Let us continue together through the path of peace and unity because in this way, My little ones, you will be in My Kingdom, the Kingdom of My Son Jesus, Paradise, a place where your hearts must aspire to be with God.

Dear children, open the portal of the heart so that My Immaculate Light may be able to fill and impregnate you with the Presence of the Holy Spirit. Open your arms so that the heart of peace that exists in each one of you may be able to emerge from the depths of the soul and there God may always reign.

My children, spread the Peace I am giving you, the Peace that is necessary in the hearts of all My children of this world.

For peace to prevail, you must be like the water that springs from the fountain of My Maternal Heart.

You must be a source of prayer to thus renew life under the Divine Spirit of the Lord. You must be an expression of faith for this world. You must be the Fire of the Holy Spirit that in prayer may be able to awaken and heal the aching heart of humanity.

You, My children, are part of this Creation, and God created you to serve others in charity and love, creating a New Fraternity in all humanity.

Feel that everything I tell you and that what My Heart emanates daily to you is true. With prayer and love in your hearts you will allow your souls to be converted into simple instruments at the service of the Divine Father Creator.

Open your hearts again and only find rest in the Hands of God.

I leave you a mission: to pray so that the Fountain of Peace that is found in Heaven may descend over the Earth.

In this way, My children, your lives will correspond to the Plans of God.

Walk in faith. Everything is under the gaze of My Maternal Kingdom.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Praised be Jesus in your hearts and in the hearts of all of My children in the world!

My little children, today I call you to practice the humility of the heart, the humility that may be exercised through daily prayer and which will bring you to find the peace and the meekness that is necessary to live in the end of this present time.

Therefore, united to My Immaculate Heart, you will be able to find the Light of My Son for the path that I invite you to go through from now on: the path of humility. A humble heart is a meek heart, open and receptive to all the requests of service and of giving that may come into its life.

Live by the examples that the little Jesus once manifested in each one of His passages here on Earth. Today I invite you to remember, My little ones, the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem; the presentation to the Father, of the child Jesus in My arms, as well as the finding of Jesus in the temple.

Dear children, I want to train you on the path of humility, and that each one of these living examples that Jesus transmitted to all of humanity may be a valuable spiritual instrument of conversion.

Dear children, you know that humanity is still not humble before God. This is why He sends Me to you through Jesus so that you may remember that the moment to renounce oneself, to transcend oneself and to find the true Kingdom of God has now arrived.

I welcome you all in My arms of motherhood.

Know, My children, that My Immaculate Heart was consecrated to God by all of you. Therefore I love you and I guide you towards the new time of Eternal Peace, Peace that the world must live to be able to be in the Eternal Kingdom of God.

In Jesus, praised be the King of the Universe!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Blessed are the little ones and humble in spirit because the Love of My Beloved Son will spring from them.

With this dear children, today I invite you to conceive through the prayer of the heart a humble spirit of service and donation to God’s Will.

Your day by day lives will allow you to learn to conceive a humble spirit through the act of charity and service to your fellow men and women.

Dear children, if you had conceived a humble spirit humanity might already be different and it would be permeated by a Higher Grace.  I know that many of My beloved children, those who have surrendered themselves in My Son’s hands, daily seek for this purpose and this divine inner gift; but today I tell you, My little children, that for the humble spirits everything will pass, but the true Kingdom of My Immaculate Heart will prevail in the lives of each one of My children.

For this My children, each little soul that consecrates itself to God is a victory in the Kingdom of Heaven, because the purpose of salvation comes to more souls in need of light and redemption.

Dear children, may My Immaculate Heart be a refuge and an inner repair for each one of you, thus My Universal Light may aid you at any time, when you only unite yourselves to My Maternal Love.

I collect from the world today many of God’s souls that through the answer to My call have been taken to a kingdom closer to the Face of God.

My children, today I bring you this key of the humble spirit to be a true reason to renew your lives of prayer and donation to God.

Know dear children, that each true act of love resonates in the world in need of light.

For all this, God’s Mercy is big for this time and thus My Face of Mercy will be with you for the days of May 25th and 26th in Fatima, Portugal.

Thank you for answering My call.

My Maternal Love to all.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

When the souls open themselves up to answer My call of Peace God’s Will is manifested in all that is Creation and Life.  The hearts receive the Law of Love and of Grace because your lives are touched by the merciful love of God through My Son. Christ teaches you to walk in truth, in purity, and in transparency because your lives for this time must be as crystalline as water, as pure as the soul, and as joyful as the heart.

My children, for the answer of all of you to My maternal call today I thank you for the perseverance and the for faith of all of you. While you keep imitating the path of My Beloved Son, you may aid humanity, not only through the prayer from the heart but also through the humble service of each one of your little hearts for all My children that are spread over the face of the Earth.

For this dear children, allow that from you may shine My Hope for the conversion of all, in this way My Peace and My Maternal Heart will aid everyone a while longer and the conflicts will disappear before the presence of My Immaculate Love.

Today I give you the light from the Fountain of Graces of God the Father so that all of you as ONE may walk in the redemption of life and of the heart.

Know dear children and remember that you count on the loving help of the guardian angels.  They are the breath of God’s Love on Earth and they wait to be welcomed and received by each one of your little lives.

I always bring you close to My Son, the Resuscitated Christ, so that in communion and in prayer with Him you may find the new path to God.

I thank you for answering My call.

Light for the whole Earth!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. 


The triumph of My Immaculate Heart will be able to occur through the immediate response of all My blessed children in the world.

The triumph of My Heart is the Presence of God the Father in the life of each soul. It is the reencounter promised by My Son. It is the coming Kingdom on the face of the Earth.

My Immaculate Heart, dear children, is the Source of Graces that, throughout time, I have poured for love of My children.

Now, My children, I invite you to make My Immaculate Heart triumph through the constant exercise of the prayer of the heart, as well as in all works of charity and service to the others.

Dear children, the Purpose of God for each one of His little creatures is immense; this is why I call you all to witness the Presence of Christ in the hearts and His coming. And this will happen when each soul of this humanity may accept to enter the true and only Kingdom of God.

For this reason, dear children, the task in the groups of prayer will be more constant, because each one of you must be, in prayer, a sentinel who guards and protects the call of God. In this time and for the aid of humanity, the presence of My Immaculate Heart is here. Through the triumph of the Heart of God in Mary, I will be able to bring you towards the arms of My Son, the beloved Shepherd of Forgiveness who awaits you in prayer and in communion from the Heavens.

Dear children, to be a Marian soldier of prayer it is enough to say “yes” and to persist in the purpose of responding to the divine call. On this path of service and of giving to the Will of God, your hearts will begin to consecrate themselves to My Heart, and the triumph of the Plan of Peace will be unique for the world.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Peace, only Peace for these times.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

With immense delight I prepare My coming to each one of your little hearts, in the month of May, in Portugal, and in June, in Argentina. Today I invite you to follow Me in the Plans of Peace and of Reconciliation that God has for each creature.

As the Immaculate Heart, dear children, I bring you closer to My Son daily, because in Him you will strengthen the Gift of Love.

My children, on these days of gathering in Portugal and in Argentina, I invite you as groups of prayer to fill the Heavens with supplications. This will help, My children, so that these nations may receive the Grace of Forgiveness that My children need.

I also want to ask you that in each gathering of the prayer groups you cry out with your prayers and with your hearts for the presence of the Angel of Peace. In this way, little children, your lives will prepare themselves to receive Me during the months of May and June and together we will be able to renovate Divine Mercy in each beloved child.

Dear children, live today the presence of My Universal Peace through the union of each soul with the Angel of Peace, thus your hearts will prepare My arrival with immense joy.

Know, My children, that My Heart comes to you in Portugal and in Argentina for the second time so that as humanity you may renovate the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

I want that in the coming months you may live in My Peace as a preparation for the times that will come.

Walk in the life of prayer. My Heart is with you and with the entire world. I embrace you with My Maternal Light and I place you under My Mantle.

In the months that will come may your hearts live in a single heart group of charity and service for souls and for the souls of those that are dispersed throughout the world.

I await you all in prayer, for the Mission of the Peace of God in all My children of this humanity.

Rejoice your lives in order to receive Me.

Who loves you from the Infinite Heart,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My dear children,

In Jesus Christ is to be found the path that humanity has lost. Today I invite you to prayer so that many souls may be able to be conducted to the Heart of My Son.

True prayer done with the heart will reveal to you the path that you must tirelessly follow towards God, going through tests and learning experiences that make your spirits mature.

My children, the pathway towards My Son will bring you to the Kingdom of God. Therefore, dear children, keep in your hearts the flame of persistence, to be able to reach redemption as humanity.

Dear children, the constant state of prayer done with the heart will build in you a temple of love and peace, a temple that is strengthened in the experience of service and charity.

Little children, My call announces to you that humanity is at the moment of forgiving with the heart, but if souls do not live this state of forgiveness, how will the hearts receive the absolution of all their faults?

Dear children, prayer will lead you to find My Son who awaits you to share His Bread of Life and of Redemption.

Know that the state of redemption begins with the opening of the heart. I want that you build a simple heart so that God, the Beloved Father of all creatures, may live within you.

I accompany you on this day with My Heart of Faith and Love. Rejoice your lives in My Son. He loves you infinitely.

Thank you, children, for persevering in responding to My call.


Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Love one another and protect one another, thus you will be able to be fraternal in truth and in love.

Today I give you more keys so that you may begin to live the school of humility. In this way, in simplicity, you will be imitating My Victorious Son. So that the world may change, it is necessary that the souls live from the fruit of humility, a path that will take all, as hearts, to the Father.

For this reason, My children, the humility that each one of your hearts will be able to radiate and live will be the fruit of victory for the Heavens and thus, Divine Mercy will be able to come to the souls that live the most irreparable faults.

The gift of humility awakens the stream of Mercy. Remember, dear children, what My Son once announced to you here on Earth: “Blessed are the merciful, for from them will spring out the Fount of Mercy.”

For this reason, dear children, I invite you, through prayer, to strengthen humility in the heart.

A true soul that lives in the humility of My Son:

  • Does not want anything for itself
  • Is at the service of the needs of others
  • Lives in constant forgetfulness of itself
  • Loves, in order to learn to give itself
  • Aspires to live in the Purpose of God
  • Builds the gift of peace with its hands
  • Awaits, in vigil, for the coming of the Good News
  • Reveres its fellow humans
  • Loves silence
  • In prayer finds the key for its change and for the conversion of its heart
  • Allows itself to live in simplicity

I await, dear children, that each day your hearts may live a new act of humility. The Lord considers you as good creatures, and that which humanity has not yet transformed is now up to each soul to transform in the heart and in life. In this way most of the hearts will be able to recognize in life the meaning of humility as a gift that converts the heart into an instrument in the Hands of God. Humility will lead you to find in the Heart of My Son an emblem for your lives.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Rejoice your heart for the Graces that it receives in My Maternal Presence.

Dear children,

The Lord be with all your souls so that life may be nourished with the Benevolent Love of My Son.

My little ones, today I invite you to contemplate and to under- stand with the heart the union with My Son in the commu- nion. There you will find the restoration that the soul needs for its life, as well as the love that can give you the strength to continue on the path of consecration.

Dear children, it is important for these times that you be before the presence of Christ just as you are in your hearts, in your feelings and in your thoughts. He knows you deeply, but beyond all, He loves you with compassion.

Therefore, dear children, in Jesus Christ you will find the path towards the Temple of God. He calls you to share the love of your hearts over all My children that are distant from love and from true peace. Christ wants to see you in service and in giving so that together with His Most Holy and Merciful Heart, the world may be relieved from its own weight.

See well, little children, God the Father has given you a treasure and a gift that He emanated from the center of His Creation, and this present is the Earth, the Planet on which you live. For this reason, My little ones, not only the time of Grace for all souls has come, but also for My tiny Kingdoms of Nature which form part of the life of Creation.

It is up to you, dear souls, to restore with love and braveness what humanity has destroyed in the Kingdoms.

I invite you to be in contemplation before My Son so that His Heart may permeate you and may give you wisdom. In this way you will be able to collaborate in the salvation of all souls and of all the Kingdoms of Nature.

I am the Mother and Guardian of all of you. I am the Servant of the Creator. Today I want you to imitate My path: the pathway towards the peace of the heart.

May God save the Kingdoms!

My Heart cries out for humanity!

In the Blessing of God,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
