this nation as well as this planet, to sustain and maintain all, until it is fulfilled in all dimensions and times.

We will accompany you and walk side by side with each one of the servers. I just ask you to perceive Our Presence and count on Us in prayer and silence, to establish peace.

May those who are postulants to consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph stand up.

Children, receive today a spiritual impulse and a Celestial Grace that comes not only from My Chaste Heart, but rather from the Heart of the Creator Father, so that your souls may always find strength to persevere.

Receive today the gift of wisdom, to always know where to be and how to proceed, to know how to lead souls when they are confused, to bring a word of encouragement or an intercessory silence before those who need it the most so that, like the Sacred Family, your hearts may be serving hearts in silence and also in your actions, so that you may mirror in life the gifts that are kept within you today.

Express that which you are, so that your virtues may not remain only latent in your hearts, but you may express them with the simplicity of the life that consecrates itself to God.

You have My blessing for this..

Bring incense and blessed water here.

May this water wash and purify you, and symbolize the purity of heart to you, so that you may always find it, even amidst the times of chaos and of so much impurity in the human consciousness. Through this gift, I grant you purification, so that your hearts may be ready.

May this incense be blessed to symbolize consecration and your eternal aspiration to make life sacred. Through this incense, I bless and consolidate within you the Graces that I grant you today, so that nothing can remove from you that which you have received from God. Be worthy of being called Children of God, representatives of Christ, forerunners of a new life, so that the Divine Purpose may be established.

May the Light of the Temple of the Sphere remain ignited within your hearts. Remember to return to it whenever you need help, whenever you need an answer. Silence will be the key that will open these doors to you and, through the crystals of your hearts, you will indicate that you may enter.

Today I bless you, I consecrate you and grant you one more opportunity to begin again.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace, under Divine Grace. 

I thank you.

Sister Lucia de Jesus:

At the request of Saint Joseph, let us sing the song of unity once again and prepare ourselves for communion.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound awakens souls and indicates, to the heart of the Earth, that the time of renewal has come.

The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its sound announces that the time has come for the fulfillment of the prophecies. Listen, children, with the ears of the heart, to this divine sound.

The Celestial Belfry now sounds, and through its vibration, it activates the Mirrors of the Cosmos, which turn to the Earth to radiate the divine principles that come from the Heart of God.

The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its vibration echoes in the universes, among the dimensions. All that is life feels the vibration of its sound. The angels ring the Celestial Belfry and, through its sound, awaken the sources of the Immaterial Rays so that, from the depths of the universe, they may descend upon the material consciousness and transform manifested life according to the divine principles and thus begin the rebuilding of the Earth in all its expressions.

The Celestial Belfry resounds in the universe, and its sound touches the depths of the consciousnesses that have not understood human existence, and have not opened up to the renewal of the Love of God. Through the Celestial Belfry, the creatures of the universe begin to understand the essence of life and offer themselves to collaborate with the Earth in the awakening of the New Humanity.

When the Celestial Belfry resounds, the Love of God, latent in the hearts of His Children, begins to awaken and brings them a greater understanding. This Love, children, which emerges from the creatures of the Earth, lights up and can be seen among the dimensions and among the universes. It is in this way that hope emerges within all creatures beyond the Earth, beyond this universe.

The Celestial Belfry marks the time of rebuilding, when duality has promoted the transformation of human consciousness, when suffering becomes sacrifice and humanity no longer experiences pain, but rather self-surrender, just as Christ did, transforming each Wound into an offering that transubstantiated life, that transfigured beings and granted them a new opportunity.

This same thing will happen in the hearts of all those who live the power of surrender, and who, in God’s Time, are His instruments, to transform life in all dimensions, in all expressions of the cosmos.

The Celestial Belfry resounds in the Time of the Universe, called Real Time, because in it all has been concretized, human life has been transformed, and the Divine Purpose has been achieved. Listen to the resounding of the Celestial Belfry, because its sound awakens the Temple of the Sphere, and this Temple, which holds the history of human consciousness, radiates like a mirror the vibration of a new life, so that all consciousnesses may awaken within themselves the potential of a new being.

When the Celestial Belfry resounds, its sound also echoes in the depths of the Earth, and the immaterial life that hides within it begins to emerge spiritually and become one with the terrestrial life on the surface of the planet. Thus, human beings will feel an unknown will to know that which cannot be seen; they will feel an imperious wish to deepen into their spiritual life, because material life will not bring them answers.

When the immaterial life from within the Earth begins to emerge to the surface, it awakens in consciousnesses an imperious will to remember and return to their Divine Origin. The unknown will no longer cause them fear, but it will rather be the firm purpose of the consciousnesses that will not find satisfaction on Earth, but rather in the depths of their own hearts.

The Celestial Belfry will resound and can be heard within beings. All those who become silent to seek higher life will hear its sound and awaken through its vibration.

The Celestial Belfry, children, is a divine tool manifested at the beginning of life, before creatures incarnated in the material dimensions, because before the Creator sent His Children into matter, He manifested the Celestial Belfry to call upon His Creatures to return to His Heart when the time has come.

This is the time.

In the Real Time of the Universe, where there is no past or future, but only the Eternal Present, there the Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound strengthens hearts so that, despite all that they must still experience on the planet, they may know that the Purpose has been fulfilled. May your strength lie in the sound of the Celestial Belfry because, despite all the tests that you will still live, the path of return has begun to be trodden.

When you cannot bear the chaos in the world, the transition of days, be silent and listen to the Celestial Belfry, because from the moment it begins to sound, it will not stop until the last creature returns to the Heart of the Father.

Find strength in the spirit, find strength in the silence, because it is through silence that the truth will be revealed to you.

Experience today, children, the presence of the Real Time of the Universe, experience the Divine Purpose concretized, your missions accomplished, your spirits transformed.

Experience today the entrance into the Temple of the Sphere, that Spiritual Temple which dwells within the planet as a part of the Heart of God. And may this experience be for you like a promise that all will pass and that the Plan will be fulfilled.

Teach your hearts to find silence, so that they may find again the balance of their minds and emotions, so that they may allow the retrograde impulses that the planet sends to them all the time be transmuted and liberated from the human consciousness.

Teach beings to be silent, contemplate nature and find God again through this simple exercise; this will be a key when all seems lost. Hold within your hearts what I am saying to you, so that you may not forget that, through silence, you can find the Temple of God, and know, in this Real Time, that all is now fulfilled.  

Argentina must someday rise from within. This is why your hearts are here, congregated in this Sacred Center, experiencing the Temple of the Sphere, in which divine codes are deposited in your essences, in your cells and consciousnesses, so that you may rebuild yourselves and in this way impel this nation, which must become the cradle of a new life, must be ready to prepare the way for the Redeemer and that, with your hearts rebuilt, you may help rebuild life on Earth.  

May all the Sacred Centers that dwell within this nation re-ignite, so that souls may feel again hope and inner strength.

May the Disks of Love be activated, to awaken souls and elevate consciousnesses. This must be your mission in this time: elevate the vibration of this nation as well as this planet, to sustain and maintain all, until it is fulfilled in all dimensions and times.

We will accompany you and walk side by side with each one of the servers. I just ask you to perceive Our Presence and count on Us in prayer and silence, to establish peace.

May those who are postulants to consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph stand up.

Children, receive today a spiritual impulse and a Celestial Grace that comes not only from My Chaste Heart, but rather from the Heart of the Creator Father, so that your souls may always find strength to persevere.

Receive today the gift of wisdom, to always know where to be and how to proceed, to know how to lead souls when they are confused, to bring a word of encouragement or an intercessory silence before those who need it the most so that, like the Sacred Family, your hearts may be serving hearts in silence and also in your actions, so that you may mirror in life the gifts that are kept within you today.

Express that which you are, so that your virtues may not remain only latent in your hearts, but you may express them with the simplicity of the life that consecrates itself to God.

You have My blessing for this..

Bring incense and blessed water here.

May this water wash and purify you, and symbolize the purity of heart to you, so that you may always find it, even amidst the times of chaos and of so much impurity in the human consciousness. Through this gift, I grant you purification, so that your hearts may be ready.

May this incense be blessed to symbolize consecration and your eternal aspiration to make life sacred. Through this incense, I bless and consolidate within you the Graces that I grant you today, so that nothing can remove from you that which you have received from God. Be worthy of being called Children of God, representatives of Christ, forerunners of a new life, so that the Divine Purpose may be established.

May the Light of the Temple of the Sphere remain ignited within your hearts. Remember to return to it whenever you need help, whenever you need an answer. Silence will be the key that will open these doors to you and, through the crystals of your hearts, will indicate that you may enter.

Today I bless you, I consecrate you and grant you one more opportunity to begin again.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace, under Divine Grace. 

I thank you.

Sister Lucia de Jesus:

At the request of Saint Joseph, let us sing the song of unity once again and prepare ourselves for communion.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound awakens souls and indicates, to the heart of the Earth, that the time of renewal has come.

The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its sound announces that the time has come for the fulfillment of the prophecies. Listen, children, with the ears of the heart, to this divine sound.

The Celestial Belfry now sounds, and through its vibration, it activates the Mirrors of the Cosmos, which turn to the Earth to radiate the divine principles that come from the Heart of God.

The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its vibration echoes in the universes, among the dimensions. All that is life feels the vibration of its sound. The angels ring the Celestial Belfry and, through its sound, awaken the sources of the Immaterial Rays so that, from the depths of the universe, they may descend upon the material consciousness and transform manifested life according to the divine principles and thus begin the rebuilding of the Earth in all its expressions.

The Celestial Belfry resounds in the universe, and its sound touches the depths of the consciousnesses that have not understood human existence, and have not opened up to the renewal of the Love of God. Through the Celestial Belfry, the creatures of the universe begin to understand the essence of life and offer themselves to collaborate with the Earth in the awakening of the New Humanity.

When the Celestial Belfry resounds, the Love of God, latent in the hearts of His Children, begins to awaken and brings them a greater understanding. This Love, children, which emerges from the creatures of the Earth, lights up and can be seen among the dimensions and among the universes. It is in this way that hope emerges within all creatures beyond the Earth, beyond this universe.

The Celestial Belfry marks the time of rebuilding, when duality has promoted the transformation of human consciousness, when suffering becomes sacrifice and humanity no longer experiences pain, but rather self-surrender, just as Christ did, transforming each Wound into an offering that transubstantiated life, that transfigured beings and granted them a new opportunity.

This same thing will happen in the hearts of all those who live the power of surrender, and who, in God’s Time, are His instruments, to transform life in all dimensions, in all expressions of the cosmos.

The Celestial Belfry resounds in the Time of the Universe, called Real Time, because in it all has been concretized, human life has been transformed, and the Divine Purpose has been achieved. Listen to the resounding of the Celestial Belfry, because its sound awakens the Temple of the Sphere, and this Temple, which holds the history of human consciousness, radiates like a mirror the vibration of a new life, so that all consciousnesses may awaken within themselves the potential of a new being.

When the Celestial Belfry resounds, its sound also echoes in the depths of the Earth, and the immaterial life that hides within it begins to emerge spiritually and become one with the terrestrial life on the surface of the planet. Thus, human beings will feel an unknown will to know that which cannot be seen; they will feel an imperious wish to deepen into their spiritual life, because material life will not bring them answers.

When the immaterial life from within the Earth begins to emerge to the surface, it awakens in consciousnesses an imperious will to remember and return to their Divine Origin. The unknown will no longer cause them fear, but it will rather be the firm purpose of the consciousnesses that will not find satisfaction on Earth, but rather in the depths of their own hearts.

The Celestial Belfry will resound and can be heard within beings. All those who become silent to seek higher life will hear its sound and awaken through its vibration.

The Celestial Belfry, children, is a divine tool manifested at the beginning of life, before creatures incarnated in the material dimensions, because before the Creator sent His Children into matter, He manifested the Celestial Belfry to call upon His Creatures to return to His Heart when the time has come.

This is the time.

In the Real Time of the Universe, where there is no past or future, but only the Eternal Present, there the Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound strengthens hearts so that, despite all that they must still experience on the planet, they may know that the Purpose has been fulfilled. May your strength lie in the sound of the Celestial Belfry because, despite all the tests that you will still live, the path of return has begun to be trodden.

When you cannot bear the chaos in the world, the transition of days, be silent and listen to the Celestial Belfry, because from the moment it begins to sound, it will not stop until the last creature returns to the Heart of the Father.

Find strength in the spirit, find strength in the silence, because it is through silence that the truth will be revealed to you.

Experience today, children, the presence of the Real Time of the Universe, experience the Divine Purpose concretized, your missions accomplished, your spirits transformed.

Experience today the entrance into the Temple of the Sphere, that Spiritual Temple which dwells within the planet as a part of the Heart of God. And may this experience be for you like a promise that all will pass and that the Plan will be fulfilled.

Teach your hearts to find silence, so that they may find again the balance of their minds and emotions, so that they may allow the retrograde impulses that the planet sends to them all the time be transmuted and liberated from the human consciousness.

Teach beings to be silent, contemplate nature and find God again through this simple exercise; this will be a key when all seems lost. Hold within your hearts what I am saying to you, so that you may not forget that, through silence, you can find the Temple of God, and know, in this Real Time, that all is now fulfilled.  

Argentina must someday rise from within. This is why your hearts are here, congregated in this Sacred Center, experiencing the Temple of the Sphere, in which divine codes are deposited in your essences, in your cells and consciousnesses, so that you may rebuild yourselves and in this way impel this nation, which must become the cradle of a new life, must be ready to prepare the way for the Redeemer and that, with your hearts rebuilt, you may help rebuild life on Earth.  

May all the Sacred Centers that dwell within this nation re-ignite, so that souls may feel again hope and inner strength.

May the Disks of Love be activated, to awaken souls and elevate consciousnesses. This must be your mission in this time: elevate the vibration of this nation as well as this planet, to sustain and maintain all, until it is fulfilled in all dimensions and times.

We will accompany you and walk side by side with each one of the servers. I just ask you to perceive Our Presence and count on Us in prayer and silence, to establish peace.

May those who are postulants to consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph stand up.

Children, receive today a spiritual impulse and a Celestial Grace that comes not only from My Chaste Heart, but rather from the Heart of the Creator Father, so that your souls may always find strength to persevere.

Receive today the gift of wisdom, to always know where to be and how to proceed, to know how to lead souls when they are confused, to bring a word of encouragement or an intercessory silence before those who need it the most so that, like the Sacred Family, your hearts may be serving hearts in silence and also in your actions, so that you may mirror in life the gifts that are kept within you today.

Express that which you are, so that your virtues may not remain only latent in your hearts, but you may express them with the simplicity of the life that consecrates itself to God.

You have My blessing for this..

Bring incense and blessed water here.

May this water wash and purify you, and symbolize the purity of heart to you, so that you may always find it, even amidst the times of chaos and of so much impurity in the human consciousness. Through this gift, I grant you purification, so that your hearts may be ready.

May this incense be blessed to symbolize consecration and your eternal aspiration to make life sacred. Through this incense, I bless and consolidate within you the Graces that I grant you today, so that nothing can remove from you that which you have received from God. Be worthy of being called Children of God, representatives of Christ, forerunners of a new life, so that the Divine Purpose may be established.

May the Light of the Temple of the Sphere remain ignited within your hearts. Remember to return to it whenever you need help, whenever you need an answer. Silence will be the key that will open these doors to you and, through the crystals of your hearts, will indicate that you may enter.

Today I bless you, I consecrate you and grant you one more opportunity to begin again.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace, under Divine Grace. 

I thank you.

Sister Lucia de Jesus:

At the request of Saint Joseph, let us sing the song of unity once again and prepare ourselves for communion.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, in My sacred pilgrimaging, I visited some places throughout the world that need divine intervention. And this has once again been possible, dear children, through the prayers of all of you, and of those who hear Me at this moment. Through the prayer of all those hearts that unite to the fire of Love of My Heart. At this worrisome hour of the planet, souls supplicate for God to pour out His Grace and Mercy, His Peace and all of His Redemption.

Today, I come here to tell you this, because I once again tell you, My children, that the prayer of the heart is that which will convert and save the world, avoid wars and disasters. Prayer will avoid epidemics, conflicts, the displacement of human beings. The prayer of the heart will always balance the Earth’s axis and make it possible for all My children to have the state of Grace that everyone needs at this hour, to learn how to go through the end of these times.

Today, I come to talk to you again about the importance of the prayer of the heart, so that you may feel it in the innermost depths of your essence, so that each new prayer may be an opportunity to communicate with God and open the doors of the Heavens in all of humanity, thereby closing the uncertain doors that exist in many places of the world.

As your Mother, as the Celestial Mother, I will never, ever tire of repeating this to you. For you, with your own eyes, will see what I tell you, and you will perceive, My children, the difference between a soul that prays and a soul that does not pray. And this exercise is something more than just religious or spiritual.

The Eternal Father Himself was the first who prayed in this universe through His Word, and His Word became flesh through Christ. If you observe this sentence, which I say to you, you will understand the power of prayer, a power of concretion and supreme manifestation.

It is on the inner planes where all can be united through prayer, regardless of distance, events or situations. At each passing day, the events of this world will lead you to live the prayer of the heart with more thoroughness and responsibility.

Today, in the face of all that happens in humanity, I ask you, with all the Maternal Love of My Heart: how is your participation in everyday prayer, in the prayers that the Divine Hierarchy has asked of you for every day of the week, for all causes of the world, for all the situations that emerge and precipitate, more and more each day?

In truth, I tell you, My beloved children, that for God it does not matter whether you have a job or not. Your thought and, above all, your heart, may be in prayer, sometimes whether or not you are pronouncing words.

It is in this cycle that your consciousnesses must be in a permanent prayerful state, just as many more should be before the Most Blessed Eucharistic Body of My Son. Without these two exercises, My beloved children, and sorry for saying this to you, you will not manage to survive, because the energies of this world not only compromise nations and peoples, but they also place souls in great abysses that are unknown and impenetrable, even to the Divine Hierarchy.

I am not saying that you will not face tests or sufferings. I am not saying that you will not experience deserts or challenges. For while you are in this world you must learn to transcend and surpass yourselves every day.

Our Sacred Hearts need to highlight this so that you may understand and accept it. For at that hour, when everything truly happens, will you be a part of the chaos of humanity or will you be peace-bringers, servants of the Divine Light of the Father who, through the word of prayer and the adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, will learn, with patience and great determination, to placate the injustice of this world?

Today, I want to give each one of My children a little more of My school of prayer, so that as many hearts as possible may be united to Us in this emergency of the end of times when, through great inner effort, it will be necessary to learn to overcome the impunity of this world and the lack of peace.

But My Presence tonight brings you the Peace of the Heavens. My Presence, as an instrument of the Father offers itself to bring My children a greater awareness, which they need in these times, for their hearts not to become confused or deceived. In this way, through the prayer of the heart, which is something deeply simple yet true, you may help souls overcome the end of times, because not all souls will manage to.

But if there is at least one consciousness or many more consciousnesses on the surface of this planet, imploring, praying and invoking God, adoring and loving the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, I assure you, My beloved children, that those souls that do not manage to overcome the end of times will have a spiritual amnesty, and will be re-considered by the Plan of Rescue, simply through the souls that pray and adore.

This spiritual foundation in your lives, which, at each passing day, must be deepened, expanded, and not remain just as a spiritual exercise, is that which you need, to learn to identify the signs of the end of times, those signs that will come from the universe to the planet to announce the Return of My Son, a Return that will be unprecedented, a Return of My Son never before seen by or known to any being of this planet.

Do you now understand the importance of being in the same vibration as Ours, and making the correct and sincere effort of not coming out of Our dimension? This is true regardless of the chaos in the world and the indifference, the lack of love and peace in humanity, regardless of the revenge that can be seen in the world and within families, something that deeply hurts the Heart of God.

How many more reasons would We have to pray, not only to strengthen the Purpose of this country, not only to help the soul of this nation and its angel, but also to consciously pray for all the world needs? For all of them are important to the Eyes of God, and thus God hopes that His beloved Children will also consider all these needs as important.

On this night of great planetary inflection, My Immaculate Heart was able to intercede and save many souls from dark hells of this world, for prayers were offered and hearts were exposed as an offering before God. Without this, nothing would be possible.

This is why I remind you once again about the mediating prayer, the power of the intercessory prayer, for in the end of times you will see unbelievable things that will bring you terror. However, do not fear, because the soul that prays will never lack God’s Light and, above all, will never lack God’s Love, the Love of the Father Who, through His Divine Spirit, will guide you so that, in these final times, you may learn to make the correct decisions.

My Dear children, I give you this whole explanation because today new Chidren of Mary will be consecrated, and this also helps those who are already consecrated Children of Mine. This does not simply mean receiving the Mantle of the Mother of God upon your bodies. It means living, in these times, a real and true commitment that does not weaken nor is it fleeting.

You must not only be My children now, you must also be My warriors of prayer and also co-mediators of the Mother of God, who carefully keep in mind all that happens in the world and how urgent it is that Heaven may intercede, for in this way We will maintain the planet, and, above all, maintain humanity in its place.

Every war that is staged within families or in the nations, among peoples or even in society, will never, never endure, if souls truly pray for the wars in the world and in the families, I assure you that overnight they will disarm the plans of My enemy. For in these times, and more than ever, the Lady of the Seven Swords must broadly work for humanity so that the main Seven Attributes of God, through My Swords, may root out impunity, indifference, the culture of discarding, evil from hearts, hatred, vengeance and massacre in this humanity.

Do you now understand the need for perpetual prayer, just as your Heavenly Mother perpetually prays?

This is why, in this cycle, the commitment of the new Children of Mary must be renewed through all that I have said to you today.

All are welcomed in the Sacred Temple of My Immaculate Heart. I will always hope that My children will offer to be consecrated to My Heart and, thus, be consecrated to God. And that He, through His Slave and His Servant, will give you His Graces and Mercies.

Before leaving South America and accompanying My Son in the most important task of His existence, in these final times in the Middle East, I will consecrate the hearts that, before God, offer to live the school of the prayer of the heart in these times, so that each one of your lives may be an incandescent flame of the Eternal Father, to illuminate these times of darkness and tribulation.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Those who will be consecrated may draw near the foot of this Altar. By listening to the Hymn of Consecration of the Children of Mary, let us prepare for this moment of consecration; to listen to the Mother of God, Her Sacred Words of blessing, support and love for Her children.

The Divine Mother asks for oil to be brought here for the blessing, because we will anoint those who will be consecrated today. And we will ask, at this moment, for a priest to prepare for this Anointment.


On this night, when the world agonizes due to not seeing God’s Light, I receive with gratitude and love the offering of your consecration. Souls that are so different, but who, as from this moment, can be united though the same purpose, the purpose of discovering the reason why they are here in this world. The sacred purpose of serving God with gratitude, reverence and devotion, under the powerful light of prayer of the Children of Mary.

This is why I have asked for this blessed oil, at the request of My Son, Jesus Christ, which will mark upon your foreheads the sign of union with the powerful Cross of the Redeemer, the one that relieves spiritual debts, placates suffering, comforts hearts, heals spirits, frees you from ties, ignites hearts in God’s Hope, bringing you Peace, Light and Mercy.

This is why I not only consecrate this oil, which will anoint you with the luminous sign of the Cross of the Redeemer, but I also consecrate you as My children, Children of Mary.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We may sing the Hymn of Consecration.

Let us prepare for the Anointment.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today I come to the world, together with the angels of Light, to tell each one of My children to be firm, continue forward. The end of the battle has not yet arrived, the uncertain doors are opening on the surface of the Earth so that the soldiers of Light can liberate them through prayer.

Thus, you will open the Source of the Mirrors upon the surface of the Earth, the intervention will come and everything will be transformed.

In the battle against duality, do not allow your contrary side to defeat you; be firm and be brave, participate in the commands of Christ, raise your swords towards God, in offering and renunciation, and thus you will be touched by the Holy Spirit.

In these clashes of the end of times, sustain yourselves in faith, in the credibility of the existence of God, above all forms, all events, all conflicts.

The battle has not reached its end, the end will be written by each one of you, through your conscious participation in the Plan of My Son, through your collaboration in the projects of redemption, through your constant self-giving.

Meanwhile, do not lower your vigilance, be attentive to the movement of your inner world.

Nourish your essences with positive vibrations, place your consciousness in the Higher World and from there will come all the help that you may need.

The falls are part of this battle, of a hard and cold battle, in which thoughts and emotions must not interfere.

Your more concrete nuclei must collaborate in this rescue operation. For this, your unity with the Source is important, in spite of what may happen in any part of the world.

Remember the Celestial Universe, remember the angels and the archangels. The great ultra-terrestrial hosts, which deeply know the human project and know the history this planet has lived throughout the different races and peoples.

It is the time when the pendulum returns with great force, and when its blow triggers the events in humanity, through nature and purification.

Many distance themselves from the Law and the truth, day by day, they submerge in the abysses of this Earth, in the darkest places of the human consciousness.

But the door toward the unknown is there before you, in the sidereal universe, where all immaterial and universal life awaits you, to lead you toward a deeper contact with true existence, to which you have belonged since the beginning, since your origins.

Now, children of God, you know a great part of all that I tell you. You know that you come from a Source, that you emerged from a great Lake of Light, where the Creator Fathers participated in your creation, in the first steps of your existence, and that you traveled this macrocosm to learn and grow internally, to know in each step to be in the Law and to not leave it.

Thus, you arrived on Earth, in this world that was contemplated by My Son so that you could live your redemption and your conversion. And thus, to each one, the hour has come to awaken, just as for many of My children the time to awaken comes today, so that you can make the star of your origin shine within you, as the testimonial of the truth that you have lived, since the Beginning of the beginning, since the emergence from the Source.

In this state of vibration, you must place your consciousnesses, and not in chaos. The chaos will keep taking place, the chaos will keep developing and showing itself, but you must not enter into conflict nor into disharmony.

Your souls must live self-government and the path of the transcendence of the lower currents that suffocate the world and many servers, the priests of the Church of Christ.

But now, in spite of what is happening in the world, in the nations and in the peoples, your gaze must be upon the objective of the spiritual and material reconstruction. In this way, the Creation will send you the impulses that you need in order to lead humanity to the path of absolute and total redemption.

Many will refuse to cross the doors towards the truth. But do not worry, have faith and serve God unconditionally, without expecting results, without expecting answers, only serve out of love and faith in the Heights.

The reactions of the contrary forces are diverse throughout this world.

Humanity does not know from where they come and when they emerged. But I can tell you, My children, that many of these forces of chaos are generated by the humanity of this time.

My children’s feet are tied to them, and many fight to cut this chain of evil, to know how to free themselves from the ties, from the conditions, from adversity.

But your hearts must always be empty, free from any disturbance and situation, absolved from criticism and value judgments so that you can be freer and freer at the moment of walking towards My Son in this time of tribulation when humanity exposes itself to succumbing into a deeper and more unknown abyss.

But if for a moment you see the sky, and at night you see the stars, the cosmos, the great celestial dome, then all that happens in this world will become small and insignificant. As the help that can come from the Heights is very great and also unknown, this is where you must place your gaze, your attention and devotion, because in this way you will remember where you came from and what you did in other times.

The mirrors of the universe work towards the Earth as they have never worked before. Great spiritual movements take place in the universe, day by day, as this very crucial time of humanity passes, to send toward the planet all the necessary luminous impulses that can help in the rescue of souls and of the Kingdoms of Nature.

But when the world deters its evil actions, suffering will cease, blood will no longer run through the streets of this world, there will no longer be martyrs, people in exile nor immigrants. Families will not be the focus of disunity and discord. 

This is why I ask you to pray in this very special month to Me and to your Lord, to the Highest, because what will come next year will be more complex. 

While souls do not accept that we are in the end of times, they will suffer, and they might suffer a lot due to their resistances. What will they gain with that?

Hold on to this call, and a path will show itself before you, to lead you and guide you toward the heart of My Son, wounded and injured by the actions of the world and of the nations.

At last, He will come for the simplest and most humble, for those who have been severely traumatized and punished.

He will come for those who are waiting for Him, for those who love Him, for those who have lost peace.

He will come to seek those who are in the refuges of this world and He will raise from the hospital beds those who are sick so that they may go and see Him in His Return.

And those who have suffered the loss of their beloved beings will be consoled.

And the families will become aware of the disunity that they have lived throughout the times through the advancement of technology and the modernities, replacing dialogue.

For this reason, your strength will always be in prayer. There is no other master key, it is unique and unchangeable.

You must not fear what will happen, what will happen will be what humanity needs in order to consciously live what it has sown along its paths, which it will be reaping in this time. 

The law exists so that we may live in attunement and alignment with the cosmos, and with all cosmic life.

And thus, living in the law, all is completed in the life and the existence of a being.

I wish you could hear this with other ears, because I not only need that you hear, but also that you understand, beyond what I tell you.

Today I am present here for all the situations of humanity, so that all the situations may be attended to, by the spiritual plan, by the Source.

I give you my consolation and the certainty that My Son will return.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


XXII - Concerning Prayer

A devout soul that was always willing to give more of itself to God, while they prayed, questioned the Lord, saying: "Lord, I lift up my voice to the Heavens and pray for the souls that suffer, for the Kingdoms of Nature, for the planet, for Your Plan. What more must I do for this prayer to truly reach You and generate merits for the salvation and the redemption of the world?"

And the Lord responded: "While you pray, speak with Me, pronounce each word not only to hear your own voice and feel that you are fulfilling your part. Pray, allowing your essence to look into My Eyes, allowing your heart to be within Mine and your words to be an echo throughout the infinite, throughout Creation.

To pray in this way, beloved child, soul of Mine, you need to be whole before Me, without caring about time, tiredness, the sensations of the body or about those who are around you, whether or not they strive as you do or whether they sleep and become distracted in their words. May nothing matter to you but My Presence and the imperious need the world has for sincere and real prayers.

When you sing, may your ears not care about the sound of your voice, may your mind not care about who is listening to you, but rather may your heart care to attune your voice and be before Me, singing with perfection for the One Who is the Owner of all sound, the Creator of each note, of each tone, capable of transforming your vibration into gifts that expand through Life, transforming lives. This, little soul, is how your prayer must be."

May this dialogue teach you, children, to deepen each day into your prayers. May they be sincere and reach God.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


What to do with the divine knowledge that is revealed to you?

Place each word, each impulse, each memory within the depths of your heart and, with simplicity, be thankful toward God.

In this way, in the silence of your inner world, you allow the knowledge to change into wisdom, and the wisdom to attract new Laws that will draw you closer to God and transform you, bringing you back to what you truly are.

Reflect, child, upon each word pronounced by God to your heart. Not to analyze them with your mind, but so that the vibration that was transmitted to you may be a path of return for you toward your celestial origin and, in this way, your spirit may be strengthened in its union with universal life and everything that weighs upon you in this world may be transformed.

May your eyes be illuminated by a new light that, reflected in life, will allow you to see the colors and tones that you could not see before.

May this very divine light illuminate your inner world so that, in its warmth, your soul finds peace and, in its clarity, it finds the answers for so many questions that remained within your heart.

May gratitude be the master key of all your thoughts before each questioning and before each inner search.

In this way, child, you will open the correct doors that will lead you into continuing your path of ascension.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Rise, My child, beyond appearances, feelings, thoughts and sensations.

Rise to where your consciousness can express truth and peace, unity with the Creator and with life.

Rise up, in silence and in prayer, to the subtle worlds, that are not necessarily above you or below you, but so that you yourself may be the doorway to enter into the Sacred Chambers.

To rise is not to climb up into the Heavens, but rather to shift in vibration, in dimension, in thought and in feeling, placing your consciousness in the Truth and in the Time of God rather than in the illusion of the time of humankind.

To rise is to be able to feel one with the Creator Himself, to be aware of His Presence in oneself and in all things and, through Him, to be able to contemplate the wonder of the evolutionary life that inhabits the planet and beyond it.

To rise is simply to be in what is real, child. And, in order to do that which I tell you, it is enough that you try to do it, again and again, and that you feel the imperative need to have your consciousness in the correct place.

Sometimes, to leap into what is real, human beings need first to be in the deepest abysses of despair of the illusion so that they may then feel the urgent need of being in the correct place, in the Love of God and in His Grace, in what is, in the end, real.

But this, child, should not always happen. On your own you can already perceive how necessary it is to have your consciousness focused on Love, on Wisdom and on Divine Truth.

For this reason, do not seek suffering. Seek striving, seek rendition, seek crying out, seek silence, seek service, seek humility, seek prayer and all these things will lead you to the Truth of God. They will, in the end, allow your consciousness to rise.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Monthly Messages

Take My hands, My children, and let yourselves be led by My Immaculate Heart to the Origin of Life, to the Place of protection and of Peace where your essences rested before the manifestation of the Divine Thought for your lives.


Take My hands and come with Me to the Original Source of Life, where the deepest Love of your Creator Father dwells, where unity is a living reality because nothing is separate from God.

Although you have trodden a path of evolution and so often feel separate from God, today I come to show you, My children, this Original Space in a time in which there is no past nor future, but only the eternal present in the Heart of your Creator Father.

There, unity is maintained and essences remain safeguarded with their original principles.

Lakes of Light, Fountains of Peace are your true dwellings. There are no forms, only colors, sounds and vibrations. Although the essences resound in their own note, unity manifests itself through melodies that form unique music, which is the song of God, the song of life’s manifestation.

Let your ears hear and let your souls remember this Space of protection in the Womb of Creation. There, My children, where the Feminine Energy protects you, where the truth of what you are makes you pure, there is nothing corrupt, there are no stains, there is no pain, only peace and unity with the Creator.

Let your hearts live the experience of being with Me there, because a part of your consciousness has never left the Fountain of God.

This space that I show to your heart today is the connection with the Divine, this part of your consciousnesses that dwells there, and that will always allow you to return to God and not lose unity with the Father. It is the magnet that attracts you to the Origin, the purity that makes you return to the truth of your existence.

Today, My children, receive the Grace of being in God, of being in Peace, of being in My Immaculate Heart, and I, being in you, show you oneness in life.

May the celestial melody resound in your hearts and rekindle the hope to return to the Source, rekindle the momentum to be pure and to let yourselves purify and renew, so that someday you may find the truth about yourselves again; a truth that is prior to all existence, prior to planets and suns, prior to material life, both in Heaven and on Earth; a truth that dwells in unity with the Divine Consciousness. 

My Grace touches you today, your Divine Origin blesses you and thus, I heal you and love you, renewing your commitments with God so that, after knowing that there is an Origin that waits for you, you can make this superior reality known to the world.

I love you, My children, and that is why I am here.

I embrace you and have all of you in My Immaculate Heart.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While the Son of the Father is present, the universes stop to receive the Light of the world, the Light that dispels darkness, the Light that defeats chaos, the Light that leads you to peace.

It is this Divine Light that comes from the Universe to meet the essences created by God, so that the essences may abandon the abysses of illusion, of lies, of indifference, of omission.

The Divine Light of God, through the Son, descends to the world to find you, to summon you and to call on you to remember the Will of the Father, and all of your inner existence since the origin.

It is this Divine Light of God, through the Beloved Son, that brings you into the sacred knowledge of the Universe and of all the manifestation of the Sources of Creation.

Through the consciousness of the Divine Light, I come to elevate you, I come to withdraw you from perversion, from spiritual blindness, from the lack of discernment and of wisdom.

I come to recover the values of your people and your nation, the origins of your origins, the hospitality of each one of your souls, the solidarity of each one of your spirits that once, united with the Source, brought a spiritual and material openness to receive other cultures and other peoples, just as Germany has done in recent years.

It is by living these principles of fraternity and of solidarity with your peers, and with your brothers and sisters,  regardless of nation or culture, opening the doors to acceptance and to love, that the nations of Europe will be able to be forgiven for all that they did throughout time, no matter the seriousness or the evil generated.

Because this Divine Light that comes to meet you from the Greater Universe is the Light that brings you Mercy, a Source of Grace and of expiation that you need so that your lives may completely transform according to the Will of the Father and the commitment that each one of you must experience in this time.

For this reason, companions, be glad, experience joy through the Divine Light of God, a Light that the Son of the Most High brings to change essences into the Love of God, so that essences may be bathed in Wisdom and be filled by the Grace that comes, in these difficult times, to open the eyes of humankind, so they may recover their filiation with the Universe and their existence.

This is why I come to recover one of the most important attributes of your nation, the attribute of hospitality and of solidarity that you once experienced with your sister nations and that today you experience with other nations of the world, so far from yours.

This, companions, spirit of solidarity and of hospitality, will awaken in you a love for service, not only for the human being, but also for the Kingdoms of Nature, which cry out for the help of humankind from the surface to be able to bear the end of these times, the most definitive times of the Earth.

To recover these values that allows for equality to live in each one, not only as a society but also as a people, sharing in fraternity all that you have, you will be able to prompt other nations of the world to also open their doors, not only of their homes but also of their hearts, to receive the refugee and the one that suffers, because in essence and in Divine Light, all are brothers and sisters, all are children of God, beyond faults or errors, beyond the successes and the facts committed.

Remember that you are children of God and that the Source of Divine Light is today drawing closer to you to bring Holland a spiritual opportunity that is today sown in the consciousnesses of many so that in the coming time it may bring about results, just as the Father hopes for and needs.

Today I come to lead your consciousnesses toward the universality of life, toward a broader understanding of the greater and higher reality, which in this time brings impulses of Light to consciousnesses, in order to make them participants in the truth, in all that will transform them and have them become aware of the planetary situation of these times.

The spirit of solidarity and of acceptance will take you out of yourselves in order to find, at each point in this city and beyond, the Love of God that is lacking in the hearts that have forgotten their inner commitment because of substituting the tendencies of these times for this commitment.

But today I open My Arms over Holland and the whole world, just as I open your hearts, so that you may feel the beauty of being in God and of participating in His Divine Love in communion, which makes you worthier children of God, more helpful, more humble, more available for carrying forward the Plan of the Father in this end cycle, which must be accomplished, companions, first within each one of you to then be accomplished in all of humanity.

It is for this reason that the time and the moment is coming for all nations and their inhabitants to consciously awaken to the Return of Christ. Thus, I come in this cycle in Divinity so that your souls can receive My subtle vibrations, so that then your whole consciousness can be a participant in the fulfilling of that promise that I once made, on the height of the Mount of Olives, when I said to the apostles and to all the people of Israel that, in the same way that the Son of God was raised by the clouds of light, so the Son of the Father would return for a second time among the clouds of the Cosmos, so that the Light of the Father may completely transform and redeem the entire human race.

The time is approaching, that event is drawing closer. For this reason, the voice of the Celestial Messengers resounds within the nations of the world so that the greatest number possible may overnight be participants in this moment of the Second Coming of your Redeemer.

While I contemplate a Holland that must renew itself in the Love of God, I contemplate many nations in the world that also need to receive the Mercy of God.

At this moment, companions, this hour that we are living together between Heaven and Earth, between Higher Will and inner will, which are fusing to be able to fulfill the Plan, it is through the joy for all that has occurred on this pilgrimage, for the real and sincere effort of each praying being and collaborator, for each gesture of love given even in the smallest details, after all the cities visited and all the purposes accomplished according to the Will of My Father, that Europe will be ready to receive the Redeemer in Body, Soul and Divinity, as will Africa someday.

My Heart beats also for that suffering continent, exploited by humankind, forgotten by the most powerful and taken advantage of by the most unjust.

But the prayers of the most innocent, of the souls of Angola and of all of Africa, through the mediation of Our Lady of Kibeho, have prepared the inner and spiritual path so that the Divine Messengers may someday arrive there.

We hear their hearts and their prayers, we hear the petitions of our children of Angola who have prayed, in their greatest misery, for those who have more so that they may be saved, as they have already been saved and are with Me in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

I want the world to know the truth. For the next cycle, My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy will descend in love, justice and compassion in France, and it will propagate with the Divine Mother on the Mauritius islands, from which Africa, Madagascar and the south of India will also spiritually benefit.

These are also the results of the generous and loving work of the men and women, the young people and the children who have truly worked, no matter how long, for the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and for the victory of My Sacred Heart during this pilgrimage throughout Europe.

Here, at this hour and at this moment, before Heaven and Earth, before your souls and before all your brothers and sisters of the world, through the Mercy of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I come to close a cycle, proclaiming the victory of Love in the most lost essences of the world so that, elevated to the Celestial Kingdom by the Supreme Mother of the World and sheltered by the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, the advent of Christ in humanity may be accomplished.

And the Graces of God will not only reach France in an upcoming time, but also to the Mauritius islands, so that Madagascar, Africa and the south of India may also be contemplated by the immense ocean of the compassion of God.

Let it be so.

At the Doorways of Heaven, let us celebrate communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, offering these elements of the altar that will be lovingly transubstantiated by your Lord so that the values of faith and of solidarity may not only be reestablished in Holland, but also in France, in Africa and in the Mauritius Islands.

Let us celebrate, thank and rejoice in God because Love in humankind triumphs again.

Today are presented before the altar the fruits of the work of humankind through the wheat that converts into bread to give food to the children of God and through the wine, to quench the thirst of the hearts of the world.

We stand up.

"Bless this water, Lord, so that with Your Love and Your Light it may wash the hearts of Holland, so that they may find the true path of their spiritual union with You for the centuries to come. Amen."

"In the same way that the incense protected and sheltered the Son of God while He rested in the Holy Sepulcher, through this element, Lord, exorcise all that does not belong to Your Light so that the human consciousness may be elevated."

"By the Water that flowed from My side, may this water purify and sublimate everything so that souls may be freed of self and achieve Your Peace."

At the request of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, we invite all those who are able, to kneel for the consecration.

Remember My child, when the Lord took the bread, lifting it up to God, the Divine Light blessed it and I gave it to the apostles, saying to them: "Take and all eat of It, for this is My Body, which will be given for humankind for the forgiveness of sins."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).

Then I took the Chalice between My hands and giving thanks to God for this sacrifice, the Divine Light blessed it, I gave it to the apostles, saying to them: "Take and all drink from this Chalice, for it is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be spilled by your Lord for the remission of faults. Do this in remembrance of Me."

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You (repeated three times).

And just as I taught Israel the prayer of the Our Father on the Mount of Beatitudes, today I ask you that as a new people and a new consciousness, you recite this prayer together with Me.

Prayer: Our Father.

The Body and the Divine Blood of Christ, happy and blessed may be those who avail themselves of this Sacrament because today they will receive a Grace that will endure for the rest of their lives, and will bring them an expiation because of the merits achieved by your Master and Lord on Mount Calvary up to His death on the Cross.


Prayer of offering to the Celestial Father.

May the unity among consciousnesses prevail so that the Plan of God may be accomplished in each human heart and the beauty of the Love of God may be expressed in hearts, as in all of Creation.

I bless Holland, just as I will bless France and Mauritius Islands with My visit.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

In honor and glory to God, by the Mercy that emerges from My Heart so that also in Holland may always be present peace, and in gratitude for the whole pilgrimage carried out, in a miraculous and resounding way in My name, and for the thousand years of Peace, you will give each other the greeting of peace.

May the Celestial Father always bless you.

I thank you


With the book of your own lives in your hands, write with awareness, each new page, each chapter, each story.

With consciousness, build your own destiny and the destiny of this humanity, not in the sense of controlling your own existence, but rather in the sense of giving God permission, through your behavior, your actions, so that He may guide your steps and His Laws may govern your lives.

To write in the book of your own existence is to know that in all things the Universe respects human free-will, and even though the Lord, your Father, has the authority to transform all things with a single breath, He waits in silence for the definition of the steps of His children.

Thus, today I tell you that you must write in the book of your own life, conscious of each decision, of each definition, action, and thought, because everything that you emanate and manifest opens the way for certain Laws to act in your lives.

Life is creation and vibration. The Universe and the Cosmos move based on living Laws and Rays, which come from the Thought of God, to give life to the Universes and the dimensions.

In this time, be more aware of the Whole, of Life, of your fellow being, and in all that you may do, know that you are attracting a new chapter, a new experience to your stories and to the story of Creation.

It is time to begin to build the new life, and that begins with you being aware that the builders of this Work are you yourselves. 

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The time of this world goes by and, in the Universe, the Time of God is approaching.

The cycles are transformed, the laws are exchanged so that other laws will be the impulses received by life.

Within the beings, spirits scream, and those who realized strong commitments with God can no longer remain in their ignorance and in the common living of their days.

The rays that spiritually descend from the Heavens moves, within the souls, the need to awaken; moves within those already awakened, the need to mature; and moves in those who are mature, the need to deepen. Nothing will remain as it is.

The Time of God will bring restlessness to all beings because their cells will be changing vibration, their essences will approach their origin, their spirits will see in the horizon the possibility of returning to God. Everything will move you towards evolutionary life.

Listen to the voice of your hearts. Know how to respond to your souls and, before a divine call, always say "yes".

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The Science, the mother of all sciences, is Divine Love.

Love renews, transforms and changes all laws, in all dimensions.

From the Love of God was born the expression of all manifested life, in this universe and in all others.

From the Love of God emerged His Spirit and His Son, Sources of new life that are the origin of all the rays, all sound and all colors that vibrate throughout the different schools of life.

From the Love of God were born the angels and the archangels, His emanations that multiply this divine Power for all beings and protect it within them, so they may always have the possibility of developing love within themselves.

From the Love of God emerged the essence of human beings, like a seed of a new source, a drop, that when multiplied, transforms into a new sea. This is the essence of humankind, this is what they carry within them: a potential renewal of all life, called love.

Seek this mystery within yourselves and let this small drop of God within you multiply, grow and, at its peak, become a new source of life.

Within you, children, there are to be found new cosmos, full of possibilities, in which all creatures can find a renewal. This is your mission as beings, as children of God: renew all things.

Love and you will see a new life emerge within you.

Love and you will see divine principles dawning within you.

Love and you will institute a new life on Earth because love changes the laws of the past that guided humanity, and it gives all beings the opportunity to begin again.

Love, discover and live the purpose of your existence.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Sacred Oceans – Part II

In the deep waters of the oceans, all marine life creates the conditions so that in the seabed, through the living beings, a balance that is vital for the sustenance of the planet and the purification of waters may be established.

On the spiritual and nonmaterial levels it happens in the same way, as the Mirrors and Intra-oceanic Precincts play a vital role in the physical-spiritual sustenance of humanity.

These Intra-oceanic Precincts are connected to all physical life present at the bottom of the oceans, and certain sea species, such as dolphins, whales, turtles and other beings of the Animal Kingdom,  represent, on the inner level, the guardians of these intra-oceanic spaces.

The same happens with the marine corals and with the so-called plankton, plant species of very high spiritual vibration that act not only physically, generating balance, but also on the spiritual level, generating harmony among the different oceans. 

In this sense, each species, element or Kingdom present within the depths of the oceans, is part of a great ecosystem of spiritual life, whose presence is irreplaceable on this type of planet, as is the Earth.

If today, within the oceans, there are imbalances among the species, this is part of a degeneration that the first human beings caused in the origins of the Earth; because within the scale of evolution, all manifested Kingdoms were correctly designed to live in harmony and not in conflict.

However, in spite of the maladjustments that exist among the Kingdoms of Nature within the oceans and the imbalances caused by the contamination and the exploitation of the seas, the Intra-oceanic Precincts, guided by the Spiritual Hierarchy, collaborates to the essential awakening of the balance and harmony lost after many experiences.

These Intra-oceanic Precincts, which are not physical but spiritual, have inhabited certain regions of the planet for a long time, and as poles of the Spiritual Hierarchy and Mirrors that capture the impulses of the Universe, they generate an atmosphere of greater protection and safeguard for all that has to evolve within consciousness, as well as in all manifested life.

The Intra-oceanic Precincts are like great magnets that attract toward themselves, from the universe, the cosmic currents that nourish and repair spiritual life so that a greater balance may be established.

The counterpart of these Intra-oceanic places  is made manifest through the whales and the dolphins, sea species that have the physical and mental ability of retransmitting very potent impulses of peace and harmony, which are emitted by the Intra-oceanic Precincts, and through these species, these impulses of light travel miles until they can reach the other side of the world.

Sea life and intra-oceanic life constitute one of the great discoveries that the human being will have to awaken within themselves so that, becoming aware of what the Creation of God truly represents, they begin to love it and respect it, so that the cycle of evolution of the species may never be altered again and, in this way, the evolution of the planet may never be altered again.

Everything will start from the consciousness and the maturity that human beings may be able to awaken in relation to the Kingdoms.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Songs of Figueira - "Come brothers"

In this song we find several keys that reveal to the consciousness the correct procedure to be able to access, in an appropriate way, the subtle vibrations of the Cosmos.

Beyond being a procedure itself, the song "Come brothers" represents an inner invocation, a call of the souls of the Earth that aspire to reach that union with the infinite and with all of its spheres.

In order for that to be possible, the song points out a few basic rules to be able to contact all that exists and all that inhabits the Greater Universes.

The first key is to change the attitude, to say "yes" through prayer, alignment and elevated singing; to change the vibration in order to be in the correct attunement and on the correct plane.

That door will open through the channel of devotion, because devotion will take us to express what we truly are, beyond appearances and methods.

When the consciousness manages to change plane and vibration through prayer or elevated singing, it is from that point that other Laws, attributes and principles, held in the inner world of each being, begin to be visible and available for the materialization of the Divine Will. Because on changing planes, the consciousness distances from errors and their consequences.

The second key presented in the song is the act of sharing, from inner world to inner world, all the good that each consciousness has, transcending the limits of their own provisioning and the distrust that may exist.

In that sense, dying to self, at each moment, the soul incarnated on Earth will be able to serve with joy to the inner siblings, and thus, the consciousness will be granted the cosmic grace of freeing itself from debts, breaking the ties and the limitations of matter, attaining, little by little, the phases of inner transcendence.

This awakens in the consciousness a sense for the reverent and for the sacred, merging its spirit into the song and into the honor to the inner siblings, creating in this way, an alliance with the Universal Brotherhood and opening the spaces to continue towards the infinite.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Pray and let your heart rise up to God.

Prayer, as well as silence and true service, done with love, are the languages with which the hearts of humankind communicate with God.

Pray and speak with love in the language of the One Who created you, and as you learn His language of the heart, go deeper into this divine presence within you.

Truly be silent in mind, soul, and heart, letting real silence manifest itself in you and guide you to the first impulse of the Love of God, where from silence He emanated sound and manifested Life, giving love a form and a vibration that later expressed itself in the creation of essences.

Serve with love, feeling in your heart the need of your fellow beings, not mattering if they are the ones who live with you and are at your side every day, or if they are the ones who, in order to find them, you cross the seas and the borders between continents. In that act of true service, find the language of God, which constantly serves all kinds of life; He being present in all things, giving impulse to the evolution of all creatures.

You also speak in the language of God, always aspiring that all your siblings learn about love and develop this love in themselves. Know, child, that the best way for someone to learn something is to have an example before them. For this reason, go today, and speak the language that comes from Heaven: pray, be silent in the depths of your heart, and truly serve, making of your life an act of service.

You have My Blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus during the 59th Marathon of Divine Mercy, in the Province of Algarve, Portugal, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús


When I am present everything must become quiet, for in this way, My spiritual Energy will enter into you and nothing will be wasted. On the contrary, the Power that My Father has given Me will act on the deepest levels of your consciousness, in the most central core of your being, where a New Humanity must be gestated.

The subtle vibrations that I bring you are precious. That is why they must be considered and appreciated, because it is an unquenchable balm for these times, a spiritual solution for many souls; I would say, a great table of salvation for humanity.

Therefore, everything that you receive is precious and must be greatly valued, so that all that I bring you may have its results within you and you do not have the need in the future of seeking a spiritual and supreme power in another place, that is not My Heart.

What I come to give to the world is something very great, before everything that happens in humanity and in this time. Everything that your Master and Lord does for humanity has great merit before the Celestial Father, because the Celestial Father Himself considers it and appreciates it, as all of you should consider it in each moment of your life.

Do not miss the opportunity of receiving this instruction with gratitude, because everything that I give you, I tell you again, is precious and will not be given again to the world.

You know it more that I; you feel it more than I, because you live here, in this world and within this humanity, that for many reasons has become perverted, losing the path of love, of unity, and of fraternity.

But I come to renew all the events that have taken place. Through My Divine Mercy I come to grant many Graces, not only to you, but also to the whole world.

Thus, your Master and Lord is personally calling all the sheep of the world, irrespective of your nation, your creed, or your race. I come to call all equally. I come to repopulate the Earth through souls with new codes of light.

I come to sow the Earth with new things, with Principles that come from the Celestial Universe and from the Supreme Source of My Father. For this, I need your lives to be receptacles of light and your hearts to be tabernacles of My Spirit, so that everything may be able to dwell within you, everything that comes from God and from His Source.

So I have begun here, on this pilgrimage through Portugal; so that the dogma of your faith may be strengthened and so that this faith, that I see in the hearts here, may be expanded in the world.

Everything that I bring you is renewing and sublime. Everything that I give you is unconditional. That is why it must be taken into account by the men and the women of the Earth, so that the treasures of Heaven, that come through My Heart, may be able to reside in more consciousnesses and above all, in the essences of the world that need to achieve redemption in this time.

I wish to reveal the true reality of My Father to you, His most urgent need for these times; but the world is not yet prepared to listen to Me openly.

Trust in what I tell you, for in this way you will be more worthy of My Divine Mercy.

While I am here, I am with all of Europe, expanding My Rays of Light over the world and especially in the nations that are most in need of reconsidering, waking up from the terrestrial illusion, and opening their eyes to the horizon, which shows the Infinity of God, the original Project that must descend to the Earth for this end time.

While I observe you, I also contemplate the world and I contemplate the need of all souls, the primary reason of each being and the urgency of each human heart. I contemplate all needs with love.

In the needs of each being God is also found, and He is present in everything. The Father knows what each being needs so that His Work may be expressed on the surface of the Earth.

That is why I am here with the Glory of My Sacred Heart, with the intention of transforming the world and the human consciousness.

I have started a pilgrimage through this place, because God has chosen it, not only because of its simplicity, but also for the strength of the spiritual dignity that can be awaken even more in the souls here.

Through the Sacrament of Communion, I bring you Heaven and all of the Universe; I bring you true life and a renewal; I bring you peace and union with My Spirit, so that you may continue to walk firmly on this path of the end of times; so that you continue to walk firmly on this path of tribulation that nobody has deeply known until now.

But by showing you the path, I show you the way out and the great encounter with the Kingdom of the Heavens, so that your consciousnesses can be divinized and sublimated, just as the father expects.

I have come on this afternoon to inwardly prepare everything that will happen afterwards in Europe and everything that will be able to be redeemed, step by step, as this pilgrimage takes place and the Will of God moves forward, as has been foreseen.

In this communion with Heaven and Earth, your consciousnesses receive My Grace, My Peace, and My Light, so that they may be magnetized by My Spirit, that only burns with love for the souls that surrender to Me in trust and in faith.

At this moment the Doors of the Heavens open and the Celestial Church approaches the intimacy of the souls, so that they may be filled by the Spirit of God, by His infinite Mercy.

That is why you are strengthened before Me, but you can also change. And this very deep and intimate change is granted by the Sacraments, that I will come to grant today to those who have sincerely asked for them. And I will retransmit the Grace of God through them and the atonement necessary for your lives.

Before the Celestial Church of the Father, may the offerings be received that will justify the errors of souls, so that the reconciliation of God can given in all the spirits and in all the consciousnesses that most need it.

Let us then celebrate this sacramental moment, lifting up our intention to God, with the most sincere plea that what is written for Europe be fulfilled.


Receive, Lord, the offerings of Your children, so that Your Celestial Kingdom may descend to Earth.

Receive, Lord, the offerings of Your children, so that Your Mercy may descend to Earth.

Father, through Me, wash Your children with the Fount of Your Grace. Amen.

Place Your Gifts over those who need to awaken to Your Divine Consciousness, and thus, find the Truth.

Two thousand years ago, I left you a most important treasure that changed the destiny of all of humanity and the planet. May that treasure still be recognized by humankind and for the times that will come, so that the souls always remember that I will be found alive and resplendent in the bread and in the wine transubstantiated by the sublime hands of the Angels of God.

Let us remember then, companions, the Sacrifice of the Lamb, for those who were sacrificed in the Americas, more than five hundred years ago and for those who submerged themselves in ignorance and ambition, losing the sense of the true reality; and above all, the expression of God in all its forms.

During a Thursday, before My Passion, I took the bread, gave thanks to God for the Sacrifice that He was offering Me; the Most Holy Trinity blessed it and I handed it to My apostles, saying to them: Eat all, of it, for this is My Body, which is surrendered for humankind, throughout the times, for the forgiveness of sins.

May the Most Holy Body of Christ be venerated in the manifestation of His Celestial Church in the souls of the Earth.

In the same way, supper having ended, I took the Chalice and gave thanks to God for the sacrifice that He was offering Me; the Most Holy Trinity blessed it and at that moment I handed it to My apostles, saying to them: Take and all drink of it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Alliance, that will be spilled by the Divine Lamb for the forgiveness of sins.

Do this in remembrance of Me, until I return to the world for the second time.

Pai Nosso (in Portuguese)...

This is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.

Lamb of God, that takes away the sin of the world,
have mercy on us. (x2)
Lamb of God, that takes away the sin of the world,
give us peace.

Praise be to God, for His Son has descended to the Earth in divinity, to fill the souls and unite them with God.

And before the agony in the Garden of Gethsemane occurred, and My apostles truly knew what would happen to Me, up to the top of Mount Calvary, I said to them, and in the inner planes I also said to the holy women: I give you My Peace and My Peace I give you. I do not look at your offenses, but rather your virtues, so that the virtues of God may shine on the surface of the Earth, through the service and the love of souls that experience the Charity of God.

My Peace I leave you and My Peace I give you; may My Peace in this time multiply through the hearts that live Me in the Sacraments.

May My Words resound in the simple hearts and may My Words of Light be able to sprout and give new fruit in those who most need it, and in those that follow My Path in total trust and dignity.

I bless you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now give each other the greeting of peace, so that peace may be established in Europe and especially, in the Middle East.

I thank you.


Hear within your heart the voice of Aurora and feel how its subtle vibrations resound in the depths of your being.

This is the regenerating love of Aurora that shelters souls of untiring service, that with its healing Light embraces tired bodies.

Hear in your heart the greater melody of Aurora and how it transforms all that it encompasses in the consciousness of the being.

This is the powerful current of Aurora that emerges from the depths of your spirit to give of itself as a Principle of Love and as a Source of Healing.

May this current be recognized in the inner worlds which, after a long journey, re-engage with the original principles of the Greater Healing Source of the inner Aurora. Its lights illumine the spaces and everything receives an impulse of upliftment and of harmony.

Let this meeting with Aurora be the moment of awakening again and of re-encountering the foundational bases of the healing for souls.

Let the melody of love resound within!

Let Aurora be a reencounter with the true being, at the core of the spirit!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace.


The return of the Musical Kingdom of Peace

That, on this day of Glory, the voices of My children rise to the Heaven and may the angels of the sacred melodies announce, with their trumpets, the upcoming birth of the inner Christ.

May the Sacred Star of Bethlehem radiate its divine attributes over souls and may the singing hearts feel motivated to express gratitude for the immense Love of God.

May the ears of all the participants of this Meeting open up and hear the offering of love that the singers of Christ will impart.

May all the melodies that will be offered today be the great inner offertory of the believing souls for this Christmas.

The music that cures the hearts returns today.

Today will return the melodies which will uplift the consciousness of humanity in ardent faith and unwavering trust.

May the purpose of cure for this planet, and for this humanity, be lived today and may the hearts be reborn in the Divine Fire of Christ.

May the doors of the inner worlds open and may the essences receive the sacred impulses of redemption and of compassion.

All the fallen stars shine today because the melodies offered raise the essences in redemption.

That is why I order that the angels of harmony and of song impregnate, at this moment, the offertory stage so that subtle liberations can be realized in the hearts that need healing and forgiveness.

The Musical Kingdom of Peace comes back and returns today, and the Universe opens its gates to receive from the simplest and the most humble all the gratitude and the love of their heart, on the eve of this next Christmas.

The Meeting of singing souls and of the essences of devotion returns today, and a ray of Grace and of Mercy enters in all the spaces to consecrate and bless, on this day, all those who have responded to the call of the music of Love in order to heal the aching humanity.

May all My children feel participants of this moment and may faith confirm, in all hearts and lives, their union with the Plan of God.

I bless you and may this day be the beginning of new and enriching experiences of love and of healing that must be sown in this humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In the beginning of all, the Creator aspired that all of His children came to know the truth and understood the essence of His Love, the reason of why He had multiplied Himself.

The only reason of the existence of all things is the Love of God, that in a moment was so great that It could not fit in Himself, which made Him multiply in Three, while still being One. And, while still being One, He multiplied Himself in many more.

The mystery of Love is that it multiplies and gives Itself, while still belonging to the same Source. The one who loves participates in the multiplication of God and in the essence of Creation; the one who truly loves, loves with the Love of the Father and gives It to everyone, making this Divine presence infinite and at the same time unique.

The time will come when the words will give place to the knowledge of the heart, because the Divine Word is vibration and not just series of letters that form ideas, concepts and try to fit in it something that is inexplicable and understandable at the same time.

In the beginning of the human school, the beings of Earth attracted, from previous experiences, the ray of the science of God because at that moment they needed the Divine knowledge in order to evolve as a race and as a consciousness. However, humanity has limited the divine science with the concrete walls of its mind, and much of what the Creator tried to reveal got stuck in the human impossibility of receiving the impulses of God.

It was in this way that the knowledge stopped on the limitation of the human mind, and that which was infinite and sublime got limited as much as humankind, which was stuck in its matter and far from its spirit.

In this way, children, the truth has never been revealed to you, because, even though you believed you had knowledge, you have always tried to place in the human understanding a knowledge and a truth that infinitely transcend this understanding.

The ones who could contemplate or glimpse a bit of this truth have remained in silence, because they knew it could not fit in the human concepts; as I told you, the Divine Word is vibration and not words.

It is for this reason that the history of the Universe, of the Cosmos, of Creation, is written on the Mirrors and not on sheets of paper.

To understand the truth that I bring to you, you must enter in the inner universe and read on the mirrors of the heart what I transmit to you.

Many believed that the fact that I approached to this planet meant a retrogression in the evolutionary life, and, in truth, children, arrogance and human ignorance have not let you understand that I have come to put you on the right path of evolution; I have come to activate the mirrors of you hearts and teach you, rather than to think, to feel and live the teaching.

It is through My presence that you can reach the essence of the heart and understand there, without explanations, the divine mysteries.

Now that prayer has already opened the doors of your hearts and consciousness, the time has come to understand these mysteries that I have announced to you so much. I only ask you not to make the same mistakes of the past, trying to understand and scientifically explain what I will tell you. This is the age of Love and no longer of science, because science has brought you here so that now you will enter in other levels of evolution and will be able to manifest the divine will.

If you keep trying to guide yourselves by impulses or teachings of the past, you will lose the opportunity to live the new and to be transformed by the sources that this current cycle brings to you from the universe.

Listen to what I tell you, My children, lightening the mirror of the heart and not the mind. In the mirror of the heart, there is silence and wisdom and it is in this way that you must receive the new keys of these times.

The Creator wishes to approach you to the truth about your origin, not only for you to have knowledge, but so that this information may approach you to the Divine Life and you may find the path to return.

May the Truth and the magnitude of the Cosmos reveal to you the truth and the magnitude about yourselves because it is time to recognize the likeness with God – that is spiritual and essential – so that in this way will you bear the times that will come, sustained by the truth, and manifest the Plan of the Creator on Earth.

I love you and thank you for listening to Me with the mirror of the heart. 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Queen of prophets

Through the ages, My Son has sent Me to the world to warn it and correct it about the imminent danger.

Thus, through the ages and as at this moment, My Maternal Consciousness has chosen the new prophets amongst all souls, who determinedly have announced the words and the message of the Heavenly Mother.

At all the moments when humanity was in gravest danger, the Queen of prophets awakened consciousnesses so they would render this greater service, which comes directly from the Holy Spirit, the Divine Spirit that fosters all celestial revelations for this Universe.

Thus, the Queen of prophets appeared in different moments of the history of humanity to awaken the lineage of the prophets in simple and selfless consciousnesses, which means a service of surrender to the rule of higher Laws that guide the consciousness that is summoned to this end.

The Queen of prophets has the mission of demonstrating, through the prophets, that Her message is universal, divine, and timeless; that it is able to serve all souls in their instruction, transformation, and change.

 The message of the Queen of prophets in all ages always tries to guide, warn, correct, and raise awareness in all of humanity, in a nation, or in an individual.

 The prophets have the task of subordinating themselves to spiritual principles that are not under their control, and cannot be manipulated by any consciousness. The gift of the prophet is based on their spirit of humility, on inner work with detachment, and mainly, in each day loving more the mission that the Queen of prophets has chose them for to accomplish with this humanity.

For the Divine Universe, there are temporal prophets and timeless prophets. It is something that leads directly to the Holy Will of the Spiritual Universe through the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

 The temporal prophet is awakened for this mission by Deity itself; that is to say, by the Eternal Father through the Firstborn Son and the Mother of God, who have the highest authority to offer consciousness to a soul on this great and selfless service.

Therefore, the temporal prophet can serve as an instrument for a time in order that a specific purpose be accomplished, a specific spiritual end, which is guided by the Mother of the World. When this purpose is achieved on the surface of the planet, the temporal prophet or messenger of the Heavenly Hierarchy stops receiving the instructions or messages from Heaven in a natural way.

 The timeless prophet is that consciousness which came originally to fulfill a divine purpose throughout their life; it is something that cannot be under human manipulation or control, because it is the very Spirit of the Feminine Consciousness that guides this kind of spiritual mission.

Timeless prophets do not consciously know the moment when their task of service will end; only the Universal Father knows the moment, which is when His Will determines it.

 The prophets of the Queen of Heaven do not arise or awaken - either individually or collectively - for this mission, because it is the very need of assistance in humanity that causes the Celestial Hierarchy to choose and call any consciousness for this purpose.

The seed of humility and of acceptance of the Purpose are the primary foundations for the development of prophets, because their task in this field is not of their ownership, nor beneficial to them. The lineage of the prophets is focused on the fulfillment of Divine Will, which presents itself at each new stage.

The Queen of prophets is the ruler of these consciousnesses; Her impulses make the prophets of all ages receive the impulse to selflessly give of themselves more each day, and to learn obedience.

The prophets of the Queen of Heaven have the most difficult task amongst all the known lineages, such as those of the Governors, the Caretakers, the Guardians, and the Mirrors, because they must present the Divine Word to the world, which is to say, the message that the prophets receive will always mobilize and reverse the state of all situations.

For this reason, the instruction received by prophets at different times led the consciousness of humanity to make a change in its attitude before it was too late.

The message received by different prophets contacted by the Most Holy Mother at different periods has always shifted the position of the Church and all the consciousnesses that in many cases during Marian apparitions, considered the message to be false.

Humanity does not value the message that is sent through prophets, nor the gift of fraternal service that has been developed by other holy consciousnesses.

The human consciousness has always been in need of divine intercession and of mediators such as the prophets, to be able to correct planetary life. The message that the prophets of the Queen of Heaven receive causes these consciousnesses to shift their position, to transform, because the same divine message that emanates from the Celestial Hierarchy has a voltage and an impulse of spiritual energy that dismantles any structure, modifies and ennobles it when the consciousness is sincerely open.

The prophets of the end times have the task of bringing the world closer to the powerful currents that, through the intercession of the Divine Messengers, will come to modify the present direction of the consciousness of humanity.

For this reason, both in the prophets and in the other lineages, the consciousnesses that are most awake to selfless service to the plan and for humanity will be living receptacles of all the spiritual impulses that will reach the planet to transform it.

The Mother and Queen of prophets carries out Her co-redemptive work in these times through different prophets in the world, who faithfully show the fruits of the transformation of their lives and of their paths as a service to humanity, in an act of absolute renunciation and of adherence to higher Laws which help the human being of the surface.

The Queen of prophets is the spiritual administrator of the redemption of the world, and She announces Her message through instruments, to remind the world that the human consciousness can and must fulfill the Greater Will in these times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you and loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
