Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

When the darkest night comes to the world, it will be the sign of the Return of the Light, for I Am the Light of the world, I was born for this and for this I live infinitely and eternally.

When the darkest penumbras cast the planet into shadow and it seems that nothing makes sense, within or outside beings, it will be the sign of the Return of My Light, it will be the hour for you to recognize Me and once again follow Me in all that I will do in this moment.

Meanwhile, may your faith not weaken, may your trust not be disturbed, may your conviction in Me not fade; for, if you allow Me to, I will place you in the learning experience that you need to grow internally so that, through this growth, you may mature and be My solid and steady servants in the end of these times.

For in truth I tell you that there is no other path to go through but the one that I offer to you day by day.

And even during this dark night of the planet, when millions of souls do not know what to do or where to go, when they have no answer, in Me, in My Heart, you will find this answer; you will find this peace, which is immutable, which will not make you hesitate in the face of any situation or experience, which will not defeat you, which will not allow you to be frightened or suspect what you are experiencing. For everything that comes to your paths has a reason, just as everything that comes to humanity has a reason, even without answers or explanations.

Yet, be brave in the face of this dark night that you will have to go through, first within yourselves. Do not fear discovering or knowing what still must be transcended and healed, forgiven and reconciled, because souls arrive in the world without perfection; because they come here, to this world, to find this perfection within themselves when they truly commune of Higher Life, when they allow themselves to be guided and oriented by the Hierarchy.

There is nothing more important than this: that the disciple may have their Master and that the Master may have His disciple, because it is a constant effort along the path of ascension and transformation.

But know this well, it is not possible to live a path of redemption with suffering, because I do not want to see you like this, neither you nor your brothers and sisters. Sometimes souls become lost in this, they hurt themselves for not being able to see that there is a learning experience in each moment, but there is also a synthesis, a moment for recognizing and even for forgiving.

This is how you will grow inwardly in the degrees of love rather than in the degrees of self-esteem or of the illusory power, for the freedom of each one lies in living the Will of God, even without comprehending or understanding it.

I come here tonight to give testimony that this Higher Will exists and must be fulfilled, even if humanity takes a little longer to reach it or understand it, to accept and live it.

Meanwhile, My patient Heart is here, as It has always been, on this path that each one is learning how to live and go through, on this pathway of daily challenges and lessons.

But what is most important, companions, is that you can reap the fruits from each learning experience, from each step you may take; there is no other reason for being here but being able to advance in the conviction and faith that the Divine Purpose gives you, in the flame of Love of My Heart, which illuminates your paths.

It is not time to stop or become crystallized, it is time to achieve this inner freedom that is not personal but rather granted by God to the souls that serve Him and fully experience Him.

Today, from the Sacred Valley of this Center of Love, I speak to you and share My Faith with you again; even while seeing and contemplating a destroyed world, not only in its spiritual but also in its human form, in the degree to which violence and wickedness are experienced today.

Now is the moment when the Christs of the New Time must act in My Name so that there may be love in abundance in this time, rather than condemnation; so that there may be mercy and forgiveness, which may grant you understanding and wisdom before the suffering of your fellow being and brother or sister who is enduring their own test.

I want you to contemplate this time with eyes of compassion rather than those of justice, with a heart that is close to the one who suffers and endures, close even to the one who does not understand or comprehend the Hierarchy and also those who cannot live this new cycle; because God launches the Light of His seeds into the hearts that accept them and want to make them fruitful within themselves through the gifts that He delivers, the virtues that He distributes, the Eternal Love that He shares as the Celestial Father.

This is how He has done and does with Me all the time, just as I did with My apostles and do today with you, sharing the Divine and Cosmic Love that heals, cures, repairs and reconciles the inner world, even in a difficult and perhaps inexplicable time.

Although the shadows darken the planet, do not become discouraged or lose faith; because it is in what is most anonymous and silent that I Am present, but I Am also present in the one who seeks Me, in the one who calls Me, in the one who invokes Me, in the one who responds to My Call.

In this month of March, we reach the end of a cycle of the Work of the Christic Hierarchy, but do not think that I will go away and stop accompanying you, because I Am here preparing you and your brothers and sisters of the world for My Return. This is what we must concentrate on.

Just as the apostles, despite the fear they experienced during My Sorrowful Passion and Crucifixion, prepared the Resurrection of Christ, today you and your brothers and sisters must prepare the Return of the Lord, first within yourselves, through your vows, through the principles for your lives.

Today I come as a Consciousness you have never seen or experienced. But the Love that I impart to you is indeed the same, you are just coming to know My other Faces, the universal task of the Redeemer.

Welcome into your hearts this last impulse of conclusion, thus preparing yourselves for the next Sacred Week, for no matter how far or close you may be, what is most important to Me is that you be with Me, regardless of the distance or the situations.

Remember that you must still surrender your lives to My Heart, just as I gave My Life for you on the Cross.

May your only aspiration be to fulfill that which God needs in this time so that you may learn to renounce your own aspirations; because if your own aspirations must be fulfilled one day, they will be fulfilled, be sure of this. However, God always calls us to live that which we do not aspire to, to accept that which we do not want, to love that which we reject. This is a Christ.

 May the aspiration of God be fulfilled in your lives in this next Marathon of Prayer, and may it be a reality without conditions or obstacles, may the fulfillment of the Plan, the Plan of the Lord, be a joyful reality.

The last thing I ask of you is that you be a mirror of hope; you must attract hope to the world so that peace may reach the places where it is most lacking.

I Am united to the brave and the bearers of peace, regardless of the time of purification.

May spiritual freedom grant you the understanding and the reason for existing in this world and in this incarnation to serve the One, Our Creator.

My blessing to all in this cycle of conclusion and maturity for My disciples.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Souls do not know in depth the unfathomable mystery of My Love because this is only revealed and becomes known when the soul yields in totality and surrender.

When the soul comes to know the unfathomable mystery of My Love, they can never be the same again, because, although small and imperfect, their consciousness begins to be part of My favorite spiritual helpers who, through prayer, collaborate and assist in the trajectory and destiny that all other souls must go through. The souls who are helpers of My Heart also have it clear that their service is inner and anonymous.

In this time, when the attention of many souls is placed far from My Heart, I prepare them, after almost twelve years of Messages and Instructions, for these souls that are chosen by Me to finally decide to not only be victims of My Love but also to be simple instruments in the blessed Hands of Christ.

Therefore, be attentive to the moment that everyone is living in this cycle, internally and externally, so that the transparency of heart and purity of intention may be the guiding star that indicates the next paths to go through and learn.

 In His silence, Your Master and Lord prepares this moment so that as many souls as possible may abandon the zone of imperceptible spiritual risk and enter the perpetual state of Grace and Mercy, without losing the sense of wisdom.

However, to reach this, the souls who offer themselves must purify their most intimate intentions; they must be honest with themselves; they must practice truth by example because there is absolutely nothing that can be hidden from God, for His Science and Understanding know each one down to their innermost and most unknown depths.

For this reason, so that you may be truly deservers of Grace, you should identify how many times the Law of Grace has embraced your lives and consciousnesses, and even everything around you.

However, the world insists on learning through suffering and guilt. This paralyzes the consciousness, leaves it immobile and uncertain about the next step.

But just as I did with Lazarus, one of My best friends, I invite you and call you to resurrection, so that your lives, as well as your feet, may be purified and cleansed of the dust of the past. Thus, you will learn to be reborn by yourselves, in attunement and unity with the celestial spheres.

The most magnificent thing that exists for an awake, selfless, and self-given soul is to find the path to the Infinite, this sacred pathway thought of from the beginning by the Eternal Father so that, through Me, all might have Life in abundance.

However, it is necessary that souls, in this material life, learn to love and grow through the goodness that the universe can teach and instruct them in.

Know that in this life there are not two realizations but only one, which for you should be to be in communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Thus, you will be under Grace and the Will that still waits to be fulfilled in most.

Be brave and become divested of yourselves. Seek to be nothing so that, at the end of these difficult times, you may be guided toward the sacred goal of your lives.

I Am here, opening the Tabernacle of My Heart to those who, decidedly and without delay, accept to bear with Me the weight of the cross of the planet, which is transformed by Redeeming Love.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts.

Who blesses you and blesses all of Spain,

Your Master,

Christ Jesus

Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Although darkness embraces a great part of the planet, I Am now returning.

Although the tribulations afflict and disturb hearts, I Am now returning.

Although attempts are made to knock down My companions, I Am now returning.

Although the dark night may seem too long, I Am now returning.

Although division is seen in families, I Am now returning.

Although many already live their spiritual desert, I Am now returning; for there is nothing that can deter the Coming of the Lord.

Behold your Master and Friend. Behold the Lord of Peace and Mercy who has the Grace, once again, to gather you in this garden in Aljustrel. A place that is a favorite for Me and for My Most Holy Mother, where the souls that for such a long time have been seeking peace, can find it here time and again.

Just as I was so close to My apostles, today I Am close to you to give you, once again, My Life, the strength of My Spirit, the Love of My Heart, which comes to place meekness and serenity where they are most needed.

Now accompany the path that the Master is showing you. This is the path of the next steps in this month of August. Because I expect, in this culminating time, that My companions will finish preparing for the Coming of the Redeemer.

While the world agonizes, I Am now returning.

While innocent people die, I Am now returning.

While impunity is news in all parts of the world, I Am now returning.

The Lord will re-appear as a Humble Servant, just as He appeared on the shores of the Sea of Galilee to call the disciples by their names, just as I call you today, to follow Me and serve the Lord.

Just as the holy women did in that time, today My holy women of the end of times are called to accompany the Lord in this agony of the planet, so that each act, each gesture and each prayer may be an offering of reparation and healing of humanity, mainly of those who today are still prisoners of their own lives.

Thus, I come to dissolve, with My own Hands, the shackles of perdition. I come to remove from the hells of the planet, the many who are submerged in them, because I Am now returning. And just as it was written by Our God, it will be fulfilled by the intercession of the holy prophets and patriarchs.

Behold, once more before you, the Lord of Israel, who not only sees blood being shed in His holy land, but also sees slavery in many parts of the world, the impunity and agony that many consciousnesses now live for being imprisoned through the jails of society; however, I come to liberate you from the spiritual and material prisons.

There is no darkness that can oppose My Love, there is no fear that can oppose My Light, there is no suffering that cannot be dissolved by My Mercy. Because I gave you My Life on the Cross, just as today I give you My Life eternally so that you may have life in abundance through Me.

Companions, this is the time of the apostolate, just as it has been announced many times. It is time for each one to assume their part with Me, just as the apostles and the holy women did in that time.

The history that has already been written by the Hand of God, is being fulfilled again. The moment is different, but the circumstances are the same, because the Omnipresence of the Lord is uninterrupted and irrefutable, because it is an Eternal and inexhaustible Presence that, time and again, and from cycle to cycle, comes to give His Life, His Love and His Mercy for those who say ‘yes’ and respond to Him.

With a gaze of hope, see internally, before you and on your spiritual path, the Purpose being fulfilled, that Purpose that was thought from the origin of your existence in the ponds of the Love of God in the Universe.

Now, dare to walk on your own feet; and you and your brothers and sisters, do not fear. I Am the Lord of the next goal, the Lord of the Burning Aspiration of God for each one of the souls, for each one of the hearts.

Thus, tonight, when you receive Me and when you prepare for the last Marathon of Mercy with the Redeemer, receive again My Spiritual Anointment through the powerful Sign of the Cross, which liberates souls, dissolves suffering, liberates from prisons, heals hearts, makes life and the consciousness of each being be reborn.

Receive My powerful Sign of the Cross, the one upon which I was raised on the top of Mount Calvary as the Tree of Life, which surrendered Its own Blood and Its own Water at each moment of the Calvary, for the remission of all sins, for the liberation of humanity.

I want you to quench My thirst.

The Lord is thirsty for all those who suffer in this world, mainly those who are forgotten and discarded, those who are imprisoned in jails.

The Lord is thirsty for the women who sell their bodies in the streets, for the mothers who abort their children in the clinics, transgressing the law of life and maternal love.

I Am thirsty for those who are lost in wars, for the soldiers that fight, deceived to conquer an illusion that does not exist and which is unreal.

The Lord is thirsty for those who are sick in their homes and hospitals, for those who are moribund.

The Lord is thirsty for the forgotten elderly, for the disabled who are offended and kept at a distance.

The Lord is thirsty for the little orphaned children, for those who have lost their families, for those who fight and seek an opportunity in other nations of the world, crossing deserts, seas and oceans, and many of them losing their lives.

Who will quench this thirst of the Lord through their good acts of mercy, through works of charity and forgiveness?

Who will repent for those who do not repent?

Who will confess for those who do not confess but lie?

Who will be capable of protecting My Work from themselves, through the truth, transparency and justice?

The Lord of the Universe sees everything, nothing is hidden to God through His Most Beloved Son.

For this reason, you are in time to mend your acts, for those who do not mend them; you are in time to mend your thoughts, for those who do not mend them; you are in time to mend your feelings and all your intentions, for those who do not mend them; because My burning and deep desire is that all may be in the Law again.

For this reason, I remind you that I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life, and that no one comes to the Father if not through Me. This will always be so, because it is a Divine Law.

For this reason, in this month of August, may your hearts and lives be mended before God so that humanity may be repaired, healed and redeemed some day.

Happy are those who are true to themselves and to their brothers and sisters, because they will never lack spiritual happiness.

Happy are those who recognize their own faults and do not hide them, because they will be called children of the Redeemer.

Happy are those who try every day, although they fall and get up again, because they will be called servants of the Lord.

Happy are those who, in this hour of the recollection of Christ and of all Hierarchies, recognize the Graces and spiritual treasures they have received throughout the times and place them into practice through the example of a dignified life, because they will be called collaborators of the Plan.

Happy are those who draw near the Sacrament of Confession and do not resist, because they will be blessed by My Spirit and there will be no stain nor sin that may afflict them or disturb them, because by the universal priestly authority their sins and faults will be forgiven, and they will be called blessed of the Lord.

May this Marathon of Mercy not be just one more Marathon of prayer, but rather that each one of you may place, upon your table, just as the Hierarchy does, the difficult and grave situations of the planet so that they may be illuminated and filled by the light of prayer, and in this way also your lives and the lives of your families may be filled by the light of prayer.

I will be attentive once again to the voice of your supplications, because the world needs them and everyone needs them.

Feel My spiritual embrace. Feel the beating of My Heart, the Presence of My Soul and Divinity, and the power of the Love of My Spirit.

In profoundness, I thank you; receive My Peace, the Peace of the Kingdom of the Heavens and of the angels present here in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

We are before the Sacred Family of Nazareth: Our Lady, the Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph and the Little Child Jesus.

Let us listen to the Words of Our Lady:


On a night like this, My children, when there was no hope in the world, Our Sacred hearts were walking to Bethlehem, guided by the angels and the lights in the sky, sustained by the Divine Consciousness and the Holy Spirit of God.

In this way, we arrived at the grotto of Bethlehem, with tired Bodies, that would have been humanly impossible to endure, but with the sustenance of God and His angels, it was possible for us to stay in inner strength and, through it, to sustain Our Bodies.

On a night like this, wickedness and confusion reigned in the hearts of humanity, just as they reign in the hearts of many human beings on this day and, for the same reason that We once arrived in Bethlehem, We arrive here today, at this simple place, chosen by God to pour out His Healing upon the world.

I come here, My children, to tell you not to lose hope. Our Hearts unceasingly pray for the world, especially for the souls that cannot find meaning in life. Therefore, let each one of you be like a living flame that ignites again the light of the world, just as the little Child Jesus did, granting humanity a new opportunity through His life offering,

Humanity needs a new opportunity today. Therefore, children, who will offer to renew God’s Love and allow Christ to be reborn in your hearts?


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to the Words of Saint Joseph:


Today We are here for the pilgrim souls, for those who have faith in Our Sacred Presence.

Today We are here for the families that live in wars, for those who no longer believe in love, who no longer believe in God, because in their hearts reigns pain and a suffering they will never manage to understand.

Today We are here, children, so that you may continue to pray for peace, so that in your families there may reign the hope of overcoming the challenges, the differences, the purifications, so that unity may again reign and that, far beyond what you may live within yourselves, there may always be understanding, dialog and, above all, love.

Today Our Sacred Hearts bring a special Grace to the world, a world that is in agony and  that cries out to God, to feel peace again.

Just as one day We were in Bethlehem in body and soul, crying out for the world, opening the doors of this planet for the arrival of the Messiah, in the same way We are here today, opening within your hearts, a space where you can feel God’s Presence, where He can reign and make you overcome the adversities of these times.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to Our Lady:


Dear children, with the Child Jesus in My Arms, I bring to My Heart all the children of the world, and I ask you to do the same, and that tonight you not forget those who agonize, that you not forget that you are here to be soldiers of peace, intercessors with My Immaculate Heart for all the souls who suffer.

Many do not have the Grace of celebrating this Christmas the way you can celebrate it today. Many are immersed in sadness, helplessness and a lack of love, and the darkness in which their hearts are is so great that they cannot cry out to God, My children.

Therefore, cry out on behalf of souls, of the most lost souls, and when you learn to ever more pray from the heart, when you learn to go beyond yourselves to offer your lives for those who suffer, that will be, My children, when you will understand the Love of Christ, that Love which waits to reign in your hearts, as well as in all human hearts.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to the little Child Jesus:


I pray for peace, I pray for the peace that has become lost in hearts, I pray for you to be persevering and for the Divine Purpose to reign in the hearts and consciousnesses of all those who have made a commitment to Me, just as I have committed to humanity, and Am here today before your hearts.

I ask you not to stop being before Me, so that I may strengthen you, so that I may sustain you and that, despite the cross of the world, your hearts may know the strength that I have known. Open yourselves to that, and have your hearts ready, just as My Heart is ready to return to the world.

Today the Sacred Family blesses you, just as it blesses the planet, which I have in My Hands today. I ask you to be in vigil for the souls that become lost tonight, for not understanding the spiritual meaning of the Birth of the Lord.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Let us listen to Our Lady:


My children, Our Sacred Hearts will return to the Feet of God, where We were up to this moment, in vigil and prayer for all of humanity. Unite to Us so that the unity between your hearts and the Heart of God may not be lost.

Today We leave Our blessings and Our Grace to you.

I thank you for being here, for responding to My Call and for persevering in prayer.

Receive the Grace of the Sacred Family, allow it to permeate your families and offer it for all the families of the word.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace and pray for peace.

I thank you.

Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Well, brothers and Sisters, before concluding our work of today, we will make a brief account at the request of Our Lady. The truth is that I didn’t expect this movement.

When we were praying, during the third mystery, I began to have a vision of different places on the planet, most of them were places that are at war today and, while we were praying, I could perceive Our Lady with Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus walking at those places.

They were barefoot, with very simple, old clothes, just as the Sacred Family of Nazareth used to dress, like the Jews of two thousand years ago.

So we went on offering our prayers for the spiritual task They were carrying out, but I really did not think that They would come here, because in all Apparitions many things happen during the prayers, which sometimes we perceive and sometimes we do not, but we only comment when the Divine Hierarchy asks us to do it. So I really thought it was a spiritual task that would take place during the work of prayer.

As we advanced with the prayers of Hail Mary, the Sacred Family went through different places, changing from one space of the planet to another, as if They were crossing portals and dimensions along the way. In some of those places it was night, in others it was day time.

While They walked, the angels rescued souls through portals of Light that opened up over the Sacred Family. Some of the places They went were not at war, they were like normal cities. They passed within the homes of people, They went on the streets, They would touch souls that were really not celebrating Christmas as the Birth of Jesus. And what we could understand was that They were putting within those souls a code of awakening.

We continued accompanying these visions during prayer and, when we were in the last prayers of the fourth mystery, a portal of Light began to open over us. It first had an oval shape and, through it, we could perceive different dimensions.

First several angels began to appear, and one of them came to us and asked us if we were willing to receive the Sacred Family. At that moment we said yes, and then we waited.

When the brothers and sisters began to sing Hail Mary, this portal expanded more and more, as if different explosions of Light were taking place, illuminating the whole tent. With closed eyes, the sensation it caused in us was that of having a short-circuit in the light, of rays igniting and fading away, until the moment when the angels asked us to kneel down. At that hour, from that portal, a six-pointed star appeared in three dimensions, starting small and ending big, as if it were embracing all of us within itself. That also happened like an explosion.

The star came like a point of Light, and suddenly it grew and embraced us, but that happened in a second. When it grew, it placed all of us within a spiritual reality, where an energy of Grace began to work in our consciousnesses.

Right after that explosion of Light, the Sacred Family began to arrive here. First They approached as spheres of Light, then as shapes of Light, until They gradually appeared in greater detail, as the Sacred Family of Nazareth.

Saint Joseph and Our Lady were holding Hands, and our Divine Mother was holding Jesus, who had the appearance of about four years old.

When They began to speak, the first thing our Divine Mother told us was that we should tell everyone that we were in the Presence of the Sacred Family. While each one of Them spoke to us, I could perceive that inner situations of different families in the world began to receive healing.

While They spoke, I cannot explain it very well, but it was like different energies were coming out of the consciousnesses, which stimulated conflicts, disagreements. Energies that oftentimes we are purifying and that, in our daily relationship as a family, prevents us from understanding one another or makes it difficult to live together (at least that was the way I could understand it).

So those energies began to come out, and our souls received the Grace of greater understanding. As Our Lady showed us, that Grace came so that we could foment dialog, so that we could better understand our neighbor, and so that, in our relationships as a family, we could see one another as they really are, rather than as they appear to be or as they are at this moment of so much purification.

And that was happening with us here, but also with different families in the world, who were listening to Our Lady, and with families that were not accompanying this transmission, but who were internally united to the Sacred Family at that moment.

It is something a little difficult to explain, because they were rather like images and inner understanding, which the Divine Hierarchy was delivering to us as it was talking to us.

Lastly, through this portal of the Sacred Family, an energy descended upon us in the form of a Dove of Light, which represented a Grace, which each one of us will discover as they begin to live it, a Grace that the Sacred Family brought to us on this Christmas night.

After They finished speaking, our Divine Mother, Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus told us They would be brief, because They were in prayer at the Feet of God, interceding for different situations of the world.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

It is not my task in this lifetime to transmit the things we see, but in a way to confirm the experience of Sister Lucía, today the Divine Mother requested that I make a brief explanation of what I had seen.

When we sat here, to begin the task, I looked at Sister Lucía and told her: “We have to be attentive,” because at such an important moment as this one, Christmas, the Hierarchy always brings peace and something special for souls, beyond what happens here on the surface.

This is why we were very attentive during the whole prayer and the songs. And when Piedad began to sing, I believe it was in the second paragraph of the Ave Maria, she placed her voice in a way that crossed the tent and united to a Light that was coming from the back of the tent. A great explosion of Light invaded the whole tent, and the energy of Aurora, that is, the entire Aurora, ignited in Light. It was as if all the energy, all the consciousness of Aurora, was opening as great portals, and something very strong happened in the inner worlds of all of us. At that moment, we felt the Voice of Our Lady saying, “Prepare yourselves, for We are arriving.”

Then, when Sister Lucía took the cushion, we began to feel many things. While the Messengers were speaking, many scenes of wars began to appear. Among them, the image appeared of a child who might be ten, by his countenance, he seemed Arabian. He was crying desperately, and we understood that the pain that the creature was feeling represented the pain of all the children of wars.

And Mary was explaining to me that only the lap of a mother, a strong maternal embrace, could calm him. And that all of us should embrace the children of wars and take them within ourselves, to our hearts, to calm the pain that the childhood of this humanity has to face.

I understood that this consolation, this love, which only motherhood and fatherhood can give, was what They were inviting us to offer.

Because in reality, here among us, in this celebration which we are experiencing, in this peace, we could not really understand what is happening, and sometimes it is not due to unwillingness on our part, but rather it is a pain that we still do not know.

So, let us make an effort in our prayers and in the consolation that this human love, which we feel, can give to all the children of wars.

We will meet again on December 31st. We will be all together to bid farewell to this year, with the intention that the things that happen in the world may be relieved, may calm down, that the men and women of this world may reflect, that we may all reflect upon what we are living and that we may collaborate so that this world may receive Our Lord with joy and gratitude.

Thank you all very much!

We hope you all may have a night of peace, and we meet in the Heart of God. 


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Lord, we are not worthy that you should enter under our roof,
but only say the Word, and we shall be healed.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us invoke the Holy Spirit for the Gift of Healing for all of humanity.

May the Holy Spirit of God, through the power of the Gift of Healing, permeate with its Light all cells and consciousnesses, especially of those who are in spiritual prison and who, for decades, have not managed to be freed and redeemed.

Let us pray for this important cause of My Heart, because if Healing is not established in humanity and in consciousnesses, Love will not be able to be established in the world, let alone be established in the Kingdoms of Nature, which are outraged by the hands of those who do not know the Creation of God and deeply interfere in the evolution of the Lower Kingdoms.

While the Kingdoms of Nature continue being transgressed, diseases will still exist throughout the world, and even more will spiritual and psychological diseases exist, because the humanity of the surface, that is, the majority of humanity, is in disharmony with the Law of Nature.

Just as I invite you at this moment to love your neighbor, I also invite you to love the Lower Kingdoms, because without their intervention, you would be nothing, you would not have anywhere to place your feet.

And even so, with so many outrages and sacrileges made to the kingdoms of Nature, the minerals, the plants and animals, and even the Elemental and Devic Kingdom, as a greater sacrifice, keep sustaining the consciousness of the planet.

Has anyone ever wondered how much love is in a flower?

Has anyone ever wondered how much love is in a whale?

Or how all the Kingdoms still continue being outraged?

Why is there this need for exploitation, abuse and transgression of the Kingdoms of Nature?

The more that consciousnesses on the surface of the planet contact God internally, through the powerful instrument of prayer and the Sacraments, the more the human race will not only receive the Gift of Healing from the Holy Spirit for its diseases to be healed, but also the Kingdoms of Nature will receive the assistance they need to regenerate themselves, and this is something that begins in what is spiritual.

I did not want to fail to say this to you, at the moment when we light a new candle of the Menorah, because humanity is not observing nor contemplating this necessity.

Now, you, who claim to be spiritual, have a part in this situation, for all those who do not do it nor live it, for those who have completely lost the meaning of living in the Law and, through the Law, of attaining the happiness they need.

Do you now understand the cause of so much suffering on the planet?

In my heart these situations also weigh, because I am a human being just like you, who incarnated in the world to redeem it and turn it back to God, to the God that was forgotten and that many did not take into account, ignored and rejected, throughout the times.

For this reason, I had to live the Passion, among so many reasons and motives, which are not written in any book and which, through My Words, I declare to you today.

But My history did not end here, nor did it end in the Ascension of Jesus. My true history begins in the Spiritual Government of worlds and of the universe, when, in the highest of the Heavens, in the heart of the universe, your Lord began the second stage of His evolutionary trajectory, which is not written nor recognized in any book.

But so that Who Christ Jesus truly is may be revealed, it must come out of My own Mouth and of no other, because it is something that was already thought of and written in the Heart of God, because all has its time and all has its moment.

It is not My wish to fill you with knowledge or expectations. My aspiration is that you can elevate yourselves, just as I elevated Myself to the Heavens in consciousness, consciously living the path of Christification and peace, transforming your lives during everyday events and in all details so that you not adjust to what is spiritual or modern, or seek roles or recognition. Because while you do not love silence, as I love it, God will not be able to speak to your hearts. Do you know how long He has been waiting to do so?

For this reason, He sends His Son once again to the world so that, through the Presence of the Son of God and of His Christic and Cosmic Energy, hearts can transform and listen.

Believe that there is a Plan for each one of you, just as God drew a Plan for My human Consciousness, which incarnated and lived among you for a reason: so that you might know Higher Love.

For this reason, My history does not end in the Ascension, My great task begins after the Ascension to the Heavens, while the angels of the universe elevated Me and led Me physically to other dimensions, what is here known as the Material Universe, because the Son of God, when He ascended to the Heavens, did not return to the Divine Source.

The reason of My existence is to be with you eternally and for your essences to be Christified through an important experience of love and forgiveness that only you can conceive.

You will manage to do so through a great key: by loving the hidden symbol of your cross. When you manage to do so, and understand it, your cross, the cross of each one of My companions, will not be martyrdom, but rather the opportunity to concretize a victory for Me, so that your consciousnesses and, above all, your essences, may attain the same vibration and elevation that I achieved, although you may not believe it.

If throughout the times there have been incorrupt saints, do you not believe, by any chance, that your lives can be incorrupt and that matter can be sanctified and Christified?

How do you believe the Resurrection of Christ or even the Transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor was possible?

How do you believe that the multiplication of the bread and the fish, or even the healing of the paralyzed, or even of the lepers, or the resurrection of the dead was possible? In the example of Lazarus, do you believe it was the Master alone who did this?

The co-creator consciousness of humanity exists to evolve, and not to enter involution, and while you do not look to this objective or to this principle, the forces of evil will distract you from the path of Christification, making you feel that you need other experiences.

The commitment that many of those who are Mine have revoked throughout the years is something non-transferable, it does not end simply by changing your life or the experience. Be aware that the commitment that each one of you have with Me is spiritual and essential and, thus, indissoluble, it cannot disappear however much you may live other things, and when you live other things, be aware that you make the Lord waste time.

The way that I speak to you with the maturity that I have attained in My Spiritual Government is the same way that I speak with the Hierarchies, just as I have spoken with the people of Israel, with all those who were present two thousand years ago, to have the first opportunity, the first step toward the total redemption of consciousness.

And do you know what moves all that? The Love and Mercy of God. If that were not well constituted in your consciousnesses, nothing would be possible. Thus, you will be able to understand and you will be able to see how the world wastes time in other things, and consciousnesses do not value their incarnation.

Millions of consciousnesses waste their lives and so it is the angels of the universe themselves who descend to the hells of the planet, because there is no one who can save those lost souls.

But if, throughout the times, My soldiers on the surface, My warriors of prayer, act consistently, without letting their hearts become cold. I will be able to do all, and I will be able to do much more through you, just as I have thought of and just as it is written in the Heart of the Father.

When I was on Mount Tabor, I was only able to gather a few of the apostles, to let them know My true Face. The Transfiguration of Jesus, just as the Ascension of your Master, did not only end with the glorification of His Being, that is, with the illumination of His cells and atoms, which was what the apostles saw on Mount Tabor. In those times, they rather had an extraordinary Grace of knowing the true Face of Christ, which did not only refer to His person, that is, His human being, but rather, from the depths of My Being, I revealed to them My true Face, from where I truly emerged for you in accordance with what the Father had thought of, because it was God Himself who surrendered for those who needed to find Him and recognize Him again.

In this revelation of Mount Tabor, they came to know the Face of the Cosmic Christ, which is one of the seven aspects of My Consciousness, the aspect that is closest to the Material Universe.

However, after My Ascension to the Heavens, I want you to know that My history did not end there, and that, throughout the times and after the Ascension, I was formed in a very similar manner to the way I was formed by the Essenes, living specific initiations that were already programmed by the Most High so that, with all the experience of the Passion, the Death and the Resurrection, Love could again constitute, in this universe, the Spiritual Government that had been interfered with by My enemy.

For this reason, as much as there are still spiritual and material battles, as much as many still cannot overcome their own duality, as much as many cannot understand why they are always in such an arid and dry desert, or why they live certain experiences that they would never have wanted to live, do not forget that in your essences, God formed you as co-creators, just like the angels.

I say this not for you to feel powerful or stronger than you believe you are. If in all this there is no spirit of humility or of true resignation before the Heights, you will not learn to walk as I did, because, in spite of being the Son of God, the One who had been programmed to come to Earth, My human being, My earthly consciousness, also had to be Christified, overcoming fears, insecurities and even doubts.

We are all in likeness to God.

Throughout the times and after My Ascension, He taught Me many things that I now come to teach you, with the sole aim that you may be a faithful expression of the Will of God itself. And so that this is possible, it is fundamental that you may free yourselves from your personal will.

Now, when I return to the world, a moment that is not so far for humanity, I will come revealing the same Face that I revealed to the apostles on Mount Tabor, but it will be ten times stronger than it was at that time.

Because all those who are at that great moment of the Return of Christ will not only see the Glorified Son, they will not only see the Resurrected Son, or even the Redeemer of the world, they will see the transfigured Son of God, showing His true Face, which, with His mere Presence, through the Presence of God, will redeem the whole world.

And, at that moment, the Universal Judgment will be established and the Earth will be reconfigured and reconstituted. And the principles of the Commandments of God will be re-established in the consciousnesses, which will be able to recognize the Laws so as to be able to recognize the Rays of the Universe.

And those who will remain on Earth to be a part of the New Humanity will be re-grouped according to their lineages so that, together with Me, we may re-establish the Kingdom of God on the surface of this planet, where evil will no longer exist, nor will duality, energies that completely confuse consciousnesses.

But the one who loves the Will of God, the one who loves the Sacred Heart of Jesus, will overcome all the consequences that the transition of the Earth will bring, and will be placed where it is necessary to serve, preparing many more consciousnesses to receive Christ, your Redeemer.

For this reason, we must pray and not forget these moments that are approaching, because there will be no other occasion and no other moment for you to listen to these things that I am telling you today. Because when the times that are approaching come to the life of all, you must be ready and defined.

And be aware that this experience of Christification is unconditionally offered to all. And only the one who loves this experience will understand it, because it is a mystery that I build through your lives, through the lives that consecrate themselves to God.

And a demonstration of this is the consecration of the material life and of the inner life of beings, as at this moment will happen to those who revere and adore My Eucharistic Heart, and who, up to now, are postulants to be My adoring armies, to sustain the entire Work of the Hierarchy and, thus, sustain the planet and mainly the axis of the Earth.

This is the main cause of the adorers, and this must be their main motive; everything else must come afterward, even the very consciousness that adores. To place yourselves before My Eucharistic Heart must be done with an empty heart.

And so that you may understand what I am saying to you, I will offer to you a song, through the Choir. For this reason, I call My daughter, Faustina de Jesús, so that she may come here to sing to her Lord and Her Spouse.

May she sing to all how her experience of feeling an empty heart was. And, thus, after this song, through which you will have the experience of emptying your consciousnesses and, above all, your hearts, you will accompany the postulants to become adorers, who today represent a symbol and a significant number before the Confederation of Worlds.


Song: “Empty heart.”


If all spouse souls sang to Me like this, I would be able to give My Life for you hundreds of times, because I know that what God conceived through His creatures in inconceivable to many. Only an empty heart is capable of understanding these mysteries gestated by the Love of the Creator.

Thank you, Sister Faustina de Jesús! I am Jesus of Faustina.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Prostrate yourselves at the foot of Calvary and recognize My Legacy.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

“Omnipotent Father of the Universe and of the Earth,
maximum Power among all the universal powers,
sacred Igneous Current of the Cosmic Universe,
inexhaustible Mirror of the universe, perpetual and eternal Alliance.
O, sublime Father of the Universe,
High Regent among all regents,
sovereign Lord of the Heights,
Sacred Emanation among all divine emanations!
O, sublime Lord,
most pure and beautiful Source,
powerful and supreme Love!
O, eternal Grace of God,
Higher Light among all darkness!
O victorious Heart of God!
By the merits achieved by Your Son, Your Servant and server,
at the foot of this spiritual Calvary,
reintegrate in the human consciousness of the planet
the victorious triumph of Your Son Jesus,
over all hells and evil entities.
May the powerful Scepter of the Archangel Michael descend
with his Divine Consciousness
to make the hells of this world tremble
and for all to be paralyzed for a moment
so that the triumph of Your Love, Adonai,
may occur and be fulfilled throughout all humanity.

Let us continue concentrated on the Light of My Purpose, in the eternal Source of the Light of God, where the sacred Calvary of your Master and Lord was recorded.

Therefore, today I tell your human persons not to be another wound in My Body, but to be those who anoint the wounded Body of Jesus through their prayers, the Sacraments and, above all, the faith that makes you part of My Mystical Body, that eternal Body of the Son of God integrated by all the souls of the world within My Celestial Church.

Therefore, accompany your Lord in this glorious moment of the Cross, in which the Codes of life, love, forgiveness and spiritual resurrection descend upon the world to reach the souls most in need of My Christic Light.

You, in a profound way, are aware and are also participants in this internal task of your Master and Lord, especially with those fallen souls that were defeated by the armies of evil and that, through the power of My Love, today I come to save, all of them, for the times to come.

For this reason, today the darkness stops in the world and the most miserable souls are contemplated at the foot of this spiritual Calvary, just as you today are also at the foot of this spiritual Calvary of your Master and Lord, a deeper and more difficult Calvary than the one that I lived for you, here upon this planet.

A spiritual Calvary that I invite you to penetrate through the heart, spirit and consciousness that believe in My Christic Legacy, registered in each of the stars of this universe as well as of other worlds.

God, through His Son, could never have incarnated on this planet for a small task. His material expression had to be humble, simple and chaste through the Holy Family; but His power, His omnipotence and His splendor would be great on the inner planes, for that is where all things begin.

While the seeming defeat of the Son of God was seen by all at that time, the hells could not bear the Blood, shed by My Body, drop by drop, touching the ground and every part of Calvary. Imagine, for a moment, what the Angels of the Lord did with each drop of Blood and with each Code of Light that, out of Love, was shed throughout the world.

Now have your consciousnesses placed within these facts and not only see the suffering that your Master lived, which was an indescribable suffering, but also see the triumph of your Lord through one of the main aspects of God, the Will.

The Will of God is what allowed Me to carry the Cross to the top of Mount Calvary. Now, after the renewal of your vows on Holy Thursday, would you be able to carry that Cross by the Will of God and not only see it as symbolism, but as the true and profound reality of doing everything possible, and a little more, so the world stop suffering its own condemnation and damnation?

For this reason, I come to renew you through the Cross; so that their lives, consciousnesses and, above all, your cells do not fear sacrifice, renunciation and unrestricted obedience to Our Creator Father.

If the world of today were obedient, there would no longer be a pandemic, the disobedience of human beings is the cause of many evils.

Could God not have already resolved this planetary situation? Where is the cure for humanity?

Do not forget obedience, companions, first as codes of life for yourselves and second as a principle of loyalty to the Lord of the Universe; but the majority of God's children have no responsibility for everything that happens today.

Many were called to Christify themselves throughout these times. Many were called to surrender their lives, just as the Son of God gave it into the Hands of God.

You will not be crucified, you will live what the universe sends you, but your hearts must be open to be able to perceive what your teaching is at each moment, what test the universe invites you to overcome for Me.

Do not stop contemplating within yourself that spiritual Calvary that I offer you today, and that I also offer to your brothers and sisters around the world who no longer live the chaos of humanity.

But through My Peace and the power of the Light of My Wounds, which today are signs for your ascension and sublimation, I invite you to elevate your consciousness and, in an intelligent way, leave the lies and chaos of this time, because I experienced similar things for you and at no time during the Passion and Calvary did I abandon you.

May the triumph of your transformation, the redemption of your hearts, the ascension of your consciousnesses be the new victorious cross that each of your lives offer to God so that His Plan be fulfilled.

Now, close your eyes for a moment and at the top of the spiritual Calvary see the victory of My Sacred Heart, before the pain and suffering that was experienced by Your Lord.

Contemplate His five powerful Wounds, the Wounds of His Hands, His Feet and His Side; and how Mary, My Mother, when she held Me in Her arms, in the sacred pity of Calvary, She cleansed My Wounds with each of Her kisses, making a part of herself all the pain that I experienced.

Kiss My Wounds and receive My Light, My Christic Light.

In that scenario of seeming defeat, contemplate the Soul of Jesus, redeeming and transfiguring all consciousnesses and all abysses; and ennoble this moment with the honor that He deserves before the splendid Tree of Life, before the fruits of the Passion and the Death of Jesus.

On that Calvary that was recorded in the memory of humanity forever, see My Mother holding me in Her arms when they took Me down from the Cross, and the Cross lit up, as a powerful symbol over all evil.

And then, see John, Mary Magdalene, Joseph of Arimathea, the Roman soldier, all contemplating the sacred Death of Jesus, which was the absolute death of sin through the Love and Mercy of God that once again illuminated the world and all its creatures.

Contemplate the same mystery that My Mother and Her followers contemplated. Contemplate the surrender of God, an unknown mystery, a surrender offered through the Death of His Son Jesus.

On this day, I invite you to die to yourselves so that from now on you will be other people, you may be My blazing flames of peace throughout the world, you may be My own testimony of your redemption.

Eli, Eli, Olam,
Iod He Vaud He, Shekinah,
send Your Spirit, send Your Spirit,
send Your Spirit and heal the Earth
by the merits of My sorrowful Passion.
Eli, Eli, return to Your children,
take their lives and make resurrect, with Your Spirit,
all imperfect life.
send the breath of Your Spirit,
the consolation of Your Soul,
just as You sent it to Me in the Garden of Gethsemane;
I ask you, Father,
because today they do not know what they do.
Look at them, Lord, with Your Eyes of Mercy,
with the Love of Your Heart,
with the Wisdom of Your Consciousness
and through My redeeming Cross,
make all things new,
so that souls may live Your Will
and Your angels may lift the crosses of Your children
so that they no longer feel tormented,
disturbed or that they have gone mad.
May Your Soul, Lord,
illuminate every space of consciousness.
Therefore, Eli,
I offer My spiritual Blood
to purify Your children
and make them, on this day,
partakers of the Spiritual Communion with My Cross,
the Cross of sacrifice.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

All who listen at this moment and have a cross with them may raise it so that Christ, Our Lord, may bless it, and make of our cross, our Calvary and of the Calvary of this world, a victory of love, light and redemption so that souls may be blessed by the Spirit of God, renewed and healed by the Blood of Jesus.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Now bring the cross towards your heart and feel the fortitude of Jesus and the merciful Love of His Heart for all creatures on Earth.

I will stay a moment in silence so that, through a song called "Christ of the Calvary", on this day of the Sacred Cross, each one of the souls may be the cross of victory, of redemption, of surrender and of humility, in honor of Our Heavenly Father.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I am listening.

Let us contemplate the spiritual Calvary.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

And so, from the beginning, the Father knew that He would give Himself to the world, through His Beloved Son, for the redemption of all souls and the forgiveness of all errors committed.

My Voice is pronounced to a world that must awaken.

My Heart expands before all of the Universe, bringing the charity of My Spirit and the balm of My Soul to all souls of the world.

We are preparing, at this time, brothers and sisters, to listen to the Words of Christ, which are a part of the Mystery of God that, at this moment, will be unveiled to humanity.

At the request of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, we will listen to "Thus spoke the Master" and we will open our hearts to these revelations.

Today, in My hands, I bring a spiritual treasure that many still do not know. It is something more than your essence and your truth; something more than existence, more than your origin.

It is the first thing that manifested before the Celestial Father, when He thought this into existence, before the creation of the Universes and of all life on the surface of the Earth, such as the Kingdoms of Nature that you know of today, before all Creation was part of the Thought of God and He had the perfect and divine intention of manifesting His Kingdom within men and women.

It was when God, your Eternal Father, decided to unveil the mystery of His Trine Consciousness, presenting Himself to humanity throughout the recent times and by means of all the history that took place within this part of the Universe, as in others.

In this way, He mandated the Creator Fathers, the Archangels, to carry this great Divine Mystery within Their Hearts, which would be unveiled to the humanity of the Earth and in other places of the Universe, through the Word, the Sacred Word.

Thus, the Holy Spirit intervened at that moment, so that all the Virtues and the Gifts of God could remain recorded in the essence of His children, not only those who are here, in this humanity, but also in other spheres of the Universe.

For this event and this petition, God requested from His Archangels that they mobilize the whole Universe so that all, in the inner worlds, could feel the presence of His Truth and of His Divinity even in the smallest details, in the greatest feeling of union with God and with His Source.

And this Mystery came to the world. Hearts were able to recognize it when the great Angelic Consciousnesses presented themselves to humanity. The first Patriarchs and Prophets received the revelation of God through His living and resplendent Presence, not only through supraphysical movements, but through non-material Laws that humanity still has not fully discovered.

I need you to understand, companions, that this is an invisible mystery that shows itself to your inner eyes and your souls, because God needs a part of humanity to be able to represent Him in this time, knowing that a new civilization must awaken so that, through the Return of Christ, the Project of God that was thought of in the beginning and that still has not been accomplished because of the errors of humankind, may be established through each human essence that shines like a sun before the Universe. Essences that must be freed from darkness and oppression so that the presence of God may reign with the absolute and permanent conviction that, being in Him and in His Presence, nothing bad will happen, but rather luminous triumphs will be achieved.

Because the greatest testimony that you can give to God in this moment is the true transformation of your lives, your sacrifice and your surrender, knowing that what God aspires for is that the majority may be able to do something for humanity, for the planet, for the sustenance of the equilibrium of the axis of the Earth, for the seas, for the continents, and for all of Nature, which is in agony because of the perversion of humankind and the punishment of those who use their hands to destroy it.

I am the One Who, with His Blood, wrote the new time and the beginning of a new opportunity, the coming of a hope that, like a flame, will maintain the faith in hearts and a definite awakening to redemption.

If you, companions, had not offered all of this work today, this would not be possible, because God needs your consciousness to come to attain reality so that you may help take many out of illusion, those who are asleep and despair and continue to suffer because of their own errors and choices.

But I do not come to punish the world nor to threaten it. I come to tell you that the Fount of the Love of God can be revealed within you and will be the key to the portal of the path in order to overcome duality, the evil that was established in many hearts of the Earth through the action of My adversary. Love, companions, will help you to learn to obey, and obedience to the Divine Hierarchy and to the Presence of God will support you and strengthen you.

And everything that still waits in the Universe to be revealed to the consciousness of the world will come forward, because in the same way that you today responded to My call, in a sincere and true way, I will be here among you again, companions, as long as I can and am allowed, to always lead you to God and to tell you that suffering is an illusion that humankind of the surface has created, upon distancing itself from Love.

Thus, the Love of God itself is presented to the world so that it may within hear the call of God and may never again deny it, knowing that this is the time of last opportunities, in which everyone will be invited to cross the portals of the Cosmos to find again their true consciousness and their higher self, which patiently waits to fulfill the Will of the Father in this material Universe and on this planet; a higher self that hopes to accomplish its mission and its task, offering itself fully to God, without any need to suffer or endure, like the world does every day.

Today Argentina was freed from a very great evil because you, companions, allowed the Revelation of God to come, and as much as My words are abstract or not understandable, your essences and your souls understand what I am saying to you at this moment. Because in order to understand and know the Revelations of God, first you must love them, love them more than yourselves and everything that exists, and the Father will feel much pleased and happy for being able to show them to you.

And so the veils of the consciousness will fall away from your faces, and the past of the Universe and the history of humanity will be completely erased from your consciousnesses, and you will step upon the path that you lost before committing errors.

It is no longer the time of suffering; it is the time of healing, of Mercy, of forgiveness, of reconciliation and of the renewal of your consciousnesses. This will allow all the impulses to be mirrored and to be reflected in Argentina and in the whole world and that more souls may return to God and feel this deep communion that is born of the heart from the one that believes and has faith without having seen.

What I give to you from My hands, companions, is what God thought of for South America, and is called Creator Project of the highest dimensions of consciousness, where only happiness, unity and the Love of God exists; where the law of suffering is transcended because life is lived in the Law of Equality, Harmony and Love.

I want and I wish you to be able to live under these Laws so that your lives may continue to change and transform according to what the Father needs. But do not be afraid of your purification, because your purification will free you and will leave you more whole and available for the end of times.

And so I give My Graces and My Mercies to all beings, knowing that this time is unique and unrepeatable and that before I return to the world physically, I will withdraw, because I will have left all my instructions and teachings so that you may be ready for what will come. You must not be fearful about what still has not come; this has no meaning and has no solution.

Now is the time to be that which God needs in the small efforts, in the immediate surrender, in collaboration and in cooperation with the planet, with the Kingdoms of Nature, with your brothers and sisters on the path, with all those whom you have by your side daily. These are souls that also need love and forgiveness, and you can be My precursors in this infinite and invincible love that can fill your consciousnesses and everything that exists, no matter how much darkness there may be, no matter how much tribulation may prevail.

Love will not take you out of Me, for if you are in My Love, you will be in the Father, and I will be in you. This is only what I need in order to be able to prepare My Return to humanity, the Return that is coming and that can already be felt through the awakening of hearts.

As a sample of this immensity of Love and of Mercy, today I will grant a special Grace, because I know that it is a deserved Grace and reciprocated by the souls that are timidly willing to take steps toward Me. But believe that all take steps toward Me, as small as they may seem; they only need to be real, sincere steps, profound steps, because I do not need you to be perfect, as you know. Because if I had to save the world with perfect beings, the Project would not be accomplished, existence would be meaningless Creation would have no reason.

It is in love where you will achieve freedom and will heal your hearts and wounds, just like My Presence today heals wounds of the past of Argentina, of those who disappeared and the fallen in the Malvinas Islands and, especially in those who through terror and oppression, were not able to see God.

Today, through your prayers, through your persistence and your faith, Argentina is inwardly renewed, in spite of its outer chaos. I teach you to journey on the opposite path because My adversary does not know it nor can He identify it. It is with kindness, with love and with generosity that you will transform the world and the human consciousness and, consequently, the nations.

Never raise your swords. Never raise your word. Never let your anger rise toward any brother or sister, because I assure you that you will regret it. Place the fire that is part of this nation in the Hands of God. Let everything be given to the Highest, just as the Highest gave it to you from the beginning, even in the smallest details of all this Universal Creation.

Love, not only your brothers and sisters, but also the Kingdoms of Nature. Open your senses and perceive that in the Kingdoms there is also the need for healing and for forgiveness, the pressing need to express love for the most innocent Kingdoms.

And, in this way, Argentina will gradually become something else, because My Presence here will not be lacking. My inclusion and Presence will always be here because I know you need it.

In the heights of the Sierras of Cordoba, during the month of September, your Lord will give a new impulse that will place Argentina in another state and on another level. The presence of the Hierarchy will become visible, not only in spirit, but also in the physical, because as you know, it is the time of awakening, it is the time of love and of forgiveness. Amen.

And now that your inner worlds are prepared to enter into My Celestial Church, I invite you to stand up for the celebration.

And we will call upon Karina, Sonia, Viviana, Ivonne and the mother of Mara to come here to the foot of the stage.

You, My daughters, are a group of souls that have much to do for Me; I have seen it, I have recognized it and, above all, I have felt it.

God and His paternal gaze are upon everything. For this reason, through this act of consecration, as My spiritual daughters and My spouses, I come to bring you the testimony of the Love of God through My Heart, for all those who are behind you seeking the path of the spirit and the truth. Amen.

"Celestial Father, may Your Altars descend to Earth. May the angels congregate the souls in Your Celestial Church so that the Fount of Your Love, of Your Healing and of Your Compassion, may descend into hearts. Amen"

"Father, through Your Will, You created the water so that all can feel, every day, the renewal and the rebirth of Your Spirit in the human essence, so that everything may be washed, purified and blessed by Your Spirit. Today, may souls be blessed by the Grace of Your Light. Amen."

The elements of consecration for the helpers.

"May the Light of Your Heart, Eternal Father, illuminate the consciousnesses so that, through the consecration of their life, they may always find Your Truth and especially the Fount of Your Love that will nurture them, renew them and free them from all evil. Amen."

At this moment, the sisters will make an offering to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the silence of their inner being.

Your name will be María Sofía.

Your name will be Caridad.

Your name will be María of Israel.

Your name will be Esperanza.

He wants to ask of you something for Africa, that you be called María of Kibeho, for Africa.

And now we will move on to the moment of the transubstantiation of the bread and the wine, and we ask those who can, to kneel in reverence and gratitude.

Only because of love, in that time, I took the bread. The Most Holy Trinity blessed it. I gave it to the apostles, saying to them: "Let all take and eat of It, for this is My Body that will be given for you for the forgiveness of sins."

And at the sound of the three bells, the bread changed into the living Body of Christ.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

And still through an act of great Love and Mercy, I took the Chalice into My Hands. The Most Holy Trinity blessed it. I handed it to the apostles, saying to them: "Let all take and drink of It, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, which will be shed by your Redeemer and by many innocents for the forgiveness of sins. Remember to do this in memory of Me."

And at the sound of the three bells, the wine changed into the precious Blood of Christ.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.

Behold the testimony of the Love of God for all souls of the world. Happy will be those that avail themselves of this Most Holy Sacrament.

Prayer: Our Father.

And we establish the Peace of Christ in humanity, by listening to seven sounds of the bell.

May the Peace of God flood your hearts and Truth remain in your lives so that the Plan of God may be realized in all souls and His Kingdom be established in humanity. So be it.

May the Peace of My Heart be in you and in the whole world.

I give you Peace in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for having received Me, and in fraternity and for the whole world, you will give one another the greeting of peace.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus during the 61st Marathon of Divine Mercy, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the house of My Father there are many dwellings; all were created for each one of His children.

Each one has the dwelling belonging to them; one day they will return to it with all they have learned and lived; that is why it is time to keep memory of everything that the being experiences on Earth, everything that comes from the Universe and from God.

It is time to get rid of the suffering and the agony, because in the Dwelling of My Father will enter all your wonderful learning, everything that you have lived here in My Name.

Everything that you do and experience here is concomitantly written in the Universe.

Each decision that you make in your lives, also has an impact in the Universe.

Each step that you are encouraged to take for Me is something that also has an impact in the Universe.

This is also what allows the Plan to be realized on Earth and is what makes that which God so wants to manifest for His children to descend from the Universe.

Today I come to remind you of the importance of this Dwelling of God, because you must preserve it and protect it from everything that will happen in the coming times.

If you still do not know that you have a place in the Universe, know today that you have it. That place will allow to recreate Creation, toward that place will go all knowledge lived and experienced.

For this reason, you must persist, because in the Dwelling of My Father all the good that you have learned, not only in this life, but also in other times, will be kept.

I want each being of this planet to know that the experience does not end here, nor on this material plane.

The infinite awaits you so that you may live new things, go through new experiences.

All that you sow in this time will be harvested in the future. That is why you must know well what you do and what you live, so that the treasures of My Father are not wasted.

The time has come for becoming aware of all the riches of Heaven and how many times they descend to Earth and try to unite with souls, so that they may live new experiences of love and of redemption.

All that you cultivate in this time will have an impact in the immediate future.

It is not necessary, companions, that I give you examples, because you have already seen them with your own eyes.

Those who cultivate bad things on My Earth will always come out losing, because Love is Wisdom and Wisdom is the Love of God.

Where His Son is, God is, and if you are in Me, truly, you will be able to be in the Father. The Laws are always fulfilled equally for all.

Each one knows what in truth they must do in this time. All that I need is that you always sow good things, because this will not only help you, but also the world.

Humanity has forgotten, to cultivate true attributes, for having distanced itself.

Humanity has become perverted and has deviated, that is why I come from the immaterial Source of My Father to remind you about the sacred attributes which are essential to live in this cycle.

It will be those attributes, like Laws of Light, that will protect you from yourselves and from others.

The time has come to unmask the wolves that are disguised as sheep.

But it will not be necessary for anybody to do, the Law itself will demonstrate it, as it has demonstrated in this last cycle.

Faithfulness to Me is not a passing thing. Neither is obedience a passing thing.

What I ask of you is permanent, true and immutable.

Therefore, if your paths are well seeded, you will cultivate good fruit, it does not matter that your lands are miserable, dry, arid, or empty. Through the Fount of My Love, everything is possible for your lives only when you are sincere with Me.

Today I need you to take that step toward a definite Truth because thus you will be able to be more brotherly, you will be able to live in more fraternity and be considerate with the fellow being.

The attributes of which I speak to you are not of this planet, nor of this universe, although there are other humanities that know them.

The attributes come from My Father and from His immaterial Source and this renews all things for those who truly want to live them.

Because through My Fire I bring you the illumination of your cells and atoms, so that in the deepest of your beings you may learn to live in the Brotherhood through the attributes that I bring you for this time.

That is why I repeat to you again that your first attribute is to love as I love you, and to love the other as you love God, in an immeasurable and infinite way.

If you have not yet achieved this attribute, keep on trying every day: forge in yourselves an unconditional love that goes beyond your miseries and your tests, beyond all the limitations and all the obstacles, and so you will be able to be New Christs that represent their Lord here on Earth.

I no longer want to see a spiritually miserable humanity.

Some of you must achieve much more than I achieved on the Cross and in the Passion.

You must and you can surpass Me in love.

No longer wait to be able to do it; live it with an unconditional effort every day; thus, your hearts will be similar to Mine, even though you do not believe it.

If I descended to Earth and was human and transmuted the human condition, what will the creatures of My Father be able to do, more than what I once did, being direct and intimate children of His immaterial Source?

You do not yet know your virtues, you only know your capabilities. But I come as the Lord of the Universe for each one of your capabilities to transform them, someday, into sacred virtues.

You must only surrender everything to me. Each one according to their time, even though there is no longer time.

It is time to surrender everything to Me and to trust in what I have foreseen for you.

The moment has come to close a cycle and to begin a new one.

Everything that you were not able to live before, you will not be able to live in this new cycle.

Encourage yourselves to unveil the mysteries of the universe with the expansion of the love in your consciousnesses.

Because to the humble will be revealed the Mysteries of God and from the arrogant and the prideful will be taken all the powers they think they have in a personal and human form.

The Law is again fulfilled and again written.

I come to teach you the path of redemption through love; this is what will make your dwellings fruitful and eternal.

And it will not be necessary to live in this world, nor in another what you have already lived, because you will have learned it as a life lesson and a lesson in humility.

I want your hearts to become peaceful, to be small, just as I was small in the arms of My Mother; in this way, the Project will not be lost, because it will not be in the hands of the arrogant, but rather in the heart of those that are humble themselves before God every day and who truly do penance, transforming all things, overcoming all times, vivifying the Sacred Spirit of the Lord.

Only the humble will enter into the Kingdom of the Heavens.

Only the peacemakers will know the Kingdom of God.

All of them will never return again to the Earth, because they will know new dwellings and will remain in them to advance in their evolution and in the awakening of their spirits and a new Earth will begin with christic beings.

The law of suffering will be forgotten, and pain will no longer be remembered.

Love will reign and peace will be abundant in those who were unconditional with the Lord in spite of their miseries and their tests.

I need you to be clean of heart, not only at this moment, but also for the coming times.

I need you to be in ample resignation and in strict obedience, so that you may come to know other mysteries of the Universe that will not try to glorify your spirits, but rather make them more humble, more humble than I once was, as in the simple manger of Bethlehem.

Thus, companions, you will be able to love what you have never loved, forgive what you would never manage to forgive, because you will be in another state and in another vibration.

Thus, you will help those who most need and those who have nothing, spiritually speaking.

I will thus be able to withdraw and say that My task with you and with the world has been fulfilled.

I will thus be able to prepare to return without shifting My Consciousness so much through this Universe.

But I will never abandon you. Who is with Me will never feel abandoned.

Who is with Me will never lack love because they will have understood the mysterious Will of God, that from time to time tries to be written in the heart of men.

Empty yourselves before the Lord of the Universe so that I may place the new in you and withdraw the old from your consciousnesses.

Today you have offered Me a marvelous day through your songs and prayers; that is what gives Me the impulse, that moves Me to come back here all of the time, to be at the side of those who truly hear Me and activate, in themselves, My Words one by one.

From the Solar Source I have come , from the Spiritual Universe I have descended, from the House of My Father I have arrived, to bring you what you need today with all of My Love; so that you may remember, companions, that I will always renew you so that thus the mandate of God may be fulfilled; that you love one another, just as I have loved you and continue to love you.

That is the deepest mystery of Creation.

Love will make your abode luminous and your spirits clean.

Let us celebrate this moment with complete confidence. Let us thank God for all that has been received and let us rejoice in His Heart so that His Word may be fulfilled in the People of God.

May the mystery of this existence be revealed.

Father, send the Breath of Your Spirit
to those who are still sustained in You.
Send the Fire of Your Love
to transform all things.
Send the balm of Your Peace
to appease hearts.
Send, through Me, Your Mercy
so that creatures may know
the great happiness of being in You,

Today, spiritually, I will not only consecrate new adorers, but also those who will adore Me someday, as those who have adored Me until now.

Remember, companions, that there is a dwelling place of light for each one of the children of God, and that dwelling place waits to find you and receive you, so that in it may be kept the greatest experience of His Love on Earth, so that the angels of the Universe may elevate that experience to the Father, in order to re-create this Creation.

My word is like living water and comes to quench the thirst of those who are disturbed, of those who suffer, of those who for some time have been in their desert, asking God for a Grace and an opportunity.

Today I offer you the Word of Life like living water for your souls, so that the balm of the Love of the Lord may unify consciousnesses and banish the enemies, so that the Plan may triumph. Amen.

Today I will deign to consecrate these elements with special gratitude, so that the fruits of My Spirit in the souls may also reverberate in the sacred dwelling that you will come to know some day.

For this reason, I wish to hear "Your Word is Living Water", so that your souls may be worked upon at this moment by the essence of the Divine Sacraments.


For those who are able to, we will stand.


Song: Your Word is Living Water.

Here is kept one of the greatest treasures of the Dwellings of God.

Blessed will be those who avail themselves of it to feel the Universe of God in their hearts while they are here on Earth.

That is why I offer you My Body as a symbol of reparation and of healing for souls.

I also offer you My Blood as a symbol of purification and of renewal for all the spirits of the planet.

This is the Body and the Blood of Christ, which gives you Eternal Life.

Here is the symbol of those who unite with Me through the offering of each new adoration; in them is built the Temple of God, which one day will become immaterial and eternal and will be especially kept in the dwelling that God has destined for each being.

Receive this symbol of adoration, as an act of gratitude on My part, and a renewing blessing for your souls.

I now want the adorers here, who will be consecrated today.

Most Holy Trinity,
that descends through the Divine Son,
unify these consciousnesses with the Eternal Father,
unify these consciousnesses with the Divine Son,
unify these consciousnesses with the Sacred Spirit,
so that in their essences may be established
the realization of the Plan of God
and the perpetual triumph of the Love of God,
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My God,
I believe in You, I adore you,
I wait for You and I love you,
and I ask pardon for those who do not believe in You,
do not wait for You and do not love You.
Amen. (x3)

And now that My Mission is accomplished in you, I expect it is already reverberating through the times, by means of your adoration, your prayers, and your acts of love, so that the evil in humanity may be removed from this world, so that the Kingdom of God may be established in each human heart, and many, many more may know peace.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for this day and for the day that will come tomorrow, in My Name, fraternally give each other the greeting of peace.

I thank you.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Appearance of Christ Jesus during the 58th Marathon of the Divine Mercy, in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

May the light of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be in this place and in the most needed places in the world. Amen.

And after you have accepted My call, now I will be able to return to Egypt, after having lived there as a child; but now the King will return, to break the people free from their slavery, to bring Peace to that place and to the Middle East.

And although the events are still unfolding in the world and in this humanity, I will take with Me the souls that are most in need and I will return to the hearts that are seeking Me the most, regardless of their belief or religion, because what grants life in this world is love; it’s love that keeps you alive, it’s love that allows you to breathe and dream for a better time, with hope.

The captivity will finish someday, not only in Egypt, but also in the world. That is why I must return to the places where I once was, as a child, young or adult, in the East, or in the Far East.

The spiritual importance ​​must be recovered so that the world does not lose peace. That is why I am returning to these places, as sacrifice and also as Grace, to bring to the hearts, again, the meeting with God from the inner planes and so that it can be mirrored on the surface, in the society. That will make everything more just and balanced, that will appease the suffering and the agonies, because it’s through the merits that your Master and Lord reached, in the Passion, that these Graces are possible in this world, and in your humanity.

I cannot stop saying that sometimes My Heart is sad for those who don’t understand, but the enjoyment of those who live Me and those who believe in Me and give Me their confidence makes Me happy, as you have done yesterday and today, in a simple way.

The Kingdom of God is the greatest treasure of simplicity for this world and for souls. If they are simple they will always live the Kingdom of God and He will always be close to your lives and above all things, He will be in your hearts.

I want this enjoyment and jubilance that lives within Me, time and again, to reach the whole world and not only South America. Now it’s time to live the apostolate and make it part of you in each stage of life.

Thus My Mercy will reach those who are suffering the most, as well as the Kingdoms of Nature, which in those parts of the world also experience their silent suffering because they cannot speak, like humans of the Earth.

I know that there is also suffering around you, sometimes in your families, in your cities, in your jobs, in your most beloved ones; but I ask you, for Mercy, to take one more step towards Me, and we will carry this treasure of love to the places that are most needed and that for thousands of years have received nothing, neither from the Universe nor from the Heavens.

I come to recover, through Egypt, the last human values because evolution continues and also the awakening.

The time has come, companions, to recover what you once lived with Me in the Holy Land and beyond it. This is not a theory nor is it an illusion, it’s time to live the Plan in a truthful way, it’s time to keep the Plan alive for as many hearts of the world as possible, for those who are looking for Me and do not find Me because they do not know the way.

Yes, you found the way out, but the world has not found it yet. That’s why I must return and return to the Core, from where everything is created, like the conflict, the war and the persecution.

Because this time, not only the Lady of Light will tread with Her feet upon the serpent, but also Her Master and Lord will step, with His feet, on its allies and defeat them so that they may repent some day. And there will no longer be a weapon against a weapon, religion against religion, because even though the most serious moment has not passed yet, even the impetus and the strength of My powerful Heart will be able to transform all things, when you only say "yes, Lord, here I am. "

In order to have permission to keep working, I will have the permission to continue transforming and unifying souls with God so that His heavenly Kingdom may descend to Earth and His Will be fulfilled because at the end of everything, His Sacred and Eternal Heart will triumph.

The fallen ones will be forgiven, the murderers will be redeemed, the persecutors will be loved and the evil will be dissolved, because evil doesn’t know the Love that comes from the Source. Evil is the incomprehension of the human consciousness for not accepting God's Will, as it was the Will of God to bring His Son to Earth to teach you the School of Love and Redemption.

I gather again, in this time, with those who stayed with Me at that time, whether in the consecrated life or in the spirit’s life; in the life of service, or in selfless life; in the missionary life or in the prayerful life.

May that commitment be revived by those who awaken.

May this commitment be reconfirmed by those who have already awakened so that the Will of the Creator can continue to be fulfilled in these critical times.

My Heart will embrace the Middle East and all those who are in that place, regardless of their condition or their condemnation. Because truly I say, companions, My Mercy is very great and still unknown. My Mercy is so great, that My Blood was spilled on the Cross, drop by drop, pain by pain, and anguish by anguish, to dissolve the evil of humanity and its eternal damnation.

It is the time to make My Love known to the world. And make the other peoples and races aware that I love them, as I love you.

Let them announce that I am returning to the world for the second time and that the heavenly Kingdom will be reapproaching to Earth with the angels and archangels, to put an end to the destruction of mankind and to dissolve the darkness by the intervention of the powerful Father, Saint Michael Archangel, Saint Rafael Archangel and Saint Gabriel Archangel.

The heralds of the Word of God will return to Earth, as it was in the beginning to the people of the Middle East.

And from there, a new history will be written and the suffering will be erased, bringing from Heaven the Books of God, opened, to introduce to the world His new Purpose in the New Humanity.

Blessed are those who live the prophecies and are rejoiced in them, because the Lord, the Almighty, will show His Power to the humble.

With this Light that I bring, I spread Peace towards the Earth, renewing this cycle and this moment for all; giving the chance for those who are confused, to be able to return to My way before the Portal closes.

May the hearts be raised to My heavenly Church and that in communion with the life of each being, everything be renewed.

The God’s Universe descends to Earth and in this simple place, the souls will always find God. Although My Presence is not accepted, I will always be here to embrace you with the Light of Emmanuel.

I come to bless you with the Word of Life. I come to anoint you with the breath of the Spirit. I come to baptize you with the Water that gushed from My Side on the Cross, as part of the Source of Divine Mercy, so that you may be sanctified by the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Today there are no borders or separations between nations and peoples. The love that I could see here is what I need to renew times and above all things, humanity. It’s the love of those who congregate within My heavenly Church to receive communion from the Flame of the Most Holy Trinity, together with the angels of our Father-Mother Creator, Emmanuel.

Today, the Elohim, called resplendent beings of the Mental Universe, God’s angels, testify with Their fist that My mission in Egypt will be accomplished by the receptivity and the prayer of the souls who will collaborate to make this possible, and thus, My great Mirror of Mercy be lit in the Middle East.

Rejoice your hearts because you are following the right path. There will be no other place that represents Me on Earth, but just this one. Because I say to you again, companions, I come out of My Church to call the flocks that most need Me and that My representatives haven’t been worthy to welcome them with chastity.

May the love of the simple ones promote Peace on Earth.

May the service of the humble people restore the Kingdoms of Nature.

May the prayer of those who are congregated in community and in light, to transform the times in order that the Scepter of the Son of God may descend to Earth, put an end to human wickedness.

And now I will elevate to Heaven this offering that you have placed at My Feet, because truly I say that everything belongs to God, our Father, who is in heaven and today listens attentively to the Voice of His Son and His companions, in order to a grain of His heavenly Kingdom is being sown in this humanity, so that mankind may be recreated through love and good among men.

May everything be sanctified and may everything be elevated under the Ray of Transubstantiation. And that at the foot of the God’s Altar the offering of each human heart be placed, in this afternoon.

In the silence, companions, you can make your offering in front of My heavenly Church. I listen to you in the silence of prayer.

Celestial Father, who leads us all,

accept our offer of surrender to You.

Guide us through the path of love,

so that Your Will may be done.

Amen. (x3)

The offer has been accepted.

Those who will be baptized today, will be enlightened and when it happens, they will be converted.

Those who will be anointed today, will receive the Grace that they expect so much, but they must pray for it.

Father, you have become small so that the world will understand you and thus, you could get inside of the essence of Your children in order that they will vivify You and exalt Your Name, forever.

At the table of these new apostles of Mine, today I declare to you again, through this sacred formula that You have dictated to the humble Heart of Your Beloved Son.

Let the inner worlds listen to what your King and Lord of the Universe declares today: I ask all of you to take and eat of It, because this is My Body, which was given to men for the forgiveness and the surrender of sins.

My Lord and My Jesus, may the souls of the Earth hear the Voice of their Master and Lord, the Living Christ, who says to them: Take and drink all of Him, because this is My Blood, which was poured by men for the forgiveness of sins.

I ask you, for the times to come and the events that will come, do this in memory of Me in order for the Peace and Mercy of God to be present on the planet.

My Lord and My God, this is He who has given life for all and who has resurrected to return to the world, in spirit and divinity, in order to transfigure the Earth into a redeemed humanity.

Our Father, who art in heaven... 

And as I said to My apostles, My Peace I leave you and I give you My Peace; because your Master and Lord will always look at the faith of the members of His heavenly Church so that everything be repaired and humanity be cured of their spiritual sickness.

May this Peace be taken to Egypt and to the places that were entrusted by your Master and Lord and by His most sweet Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, so that Their Hearts of Service and Humility, of Love and of Hope, may reach the whole world. Amen.

Now give peace.

May the Earth repopulate with hope and may the hope renew the hearts that aspire to reach the Mercy of God.

With the voices of your hearts today I want to expand, through a song, the rain of love for the whole planet, giving the blessing to the world, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for being with Me in the simplicity of the heart and of life.


And now that I have come to meet you, rest your head on My Chest and feel all the peace that I can offer you at this time, a peace that no one else can give you, or bring you.

Now feel My living Heart, which beats internally near your ears. This is the Heart that has suffered for the world and for humanity.

It is the Heart that has shed Its Blood for souls, for the forgiveness of errors and which still does so, for all of your companions and for your enemies.

But today, My beloved, do not think about what you are suffering or what you could suffer. Think of Me, unite with My Consciousness and feel My paternal embrace because I take care of all of My sheep, one by one, and I never forget anyone.

Surrender to Me, and yield as I have asked of you so many times.

Do not fear what will come but rather, what is not happening in your life.

Now, have your soul take refuge under the Rays of My Heart and feel the breath of the Spirit acting in each moment, within each breath, as well as in each word.

I can restore all things. I can supply all things because it is not I who does it; it is My Father who is in Heaven, it is He Who works, Who carries out and manifests the Higher Will.

Leave behind what you do not comprehend, what you do not accept or what you do not understand.

Trust in this Love that I am gifting to you because it is a Love that must be fulfilled in you so that the Plan of God may be fulfilled on Earth.

Rest like John the apostle, upon My Chest, and feel the pain and the agony of your Lord, in the silence and in the calm.

God does not offer souls to suffer; it is the souls that seek suffering because in the Kingdom of the Heavens, from whence I came today, pain or guilt do not exist. Be glad for resting your head on the Chest of your Master.

I know that you will not understand everything at once, but this does not matter to your Lord. What matters is that you experience it fully, united with Me, in spirit and in essence.

Do not confirm your sins, do not affirm your errors, uplift your heart and place it in Mine so that I may transform and polish it like the hands of a potter. And thus, you will be in perfect freedom and in a deep calm, and overnight you will not know what has happened to you, because everything will have transformed, just as I have thought it, according to the designs of God.

Receive the Love of My Heart as a balm and surrender. My Heart will not be bad for you, My Heart will not harm you. My Love is of the good and is a peace-bearer for souls.

Avail yourself of all that I can gift to you and trust because everything is appointed; everything has its hour and its time.

Just as today you are on My Chest, feeling the fire of My Heart and the gentleness of My Soul, the activity of My Divinity and of My Spirit, I would like to have many more emulate this example of union with the Lord.

Calm your heart of all anguish and accept what I give you because everything has a greater end and a purpose that you are still to discover someday.

Leave behind what you have suffered, what you have not understood; submerge in the ocean of My Light and everything will dissipate, because who trusts their Master, trusts in God, the Almighty. And their life, day by day, step by step, with effort and sacrifice, will become free.

From your soul, I want a new being that may be part of a New Humanity, conscious and awakened, responsible and worthy together with Creation.

There are so many treasures in Heaven, dear soul, that I have for revealing; My Hands are full of designs and I still cannot pour them out over the world because I cannot find a place nor refuge within the entire humanity.

But if you, My brave one, today, takes the step for many others, someday many others will recognize My Name and My Glory and will make it worthy in their lives so that the Love of God may thus triumph.

Now, embrace Me and feel the warmth of My Spirit; feel the protection of My Arms and the breathing of My Body as a renewing breath that sanctifies all things and renews all things.

There is nothing that can be lost. Everything is transformed according to My Will.

Become one of the holy women of Jerusalem, or like the apostle John, in complete surrender and selflessness.

Everything that you experience, My soul, has a reason and a meaning for God; there is nothing out of place, everything has a meaning and a time to be fulfilled. Be it in the good or far from it.

But today, I want you to feel the beating of My meek Heart, an inexplicable and Redeeming Love which yearns for good and worthy souls that may fulfill the Will of God in this time of difficult tests.

Embrace Me tightly and feel My consolation, which is basic and immediate. Let Me nurture you with My Peace and with the flame of My Faith, which is what brings Me to the world to seek those whom I have called by their name so that they may accompany Me in this era and in this cycle, in which the world will experience its greatest challenge of all time and of all eras. I cannot tell you the contrary.

My souls, it is time to live My Plan and to not wait any longer.

Sometimes your Lord and Master needs to feel the warmth of the love of His children in order to be able to keep moving forward. However much I am in Heaven, it does not mean that I do not feel like a human being does because I was among you as a human being so that you might experience and understand Me.

You will thus be embracing your Celestial Father, Who also needs consolation, upon seeing the offenses and the wrongs of the world.

How much Love can do in the hearts that decide to live it fully, the Love that comes from the High and that can spring from hearts, causing New Christs to be born!

I want you to offer your embrace to me today because I need it, just as you need Me to continue walking on this path, the most difficult of all times, one which no other humanity has experienced, in any other age.

You came here, My souls, for a greater purpose and design that you will come to know someday.

But today I do not need you to understand My mysteries, but rather that you feel the agony of your Lord and the request for consolation that is made to valiant hearts.

Now, feel how I cover you with My Mantle, that mantle that was torn by the hands of My enemies during the Passion and that covered My Body, stricken with wounds and injuries.

These are wounds that I live for the world and I want to share them with My servers, with those who are willing to follow Me unconditionally.

I want to offer you My sacrifices and My sorrows, because who suffers with their Lord, suffers with God, and the Love that never ends transforms all things, even what is most impenetrable. May My Wounds be a reason for your sanctification, for your persistence, and for your renunciation.

Because I have a precious plan for each one of My servers, which must be fulfilled in this critical hour of the planet, in which everything is being precipitated, hour by hour.

For this reason, I consecrate sons and daughters, to have armies on Earth that may be firm in Me, in spite of what may happen.

I have no more to give, only the Love of My Heart, which is what has brought Me here, throughout times and generations.

A Love that testifies to the presence of the Body and of the Blood of Christ for the reparation of errors and all deeds not under the Law of God. I once again tell you, My souls, that I need your hearts open even more so that I can enter with My Consciousness into the deepest corners of your souls, where the Kingdom of God must be fulfilled, so that the world and humanity may still exist.

For this reason, on this Holy Wednesday of retreat and prayer, I not only ask for your prayers, but also for your embrace so that a consoling spirit may be present and souls dare to say “yes” more each day.

Today I bring to you the most sacred moment of My life which was the entrance of the Last Supper. I come to speak with you with the same love with which I addressed My holy Mother and the women of Jerusalem, as well as My apostles. It is this unrestricted and infinite Love that never ends because it comes from and is born of the Fount of God for His creatures.

You need to finally be like Me and surpass Me because I come here so that you may one day do greater things than those I did. This will demonstrate to the Universe that a New Humanity is possible, which will have repented and will ask for forgiveness for everything it did, that will not be ashamed of confessing its errors and will be open to receive the Mercy of God, which is unquenchable and eternal.

I want you to live in the joy of My Celestial Love and you, little soul, that is learning to love Me, do not cease to do so. Dare to cross the thresholds of human resistance because I will help you be truly free you of yourself forever.

Do not cease to feel the Love that emanates from My Heart today and vivify it as if it were for the last time, because what I come to give today I will not be able to give again; the time is now ending and the definitive hour is approaching.

I do not want to crown you with flowers but rather with thorns so that you may surpass Me in Love, knowing that the human being is an unpredictable being throughout this Universe, just as I was, testifying to My Passion, Death and Resurrection.

I offer glory and honor to those who have decided to be by My side, but I also offer My pain and My agony to those who have confirmed themselves before Me during this afternoon of eternal Grace.

And now, I return your soul to the center of your being, in which exists the sacred Temple of Love, that must always be lit by the light of the Holy Spirit.

And My Heart retreats to offer itself again to other souls in the world that also need Me.

Blessed be the ones who received My Words with gratitude because they will understand everything within the coming times. And when I am no longer here among you, in a short while, you will deeply know everything that I have wanted to do in this place and in this house, and mainly, in you.

Because I must appear in other places in the world that also need Me, that also thirst for My Word and for My Verb and, above all, for the Love of God.

With that solemnity that I am trying to build in your hearts through this meeting, I want you to dignify yourselves today before Our Celestial Father, undertaking this commitment to Me until the end of days, knowing that everything that you will experience will be a great school for the soul and the spirit.

I only need you to give your love to the world, regardless of who it is, regardless of their belief or religion, their poverty or their wealth, their illness or their health.

I want you to love as I love you, because the test that is coming to the world will be very hard. And not all will bear this moment. For this reason, I strengthen you in this time and through My unconditional service to souls, I give you My Body and My Blood so that you may survive, just as your Master survived at each step of the Cross, and of His Agony.

This is not the time to be divided, distanced nor indifferent. Place your hearts within Mine and all will pass. Because what I wish from the world is very great and this may happen when I return for the second time. So, My souls, let us offer this moment to our God Almighty, Who has, on this day, again allowed this spiritual Grace for an unfaithful world. But Love will always overcome all these things. Everything will be fulfilled as God has thought it.


We can stand for the blessing of these elements.

 I have called you here because I never forgot you and because everything has its time for God and for the Universe (*).

As well as these sacred elements that are at the feet of your Master and Lord, today I will also offer your consciousnesses to God so that He may fulfill His designs within you.

The Lord Almighty, our Eternal Father Who is in the Heavens, may He bless with His most infinite Light and Wisdom.

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you for truly embracing Me.

Today I have chosen a song that testifies to the Work of the Celestial Mother, of how each soul of this Earth, as well as the Most Holy Mary, can respond to the call of God when He sounds it.

Today I have chosen such complementary voices, one with another, so that you may offer this response of souls to My Heart, this offering that hearts have made to My Spirit.

(*) Christ calls two people to the stage.

Apparition of Christ Jesus during the Sacred Call, in Bahia Blanca, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Let My Spirit completely invade you, so that you may understand what I need today.

Let My Heart fill you and transform you, so that a new being may be created in you.

I come to be over Argentina because it needs it in this final time and its hearts also need it, so that they may learn to live in God and thus know how to fulfill His Purpose, which comes in these times to call all hearts, all lives, to open to unify with Me in Love and in Truth.

But today, I do not only come for you, companions; I also come for those who already follow Me, for those who are already experiencing their tests, for those who are facing their transformation.

But know that everything is in its place, both what the world experiences and what you experience now in this time of transition, in which souls and hearts must learn to love, like they have never before loved.

So you must be strong, be brave, and take the definitive steps toward My Heart; I will help you, companions.

I am here extending My Hand to you so that you may hold it tightly and know how to walk with Me in this time of darkness, in this time of challenges; where even you do not know what may happen a second from now.

So live in Faith, live in Love, and aspire every day to the Divine Unity, so that My Father may receive you with open Arms; so that He may be able to give you His Graces, and so that in this time, the new human may be forged in you, that human that is free from ties, from chains, and from prisons.

Let the Fire of My Heart pierce you deeply.

Let My Light mingle in you, from essence to spirit: let everything be modified, let nothing become crystallized, let everything be transfigured, and may everything be polarized toward the Light, so that you may know My Kingdom in the coming time; that Kingdom of which I have spoken in past times to the apostles and to all those who had the Grace of hearing My Voice in the Name of God.

I come to give you the same; I come to give you My Legacy.

You need to learn to live within the Law and not step out of it. If you are within the Law, companions, you will be protected and not have to suffer.

Accept this time of transformation as something unique, and cease to cause suffering to your brothers and sisters; on the contrary, let them be able to feel your love, your transparency, and your humility that must arise from your hearts, that must rise up out of your essences, so that the old human may die and the true spirit emerge; that spirit that will receive the gifts of God, that spirit that will be a part of the new humanity and the new Earth.

Meanwhile, transform, transform a lot, but in truth, do it for Me and for your brothers and sisters.

Demonstrate to God that you are understanding and do not lose any more time, because My Return is close and I will need you to be true; as true, as clear as the water that emerges from the depths of the earth and that gives you to drink of life, that takes away your thirst, that heals you and redeems you.

My companions, be the balm of God; be healers of the new time through prayer rather than words; be servers through example and charity; let the hearts of the world be able to feel the expression of your love, so that all may be vivified and redeemed as God, our Father Who is in the Heavens, needs it.

Cross the bridge, companions, over the abysses and unite in ties of love and of unity, so that you can cross it without fear or doubts.

Because if your faith is strong, nothing will torment you, and you will have the firmness and courage to be able to cross many more bridges; bridges that await you later on, in the coming time, when everything finishes being defined.

Today I come here for you and for the world, with this message, to awaken an awareness of Love in each human heart; a Love that will make you free, a Love that will take you away and will bring you out of the captivity which you may be in at this time.

But continue to trust in My Divine Mercy, because in this way, I will always help you.

While I speak to you, I come to free you from the prisons of that which distresses you, from all that disturbs your heart. The time that is coming will not be easy. I cannot promise you eternal life on this planet in flames and in tribulations; but I can promise you My Kingdom, while you are here, serving Me tirelessly.

I ask you to grow not only in your heart, but also in consciousness, knowing in this time to discern wisely; so that each test that you experience, companions, you know how to overcome it and do not position yourselves in a constant shipwreck that does not exist, that only exists in the mind.

In this time, allow the spiritual Hierarchy to open the doors to the unknown, and the secrets will able to be unveiled, because your spirits will thus be uplifted and you will not be immersed in this matter that ties you to perdition and does not allow you to take the step to a real surrender.

Like with My apostles, I come to ask you for what is simple, what is born of the heart; so believe in what I tell you, because in this way, it will be fulfilled.

Do not let yourselves be deceived anymore; open your eyes to be able to look toward infinity and in this way, find your true origin.

You came here to this world to experience love and forgiveness, acceptance, compassion, surrender, and consideration for your fellow beings.

If the world does not unite in this time, it will not be able to survive; just as you united today in Me and I am able to unite with you, companions.

Make this example live for your brothers and sisters, and family, because they will need it. At this time, there must not be divisions, conflicts, or doubts. In the most culminating hour of the Earth, the Sacred Unity must prevail. This will make you strong, will make you invincible, and in this way, you will know to wait for Me, up until the last second, when I will place My feet on this planet.

I come to Argentina because I love it and I need its unconditional response, to be able to carry forward with My Redeeming Work in this part of the world.

I sent you the faithful Messenger of God, so that you could hear Her; now I come to meet you so that you also hear Me with the sacred ardor of your heart and with the full devotion of God.

I come to bring you the new and what is still unknown to you; I come to bring you what you have never experienced in this life. I offer you communion with My Sacred Heart, so that you dare every day to love a little more than what you think you love.

Be compassionate with those who suffer and do not complain to them,  be compassionate with those who support My Work and do not complain to them; because on them I have placed the weight of My Cross, so that they may carry it with Me until the end, even though nobody understands it.

But I will not leave alone those to whom I have entrusted My Kingdom, just as I entrust the Kingdom to you, My companions.

To live for God is the greatest responsibility, but at its core, it is full of His Glory, of His celestial happiness.

I do not want you, in this time, to lose the chance of growing internally and of doing things for love rather than through human strength. Join hands and be a single family, so that Our Sacred Hearts may be here, among you, all the time.

I wish you to be a mirror of My Heart on this planet, which is in an agony that many do not want to see.

Leave your houses, go through the doors of your homes and you will find the reality of which I speak in this very moment. The suffering and the pain have expanded over the world and within all beings.

You must help Me to relieve it and not to generate it. You must help Me to uproot it and not to create it. In this time, be generators of the Divine Mercy of My Heart, so that I may be able to be present in those who are most in need of Healing and Redemption.

To those who have been following Me for a while, I say: Use the tools that God gave you and you will be able to overcome all the times and all the tests.

Honor the Legacy that was placed into your hands during so many years and put it into practice; in this way, you will help Me so that My Mission may expand in the world and is not restricted by its forms.

In this hour, drink from the fountain of knowledge that I bring you and you will be able to transform; but allow Me, companions, to enter into your hearts and lives and in this way, I will be able to erase what makes you suffer and what disturbs you.

If the world listened to My Words, it would already be different. If the world experienced My Words, it would already be different. But I know that this will depend on My companions and on My servers.

Let this same Grace that I unconditionally bring you be able to reach those who most need it.

Today I will have the Grace of blessing a family, in the name of many more, so that the healing of My Sacred Heart may be established in those who aspire someday to find peace.

Today I will anoint you with the oil of reparation, in the same way that the holy women anointed My Body in the sepulcher, to honor and give glory to your Redeemer.

Today, through consecrating this family, I will consecrate the families of the world for this Christmas; so that this same opportunity of redemption, of forgiveness, and of reconciliation, companions, may reach the souls that despair and that have no inner Light.

May it be possible to open the doors for the healing of souls and that everything be renewed.

May it be possible to open the doors to reconciliation, and everyone be forgiven.

Because My desire is to be able to live you fully and without restrictions; just as I was able to live in many hearts of imperfect but saintly men and women, who lived My sorrowful Passion.

Through this oil, today I establish the divine consecration of this family that I have chosen at the request of My Father, so that many more families may awaken to true love and forgiveness.

I offer this consecration for the great family of the Community of Nueva Tierra, and I wish this oil to be used to anoint those who are ill in that place; and I wish them to know that I have not forgotten anybody and I will come to them in due time, to carry them into a new life, free of suffering, free of agitation, pain, and anguish.

May the wings of these souls who are ill in the Community of Nueva Tierra be able to open, because the time has come for them to take the great flight to God, the Creator.

My last wish, companions, before this special anointing for the families of the world and for the children, is that you know that I will wait for My companions, My followers and the families of the Kingdom of Aurora during this month of December; so that you may see your Lord walking amongst the orange trees, living and feeling in the hearts that believe in inner healing and in redemption; so that in them may sprout the New Aurora, the new dawn in each being.

Almighty Lord, Who deigned to be present in the Body and the Blood of Your Son, through the Passion, the Death, and the Resurrection, I ask you, Father, on this night, that you bless Argentina so that it may enter into the project of Your Promised Land. Amen.

I give you peace so that you may experience it, and always give it to your brothers and sisters.

I also want you to take medallions of My Glorified Heart to the Community of Nueva Tierra; because My aspiration is to be on the breast and the hearts of My children to protect and accompany them more closely.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

And I thank you in this evening for having sought My peace and My consolation.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

I have many followers in the world and I place them all at My Feet. They come from different stories, from varied experiences and are taken out of the abyss and error by My humble Hand, placing each one of them close to My Heart.

Thus, in the world, many adore Me; but in truth I tell you, companions, that it is God Whom you adore, through the Heart of His beloved Son, Who comes to provide you with and give you the divine virtues that will make you free and you will thus be able to praise God much more.

And so, each one of you, just like each one of My followers in the world, fulfills an important role in this time, a sacred task, I would say, that comes to consolidate and to institute My Redeeming Project in this cycle.

And so, I am with all those who follow Me, because My Heart has no religion. In truth, I tell you, companions, that your only religion is the Lord, the Almighty. I would say, the religion of Love, of Compassion, and of Mercy.

Thus, on this very special afternoon, in which My merciful Heart has beaten so hard on hearing the last song, your cells and souls also participated in a special way in a mystical communion with Me, which had regularly not taken place since more than two thousand years ago.

Believe in this event, because through My Heart and My Divine Consciousness, and through My humble service to God, today I bring you the revelation of the universe, in which you will also participate someday within that universe of Love and Unity, which Our Father El Shaddai has created since the beginning of all the worlds, of all the suns, of all the stars.

I come to bring you the impulse, companions, that will lead you to experience a true adoration, a true communion, in these critical times, when it will be necessary to be able to express a greater degree of love so that this world may transform and be healed of all its wounds.

All My followers are important in this time. For this reason, I am present in many religions and beliefs; in those who have a religion and in those that do not, as well as in those that only believe in love and in the infinite Consciousness of the Father, which is an inner feeling emanated from their hearts that is also real in this end time.

With this, I want to tell you, companions, that through the door of adoration, of praise, and of the glorification of God, you open the doors to My Divine Mercy and I can reach those places in the world where, at this very moment and in this time, souls suffer because of not finding the Light, the Love, and the Unity that you can also express at this moment.

Each praise said from the heart, each adoration given from your spirits to the Divine Spirit of God, allows this Creation to be recreated, allows wonderful things to be drawn to this planet that are still unknown to the world and to all of humanity.

I speak again of those virtues and gifts which will make of souls, souls transformed in God, souls transformed by My merciful Heart.

While I speak to you, companions, may your cells be ignited on receiving the Christic codes of My Heart, may your hearts shine with love and with joy because of experiencing the opportunity of redemption and of Christification.

On this afternoon, I want to bring you something that I have never been able to give to My companions. Something that is deeply within, that will not only free you of any anxiety or any sorrow that you are going through in these times, but will also renew you.

But it will depend on you, My apostles, that this legacy I will give you, like the one I gave the apostles through the Holy Spirit, be taken care of, cultivated, and made to blossom by you so that many souls, besides your own, are able to receive this same impulse in this time of chaos and darkness.

I come to place the flame of the Holy Spirit over your spirits.

Your Master and Lord, Jesus Christ, opens the doors of the Celestial Church so that the holy angels and archangels, by means of the giving of their hands and their unconditional service, may place the Flame of the Holy Spirit over your consciousnesses and over each body.

In this way, companions, in the coming times, in which the new Christs will flourish, you will be able to recognize your sacred task, your important mission, no matter what it is, but simply to serve God with the fullness of you heart and soul.

Are you willing to be different?

The apostles yielded to be able to receive this important Legacy. The apostles, in those times, did not understand what it was about until I reappeared to reveal this mystery to them, just as I reveal it to you today, bringing it to the whole world, to the souls that follow My Heart.

Kneel down.

Placing your hands in the sign of reception, you will say to the Almighty Father:

"I am not worthy of receiving Your Graces, but I need them to know how to survive in this end time.

I renounce what I fancy, what satisfies me, what awakens in my consciousness everything that separates me from You.

Today I confirm myself as Your apostle, Lord, of peace, service, and prayer, so that in me You may establish Your Mercies, which will cultivate in My spirit the gifts for the New Humanity.

And although I will not be present on this planet during the times that will come, I will feel bliss in my Spirit, gratitude in my Soul, and love in my Heart on celebrating together with You, Lord, the descent and the glory of Your Kingdom in this humanity. Amen."

Place your hands on your heart.

Lord, I who am nothing, I surrender to You,
so that You may make me Your dwelling.
(three times, in Portuguese)

You may sit and keep your hand upon your heart, to continue in communion with the Holy Spirit and in adoration of the Divine Life that comes from the universe and from the Source, which will allow your hearts to open so as to be able to live new things.

Thus, I give these Graces to the world, even though they are inner and non-material, because My followers will need them to become worthy and deserving of the Kingdom of God and of the victory of your Master and Lord, the Christ, on His Return.

Today I expand this Grace to the five continents, and feel in your hearts the reception of the Love of God through His Third Person, the Holy Spirit.

Now over your heads, see the blazing Flame of Fire, so similar to the one received by My Holy Mother and the apostles.

Let us repeat:

Come, Holy Spirit, unify our hearts,
so that we may live Your Divine Plan.
(three times)

When you come across difficulties on your paths for living the Plan of God, recite this simple prayer that was emanated from the Heart of My Mother during the Sacred Cenacle, in Jerusalem.

Relive communion with Divine Life, with the Holy Spirit of God, erasing the past, alleviating suffering, and reconciling your beings with Love.

Now take each other's hands.

"Father, Who always renews all things, sanctify Your children, sanctify the life You created.

Glorify the essences that emanated from Your non-material Source, and with My plea, awaken the New Christs, so that this Earth, on this planet and on the five continents, love awakens in all of humanity and thus the wounds may be healed, Lord; the errors be forgiven, Lord.

Let the fire of Your Spirit impregnate everything, so that souls may shine in the Sacred Fount of Your Divine Unity."

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us place our hands on our heart.

I have also sanctified all that you have brought to My altar, because if your hearts are open, as they are today, everything is renewed, everything is healed, everything can be reconciled by the presence of the Love of God and of His Divine Unity.

From this Marian Center, may the world be radiated by the sacred Ray of Love, by the sacred Ray of Gratitude, and may the Light of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit abound on Earth. So be it.

To those who adore Me, wait for Me and love Me, I want to say that through this ecumenical song, the doors of Heaven unified East with West, thus closing the cycle and the Project of the thousand years of peace.

Although you may not understand what this means, blessed be those who already live it, for you will leave here feeling the Fire of the renewal and of the healing of your souls.

Know that I will come here while the Father asks Me to. Do not waste any opportunity, because the world must experience its transition so that it may finally learn to love, just as I untiringly love you.

I want you to lift up your hearts through the Fire of adoration and of praise, as you did in the last song, repeating those words not for Me, but rather for the One that created you, so that more than ever at this time, His Source of Light, of Grace, and of Redemption may be poured out upon the five continents. And that love, which today your hearts can emanate with this song, may reach those hearts that, in loneliness and suffering, in bitterness and in damnation, have nothing.

Let this song activate the Christs of the new time, for who praises God, pleases Him twice.

Before I leave, remember that the sacred medallions and the promises of My Glorified Heart must reach Asia, the Middle East, Venezuela, and Africa.

I thank you for being with Me today and united with My Heart. At this moment, let us praise God so that the world awakens, in glory and in praise.

I bless you, companions and apostles of My Heart, under the Grace of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

We may stand up.

We continue connected with Christ, because He is present.

Seeing that Flame in us, the Flame of the Holy Spirit over us, we will activate it in adoration.

Apparition of Jesus Christ during the Sacred Call, in the city of Mendoza, Province of Mendoza, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Today My Presence descends from these high mountains bringing you renovation, the principle of reparation and of cure.

I descend from the Universe with all the Majesty of My Father and brighten the darkest places with My Presence.

And so the Project of God once more triumphs and nobody, nobody will be left behind, because I will come on a moon-lit night to search for My most lost sheep.

I will come in the night of major despair, of major unrest, in the night of perdition.

I will come in the night, when the world still does not look toward God. I will come to call everyone and with My Feet I will touch this ground created by the Most High in His image and likeness.

I will gather those who have called themselves and also those who have not summoned themselves. I will not lose sight of anyone.

I will call by their names the children of God and I will reunite the Adams and Eves to receive in their essence, the Christic code of My atonement.

I will repopulate Earth and fulfill the promises one by one. The Word of God will be heard at the top of the mountain, and the ancient people of the desert will return to walk towards the mountaintop and they will see the Son of God coming in Mercy and splendor, more brilliant than the Sun, more luminous than all the stars.

It will be the living God who returns to the world, to pour upon the souls His Infinite Grace and as an order of the Almighty, by the intercession of the Divine and Sacred Son, the abysses will close and the crying of this Earth will never more be heard. The souls will cry of joy and not of suffering because through My Sacred Heart, I will bring the most powerful Compassion, that will transform the most impossible things.

You will see the Son of God with the Scepter of the Father indicating that in the East as well as in the West, in the four points of Earth the Holy Archangels of the Creator are gathered.

The Holy Books will be opened and everybody will know the new commandments.

Woe to those who have not fulfilled them!  Woe to those who have not repented from the heart, not even prayed to implore for My Holy Name! Because I Am Jesus, the Christ. Who sits at the right of God, Who governs these universes and others, to make of this Creation the new beings of love and of mercy who will repopulate this planet.

And finally for the sacrifice of My Passion and of My Cross, Earth will be joyful. There will be no pain, sickness, guilt or sin, because the one who has fallen at the feet of the Creator will be defeated and the powerful Sword of Emmanuel will be placed upon this planet.

And when all is in a great confusion, dear children of My Father, that will be the sign that the most powerful star of this Universe will approach Earth and all will feel inside them the definite hour.

The children of goodness and also those who have not done good will be called. Nothing will remain hidden. Believe it! My promise will be fulfilled. There will be no more injustice, theft, unrest, human sacrifice. There will be no blood running because My Blood ran over this ground to save you, each one of you.

Woe to those who turn their back to God and who generate wars, conflicts and sickness that does not exist!

They should prostrate before the Creator and at this hour their hearts must be merciful, more than they are today, so as to forgive them in My Name and for My Heart to triumph.

From chests will be born the new mandalas of light and the true essence of the creatures will be manifested. There will be no more ignorance on Earth, lack of knowledge or indifference, because those who have not loved God nor their brothers and sisters, I tell you, companions, they will not be here anymore because the Father is merciful and fair, and has a place prepared for each soul.

At this time, on the top of the Mountain and in the presence of the First Born, you should leave your swords and all your weapons, because My Heart that is merciful and kind, fair and compassionate, will detain all the nuclear and destructive weapons of this planet.

And in spite of the world drowning itself at this time in its own illusion, I promise you that the New Christs will be born and they will not be few, because I will call them by their name as God called Moses, Abraham and the ancient Patriarchs.

The Sacred Book, the Bible, will finally be rewritten. You will tell the history at this time, the new history of Love for the New Humanity.

And so the holy archangels and their legions of the whole Universe, will be with their sacred books opened and on the blank sheets they will write the new sign that the redeemer will bring to this humanity.

There will still be captivity. Humanity has still decided to learn through suffering, but I invite you, beloved of Mine, to always search life through the Law.

May your hearts be transparent to be near Me. May your real faces of love appear and that there will be no more masks to hide the real being, in his profound pain and agony.

I have come here to Argentina because I have chosen it, as the other nations of this Southern Cone, for My return. And it will not be only words, but you will see the Son of God coming as a great Sun on the highest of the mountains.

All, absolutely all, will feel His Presence and there will be no more separation, ever again, between Heaven and Earth, because the blessed ones will come reflecting through their hearts the experience and My Redemptive Project.

And the nations will not be separated anymore, because everybody will speak the language of Love. So all will understand each other, as Mine in the past have understood Me.

I will not let the stars that I have chosen to shine, turn off. Trust what I tell you. Feel the love in all that I pronounce, because in spite of your deserts, your sufferings, I know you one by one, and the great day will come when you will be freed. The ties will tear apart, because I will cut with My Sword what causes pain in this world.

May your hearts rejoice, companions, in the four corners of the Earth, because My hour is approaching. Now not the hour of My Death, but the time of My Return. But first I will be present, because it is what I want most: to be present in your hearts, so that all humanity, all races, all peoples, recognize the humble Savior.

That your hopes not be lost, that your joy does not end, because all that My Father hands you at this moment is part of your purification. Do not give up, do not sink, do not feel that you will drown, because I am here to be with the world, that is losing itself and is unfaithful.

I am here for all, the fair and unfair ones, for those you believe I am here and for those who do not believe.

I ask those who do not listen to Me not to forget God, because He is full of Mercy and hope to deliver it to your hearts.

I ask you to remember My Presence in the Holy Eucharist for the Tabernacles that inhabit each soul not to fall.

Bear the Cosmic Fire of the Redemption. Earth and its humanity are going through its most crucial and definite time.

Thanks to you and to your small sacrifices, today I can be  here in Argentina, because this nation belongs to Me. This ancient nation that once found Me, belongs to Me.

I expect from this nation equality, justice and above all, solidarity, because there are many souls who suffer here and who are in faraway lands, waiting for the balm of My Love, so that they may be nourished in spirit and in life.

Do not stop serving Me. And in spite of your errors and your constant falls, do not forget to search for Me. I come here for your inner universe, for the most grandiose richness that the Father has left in each human heart.

Do not let My enemy confuse you nor trick you, because if you are in Me at each moment, at each second, with each breath, I will be in you; for My Father is in Me and so you will be in My Father. He awaits you to the end of days, to the end of times.

I have left many Graces in this place, above all on the top of these mountains, for the whole world to recognize that here, in the mountains of Argentina, as in the mountains of Chile, you can find in silence, in prayer, in contemplation, this wonderful experience of Love that God has given you through His Creation.

May the hearts that feel they have fallen, arise, that the doors of evil close, that all the self-summoned sustain for Christ the banner of Peace until the end; for the time and the moment will come that the world will recognize and will be surprised to see the humble Son of God arrive at the planet.

May the advent of the New Christs be fulfilled. May the souls which separated themselves from God awaken because the Lord God, the Almighty, has sent the Divine Word to be heard at this moment in the whole planet.

So feel comforted and consoled in the eternal plenitude of My Heart, because I will wait for you on some plane high on these mountains, for the whole humanity to share in the new redemptive communion with your Master and Lord, the Christ.

I raise to My God, the Almighty Emmanuel, Father and Mother of this Creation:

Listen again to the Voice of Your very Beloved Son, who surrendered for Love to the Passion and Death to make His codes of Life flourish in the souls.

Emmanuel, descend Your Source upon this part of the world. Do not look at the mistakes of Your children, but to the presence of Your Gifts in all souls, so that Your Plan in this humanity may be fulfilled, Father. Amen.

I come to bless you with the Love that transfigures you, that raises you, that makes you conscious. By means of the Communion with My Body and with My Blood I come to give you the absolution, for you to meditate and reflect on the new steps that you have to take in your lives for My Project.

May those who have been unfair, repent.

May those who offended with their thought, make penitence.

May those who are not encouraged to live Love through pain, do so, because I have taught you to love each other for My Sacred Heart to triumph in this world.

I ask you Father on this evening, to bless this nation, that is about to make a mistaken decision, but I know that it is fair for You, Father, that everybody learns some day to live goodness and equality.

However, the time will come when nothing else will be necessary between the souls and the nations, because I will come bringing the Scepter of God, the Heavenly Government, and finally the Laws on this planet will be fair and will be united to the Creator.

Raise your Hearts before My Heavenly Church. May the Angels who congregate today for this ceremony at the foot of these sacred mountains, receive with your hearts the most simple and pure offering, so that many lives on Earth may be rescued, as yours were rescued.

Holy Father, Highest Lord of all creation, of all the visible and invisible, I repeat again before Your Sacred Presence in the simple hearts, the great formula of transubstantiation, so these elements can become redemption and new life in the souls.

Some time ago I said to My apostles and to all of you reunited as souls in the Sacred Tabernacle and your Redeemer, that I took the bread, gave thanks to the Father for Him to bless it and said: "Take and eat all from It, because this is My Body, My Essence, My Spirit, that will be given for you and for all beings."

After communing with My Body, that was to be given, I took the Chalice, the Sacred Chalice of Redemption, raised it and gave thanks to God for the Father to bless it and said looking into your eyes: "Take and drink from It, because this is My Blood, Precious Blood of the New Alliance between the souls and God, that will be shed for the beings in the Passion, Cross, Death of your Master, for the forgiveness of the sins."

Do this in My memory, so I can always be present in you until My return.

I raise to Heaven, Father, this Sacred Sacrifice for all the souls to merge in You and in Your Father, that You can do it all, that You can realize it all, that You can manifest it all, and be in Your children for eternity.

Now bring me the new hearts for My new daughters, Helpers of Mercy. I wish to give a special Grace on this evening to these souls, who through different paths, have trusted their Redeemer and the power of the invincible love that in spite of all has lived in them in these times and in face of the last events.

Offer your suffering to God, although unknown to you, My daughters, for your Master to be able to feel pleased when seeing the offering of your hearts, the effort of your souls for being near, very near to your Lord.

I come to bless you, My daughters, with the Source of My Spirit, with the kindness of My Soul and with all the Love of My Heart, for you to know that in spite of what happens, never, you will never be alone; for My Presence is Infinite, My Spirit is Omnipresent and My Divinity is Omnipotent.

I come to offer you the same Grace I offered to the ancient women of Jerusalem who cried the Passion of your Lord, who were at the feet of the Cross contemplating in the unknown the great sacrifice of their Son. Who were near Mary, My Mother, experiencing the silence, the injustice and the pain, for a greater Love that came to this world after My Death.

I come to give you what I am, for you to give Me what you are at this time. Amen.

I bless these golden hearts, for them to represent on this material plane the Presence of My Spirit in the souls who walk the path of consecration.

Let My daughters come here now.

I will follow this small ceremony of consecration as Helpers of the Divine Mercy of My Heart for these times, in which forgiveness and redemption is necessary in the whole planet.

That the Lord blesses this new task.

Through this oil, My daughters, I give back to you what was given once to Me at the Tomb: the love of your hearts.

And now receive the alliance with My Heart.

Now you will receive the Communion with My Body and My Blood.

And now I will go to Heaven, a place where I come from and the center of this Universe.

I leave in rejoicing to see your souls in communion with Me, through the Divine Word and through this ceremony of Love that tries to strengthen your souls and your lives for the coming times.

I want to listen to a song that has touched My Heart many times. The song of My son Nathanael, who brings as a message the redemption of the souls and the union of them to My Heart.

I would like this song, with its strength and impetus, to reach the whole world at this moment, with a radiation of love, cure and liberation to relieve the suffering, for Compassion to reign. Amen.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thanks Argentina for having received me.

Remember that I never forget you. Never!


Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus, during the 47th Marathon of the Divine Mercy in the city of Assisi, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Friar Elias del Sagrado Corazón:

We see Our Lord dressed in a lilac-colored robe, and at the center of His Chest appears the flag of Venezuela. But there is an important detail on the flag that Our Lord is showing, it has stars that shine, just as His Chest shines. Our Lord is deep within Himself, meditating in silence. 

And over this lilac robe He has a priestly garment, all embroidered from His Shoulders to His Feet.

He picks a chalice with His right Hand and, with the other, a small cross. His Eyes are of light blue color and His Face almost pale, surrounded by a golden light. Behind Him, there is a sky, as deep as it is infinite.

He tells me He is on Mount Avila, in the highest point of Caracas. He is not alone, He is accompanied by rows of regent angels that surround Him and contemplate Him as well.

My Silence today is for the innocent. 

My Presence, on this mount, is for those who are looking for Me and have not lost in themselves their divine essence. So, I am there as I am also here, on this land so appreciated by Me.

So today, I am in two places at the same time, because My Father has asked Me to be there, through His omnipresence.

While I am here, I dissolve everything that generates evil, such as chaos and despair, lack of faith, lack of trust and loss of love.

Today I pray for those who pray to My Heart, for I know that it is just that this supplication and request be answered by your Lord.

With the countenance that I show you today, similar to the one I had in the agony of the Garden of Gethsemane, I want to represent to you, through this symbol, that it is important to maintain serenity, calm and neutrality, virtues that My enemy does not know, because when these virtues are present in consciousnesses, My adversary feels lost, as if he did not have the ground under his feet.

The virtue of serenity builds positive things. It is like an invisible tool that, like prayer, works powerfully on negative structures and dissolves them little by little, until the evil consumes itself. In that sense, there is no battle, no war and no opposition.

Calm is an important tool that dispels the ideas that oppose the Plan of God.

Neutrality is another tool that keeps everything in balance and does not allow the consciousness to become involved in anything external. Neutrality is very similar to peace. It is not difficult to achieve it. It is necessary to seek it, because the more neutral you are, all that is not light will dissolve and you will find the inner strength to carry out My Works, the work of the redemption of souls, conversion of hearts and all that is necessary to reach the Light of God.

Thus, I come to protect the essences on their path of transformation. Therefore, I count the essences one by one, so that they may be contemplated by My Father, in the effort that the essences make to live My Christic Way.

Therefore, on this Mount Avila, in the highest part of Caracas, I come to build new bases, which will not be seen soon. Thus, they will be able to be contemplated by all those who pray to My Heart.

There can be no human will that lasts more than the Will of My Father. It will fall under its own weight, because it is a will that has no love, compassion or mercy.

In this way I come to demonstrate that, just as I am here, I am with those who need Me, with all those who cry out to God for His intercession.

These hosts, who are accompanying Me today, will be sent by your Lord to the nation of Venezuela so that they may start working on the Rescue Operation. It is something that you will not see on the physical plane, but trust that something will be happening.

Do not stay in what is superficial. Raise your consciousness more and more for all those who will not be able to raise it because they are immersed in suffering and agony. I come to relieve those states that are part of the human condition, of the very debt that humanity must pay.

Do not lose concentration. I am doing something risky for those who need God the most. Maintain that serenity that I ask of you and you will be far from the realities of chaos.

I would like all those who listen to Me, in your homes and prayer groups, to take on, together with your Lord, greater humanitarian aid for all these people. I do not only speak to you of something material, but also of something spiritual, that you offer to share with Me what few share: your silence and prayer.

Let us pray.

Prayer: Celestial Father (repeated three times)

All those who unite during adversity will always win, because in the unity among hearts and souls there is love, trust and hope in the Creator. Do not fear, because in the apparent horror, My Sacred Heart will triumph.

Today I dedicate this moment, along with the angels of the Lord, to My children of Venezuela, to all those who, in that nation, still have not reached Me, have not felt Me or have not been able to live Me within them because of fear, difficulty, suffering and disease.

Venezuela is a people of hope. Venezuela is a people of joy. In this people there exists the New Humanity. Venezuela is a nation of brotherhood, because it is ruled by the Mother of Heaven and by all Her choirs, which descend to help suffering souls.

Today I liberate suffering, on behalf of many more. Today I liberate the sadness of those who see, around them, everything that causes pain.

Venezuela will always be alive, because God wishes so. Venezuela will always be a people of equality, equity and hope.

Joyful will be those who believe in Me, because they will never lose peace and will be instruments that will radiate to the world the love that the world needs so much.

Today I want us to sing for Venezuela, Syria, Turkey, Brazil, Egypt and for all those who expect someone to pray for them, as they pray for those whom they do not know.

Let us sing.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Holy water.       

May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, bless Venezuela and all those who cry out to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit , for Peace. Amen.

Sanctify, Lord, all that Your children offer You and that emerges from the hearts that cry out for equality in these times.

Let the faces of My children, whose names are placed at the foot of My Altar, smile to the universe, for their freedom is near. Saint Michael the Archangel will leave His sword of liberation in Venezuela. So be it.

Today your hearts will be more relieved, they will find in you what you have long sought.

May the Lord bless the intentions of those who love the divine, supreme and infinite Justice. Amen.

May your people be anointed by redemption and thus find peace.

May all rejoice in this Supper that I celebrate with you today, may the healing of the heart be experienced. May My Blood wash you today. May My Body strengthen you today. May all feel within yourselves the great opportunity to love, beyond your lives and consciousness.

Let us sing with the angels.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us sing with the angels.

We stand up.

Today we will unite the peoples, the cultures of all those who seek peace and hope in these times. I also invite all those who listen to Me, companions, to imitate this example of brotherhood.

The Love of God will always win because it is a Love that grows, that is cultivated and regenerated in all those who believe in it.

May the Source of this merciful Love reach the beings throughout the planet, especially those who need it most.

May this Love bring the hope, the unity and joy of being in God, eternally. Amen.

I bless you, by the authority granted to Me by My Father. I especially bless Venezuela, regenerating in that people the joy and hope of continuing to trust God until the end of days, until I come to the world for the second time. So be it.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I want you, as I rise, to continue to sing so that this supplication may be placed in the Heart of God. Amen.


Today, Africa beats in My Merciful Heart. And I do this for all who have offended it, those who mistreated it, those who colonized it, and who opened uncertain doors for the perdition of souls.

But today I do not come to speak to you of the abysses, but rather of the infinite purity that exists in each child of Mine in Africa, that through the ages I have venerated and contemplated with love.

For this reason, the hour and the moment have come for your King to return to Africa, to close the last doors and have the Heavens and the Universes descend and put an end to human suffering.

My Blood was also shed for them, to generate salvation and freedom in their souls from all the abysses of the Earth. It is to this end that today I bring the Holy Grail in My Hands, to give you My divine Blood, so that you may commune of it and put an end to suffering, hopelessness, affliction, and human pain.

I come today to pour out My Blood over Africa. In this way, I pour out My Blood over Portugal and Europe, to put an end to human discord, to the exploitation of these times, to the indignation that the children and young people of Africa feel on being mistreated throughout time and the years.

Today, I come to open My Arms and to stretch out My Hands for a sorrowful and suffering continent. I come to offer My Sacred Heart as a universal atonement for all the causes that have taken place on the African continent throughout the last decades.

I come to give the Light of My Spirit and of My Divinity. My Heart rejoices today on having received a humble basket of intentions and entreaties on My Altar. In this way, I want My littlest children of Africa to have the total certainty and assurance that their King is pouring His divine and infinite Mercy over them.

Thus, when I arrive in Africa the next time, I will again consecrate it to the Immaculate Heart of Mary; because, companions, we must give thanks to this great Maternal and Universal Consciousness, which has generated the means and the spiritual conditions so that My Sacred Heart also finally triumphs in Africa.

I come to place the balm of My Healing in each African heart; to seal the evils, the sorrows, and the sufferings generated by the hearts of Europe towards that so wounded continent.

I come to ask of all Europe, that they pray every day on their knees, an Our Father for the re-consecration of Africa to My Sacred Heart. In that way, dear companions, you who are from here, from Europe, and all the souls of the whole world that are aware of the adversity that the African continent lives, generated by other nations and peoples, may open the doors with their prayers and hearts, so that My Celestial Victory may descend over that continent and over all nations.

Today I come to offer this Chalice, this Sacred Grail, for the innocent, for the victims of exploitation, martyrdom, and annihilation.

Today My spiritual Blood is poured out, the codes of life and of renewal, as a great tributary, as an inexhaustible spring, over all those souls that most need it. Here there is a life story; souls that belong to the Project of God and that are trying in these times of crisis, to live hope.

My wish is that each European spiritually and materially take on each one of these "crianças” (little children). I say "crianças", from the Portuguese, because this mission is especially for the Portuguese; for those who are here and those who are not here. I want to be clear, so that you may understand the importance of fulfilling this request of your Master and Lord of the Universe.

In each one of these intentions, as in each one of these photos, there is a story, a past, which must be redeemed, renewed, and restored by My Sacred Heart, and all the entreaties of those who unite with Me in this mission to generate, at the end of times, a healing, love, and unity in all the souls of Africa; especially for the souls that are in this basket, entreating My Merciful Heart for a divine intercession of the Celestial Father, that today I grant by the authority that He gave Me, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Here are one hundred and twenty-eight essences that offered to incarnate in Africa, so that humanity may learn about the suffering of others, about human pain, about torture, exploitation, and indifference.

I desire that all the hearts of the world not forget My beloved Africa and look towards it, because it is still silently suffering.

 The reason for this pilgrimage in Europe is not only for your souls and hearts, which have already received so much, but so that your spirits and your consciousnesses unite with my universal Ministry, and so that you may go two by two, to help those who most need it, as well as the Kingdoms of Nature.

At this sacred moment, when Adonai hears the plea of His beloved Son and the intentions of simple hearts, your Master and Lord will pray for each one of these souls, representing all the souls of Africa and the Middle East.

We will now listen to "Thus spoke the Master."

We place our left hand over the heart, on the chest.

Father, Adonai, Eli, Yahve, You Who has generated life, give it again to Your creatures, so they may vivify You and feel You in the very depths of their spirits.

Eli, listen to the Voice of Your Son, who pleads for His beloved Africa. Dispel the sufferings. Erase the anguish from hearts. Bring alight in the littlest ones the hope of continuing to live You until the end of their days.

May Your angels descend, Eli. Eli is Your Holy Name, Your Holy Name for all of Africa, for Your beloved people, marked by the wounds and imprints of persecution.

Today I return to that people, Eli. Today I return to the origin, where everything began on this planet; to the place where Your first civilization of love, of service, and of surrender was launched, when You poured out Your divine Codes upon them.

May souls recover the trust of being able to live. May all be healed, so that no cell and no body feel the suffering, nor feel the pain, nor lose the faith of believing in You.

Just as you asked Moses to take care of Your People, today I hear Your Voice, Eli, beloved Father; I take care of Your flocks, so that the seeds of life, of regeneration, may be sown in the souls that have been subjected to human punishment, to exploitation, in these times.

May Your Source of Love and of Light descend upon them. May all recover the joy of being able to feel You and may they live in the fullness of Your mighty Spirit, Adonai. 

Adonai Manu, Father, listen to the voice of Your People.

Adonai, Elah, may Your Will be fulfilled.

Eli, Eli, Eli, may all be consummated, so that humanity, which is suffering, may achieve peace. Amen.

These intentions and these photos will return to those they belong to. I will take them to Angola, to deliver them to each one of them, and thus to give them My deepest embrace of love.

So be it.

And now, in honor of the Most Blessed Mother of Heaven, your Advocate, Intercessor of souls, and Mediator of all hearts, in thanksgiving, gratitude, reverence, and devotion, and for the consecration of these elements, which will become the Body and the Blood of Christ, today I will ask you to call and invoke Our Lady of Kibeho.

And thus, I take you toward My Peace, because in the Peace of God, everything is done. In Peace, you can live eternal life, renewal and faith in all hearts that believe in My Sacred Heart.

May the good and love reign. May humanity live the Project of God. May the Kingdoms of Nature be healed and may all essences of this world achieve redemption, so that when I return in Glory, we may all experience the joy of Paradise. Amen.

I thank all those who will carry Africa in their heart, so that My Designs may be fulfilled; and My Mercy, which is the Mercy of your God, may expand throughout the whole world.

So may it be, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Let us continue singing, because today, your beloved Son, will carry the pleas of all those who have invoked for Africa to His beloved Servant, Mother, and Lady of Heaven,.

I thank you. Amen.

Apparition of the Glorified Christ Jesus during the Sacred Week, Day 6, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Prayer: "Celestial Father".

When you see your Master showing the Wounds of His Hands, of His Feet, and of His Side, awakening the Light of God in them, it is a sign that a new mystery is being revealed for the world.

When you see His angels surrounding the Holy Lord, contemplating His divine Sacrifice for all of humanity, it is a sign that something important is about to happen.

When you see behind your Lord, at the heights of the Universe, the presence of the Celestial Father and the Holy Spirit, it is a sign that something important is about to happen.

And this important thing is that which brought the mystery of My Cross, more than two thousand years ago, in which the precious Blood was poured upon the world and the divine Water was shed from the main Wound of your Lord.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Can the consecrated who are present here come closer, please?

The Lord is calling you to re-experience the mystery of His Cross because it is important that your hearts understand that the victory of Christ was not only something human but was also profoundly universal.

And you, who today prepared this sepulcher for Me, know that, from it, I will resurrect humanity, which has been lost from the path of God, because of darkness.

From this sepulcher, the New Christs will be born, and thus consciousnesses will resurrect, so that they can experience the call of God, fulfilling in this way His Divine Will in these times of crisis.

I want now that each of the new holy women, who help me in Divine Mercy, ignite a candle for their Lord and I will thus be able to bring continuity to the universal revelation which I bring you today.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Sol, Janisa, Aylén, and Nadia will come up here and will be beside the sepulcher, at the request of Our Lord.

I call the sheep by their names, so they may spiritually nurture from the subtlest vibrations of their Lord.

At that time, I committed to the holy women, to inwardly reveal to them the mysteries of My Passion and the universal victories of the Cross.

Then, allow My Light to penetrate the depth of your cells so that the Christic cells may be awakened, which will renew you and make you worthy children of God.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us sing "We Adore" a few times.

Now, those who can, place your hands in a sign of radiation.

At this moment, Our Lord is showing His five principal Wounds: those of His Hands, of His Feet, and the one on His Side. And the five Wounds shine brighter than the sun, while the angels surround Him.

A greater angel is descending, who gives Our Lord a scroll, which He is now reading.

He says:

This is the revelation about My Divinity; whence I come and where I went, after My Ascension. All of this is possible because of the exposure of My Five principal Wounds.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Now, the angels are praying: 

O, Lord Jesus,
resurrect our spiritual life,
redeem our hearts,
elevate our beings before God.

We can now place our hands together in a sign of prayer, those who can, if not, place your left hand on your heart. 

This revelation was written by the angels of the Universe, guided by Saint Gabriel the Archangel.

Three days after My Ascension, when I rose to the House of My Father, at the request of the One, through the intercession of the Archangel Gabriel, His celestial hosts gathered in the Universe, to leave portrayed in this material Universe and all its ethers the revelation on My Divinity and origin, about which today I will tell only a part, because the second part will be known when I return to the world and you see Me coming among the clouds, with the power of the Glory of God and all His angelic armies.

I come from an unknown Source, called the "Primordial Source" by material beings. I was born and emerged as the second aspect of the Holy Trinity. And My Spirit, by the Work and Grace of God, descended to a sun more radiant than this one, which shines upon you every day, from dawn to dusk.

This Sun is the center of many universes, of many constellations, planets, and stars. There, for the first time, the Divinity of the Son of God rested.

Through the hands of the archangels, in a sacred solar Source, more radiant than ruby ​​gold, My Consciousness was prepared like a sublime sphere of light, which would penetrate dimensions and universes, until incarnating on Earth and being born in the sacred manger of Bethlehem.

But before reaching the world, the dark ones already knew Who I was. Their plans shook and their kingdoms were defeated, because it was Mercy itself, which in Its Holy Divinity, was being born and emerging from the Heart of the Universe.

Subtle consciousnesses, as well as all heavenly creatures, witnessed the emergence of the Divinity of Christ, which for the first time was materializing in this material Universe, to awaken higher Love in all consciousnesses.

Concentrate. Do not allow the enemy to abound in your minds. Who contemplates My five Wounds while listening to My Words will not lose concentration because they will be within the correct purpose and vibration for receiving what they have to receive and thus, not cause everything to be lost that I bring today for this humanity in darkness.

I am sincere with your hearts, so that you may grow in the truth and not miss the opportunities that I bring you today, with the goal and mission of relieving your own cross through My Christic Divinity, unknown to the world and to all of My Church.

This is how I teach you that Jesus ceased to be a man after having experienced the Cross and having risen, bringing atonement to the world. His Body, Mind, and Soul became divine to give continuity to the Plan of universal salvation.

It was this Essence that arose from that sacred Sun, which crossed universes and planes of consciousness, until arriving on this planet, to bring again the Source of God, which the entire race in that past time had lost.

For this Divinity to be here, God had to sacrifice His second Person. And in a universal humiliation, He had to become small, humble, and simple, among the most simple.

Now do you understand, companions, with Whom you are talking and Who you are listening to, even though it seems the same every day?

My Divinity comes to change the point of your consciousnesses, to liberate you from the daily deception, and so that, in this way, you enter into the true source of your hearts, where I aspire to be all the time.

Today, it is this Essence, this Solar Divinity, that shows Itself to the world a second time, after having incarnated in Bethlehem, to bring Light to the world and Redemption to humanity.

Today, not everyone can see this Divinity, but you can connect with It through your essences, in which the true secrets of the history of your evolution and your awakening are kept. I want to avail myself of those Christic essences, which in these times are tormented by their personality; are flagellated by their thoughts; are crucified by their actions.

Now and always, let your true solar essence be born. This was what I came to kindle two thousand years ago, in all My apostles and the holy women, with the help of My beloved Mother, Who, at the foot of the Cross, committed to being the guardian of the faith of all those essences, until the end of days.

Let your true inner Self be born. It is waiting to be the dwelling place of the Heart of Christ.

Do not waste time. Do not become confused. No longer judge. Be one in Me, and I will be able to be One with you, in sublime brotherhood, until the end of time.

God cries at this time, in His profound Silence, by seeing so many lost solar essences, that seek love in the outer; that satisfy their needs in the superficiality of things; that do not find meaning, nor a way out, nor any healing, for their consciousnesses.

What are you waiting for, My soldiers?

This is My Christic Divinity, which was among you for thirty-three years and returned to the House of His Father to finish concretizing the Works of the Most Holy Trinity, after the triumph of My Heart on the Cross.

Today I bring you this Communion with My Divinity because a time will come when you will only be able to be in perpetual communion with My eternal Divinity. That will be the refuge, not only for your souls but also for your consciousnesses and your bodies. That divine refuge that I offer to you today is a source of reparation and prodigies in the consciousnesses that surrender and divest themselves, so that the Supreme King may dwell in them.

Contemplate My Five Wounds. Avail yourselves of the Spring of My Heart, so that everything may resurrect, as it was at the beginning of this Creation.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

For the Blessed Wound that we marked
in the Side of Our Lord Jesus,
from where sprang the Unfathomable Source of Mercy
for the whole world,
Adonai, Eternal Father,
reconcile us with Your Glorious Kingdom.


Accept in silence the sufferings that I impart to you today, and do it for Me, for the salvation of humanity and the Kingdoms of Nature.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

The crosses.

Today, My Cross is multiplied in many consciousnesses of the planet, which decide to alleviate My agonizing Heart, so that, in this way, the whole planet may be restored; so that the planet may be restored in this acute hour of the Earth. The Cross represents an inner liberation from all the atavisms of human beings, of all those who accept to live this surrender, for the emergence of a New Humanity.

Today also leave, resting upon My Breast, your spiritual cross, so that it may be relieved by the Love of you Lord.

How many crosses the world experiences! How many sufferings innocent souls experience! How many wars are generated! How many conflicts are carried out! How much love is lacking in hardened hearts, which do not accept My Divine Mercy!

Why have I asked you to place the crosses on this symbolic sepulcher? Because these crosses, which your Lord also carries, must be lovingly distributed among His disciples and followers.

Today, this is My invitation to you: step out of yourselves, so that I may be in you, sharing the crosses of humanity.

How many races and peoples experience their cross! How many cultures and tribes are decimated! How many children are exploited! How many little ones are still aborted! How many parents are lonely, without having a child in their arms, while many are removed from the wombs of their mothers! How many who are ill are in agony on this Good Friday!

Thus, I say to My son Michael that I am with him, carrying his cross until My Love wins.

How many are dying in the streets of this world! How many elders are hurt! How much the Mineral Kingdom suffers, in its most perpetual silence! How many precious stones are removed from the mountains that are exploited! How many plants are cut down and nobody perceives it! How many animals are outraged, both on land and in the oceans! How many of them are eaten, and there is no compassion for the suffering of these fellow beings! How many devas are removed from the great forests of the world! How much evil has been done to Creation, after so much Love was expressed by the Father! And not even after His Son incarnated and died on the Cross, have the evils in the world ended.

Do you understand now why so many solar essences are lost?

The time has come for a great fraternity, for unity among hearts, cultures, and peoples. The simple will re-erect the new humanity after so many catastrophes have been experienced.

I give you the essence of My Mercy, to ease these heavy crosses of the world.

I leave you this reflection so that you may pray for it and so that the doors to My Divine Mercy may open for humanity even more.

So be it.

While I rise to the Universe, for the sake of My sorrowful Passion, offer your voices to God, invoking Adonai, His Holy Spirit, and His Mercy.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Sing with all the strength of your hearts and souls, so that the Earth may be repopulated with new Christic codes.

So be it. 

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Thank you, Lord, for all that You give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.



Marathon of Divine Mercy

The three Persons of God are present here today. And they come in search of the suffering world, the world that has lost the way that was leading it to the Creator, because of having been influenced by the energies of material life.

Today I come to uncover that which is dark and triggers pain within souls.

Of the three Persons of God, mainly His Son comes to bring the world a necessary relief in these times, because the whole Universe sees this suffering, which accumulates in the human consciousness and makes all things inferior, because it is a suffering that has not yet been healed and that needs conscious souls so that this planetary suffering may be alleviated through instruments of light, an extremely important potential that is born from your hearts.

Today I bring the planet to My Feet so that you may contemplate it with Me, and so that you may see how much it needs the help of all servers and of those who will be servers of your Lord.

So that the gifts may descend to the planet, there must be a correspondence that springs from humanity, responding to the call of the Redeemer in this acute time of the planet, where many events are taking place, which comprise a great part of humanity, because it is still within a deep sleep, in its illusion.

I come to remove the blindfolds of many, for My desire, as a trusting Heart, is that souls become aware of many things. In this way, you will help me to accomplish My Project, which comes in search of the last ones who may be left behind.

And these last ones are millions of souls that, throughout the times, became lost because they did not know how to find My Merciful Heart, because they accepted in their lives the confirmation of other paths, that do not lead to peace, nor love, nor brotherhood.

I need My servers of these times to be united above all else, beyond their differences, their ideas and feelings.

It will be the building of this fraternal unity that will allow My Plan to triumph on the planet, that Project that God asked Me to carry out in this time as a preparation for the souls that are to wait for My Return to humanity.

If this unity is not built first among all the servers of the Plan, how will I be able to reach those areas where suffering prevails, where souls despair for not finding relief in anything, because many look aside so as to not see the planetary reality.

This human behavior must end.

Unite your hearts in love and in faith so that My Projects may be fulfilled in the world and, as I have already told you, so that My Message may reach all nations of humanity, all corners of the Earth in which many souls still wait for deep healing and liberation.

While you still do not build this unity, I still have to wait for that moment.

Remember that I am present in the humble and simple hearts that always obey My call.

I can speak through these hearts and perhaps you could not perceive it because you need to be in Love in order to see it.

It is Love that will unite you to the Source of My  Father's Knowledge.

It is Love that will unite you with My Heart and unite you all in true fraternity.

This is why I need your hearts to be open, especially those hearts that have already been following My Path for such a long time. 

I need you to not forget the Hierarchy and to know that It is present in the Centers of Love, and that each one of your hearts, as well as each one of your lives, have signed a commitment with the Redeemer.

For each one of you, continuous work with unity is to be found there as well.

This unity will make every being of this planet strong and invincible, those who may be entering the planetary transition, who may be facing the Apocalypse and the Armageddon, something that is deeply unknown to humanity, because it has never experienced it.

The sacred attribute of unity will make My servers of the Plan consistent, and you will not be separated from My Love, nor from My Works, because that could happen when your hearts turn away from one another, seeking to have your ideas and thoughts prevail, which may be the opposite of what I think, of what the Master proposes for humanity.

You are at the critical point, companions, just as the apostles were in the past.

You are at the point when your King would experience His Passion and would give everything for all.

You are at the moment of confirming Christ in your hearts, of testifying to Christ within your lives through acts of love and fraternity.

Perhaps some think that your Master has already said these things several times. If I repeat them, it is through My Divine Mercy, because it is My Divine Mercy that provides the patience to be able to bear with certain matters.

But it is time to not resist anymore, and time to let the stone of the heart break so that My Light may penetrate into the depths of the consciousness, and make of all My servers true apostles of Love and Unity.

Only with the experience lived through Love and Unity will you allow Me to be among you longer, above all, to be with the souls of the world that ardently seek My Divine Mercy in order to settle their debts, their errors and their behaviors that have wounded the Heart of God.

I beg you, do not forget unity among your hearts, because this will make the difference in being able to reach other nations of the world.

The Universe is waiting to be able to have Graces descend upon the nations of the Asian continent.

So that this may happen, you must take this first step toward unity, because unity is eternally built through love and service to your peers.

Thus, I heal you of your misunderstandings, your resistances, and also of your extremely hard hearts.

This is why I gave you My Heart yesterday, as an offering for the souls who most needed it, but also for My servers, the oldest among the old, who have been walking by My side for a long time in this spiritual task that I entrust to each heart, with the objective that they may fulfill the Purpose of the Father who is present in the Heavens and must descend to Earth through your surrender and service.

I still hope, companions, My oldest companions, to be able to count on each one of you in truth, in transparency, in openness, in love, in unity, so that the healing that your spirits still need may emerge.

And this healing will be a benefit for all of humanity, although you may still not believe it. This is how I bring about the death of the human condition within My oldest servers of the Plan.

I need to avail Myself of your hearts in order to reach the hearts of the world.

I will not be able to go directly to these hearts because you have committed to being My intermediaries in all details of life, in each step that is to be taken, in group life, in the fraternal community life, which must be your first principle, so that you know how to fulfill the Will of God.

I am relinquishing this space here in Miami to speak to My oldest servers of the Plan. Do you know what that means in this moment, to set aside My task for a moment, to attend to your inner issues?

Could it be that, someday, companions, you will have the courage to overcome yourselves for Me, so that I may give the world what I have come to give to humanity?

If you take this true step, you will see My Work be carried out in a spontaneous and true way through the miracles that I expect to perform in the hearts that most need them, such as those found here today, who come to seek reconciliation with the Father, with the Son and with the Holy Spirit, the Three Persons of God.

The Most Holy Trinity calls upon greater attention to the details of group life, of fraternity, mainly in unity, My servers must not lose these attributes.

I need you to build, as I have taught you, an inner fortitude, capable of removing the resistances from the consciousness.

Yesterday I gave you an example of a transcended soul. Today I give you an example of a soul that resists, because everyone comes to learn in this humanity: to forgive, to love and to be healed.

And this you will do for the rest of your lives, in order to conquer the Kingdom of Heaven, which waits to descend into your hearts to finalize this Plan of God, which is written in His eternal Heart of Love.

The Sacraments will free you, sanctify you all, and, they will allow you to live Communion with My Merciful Heart, in union with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Let the suffering souls excuse Me, but know that I am attending to your supplications.

I must care for My flocks that are closer to Me.

The fierce wolf does not rest in trying to hunt not even one of My sheep, you have already experienced this and you have lived it, there are verified examples for this.

Just as the apostles from the past experienced their purification, their transformation and awakening, I do the same with My apostles in this time.

I always use the same Laws to be able to work through Mercy and Divine Justice.

While Divine Justice has not yet come, use My Divine Mercy to make of your hearts meek and serene souls that will accomplish My Purpose.

In Miami, I must found a work, a primary work of instruction and prayer so that souls may approach My Heart and make of this place a point of reference for those who awaken.

This has just begun. From the moment in which your hearts opened to receive Me in this city, upon which I aspire to pour out, up to the last days, the Mercy of God, that Mercy which will allow the city to be purified, and allow it to be transformed.

But if hearts accept My call, some things will not happen, because the commitment of North America is to be a fraternal nation, a serving nation, in cooperation with the most suffering nations of the world, to banish war and to establish peace through service and prayer.

The aspiration of the Father is very great: to be able to correct creatures that, in different ways, have deviated from the path of Light.

Miami must be this redeemed cradle that sets aside superficial life so as to enter into immaterial life. This is My wish.

Ceremony of the blessing of the elements for anointing, baptism and communion.

Every day I remind you of My Passion so that you can transcend and thus be able to gain the inner strength to break up your deepest resistances and make of your consciousnesses luminous consciousnesses, permeated by the Love of God, by His Wisdom and by His Truth.

Through these elements, I give to the most simple, to the most hard-working, the Gift of My Liberation from the chains of resistance and the Gift of the opening of the soul to live in communion with the Creator.

I bless these elements so that they may become My Body and My Blood.

Just as God blesses your hearts every day when you seek Him in truth and in unity, so I establish the Kingdom of God throughout the world.

With the Light of My Spirit, I embrace you, and I thank all the pilgrims for having helped Me to accomplish this great mission throughout the nations of Central America, Mexico and the United States.

A great door to perdition was finally closed by your adherence to My Heart and by the efforts of everyone.

This is incalculable for the Creator Father, and, above all, for His children.

I thank you.

I give you peace and I wish you to always be peace, within each place of this world, for the Earth cries out for liberation.

I thank you.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Holy Mary, Saint Joseph and the Child Jesus.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today, dear children, we are placing the world before the Source of God, from where Our Sacred Hearts emerged, to promote the Peace and Mercy of God throughout the world.

Today, I see your hearts and the hearts of your brothers and sisters in the world like those new shepherds who, receiving the announcement of the coming of the inner Christ, walk beside the Celestial Messengers so that the great promise of the thousand years of peace may be accomplished on this planet.

Thus, dear children, with the rejoicing of the Holy Spirit, Our Three Sacred Hearts come so that, once again, the families of the world may be able to unite in love and in faith, and, in this way, end the separation and the indifference which many of the families of the world are subjected to.

In truth, I ask you, dear children, what is it that humanity celebrates today, the Birth of the King or the damnation of souls?

I want you to feel the Most Holy Light of My beloved Son within My Heart. Today I bring Him in My arms as the little Child Jesus so that He may make your hearts humble, so that He may make your lives peaceful, and, thus, the God's Plan of Love may be realized.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of Saint Joseph:

Dear companions, servants of My beloved and little Son, My Chaste Heart today shines much more than a thousand lilies, because My Sacred Heart emanates the subtle aromas of the Celestial Universe, and, as Father of poor and needy souls, I send My servant angels so that they may travel through the darkest places of the world at this hour, where souls need the Light of God and the guidance of My Chaste Heart, to not fall into the same errors as always.

To you, dear companions, servants of the Sacred Family, I ask that on this evening you celebrate the Birth of Jesus, remembering this important event in humanity, in which a before and an after was experienced by that more primitive race.

I wish for you, as My sheep, to graze in new universes, where your consciousnesses can expand a little more, and where the sacred promise for your hearts to live in the Kingdom of God, and of bringing it toward the Earth, may be accomplished within humanity.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Child Jesus:

I am in the arms of My Holy Mother because within My Heart I hold each soul of this humanity, which even though humanity is indifferent to My Birth, I comfort all consciousnesses with the Rays of My Mercy and My Grace so that souls may be reborn into spiritual life and peace, which will be so necessary in these times, when humanity will be intensely transformed.

As the little King of the Universe, I open My Arms over the world and mark this consciousness of the planet with the luminous sign of the cross of My Heart, which from the beginning of My Birth in Nazareth and when I took My first steps, I had already experienced the sacrifice for each one of you in Nazareth, even though I was only a few months old.

In this way, My companions, see how great the Mercy of God for the world is. I need your hearts, on this night when pride and vanity bloom throughout the world, to make small sacrifices so that My little Heart of a Child and King may be given relief, by each one of you.

Thus, we have come, on this special night, to announce the Mercy of God to the world, which is still available for those hearts that may wish to search for and experience it in these times.

Today, the Sacred Family of Nazareth tries to reflect the same principle of Its Divine Conception upon humanity. And so, from the heights of Mount Shasta, where My Holy Grail shines, the codes of peace are radiated so that souls may fulfill the promise of waiting for My second Coming to the world.

Now, through Sister Lucía, Our Sacred Hearts will provide more Words of Light for the world, but we ask you to connect with this moment, in which all the angels of Heaven bow down before the Sacred Family, which radiates Its spirit of humility, simplicity, charity and Love for each heart that, no matter how it is or what it is, wishes to receive our Sacred Presences of Love and Mercy.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, with Our Presence here, on this evening, we come to transform the meaning of the celebration of this day, in this humanity. We came to remind the hearts of the world that Christ was not just born more than 2016 years ago, He also waits to be born, My children, every day and every year, in the hearts of everyone who opens to His birth.

We came to bring the world the principles of Christic Life which were expressed in each of Our Sacred Hearts.

In this way, children, we bring a final chance to this world of expressing the universal family, of living the true Divine Thought for the human heart. This is not difficult, it is within the reach of each one of you, because we only live in simplicity, in love and in devotion to the Most High God.

Our Sacred Hearts, My children, opened from the beginning of their existence to respond to the Divine Call, and each of you that listens My Words, as well as those who do not listen to Me, opened to live this Divine Principle. Thus, you arrived in this world to follow the example of the Son of God, who became flesh in body, mind and soul so that you could feel the likeness there is between the Creator and His creatures.

Today, with My small Son in arms, and contemplating the Holy Grail which contains the codes of His passion and also of His Life, to the whole planet We radiate each second of the existence of the Sacred Family so this Mirror of Love and Unity with God will allow the mirrors of your hearts to awaken, and, thus, My children, create on this night a great network of Light to rescue those souls of My little children that are throughout the world, blinding their eyes, suffocating their souls with the illusions and distractions of this world.

I ask, children, that you open your hearts in this hour so that My Immaculate Heart, as the Great Universal Mirror, may awaken within your spirits the gift of reflecting Divine Will, so that, in these times, together with Me, you may be able to reflect the principles of a new life.

As a Sacred Family, we form a Great Mirror of Light and we unite with all the mirrors of the Cosmos to draw to Earth the great opportunity which will help you overcome the times that will come, and, more than that, to live the Will of God.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of Saint Joseph:

Dear children and companions of My Chaste Heart, more than words, on this night I would only like you to feel Our Presence within your spirits, within your hearts, for in a simple way, just as We are, We would like to definitely awaken you so that you may learn to live love and unity with God, without needing to experience suffering.

It is not due to the Will of the Lord that His creatures suffer, because this planet is the planet of love, but the choices that will be made from the lessons experienced in this world depend upon each one of His creatures.

If you learned to renounce, to yield your spirits upon the Celestial Altars, humbly placing your head upon the floor, without the need of life experiences breaking you inside, you would learn, My children, how simple it truly is to reach God.

You should defeat your resistances, yielding to God, because He is the true victorious one of this world, and of all the others.

Let Him defeat you, may He make of your lives a great victory in the whole universe, throughout all of Creation.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Child Jesus:

Dear companions of My Sacred Heart, today I come as a child, as a small Son of God, so that, with this example, you may understand that God manifests in the small of heart, in those who open to live purity and who, like children, allow the Creator to enter into the very depths of their beings and transform them into worthy children of God, just as I Am.

I come on this night as an example for all the hearts of the world. Allow Me to be born within you, because for this reason, I am here. When I return to the world, I want to look into your eyes and see a mirror of My Divine Presence. I want to find Myself within you and live in the perfect unity that My Father thought of from the beginning.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today, My Divine Son, high up on this Altar, beautifully made for Our Sacred Hearts with the effort of the hands that work to build the evolutionary Plan, will consecrate the bread and the wine, celebrating this Communion with each one of your hearts, in union with the Three Sacred Hearts, which, like a precious triangulation of Light, projects upon your heart centers so as to expand the Love of the Creator throughout the world.

Let us carry out the consecration.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Child Jesus:

Like a Sun that shines in the universe, companions, My Heart descends to the Earth on this night in which the darkness is dissipated and the hells are closed by the prayer of the souls of this planet, by the trust that each heart has emitted in these last nine years, through Our Presences, believing in Our Presences, Our divine and immaterial Presence.

Today, I place My little Hands, the Hands of the Child Jesus, on these elements, and in the arms of My Holy Mother and in the Presence of Saint Joseph, the Most Holy Family consecrates these elements so that they may transform into the Body of your Lord and into the Blood of your King, sorrowfully poured out for release from the sins of the world and from the evils of humanity.

Under the sign of the cross and the authority that the Father granted Me, I bless these elements so that souls may revel in My Spirit, and so that holy peace may be established on Earth, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now, We carry the pleas of all your hearts, from the hearts of the world to Heaven, which through this sacred Vigil of Prayer, ignited their inner Christs, to carry on with this Plan of Redemption, in this Plan of change and rescue of humanity.

Our Sacred Hearts, under the blessing of the Holy Spirit, thank you all for having allowed the Sacred Hearts to come to the United States, and also so that they may continue in this divine mission to Oklahoma, Miami and Orlando.

We count on your collaboration, your inner, spiritual and material collaboration. This is very important for the Father, especially for this whole nation that so greatly needs Us.

We give thanks, and we wish you a good Night of Peace, for all beings of goodwill.

We thank you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Dear brothers and sisters, to those who are present and to those who follow us through Misericordia Maria TV, may those very valuable and simple Words from our Divine Messengers, Christmas Eve after Christmas Eve, inspire us toward igniting our inner Christ, and this inner Christ is the space in our consciousness that always aspires to be in Christ, and aspires to have Christ living within us, may it guide our lives, all our feelings, our thoughts, so our lives may be instruments of His Love, His Wisdom, His Peace, so that, daily, we can go through the world, sure of the place in which we are, in the Heart of God. That is our inner Christ and that is what Our Lord tries to ignite, each day.

Above all, during these Christmases, in which we are often distracted from the true Purpose of God. On each Christmas, the Divine Messengers strengthen our union with Their Hearts, trying to enter into our homes to bring that peace and that love that should always guide our lives.

We aspire to have a little of that peace and that love. Having been able to enter into your hearts, you were able to light up your inner Christ, and, know that, by living this lighted inner Christ, we may be able to also reach the Heart of God.


I come this evening to celebrate Communion with you, under the powerful spirit of My Father, who gathers you in this fraternity so that My Plan, which is the Plan of My Father, may be fulfilled in this humanity and on this planet, in such need of love and mercy.

As you have said, companions, I open My Arms towards you, to give you My Peace and deliver My Heart to you, as a symbol of Redemption for your consciousnesses and the consciousnesses of all your brothers and sisters.

With all the angels that are with Me today, I come to bring you  good news, because the arrival of the Mother of God to Mexico and Central America was fulfilled in this third stage.

I want to tell you, companions, that the sacred task of the Messengers of God who come today to your encounter, is being fulfilled as God wrote it in His Golden Book of His Celestial Kingdom.

Each event experienced is being written by the Eternal Father Himself, so that the destiny of this planet may be able to change in time and many souls may be saved, by just awakening to My Glorified Heart, which is the living Heart of God, that can be present in each one of you, just as you have done in this prayer that you have proclaimed to My Merciful Heart.

It is a joy to be on this earth after two thousand and sixteen years. But in truth I tell you, companions, that My Heart, in the depth of It's silence, knew that this humanity existed here.

That's why, at that time, I asked the Mother of God for a special Grace for you: To leave stamped in this nation Her Celestial Presence, so that all the nations of the world would know her and would have total knowledge of the Divine Science stamped on the cloak.

Therefore, companions, with all the stars from Heaven and the Divine Consciousnesses that today are congregated in this place to pour out the Mercy of God by means of the offer of My Glorified Heart, I tell you once again, companions, that peace is possible in this time.

You should not fear what you will live. The humanity on the surface must redeem itself. It must reach the transformation of its consciousness, so that the new codes that will come from the Celestial Universe through each prayer exercised, may be present in this last phase of humanity.

Today My heart beats for Mexico, for each one of the creatures of God that today must reach the Light that My Merciful Heart offers them.

Receive from My Hands the Rays of the Mercy of God, which today I come to deposit upon this beloved nation, very protected and cared for by My Heavenly Mother.

Dear companions, I invite you on this evening, in the simplicity of the heart and soul, to be the apostles of My Love in this last planetary cycle, in which it will be necessary for decided souls to live and feel Me. Because it is through their souls and hearts that I will be able to retransmit the celestial gifts, to all the creatures who need it most.

I also come today, on this day, to alleviate the suffering that was generated in this nation from the beginning of the colonization until the present.

Therefore, I have opened the doors of the Universe, the fourteen main ones, so that the pain could be liberated, in obedience to My Celestial Father and to the service of all the angels, for the hosts of the Archangel Saint Michael who have come to remove the suffering of the spirit from the consciousness of many beings.

It is at this time, companions, where I invite you to vivify Me through the Communion that today I will consecrate for you.

Because I Am the same Jesus of Nazareth, who comes to find you so that you remember your commitment with Me, the commitment to be My ambassadors of Peace in this crucial time of humanity.

I come to deposit in you something that will flourish in the future. That is why you must persevere, even more, so that those who are on My path, because at the end of the goal is eternity,  which is where I want to take you after having served Me in this humanity and for this planet, which agonizes so much due to the ignorance of this race.

It is thus that I come to open the eyes of your hearts and to expand the consciousness of your souls so that you may be in Me.

It is a victory that Our Sacred Hearts, that of the most Blessed Mary, of Saint Joseph and My own Living Heart, are descending upon this nation.

I come to bring you the codes of Rehabilitation, something that for many is a mystery, but that forms part of the Divine Science.

These codes descend through your spirits and ultimately will materialize in your own lives by means of transformation and of redemption.

So, companions, I come to heal the great wound of the indigenous consciousness and to recover the purity that it reached when this whole Mexican people, its original people, lived in the happiness of God and of the Kingdoms of Nature.

Thus I come to make a cut in time and space. I come to reconnect you with the truth that you are, with that which you reached through the generations, by way of the living devotion that emerges from your hearts with My Heart, which today receives this gratitude from each one of your souls.

This is what encourages me to continue coming to the world for all those lost souls, who day after day are immersed in the hells of humanity. I want to reach each one of them through you.

Open the doors of your hearts for me as you did today, so that I to may indicate the path and the service you must fulfill for My Heart.

It is thus that I come to sow seeds of Light in this suffering time of humanity.

And while I am with you, companions, I am with the nations of the world, mainly with America, that should not lose the opportunity to be the cradle of the new humanity.

Do not fear what human beings of the surface do. Remember in humility, that God has the power and that it is He who allows things, including the presence of My adversary in humanity; the hearts that live Me will not tremble.

I am that Source who renews all things each time that you commune with Me in love and gratitude. It is this love and gratitude of all the souls that follow Me, of all the nations of America and of the world, that has allowed Me to come here, to Mexico.

It is through My servants of peace, of each praying group, of each serving soul, that allows Me to come here, because this generates, not only for Mexico but also for the world, an inexplicable atonement, that today is poured upon this place.

You called Me once and today I am here among you to give you My Peace, My Consolation and My Grace, something that is lived profoundly in the spirit of each being.

I come to give you rest, pacification of the consciousness and the elevation of the spirit towards the Great Portal of God, through My Living Heart.

I want you to feel at this time the opportunity to love Me as I love you, beyond imperfection and error.

See around you in the eyes of your brothers and sisters the brightness of My Spirit, for the souls that have redeemed themselves by just saying "yes." And so it is that I am here to bless you.

Let us pray to the Father so that  Mexico does not lose its peace and is not conquered by the ideas of tenebrous human beings.

It is thus that My Divine Mercy first comes to prevent chaos and to establish peace in all hearts that open themselves to receive My Light and My Love. This will prevent the imbalance of the planet.

I invite you to live the changes in peace. Trust in what we tell you and never deviate from My path.

I invite you to feel things with love, for then you will be in Truth and your hearts will also be alive, alive in the Source of God by means of His glory. And His Glory will be with you and with your brothers and sisters, and My Kingdom will approach, more each time, so that I may to be able to return soon and put an end to many things.

I want you to be happy for being with Me and that you offer each small sacrifice for humanity, so that many more than you, can benefit through My last atonement, which will prepare a part of humanity for My second coming, fulfilling, thus, the prophecies of John.

We know that this moment is approaching unexpectedly. Do not forget to be vigilant. Distance yourselves from distraction and you will not lose wisdom. The times demand concentration and vigilance, so that everyone may be sheltered in My Spirit, and in spite of what happens, may know what to do and where to be.

When everything happens do not be afraid nor think of what will happen. Live in Me and you will be able to be in the eternal present and thus you will act according to the Will of God, which is simple and loving.

Now I want to see on your faces a smile for meeting me again and persisting, because in persistence is found the triumph of the Plan of Love in each one of the souls.

Let us celebrate this Communion in union with all the brothers and sisters of the planet, with all the praying people and mirrors that reflect the Love of My Heart to the world.

Smile, smile to God. He too must be consoled by His children, thus He will shed upon you the Source of His Providence and all His Grace, and many more souls will be touched by this impulse of Light.

Now adore My Heart by singing "I came to adore You."

And as two thousand years ago, once more I repeat:

Blessed are the merciful because they will attain Mercy.

Blessed are the meek of heart, because they will inherit the promised land.

Blessed are the humble of heart, because they will always find peace.

Blessed are the simple of spirit, because they will always see God.

Blessed are those who live Me, because they will always find Me.

Blessed are those who adore Me in the most Holy Sacrament, because I will wait for them in the Kingdom of God to take them with Me to Eternity.

I thank  you for having received Me, for having listened to Me and for having felt Me for only one minute, for having praised Me, for having honored Me, because everything will not come for Me but for the Creator, who is the One who loves you from the beginning to the end. From the smallest of you to the largest one, He loves everything, because in His Love is the peace and His blessing.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

May peace be in you and be peace for the world.

Continue singing.

Marathon of Divine Mercy

I Am this Heart that lives for you and in you, when you allow Me to.

I Am this Heart that never fails and that renews all things, time after time, just as My God needs it, for this world and the Universe.

I am this unfathomable Heart that pours Graces on those who need them most and especially on those who have lost themselves on My Path of Redemption.

I Am this loving Heart that assembles you and unites you with the Father, through this meeting and in each daily prayer that is pronounced by your hearts.

Thus, I form the apostles in the deep silence of My Spirit and deliver My designs for each one, so that they can fulfill them as they are planned in the Universe.

Today, I come from a very distant place in this Universe, what you know as the Center of the Universe, which governs this galaxy on a spiritual and immaterial level.

I come to pronounce to the world My Government, which is the Government of God, which governs the worlds, the stars and the celestial spheres, on all planes.

I come with those who today live with me the power of God, the enlightened and resplendent beings who vivify God eternally and in praise.

With this principle, I congregate you all in My Most Sacred Heart and re-ignite in your lives the purpose you came to fulfill in this life and on this planet, something that is indelible in the Consciousness of God; because He thought from the first moment on each one of you, so that you would join Him, through the times and the experiences.

Evil does not know this, because it does not know love and is afraid of love. When love is present among you and among the consciousnesses, everything is invincible because God is there.

Just as I am here with you, in omnipresence and in spirit, so is My Father with you, through My Heart of Light. It is something that you can never forget, in spite of what may happen in your lives and in humanity.

When the great structures of humanity begin to move, no one can suffocate or be disturbed. It will be the moment when your strengths are very firm, so that I can continue pouring out My Graces on those who deserve it in fullness and in truth.

Thus, I Am this trusting Heart that gives Itself to you all the time, that does not look at your sins nor your debts, but rather your filiation with God, something essential that you can never lose, for anything.

When souls open the doors to evil, they commit to involution, and the lives of these souls gradually recede. Just like a bird flies in the heights of the mountains, the soul gradually falls into the abysses.

And so, together with My Mother and Saint Joseph, I come to aid those who must respond to the call and are lost. But you cannot be that for a long time, companions, because many armies will wake up in times of emergency they are already living. Open your eyes and see what happens in the world, day after day.

We feel that, for humanity, chaos is not enough, and it holds on to suffering through its decisions that influence the nations and the people and attract the furious action of the Law of Nature upon humanity.

While the world continues to sacrifice animals, the world will suffer. And those who plead from the heart for My Divine Mercy, as you did today, will avoid many things. But I will not be able to avoid, companions, what humanity must learn.

Make the decision to be My pillars of light on this planet, so that I may deposit My Codes and gather together the self-summoned in the Cenacle of My Heart.

It will be in this way, companions that I will gradually lead you into living Universal Judgement; I will show you how it is happening in this humanity, rapidly.

Inside and outside of beings the Universal Judgment is lived.

But you must not fear the Justice of God, because God is the living and eternal Love. It is the world and the actions of humanity that bring the Justice of God. God will never punish you. He will correct you so that you may be able to truly walk in the light.

Who decides in this last time to live in My Sacred Heart will not perish. But to live in My Heart requires a commitment and a faithfulness to God. An act of consecration that you can live with Me, in different ways. But this consecration cannot be fractured, it cannot be broken for anything. It will be this consecration that will protect you, and you will be united with Me when I am no longer here with you, companions.

Day after day, the world makes decisions that are contrary to the Laws of God and this attracts the unpayable debt that humanity generates. I need you to place your consciousness on the consciousness of the planet, which is the house that God chose for you since the beginning of the Earth, since the origin of the Genesis project.

Humanity has always deviated from the Path of God throughout time. For this reason, the divine intercession of My Mother has been incalculable. Her goodness and love for Her children has made Her persist, in spite of the suffering generated in the Sacred Hearts and the caring Heart of God.

The world does not pay attention to the wounds it causes the Universe, and above all, the Material Universe; to the planet, to the continents, and to the seas; to animal, plant, and mineral life. How could you be present, companions, on this planet if the Younger Kingdoms did not exist, giving you balance and life in order to evolve?

If in other worlds of this Universe life exists, how could the Kingdoms not be here? They are essential for you, so that you may learn to feel God, and to vivify Him through the Creation expressed on this planet.

The transgressions are still very serious, and the equilibrium of this humanity is out of balance.

While I can, companions, I will come to call those who do not hear Me yet and you will have this commitment to Me, of having Me be known to the lost souls in the abysses of the surface of the Earth.

My Mother will protect you in this task.

I do not need you to attract multitudes, but rather true hearts that will want to live Me.

And today I again present My Sacred Heart, so you may see how much love it holds for each one of you and for those who do not hear Me.

My Chest explodes because of not being able to pour out so much love; the love that heals, that cures and vivifies the hearts in God.

At least, companions, daily contemplate a Ray of My Heart, and in this way, you will please Me for those who deny Me.

Denial is not only in the souls that are in this world, but sometimes also in those that are consecrated and who do not believe in what I tell you; but what I am writing here will be fulfilled.

In this lost place in the world, of Uruguay, the sign of My Presence will remain, obvious to all.

When the years go by, you will remember and know everything that I did here, with you. Because in the years that will come and will get here, things will be more difficult in the world, and you must remember My Words like treasures of light, like keys that open the doors to the Heavens, so that you may aid the souls that will fall even further into sin and into temptation.

Today I come to implore the world to have pity and to not forget God, because He is very offended and His tears are already great rivers in the Universe.

Emmanuel implores His children to awaken, become aware and prompt. His Project is in play through the decisions of humankind, of the nations and the continents.

The people of God cannot be lost in the desert, as happened in the past; they must find the promised Land that lives in My Sacred Heart.

Remember, companions, that I Am the Truth and the Truth I bring you so that you may not be deceived in this time.

Remember that I Am the way that never closes and that opens the doors so that all may enter, even when you forget Me many times , without realizing it, and move away from Me.

Remember, companions, that I Am the Life, the Energy and the Principle that motivates you to a renewal and union with the whole Universe, that receives you in its Mercy.

If you, for a moment, from the Universe, could see this planet, you would cry; not because of what you see, but because of the ignorance of the world and because of the blindness of many hearts that do not accept living the Love of God, that do not seek It, and that reject It.

Today, companions, I do not come to evangelize, but rather to transmit the feeling of God, from the depths of His Heart, from the Consciousness of Emmanuel, the Father that listens to you and loves you.

If those whom I have summoned to serve Me in this time do not unite, how will My Project be accomplished? Set aside your ideas and feelings, your divisions and misunderstandings, one with another.

Love, just as I love you all the time.

Do not reject what I tell you and live it with determination and courage, so I can send the angels to help you, in the invisible silence of your holy presence.

I come to place in each one an incalculable treasure, of which you must give an account in the end time, companions. Because for Me to be here, among you, and to have called you, many things had to happen in the Universe.

Give to the Plan what the Plan needs, and cease to hold back things.

Everything that you have is of God and of the Universe.

To the Universe you will return naked, without any possession, nor any property.

In the end, who is awake will understand what I say and what I have repeated for 2000 years.

The last offer I have for the world is My Sacred Heart, but not all have yet entered It, in trust and without fear.

I will not ask you for impossible things; I know your weaknesses and your falls, because I have been at your side, walking on the edge of the abysses so that you not fall.

You do not know evil. You do not play with evil nor become involved with it.

Your union is in the Love of God and in the brotherhood that the Universe offers every day, so that the suns may shine in this last cycle.

And through My Words, I place you on My Chest so that you may feel the constant beating of My Heart, that beats for each one of you.

It was this Heart that suffered for you in the Passion and on the Cross.

It was this human heart of Jesus that came to know the human condition and the ignorance of the world, the denial, the rejection, and the omission of hearts.

But the Love of God was so great in Me, companions, that I was able to overcome everything, because I trusted in the Love of My Father and I did not hold on to the tests He set for Me.

A true Christ of the new time surrenders to the Universe in trust and believes, living their faith.

Be Christs of My Heart and do not fear being so.

The persecution has not ended and the world must be purified; but in the end of times, when you are with Me, you will know Me face to face, just as you knew Me once in the Holy Land, which is what brought you here to serve Me.

Be fishers of My Project and cast the nets in prayer, so that souls may be saved and be removed from the abysses of their consciousness and enter into the great ship of My Heart, to live peace.

Through Me and My Heart, My Father speaks to you and on this sacred ground places His trust in those who were self-summoned to fulfill His Will.

If I come from Heaven, it is also Heaven that embraces you and uplifts you, in consciousness and love, to the Heart of the Father.

The seals of the Apocalypse have opened and we pray so that in the world everything be lighter and souls may find God and My Sacred Heart.

Most Holy Heart of Christ,
convert our hearts into sacred flames
of Your Divine Mercy
so that Your Face may be founded in the great human heart.
May the coming descent of Your celestial Glory
redeem all consciousnesses,
in honor and glory to the Celestial Father.
Amen (x3)

So that the fourteen celestial choirs that I have assembled here may pour out their graces, I ask you to listen to the bell tower fourteen times, in union and praise for each one of the fourteen choirs; in representation of the Archangel Michael, the Archangel Gabriel, and the Archangel Raphael. We listen from the Universe.

At this moment, make your offering to God, the Most High, in the silence of your hearts and in union with the fourteen choirs.

My God, I believe in You...

My wish is that this prayer of the Angel of Peace be repeated at the end of the Mystery for the Nations, seven times, so that the Angel of Peace is also able to intercede for the angels of each nation and of each people.

Remember to respond to the call of Mary, because your Mother also needs you to carry out the great Work of God, in these times.

The fourteen celestial choirs that I have brought here today, to Aurora, for each one of the hearts that participates in this meeting, are the choirs that eternally sing to God, since before you existed as essences.

Think then, companions, for an instant, how the singing, the voice, and the sacred  word is perpetual in these angelic consciousnesses, over eons of time.

They are who build the Universes with the voice and who form the melodies and harmonies for all the galaxies.

They are who attract the currents of God to the Universes and feed the spirit of the consciousness through the Love of the Father, of Emmanuel.

In union with them, companions, and with the Sacred Heart of your King, let us sing the Kodoish melody to bring the Grace of God to this planet, in those who open to receive it, in this last hour.


And now, companions, I give you the balm of My Love and of My Compassion for the world, for all the souls consistent with My Merciful Heart and with My Redeeming Work.

In union with the fourteen celestial choirs and with My Divine Spirit of Love and of Truth, let us pray:

Abbun debashmaia...

(Our Father in Aramaic)

And today I will be able to leave here with the joy that you truly prayed to My Merciful Heart, imploring for this people and for all of this region of South America, so that the Sacred Hearts of Mary, of Saint Joseph, and of Jesus may triumph and be victorious.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And now sing to the Archangel Raphael, who is the aurora that rises in the hearts that awaken.

Go in peace.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
