In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, in My sacred pilgrimaging, I visited some places throughout the world that need divine intervention. And this has once again been possible, dear children, through the prayers of all of you, and of those who hear Me at this moment. Through the prayer of all those hearts that unite to the fire of Love of My Heart. At this worrisome hour of the planet, souls supplicate for God to pour out His Grace and Mercy, His Peace and all of His Redemption.

Today, I come here to tell you this, because I once again tell you, My children, that the prayer of the heart is that which will convert and save the world, avoid wars and disasters. Prayer will avoid epidemics, conflicts, the displacement of human beings. The prayer of the heart will always balance the Earth’s axis and make it possible for all My children to have the state of Grace that everyone needs at this hour, to learn how to go through the end of these times.

Today, I come to talk to you again about the importance of the prayer of the heart, so that you may feel it in the innermost depths of your essence, so that each new prayer may be an opportunity to communicate with God and open the doors of the Heavens in all of humanity, thereby closing the uncertain doors that exist in many places of the world.

As your Mother, as the Celestial Mother, I will never, ever tire of repeating this to you. For you, with your own eyes, will see what I tell you, and you will perceive, My children, the difference between a soul that prays and a soul that does not pray. And this exercise is something more than just religious or spiritual.

The Eternal Father Himself was the first who prayed in this universe through His Word, and His Word became flesh through Christ. If you observe this sentence, which I say to you, you will understand the power of prayer, a power of concretion and supreme manifestation.

It is on the inner planes where all can be united through prayer, regardless of distance, events or situations. At each passing day, the events of this world will lead you to live the prayer of the heart with more thoroughness and responsibility.

Today, in the face of all that happens in humanity, I ask you, with all the Maternal Love of My Heart: how is your participation in everyday prayer, in the prayers that the Divine Hierarchy has asked of you for every day of the week, for all causes of the world, for all the situations that emerge and precipitate, more and more each day?

In truth, I tell you, My beloved children, that for God it does not matter whether you have a job or not. Your thought and, above all, your heart, may be in prayer, sometimes whether or not you are pronouncing words.

It is in this cycle that your consciousnesses must be in a permanent prayerful state, just as many more should be before the Most Blessed Eucharistic Body of My Son. Without these two exercises, My beloved children, and sorry for saying this to you, you will not manage to survive, because the energies of this world not only compromise nations and peoples, but they also place souls in great abysses that are unknown and impenetrable, even to the Divine Hierarchy.

I am not saying that you will not face tests or sufferings. I am not saying that you will not experience deserts or challenges. For while you are in this world you must learn to transcend and surpass yourselves every day.

Our Sacred Hearts need to highlight this so that you may understand and accept it. For at that hour, when everything truly happens, will you be a part of the chaos of humanity or will you be peace-bringers, servants of the Divine Light of the Father who, through the word of prayer and the adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, will learn, with patience and great determination, to placate the injustice of this world?

Today, I want to give each one of My children a little more of My school of prayer, so that as many hearts as possible may be united to Us in this emergency of the end of times when, through great inner effort, it will be necessary to learn to overcome the impunity of this world and the lack of peace.

But My Presence tonight brings you the Peace of the Heavens. My Presence, as an instrument of the Father offers itself to bring My children a greater awareness, which they need in these times, for their hearts not to become confused or deceived. In this way, through the prayer of the heart, which is something deeply simple yet true, you may help souls overcome the end of times, because not all souls will manage to.

But if there is at least one consciousness or many more consciousnesses on the surface of this planet, imploring, praying and invoking God, adoring and loving the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, I assure you, My beloved children, that those souls that do not manage to overcome the end of times will have a spiritual amnesty, and will be re-considered by the Plan of Rescue, simply through the souls that pray and adore.

This spiritual foundation in your lives, which, at each passing day, must be deepened, expanded, and not remain just as a spiritual exercise, is that which you need, to learn to identify the signs of the end of times, those signs that will come from the universe to the planet to announce the Return of My Son, a Return that will be unprecedented, a Return of My Son never before seen by or known to any being of this planet.

Do you now understand the importance of being in the same vibration as Ours, and making the correct and sincere effort of not coming out of Our dimension? This is true regardless of the chaos in the world and the indifference, the lack of love and peace in humanity, regardless of the revenge that can be seen in the world and within families, something that deeply hurts the Heart of God.

How many more reasons would We have to pray, not only to strengthen the Purpose of this country, not only to help the soul of this nation and its angel, but also to consciously pray for all the world needs? For all of them are important to the Eyes of God, and thus God hopes that His beloved Children will also consider all these needs as important.

On this night of great planetary inflection, My Immaculate Heart was able to intercede and save many souls from dark hells of this world, for prayers were offered and hearts were exposed as an offering before God. Without this, nothing would be possible.

This is why I remind you once again about the mediating prayer, the power of the intercessory prayer, for in the end of times you will see unbelievable things that will bring you terror. However, do not fear, because the soul that prays will never lack God’s Light and, above all, will never lack God’s Love, the Love of the Father Who, through His Divine Spirit, will guide you so that, in these final times, you may learn to make the correct decisions.

My Dear children, I give you this whole explanation because today new Chidren of Mary will be consecrated, and this also helps those who are already consecrated Children of Mine. This does not simply mean receiving the Mantle of the Mother of God upon your bodies. It means living, in these times, a real and true commitment that does not weaken nor is it fleeting.

You must not only be My children now, you must also be My warriors of prayer and also co-mediators of the Mother of God, who carefully keep in mind all that happens in the world and how urgent it is that Heaven may intercede, for in this way We will maintain the planet, and, above all, maintain humanity in its place.

Every war that is staged within families or in the nations, among peoples or even in society, will never, never endure, if souls truly pray for the wars in the world and in the families, I assure you that overnight they will disarm the plans of My enemy. For in these times, and more than ever, the Lady of the Seven Swords must broadly work for humanity so that the main Seven Attributes of God, through My Swords, may root out impunity, indifference, the culture of discarding, evil from hearts, hatred, vengeance and massacre in this humanity.

Do you now understand the need for perpetual prayer, just as your Heavenly Mother perpetually prays?

This is why, in this cycle, the commitment of the new Children of Mary must be renewed through all that I have said to you today.

All are welcomed in the Sacred Temple of My Immaculate Heart. I will always hope that My children will offer to be consecrated to My Heart and, thus, be consecrated to God. And that He, through His Slave and His Servant, will give you His Graces and Mercies.

Before leaving South America and accompanying My Son in the most important task of His existence, in these final times in the Middle East, I will consecrate the hearts that, before God, offer to live the school of the prayer of the heart in these times, so that each one of your lives may be an incandescent flame of the Eternal Father, to illuminate these times of darkness and tribulation.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Those who will be consecrated may draw near the foot of this Altar. By listening to the Hymn of Consecration of the Children of Mary, let us prepare for this moment of consecration; to listen to the Mother of God, Her Sacred Words of blessing, support and love for Her children.

The Divine Mother asks for oil to be brought here for the blessing, because we will anoint those who will be consecrated today. And we will ask, at this moment, for a priest to prepare for this Anointment.


On this night, when the world agonizes due to not seeing God’s Light, I receive with gratitude and love the offering of your consecration. Souls that are so different, but who, as from this moment, can be united though the same purpose, the purpose of discovering the reason why they are here in this world. The sacred purpose of serving God with gratitude, reverence and devotion, under the powerful light of prayer of the Children of Mary.

This is why I have asked for this blessed oil, at the request of My Son, Jesus Christ, which will mark upon your foreheads the sign of union with the powerful Cross of the Redeemer, the one that relieves spiritual debts, placates suffering, comforts hearts, heals spirits, frees you from ties, ignites hearts in God’s Hope, bringing you Peace, Light and Mercy.

This is why I not only consecrate this oil, which will anoint you with the luminous sign of the Cross of the Redeemer, but I also consecrate you as My children, Children of Mary.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We may sing the Hymn of Consecration.

Let us prepare for the Anointment.

Thank You, Divine Mother, for all that You give us!


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today I come to the world, together with the angels of Light, to tell each one of My children to be firm, continue forward. The end of the battle has not yet arrived, the uncertain doors are opening on the surface of the Earth so that the soldiers of Light can liberate them through prayer.

Thus, you will open the Source of the Mirrors upon the surface of the Earth, the intervention will come and everything will be transformed.

In the battle against duality, do not allow your contrary side to defeat you; be firm and be brave, participate in the commands of Christ, raise your swords towards God, in offering and renunciation, and thus you will be touched by the Holy Spirit.

In these clashes of the end of times, sustain yourselves in faith, in the credibility of the existence of God, above all forms, all events, all conflicts.

The battle has not reached its end, the end will be written by each one of you, through your conscious participation in the Plan of My Son, through your collaboration in the projects of redemption, through your constant self-giving.

Meanwhile, do not lower your vigilance, be attentive to the movement of your inner world.

Nourish your essences with positive vibrations, place your consciousness in the Higher World and from there will come all the help that you may need.

The falls are part of this battle, of a hard and cold battle, in which thoughts and emotions must not interfere.

Your more concrete nuclei must collaborate in this rescue operation. For this, your unity with the Source is important, in spite of what may happen in any part of the world.

Remember the Celestial Universe, remember the angels and the archangels. The great ultra-terrestrial hosts, which deeply know the human project and know the history this planet has lived throughout the different races and peoples.

It is the time when the pendulum returns with great force, and when its blow triggers the events in humanity, through nature and purification.

Many distance themselves from the Law and the truth, day by day, they submerge in the abysses of this Earth, in the darkest places of the human consciousness.

But the door toward the unknown is there before you, in the sidereal universe, where all immaterial and universal life awaits you, to lead you toward a deeper contact with true existence, to which you have belonged since the beginning, since your origins.

Now, children of God, you know a great part of all that I tell you. You know that you come from a Source, that you emerged from a great Lake of Light, where the Creator Fathers participated in your creation, in the first steps of your existence, and that you traveled this macrocosm to learn and grow internally, to know in each step to be in the Law and to not leave it.

Thus, you arrived on Earth, in this world that was contemplated by My Son so that you could live your redemption and your conversion. And thus, to each one, the hour has come to awaken, just as for many of My children the time to awaken comes today, so that you can make the star of your origin shine within you, as the testimonial of the truth that you have lived, since the Beginning of the beginning, since the emergence from the Source.

In this state of vibration, you must place your consciousnesses, and not in chaos. The chaos will keep taking place, the chaos will keep developing and showing itself, but you must not enter into conflict nor into disharmony.

Your souls must live self-government and the path of the transcendence of the lower currents that suffocate the world and many servers, the priests of the Church of Christ.

But now, in spite of what is happening in the world, in the nations and in the peoples, your gaze must be upon the objective of the spiritual and material reconstruction. In this way, the Creation will send you the impulses that you need in order to lead humanity to the path of absolute and total redemption.

Many will refuse to cross the doors towards the truth. But do not worry, have faith and serve God unconditionally, without expecting results, without expecting answers, only serve out of love and faith in the Heights.

The reactions of the contrary forces are diverse throughout this world.

Humanity does not know from where they come and when they emerged. But I can tell you, My children, that many of these forces of chaos are generated by the humanity of this time.

My children’s feet are tied to them, and many fight to cut this chain of evil, to know how to free themselves from the ties, from the conditions, from adversity.

But your hearts must always be empty, free from any disturbance and situation, absolved from criticism and value judgments so that you can be freer and freer at the moment of walking towards My Son in this time of tribulation when humanity exposes itself to succumbing into a deeper and more unknown abyss.

But if for a moment you see the sky, and at night you see the stars, the cosmos, the great celestial dome, then all that happens in this world will become small and insignificant. As the help that can come from the Heights is very great and also unknown, this is where you must place your gaze, your attention and devotion, because in this way you will remember where you came from and what you did in other times.

The mirrors of the universe work towards the Earth as they have never worked before. Great spiritual movements take place in the universe, day by day, as this very crucial time of humanity passes, to send toward the planet all the necessary luminous impulses that can help in the rescue of souls and of the Kingdoms of Nature.

But when the world deters its evil actions, suffering will cease, blood will no longer run through the streets of this world, there will no longer be martyrs, people in exile nor immigrants. Families will not be the focus of disunity and discord. 

This is why I ask you to pray in this very special month to Me and to your Lord, to the Highest, because what will come next year will be more complex. 

While souls do not accept that we are in the end of times, they will suffer, and they might suffer a lot due to their resistances. What will they gain with that?

Hold on to this call, and a path will show itself before you, to lead you and guide you toward the heart of My Son, wounded and injured by the actions of the world and of the nations.

At last, He will come for the simplest and most humble, for those who have been severely traumatized and punished.

He will come for those who are waiting for Him, for those who love Him, for those who have lost peace.

He will come to seek those who are in the refuges of this world and He will raise from the hospital beds those who are sick so that they may go and see Him in His Return.

And those who have suffered the loss of their beloved beings will be consoled.

And the families will become aware of the disunity that they have lived throughout the times through the advancement of technology and the modernities, replacing dialogue.

For this reason, your strength will always be in prayer. There is no other master key, it is unique and unchangeable.

You must not fear what will happen, what will happen will be what humanity needs in order to consciously live what it has sown along its paths, which it will be reaping in this time. 

The law exists so that we may live in attunement and alignment with the cosmos, and with all cosmic life.

And thus, living in the law, all is completed in the life and the existence of a being.

I wish you could hear this with other ears, because I not only need that you hear, but also that you understand, beyond what I tell you.

Today I am present here for all the situations of humanity, so that all the situations may be attended to, by the spiritual plan, by the Source.

I give you my consolation and the certainty that My Son will return.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
