In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound awakens souls and indicates, to the heart of the Earth, that the time of renewal has come.

The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its sound announces that the time has come for the fulfillment of the prophecies. Listen, children, with the ears of the heart, to this divine sound.

The Celestial Belfry now sounds, and through its vibration, it activates the Mirrors of the Cosmos, which turn to the Earth to radiate the divine principles that come from the Heart of God.

The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its vibration echoes in the universes, among the dimensions. All that is life feels the vibration of its sound. The angels ring the Celestial Belfry and, through its sound, awaken the sources of the Immaterial Rays so that, from the depths of the universe, they may descend upon the material consciousness and transform manifested life according to the divine principles and thus begin the rebuilding of the Earth in all its expressions.

The Celestial Belfry resounds in the universe, and its sound touches the depths of the consciousnesses that have not understood human existence, and have not opened up to the renewal of the Love of God. Through the Celestial Belfry, the creatures of the universe begin to understand the essence of life and offer themselves to collaborate with the Earth in the awakening of the New Humanity.

When the Celestial Belfry resounds, the Love of God, latent in the hearts of His Children, begins to awaken and brings them a greater understanding. This Love, children, which emerges from the creatures of the Earth, lights up and can be seen among the dimensions and among the universes. It is in this way that hope emerges within all creatures beyond the Earth, beyond this universe.

The Celestial Belfry marks the time of rebuilding, when duality has promoted the transformation of human consciousness, when suffering becomes sacrifice and humanity no longer experiences pain, but rather self-surrender, just as Christ did, transforming each Wound into an offering that transubstantiated life, that transfigured beings and granted them a new opportunity.

This same thing will happen in the hearts of all those who live the power of surrender, and who, in God’s Time, are His instruments, to transform life in all dimensions, in all expressions of the cosmos.

The Celestial Belfry resounds in the Time of the Universe, called Real Time, because in it all has been concretized, human life has been transformed, and the Divine Purpose has been achieved. Listen to the resounding of the Celestial Belfry, because its sound awakens the Temple of the Sphere, and this Temple, which holds the history of human consciousness, radiates like a mirror the vibration of a new life, so that all consciousnesses may awaken within themselves the potential of a new being.

When the Celestial Belfry resounds, its sound also echoes in the depths of the Earth, and the immaterial life that hides within it begins to emerge spiritually and become one with the terrestrial life on the surface of the planet. Thus, human beings will feel an unknown will to know that which cannot be seen; they will feel an imperious wish to deepen into their spiritual life, because material life will not bring them answers.

When the immaterial life from within the Earth begins to emerge to the surface, it awakens in consciousnesses an imperious will to remember and return to their Divine Origin. The unknown will no longer cause them fear, but it will rather be the firm purpose of the consciousnesses that will not find satisfaction on Earth, but rather in the depths of their own hearts.

The Celestial Belfry will resound and can be heard within beings. All those who become silent to seek higher life will hear its sound and awaken through its vibration.

The Celestial Belfry, children, is a divine tool manifested at the beginning of life, before creatures incarnated in the material dimensions, because before the Creator sent His Children into matter, He manifested the Celestial Belfry to call upon His Creatures to return to His Heart when the time has come.

This is the time.

In the Real Time of the Universe, where there is no past or future, but only the Eternal Present, there the Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound strengthens hearts so that, despite all that they must still experience on the planet, they may know that the Purpose has been fulfilled. May your strength lie in the sound of the Celestial Belfry because, despite all the tests that you will still live, the path of return has begun to be trodden.

When you cannot bear the chaos in the world, the transition of days, be silent and listen to the Celestial Belfry, because from the moment it begins to sound, it will not stop until the last creature returns to the Heart of the Father.

Find strength in the spirit, find strength in the silence, because it is through silence that the truth will be revealed to you.

Experience today, children, the presence of the Real Time of the Universe, experience the Divine Purpose concretized, your missions accomplished, your spirits transformed.

Experience today the entrance into the Temple of the Sphere, that Spiritual Temple which dwells within the planet as a part of the Heart of God. And may this experience be for you like a promise that all will pass and that the Plan will be fulfilled.

Teach your hearts to find silence, so that they may find again the balance of their minds and emotions, so that they may allow the retrograde impulses that the planet sends to them all the time be transmuted and liberated from the human consciousness.

Teach beings to be silent, contemplate nature and find God again through this simple exercise; this will be a key when all seems lost. Hold within your hearts what I am saying to you, so that you may not forget that, through silence, you can find the Temple of God, and know, in this Real Time, that all is now fulfilled.  

Argentina must someday rise from within. This is why your hearts are here, congregated in this Sacred Center, experiencing the Temple of the Sphere, in which divine codes are deposited in your essences, in your cells and consciousnesses, so that you may rebuild yourselves and in this way impel this nation, which must become the cradle of a new life, must be ready to prepare the way for the Redeemer and that, with your hearts rebuilt, you may help rebuild life on Earth.  

May all the Sacred Centers that dwell within this nation re-ignite, so that souls may feel again hope and inner strength.

May the Disks of Love be activated, to awaken souls and elevate consciousnesses. This must be your mission in this time: elevate the vibration of this nation as well as this planet, to sustain and maintain all, until it is fulfilled in all dimensions and times.

We will accompany you and walk side by side with each one of the servers. I just ask you to perceive Our Presence and count on Us in prayer and silence, to establish peace.

May those who are postulants to consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph stand up.

Children, receive today a spiritual impulse and a Celestial Grace that comes not only from My Chaste Heart, but rather from the Heart of the Creator Father, so that your souls may always find strength to persevere.

Receive today the gift of wisdom, to always know where to be and how to proceed, to know how to lead souls when they are confused, to bring a word of encouragement or an intercessory silence before those who need it the most so that, like the Sacred Family, your hearts may be serving hearts in silence and also in your actions, so that you may mirror in life the gifts that are kept within you today.

Express that which you are, so that your virtues may not remain only latent in your hearts, but you may express them with the simplicity of the life that consecrates itself to God.

You have My blessing for this..

Bring incense and blessed water here.

May this water wash and purify you, and symbolize the purity of heart to you, so that you may always find it, even amidst the times of chaos and of so much impurity in the human consciousness. Through this gift, I grant you purification, so that your hearts may be ready.

May this incense be blessed to symbolize consecration and your eternal aspiration to make life sacred. Through this incense, I bless and consolidate within you the Graces that I grant you today, so that nothing can remove from you that which you have received from God. Be worthy of being called Children of God, representatives of Christ, forerunners of a new life, so that the Divine Purpose may be established.

May the Light of the Temple of the Sphere remain ignited within your hearts. Remember to return to it whenever you need help, whenever you need an answer. Silence will be the key that will open these doors to you and, through the crystals of your hearts, you will indicate that you may enter.

Today I bless you, I consecrate you and grant you one more opportunity to begin again.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace, under Divine Grace. 

I thank you.

Sister Lucia de Jesus:

At the request of Saint Joseph, let us sing the song of unity once again and prepare ourselves for communion.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound awakens souls and indicates, to the heart of the Earth, that the time of renewal has come.

The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its sound announces that the time has come for the fulfillment of the prophecies. Listen, children, with the ears of the heart, to this divine sound.

The Celestial Belfry now sounds, and through its vibration, it activates the Mirrors of the Cosmos, which turn to the Earth to radiate the divine principles that come from the Heart of God.

The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its vibration echoes in the universes, among the dimensions. All that is life feels the vibration of its sound. The angels ring the Celestial Belfry and, through its sound, awaken the sources of the Immaterial Rays so that, from the depths of the universe, they may descend upon the material consciousness and transform manifested life according to the divine principles and thus begin the rebuilding of the Earth in all its expressions.

The Celestial Belfry resounds in the universe, and its sound touches the depths of the consciousnesses that have not understood human existence, and have not opened up to the renewal of the Love of God. Through the Celestial Belfry, the creatures of the universe begin to understand the essence of life and offer themselves to collaborate with the Earth in the awakening of the New Humanity.

When the Celestial Belfry resounds, the Love of God, latent in the hearts of His Children, begins to awaken and brings them a greater understanding. This Love, children, which emerges from the creatures of the Earth, lights up and can be seen among the dimensions and among the universes. It is in this way that hope emerges within all creatures beyond the Earth, beyond this universe.

The Celestial Belfry marks the time of rebuilding, when duality has promoted the transformation of human consciousness, when suffering becomes sacrifice and humanity no longer experiences pain, but rather self-surrender, just as Christ did, transforming each Wound into an offering that transubstantiated life, that transfigured beings and granted them a new opportunity.

This same thing will happen in the hearts of all those who live the power of surrender, and who, in God’s Time, are His instruments, to transform life in all dimensions, in all expressions of the cosmos.

The Celestial Belfry resounds in the Time of the Universe, called Real Time, because in it all has been concretized, human life has been transformed, and the Divine Purpose has been achieved. Listen to the resounding of the Celestial Belfry, because its sound awakens the Temple of the Sphere, and this Temple, which holds the history of human consciousness, radiates like a mirror the vibration of a new life, so that all consciousnesses may awaken within themselves the potential of a new being.

When the Celestial Belfry resounds, its sound also echoes in the depths of the Earth, and the immaterial life that hides within it begins to emerge spiritually and become one with the terrestrial life on the surface of the planet. Thus, human beings will feel an unknown will to know that which cannot be seen; they will feel an imperious wish to deepen into their spiritual life, because material life will not bring them answers.

When the immaterial life from within the Earth begins to emerge to the surface, it awakens in consciousnesses an imperious will to remember and return to their Divine Origin. The unknown will no longer cause them fear, but it will rather be the firm purpose of the consciousnesses that will not find satisfaction on Earth, but rather in the depths of their own hearts.

The Celestial Belfry will resound and can be heard within beings. All those who become silent to seek higher life will hear its sound and awaken through its vibration.

The Celestial Belfry, children, is a divine tool manifested at the beginning of life, before creatures incarnated in the material dimensions, because before the Creator sent His Children into matter, He manifested the Celestial Belfry to call upon His Creatures to return to His Heart when the time has come.

This is the time.

In the Real Time of the Universe, where there is no past or future, but only the Eternal Present, there the Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound strengthens hearts so that, despite all that they must still experience on the planet, they may know that the Purpose has been fulfilled. May your strength lie in the sound of the Celestial Belfry because, despite all the tests that you will still live, the path of return has begun to be trodden.

When you cannot bear the chaos in the world, the transition of days, be silent and listen to the Celestial Belfry, because from the moment it begins to sound, it will not stop until the last creature returns to the Heart of the Father.

Find strength in the spirit, find strength in the silence, because it is through silence that the truth will be revealed to you.

Experience today, children, the presence of the Real Time of the Universe, experience the Divine Purpose concretized, your missions accomplished, your spirits transformed.

Experience today the entrance into the Temple of the Sphere, that Spiritual Temple which dwells within the planet as a part of the Heart of God. And may this experience be for you like a promise that all will pass and that the Plan will be fulfilled.

Teach your hearts to find silence, so that they may find again the balance of their minds and emotions, so that they may allow the retrograde impulses that the planet sends to them all the time be transmuted and liberated from the human consciousness.

Teach beings to be silent, contemplate nature and find God again through this simple exercise; this will be a key when all seems lost. Hold within your hearts what I am saying to you, so that you may not forget that, through silence, you can find the Temple of God, and know, in this Real Time, that all is now fulfilled.  

Argentina must someday rise from within. This is why your hearts are here, congregated in this Sacred Center, experiencing the Temple of the Sphere, in which divine codes are deposited in your essences, in your cells and consciousnesses, so that you may rebuild yourselves and in this way impel this nation, which must become the cradle of a new life, must be ready to prepare the way for the Redeemer and that, with your hearts rebuilt, you may help rebuild life on Earth.  

May all the Sacred Centers that dwell within this nation re-ignite, so that souls may feel again hope and inner strength.

May the Disks of Love be activated, to awaken souls and elevate consciousnesses. This must be your mission in this time: elevate the vibration of this nation as well as this planet, to sustain and maintain all, until it is fulfilled in all dimensions and times.

We will accompany you and walk side by side with each one of the servers. I just ask you to perceive Our Presence and count on Us in prayer and silence, to establish peace.

May those who are postulants to consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph stand up.

Children, receive today a spiritual impulse and a Celestial Grace that comes not only from My Chaste Heart, but rather from the Heart of the Creator Father, so that your souls may always find strength to persevere.

Receive today the gift of wisdom, to always know where to be and how to proceed, to know how to lead souls when they are confused, to bring a word of encouragement or an intercessory silence before those who need it the most so that, like the Sacred Family, your hearts may be serving hearts in silence and also in your actions, so that you may mirror in life the gifts that are kept within you today.

Express that which you are, so that your virtues may not remain only latent in your hearts, but you may express them with the simplicity of the life that consecrates itself to God.

You have My blessing for this..

Bring incense and blessed water here.

May this water wash and purify you, and symbolize the purity of heart to you, so that you may always find it, even amidst the times of chaos and of so much impurity in the human consciousness. Through this gift, I grant you purification, so that your hearts may be ready.

May this incense be blessed to symbolize consecration and your eternal aspiration to make life sacred. Through this incense, I bless and consolidate within you the Graces that I grant you today, so that nothing can remove from you that which you have received from God. Be worthy of being called Children of God, representatives of Christ, forerunners of a new life, so that the Divine Purpose may be established.

May the Light of the Temple of the Sphere remain ignited within your hearts. Remember to return to it whenever you need help, whenever you need an answer. Silence will be the key that will open these doors to you and, through the crystals of your hearts, will indicate that you may enter.

Today I bless you, I consecrate you and grant you one more opportunity to begin again.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace, under Divine Grace. 

I thank you.

Sister Lucia de Jesus:

At the request of Saint Joseph, let us sing the song of unity once again and prepare ourselves for communion.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound awakens souls and indicates, to the heart of the Earth, that the time of renewal has come.

The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its sound announces that the time has come for the fulfillment of the prophecies. Listen, children, with the ears of the heart, to this divine sound.

The Celestial Belfry now sounds, and through its vibration, it activates the Mirrors of the Cosmos, which turn to the Earth to radiate the divine principles that come from the Heart of God.

The Celestial Belfry resounds, and its vibration echoes in the universes, among the dimensions. All that is life feels the vibration of its sound. The angels ring the Celestial Belfry and, through its sound, awaken the sources of the Immaterial Rays so that, from the depths of the universe, they may descend upon the material consciousness and transform manifested life according to the divine principles and thus begin the rebuilding of the Earth in all its expressions.

The Celestial Belfry resounds in the universe, and its sound touches the depths of the consciousnesses that have not understood human existence, and have not opened up to the renewal of the Love of God. Through the Celestial Belfry, the creatures of the universe begin to understand the essence of life and offer themselves to collaborate with the Earth in the awakening of the New Humanity.

When the Celestial Belfry resounds, the Love of God, latent in the hearts of His Children, begins to awaken and brings them a greater understanding. This Love, children, which emerges from the creatures of the Earth, lights up and can be seen among the dimensions and among the universes. It is in this way that hope emerges within all creatures beyond the Earth, beyond this universe.

The Celestial Belfry marks the time of rebuilding, when duality has promoted the transformation of human consciousness, when suffering becomes sacrifice and humanity no longer experiences pain, but rather self-surrender, just as Christ did, transforming each Wound into an offering that transubstantiated life, that transfigured beings and granted them a new opportunity.

This same thing will happen in the hearts of all those who live the power of surrender, and who, in God’s Time, are His instruments, to transform life in all dimensions, in all expressions of the cosmos.

The Celestial Belfry resounds in the Time of the Universe, called Real Time, because in it all has been concretized, human life has been transformed, and the Divine Purpose has been achieved. Listen to the resounding of the Celestial Belfry, because its sound awakens the Temple of the Sphere, and this Temple, which holds the history of human consciousness, radiates like a mirror the vibration of a new life, so that all consciousnesses may awaken within themselves the potential of a new being.

When the Celestial Belfry resounds, its sound also echoes in the depths of the Earth, and the immaterial life that hides within it begins to emerge spiritually and become one with the terrestrial life on the surface of the planet. Thus, human beings will feel an unknown will to know that which cannot be seen; they will feel an imperious wish to deepen into their spiritual life, because material life will not bring them answers.

When the immaterial life from within the Earth begins to emerge to the surface, it awakens in consciousnesses an imperious will to remember and return to their Divine Origin. The unknown will no longer cause them fear, but it will rather be the firm purpose of the consciousnesses that will not find satisfaction on Earth, but rather in the depths of their own hearts.

The Celestial Belfry will resound and can be heard within beings. All those who become silent to seek higher life will hear its sound and awaken through its vibration.

The Celestial Belfry, children, is a divine tool manifested at the beginning of life, before creatures incarnated in the material dimensions, because before the Creator sent His Children into matter, He manifested the Celestial Belfry to call upon His Creatures to return to His Heart when the time has come.

This is the time.

In the Real Time of the Universe, where there is no past or future, but only the Eternal Present, there the Celestial Belfry now resounds. Its sound strengthens hearts so that, despite all that they must still experience on the planet, they may know that the Purpose has been fulfilled. May your strength lie in the sound of the Celestial Belfry because, despite all the tests that you will still live, the path of return has begun to be trodden.

When you cannot bear the chaos in the world, the transition of days, be silent and listen to the Celestial Belfry, because from the moment it begins to sound, it will not stop until the last creature returns to the Heart of the Father.

Find strength in the spirit, find strength in the silence, because it is through silence that the truth will be revealed to you.

Experience today, children, the presence of the Real Time of the Universe, experience the Divine Purpose concretized, your missions accomplished, your spirits transformed.

Experience today the entrance into the Temple of the Sphere, that Spiritual Temple which dwells within the planet as a part of the Heart of God. And may this experience be for you like a promise that all will pass and that the Plan will be fulfilled.

Teach your hearts to find silence, so that they may find again the balance of their minds and emotions, so that they may allow the retrograde impulses that the planet sends to them all the time be transmuted and liberated from the human consciousness.

Teach beings to be silent, contemplate nature and find God again through this simple exercise; this will be a key when all seems lost. Hold within your hearts what I am saying to you, so that you may not forget that, through silence, you can find the Temple of God, and know, in this Real Time, that all is now fulfilled.  

Argentina must someday rise from within. This is why your hearts are here, congregated in this Sacred Center, experiencing the Temple of the Sphere, in which divine codes are deposited in your essences, in your cells and consciousnesses, so that you may rebuild yourselves and in this way impel this nation, which must become the cradle of a new life, must be ready to prepare the way for the Redeemer and that, with your hearts rebuilt, you may help rebuild life on Earth.  

May all the Sacred Centers that dwell within this nation re-ignite, so that souls may feel again hope and inner strength.

May the Disks of Love be activated, to awaken souls and elevate consciousnesses. This must be your mission in this time: elevate the vibration of this nation as well as this planet, to sustain and maintain all, until it is fulfilled in all dimensions and times.

We will accompany you and walk side by side with each one of the servers. I just ask you to perceive Our Presence and count on Us in prayer and silence, to establish peace.

May those who are postulants to consecrate themselves as Children and Friends of Saint Joseph stand up.

Children, receive today a spiritual impulse and a Celestial Grace that comes not only from My Chaste Heart, but rather from the Heart of the Creator Father, so that your souls may always find strength to persevere.

Receive today the gift of wisdom, to always know where to be and how to proceed, to know how to lead souls when they are confused, to bring a word of encouragement or an intercessory silence before those who need it the most so that, like the Sacred Family, your hearts may be serving hearts in silence and also in your actions, so that you may mirror in life the gifts that are kept within you today.

Express that which you are, so that your virtues may not remain only latent in your hearts, but you may express them with the simplicity of the life that consecrates itself to God.

You have My blessing for this..

Bring incense and blessed water here.

May this water wash and purify you, and symbolize the purity of heart to you, so that you may always find it, even amidst the times of chaos and of so much impurity in the human consciousness. Through this gift, I grant you purification, so that your hearts may be ready.

May this incense be blessed to symbolize consecration and your eternal aspiration to make life sacred. Through this incense, I bless and consolidate within you the Graces that I grant you today, so that nothing can remove from you that which you have received from God. Be worthy of being called Children of God, representatives of Christ, forerunners of a new life, so that the Divine Purpose may be established.

May the Light of the Temple of the Sphere remain ignited within your hearts. Remember to return to it whenever you need help, whenever you need an answer. Silence will be the key that will open these doors to you and, through the crystals of your hearts, will indicate that you may enter.

Today I bless you, I consecrate you and grant you one more opportunity to begin again.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace, under Divine Grace. 

I thank you.

Sister Lucia de Jesus:

At the request of Saint Joseph, let us sing the song of unity once again and prepare ourselves for communion.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

With the same simplicity as the sunrise every morning, so your own inner world illuminates, to live the Law of Transfiguration and enter the subtle world.

With the same gratitude that you feel for life, upon arriving in the sacred places, in this way you must enter them, so that you can experience healing and redemption on behalf of all of humanity.

It is in a simple way, children, that you can illuminate your cells and atoms, that you can elevate your own consciousness, not only to enter the Sacred Kingdoms that your Creator manifested within the Earth, but so that, in His time, when these Kingdoms manifest throughout the world, not only your consciousnesses but also each nucleus of your beings may be a part of this Kingdom.

The New Jerusalem not only dwells in the Divine Consciousness, in the universal, celestial and spiritual dimensions. This land, promised to the Patriarchs, to the Tribes of Juda, is also found within the Earth, split in different spaces of this planet, those known as Centers of Love. These Centers will merge someday, they will unite into one Kingdom, which will be the Kingdom of this world.

When the time of the Earth dissolves into the Time of God, the one known as the Real Time, in this moment there will be no borders, there will be no limits, there will not even be dimensions separating the human consciousness from the spiritual life that dwells within the planet.

All of this world will be sacred. And just as other civilizations of the Universe unconditionally serve all of Creation, the Earth as well, children, will be able to serve.

The time now arrives in which the veils will finish tearing. Veils that began to tear more than two thousand years ago, when the Son of God manifested Himself in this world.

He will come and He will no longer speak through symbols, He will no longer speak through parables. His Words will be clear and the signs that will come with His Presence will reveal the true life to each man and each woman of this world. We prepare you for this moment, so that you can be worthy of being face to face with the Son of God.

And let Him be like a mirror for you, which reveals the Truth to you, which for such a long time hid within your essences.

Yes, each one of you holds a mystery within yourselves. You do not even know who you are.

This truth that is much beyond your evolutionary history, much beyond the history that was written in the Universe as on the Earth, before you arrived here, before you committed so many errors and strayed from the Divine Purpose.

This original Truth, this perfect Thought of God, is still held in the depths of your essences; it still waits, silently, to be able to manifest.

Today we bring you here, as humanity, so that you may not only receive a revelation or experience a learning experience. We bring you here so that, on behalf of each being of this Earth, you can remember the true purpose of your life in this world.

Your essences pulsate before this sacred valley, because they recognize not only the billions of years of the history of humanity that is kept here. They recognize a Divine Purpose that was drawn here so that someday humanity could remember it.

At the request of God, we brought you here, to the Grand Canyon, not only for you to recognize the history of the original peoples of this land that you do not know. Not only for you to know that there have been beings in ancient times of humanity who lived the Law of Transfiguration and entered the interior of the planet, into its subtle dimensions.

We brought you here not only so that you could see a magnificent place that expresses the Love of God for humanity, when He created this perfect planet, so that the human beings could also express perfection.

We brought you here, children, because throughout all history of humanity, this sacred space kept unique human records. It kept each learning experience lived by the beings of this Earth, as a way so that some day they could heal all errors, reverse the mistakes and return to the origins of Divine Thought.

In this place, the Consciousness of God descends to place His perfect Thought.

In this place, the Divine Essence lights up, illuminating each register of the history of humanity that is kept here, in such a way as to remind all beings that the true purpose of humanity is to fulfill the Divine Will, manifest the Sacred through simplicity and express the Love that re-creates and renews the entire Creation of God.

Allow this Purpose to awaken in your essences, through My Words and My Presence, as a servant and messenger of your Creator.

Through the Portals that I open between the Celestial Universe and this world, I bring you the Light of God that illuminates all the registers of the Earth and reveals to you your purity and origins. This happens in the depths of your essences, this happens in your consciousness, in your spiritual levels.

Receive the Grace that descends upon the planet and radiates to all of humanity.

As from this new cycle, the history of each being, as well as of this Work, begins to be re-written, because you must learn to begin again through all the impulses that you have received.

Accept the forgiveness that comes from God and let all registers of errors be healed. Errors that you do not know, that do not come only from this world, but from all the history that was written in the Cosmos, before you arrived here.

Today you receive the Grace that comes from the Heart of the Creator so that this history may be renewed and so that, as consciousnesses, as a Work and as humanity, you can take a new step. This is the true purpose for you having come here.

The knowledge of the sacred life that is expressed here elevates your consciousnesses so that you may be in the correct vibration in order to receive and experience the Forgiveness of God.

The Light of your Creator illuminates this valley, illuminates the history of humanity written here, and, furthermore, permeates each human consciousness.

The moment has come, not only to awaken, not only to remember, but also to be healed.

The moment has come to feel forgiven because, as humanity lives a transition and the nations begin to live hard tests, children, you must begin to consolidate that which is Sacred, express the Centers of Love and express the very love of your hearts; a love that comes from God, from the Origins, and that dwells, silently, within each one of you.

While the old human loses its reign, oftentimes through suffering, disillusion and the disbelief that many will live, on the other hand, within you, the Plan of God must be consolidated.

You must know what is the Thought of the Creator for this humanity, what is the straight and perfect path, to return to His Heart and to make this planet sacred.

Because when despair touches the heart of humanity, they must know what path to take.

Your essences must be like beams in the purification of this Earth. For that, this clarity must illuminate your minds, your hearts and your spirits, and this takes place through simplicity.

It is through this simplicity, humility and purity, through the simple gratitude that you can express, that the most sublime Doors open, the most sincere revelations may manifest.

We brought you here so that you could meet the example of the indigenous consciousness, because it was through simplicity that they entered the subtle worlds. And each one of you must learn this same simplicity. Through it, steady your minds, this concrete mental plane that must become simple and intuitive so that, when it is before the Portals, it can enter without fear.

May ignorance, arrogance and vanity not close the doors for you, but may humility and gratitude expand, more and more.

Throughout time, we have brought you to many sacred places, and we have manifested Our Marian Centers and Light-Communities upon each one of them.

This is so not only so that you may be protected, but also so that you may someday be merged, perfectly united with the sacred that dwells beneath your feet and in that which is invisible within the hills, in the invisible of your lives, which are so often oblivious to that which is sacred.

With My words, I just want to awaken in each one of you the simplicity that leads you to Transfiguration. it is in this way that you will live the Laws. It is in this way that the Laws will live within each one of you, that not only your hearts and your spirits, but also your cells will manifest this Truth, just as some peoples were able to live it.

Receive this impulse of love through My Word and My Heart.

May each being that hears My Voice be able to remember their origins, may their essences light up so that, when the time comes, all the Graces, all the codes of light that I brought to you today may light up and be the perfect key that will allow you to enter the subtle worlds and allow these subtle worlds to be manifested within your lives.

I leave you My blessing and the deepest gratitude of the Heart of God so that it may resonate within you and make you mature as spirits and as servers of His Sacred Heart.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
