Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"Just as you are, you must come to Me.
Just as you feel, you must come to Me.
Just as you speak, you must come to Me; for I will not judge you nor will I condemn you, for the flaws exist to be transformed, the imperfections live in your consciousness to be transcended.
But do not move too far ahead, follow the time of the heart, therein lies every answer.
Be humble and accept yourself as you are; when you do so, you will know what is beyond you, you will know the value of your soul and spirit.
Do not want to be something you will never be, everyone has their own cross and you must carry that cross without complaining or reproaching yourself.
Assume the part that corresponds to you in this trajectory.
Humble yourself if necessary, but without being pitiful.
Remember to become empty of yourself."
Christ Jesus
I make you apostles of the end of times so that you can testify within yourselves of the fruits of the Divine Word.
I make you apostles of the end of times so that you may represent your Redeemer in this critical and acute cycle of the planet.
I make you My apostles so that you may live My Will and so that you may manifest it beyond your capabilities and fears. Because by living My Will, you will achieve the spiritual freedom that you need to be able to continue taking steps toward the fulfilling of Divine Purpose.
I make you My apostles of the end of times so that you may live in charity and in service, so that in this practice of surrender, you can be able to experience Christic Love and are able to manifest it on Earth.
I make you My apostles of the end of times so that each day more, you may risk living in the emptiness of self and with the absolute trust that everything will be accomplished according to what was designated by My Father.
I make you My apostles of the end of times so that you may inwardly prepare for My Second Return.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I come in search of all those who want to learn how to empty themselves through Me, so that one day they may learn to recognize My Divine Will, even in the small details of life.
For this reason, I need instruments, I need souls who are not afraid to lose control of themselves and their own will because those who empty themselves through Me allow me to impart and pour out My designs, knowing that, in these critical times, I will not be able to act and intercede in souls and consciousnesses that are full of themselves and do not allow My Fire to transform them.
I do not come to the world to ask for the impossible. I come to ask you, sincerely, for that which is sealed within you and is called: spirit.
In your spirits I will be able to act, grant and carry out My redeeming Work.
I await and wait for you so that you may be encouraged to empty yourselves through Me because in these times, whoever does not truly empty themselves will not be able to be with Me in the Kingdom of Heaven.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who Blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The Universe stops to hear the Server of God and in all the inner planes His Word is heard, His Voice emits the essence of the Truth and there is no essence in this Universe that does not recognize the Voice of the Son of God.
Because I am the One Who came to be with you, who is with you and will be until the end of times so that the Purpose of My Father may be fulfilled in the hearts that are consecrated by My Love.
From the Celestial Universe, My Word is pronounced, and It echoes in all planes of manifestation.
Not only you listen, but the Universe also listens.
And everything that is beyond it is permeated by the Word of God and the Spirit fills the hearts, vivifies them, raises them and redeems them before My Presence.
The void must be present in your hearts at this moment so that the Son of God may be able to work and act, bringing to the souls the opportunity of light and of redemption.
Today I not only speak to your physical consciousness, but also to the innermost planes because in the internal planes the opportunity is granted to souls and souls do not lose the chance to find the Truth, to approach it and to be able to live it for these hard times.
Today, the Greater Priest comes to meet you, and He brings between His Hands the Chalice of Redemption; dressed in the stole of purification; barefoot and humble as a servant of God, He is on the right hand of the Almighty and comes from Heaven to meet you, to bless you and to grant you the Love of the Creator; a Love that must multiply and expand in the world, which will heal disease, which will bring peace, which will heal all pain and incomprehension.
It is in this Love that you must live, the Love that I offer to you and the Love that I grant you; because in this Love there will be your liberation from all perdition, from all guilt, from all evil.
In Love, there is the triumph of the Work of God, because the love that you can also give Me and offer to Me is contemplated by the Almighty, as part of the Work of His Wisdom.
May Love, then, be transformed and sublimated.
A Love that is unconditional, able to go beyond limits, able to overcome any difficulty and to surrender before any necessity.
If, in this time, My Love is not in the world, humanity will perish.
I do not grant you self-love, personal or autonomous. I grant you, companions, the Love that once created you as essences. It is this Love that must be regenerated within you, every day. Because Love is the best company.
In the Love of God, the soul can be in the Truth and learn not to move away from it.
You will have to go deeper in Love for the Truth of God to be in your lives, so that you may live it and teach it to your fellow beings, knowing that in this time Love and Truth, as attributes, will be able to walk together in your lives so that you may always have guidance and wisdom.
The times that are coming announce great changes. It will be essential to live in this Love to understand beyond forms, to live beyond the events, to accept beyond the mistakes.
It is this Love that I lived in the Passion and that also raised Me, for the Sacrifice given.
It will be this Love that will always sustain you and thus, you will never lose sight of its presence.
Because the Love of God always comes from the Source and it never ends, because it is an unconditional Love, able to embrace the error, able to transform the pain, able to understand and accept the impossible.
Love can do everything.
Offer your personal love to the great infinite Love of God so that, someday, your feelings may be the Feelings of God in the spiritual life, in charity and in the unity among creatures.
Love will always transcend borders, overcome obstacles, understand and accept beyond the events.
Because Love does not take over anyone. Love liberates, Love uplifts, Love welcomes the dying in spirit.
If this Love were not in you, nothing would be possible.
This is My great Message to the whole world, on this day, in which a stage between My Heart and your hearts finishes.
This is the moment for this Love in you to be real and not theoretical; to be a living Love, which accepts, which gives itself and which surrenders to others, without anything in return.
It will be Love that will defeat evil.
It will be Love that will dissolve the chaos of the nations.
It will be Love that will strengthen the faith in the hearts.
It will be Love that will ignite in the spirits the trust in God.
Today My ceremony is in the name of this Divine and infinite Love that makes everything possible from what is impossible.
A Love that grants, that yields. The Love that surrenders all the time.
This is what I can convey to you, beyond the miracles, the phenomena or the curiosities.
The one who, in this time, does not live in the Love of God will be like in a desert, alone and empty, with a great thirst that nobody will be able to quench.
Do not lose the opportunity for this Love to bring you to the Truth every day, so that someday you may reach the same Wisdom that I reached on the Cross.
My Love for each one of you, for each being of this world, was with arms wide open on the Cross.
My Love was never closed. The Love of God expanded in each drop of blood, in each suffering, because it is a Love that is able to go beyond all adversity.
And today I bring you within this Chalice, the testimony of the Love of God represented in the Blood of Christ so that each one of your souls may drink of this commitment and remember every day, that Love is what must reign so that it may triumph over all evil.
May your hearts open for this spiritual communion with Me, in which you are called to My Table to unite to the Love of My Heart, the Love that surrenders everything and that forgives everything, at this very moment.
Empty of your faults, absolved of your debts, receive from My Heart the greatest Treasure of God manifested in the symbol of this Sacred Chalice that kept, throughout the times, the most real and alive experience of Love that the Son of the Father granted up to the top of the Cross, until His last breath, until the closing of His Eyes, when he exhaled, commending His Spirit into the Hands of the Creator.
May this Love perpetuate within you until the end of times, and may this Love be capable of making you return to My Path when you remember and perceive that you have stepped out of It for some reason.
What matters the most to God is that His children, His creatures, do not separate from Him, from the Source of Love, because Love will be what will regenerate the world and will bring healing to sick souls.
Today I deposit here what I lived on the Cross and in the inner planes, a scenario similar to the Mount Calvary manifests here to demonstrate to the world, and especially to humanity, the triumph of Love above all pain and all adversity.
Because it was Love that, from the top of the Cross, transformed the pain into Mercy and Grace so that it might reverberate until the end of times within the heart of all those who may recognize the Son of God and feel part of Him, in each moment of life, as in each communion with His Body and with His Blood.
Before the doors of Heaven, open over Aurora, may the Breath of the Spirit of God be ignited within you as a sacred flame, just like in the Apostles, so that you may spread, in this time, the power and the trust that My Love can express for all souls, for all those who are fallen, for those who have lost peace.
May those who live wars persevere.
May families that suffer chaos not lose hope.
May the children who are not born today, cease to cry in the inner planes, because the new Paradise will come for them.
And may the Kingdoms of Nature, which suffer in the silence of their essences, persist, because the day of liberation will come and evil will be defeated by the powerful Sword of Love of Saint Michael Archangel.
And in the hearts, the New Earth will be born again, the light of the last Christs will repopulate humanity and the attributes and Commandments of the Father will return to the planet to build the Plan again in all those who were self-summoned and did not respond.
With those who come with Me until the end of the days, they will lack nothing, they will be blessed by the Grace, filled by the Spirit of God, for the surrender and persistence of each believing and devout heart.
Suffering will be extinguished overnight and the light of the New Aurora will come, so that the souls may celebrate the day of their liberation. Amen.
Let us celebrate this moment with the opportunity of renewing your commitment, through the Sacrament of the Communion, before the Celestial Father.
May the doors of Heaven, at this moment, make the Divine Grace descend to the Earth. So be it.
Lord of the Universe,
giver of life,
untiring Father of Grace,
deposit over these elements,
and especially in the hearts,
the same opportunity You gave Me to love until the end, on top of the Cross.
May each pain convert into relief,
may each suffering convert into liberation,
so that all beings of the Earth,
gathered in the name of Your Love,
may participate in the glorious coming of Your Son.
At that time I gave you the bread and offering it to God, He blessed it. And today I repeat again, companions, that this is My Body, which was given for you, for the forgiveness of the faults.
Taking the Chalice and offering it to God, He blessed it. And today I tell you again, take and drink all from it, because this is the Chalice of My Blood, of the New Covenant between the creatures and God, for all eternity.
This is the Body and the Blood of Christ; blessed are those who avail themselves of this mystery of love to participate, someday, in the Eternal Glory. Amen.
I hope this Marathon is a Marathon that attracts hope to the Earth and the opportunity to live in God so that all souls may receive the Supreme Grace.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In fraternity and for peace on the whole planet, you will give one another the greeting of peace.
I thank you.
In the end, My Work will always be fulfilled in the simple hearts, a place and enclosure where I will be able to move My Plan of Love forward and I will be able to radiate it to the ends of the Earth.
Silently, I am found in the heart of the humble, in all those capable of representing Me with humility, transparency and purity. I will always reside in those hearts, I will always be present to welcome the needy, the sick, the dying, the one who has not yet found My Light.
In the heart of the humble, I vivify My Project and, time after time, accomplish the requests of My Father.
Through the hearts of the simple, I can uplift the consciousness of humanity and sanctify those who enter My Path for the first time.
In the heart of the simple, I trustingly place My Celestial Church and have the humble hearts participate in My Gifts and in My Graces.
In the heart of the humble, I find the poverty and the void, the simplicity and the peace to be able to return and bring relief to My Spirit.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Third Series of Poems
Tenth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Beloved Jesus,
make me brave in each moment.
May the tests serve
to purify my consciousness.
May the challenges that You send me
help in the transcendence of my being.
May each transition of life
be the passage towards a new
state of consciousness.
Help me, Lord,
to be persevering,
humble and dedicated.
May I be able to feel within my heart
the Ray of Your Mercy
and the divine and supreme Grace
acting and working throughout my being
because thus Your divine Light will triumph
before the inner darkness
of these times.
Lord Jesus,
strengthen me day after day
in the union with You,
make me small and similar to You
so that I may perfectly imitate You
in each step.
Empty me in every moment, Lord.
Rejoice my Soul
while being in Your glorious Presence.
And I ask You, Lord,
to relieve the weight of my cross
so that, with Your merciful assistance,
I may surrender completely
at the Feet of the Celestial Father.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses and renews you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Third Series of Poems
Fifth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
bathe me inside and out
with the fount of Your Grace.
Purify each aspect of my being
so that I may always be able to renew myself
through You.
Purify me of my thoughts
and of my feelings.
I ask You, our Lord,
to be part of my being.
Teach me to be patient
and persevering in every moment.
Teach me to be humble
and simple before others
so that my personality
may not seek to promote itself in anything
but rather be willing to serve
when I am needed and called.
Lord of Truth,
may my feelings be ennobled,
may my word rise in vibration
and may each prayer that I offer You
be able to be received in Heaven
as a drop of light in the vast Universe
so that the Graces of God
may continue to descend.
Teach me to offer my life to service.
Teach me to offer my heart
as an instrument of healing.
Teach me, dear Jesus,
to empty me of myself day by day
so that each step that I take
may be blessed by Your consoling Love.
May my life be guided
and protected by You, Lord,
and may the Holy Spirit descend
so that I may fulfill,
within Your majestic Work,
all the Designs that You have thought of
within Your humble Heart.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Series of Poems
Twelfth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
My Lord and Celestial King,
reveal to me, in this life,
the projects that You have thought of
for my consciousness.
That, in truth and in sincerity,
I may be able to respond
to Your Designs every day
in order to manifest on Earth
the Divine Will.
Dear Jesus,
make me free of everything
that compromises my consciousness
so that I can take steps towards You.
Empty me constantly
so that I may have the Grace
of receiving Your most immaculate
and pure Celestial Principles.
And even if my consciousness
does not come close to the truth,
due to incapacity or some other reason,
I ask You, Lord, to help me
find the perfect meaning
of Your Designs so that,
as an apostle and servant of Yours,
I may represent on Earth
the testimony of redemption.
Remove from my heart
all feelings of vainglory.
Make me small and simple,
just as Your Spirit, Lord,
is simple and small.
Because if I am full
of Your consoling Love, Lord,
I will be able to share it and,
by means of the example
of service and charity, transmit
the vivifying force
that You provide us with,
time after time.
I offer You this moment, Lord,
so that it may be contemplated
as the true offering
my human heart.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Series of Poems
Eighth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
O My Lord!
make me patient and persevering
just as You were
in each moment of Your Passion.
May I see, reflected in everything,
the Divine Will of God,
and even if sometimes it may seem unfair to me, Lord,
allow me to always
see the purpose of the Truth
that emanates in each deed.
Small and invisible, I want to be, Lord Jesus,
just as You made Yourself small
and simple in humanity.
May my steps reflect
the absolute trust
of being able to follow You.
Elevate my consciousness
in state and vibration
so that from now on,
beloved Jesus,
I may find the meaning
of everything that could happen.
May my inner hearing
not close; may it open,
just as my heart opens
to recognize Your Presence
in my brothers and sisters.
Help me, Lord,
to understand life
beyond what it seems to be.
Help me to experience
each test or obstacle
with the importance they have
for reaching the transcendence of my being.
Liberate me from myself,
in all senses and forms.
May You, my Jesus,
be the One who acts, proceeds
and manifests the Supreme Will
in order that, someday,
I may learn to die to myself
so that You, Sacred King,
may live in me
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Series of Poems
Sixth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
hide me within Your Wounds
so that I may be purified of my mistakes.
Hide me, Lord,
within Your Wounds
so that I may receive the Divine Codes
of Transfiguration.
hide me within your Wounds
so that spiritual Light
may invade me completely.
hide me within Your Wounds
so that I may be protected from all evil
in order for Your powerful Peace to reign.
hide me within Your Wounds
so that I may receive all Your Grace
and be deserving of Your unfathomable Mercy.
hide me within Your Wounds
so that my soul may be a partaker
of the inner communion
with Your Divine Spirit
and all difficulties may dissipate.
hide me within Your Wounds
so that I may know the profound essence
of Your Love and Your Compassion.
hide me within Your Wounds
and make me a new instrument,
empty of everything and completely surrendered
to Your Sacred Heart.
hide me within Your Wounds
so that Your sacred Humility
may awaken within me.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second Series of Poems
Second Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
I wish that, like You, beloved Lord,
I could understand the Divine Will
with absolute clarity,
as well as all the mysteries
that Your merciful Heart holds
about the infinite existence of this Universe
and of this Creation.
I wish, dear Jesus,
that I could surpass the limits of human consciousness
so that, within me, I might recognize
the inner universe and the spiritual riches
that God placed within each creature.
I wish, Lord,
that I were aware of this whole reality
beyond that which is concrete
so that even my cells
might awaken to the intelligence
and the knowledge that the Universe holds.
I wish, my Lord,
that I could receive this Grace
so that I might offer myself more consciously
as Your redeemed instrument
within the sublime Project of Your Mercy.
I ask You, Divine Jesus,
to empty me of myself
so that there may be a place, within me,
for the humility of Heaven,
which will make me simple and self-given
so that, perceptible to all of
Your Commands and Designs,
I may serve You.
Expand my consciousness
according to that which You have thought of.
I do not wish to flaunt
universal knowledge
but rather make it part of this consciousness
that implores You so that it may only
rise to the occasion.
I thank that You listen to me, Jesus,
and that You fulfill
Your Sacred Will within me.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
First Series of Poems
Fifth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
You expired, my Jesus, on the height of the Cross
and surrendered Your Spirit into the Hands of God.
Today, before Your merciful Presence,
I surrender to You my whole life, my Soul and my will,
so that according to Your Principles of Love and Light
You may project into this small life
the sacred treasures of Paradise.
My Jesus,
make me always small and similar to You,
as You did with John, the apostle and prophet,
so that I may be able to know the greatnesses
of Your Mercy and of Your Pity.
Empty me completely from within
so that someday I may render myself to Your designs
with total openness and unconditional surrender.
Do not let me fall into temptation, Lord.
Liberate me from harassments,
liberate me from illusions.
Ignite within my Soul
the sacred fire of the Holy Spirit.
Because thus I will make You known in the world,
just as You, my Spouse,
have made Yourself known
with all Your celestial mysteries
to my very tiny heart.
Help me, beloved Jesus,
to recognize Your Will
even in the smallest details.
Do not cease to guide me
and bless me in any moment.
Erase from my memory all mistakes
and fears of failure.
May I avail myself, Lord, of Your eternal confidence
so that one day I may be worthy
of witnessing Your Return.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
First Series of Poems
Fourth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Above all, beloved Jesus,
liberate me from the chains and from the ties of desires
so that my human condition may be completely purified.
That by means of Your Body and Your Blood
I may reach the ennoblement of cells and of all matter.
May I become ever crystalline within Your Hands
so that You, my Lord,
may be able to use my consciousness
as a sacred mirror,
and all the attributes of Your Heart
may be poured into the souls of this humanity.
May the Love of Your Heart become known to the world
by means of the sacrifice of my life and of my whole consciousness.
For this, Lord, faithfully make me a partaker
of Your Sacred Sacraments
so that in each one of them
I may find a reason to make my life
each day more sacred and elevated.
Remove from my consciousness, dear Jesus,
these inferior aspects that dominate me and rule my life,
because I only hope and await that Your Divine Light
may become present in the deepest spaces and corners of my being
so that You may reveal to me the true reality of my consciousness
and in constant offering I may transform everything.
Make me similar to the apostles,
in consecration and in surrender.
Allow me, Lord, to demonstrate to You,
even in the small details,
how it is that I love You and how much I love You
through my brothers and sisters.
That all this not be a way or form
to boast my consciousness
and even less to make it shine before others.
Empty me of myself completely, Divine Jesus,
that in everything I may serve You.
But grant me the Grace of an anonymous and silent service
so that other hearts may find You before I do
and that I may only be a model
according to Your Principles and Designs.
Blessed Jesus,
convert all that which I do not manage to transform
and guide me until I am able to walk by Your side
with total trust and surrender
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
First Series of Poems
Third Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Empty me completely, Jesus,
even though my heart is not clean.
Comfort me during difficult moments
and reign everywhere with Your Power
so that it may be simpler for me to recognize You
in the brother and the sister who suffer,
in the sick soul,
in all those of whom You avail Yourself
so that within me may awaken the impulse of loving
in a way so similar to how You have loved.
Make me patient, Divine Jesus,
that in each circumstance of life
I may recognize the opportunity and the Grace
of transcending myself every day a little more.
Keep in my heart the ardor of Your purest desires
that the souls of the world may be able to know You
so that they may know the Kingdom of the Heavens.
Participate, Jesus, in each moment of life.
Make Yourself present, Lord,
both in our joy and in our deserts.
Make it so that I can be a witness of Your Word
and the fulfillment of Your redeeming Word.
That I may find in my path
the reason of living for You and in You
so that upon this planet
may be manifested the Sacred Project of God.
I confess today, Lord,
my weaknesses, failures and sorrows.
Transform it all, Lord,
according to Your Principle and Will
because the only thing I hope for
is to be happy for being by Your side
and to always reencounter You in the bliss of Communion,
in the joy of service and in the permanent and
unconditional giving of my heart.
After Your Gifts have purified me
inside and out, Lord,
send me wherever You most need me.
That in my life there may no longer be the freedom to choose
but rather the obedience of strictly following Your commands.
In this way, You will make me free of myself
because You, Lord, will be working
through this imperfect life
that hopes, beyond its dualities,
to consecrate itself to Your eternal and Sacred kind Heart.
I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
First Series of Poems
Second Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Make me love the Divine Purpose, Lord,
as You have loved it since the beginning
while You were among us as a Child,
while You preached and taught the Word of Life,
while You worked and did wonders in the most closed hearts.
Beloved Jesus,
faithful Master and Celestial Spouse,
commit my life more and more to You.
During the cold night, may I feel the warmth of Your embrace,
may I always take refuge in Your Heart
when I cross the desert of the soul,
may I be absolutely empty
each time You call me to serve.
Venerable and noble Heart of Jesus,
participate entirely in my life,
because my life is Your life,
my breath is part of Your breath,
my dreams are part of Your magnificent Projects.
Dear Jesus,
convert my aspirations into Your Designs,
my longings into part of Your Work,
so that I may make You known to the world
just as You, my Lord,
have let humankind know
the Greater Love of God.
May Your Kingdom, Lord, descend to Earth
so that each aspect of my consciousness
may be ennobled and transformed,
according to Your Word and Your infinite Mercy.
Keep me beside You, Jesus,
because in the dark night of the soul
I need to feel confidence and strength
in being able to be near You.
Allow me, Lord,
to empty myself completely by Your intervention
so that You may deposit in this small heart
the Work of Your Kingdom and Your whole Legacy
and thus the higher design of Your Spirit
may be fulfilled in this humanity.
Make me see with clarity and wisdom
the steps that today I must take towards You.
Sustain me with Your Hands
so that, with confidence, I may cross
the inner abysses that separate me from You.
make me recognize Your powerful Light,
make me recognize the sublime Fire of Your Heart,
so that You may be able to fulfill Your Divine Will in my life
I thank you for keeping these words of a Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The more tired and exhausted My disciples become for permanently working for Me, it is a sign that with these offerings I can save many lives and rescue thousands of souls from daily downfalls.
Each effort and sacrifice offered to the Lord, no matter how small it seems, is recognized by the Universe, because the value is not in the big or the small, but in the authenticity and in how each service to God is offered with love.
Thus, I encourage you to love sacrifice and make it a part of the apostolic consciousness of each being, because this balances significant situations that are unbalanced on the planet.
Dare to follow this path because you will never lack rest, repose, and recuperation.
Each loving action offered to Heaven has incalculable value for humanity.
In this way, your peacemaking spirits will be present at each step, and once again the world will be granted a greater time of mercy and of peace.
I thank you for holding My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
I come in this cycle to take off the sandals of My disciples, and as in the past, I will wash the feet of all of Mine, purifying them with My Fire, sublimating them with my Consciousness, removing from each one of them what no longer serves Me.
Therefore, when it is your turn for the foot-washing, get ready, because it will be the time of the great surrender and of the victorious defeat. That will be the moment in which you will be more purified and will enter into the current of My Fire, to be able to expunge what is already expired and old.
Thus, I will keep you prepared for My return, above all for the last part of the Work which must be fulfilled exactly as in the Holy Scripture of God.
If you are already feeling that within you the great inner resistance is being removed, and that it is doing the impossible to not be defeated, I tell you: do not be afraid, the end of human captivity is close and you will know freedom.
No matter how painful it may be to lose control over wanting everything or desiring everything, surrender at My Feet, because as a Good Shepherd, I will be tirelessly by your side, to pick you up from the ground of your bitterness and pain, as many times as is necessary.
The only thing I ask of you is that you trust Me, because in spite of the terrible storm or tempest that you may be going through in this time, know that My Sacred Spirit of Love is always there, waiting for you to call Me, waiting for you to invoke Me, so that I may have the inner permission to intercede.
Do not lower your arms, the Universe is in need of disciples divested of self and of everything. The Universe is in need of souls capable of living a Divine and Unfathomable Mercy beyond the self for those who are truly more miserable and are within this humanity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
You Master of Love, Christ Jesus
My Most Holy Mother, in this time, gathers together those who are self-called to serve the Plan of God.
On the other hand, My Mother seeks the redemption of the greatest possible number of consciousnesses, which have not yet taken any step, but which are within the time and in the energy to be able to do so.
Thus, through the Work of redemption of the divine Son, the one who is not able to do so will be given the impulse to take a significant leap in their life.
The time has come to embrace the call and to make it part of yourself, every day. That will help uplift the consciousness of the servers, so that in the end, they may be unconditional collaborators, and demonstrate it to the world as part of the Victory of Christ.
In this time all will be guided so that the new Christs may be born on Earth, who will populate the planet with new teachings and experiences of love.
I thank you for placing my words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master Christ Jesus
When a heart breaks inside, it is a sign that the Law of Inner Liberation is being fulfilled.
Therefore, on this day, leave your heart open so that, like others, it is available for structures to fall and all forms to be broken.
Leave your heart available for all that it must experience, because thus you will allow the Universal Laws to flow in you, those which will order your life and adjust your consciousness.
May your heart find the necessary liberation from all that hinders the free walk of the disciple of Christ.
Let your heart conquer the emptiness of self so that it may soon be filled by the balm of the Mercy of My Heart.
Surrender, as if nothing else makes sense, and in this way you will find the exit door that will lead you on the path of hope and Greater Love.
Let everything within you find a meaning, a realization thought of by God, but which is not under your human power.
In this sense, allow the Work of Love to act within your being so that in the next cycle you may be what in truth the whole Universe expects you to be.
Follow My Steps of Light.
I Thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
When you pray “For the sake of His sorrowful Passion…” do you know what important deed of Christ you invoke?
In each prayer is encountered a key that opens a new door for the redemption of the soul.
At three in the afternoon I bring to you the Grace of conversion and of the emptiness of oneself. For this I need that you always remember these prayers, they will serve as a shield for the most important moments.
Let that the powerful ray of each one of them penetrate the depths of the consciousness and in this way be reborn a new being. Leave upon My Hands your intentions, walk in trust by My side so that I may be able guide you. I am always with you in the moments of joy, as also in the moments of tests.
You are in My Heart only when you are with Me. I lead you and I guide you always, do not forget it.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for opening the doors of the heart to My Instruction!
Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more