My dear children,

In order for the Campaign for Peace to be a true reality in the world, peace must first be present in your hearts.

The Youth Campaign for Peace hopes to have its birth in the city of Florianópolis, but the expectation is that this campaign will immediately be disseminated to the States of Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul, which together with the State of Santa Catarina, will be the epicenter of this campaign, that will later expand through the whole of Brazil, Latin America, and finally throughout the whole world.

As from the beginning of the Campaign for Peace with the Youth Festival for Peace, and when all the youths of Brazil congregate in Florianópolis for the first meeting, it will be the moment, My children, when it will be disseminated to the different regional universities of Santa Catarina, Paraná, and Rio Grande do Sul; from the student body will spring forth the first impulse that later will spread to the rest of the universities of Brazil.

This is how, dear children, that the first Youth Festival to be held in the month of July in the city of Florianópolis will have moments of service to humanity and to the Kingdoms of Nature; also moments of art and of music, sources of expression for the youth, which must express fraternity, harmony, and love for the planet.

When the first Youth Festival takes place, it being an ecumenical meeting that will be sponsored by companies that can contribute for the Youth Campaign for Peace, through the youths that will participate in these meetings, the universities of Brazil will be able to extend this invitation for peace to other universities in the world.

It will be in this way that the first Youth Festival for Peace will have its own recording label, so that all that is created by the youths may be disseminated to other places on the planet; this recording label will be the same that the Association Mary will found to support the musical art created.

This impulse of the Youth campaign for Peace expects to reach unbelieving hearts so that they may believe in God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who is in union with the spirit of the young,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children who are present,

With Archangel Michael in your presence, today I especially address those who have never had the Grace to know Me because, on this day, Your Mother of the Universe comes to meet with you to pave the way for conversion, mercy and forgiveness.

Each one of you present here, children, up to now have lived a path in this life; now, the Father of the whole Universe calls you to an inner awakening and to again find a true spiritual life through the sublime impulses of prayer, service and fraternity.

On this day, My Grace of a Mother gathers you to teach you the way to your true freedom, and thus, before the Sacred Son of the Universe, you will learn to love and again smile at life, far from inner suffering.

It is for this reason, My children, that Your Mother has chosen each one of you so that you may become consecrated to My Immaculate Heart; a pure and good Heart that gives Itself to you to take you out of the prison of material life, of deceit and error.

Beloved children, on this day in which the Universe has opened a door of freedom and peace in this place, I call upon you to take that sacred step in the name of all the youth of the world that are led along the path of perdition and false reality.

I adore you all as souls, My beloved youth; in this acute time of the Earth, allow the Christic seed of love and redemption to definitively awaken within you.

You, by taking this first step that I ask of you, will know the true light of Heaven that today has lovingly touched this place because of a blessed and full Mercy.

I do not want to convert you, My children. I want to lead you to the truth, service and surrender for humanity.

May My consolation be upon you so that, encouraged by Me, you may attain peace.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

At the end of the message, the Divine Mother, in the presence of Saint Joseph, asked that in this place called “Pedra Branca,” a small grotto be built in the forest with the image of the Queen of Peace. The Divine Mother also asked that the floor of this place of prayer be built with the help on the Light-Network and that the Light-Network itself continue to support the task of prayer with the groups of youth.

Our Lady said to the youths present:

“Dear children, here I will be the Mother of all those who are lost. I wish to have mediators of prayer between Heaven and Earth here.”



The Youth Campaign for Peace, which should be born in Florianópolis and later extend to the whole world, will give all My children the opportunity to rediscover the meaning of elevated spiritual life no longer through drugs, but rather in a life of altruistic service and prayer, safe sources that they will find for the elevation of their souls.

This Youth Campaign for Peace hopes to meet the needs of the young ones through Instruction about the true values of a worthy and spiritual life in this time.

This will be possible, dear children, because the Youth Campaign for Peace will attend to the request of the young ones about the understanding of spiritual life and of the Universe in its totality: of the macro cosmos.

The Youth Campaign for Peace intends to have as a base the source of expression through music that radiates peace, harmony, balance, and in some cases, states of union with Christ and with the Celestial Divinity.

For this, creativity through instruments will cause the young ones to feel motivated to create music that helps in the harmonization of the planet, just like some groups of young people will encourage themselves to express their union with Christ.

The art of the young ones within this Campaign for Peace will be expressed through images that appeal to the need of peace in the world, as well as in the expression of elevated messages of love, brotherhood and hope, searching to dissipate ideas of violence, mistreatment to the fellow beings and war.

It is for this reason that this Campaign supported by the Association Mary will allow to help the young ones to transmit to their fellow beings these values that they will learn, and in this way all the youth will one day perceive that it is not necessary “to search for God” through the influences that the adversary imparts.

A life of prayer will be born in a part of the youth, this will be the fundamental base for principles of redemption and healing to take place in humanity.

We will continue working on this project.

I thank you for responding to My call!

For the Campaign for Peace in the world,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

The Youth Campaign for Peace hopes to embrace, as an evolutionary proposal, all the young people from Brazil and from the world so that they may feel motivated to serve for the sake of humanity and for the end of war.

It is for this reason that the Youth Campaign for Peace, which will be supported by the Association Mary, will try to answer the demand of the young ones, of those who need to renew their lives and their habits through service, charity and the good.

At this moment the young people of Florianópolis are being called to diffuse and expand the work of the Heavenly Mother. Thus, through the Youth Campaign for Peace, the young ones will have a space to be able to express their moments of prayer, service and also of art and music as means for elevation and spiritual creativity, based on mutual respect, fraternity and union within the same purpose of peace.

For this, Association Mary should be the means that motivates and impulses the search for an ordered, peaceful life, of service and prayer for the planet.

Through art they will search to express the inner beauty of each soul, and prayer and the manifestation of music will be the place of encounter and peace with humanity.

The Youth Campaign for Peace will have its own website and at the same time will be the diffusor of the meetings of prayer for the young people, and also of all the moments of service and charity towards their fellow beings.

This campaign must aspire to live, as a base, the importance and urgency of having peace at these times and to radiate it to the whole world, so that in this way My Immaculate Heart may triumph.

This mission has the proposal to help all young people to find a spiritual meaning in their lives and their habitual environment.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In Campaign for peace and salvation,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Unite your prayers with My supplications of light and let Me take care of all things.

Unite your aspirations with My plans of peace, thus you will realize how much there is to be done for this humanity.

Work with Me, and through My Heart with all those in need; through simple works, carry My divine Love to everyone.

Consolidate My twelve celestial attributes in your spirit and follow the Universal Mother along the pathways I indicate for souls.

Embrace charity and service as a legacy, thus you will see how many prodigies will happen through all those who give themselves to the rest and to My Heart.

With your hands, weave with Me the mantle of mercy, and through each act, restore what needs forgiveness and compassion.

Embrace charity and service as a legacy, thus you will see how many prodigies will happen through all those who give themselves to the rest and to My Heart.

Build you sacred temple in Me. May your life and your heart be the true oratory in these times, so that the lack of love is overcome and indifference is erased from the hearts that do not live God.

With your hands, weave with Me the mantle of mercy, and through each act, restore what needs forgiveness and compassion.

Do not fail to see around you the needs of your fellow humans, for My Beloved Son might be hidden within the suffering hearts.

Live My project of peace every day; that both in joy and in sorrow you see the Will of My Lord, and thus will learn to live your own cross not as a burden, but as the liberation from all error.

Trust, I am Your Mother. I do not abandon My little children, I pray next to you so that some day you do more humble things, just as My Son has done.

I love you and I pray for everyone in the Sacred Temple of the Heart of God.

Who blesses you in glory,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

I can make your hearts humble and meek with My maternal Grace because through My Heart I teach you to day by day love the Plan of the Creator by means of surrender and daily sacrifice.

I would like humility to be appreciated and recognized by all My children, that they live it and be an example in each moment of service and charity to others; in this way you will conquer purity and you will be able to detach from all that is old.

As Your Mother who loves you, I invite you to find in humility the path of overcoming the self and the possibility of living it in the name of all those who deny the Love of Christ. In this way, through humility, the Maternal Heart of Your Mother shapes the apostles of Christ so that they can quickly be open to fulfill the Will of God.

On facing all the tests that must be overcome, My Heart will welcome all the children who are willing to live this precious learning in the sacred school of humility; to all of them I will give My encouragement and My strength of a Mother.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who teaches you to love holy humility,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

On this day, I invite you to prepare yourselves for the prayer meeting that is coming. This is a reason for your lives to be available for the fulfillment of the Divine Will.

I wish, My children, that your hearts would always walk in faith so that from now on you will be prepared to be touched by the flame of the Holy Spirit.

At this time, may your hearts be in prayer and in communion with My Son so that, strengthened in faith, you can take steps towards the consecration to the Celestial Father.

Children, as Your Mother I guide you through the path of sanctity and service to those most in need.

Many spiritual wounds still must be healed by the balm that prayer itself provides.

In tune with all that will happen in the coming prayer meeting I hand you, My children, the keys of forgiveness and mercy so that everything is under the shelter of the Celestial Father.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In faith and love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

The act of humanitarian service for the lost souls who suffer or are sick, sooner or later leads to the total consecration of the life into the hands of God.

The humanitarian service in Turkey awoke in each Missionary child of Peace the gift of a deeper and more conscious service in union with the Celestial Hierarchy.

Dear children, the inner work carried out during so many days in Turkey has permitted all the souls received into the heart of the Missionaries of Peace, and therefore into the Heart of the Celestial Hierarchy, to once again find a material and spiritual meaning to life.

The path of humanitarian service performed by the Missionaries of Peace in the Middle East, travelling through each region of Turkey, required an effort and especially an adaptation of each Missionary of Peace to the state of transmutation that until now continues to take place with the close and inner support of the Mother of the World.

A server is not only in service to find Divine Piety at some moment of their life, but they also offer in these critical times to collaborate openly in what the Universe will need to liberate from suffering humanity.

During this mision taking place in Turkey, the Celestial Hierarchy, in union with the service of the Missionaries of Peace, has extensively transmuted states of indignation, of fear, and lack of love.

Each act of missionary service, which presented itself day by day, opened a little window through which spiritual light could enter the consciousnesses of the Middle East that had been victims of the adversary and of the lack of spiritual light.

The triumph of My Immaculate Heart was gradually woven like a new network of spiritual love in each region of Turkey through which the Missionaries of Peace passed, and mainly, dear children, this network was woven in the hearts of the refugees who had lost hope. Thus, My children, the Regent Angel of Turkey was liberated from the prison to which He had been subject through this humanitarian mision of peace and through the prayers of all.

Once again, the Light of My Immaculate Heart has sown new seeds for the future.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Refugees


As the smoke of the sacred incense that exorcises darkness, the clouds of Heaven on which My feet alight exorcise the creations of evil and I establish the Kingdom of Light where it did not exist before.

In this war of end of time, dear children, there is nothing that can oppose the light of the Mother of the Sun, because if it did it would burn due to the intensity of the solar impulse which the divine fire holds.

My children, the angelic tools will always be available to the missionaries and the soldiers of peace so that, seeming nothingness, they emerge and are able to defend themselves from all evil.

The Armageddon already surrounds the planet and very few are willing to accept that the times have changed; resistance to change, even if in part, affects the whole which is the present world, and delays the steps that the majority must take.

Once more I tell you, in this final battle for the spiritual conquest of the next kingdom there can be no interference of any kind because if it were like this the consciousnesses would not be prepared to endure the expected purification of the planet.

Through the humanitarian service and the donation of love, may the false kingdoms created in the great regions continue being deactivated, kingdoms that exist to terrorize the consciousnesses and separate them from God.

True victory will be in those who persevere with the heart. My Son will never leave you alone when among the hearts there is certainty and absolute faith that Jesus dwells and lives in each human heart. This cannot be taken away by anyone or any weapon of physical or spiritual extermination.

The Love of Christ that lives in the hearts is the Love of the Father that embraces you and guides you to the final goal. Today I speak to you of the refugees, your brothers and sisters, who persevere until the end in the sacred hope that someday they will find the Promised Land, after a long exile.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who unites you to the Heart of the Celestial Father,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees


Indifference: A world disease

Dear children,

Most of humanity is blind, a product of the great indifference that exists among human beings and towards the Kingdoms of Nature.

Indifference comes to the tiniest details of daily life, to the point that indifferent souls do not notice their own mistakes; it exacerbates the war in the world because it keeps it in deep ignorance of the true reality of these times. It is one of the hind paws of the beast; the beast stands firmly on all of human indifferences and thus sharpens its horns in the illusion of the people and the vanity of the proud. The glory felt by the beast is so fake that, despite its own cunning, it does not realize it is deluded inside its own creation.

The beast sustains itself in everything which is indifferent, from the smallest to the biggest of nations.

The apparent confidence that the beast feels helps it overcome the faint strength of the tepid hearts. It is opulent and calls itself blessed because it always feeds from human suffering and the indignation felt by those who are not indifferent.

The beast is a great strategist, it recreates indifference in human minds and makes the faint people feel that by being indifferent they will look stronger. This indifference justifies the mistakes of the souls and in this way they can never leave the abyss in which they have placed themselves.

The beast appears powerful in the fake arts it imparts to humanity. But attention in everything, even in the smallest things, will prevent you from being indifferent and so you will know how to protect the spiritual heritage entrusted to you.

Indifference leads to irreverence, and in this state there is no trust in God. The beast will be defeated when most people stop being indifferent to their fellow human and to all life manifested around them.

Indifference is like gluttony, it will not stop growing inside the consciousness. Those who act with intelligence will no longer be so indifferent. But the beast takes advantage of the limitations of the soldiers. The determined actions of faith and consciousness in these times would draw many out of the abyss of indifference.

The angels of Heaven battle with swords of fire to dissipate the indifference that constantly makes the minds of people still so that they cannot act and everything remains static.

The path to the sacred also protects consciousnesses, and the beast does not know that the sacred and reverent ascends the good spirits to other planes and separates them from this world disease.

The mission of the soldiers of Christ is to care for the celestial treasures so that they will have more spiritual consciousness to protect the whole legacy that has been delivered.

Reverence is the protecting balm of the self-summoned; where there is reverence there is no indifference. Reverence could be the path that souls would go through in order to replace planetary indifference and then change the human codes that lead to the deterioration of everything.

To get out of indifference, you must first listen with humility to the indications to leave that place.

Observe how many consciousnesses are blinded by indifference and cannot see the true need of humanity, which is to leave this indifference as soon as possible, to walk towards the new humanity.

Service will make you less indifferent and more awake to change, a little bit more every day.

Indifference is sovereign in this world and it must be exorcised.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who elevates you to the Spirit of Reverence,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees



Dear children,

The time of darkness that the world is experiencing will disappear from the planet at the moment in which My Son returns in glory to humanity. At that point, the Final Judgment will commence, and the Earth will be reordered so that a new humanity and a new world may begin, free of the sins and the lack of obedience to the Laws of the Universe.

For this moment I am preparing you; for this My Son has asked Me to send you on missions of peace, so that the greatest number of regions in the world receive the rays of the Mercy of God and the necessary codes for spiritual rehabilitation.

Dear children, it is this important task that My missionaries are addressing; a spiritual mission and one of service, guided by the Celestial Hierarchy, so that the greatest number of souls have the Grace of receiving something of Divine Mercy in these times of chaos and abnormalities. My children, the descent of those celestial codes of love, of unity, of forgiveness, and of fraternity will be reached through the unprompted surrender of hearts in redemption, hearts such as yours.

Humanitarian service fulfills an important part, and the spiritual task being carried out by the Celestial Hierarchy extensively complements the other part that you all cannot do. Thus, dear children, there is a group work that exists guided by your Heavenly Mother, Who directs you to attend and serve the needs that are not only physical, but also very internal.

At this time My missionaries must broaden their field of inner vision when they encounter what they will face in the next days. The mission will cause them to understand aspects of the consciousness of humanity that need to be purified and corrected, and this will be possible through the Mercy of God.

Keep moving forward with the faith that characterizes you, do not forget that I will always be the flame on your paths.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who unites you with the Heart of the Eternal Father,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of refugees

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

While the missions are broadly developing in the spiritual life of consciousnesses, your Heavenly Mother, together with the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, pray so that the fruits and the results of each humanitarian mission may motivate other consciousnesses to live the spirit of humanitarian service. It is in this way, My children, that your Most Holy Mother and Saint Joseph the Worker gradually form the souls who consecrate themselves to the Immaculate Heart as soldiers in the service of Christ.

Now, dear children, through these missions, must emerge in each one of you not only the strength to unite the groups of prayer, but also, must awaken the missionary soul in My children.

The missionary soul is a state which can feel the consciousness that lives the Plan of God , and who offers the self fully to the Universe to help, to serve unconditionally where necessary.

The missionary soul, My children, could transform the Earth, for it is the living principle of self-giving service in any place.

There may exist, dear children, a common missionary soul, where all consciousnesses unite in that inner level of the spirit to confirm and surrender themselves to fulfill the Will of God.

Among the groups of prayer and among the different missionaries, a positive state of missionary soul is being generated; a state in which many more consciousnesses far away from this Work will be drawn by this spirit of congregating to serve through prayer and selfless giving.

It is for this reason that the missionary soul is being formed spontaneously by all hearts which, independently of where they are, are united in mission through the call of the Celestial Messengers.

Dear children, the missionary soul is safeguarded by the Guardian Angels who take care of all that is expressed as service and prayer. 

This impulse of the missionary soul, formed by the servers, is spiritually reaching the consciousness of the nations, in this case, Argentina and Turkey.

For this reason, dear children, I invite you to protect and move forward in this spirit of fraternal unity that is being created by the prayer impulse of all groups of prayer, in support of humanitarian missions.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you in the Heart of the Father,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees


Dear children,

At the doors of the humanitarian service in Turkey, the Missionaries of Peace will continue towards the attendance of new spiritual, social and moral needs; all of them will be covered through fraternal love.

Es así, queridos hijos, que Vuestra Madre Celeste está en este momento trabajando en unión a los misioneros con grupos de almas especiales, las que desde el principio de sus vidas esperaban una ayuda espiritual mayor.

Thus, dear children, Your Heavenly Mother is in this moment working in union with the Missionaries of Peace with groups of special souls, which from the beginning of their lives have waited for a bigger spiritual help.

See, My children, how the true humanitarian service, without profits nor personal advantages from any part, the service from the heart, reaches the deepest of the spirit of each being.

The Mother of the World encourages the Missionaries of Peace so that they may reach the same degree of donation and surrender that My beloved Son lived. Along this path of absolute and abnegate donation from the children of God, the celestial doors remain open and these are the internal doors that indicate to the servers the next place of service.

When prayer is also filled by service and faith, dear children, the doors of the Law of Manifestation and of Absence of Need open themselves and the spirit of providence transforms the spiritual and material poverty of the consciousnesses.

Service is a gift, but at the same time it is a mystery that presents itself in the life of people so that they may be encouraged to transcend themselves and above all so that in the service to the neighbor true love be lived.

The Mission of Peace in the Middle East, in this moment, is permitting that the souls with different creeds recover through some path their intimate filiation with the Celestial Father. When this filiation and feeling of belongingness to the Divine are recovered, the suffering soul in need gains inner strength to move ahead and thus to advance in the name of God.

The religions in this moment will become a point of conflict for humanity, because as it has been so far, the faith and trust of the poor souls in the Lord will be at stake. This faith and this testimony of each child of the Middle East have permitted the Heavenly Hierarchy to send the servers of the Plan from the Americas on a humanitarian mission.

This clamor from the suffering hearts has also permitted, dear children, the humanitarian missions to expand throughout the whole Middle East, over the Arabian countries.

Through service, the flame of the Love of God will never go out because service keeps alive the soul that donates itself without interests or complaints; thus through the service of My children My Immaculate Heart will also triumph.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who encourages you to constant self-donation,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees, transmitted in the locality of San Esteban, Córdoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

May the Divine Conception of My Original Purity be of spiritual help for those souls that aspire to reach God and be in His Fatherly Arms.

Service to humanity, dear children, detaches the incapacity to love from the consciousness, and holds the doors of the heart open to God.

Every day, when missionaries serve, they must bear in mind that they are doing so for the Plan of God, for the fulfillment of this highest Work for peace in the world.

It is My Original Purity, the Purity of God, that will help you find the eternal path of elevation and of love for the world.

Dear children, the service in Turkey has the inner intention of opening doors even further so that hearts, on some plane of consciousness, may reencounter God.

The gifts that favor peace, love and fraternity can become unforgettable for the souls that receive not only humanitarian help, but also the love from heart to heart.

My dear children, in these times I need you to learn to serve spiritually, seeking in this moment to fulfill the Purpose of the Creator in all of humanity.

The missionaries in Turkey, together with the humanitarian associations that take care of the refugees, established an ecumenical bond of service for peace, with no conditions and in favor of no one. This fraternal act of cooperation and charity demonstrates to the universe the possibility that the paths of service may expand even more and that other consciousnesses may be able to serve in order to forget themselves and put their attention on the needs of the other.

The Divinity is relieved by the voluntary work; this shows an open path for new opportunities. Service to others will take you to find inner purity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who leads you to eternal service,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees


Dear children of Mine,

At the inner rising of the New Aurora, after a long time, today I gather all of the groups of prayer of Uruguay around My oratory of love. That is why, dear children, on this day I come from the Universe in order to establish a single group of work for the Plan of God in Uruguay; a unique opportunity that is granted to each one of you through the most potent spirit of the maternal Grace.

Dear children, I am giving to you an important mission: that of gestating within your hearts the spirit of fraternity and of service to the neighbor, something that has been a permanent attempt for a long time.

With the forthcoming existence of the House of Service requested by Saint Joseph, you will have once again the Grace of contributing with the Plan of God. In truth, the House of Service will be the reason for your temperaments and emotions to be worked on through voluntary and selfless service, as well as through the willing donation of your lives to the Plans of My beloved Son.

The House of Service that was entrusted with much love by the Most Chaste Saint Joseph will be able to fraternize with other houses and service organizations in Montevideo. This mission, which is now requested, will be supported by the International Humanitarian Federation, which is the mother consciousness for all of the planetary work.

Dear children, it will be right after you take your commitment to service before the Plan, that the Lord God, the Almighty Father, will then grant you the spirit of understanding and of wisdom so that you, My children of Uruguay, be able to understand in those moments, the importance of reversing the debts and the faults committed by the population of Uruguay.

This state of consciousness that I am talking to you about is not yet present in your beings, but it will be able to be so from the moment that you make an effort and that you love to be united above yourselves in order to materialize the Work of the Celestial Father, outside the well-known Church of My Son, because now the work is for all of the souls.

Dear children, the unification of your hearts and the absence of competition have been expected for a long time by the Universe. This unity through service and selfless love will place you in a position of assuming definitively, as Uruguayans, your task with Aurora. In this way, from this moment on, dear children, you will be prepared to accomplish, in these critical times, the materialization of the plan of healing of Aurora on the surface.

I lovingly dedicate this message to all of you today, because I know that you will need a celestial impulse in order to be able to continue on My Path.

Who loves you and accompanies you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees, on a celestial mission

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

I am the one Who unites that which is separated, divided amongst consciousnesses. I unite the pieces of the great wheel so that the Project may function. For this reason, whoever invokes My name receives the gifts of Grace that transform the life of all hearts.

Decide to seek me; so I may help you always, day and night. Do not be discouraged by anything, your trust must be in the Lord.

Dear children, I bring you the spirit of reconciliation so that you may live it. I give you My Love so that you may multiply and share it as the essence of life. I encourage you to achieve the transcendence of self every day through service and prayer.

Unify through My Sacred Heart. I come to introduce you to the universe of My Son's love where there is no separation or rivalries; there is only God, your Celestial Father.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who unifies you with the Universe,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


While the Real Time of the Universe stops each time a Divine Messengers of God descends to Earth, just so should the disciple of Christ stop at the moment he or she is about to receive a mighty Grace; because in the Real Time of the Universe the past does not exist, only the recollection or the memory of an accomplished task.

In the Real Time, resemblances do not exist, but rather equalities. In this Real Time, the path of the Purpose is manifested, the one proposed for all the angels of Light.

Through obedience, the Real Time is accepted, because it is part of the essence and of the experience of evolution.

In the Real Time, forms do not exist; all that exists is the sense of them, so that each angel created can progress in love at the service of God. The bases of this time are the Laws and the creator principles. In the Real Time a scale exists that is recognized by all the angels of the universe. This is the scale of love and of unity; it is something that causes Real Time to move as an experience of evolution.

In these scales are all the bases for experience, because in the Real Time the meaning of everything is in the knowledge that emerges from wisdom and in the service which makes any heart humble.

In the Universe, Real Time does not go by, nor is it static; it is a divinized time marked by the elevation and the transcendence of all created forms.

In the Real Time, the eternal present exists, which is the state of positive permanence; it is the constant unification with the essence and the Purpose of Divinity, of the Source.

The Real Time is a single stream of energy; it is the thread that unites the beginning with the end, so that in the Soul of Creation a harmonious relationship with all that is manifested may be experienced.

The Real Time does not have a memory of events, but rather records of the experiences on a higher scale of vibration. It is an unknown time.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who guides you towards a deep awakening,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

During this new year of Jubilee of the Mercy of God, may your souls participate fully in the indulgences that will be granted.

I would like, My children, to have your more awakened hearts motivate other children of Mine so that they can rethink their way of life in face of the need for service and for humanitarian help throughout the world.

I would like you, the apostles of My Son, called to serve by means of works of Mercy, to awaken the spirit of Divine Mercy of God through the groups of prayer, especially in those children of Mine who have completely separated from the Love of God from the moment in which they were absorbed by the material and superfluous life of this world.

I hope, My beloved children, that the path towards the Mercy of God may be undertaken by all pilgrims, especially by you who have already lived, day after day, the Mercy of God. Thus, you must stretch out your hands in persistent giving of self so that Mercy may completely fill those who have been lost.

For this reason, dear children, may this Jubilee of the Mercy of God be further disseminated to those hearts who do not know the Compassion of God and to those who have forever blamed themselves for mistakes made.

The Aspect of the Mercy of God in not very widely known; it is for this reason that through the Rosary of Divine Mercy, souls will access a precious fountain of atonement and of conversion, liberating themselves from constant error.

Dear children, as Your Mother of Mercy, I give you this important key that through the Jubilee will open a path toward the redemption of humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who, celebrating the Jubilee of Mercy with all My children, blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The School of Mary. The School of the Humble Hearts

The first step to find humility is to not lose faith, it opens paths for the souls to materialize their steps.

The school of humility that I offer you is one of constant emptiness, and to be empty there must not exist self-aspirations, only the path of renunciation. Renunciation is the principal key to find humility that in many hearts is hidden by the existence of other interests. Humility cannot be dominated nor conquered. The spirit of true humility is born from the banishment of one’s own self so that other Laws may act.

The Lord, in His original conception, is humble; if He had not been so, how could He have created all the worlds?

Humility is the shield against arrogance and pride, aspects that cloud over the purpose of the souls without allowing them to see the essence of the mission of each one. Those who search for humility must know that they will have to start divesting themselves of their own beliefs, appearances and aspirations.

Christ lived humility as a final test when in the Garden of Gethsemane He accepted to drink the bitter chalice of redemption. If Christ had not been humble, He could not have performed such a task of liberation!

Humility has at its base the emptiness of oneself and faith, which are the attributes that offer the best foundations for the souls to purify themselves. A humble being is always the last, even if the Universe puts them in first place. Therefore, the work of humility must be loved to be able to be known afterward. If there is no love to search for the spirit of humility, the task will remain undefined.

Heaven knows that humility is not a school that everyone looks for very much, as are power and arrogance, which have a great spiritual error as a result.

The service to the Kingdoms of Nature, due to their own expression, has a direct door to humility because the younger Kingdoms must be treated with much love in order for them to express to consciousness the beauty of their humility. Through those Kingdoms, the souls not only avoid fifty percent of their errors, but they can also take more secure steps to find, through humility, the school of service to others and to Creation.

The younger Kingdoms are the reflection of the creative humility that the human being does not have; they teach the humankind of the surface about the spirit of constant self-giving, which is also a faithful attribute to live in humility or at least to approach it. Therefore, My children, in these times, I invite you to rethink about where the aspiration to continue searching for humility has gone.

Humility can save many souls.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who invites you to enter the school of humility and of goodness,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Your consecrated essences, like roses in My garden, can express the honor of feeling loved by God in spite of the times of purification that you are going through.

For this, children, day by day I come to encourage you on the path of conversion, something that you must work every day by means of a sincere prayer and a true service for your fellow humans.

It is this way, children, that your steps will enlarge in order to reach the aim and thus you will not face the abysses of consciousness, because your heart will already be as donated as Mine to you.

Therefore, children, let us build in each interior a great fortress that will be supported by the love and by the unity of always seeking the perfect communion with the Creator.  As your Mother, I teach you to give a little more of yourselves every day so that your consciousnesses, out of love for all of humanity, may embrace the path of sacrifice and redemption that My Son offers to you, just as He once did for you.

Your prayers are heard when your consciousnesses embrace the path of sacrifice for others; in this way, a part of this world will not become lost nor will it succumb.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who teaches you how to donate yourselves from the heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
