Where there is a heart that cries out for peace, there will be the presence of the Creator, transforming and converting human consciousness from within.

Where there is a heart that cries out for peace, there will be the presence of the Celestial Universe, uniting times and spaces, bringing the reality of the divine dimensions to Earth, preparing hearts for the encounter with their Creator.

In a simple way, children, the Kingdom of God is beginning to inhabit within beings and to consolidate the inner fortitude of souls.

When you pray and cry out for this world, your Lord listens to you, and sometimes in a silent way, sends His Love to the hearts.

God transforms you slowly; He converts your hearts into what they truly are, but cannot express.

If you want to find out the truth about yourselves, cry out for peace and pray for the world.

If you want to awaken the potential of what it is to be a human being as God thought, cry out for peace and pray for the world.

Prayer, when done as a service, takes you out from yourselves and places you in God, and it is in Him that you will start to find out who you truly are. Pray, not to experience God; pray to live in God, to find Him alive within yourselves and in everything.

Pray for the world, placing everything that you are in the clamor of your hearts. Supplicate for a new time and a new life, and thus this Real Time will be revealed within you, and you will know what it is to be in God, even while being in the world.

You have My Blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


This world, in this time, children, is a sea of retrograde stimuli, it is the stage for a spiritual battle of chaos and evil, between the light of the awakening and the darkness of the unconsciousness.

That battle has its roots in the invisible, in a play of forces that stimulate and distract humanity from its true purpose, so that beings never discover who they are or what they came to do in this world. At the same time, the Creator offers you unique spiritual treasures, which give you the impulse to take a leap in evolution and in awakening, if you only make the effort to bring them to  life.

It is a battle between wisdom and ignorance, between love and indifference, between the Temple of God and the illusory temple of the world. And you, in the middle of all this, must experience your definition and take firm steps on the path that you have chosen to follow.

Think about the Purpose of God and seek to love it. Love the path you are called to live and struggle against yourselves to remain on it because this battle, on its more hidden levels, is also fought inside of you. The degenerative stimuli of life on Earth also dwells within beings.

Throughout human evolution, throughout your experiences, your errors, your misconduct, those forces gained their space within beings, and to purify them takes arduous, patient and persevering work.

Above all, children, strengthen your faith, for the one who has faith and trusts in God raises their hands to the Father and receives His assistance. Above all, seek humility, because it defeats all worldly stimuli and leads beings into surrender, which is the doorway for the Creator to be able to act in your lives.

Do not tire of struggling, of walking, of continuing on.

If you sincerely seek a humble heart, you will not so easily get tired, because humility wins the battles through surrender. Humility wins the battle through a meek heart. The one who is humble defeats pride with their simple presence. Thus, children, cultivate this humility within yourselves.

You have My blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message received in Medjugorje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, transmitted by Saint Joseph to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

May your hearts be in peace, so that in peace you receive the designs of God.

Transcend that which is apparent and commonplace, for your consciousness to enter into the sacred and into what is true.

The Plans of God were already designed for each being, now the creatures need to put their feet on the path traced by the Creator and not the path traced by skills, temptations or difficulties.

To experience a superior reality is a higher decision that each being has to take, within and outside of himself, for it to resonate in your souls and also in your planetary bodies.

How often have we said that there is no more time? How often have we warned that it is time to enter into the Real Time? It is there where Truth inhabits and the illusion becomes visible for you to know how to distinguish the difference between being in the world in God and in being in the world without Him.

Choose, children, every day, the path of the Sacred and the elevation of consciousness. You will thank, in the future, for each renunciation made in the name of the evolution of humanity.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Enter the time of no-time, what is known as, Real Time, which is the approaching of the Kingdom of God and His Eternity.

Prepare your heart, praying as if it were the last, serving as it were the last, giving and asking for forgiveness, as it were the last time, living fraternity and love as it were the last. 

In the Time of God, the present is the only experience to be lived. In the present, the past is healed and the future is built. Live inside this Time, in which another moment is no longer waited for in order to act, pray, serve and live better.

You must heal from the human consciousness the addiction of losing cycles and putting off the opportunities that the universal conjunctures send to you.

Now is the time to do all things well, with completeness of spirit and heart, building the new life with present acts, and learning to enter into the Real Time, into eternity, through living the present.

I tell you this because this time is now approaching, and within it the cycles and the impulses will rapidly pass through your lives. To receive and experience them fully, it is necessary to always be living from within the heart, and for you to somehow comprehend living each instant as it were the last one.

Thus, children, you will be awakened for the cycles that might come, and for the impulses that the Universe may send you. This way you will be worthy of rebuilding the Earth and of expressing a new life in the Time of God, in the Real Time.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Supreme currents descend from the Heavens in this new cycle, Rays that come directly from the Heart of God, and which are unknown to men and women, vibrations created to dissolve the old time and unite Earth with the Time of God, called the Real Time of the Universe.

The Mirrors of the Cosmos converge their energy into specific points of the planet, which are receptacles of the sacred, they are called Enclosures of Love. Those vibrations will accentuate the purification, both of beings and of the Earth, and everything will move inside and outside of men and women, so that, thus, all become worthy of being called Children of God.

The supreme currents that come from Heaven build the path of return to the Heart of God. Know how to see this moment as a grace and let yourselves be transformed and corrected.

Peace will reign in the hearts of those who trust in God, beyond the tests and appearances. And though your human side you will suffer with everything that will happen in the world, within you will pulsate the certainty of Eternal Life, beyond the Earth, of the life in God.

Pray and strengthen your own faith.

Unite with one another, beyond the difficulties and miseries that you will see emerge in yourselves and in your brothers and sisters. It is the power of unity that will be able to transmute and transform all those things.

True unity, erected on the basis of love and fraternal life, the unity that comes from God and is reflected in you, that is what will sustain you.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Pray as if it were the last opportunity to cry out for this world. Forget yourself and focus your heart on those who really suffer and endure without receiving the love they need to get out of the abysses they are in.

Trust humbly in the power of prayer and do not allow your mouth to pronounce empty words in those moments when you are ready to pray. Remember always that this is your greatest service, that without prayer there is no planet, there is no love, there is no Evolutionary Plan that will manifest because for the human being to be worthy of entering the Time of God, they must first surrender and take the first steps in their transformation.

Today I tell you, child, that there is no better path to humility than prayer, which places you surrendered and transparent before God, and that through surpassing the limits of your own needs, reaches the hearts that suffer and do not know love.

Remember today and always that if you want to reach the Father, if you want to fulfill the Will of God for you and for the world, start praying sincerely, and go deeper each day in your prayer, so that it may become more and more real.

It will not do any good, My child, for you to do many things, to think so much about yourself if, in the end, your heart has not surrendered to a greater Plan.

The path to redemption is simpler than you imagine. Prayer itself will teach you to pray, as long as you are sincere and persistent in what is more than a spiritual practice; it is a planetary need.

Pray and I will hear you, and I will unite My Heart with yours so that you may walk this path with faith, and little by little, you may reach God, uplifting your heart and the human heart as a whole to the Creator.

You Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Life passes, ephemeral and simple in what is palpable to you, to reveal an Eternity and a sublime Truth. Every expression of life that is not material does not perish and endures, to demonstrate to humankind where their heart must be.

The memories, the learning experiences, the examples, the teachings, the true feelings of Love, all of this remains alive, inside and outside of humankind and also in the Heart of God and in the Sacred Books, as part of the history of humanity, as part of the history of the renewal of the Heart of the Father.

Life passes so quickly in order to reveal a Truth and a mystery that transcends the body and human understanding: there is a reality that exceeds all the wisdom that humanity has already known; there is a Life that transcends everything that today you understand as life.

See, children, how the Eternal knocks on your door so that you may enter into the Time of no time, into Real Time.

Let this moment not be a loss to you, but rather a link with the Truth, because your instructor on Earth leaves the world to raise you to the Universe. Everything he learned in life, he will elevate to a Greater Life, and the sublime learning experiences that he will live in the Universe will be revealed to your heart, as a higher teaching.

Therefore, embrace this moment as a step towards Infinity. Let this new cycle, of your instructor and master, in this and in many lives, elevate you to new cycles, as Work and as beings in evolution.

The one who accompanies this moment with gratitude will take a step towards Infinity and will place, not only their heart, but a part of the human consciousness, closer to God, in His Eternity.

 Eternity, children, is not death. Eternity is Life revealed.

 Your Father and Friend,

 The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Place your heart in the Heart of God to start a new cycle. Open yourself so that life may manifest for you in a different way.

In these times, child, in which Earth starts to enter into the Real Time of the Universe, you will experience and feel things that are sometimes incomprehensible or inexplicable. Feelings from the past will emerge in your consciousness, at the same time that sensations from the present manifest. In the same way, with intensity, within you will be an aspiration for what you will experience in the future, and suspended in this transition between what you were and what you will be, the only thing you can do is to calm your heart in prayer and place it in the Heart of God.

There is no way of not participating in the tests of the planet. There is no way of not experiencing the consequences of this transition. But, yes, there is a way of experiencing all of this and not losing peace: by placing your heart in the Heart of God and remaining there in prayer.

Let your being become purified and experience what you need to experience within so as to cross this threshold. It will not be so simple to transcend an ancient  retrograde human condition, but always remember to place your heart in the Heart of the Father, because in Him there will be relief, there will be a breathing space, there will be peace.

I bless you, today and always, so that immersed in these so accelerated cycles of continuous transformation, your being dives deeply into these waters and opens to the new, but always finds, in the Heart of God, the space where it can breathe, so as to be in peace in the tests of these times.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


The more the clock hands stray from the time and, the hours that used to measure the days no longer pass in the same rhythm, the closer the Truth and The Time of God approach to this world.

The hours of the Earth are revealed as an illusion. The seasons and the days no longer are the same as before, because the Earth is not at the same point; it is in a constant movement of approaching the dimensions of the Universe.

The hearts of humankind fear the chaos and perdition because their souls can glimpse the abysses that open up before meaningless lives.

And those who can feel the anguish within themselves and hear the voice of their souls, are seeking a path on which they can safely walk.

Oh, hearts of the world! The moment of Eternal Time has come, of the dissolution of illusion, of the absolution of sins, of the reparation of the Heart of God, wounded so many times by humankind!

The last doors for the awakening are opening. Send your “yes” to the Universe and let prejudice, fear, or the inability to seek Good give way to a new cycle in your lives.

Be encouraged by the example of those who say “yes” and allow yourselves to be broken within, so that you may be rebuilt by the Hands of God.

To those who have set foot on a path to Higher Life, I tell you: do not allow yourselves to waver.

Be upright, firm with yourselves, and true. Be meek and simple and let the joy that is born in your hearts when finding God be seen, beyond human miseries, because this joy and this example will encourage the souls that are undecided between the Light and the chaos of this time.

Be instruments of assistance for human resolution, and that is not done other than through serving, loving, and allowing yourselves to be corrected, transformed, purified, redeemed, and elevated to God.

Children of a New Humankind, place yourselves in the arms of God, in His new and last Ship. And even in troubled waters, full of the fury inherent to this spiritual battle, stand firm in the faith, do not allow yourselves to be thrown into the sea of the illusions of the world.

Gather Fortitude from My Words. Listen to the echo of the Voice of God in His Messengers and move forward!

Row! And never stop rowing! Lift the white sails of the triumph of Peace and save those who have lost themselves in these waters of illusion. You have My Blessing for this.

Your Father and Friend, who will always row with you and in silence will help you to keep, on high, the sails of this new and last Ship of Salvation and Redemption of human life.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


In the deepest of the night, the day is announced. When everything is still dark, the song of the birds announces the arrival of the sun, of the morning breeze and calls you to awake. The night brings solitude, nostalgia, sometimes silence, sometimes noises...

So it will be, children, in the dark night of the planet. It will bring the feeling of solitude, often of restlessness - the fruit of a heart that has not learned to be silent. It will bring nostalgia for a life of illusions that cannot be found anymore in the world, and that will invite you to walk in the dark for a time completely unknown to you.

At the apex of this night, when all those who are awake feel that it will have no end; when those who are asleep enter profoundly in their illusion, they will hear the sounds that come from Heaven. Like the birds in the last moment of dawn, angels will sing and their trumpets will sound. The Sun will return to the world.

Its Light will bring relief to those who waited in vigil, however, it will blind those who slept in illusion. Many will not understand immediately what will happen in the world because, for these, it will be a common night and the extraordinary will never happen, they will not perceive that time will stop and no longer count on the clocks of the world, their hearts, empty of God, will pulsate in the old time.

Those who, awake, await the arrival of the Sun, with the beads passing through their fingers, to remind them of peace, will finally breathe the breath of a new day and will recognize the end of the old time.

Many expect crashes, world catastrophes and a sudden end for humanity, and those will get used to experiencing chaos and will not perceive that the times unite and the old gives its place for a new time.

The dark night is already upon the planet. It is long, slow and its time is not measured by the watch on the wrist of people. Therefore, children, it is time to watch and pray tirelessly.

The Sun will arrive and it will not be the same sun that illuminates the days on Earth; it will be a new and resplendent Sun, renewed by His Celestial Majesty.

The spiritual night will be felt dark and deep, as it goes on. Feel its silence and keep in peace; listen to its noise and keep in peace; experience the human nostalgia that your hearts will feel and keep in peace. Let yourselves be purified by the tests of the spiritual night that is upon all, but keep in peace and with the certainty that, in vigil, you await the arrival of the Sun.

Who simply prepares your hearts for a new time,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Children, the cycle of daily messages that one year ago I promised you to deliver is already ending. During that period, I taught you many things and opened your eyes to others that, in truth, you already knew, but that you did not manage to live.

Because I was a man once, with a heart similar to yours, I could reach the depth of your consciousnesses and remind you about your commitment to God.

From now on, in the cycle that will come after the 20th of August –when the daily messages will end– it will be up to each one to study My Words again and reignite each code and each impulse that I left for you there, impulses that will be eternal and that will be alive for all those who open themselves from the heart and in consciousness.

I hope, in Christ, that you will be able to live each impulse that I delivered to you or, at least, that you try to do it every day.

You know that the clock time is no longer running as it used to run before. Little by little, you are entering a new time and each second is precious to you, because it brings in itself an opportunity that will never be repeated.

Depending on the inner answer of each one, I will be able to achieve the grace from the Creator to continue talking to humanity and, along with Mary and Christ, continue supporting the human heart, while it is possible, so that you may count on Our support until the last hour. For that to be possible, the effort of each one of you is indispensable.

In this new cycle, the aspiration of being different must be alive within you, impelling you to do different things for the materialization of the Plan of God and show the Creator that you truly want to respond to His Call and His Designs.

The Love of the Divine Messengers for humanity is infinite and each second of instruction that we deliver to all is precious to Us. But not only We must long for this meeting: each one of you must feel within yourselves this need of deepening yourselves into your own transformation and receive, from the Heavens, the new impulses that will lead you to a higher evolutionary degree.

Beloved children, meditate on the essence of this new planetary cycle and receive all the graces that are being delivered to you. The time of transforming yourselves is now, not later. Everything is possible with the persistence and perseverance of all.

It is time for the trust in the Will of God to be greater than your self-love, for the love to the Plan of the Creator to win over any aspiration of fulfilling a personal plan or living your own will.

Children, there is no more time to lose with yourselves, because are descending from the Heavens the currents that you need to transform yourselves and take concrete steps, finally consolidating the principles of a new life in the consciousness. Do not lose these impulses by being distracted. Open your arms and your hearts and, by gratitude, let yourselves be permeated.

Your Father and Friend of all eras, 

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph



God will not always speak to your ear and heart because there will come a moment in which His Voice will become silence and life within you.

You will no longer hear from the Lord His Words, as you hear them now, and this will dictate the moment of being One with the Father and that His Voice may not be pronounced from the outside inward, but within you for the whole world.

When the Creator silences and only observes the world, will be the time for the voices of His creatures to resound. It will be the moment to live the unity with God, so that from the being itself emerges the guidance for humanity.

The last test of the human heart will be the absolute solitude, solitude in which it will find itself spiritually as race and as consciousness. It will be the solitude of humanity with itself. And, in this moment, child, it will be only up to the human heart to find the exit to live love and truth.

Those who build unity with the Father will not hesitate or fear because their thought, feeling and action will be One with the Thought, Felling and Action of God. And those who do not know the Creator and never searched for Him will live the test of trusting their brothers and sisters in order not to get lost.

Those who claimed to be self-assured will see themselves facing an abyss and will want to turn back, without having where to go. The brave and trustful of God – and not of themselves – will launch themselves without fear and will enter the portals that lead to a new time, to the real time.

Child, among symbols and literalities, I make you know a part of truth. The only certainty you can have, before My words, is that whoever builds now a unity with the Father in their spirit will not get lost – but only from themselves.

Therefore, before wanting to know exactly what I say to you, search for the essence of My teaching and unite yourself, without delay, to the Creator, so that when your time comes of experiencing solitude, God will be with you, because He will be in you.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


You will defeat the indifference about everything that is happening in the world when, in your prayers, your heart is one with the heart of your brothers and sisters, no matter where they may be.

When you feel the Heart of God within you, and in it, the love for humanity and for the planet, then for you the pains of the world will be greater than your own. Feel the Love of God for this Plan of His. Feel the hope of the Father for multiplying the Spirit of Christ in His children.

On taking communion, do not simply put a piece of bread in your mouth. In Communion, live the greatest miracle of Christ that, in union with the Will of His Father, gave Himself to the cross and continues to give Himself every day, several times a day, on all the altars consecrated by God, to share Mercy through the Body of Christ.

Every day, the Lord takes on the sins of those who have faith and make the bread the Sacred Body of Christ, and the grape juice, His Precious Blood.

Where are you at Communion time? What do you understand of the great universal mystery of Transubstantiation and Mercy?

Do you know that all the creatures of this vast infinity observe you and, on their knees, plead that this bread become flesh and that you become one with Christ?

Go, small soul, dive beyond your ignorance. Do not allow the cycles to go by and your mind remain sick in the superficialities of life, when you have before you the greatest opportunity for transformation of this universe.

Do not pray only to calm your heart and to find a little more peace in the madhouse that this world is for you. Dive into the universe of prayer, merge with God, discover His Love and His Sorrows, alleviate His Most Sacred Heart. Open the door to the balm that flows until today from the Heart of Christ and allow His Mercy to pour over souls and over the Kingdoms of Nature.

Make your life the reason for the sacrifice of Christ. Make your permanent effort to merge with Him and be a Living Christ, the reason for Him still having His Eyes focused on the beings of Earth and not ceasing to offer His Heart in reparation for the sins of the world.

Transform yourself and fly far.

Have your feet firmly on this Earth so that, in your elevation, it may transcend the dimensions and enter with you into the Real Time, into the Time of God.

I bless you and keep you in My Heart so that you may unveil there the mysteries that I discovered in life and also in the glory of the Heavens.

Your father and companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


If you are peaceful in your lives and in everything you seek unity and harmony, you will be able to perceive the union of the times and what it causes in the consciousness of humanity.

If you enter into prayer every day, seeking to truly feel what is happening in the spiritual life of the planet, you will realize that the conflicts and wars that are happening in the world today are not like those that happened in the past.

Just as the good that permeates the hearts at this time sanctifies them and fulfils them in order to bring them to Christification, the evil that lives today in some human beings is destructive even to the essences and the spirits of beings. Everything is intensifying; everything is growing in unbridled proportions, both for good and for evil. And this, the heart that prays can feel and live. I tell you this, dear ones, because you must learn to deal with the situations that are present in the world today.

The real time of the universe is beginning to unite with Earth’s time and human consciousness will also begin to feel its true creative potential, both positive and negative. The thought and the verb will have more power than ever; so we ask you to pray, pray without ceasing to balance and oppose the evil ideas that infernal plans try to shape in the minds of the human beings and manifest in Earth’s life.

You should never fear, because the greatest tool of the human being is the heart, not the mind. There will be no evil thought that is not destroyed and erased by the sincere and full prayer of a heart that responds to the call of God. It is only necessary that you pray, truly pray, with love, with conscience, filling the verb with the intention that the Will of God be reflected in the planetary consciousness.

When God’s time approaches Earth, your spirits also draw near and your souls are filled by the impulses of the true being. Therefore, when you enter into prayer, seek what you truly are. Get in touch with your own essences by means of silence and peace and receive from it all that you need to live today in union with God and His Plan.

You know that humanity is very ignorant in relation to the truth and few understand what the Divine Messengers are trying to transmit to the world. Therefore, it is very important that those who are conscious and who understand, at least a little, the Will of God can live what we teach, thus opening the door for others to follow the same path.

As you take your steps, dear ones, new opportunities will open up so that you can know ever greater truths and so that those who are stuck in their evolutions can be propelled and take the first step.

I love you and that is why I instruct you so that you not only know the Will of God, but also live it.

Your Companion of always, The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Meditate on this day about your return to the Origin and do not seek the mental concepts, that inside of your consciousnesses, become confused by the distance that exists between what humanity knows about the Truth and the Truth itself.

You are in a time in which you will receive many keys, in order that, in a harmonious way, the being may find the unity with the Creation and recognize itself inserted into it, inside of its laws and in obedience to the course of its evolution.

I know that many feel without the inner and outer resources to meditate concerning something so sublime and apparently so distant from you. But the Origin, as well as the whole history of your spirits, can be found inside of your own hearts. What happens is that you occupy yourselves much more in thinking of the non-existence of all these things, or even thinking of how they are inaccessible to you, tan of seeking them and to follow the instructions that I deliver to you.

I only ask you to be humble, so that you do not confuse and interpret, with the mind, what only the heart can understand. Because in the same way that the mind takes many resolutions that the heart does not understand and does not accept, the heart also has within it truths that only it can understand.

The time of this world, marked by the hands of the clock, is already ceasing to exist, in order to give way to an eternal time, in which only the present is the reality and everything else is kept as an experience in the consciousness.

Hence, you must start, from now on, to deconstruct the concepts of the human existence of life upon Earth and also the concepts that you have formulated in your minds about God, His Plan and all of the Creation, because the Truth will come to light and It resembles nothing of what you know.

The human consciousness has mixed principles of truth with fantasies in all means of communication of the world and, thus, has given a sign to itself that the only truth that existed was a great illusion in which you were living in matter.

I ask you, once more, that you listen to Me with the heart. Contemplate your own interior and seek there the truth about yourselves and the unity that exists between what is alive in your own essence and everything that I tell you.

I love you and because of this I give you small keys and impulses to the awakening of your consciousness.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


If you do not understand something that I tell you, enter the precinct of your own heart and there, seek to transcend the imperfections, the ideas about yourselves, the concepts already constructed around your own personality or even what you believe to be, in soul and spirit, because the Plan of God is completely unknown by the heart.  Even those who are considered to be wise live in the same time and space of illusion, separated from the Supreme Truth.  Thus, even though they may be able to glimpse something about the Superior Life, they will never be able to know it completely, but only when the time of God starts to be one with the time of this world and the illusion of you being alone, in an infinite Cosmos, disappear from the human consciousness.

For not knowing anything about the Plan of God, neither you know about yourselves, because you are part of a Supreme Creation, which, as a whole, is a great mystery for humanity.   But the time will come in which the mysteries will have to be unveiled, because the Plan of God must be lived by His Creatures.

Contrary to what many think, the Divine Messengers are sent to the world so that you can live the Plan of God and not so much for you to be able to know it.  That is why, throughout the centuries, we only delivered to humanity words that would lead it towards a new principle of life through love, faith and charity.  And these principles, by themselves, would lead humanity to live according to what God thought for it.  And after having lived and experienced the Plan of God, then, you would start being able to get to know it and to understand better the reason for you to live all those things and why you could not continue living the ordinary human life of the surface.

As the times are accelerating and the Kingdom of God is approaching the world in order to make it sacred and to remove it from illusion, the Divine Messengers give Their last great impulse to the human consciousness, trying to make it live the divine principles and, at the same time, understand, whatever is possible for it within its limitation, about the universal life, the Plan of the Creator and to where it is conducting you from this new cycle.

That is why I ask you that, before you listen to the Words of God in the word of His Messengers, you enter in the depth of your own heart and forget everything you think about yourselves, about humanity and about the planetary life, so that thus you may be able to find a door to get in touch with the truth of all those things.

I leave this reflection and the Peace of My Heart to you because knowledge must be always reached with the spirit of peace, since the transformation only occurs when it is guarded by peace, as well as the correct fortress builds itself with the peaceful heart.

Your Beloved Father and Companion of the Eternity,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
