My dear soul,
Accept with joy all the efforts that I send for you to realize because in this way you will receive in Heaven the merits that God has to give to you. Empty your being from every opinion, live in the sublime sequence of My steps so that in this way you may find in each place the teaching that I want to reveal to you.
Soul of Mine, leave by My feet all your discouragements and look at Me directly in the eyes. In this way I will be able to tell you what will be the point that you must change within yourself. Do not allow that the sadness drags you as the strong current of a river. Detach yourself from that which for you seems to be better and surrender yourself in trust to My Will, because in obedience to the most small will be reflected the degree to which is found your consecration.
Come quickly to My arms and let Me act as I have predicted from the beginning. Soul of Mine, if in truth you want to listen to Me, open your eyes and observe the universe of messages that I send to you every day. Do not wish now to understand the reason of everything. Marry Sister Humility so that you may feel that nothing belongs to you.
Surrender all that you guard and control as a treasure. Before the glory of My Mercy the self-emptying counts for much in order to be able to begin a new path. I know that you expect that I appear in front of you and say to you: “Dear soul, I have been waiting for you for so long…”
Those who take the steps towards Christ will be the only ones that will encourage themselves to wear the new vestments of consecration. But still, your vestment is guarded in the closet of Heaven, waiting for your soul to take the final yes, to afterwards be able to sing in glory and joy its consecration.
I have warned you in various ways. Remain attentive and you will perceive that which I tell you. All of the souls are precious and potential outflowings of My Love.
Under the Light of God, be blessed.
Thank you for remaining in My Heart!
Christ Jesus
Why do you fear, My soul, to surrender yourself to the ocean of My Sacrifice?
In the Greater Kingdom there is Eternity, the sublime place that you will be able to find after the long journey through the fires of the Earth. Encourage yourself to suffer for others. My pulsating and luminous Heart will never abandon you.
For this, My dear soul, I let you know a little more of that which I suffered so long ago for you and for the world. But many souls do not want to drink of this sacrifice that I have proposed for you from the beginning of the redeeming walk towards My Heart. I will not give you pains greater than those I suffered, but in holy suffering lies the key that will open the doors for those who have fallen from the arms of God.
O, imperishable soul! Do not be afraid to find what I propose to you for your conversion difficult. I rejoice that on your path you find difficulties because the path of holiness consists of the renunciation of self to all.
My soul, stay very close to Me and allow Me to embrace you so that in the hardest moments you may feel that the Love of My Heart will encourage you to go on. Dear soul, you must know from the beginning that whoever offers themselves to the Great Shepherd will be the sheep who will transform themselves the most and will graze through bitter meadows.
The Lord wishes to make you an empty instrument so that, upon you, dear soul, the Grace of My Inner Presence may be poured.
Do not lose sight, My soul, that I Am always by your side, showing you the direct path to My Heart.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you, My soul, for donating yourself to My Heart!
Christ Jesus
The true roots of the universal love are found in the wisdom and in the knowledge that each being of this wide cosmos can experiment with day by day inside this school which your Most High Father calls “the school of evolution”.
Today My Heart has been able to rejoice in this wisdom that is awakening as light in the prayerful hearts. It is the wisdom of the heart that will always allow you to understand immaterial and spiritual things.
The path that I offer you for this life is the path of the spirit, the inner dwelling that will help you to understand the great mysteries of God. The path to reach love is humility, the immutable instrument that will give you the necessary simplicity before all of the tests of life.
This path of humility today is not sought by the majority of My ones because humility requires from the good hearts the emptiness of oneself, the most pure honesty and the surrender to the Divine Will. For this My Father has asked Me to remind you about these basic principles, those which form the life of the walker and pilgrim.
I leave for you the aspiration to seek the Divine Wisdom. The world must recognize through It that it is time to change and to ask for Pity for those who are still fallen in the four cardinal points of the Earth.
The prayer to My Infinite Mercy will always lead you to remember the path of My Passion on the Cross, that which I realized for you. In this time the Divine Mercy will try to awaken humble spirits so that soon they may be converted into bridges of salvation for those who are forgotten in the world.
I Am asking the most simple from all of the schools that exist in the universe, I only encourage you to seek this perfect path of redemption and of peace for all.
I give thanks for the work of the marathon participants and principally to all of the children that, marathon after marathon, open to Me the door of their homes so that My Invincible Love may enter.
I bless the apostles who inspire themselves to walk by My Side in this time of purification, but also of peace for all who always seek the light of My Heart.
Under the infinite Love of God, be humble and blessed.
Thank you for entering today into My Chaste and Pure Merciful Heart!
Your Universal Guide,
The Master Jesus Christ
Today I celebrate from Heaven a new Easter Supper, the Easter of the heart, because the one who truly communes of My Body receives the ministry of the New Easter of the heart, an Easter that renews your spirits to remove them from constant sin and to resuscitate them in this way to the greater life of the stars.
The Sacred Easter of the Heart is that which all of the universe shares with Me, and these great but humble consciousnesses from the universe have been already living for some real time My Path of Christification.
This Easter is an Easter that comes from the essence of My Spirit and, in consequence, from the Supreme Divinity. As a Major Priest I gather the essences that were originally born from the various Fountains of God and in this earthly time in which you live, by means of My Grace and of My Divine Mercy, I lead the sheep towards the inner stable of My Heart.
Already reunited with My ones in this supper I present in love to them the new apostles of light, those that once were with Me in the Holy Land. These brothers and sisters of yours, the new server apostles of Christ, will be now your guide; they will be the shepherds that will spiritually prepare My Coming to the world for the second time.
For this today in this Spiritual Easter I ask you: unite yourselves to the example of the ancient but now renewed apostles so that the love for the word, the love for the service to the Plan of God, may be awakened in these New Christs that imperfect, intend to imitate Me.
I Am the mature fruit from the vine and from this fruit is born the Blood of Life that washes those and eternally redeems those who seek It above all things. Keep on cultivating in your hearts the path of the apostolate. It is time that My ones give the testimonial of redemption and of conversion that I have made in them.
For this remember that humility will accompany you so that someday, empty of yourselves, may emerge the new redeemed being that will become a part of the history of My Universal Legacy.
Remember that some will get to know the power and the greatness of My Kingdom.
It is time to trust Me, as says the prayer. Walk without delay towards My arms because I wait to wash your hands and your faces, to feed you of My New Redeeming Easter.
I thank you for remaining in My Sacred Heart during this day of repairing prayer for the entire world. Many souls thirsty for My Light were collected from the abysses of the world.
Thank you for trusting My Infinite Mercy!
Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.
Your King of Love, Christ Jesus
My Merciful Heart, at three in the afternoon, generates an explosion of Light and of Graces over the hearts that await My Divine Mercy with faith and trust.
But My Powers also are poured over the hearts that are blind in spirit and that cannot see the greatness of My Humble Presence. I need all of the flocks. For this, in this era, My Heart will make use of the brave ones to be able to reach the essences that are most distant from the path of the spiritual redemption.
Now has arrived the moment to revert the evils that the world awakens and which humanity, asleep in its majority, embraces as if they were sheep without a shepherd.
For this My Mercy comes to restore the deep spaces of consciousness. My Heart is approaching with the intention of alleviating the great despair of many souls, those which lack peace because they lack the prayer of the heart.
My divine wish is that all may be able to glimpse that the Great Lord. He who belongs to them from the beginning is returning, but this time to give testimony to the true presence of God and to the Greater Life.
For this the good flocks must unite themselves as only one in order to help Me, removing from the critical thoughts indifferences, opinions and judgments, because it will cost the soul that may not be willing to be empty of itself a double effort to find peace.
It is time to die to oneself and it is time to see the reality that anguishes the great number of hearts that are lonely, as in a spacious desert of loneliness and thirst. The Source of Life that represents the Sacred Heart of Jesus comes to quench your spiritual thirst and It wants for humanity to repair the Blessed Heart from the very serious offenses that hurt the Heart of the All Powerful.
If there is a true and permanent response on the part of the people who pray, humanity will receive the Grace of Forgiveness, and it will have some time more of peace if it establishes the devotion towards the Merciful Heart of Jesus.
Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for listening to My Words with attention!
Christ Jesus.
Seek to be in Me all the time because My Faith will strengthen you at the great moments of test.
The one who abandon himself in Me will receive all that he need, will stop of being all the time in self and will be transfigured by My Presence.
For this many believe that the inner stripping is to renounce only a few times, and in truth the emptiness of oneself is an eternal exercise for those who have just been initiated into My Christic Path.
It is time to become victorious and humble through merciful prayer. I speak about victory in the total transformation of oneself and to renounce to what one was some seconds ago, because in this way, in truth, the consciousness will renew itself and it will only find comfort in My Heart of Love.
Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living transformation through the Love to My Sacred Heart!
Your Master, Christ Jesus
In the hour of greatest tests, is when My Presence in your hearts will confirm your adhesion to My Greater Laws of Mercy.
For this, in the sacrifice is found the liberation of the own being, and this permits that other universal and celestial principles guide the spirit of each being. In the path of sacrifice is constructed the true consciousness of charity, for this from it is born the truth, which will always be permeated by the Greater Light.
In these moments of greater effort and sacrifice, is when the Lord sends you His Grace to heal your hearts. Those who decide to walk this path, and out of love for humanity, will have enough strength to realize the Works that the Great Spirit of God will entrust to them.
By sacrifice the planetary situation may balance itself, and more souls may find the relief that they so much seek. In sacrifice is found true peace and conversión.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus
At the end of the prayer of the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy we were waiting for the arrival of Master Jesus but today something special happened: it was the apparition of Child Jesus in the arms of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, who with devotion and an example of humility visited us at 3pm.
From the moment of the apparition of the Child Jesus He transmitted us the following instruction:
My dear brothers and sisters:
Today, as the Child Jesus, as the Little Jesus, I come in the arms of My Father to demonstrate to you that you will only get to the Kingdom of God if you are little and humble children that obey with fidelity and love the designs of the Father.
With this aim, today I call you to reflect if your consciousnesses think and feel like a pure and good child.
If it is not this way, in spite of the experiences of life, I invite you to consecrate yourselves to the Sacred Heart of Child Jesus because it is through your act of faith and of forgiveness of yourselves that you will receive the divine help, that which you may need in order to undo the knots in the consciousness.
For this Friday I also call you to renovate yourselves and to imitate the most chaste path of Saint Joseph. You only must put in your hearts the aspiration of transforming yourselves and of making way so that the Will of God may act through your lives.
Saint Joseph will help you to cultivate a spirit of humility and of simplicity.
I call you, for this special day, to affirm yourselves on the path that Saint Joseph went through by means of obedience and of the absolute emptiness of oneself. If you do not empty your hearts of all property or control in time, how will you be blessed by the treasures from Heaven?
You are in time to construct the path of your own redemption. For this today My Mercy presents Itself before you through the presence of the Sacred and Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph. Every time that you may not be pure, chaste and meek, remember that there is a Faithful Mediator before God who is waiting to cross the gate of transcendence and of the inner detachment of yourselves.
Find through Saint Joseph a good and venerable father, capable of accompanying as a Good Shepherd each one of My sheep.
I repeat to you with great compassion: be like children before the maturity and the arrogance that wants to conquer your precious lives, lives that can only filled by the Spirit of God, lives that can transmit the impulse of the Divine Mercy to all of the Earth.
I wait for you in prayer and in reflection in the Chaste Heart of the Father Saint Joseph.
Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My messages in the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.
When a door of evil is closed by the presence of the sublime and wise Love of God between the brothers and the sisters of humanity, the Holy Spirit of Christ again fully organizes the consciousnesses, carrying them one more time to the encounter with the true spiritual mission that My Father has entrusted to them.
For this do not fear that your vestments may fall from your beings or that they may be taken off, as they were from My Glorified Body because from you will be taken off the old so that you may be covered by the Holy Spirit.
When My Heart communicates to you the hour of changes it is so that the hearts may be prepared for the path of transcendence and of purification. Whoever drinks from the bitter chalice of the emptiness of oneself will afterwards be with Me to drink and to dine of the chalice of Reparation and of Redemption.
But it is urgent that the past be transmuted by My Merciful Rays so that your beings may receive absolution and forgiveness. I know that sometimes My Disciples feel lonely before so much dryness of the desert and, out of instinct seek to quench their thirst in other fountains that could be dry.
But I tell you that the true Christic and chaste love between beings is born when the truth is revealed between them, because there is present the wisdom of God and the love that may be able to exist between souls that will be able to be purified so that you may love each other in spirit and in fraternity.
For this I have asked you to love each other. I have asked you to love one another as you are so that you may learn to love the soul of each consciousness, because this is your inner goal.
When the love of My Heart is present between beings will be lived the pure Love of God, as My Mother Mary and the Most Chaste Joseph lived it on the Earth. Believe in this love and nourish yourselves through spiritual love, in this way your sensation of emptiness will disappear. I am returning as the renovated source of love that is absent in all of humanity.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living in the Source of My Christic Love.
Christ Jesus.
Whoever traverses the path through My Heart will find the light that they need to be able to cross the desert.
Whoever lives through Me will find the faith that they so much seek for.
Whoever feels through My Heart will see with wisdom each answer.
Whoever thinks through Me will find the science of a humble and poor spirit.
I always long for you to do everything in your lives through Me because in this way you will form your consciousnesses by means of the greater laws. If you take each step through My Heart you will be able to perceive in each moment the need in each place.
But when you manage to do all through My Heart your spirit will already be found empty of itself and you will learn to see things under the vision of the Spirit of God. Service, charity and good are the doors of entrance that will be open so that all may be able to walk through My Heart.
But first the heart of each soul must be emptied of itself so that it may be invaded by the Sacred Spirit of God and in this way it may be able to consecrate itself as a faithful serve of the law of theLord. You can do all through Me.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for consecrating yourselves to God through My Sacred Heart!
Christ Jesus.
Leave all that you feel and observe, guarding in the heart all that may be similar to you or all that may be indifferent to you. Pray with Me so that My rays may be able to impregnate each state that the consciousness lives.
Do not disturb your heart with what may happen. Allow the neutrality of My Heart to conquer you so that you may learn in My humility and in inner transparence.
Rejoice whenever something against your thoughts and feelings is said because each stair that you climb will mean a new experience to be lived. In this way you will find the essence of being in the emptiness of yourself and you will not search for a mental explanation for each situation in life.
The souls must carry and bear in their spiritual evolution the weight of the personality or of what the world calls ego. To work for My Father means to die to oneself every day, to die to oneself for what one lives or to die to oneself for what is said to one. For this you must acquire a noble and peaceful spirit so that the issues between the consciousnesses may not become divisions and there may begin to be a lack of love towards the neighbor.
Take the example of My Path with the Apostles and there you will see the Infinite Love that was radiated to all of them. Without love, unity will be impossible realize and consequently the plans of My Father will be restricted by the consciousnesses.
For this participate with the heart of the source of My Mercy and you will be able to see how everything works out whenever there is the value of transforming oneself.
Humanity as a whole still needs much mercy and piety. May your hearts be the channel so that My Source may be able to be poured and in this way My Spirit may be able to heal your deep beings, your unconscious.
Each lesson that presents itself in the life of My Disciples presents itself in order to demonstrate the degree of love reached from the experience of consecration to Me. For this is needed great bravery so that amongst My Followers may be transcended the obstacles of consciousness and the veils that divide the unity between My Flocks.
You will see that between My Heart and the Heart of My Mother reigns the unity between Ourselves and God because there reigns the Love to the same Purpose.
Under the Love of the Father, be united and merciful.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Instructor.
My dears:
I adore those who repent with the heart for all that they have done. Joyful are those because they will be as transparent as the sincerity that must spring from the heart.
Courage and bravery are necessary for this time because whoever meets themselves will know what it is that must be purified in the heart. But if one holds on to My mantle nothing in them will tremble and they will know how to proceed correctly on the path of transformation.
For this to happen must arise the power of My Mercy that will balance the world from the consequences of sin and will make possible for it to live in the salvation of the heart in order to reach eternity. You must keep vigil first for yourselves so that you may perceive what it is that still has not been purified and which signifies that a stone is embedded in the path of redemption.
Vigil with Me, unite yourselves to Me so that in these times may be revealed the most occult mysteries of the consciousness, those which need forgiveness, healing and mercy. Do not fear losing control of life nor fear to be empty of yourselves because this will be the beginning for the souls that may live the state of consecration to the divine plans of the Father.
Run towards Me and free your weaknesses, abandon yourselves entirely in My arms and let Me be in you, that which I have been attempting since the emerging of your lives. Be brave and with courage free yourselves from the ties.
The first step is to live in My Will to afterwards get to know the consecration of life to God.
Under the Mercy of the Father, trust in My call.
Thank you for consecrating life to the Creator Father!
Christ Jesus.
My Peace and Mercy come to the world to sustain it in the new changes that are approaching for all consciousnesses. For this of great importance will be your humility and emptiness of yourselves before the situations that will be seen in the world in this time and that the humanity will not consider as a grave offense to God. Hold on to the writings and teachings of the Gospel so that less souls may distance themselves from the only and true path of the Shepherd.
Today My Heart rejoices itself for those who in faith continue working for the redemption and the conversion of the heart. But My Heart grieves for the actions that day by day men and women commit in the name of the common good.
Be attentive, praying people! So that vigil may be a true shield that protects your homes and families. My Merciful Heart opens itself to receive you inside of My Sacerdotal Temple, My light diffuses itself through those servers who give all in this time.
I Am calling the flocks so that once more they may relieve My flagellated Heart, a Heart that receives great offenses that hurt the Heart of the Father.
Convert yourselves, convert yourselves, convert yourselves! Because you are still in time. Pray! Fast! And repair in the Holy Communion all of the causes that transgress the Law of the Highest.
If you do like this, My Merciful Heart will once more intercede for all of those who deny the presence of the Love of the Father. The more prayer, the more reparation. The more sin, the greater the Divine Justice.
Pray with the heart and offer to My Sacred Heart all of the love that you guard for the Father. This will repair the causes that offend.
Under the Grace of God, be merciful.
Thank you for repairing My Sacred Heart!
Christ Jesus.
The essence of Humility.
The emptiness of oneself is reached through forgetting all that controls the material life. This represents an important step to find the path of humility.
The encounter with aspects of life may reaffirm the human condition, but it can be liberated by love and by the essence of humility. To live in this essence that seems to be unreachable for many, humility can manifest itself in the life of those that open themselves to the universal life, because at the end of all the universe is as humble and as wide as is the infinite and wise: there also is found the essence of humility.
Whoever seeks the path of humility receives a sign, the first step for the dispossession of oneself, which is the forgetting of grievances and disillusionments that the material life generates. Humility as a sister essence, you will be able to find it manifested in other attributes that allow the awakening of the Christic consciousness in the creatures.
Humility is present in the essence of service, in the essence of the common and fraternal good, as also in the essence of truth and wisdom. Each soul may have affinity to some of the aspects of humility and this will awaken a more conscious work of surrender and solidarity towards peers.
The essence of humility is one of the great Christic shields that protect the souls from the abysm of lack of control and of the excessive possession of spiritual and material goods. To find the path of humility one must have travelled the trail of making peace.
A humble being must be a Christic and active peace maker because this inner estate will allow humility to have good bases from which to rely on to work inside of the spirit of each creature. The essence of humility is one of the gifts most defeated by the personalities of creatures, but the essence of the Christic life of humility and of peace affirms the existence of the spiritual gifts of the Father, those which allow the consecration of the beings to the Divine Plan of God.
Without humility it is like navigating in a boat without a paddle. Humility as essence is everything, even more for this time when the flocks must be more vigilant of themselves to be able to bear the merciful currents of transformation that will come to the aid of humanity.
For this My dears, still the steps that you must take so that you may divinize matter are many, but everything starts with the wanting to reach it and aspiring it. May humility be a rule for the ones who have consecrated themselves because in humility you will help the ones who ignore My Savior Name.
Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
May My Peace be in you!
My words are unmistakable because each time that My Heart talks to you without hurry and without time I pour My Merciful Love over you as souls of the Creator. Who gives me everything, gives me all and empties themselves of themselves to walk without any weight and, free from the past, finds light in future.
Today I open one more time the door of your hearts so that they may feel that My Heart seeks to redeem you and to transform you into true servers. Sometimes My Words resonate little because you listen to me all the days. My Voice wants to awaken in you My Consciousness, for this I am with you all of the days and I do not get tired because I see the greater need for your lives.
If you just heard me in silence your life would reach the harmony and the order that you so much seek for. I am here as your beloved Savior and Redeemer, hoping that through your consecration you take more steps forward, so that they may be larger, the number of souls that receive the impulse of awakening to My Heart of Love.
If you as souls walk and maintain the common purpose the world will be already able to be another, and from your inner beings, it will reflect the light of Life, of Peace and of Love. For all and with all there must be love, including in the moments of great and chaotic mistakes and for those that make the souls less prepared in consciousness.
If you love, love will heal you. If you love, love will make you understand. If you love, you will be able to get out of yourselves because love will always show you the way out and the answer that you, with anxiety, seek for. Nourish yourselves through love and prove the power of its existence. Transform your inner world entirely for Me.
I will help you, I am here waiting for your important yes.
Under the Love of God, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus, your Lord.
My Dear ones, empty yourselves of everything and follow Me.
Allow Me to take you as a new wineskin so that I may pour into your hearts My new codes of peace.
Let Me enter your dwellings because from the Celestial Universe of God I wait for you to call upon Me and say: “Come Master, stay within me”. I Am everything for you, when you just allow Me.
I want to teach you before My return how to repair the Heart of Our God of Love from on High. For this, drink every day of prayer and wakefulness in order to be awake with Me in the face of any inner change.
Open the door for Me to definitively enter into your lives, into your tasks, into your sleep, into your awakening, into your entire day.
I want to accompany you, if you allow Me, to teach you through each test to trust My Inconceivable and Infinite Mercy. I just wait from Heaven for your yes so that My Infinite Love may start working in your essence, in your little hearts. If the souls knew the power of My Love they would know much more about the Universal Love of God and all that the Creator has to give to each being.
Now remember that I am in each brother and sister, very hidden, just as I Am in the Eucharist. For this, focus on trying to find Me in each healthy gesture of love, fraternity, prayer and charity. I carry you all in My arms because My Celestial Mother is handing Me to each son and daughter of this world, to lead you to the path of Good and Peace.
Each soul has a mission before God, each child accomplishes a part of the Plan of Love, but each task must be honored and respected in order to allow the Plan on the Earth to be accomplished. I Am the Great Worker of souls, you are My companions.
Under the Glory of God, be blessed.
Thank you for keeping My commandments in your hearts!
Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more