During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary annouced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!


I am not only your Celestial Mother and Mother of Life, I am the Light that ardently gives impulse to the devotion of your soul toward our dear and glorious Creator.

I am the balm with the aroma of roses that cleans, purifies and sanctifies your being so that, in this time, you are encouraged to take steps in trust toward the Creator.

I am this mirror that incarnated on Earth to deliver the essence of love to the children of God, the essence of a love that may be able to regenerate inner life and erase suffering and pain forever.

I am that flower, unique and unrepeatable. I am that eternal flower that surrenders in the hands of Its children so that they can contemplate it and love it, so that this love, that has not yet arisen from within each child, can blossom and work miracles of love in the lives of those who suffer, and those who have nothing.

I am the Mother Who shelters you during the cold winters of life and Who protects you during the stormy nights.

I place all of you near my chest so that you may not only be in My arms, but so that you may also feel the love in My Heart, of a Heart that beats for each one of you.

This is the reason why I am here, for each one of My lost children and those who are not lost, believers or atheists, conscious or ignorant ones. I am for each one, to be able to take you toward My peace and so that, in My peace, My children, you may learn to live in God, in His Presence and in His Kingdom

I am that unconditional Mother, that Mother Who is consoling and relieving of human and moral suffering.

Come to Me, children, because in Me you will find God, and all of your experiences and tests will become small before the Love that comes from the Father, and this will make you free.

Children, I am the Mother Who understands and Who prays untiringly for today's world, for the humanity that is psychically and spiritually sick. Therefore, I come, because a mother would do anything for you. Only a mother is capable of feeling and of understanding, to the deepest levels, each one of her children.

Today, may the mothers of the world, terrestrial and spiritual mothers, unite to Me to cry out to the Father for humanity and for its great indifference, so that love and life may be respected, so that solidarity may be sown in the human hearts and so that everything may be repaired and healed in the innermost core of each being.

May mothers pray today so that the spirit of sacred maternity may not be dissolved from the women of the world, and so that this first contact that the mother makes with her newborn may be protected and supported by the Mother of God because, in spite of everything that humanity does today, the Project of God in family life has not been lost, so that souls find the meaning of being in unity and in family.

Pray with Me, pray, mothers of the world, and in this way My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,


Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



I taught Saint Camillus of Lellis to bring love and charity to the most ill.

Today, I teach you the same so that this love may be present in the servers and collaborators of the Service Nuclei.

May it reach all souls that will be in this acute moment of humanity. Many souls still need this love that I give you, in each new meeting, so that the life and heart of those who suffer may be relieved.

This is the time to give spiritual, mental and material relief. It is no longer time to complain nor judge, it is time to bring Greater Love to the sick and suffering world.

Therefore, Saint Camillus loyally followed My inner Inspiration, until Saint Camilus and his work of service for the sick gave birth to the Red Cross, which to this day gives an impulse to millions of souls at the service of the neediest.

Saint Camillus of Lellis had within him certain spiritual rules and keys, which will help you when welcoming and giving love to those who suffer in this time of various inexplicable diseases.

Saint Camillus felt within his heart that love should always come first, before action, because in this way the action of charity and service would be filled with the Greater Love and then the Law of inner Healing would be established.

Saint Camillus felt that to serve selflessly, one should first give of themselves completely, without making any requisites nor conditions at the moment of offering to serve.

Saint Camillus felt that to spiritually help the one who was sick and suffering, the server should enter the suffering of the other to be able to understand on a deep level what their neighbor was experiencing.

And lastly, it was fundamental for Saint Camillus to see in the other the living Christ, the Christ who suffers and agonizes from human indifference and ignorance.

This was what gave an impulse to Saint Camillus to live entirely for others, beyond limits.

May these impulses help all servers of healing to bring the Presence of the Lord to those who suffer, so that forgiveness may be established in the consciousness of those who need it.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus 



While the world and humanity suffer, there will always be service to do and to offer.

In service, you will find the correct door to get out of yourselves every day.

Service does not make you think about your processes or your deserts.

Service quenches the inner thirst and liberates you from any emptiness.

The world and humanity especially need to serve each other in order for the most serious faults, caused toward Creation and to the Kingdoms of Nature, to be forgiven.

Imitate My Son, be like Him, souls in eternal service to God and to the poorest among the poor, spiritually and materially.

Rejoice when the Universe sends you a new service and in this way you will be freed from yourselves.

The world suffers, not only due to the lack of compassionate love, but also from the lack of service.

Service is the ABC's of spiritual life and of religious life, because it is in service that you will find the healing for all miseries.

Receive service as an opportunity to love and to share inner goodness.

May service for others give you an impulse to concretize the so expected healing of humanity.

I thank you for responding to My maternal call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



In order for your being to become depersonalized and truly become different, sometimes certain tests or learnings arrive, that perhaps for your mind make no sense or have no explanation.

But for God, everything that happens to you indeed has an explanation, and the Father will always hope that every experience that you may live or go through will help you to take steps in the evolution of your soul and your essence.

Only certain experiences can help you perceive that, if in truth a situation did not exist, which made you change your position or your opinion, you would not by any means manage to take the Christic steps that at this moment and in this time, I need you to be able to take.

Thus, your irritation or discouragement have no value because you must know that your destiny is already written in the Heart of God.

When there is suffering, lack of understanding or tension, it is because you still have not managed to clearly perceive that there is something within you that must die forever and no longer be there.

It is only with faith and a great deal of determination that you will manage to overcome the limits of consciousness, but for me it does not matter if you do not manage to do so; what really matters is that you try again, every day.

Allow yourself to be guided by what the Universe and spiritual wisdom are gradually showing you and never try to modify the occurrences, because then you would be delayed much longer before finally being able to reach Me.

Trust, surrender and be nothing; in this way, you will allow Me to be part of you.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus

Marathon of Divine Mercy

And so, from the beginning, the Father knew that He would give Himself to the world, through His Beloved Son, for the redemption of all souls and the forgiveness of all errors committed.

My Voice is pronounced to a world that must awaken.

My Heart expands before all of the Universe, bringing the charity of My Spirit and the balm of My Soul to all souls of the world.

We are preparing, at this time, brothers and sisters, to listen to the Words of Christ, which are a part of the Mystery of God that, at this moment, will be unveiled to humanity.

At the request of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, we will listen to "Thus spoke the Master" and we will open our hearts to these revelations.

Today, in My hands, I bring a spiritual treasure that many still do not know. It is something more than your essence and your truth; something more than existence, more than your origin.

It is the first thing that manifested before the Celestial Father, when He thought this into existence, before the creation of the Universes and of all life on the surface of the Earth, such as the Kingdoms of Nature that you know of today, before all Creation was part of the Thought of God and He had the perfect and divine intention of manifesting His Kingdom within men and women.

It was when God, your Eternal Father, decided to unveil the mystery of His Trine Consciousness, presenting Himself to humanity throughout the recent times and by means of all the history that took place within this part of the Universe, as in others.

In this way, He mandated the Creator Fathers, the Archangels, to carry this great Divine Mystery within Their Hearts, which would be unveiled to the humanity of the Earth and in other places of the Universe, through the Word, the Sacred Word.

Thus, the Holy Spirit intervened at that moment, so that all the Virtues and the Gifts of God could remain recorded in the essence of His children, not only those who are here, in this humanity, but also in other spheres of the Universe.

For this event and this petition, God requested from His Archangels that they mobilize the whole Universe so that all, in the inner worlds, could feel the presence of His Truth and of His Divinity even in the smallest details, in the greatest feeling of union with God and with His Source.

And this Mystery came to the world. Hearts were able to recognize it when the great Angelic Consciousnesses presented themselves to humanity. The first Patriarchs and Prophets received the revelation of God through His living and resplendent Presence, not only through supraphysical movements, but through non-material Laws that humanity still has not fully discovered.

I need you to understand, companions, that this is an invisible mystery that shows itself to your inner eyes and your souls, because God needs a part of humanity to be able to represent Him in this time, knowing that a new civilization must awaken so that, through the Return of Christ, the Project of God that was thought of in the beginning and that still has not been accomplished because of the errors of humankind, may be established through each human essence that shines like a sun before the Universe. Essences that must be freed from darkness and oppression so that the presence of God may reign with the absolute and permanent conviction that, being in Him and in His Presence, nothing bad will happen, but rather luminous triumphs will be achieved.

Because the greatest testimony that you can give to God in this moment is the true transformation of your lives, your sacrifice and your surrender, knowing that what God aspires for is that the majority may be able to do something for humanity, for the planet, for the sustenance of the equilibrium of the axis of the Earth, for the seas, for the continents, and for all of Nature, which is in agony because of the perversion of humankind and the punishment of those who use their hands to destroy it.

I am the One Who, with His Blood, wrote the new time and the beginning of a new opportunity, the coming of a hope that, like a flame, will maintain the faith in hearts and a definite awakening to redemption.

If you, companions, had not offered all of this work today, this would not be possible, because God needs your consciousness to come to attain reality so that you may help take many out of illusion, those who are asleep and despair and continue to suffer because of their own errors and choices.

But I do not come to punish the world nor to threaten it. I come to tell you that the Fount of the Love of God can be revealed within you and will be the key to the portal of the path in order to overcome duality, the evil that was established in many hearts of the Earth through the action of My adversary. Love, companions, will help you to learn to obey, and obedience to the Divine Hierarchy and to the Presence of God will support you and strengthen you.

And everything that still waits in the Universe to be revealed to the consciousness of the world will come forward, because in the same way that you today responded to My call, in a sincere and true way, I will be here among you again, companions, as long as I can and am allowed, to always lead you to God and to tell you that suffering is an illusion that humankind of the surface has created, upon distancing itself from Love.

Thus, the Love of God itself is presented to the world so that it may within hear the call of God and may never again deny it, knowing that this is the time of last opportunities, in which everyone will be invited to cross the portals of the Cosmos to find again their true consciousness and their higher self, which patiently waits to fulfill the Will of the Father in this material Universe and on this planet; a higher self that hopes to accomplish its mission and its task, offering itself fully to God, without any need to suffer or endure, like the world does every day.

Today Argentina was freed from a very great evil because you, companions, allowed the Revelation of God to come, and as much as My words are abstract or not understandable, your essences and your souls understand what I am saying to you at this moment. Because in order to understand and know the Revelations of God, first you must love them, love them more than yourselves and everything that exists, and the Father will feel much pleased and happy for being able to show them to you.

And so the veils of the consciousness will fall away from your faces, and the past of the Universe and the history of humanity will be completely erased from your consciousnesses, and you will step upon the path that you lost before committing errors.

It is no longer the time of suffering; it is the time of healing, of Mercy, of forgiveness, of reconciliation and of the renewal of your consciousnesses. This will allow all the impulses to be mirrored and to be reflected in Argentina and in the whole world and that more souls may return to God and feel this deep communion that is born of the heart from the one that believes and has faith without having seen.

What I give to you from My hands, companions, is what God thought of for South America, and is called Creator Project of the highest dimensions of consciousness, where only happiness, unity and the Love of God exists; where the law of suffering is transcended because life is lived in the Law of Equality, Harmony and Love.

I want and I wish you to be able to live under these Laws so that your lives may continue to change and transform according to what the Father needs. But do not be afraid of your purification, because your purification will free you and will leave you more whole and available for the end of times.

And so I give My Graces and My Mercies to all beings, knowing that this time is unique and unrepeatable and that before I return to the world physically, I will withdraw, because I will have left all my instructions and teachings so that you may be ready for what will come. You must not be fearful about what still has not come; this has no meaning and has no solution.

Now is the time to be that which God needs in the small efforts, in the immediate surrender, in collaboration and in cooperation with the planet, with the Kingdoms of Nature, with your brothers and sisters on the path, with all those whom you have by your side daily. These are souls that also need love and forgiveness, and you can be My precursors in this infinite and invincible love that can fill your consciousnesses and everything that exists, no matter how much darkness there may be, no matter how much tribulation may prevail.

Love will not take you out of Me, for if you are in My Love, you will be in the Father, and I will be in you. This is only what I need in order to be able to prepare My Return to humanity, the Return that is coming and that can already be felt through the awakening of hearts.

As a sample of this immensity of Love and of Mercy, today I will grant a special Grace, because I know that it is a deserved Grace and reciprocated by the souls that are timidly willing to take steps toward Me. But believe that all take steps toward Me, as small as they may seem; they only need to be real, sincere steps, profound steps, because I do not need you to be perfect, as you know. Because if I had to save the world with perfect beings, the Project would not be accomplished, existence would be meaningless Creation would have no reason.

It is in love where you will achieve freedom and will heal your hearts and wounds, just like My Presence today heals wounds of the past of Argentina, of those who disappeared and the fallen in the Malvinas Islands and, especially in those who through terror and oppression, were not able to see God.

Today, through your prayers, through your persistence and your faith, Argentina is inwardly renewed, in spite of its outer chaos. I teach you to journey on the opposite path because My adversary does not know it nor can He identify it. It is with kindness, with love and with generosity that you will transform the world and the human consciousness and, consequently, the nations.

Never raise your swords. Never raise your word. Never let your anger rise toward any brother or sister, because I assure you that you will regret it. Place the fire that is part of this nation in the Hands of God. Let everything be given to the Highest, just as the Highest gave it to you from the beginning, even in the smallest details of all this Universal Creation.

Love, not only your brothers and sisters, but also the Kingdoms of Nature. Open your senses and perceive that in the Kingdoms there is also the need for healing and for forgiveness, the pressing need to express love for the most innocent Kingdoms.

And, in this way, Argentina will gradually become something else, because My Presence here will not be lacking. My inclusion and Presence will always be here because I know you need it.

In the heights of the Sierras of Cordoba, during the month of September, your Lord will give a new impulse that will place Argentina in another state and on another level. The presence of the Hierarchy will become visible, not only in spirit, but also in the physical, because as you know, it is the time of awakening, it is the time of love and of forgiveness. Amen.

And now that your inner worlds are prepared to enter into My Celestial Church, I invite you to stand up for the celebration.

And we will call upon Karina, Sonia, Viviana, Ivonne and the mother of Mara to come here to the foot of the stage.

You, My daughters, are a group of souls that have much to do for Me; I have seen it, I have recognized it and, above all, I have felt it.

God and His paternal gaze are upon everything. For this reason, through this act of consecration, as My spiritual daughters and My spouses, I come to bring you the testimony of the Love of God through My Heart, for all those who are behind you seeking the path of the spirit and the truth. Amen.

"Celestial Father, may Your Altars descend to Earth. May the angels congregate the souls in Your Celestial Church so that the Fount of Your Love, of Your Healing and of Your Compassion, may descend into hearts. Amen"

"Father, through Your Will, You created the water so that all can feel, every day, the renewal and the rebirth of Your Spirit in the human essence, so that everything may be washed, purified and blessed by Your Spirit. Today, may souls be blessed by the Grace of Your Light. Amen."

The elements of consecration for the helpers.

"May the Light of Your Heart, Eternal Father, illuminate the consciousnesses so that, through the consecration of their life, they may always find Your Truth and especially the Fount of Your Love that will nurture them, renew them and free them from all evil. Amen."

At this moment, the sisters will make an offering to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the silence of their inner being.

Your name will be María Sofía.

Your name will be Caridad.

Your name will be María of Israel.

Your name will be Esperanza.

He wants to ask of you something for Africa, that you be called María of Kibeho, for Africa.

And now we will move on to the moment of the transubstantiation of the bread and the wine, and we ask those who can, to kneel in reverence and gratitude.

Only because of love, in that time, I took the bread. The Most Holy Trinity blessed it. I gave it to the apostles, saying to them: "Let all take and eat of It, for this is My Body that will be given for you for the forgiveness of sins."

And at the sound of the three bells, the bread changed into the living Body of Christ.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

And still through an act of great Love and Mercy, I took the Chalice into My Hands. The Most Holy Trinity blessed it. I handed it to the apostles, saying to them: "Let all take and drink of It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be shed by your Redeemer and by many innocents for the forgiveness of sins. Remember to do this in memory of Me."

And at the sound of the three bells, the wine changed into the precious Blood of Christ.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

Behold the testimony of the Love of God for all souls of the world. Happy will be those that avail themselves of this Most Holy Sacrament.

Prayer: Our Father.

And we establish the Peace of Christ in humanity, by listening to seven sounds of the bell.

May the Peace of God flood your hearts and Truth remain in your lives so that the Plan of God may be realized in all souls and His Kingdom be established in humanity. So be it.

May the Peace of My Heart be in you and in the whole world.

I give you Peace in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for having received Me, and in fraternity and for the whole world, you will give one another the greeting of peace.


In spite of all the purification that you experience within yourself, and the purification that you see happening in the world, contemplate this cycle with gratitude.

In spite of the chaos, the anguish and sometimes the fear in these times, within and outside of beings, contemplate this cycle with gratitude.

In spite of sometimes not knowing what to do with what you feel or think, not knowing how to proceed or escape from yourself, contemplate this cycle with gratitude.

Let gratitude, child, elevate you during the purifications of life. Let gratitude elevate you in the face of the situations of the world. Let gratitude place you in a degree of love, in the face of suffering, just as your Lord was while expiring on the Cross.

Let gratitude allow you to see this cycle as the announcement of a new time, as the dawn of a new day.

Let gratitude show you that you are being purified in order to reach Truth. There are layers that are breaking up within you so that you may reach your essence and be able to see who you really are.

Let gratitude lead you to God.

I have spoken to you so many times about gratitude and I will never stop presenting this Divine Gift because it is through it that you will overcome these times, it is through it that you will assist the world, it is through it that you will return to God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Prayer of the Divested Soul
If my suffering, Lord, however seemingly small,
serves as a relief from the suffering of my brothers and sisters,
may Your Will be done, Lord.
If my emptiness, dryness, agony and abandonment of You
serve as assistance, encouragement and joy for my brothers and sisters,
may Your Will be done, Lord.
If my tiredness, desert and aridity
serve to fill the emptiness, the aridity and the deserts of my brothers and sisters,
may Your Will be done, Lord.
If my nights of harassment, battle or solitude
serve to give strength, encouragement and faith to my brothers and sisters,
may Your Will be done, Lord.
If the lack that I sometimes feel of You, the absence of consolation
and the increase in work pleases Your wounded Heart,
may Your Will be done, Lord.
If my despair, my torments and my dark nights
help to save lost, abandoned and unloved souls,
may Your Will be done, Lord.
If I do not receive love and only contempt,
if I do not feel understood and only judged,
if at this moment I do not find the meaning of being by Your side,
beloved Christ, may Your Will be done, Lord.
Give me the inner strength to fear nothing.
Every day give me the bravery to learn
how to come out of myself, more each day.
Give me love to learn how to love and accept my fellow being,
because if up to now I do not feel anything,
if on this cold night or this cloudy day
I cannot manage to see the Sun of Your Heart,
and this serves so that my brothers and sisters of the world
may manage to see the Light, the Love and the Mercy of God,
may Your Will be done, Lord.
I only hope to please You in the small details.
I only want to be an instrument in Your Hands of pity, Lord,
so that anywhere on Earth
where You send me, You may be recognized,
so that they may feel love and hope,
so that, thus, the suffering, the pain and the abandonment
of desperate hearts may be relieved,
in honor of Your Celestial Victory.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Place your achievements, aspirations and renunciations within My Garden. Cover this Garden with the greatest affection of your soul and, detaching yourself of everything, open yourself to live and practice My Will.

Completely surrender to Me to the point that you become nothing and, in that nothingness, in that emptiness and absolute resignation, you have the Grace that all My Projects may be deposited in you.   

I know that it is not easy to abandon your own will, but make this opportunity that I give you the possibility of accomplishing My wishes and aspirations, just as many have accomplished them in other times.

Now it is time to watch your own consciousness, to avoid it from placing you into difficulties.

If you live with gratitude, that which I ask of you and need, you will not have reasons to suffer from anything. Suffering, anguish and desolation are consequences of a life that does not accept from the heart the Will of God, and takes years to realize that the Will of the Father must be accomplished.

Decide to give great steps with obedience and resignation, and thus you will always find and discover the sense of serving Me in each moment.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Those who have nothing, those who want nothing, those who are poor of spirit and pure of heart will be the pillars of the redemptive work of My Mercy.

In those who aspire for nothing, in those who expect nothing, in those who are empty of themselves establish the pillars of the work of My Mercy and through them I can do more than with hundreds of workers in a vineyard.

By your fruits, you will be recognized, because all that you unite to in Heaven will be united on Earth, and all that you disunite with in Heaven will be disunited on Earth.

This is the time to recognize the virtues and gifts that I make flourish within the hearts of the simple. It is also time to recognize My Face in the fellow being, in the one who is alone, in the one who is sick, in the thirsty and in the one in agony, because all you do for the least of Mine, you do it for Me.

This is the moment to relieve the heavy cross of suffering, of indifference and of error that hundreds of souls commit, day by day, before the salvific Love of God.

It is the time that, within each one of you, you confirm your surrender to My Sacred Heart.

I bless you and thank you for keeping My Words in your heart.

Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ


Perceive, child, life around you, colors, sounds, elements, vibrations that this life emanates, what you attract to yourself, what you radiate to your neighbor. Observe how everything is united, how everything is part of a Whole, and silence yourself.

Perceive your inner world more deeply; perceive the inner world of your brothers and sisters, always so full of mysteries. Feel how everything is united, how everything is part of a Whole.

Perceive joy and plenitude; perceive anguish and suffering; perceive emptiness and the incomprehensible, and feel how these same states are manifested in life, in the consciousness of the peoples, within beings, in the expression of the Kingdoms of Nature, in the manifestation of the elements. Perceive how everything is united, how everything is part of a Whole.

Find the mystery of the similarity with God, feel that you are part of Him, part of the planet, the stars, of life and, at the same time, all of this is part of you. 

Pray for peace, by living peace.

Pray for love, by seeing this love being born and expressed in you.

Pray for a new life, by rebirthing.

 Pray for a new time, letting the union of times happen within you.

Live the present, the now, the service, the need, the prayer, the Plan of God.

Find God within you; find the Father within you.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Weekly Messages

My Soul and Heart are now in Angola. I am ready to take the Love of God to the innocent souls, souls poor in spirit.

My Divinity is now in Angola, as is the maternal Grace of My Heart, because My wish as a Mother is to be with My children of Africa, it is to be able to gather up within Me the love, the purity and the devotion of this people for the Mother of God.

They are My beloved and favorite children, whom I love very much and for whom I pray, every day, for their lives, in this way, keeping them under My divine protection.

Angola was the nation chosen by your Heavenly Mother to be able to open the doors to humanitarian service and religious service.

Angola is a people that is a witness to conflicts and heir of a suffering that it should have never experienced. But the end of this captivity will come and My children of Angola, as well as those of all Africa, will be able to be participants in My maternal Love.

Thus, on this special day, the consecrated life, through the Order founded by My Son, will enter the African continent to carry the love and the healing of the Sacred Hearts, with the hope that someday the Pilgrimage for Peace may visit this beloved people so that My children of Africa may feel embraced by the Mother of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Just as the Light of God eradicates pain and suffering from the past of the nations of the world, in the same way, My Immaculate Heart prevents disaster and chaos from being installed in humanity.

For this reason, I come to the world and descend from Heaven as spokeswoman and Messenger of God to call His children to the moment of awakening of the consciousness and to the importance of the moment of protecting and taking care of the planet.

Dear children, today your Heavenly Mother accompanies the task of Her Son with love and devotion, so that the fruits of conversion and of spiritual healing may be established in those spaces of humanity where peace, good and charity have been absent.

Through the unfathomable Divine Mercy, God grants the world a time of repentance and of penance so that the change of consciousness may be truthful and not temporary. May this change remove the nations from their places so that the well-being, which certain nations experience, may be equally shared with the nations that are exploited and subdued to the world system created by humankind.

Therefore, children, your Heavenly Mother arrives in places where such awakening will enable the change in all of humanity. Thus, indifference will be dissolved from human consciousness and everyone will be able to live in fraternity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message received in the city of Frankfurt, Germany, transmitted by the Glorified Christ Jesus to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

The time is approaching when the doors of the terrestrial hells will close and where the souls will pass from a level of suffering towards a level of Light and Mercy.

This will happen through the prayer column established on the surface of the Earth, an inner exercise that will sustain any consciousness and under any situation.

The Prayer for the Nations will continue to grow as a task and as a purpose and, each day that passes, more souls will be touched and called to participate in this luminous network of prayer, preciously formed by all the beings of prayer and goodwill of this planet.

This spiritual and, at the same time, human foundation, is what your Redeemer will use to prepare nations, people and cultures in order to welcome the second coming of your Redeemer.

This is the time to have knowledge of this internal purpose that is being carried out, day by day, in the life of those who participate in this proposal, and thus each prayer becomes a possible instrument that, in humility and selflessness, is capable of carrying forward the Love of God and His Messengers, to any part of the world and under any circumstance,

Magnificent is the internal network of prayer that unites nations and peoples, a network created and sheltered by the Heavenly Mother.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus

Monthly Messages
Message for the Special Apparition received in the city of Zagreb, Croatia, transmitted by Mary, Rose of Peace, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Dear children,

I come on this special day when your dear people of Croatia remember the Mother of God of the Stone Gate, so that your hearts and souls may now feel this moment of forgiveness of all the past and of all that has happened.

Today, your sweet Mother meets you to profoundly awaken you to the Love of God, so that your footprints of pain and of suffering may be erased by the balm of Light of My Heart.

My children, today I bring you the Grace of renewal for your people. This is the moment when God contemplates His people through the Divine Mother, and it is the moment when the Celestial Father will be attentive to the voice of your supplications so that, in consequence, He may pour out His Mercy and many more children may feel spiritually relieved of all that has happened.

As a Consoling Mother, I offer you the Gate of My Heart so that in this time you can feel the love of your Heavenly Mother. A love that will rejoice your wounded hearts, a love that will bring healing and redemption to your consciousnesses.

On this day, when the history of the old Yugoslavia will be piteously liberated by God, your hearts will receive the Grace of recovering faith in the Heights, and the Heights will descend upon you for the Purpose of the Father to be consummated, of recovering your spiritual dignity as children of His Eternal Heart.

Today, Heaven descends in glory through the Mother of God, and the Divine Lady places you in Her arms so that you may feel love, healing and forgiveness.

Elevate your hearts to Heaven and believe in your freedom. Everything will change, everything will transform, and what was painful in the past will no longer weigh because you, My children of Croatia, will attain Mercy.

Express your love. Unite with the Celestial Father. He waits for you with all the compassion of His Heart so that you may live peace and hope in these definitive times.

Encourage yourself to say “yes” to the new time, the time of Mercy.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you and loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

If more souls hear the Call of God, this world will not need to know suffering.

Today I come here, children, to relieve the suffering of hearts, although they do not know it.

I come to relieve the Suffering of God for the indifference of souls, for the numbness of beings.

When I look at the world, My Heart is filled with compassion and pity, because I know the Divine Project, that first Thought that God emanated to create human beings, mirrors of His Consciousness, similar to Him in essence and in heart.

That Thought has remained hidden within each one of you and within each being on this Earth. The perfection of God has remained hidden behind all human miseries, and few are the souls that can express themselves according to the Will of their Creator.

Today I come here not only to reveal truths to you; I come to raise to the Heavens the souls that suffer and the sins of this world, in order to relieve the planet and give it a little peace.

Although you are so few, this was enough for the Love of God to descend upon this world and begin to build, in this nation, an opportunity for redemption.

The greater the abyss, the greater is the Love that God sends to Earth. That is why we are here, in this place, in this city, in this nation. Because where the beings who need it the most are, there is the Love of God, no matter how indifferent they are to Him and how often they do not believe that this Love exists.

Many times, hearts suffer because of ignorance, because of not knowing that the Love of the Father is available for all beings.

Therefore, tonight, I only ask you to open your hearts not only in the name of this nation, but also in the name of all of humanity, so that a greater Grace may descend to Earth and, by the offering of a few, the Mercy of the Father may expand throughout this world.

The Mysteries of God are infinite and even more so is His Love. Never forget when He was on Earth, in the Body and Soul of His Son. Do not forget that it was with a few that He transformed the history of this planet and all of His Creation.

The cycles repeat so that beings may receive a new opportunity. The Creator aspires to announce His Presence to the world, a Presence which is not limited to one religion, one people, one nation.

The Presence of God is in everything, children: in the air you breathe, in nature, in the hearts of your brothers and sisters; in everything is the gaze of your Creator Father; in everything is His Heart, waiting for the awakening of love in the hearts of men and women.

I come here to free souls from the suffering they bring from their nations to this place: their brothers and sisters who emigrate, so many who become lost in the seas and so many who arrive here in search of hope.

Through my Presence in this place, I come to give a special Grace to each one of these nations that suffer and cannot express themselves as God thought, due to wars, darkness, the lack of love in the hearts of beings.

Today my Light penetrates the oceans and reaches the nations of Africa, of the Middle-East, through the hearts that, although they do not know that I am here, need help and cry out to God thinking that they do not find a response. The presence of the Divine Messengers here is the answer of God to the prayer of so many hearts who have cried out for Mercy.

That is why I have come to this city to respond to the silent prayer of many of My children who believe that God does not listen to them. The Mysteries of God are infinite. Sometimes you think that He does not listen to you, that He does not answer your prayers, but many times, children, His grace comes into your lives in a way that you cannot perceive, just as today it comes into the lives of so many of your brothers and sisters, although they do not know it.

I wish that hearts could know Divine Grace, so as to know that there is still hope for life in this world, which is not only survival, but an experience of love, similar to the Love of God in His Son.

I wish that beings could know that suffering can be transformed when they understand the cross of these times as an opportunity to renew their Creator's Love.

Do not be afraid to announce the Divine Presence to the world. Not only through words, but also through the example of your hearts. It is the testimony of your lives that will cause beings to lose their fear and believe in the Presence of God through this work, which He Himself is building.

When you raise your consciousnesses to the true purpose of human existence and know that you are here for a Higher Purpose, to manifest a Divine Plan, then, children, it will not matter to you the criticism of men, religions, different cultures and the very love in your hearts will allow all of this to come together in that Greater Purpose. 

God aspires to build in this nation, as in the whole of Europe, a seed of unity among different peoples and cultures, among different religions. 

Here, where beings live the fear of losing power, a false power, where religions are afraid to cease to exist and do not realize, children, that this very fear is what is making them disappear, allow yourselves to enter into communion with your brothers and sisters, so that peace may be established, so that hearts may sincerely repent of their sins.

It will not be with many that the Creator will transform this world. It will be with a few,  who are sincere of heart, that He will begin to transform life on Earth, who, in their silence and prayer, will unite peoples and nations from the spiritual levels to the material levels of life on Earth.

Begin each one of you by loving and respecting your neighbor, even when you are judged or criticized for your way of loving. Love as Christ taught you, living His Gospel, beyond taking it as a sacred book or leaving it in your homes and calling yourselves Christians.

Be more than Christians, be Christs of the new time, imitators of the footsteps of your Lord, so that, in this way, your souls may be a path for Him to return to this world.

Let each one of you, children, be the living chalices upon which He will pour out His Blood to institute a new genetics, His Genetics, on this planet.

As I speak to you, the Presence of God expands upon the Earth and reaches the hearts that need it the most.

While you listen to Me, let your prayers be true, have faith that you are before God, that Heaven opens before your hearts, that the Eyes of the Father are upon Earth, and that, with the slightest opening of your hearts, His Mercy descends upon this planet.

Cry out for peace for the nations that are at war.

Cry out for mercy for those who say they live in the Name of the Lord and dirty His Name with their sins.

Cry out for forgiveness for those who live in hatred and indifference.

Cry out for healing for those who, because of the injustice they have lived, have forgotten the love that is in their hearts.

Cry out for a Grace so that, in the heart of Africa, love may emerge again and this Earth may be a seed of the new life.

Cry out for the Middle-East so that the Blood of Christ shed there may emerge from the earth and heal the hearts, making this land sacred again.

Cry out for this nation, for Italy, so that it may be the cradle of a true religiosity, where hearts will respect and love their neighbor, the different religions and the truth that is in the hearts of their brothers and sisters.

Let the darkness in this hour give way to the Divine Light and may you cry out for peace.

With these words, I teach you to pray with your heart, because the world needs it. Wait with love for your Celestial Mother, announce Her Presence more strongly and louder, so that more souls may have the opportunity to stand before Her and receive a Grace.

Before saying goodbye to you, may the priests come here, so that, by the Grace that God has granted them, they may bring down His transubstantiation, to transform the elements of the altar into the Body and Blood of Christ, in Remembrance of Him, as He has asked you, and that this communion, children, this Eucharist consecrated before the Father may pierce your bodies, your consciousnesses, and come as a Greater Grace to this world.

For this, I bless you.

We may stand or kneel for the consecration of the Eucharist.

Priest - And at this moment we remember when our Lord, at that time, together with His disciples, raised the bread, gave thanks, because the day of His Sacrifice had come. God blessed it and He said to all the essences of the world: take and eat from it, because this is My Body, the Body that will be given for all of you, for the forgiveness of your faults.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. 
We praise you, Lord, and we bless you.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

Then our Lord took the Holy Chalice, gave thanks, the Father blessed It, and He said, "This is My Blood, the Blood of the new and eternal Covenant between souls and God; blood that will be shed for all of you for the total liberation from your faults and for Eternal Life. Do this in Remembrance of Me until I return.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You. 
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

Here is the Lamb of God, His Body and His Blood.

Let us pray the Our Father. 

Now, once in Italian.

May the Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all.

With the consecration of the Eucharist, the Grace of God descends into the hearts of men and women, and my task here today is fulfilled.

I bless you and thank you for being here in the name of this nation and this humanity.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

Take the Peace of the Lord to one another as He has taught you, silently giving one another the greeting of peace. Thank you.


Apparition of the Virgin Mary in Palermo, Sicily, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Today I come to give My greatest Love to the planet, to humanity, to Italy.

I come with the Love of God to meet and sustain you through the Love of the Father, so that you may experience your time of purification, the time of redemption that My Son aspires to see in you.

I have come through this pilgrimage to the south of Italy to give My children what they need, because a Mother, in the unfathomable Love of God, knows what Her children need in this hour.

My children, I need to have you in My arms so that you may be filled with the Love of God.

A Love that will free you from suffering, from all guilt and sin.

The Love of God is stronger than any human malice or blindness. The Love of God that I bring you today, through My maternal Heart, will give you peace and withdraw you from the spiritual captivity where you may find yourselves at this moment.

Through My Maternal Heart, My children, I take you toward the Love of God, because in the Love of God there is no darkness, no adversity and no fear.

I bring you the Love of God so that you may learn to overcome the end of times, because in the Love of God you will be in harmony, in inner balance, you will be in profound peace.

Through the Love of God, My children, I come to open the eyes of your consciousnesses so that in this time, your souls may be encouraged to follow God according to His Commandments and His Will.

Through the Love of God, I not only promise you salvation, the end of spiritual captivity, but I also promise you, My children, the Kingdom of the Heavens, by means of a sincere heartfelt repentance for all the actions committed in this place, in its people, in its history and throughout the last times.

I come to offer you this Love because in the Love of God there is no suffering; you will find happiness, fortitude, and impetus for conversion.

Through My Immaculate Heart, My children, I offer you the Love of the Source of the Father that today presents itself in Italy so that this nation and all of its people may be bathed in the Mercy of God, and it is in Mercy, My children, by living the Mercy of God and by being merciful in each moment that you will perceive very clearly in complete awareness that you must change for the good of God, the good of your land, of your people and of all humanity.

In Love, I bring you closer to the Peace of God so that this change of consciousness may occur under a greater discernment and wisdom, so that you may not feel suffering or pain at the moment of changing for a greater and unique Will.

As a Messenger of God and of the Most High, as the Lady of the Holy Rosary, the Queen of Peace, I ask you, My children, that if you open your eyes in order to see the call of God through the presence of His Servant, all your brothers and sisters, and your families will also, within themselves, hear the call of God, according to how God has conceived it and sustained it until this time.

Open your heart, My children, so that in this moment the Love of God may heal you deeply so that this island be an island of salvation, an island of the redeemed that congregate in the love of Christ to live the Word of God through the light of the Gospel and of the holy Sacraments that My Son offers you daily.

Re-experience the Teachings of Christ and each one of His Words so that you, just as the people who stood beside Jesus, may be able to change and transform into the spiritual and inner model that God needs from each one of His children of Italy.

Stretching out My Hands to you, I offer you the Light of My Heart, which is the eternal Light of God, of the Living God, of God the Most High, of the God of Love, Who contemplates you and Who re-ignites you in His Fount of Pity, of Mercy.

Thus, My children, feel the embrace of your Celestial Mother, which dispels the darkness, which redeems hearts, following the requests of Christ, Our Lord.

I call you, My children, as the Lady of Tears, to a moment of deep reflection, before everything is unleashed in Italy, because in this moment of reflection you will be able to live your conversion, your transformation under the good that My Son offers to you through His Eucharistic Communion.

And so, My children, from South America, the place of your Heavenly Mother, I come here to Italy to bring you the Light and the Love of God, so that your paths may be clean, your minds be clear, and you may be moved by the love of the heart that dwells within you and must awaken like an eternal fire, like an unending source that gives of itself and surrenders out of love.

Through the Love of God, My children, I bless you and invite you to follow My steps of the Faithful Servant, so that your lives may be an example of fraternity and unity with your fellow being, of service and relief from suffering.

I call you, My children, to make service to others primary in your lives so that through it you may find not only the Inner Christ in your peer, but also the Pity of God that will always lead you to Mercy and to His Source.

And I promise you that shortly you will not recognize your lives, because of the transformation you will fully be able to experience through the Portal of Peace and Harmony that I open here today in Sicily, so that all of My children and their history may pass through it, as a relief and healing of all the pain experienced in the latest times.

I call you, My children, to be the Light of Christ on Earth through a living commitment to the prayer of the heart.

I call you, My children, to establish true groups of prayer, especially in your families, so that the Heart of your Celestial Mother may be the fire that illumines your paths in these difficult times for humanity, so that your families may also receive and welcome My call.

In truth, My children, I offer you a simple but real path, which is to say, a last opportunity for your entire homeland to become sanctified, according to the Will of God and the fiery Plan that He wishes to establish here.

But first it must begin in you, My children, as I have already told you, through an example of true conversion and of untiring service for your fellow being.

In this way, you will prompt other hearts to live the Gospel of My Son, in the practice of daily life rather than in the theory of their minds.

I want to open in you the Fount of the Love of God. That is My purpose for being here today, and of someday, through the Celestial Father, coming back here so that many more such as yourselves may achieve the light and come out of the abyss of consciousness because they will be uplifted by the Love and Mercy of the Celestial Father.

Encourage yourselves to live this path so that your families may be a sacred family, just like Ours, who visits yours from Heaven to bring you the time of renewal and hope.

That is all that I wanted to tell you today.

As your Mother, I consecrate Italy, through this consecration to My Son, who opens more each day to help the Mother of God fulfill the call and so that this call may resonate in each heart of Italy, knowing that today on the 13th of May, in honor of the Lady of Fatima and the Most Holy Rosary, today a new period begins here for Italy, through the mediation of this Work that was given to God for all nations and peoples, that all may come to know the Love of God.

I bless you and consecrate you as My child so that many more children of this land, wounded but very much sanctified by God, consecrate themselves someday to the Immaculate and Eternal Heart of Mary.

Listening now to the hymn of your consecration, we will sing this hymn as if it were a prophecy, which will be fulfilled in the consecration of new children of Italy and of new groups of prayer that will be a part of My Rosary of Light in all of Europe.

I thank you, My children, for having responded to My call, and the doors of My Marian Centers in South America are open to welcome you and receive you and so that you may also find there the Peace of My Immaculate Heart.

I re-consecrate Italy to My Maternal Heart and to the opportunity of living the Will of God.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.



Pray and let your prayer open the doors of Heaven for the Creator to elevate the souls that became lost in the seas of this world while they were seeking hope and consolation for their lives.

Pray for those who emigrated from their countries in search of peace and of a grace and however, did not find encouragement, but loneliness, despair and the suffering of feeling lost in the seas of the world.

Cry out for Mercy for their souls to be relieved. Cry out for Mercy so that nations be pacified. Cry out for Mercy so that hearts get to know piety and repent for their errors and sins, redeem their past and design their future with acts of peace.

Pray, child, for not only souls agonize, the planet also agonizes and cries with the same tears of your Heavenly Mother, for it can no longer bear the evil that oppresses it through the error and indifference of beings.

Pray, for the Divine Justice is approaching the world and those who are blind will not have many opportunities of seeing the Truth and the Grace of God anymore.

Pray for your heart to be filled by the Divine Piety, and thus make your intercession each day more sincere and truthful before the Father.

Pray, for the Grace of God is already upon you and it must expand all over this world. Allow the Mercy of the Father to flow through your clamor for peace.

Feel the urgency. Feel the pain of the world. Feel the grief of God and offer your heart to repair this planet.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


What I most love is to be able to guide My sheep and that My sheep accomplish, in obedience and in love, all that I tell them.

That is the principal reason for being here again on Earth. There would not be any other reason, because My life exists because My sheep are present, who I love with all of My Heart, which I contemplate with devotion and reverence so that they always dare to do the good and to live for celestial peace in My Name.

But when My sheep do not listen to Me and do not trust in what I tell them, I can do nothing, only observe and wait.

In this time, I no longer want to see My sheep suffer because of their own mistakes and deceits. I promise you a fertile and fruitful soil to manifest the New Earth.

But in truth I tell you, this is the time of the definition of those who will be with Me or not, and that will depend on the trust and the faith that you give your Master and Lord.

There will no longer be any time to justify yourselves nor to place the responsibility on your brothers and sisters because of your own actions. This is the time of adulthood and of being able to see everything with maturity, without emotions or lamentations.

This is the time to give everything for Me or to retreat. It is no longer the time for the tepid of heart. I need you present in the love that surrenders without conditions nor personal benefits.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus

Monthly Messages

The Divine Project of Redemption

Within this material Universe, and in the infinite existence of many forms of life, the Creator lovingly thought to carry forward a Divine Project of Redemption that, by means of the surrender of His Beloved Son, could recover the souls back into union with the High and especially, the spiritual communion with the Celestial Father.

This Project could not have faults. Therefore, the Eternal Father entrusted it and delivered it into the care of the Archangels Micha-El and Gabriel. And another part of the Divine Project of Redemption was under the care of Archangel Raphael.

Thus, the experience and the testimony of the love that Christ left manifested in the consciousness of the planet by means of His Passion, Death and Resurrection, the great opportunity to experience the path of redemption approached all of humanity again, in different times and stages.

This is the reason why the Divine Project of Redemption renews itself time and again, through the steps of the souls in the School of the degrees of love and of forgiveness. 

Each time some consciousness takes a step within the Divine Project of Redemption, this event begins to be part of the Christic Legacy of Love that the new humanity will receive to be able to begin to truly live the Plan of God.

This Divine Project of Redemption also focuses on the history of terrestrial and spiritual, soul and cosmic life, that each consciousness brings as inner baggage.

Thus, when souls make their definition of following the path of Christ and of fraternal life, all the history of the consciousness  begins to become evident or is revealed through the impulses of its spiritual and service work.

When the consciousness faces its true history, and the unknown reveals the reality of its spirit and of its soul, in most cases the consciousnesses deny the origin or the feeling of this knowledge or stories which, throughout the ages, have marked a lasting spiritual wound which has brought spiritual, internal and even physical consequences and traumas. 

The Divine Project of Redemption, which was attained by the Christ Himself under the manifestation and the expression of a wise, compassionate and merciful love, is the means through which the souls will be able to liberate themselves of their errors and stories of suffering or of failures that their own consciousness feels but whose origin it does not know.

The Divine Project of Redemption promises not only the spiritual and internal healing of past facts, but this Project governed by Christ Himself aspires to place the consciousness in the school and on the path that it should follow, without interferences nor obstacles on the part of its own consciousness.

This Divine Project that is still sustained throughout the times is the Project of God which has achieved the greatest number of miracles and conversions in the last times.

All the beings on the Earth are called to remember the sacrifice of the Son of God, to be able to enter the Redeeming Project so that their past may be transformed and their future may be prepared according to the Will of God.

That this Project may fulfill the designs for the consciousness will absolutely depend on the openness of the human being to the path of transformation and of inner change.

This will make of the Project a new victory on Earth, by means of the testimony of redemption of each being.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


After opening the doors of your heart to live the gift of gratitude, child, may your being receive the blessings from God. With the blessings of the Most High, you must strengthen your inner world, your mission in service to this planet, especially through prayer. 

Each day that goes by, nations spiritually cry out for help, and the Earth's own heart makes itself heard by those who are sensitive to the love and the true necessity of this world.

Thus, pray, and pray with fervor, offering the many Graces and blessings that you have received from Heaven, in the name of those who have nothing. 

Pray for the heart of Africa, in a special way, so that despite all suffering, it not lose its purity and innocence. 

Africa must be the symbol of this world's rebirth. From its core, life is originated, and after everything it has learned, from its core love must be renewed and overcome.

Pray so that the nations may transcend the purifications of this time, and on top of the calvary of this world, may the beings be able to forgive and love beyond all things. 

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
