Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

"You must know that, after your feet cross the desert, you will find the secure door to your redemption.

Remain in the inner joy of knowing that you will no longer carry your own traumas and that you will always be shown the horizon so that everything may be healed.

Contemplate, then, how wonderful it is to serve God and the Grace represented by being part of His Celestial Kingdom on Earth.

Therefore, allow your heart to be pierced by God's Love, by a Love that can make you surrender at the Feet of the Lord, so that you may recognize that, regardless of any circumstance or painful experience, there is something greater that blesses and purifies you, just like the rain water; that there is something that gives you the dignity of being a Son or a Daughter of God, just as the Most Holy Mother experienced within Herself when She entered the Temple."

Christ Jesus


Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

"Do not fear the dark night of the desert, My Eternal Light will guide you step by step.

Do not pay attention to the temptations and tests, rather surrender to Me, and you will thus become free from yourself forever.

Remember that the only victims are the innocent. Reconsider."

Christ Jesus


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To be in My Heart means to live great responsibilities, to assume great tests and to go through great challenges.

To live in My Heart represents an eternal commitment and not a fleeting one, a responsible and mature commitment that may lead you to live My Plan and its manifestation upon the surface of the Earth.

To be in My Heart represents something more than a feeling, something more than that which can affect emotions.

To be in My Heart means to live a spiritual, but also a material responsibility. It is to carry forward a purpose, a goal, a mission that the Father presents to you, time and again.

Therefore, to live in My Heart means many things. Something that you should discover, day by day, because to be in My Heart is to be before God. It is to hear Him, it is to know how to respond to Him and it is to know how to proceed according to what His Will presents.

To be in My Heart is a moment of constant definition. It is to learn how to overcome your own abysses. It is to learn how to dissolve the barriers of consciousness and of mind. It is to learn how to love, more each day.

Therefore, I give you My Heart as a testimony that it is possible to experience God and fulfill His ardent wish to see His children within His infinite Purpose, because to live in My Heart is also to assume a commitment with Me, within all of this Work of redemption and of peace, at this time, while everything is at stake with the advancement of things; human situations, the processes of the nations and the experiences of great conflicts, which humanity must learn to heal by itself, by means of the profession of its faith and of its trust in the Father.

To live in My Heart is to live sacrifice and then live greater sacrifices, which will lead you to experience great renunciations, moments of facing transcendence for each being in order to receive from Heaven the great treasures, the gifts of the Universe, the Wisdom and the Knowledge of God.

To live in My Heart is to die to oneself, it is to place another first so that others may also be placed first and thus, fraternity may be lived, a fundamental base of brotherhood, cooperation and of solidarity among souls.

To live in My Heart means that something greater must be fulfilled in this time, which goes beyond the limits of your consciousness, of your perception, of your interpretation and of your point of view.

To live in My Heart is to surrender to emptiness and to the void. It is to be confident in that which is unknown, that which is non-material, that which is not palpable, that which no one can control.

To live in My Heart is to surrender to the Power of God, to dissolve human power, which is small and fragile.

To live in My Heart is to learn in new schools and in new academies. It is to forge and awaken within each being its true mission, its purpose and the reason for being here, in this time.

To live in My Heart is also to renew, to rejoice, to again find, day by day, the meaning and the reason to serve God. It is to know that, beyond all or under any circumstance or difficulty, love must be first so that it can act and work within hearts, so that it can heal deep wounds of the consciousness and of the personality, so that the ego of each human being can learn to overcome itself, learn to surrender so that it can be transformed, so that it can be sublimated, so that it may be dissolved in the Light of God, which is the Light of Love and of Divine Consciousness.

To live in My Heart is to assume the end of times, it is to know where to be and what to do, it is to contribute, to collaborate, it is to serve, it is to give of self. It is to embrace the call with fervor and devotion and, in profound reverence, it is to fulfill it so that the Light of God can enter the world and the consciousness of humanity even more.

To live in My Heart is to cease to be what you are, what you believe, what you think.

To live in My Heart is to cross the threshold towards emptiness, it is to lose the sense of property and of human control, it is to submit, it is to let oneself be humiliated, it is to surrender for the existence and the experience of a Greater Love that moves the whole Universe and everything that was created.

To live in My Heart is to decide to imitate Me, to represent Me, to be My apostle, to not waver before difficulties, to assume with courage and bravery each one of the tests.         

To live in My Heart is to learn to overcome tests. It is to blindly trust that no one will lose the path because the one who is in My Heart will never lack light, will never lack peace nor discernment.

To live in My Heart is to learn to forgive oneself and to forgive others, it is to know that, in this moment, spiritual and physical healing is fundamental within humanity. 

To live in My Heart is to close the doors to evil, to adversity, to obscurity and to darkness; it is to assume to live change; it is to make an effort every day to attain a greater state and degree of love for those who do not love, for those who suffer, for those who are lost.

To live in My Heart is to assume the planet and its humanity together with Me. It is to do something for the nations of the world, for the peoples, for the cultures and for the religions.

To live in My Heart is to seek the essence of Christic Love in an untiring way, without stopping, without ceasing to walk and to row this boat that takes you to the port of My Heart.

To live in My Heart is to be in solidarity, it is to understand oneself, it is to go a little beyond the understanding of the mind and of the consciousness, it is to embrace the Universe just as the Universe embraces you. It is to truly participate in an inner communion with the Spirit of God in order to bring peace and redemption to the world.

To live in My Heart is to decide to die for Me under any circumstance, whether it be spiritually, mentally or physically.

To live in My Heart is to give testimony for Me. It is to say that I am returning and that in this time I announce Myself to the world by means of the Word of God for each one of your hearts and your lives so that you may be ready, available and attentive to this great event of the Return of Christ.

To live in My Heart, companions, is to eradicate indifference, omission and lack of brotherhood.

To live in My Heart is to dissolve lack of love, lack of hope and human disturbance.

To live in My Heart is to be able to attain Light and to give this Light to your brothers and sisters by means of the example, the conversion and the redemption of your lives.

To live in My Heart is to elevate your consciousnesses, it is to be able to embrace the cross that I give to each one of you and it is not to fear to carry it, in spite of what may happen or of what it may take.

To live in My Heart is to let yourself be driven by My Love to overcome the limits of consciousness and thus live as the whole Universe and its Hierarchies live.

To live in My Heart is to not give up, it is to say “yes” and try again, every day, until you can live it and represent Me.

It is simple to live in My Heart. For this reason, many still do not do so, because they are in their own hearts, and while you are in your hearts, in your own self, I will not be able to be within you. 

What I ask you is that you submit, that you trust and surrender. Because to live in My Heart will not make you suffer, but rather will make you expand your consciousness, your service and, above all, the expression of your love for the planet and for humanity.

In this Marathon of the Divine Mercy, may all be able to return to My Heart, and may those who are already in My Heart be able to lead those who are not, due to different circumstances or fears.

May you be able to feel in My Heart the Love of God, may you feel welcomed by His Temple and by His Wisdom. Because it is in this Love of My Heart that you will be able to live brotherly love, in the love of the souls that serve God, in the love that strengthens, that dispels darkness, that transmutes ignorance, indifference, human evil.

May living in My Heart be a triumph for each one of you so that this triumph may be in each one of your nations, which you represent at this time.

May living in My Heart be, for each one of you, the possibility of healing and  the redemption of humanity and of the Kingdoms of Nature.

My Heart is open, in Mercy and in Pity. Before the time of Divine Justice arrives, call the whole world to live within My Heart, because My Heart suffers for those who are still not in It.

My Heart is a portal to the Cosmos and to Divine Consciousness.

My Heart is the threshold that will lead you toward peace and toward the experience of the apostolate of these times, the apostolate of the end of times.

Live in My Heart so that the world can reconcile and humanity can reconsider.

In these days, may your prayers build the bridge for you to enter My Heart, and in My Sacred Heart know the reality of all that your Master and Lord feels, all that He lives and experiences from what He sees and observes in the world.

And once you have entered My Heart, be part of the fire of My Love so that I can illuminate the world and all consciousnesses that need it because, companions, if there is not love in this time, nothing will be possible.

The Love that comes from the Father, from the Son and from the Holy Spirit will save you, will redeem you and will reconcile you with the Heights, with the Universe. And you will find the Truth, you will find the way out and you will raise your heads to contemplate the horizon of My Return.

May your hearts unite with My Heart and may your prayers touch the Heart of the Father so that He may allow you to enter My Heart.

In this way, may we be in brotherhood and in fraternity, forever.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



Prayer of the Sacrificed Soul

If my life, Lord, is to serve you always,
without receiving anything in return,
may Your Will be done, Jesus,
because the greatest treasure I have is to be able to find You
in the unconditional service to my dear brothers and sisters.
Lord, do not allow me to become blinded by my own miseries.
Help me, Jesus, to step out of myself, every day,
so that I can discover and confirm
that in sacrifice and the constant giving of my life
lies the victorious path to surrender.
Jesus, You are the Sun of our lives.
Dazzle the world with the rays of Your Mercy
and, in this way, I will realize that everything You did for us
is greater and more immense than all the renunciations
that I must overcome and go through, day after day;
because in the depths of each learning, my Jesus,
there lies Your silent Will,
which only aspires to make of me
a kind, loving, helpful and good consciousness.
So I ask You, my Lord, that you not have me lose
the spiritual richness of each sacrifice and each test.
That I have the grace of being able to imitate you
in compassionate love and in Mercy,
because You are the Lord, without time, without rules nor conditions.
You, my Jesus, are everything for us,
and someday I aspire to do the same for others.
May the path of fraternity 
teach me to detach from myself
and, in the face of each new challenge, find
the humble power that comes from You to
break the chains of indifference and mediocrity.
Lord, I ask You and I beg You:
just live within me.
I thank you for keeping this prayer in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus

Prayer of the Surrendered Soul
In spite of what condition I am in,
I will follow You, Lord.
In spite of what I experience,
I will follow You, Lord,
because I will only find rest and new strength
when I am standing before Your compassionate Presence.
In spite of what I go through,
in spite of the very difficult and cold spiritual desert,
I will follow You, Lord,
because we absolutely owe it to You,
and there is nothing that prevents us from making our confirmation
to follow Your path of Redemption and Love. 
In spite of what I feel,
what I see or believe,
I will follow You, Lord,
because I need to learn to relinquish,
just as You surrendered
for each one of us.
do not allow the illusions and mirages
of this world to confuse me.
At each moment, may I find
the luminous and inextinguishable flame 
of Your wonderful Love so that,
availing myself of Your deepest and most mysterious Gifts,
I may represent You,
as Your apostle and ambassador of peace.
Lord, do not let
my own miseries
drag me towards the abysses.
Make me brave and cheerful
so that I may always find You
upon my imperfect path.
Sustain me, Lord, 
in the moments in which I do not understand
nor manage to transcend everything that surrounds me.
Help me, Jesus,
to be immeasurably merciful.
Take from my consciousness
any sign of mediocrity
 and lack of fraternity,
because at the end of this long walk,
in the search of Your Divine Presence,
I will be able to understand, Lord,
that life is a gift of God,
and that it is full of opportunities
so that we can sincerely love,
as You have always loved us.
In spite of the weariness, the misunderstandings
and the most intimate secrets
that You know, Lord,
I will follow You.
Because the great and only merit of my life
will be to serve You and suffer with You
that which You see within the world,
so that ignorance, indifference and futility
may be alleviated from Your Heart,
through the surrender that today I make of my life for You.
Do not abandon me, Jesus.
I need You and wait for You
with the ardor of my human heart.

I thank you for keeping this prayer in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Leave your soul surrendered in My Arms so that I may deposit in your essence what I have prepared for a long time.

I need you to give Me permission so that I may be able to work and polish, with My Hands, everything that, some day, must shine as gold.

You are the greatest treasure that I can bestow to the Universe and, mainly, to Creation.

Your life is like a raw crystal that must be worked on so that it shows its beauty and splendor.

Let me remove the streaks of the impurities. Allow me to be able to use the instruments that I have prepared to make of you what My Will has determined.

Do not retreat, advance without fear and with courage so that those who are behind you may also be able to advance.

Be conscious of My Words and remember My Acts so that you can finally perform My Sacred Will.

Take the risk to feel inner detachment of all power, all autonomy and all prestige.

A true servant of Mine is always willing to clean the sandals of his brothers so that they may neatly enter into the Divine House of the Father.

I invite you to decide to be part of Me.

I thank you for keeping My Words in the Heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Third Series of Poems
Tenth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

Beloved Jesus,
make me brave in each moment.

May the tests serve
to purify my consciousness.

May the challenges that You send me
help in the transcendence of my being.

May each transition of life
be the passage towards a new
state of consciousness.

Help me, Lord,
to be persevering,
humble and dedicated.

May I be able to feel within my heart
the Ray of Your Mercy
and the divine and supreme Grace
acting and working throughout my being
because thus Your divine Light will triumph
before the inner darkness
of these times.

Lord Jesus,
strengthen me day after day
in the union with You,
make me small and similar to You
so that I may perfectly imitate You
in each step.

Empty me in every moment, Lord.

Rejoice my Soul
while being in Your glorious Presence.

And I ask You, Lord,
to relieve the weight of my cross
so that, with Your merciful assistance,
I may surrender completely
at the Feet of the Celestial Father.



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses and renews you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


First Series of Poems
Tenth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

My Jesus, save me
from myself, from any action,
deed or thought
contrary to Yours.

Save me, Lord,
from my ideals
and from my own value judgements
so that I may represent You
according to Your Will.

Save me, Lord,
from all adversity,
interior and exterior.

Save me from all darkness
that may reign within me
and dissolve, with Your Power,
all that may be contrary
to Your Light and to Your Love.

Let me, Lord,
be able to recognize You
within my heart
as this love and this peace
that are unalterable,
perpetual and eternal,
rays that come from You
and that renew all things.

Allow me to render myself to You, Lord,
when I most need it,
and make me know the power
and the loving wisdom
of Your mysteries.

Keep me beside You
so that I may feel
the perfume of Your Love
and, above all,
the constant beat of Your Heart.

That in each sacrifice
my life may be renewed
and may be one more victory
for humanity and the planet.

That in each surrender
all may be offered in honor
to Your Divine and Eternal Heart.



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


First Series of Poems
Eighth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

Liberate me, Lord,
from the fear of any pain
that I may have to face.

May this liberation,
that only You will grant me through Your Grace,
help me to learn from suffering
and to not fear it.

Because I know, Lord,
that in everything there is a reason
and You, My Beloved, give us wisdom
to be able to understand it and accept it,
just as You silently and humbly accepted it
in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Grant me, Lord,
the opportunity of seeing
the holy redemption everywhere
and how the powerful Love of Your Heart
transforms all and cures all.

Stay with me, Lord,
in every moment,
at least until I learn
to recognize Your Will
and to fulfill it, step by step.

In the difficult and bitter moments
let me be close to You, just to contemplate You
in the luminous power of Your Holy Eucharist.

That by means of this offering, Lord,
I may find the strength and much courage,
every day, to overcome
my ideas, likes and satisfactions.

Make me surrender at Your Feet, Lord,
so that my pride,
vanity and arrogance may kiss them,
and all adversity or inner selfishness
may be dissolved by the balm of Your Light.

I trust in You, dear Jesus.
You, who know my weaknesses,
transform them all,
even though my sacrifice is just
a small grain of sand
in this vast Universe.



I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


First Series of Poems
First Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

Beloved and kind Heart of Jesus,
Lord of Mercy and Peace,
draw my heart towards Yours.

May I be one in You
to be one with my brothers and sisters.

Meek Heart of Jesus,
become part of me without conditions or forms.

Break down within me
the walls that separate me from the light of truth.
Heal my blindness that has led me to pride.
Cure my heart that has been led to constant suffering.

Most loving and pure Heart of Jesus,
may Your Flame of Love dissolve all doubts.

May the Flame of Love that springs
from the center of Your humble Heart
be the light that dissipates the darkness from my fragile heart.

O most loving Shepherd and Guide of hearts!
may the Rays that spring from the Wounds of Your Hands
illuminate the pathway that will lead me to redemption.

May I always be able to find refuge in Your Heart
and may I also find this refuge, with trust,
in my brothers and sisters,
because I only aspire and long for the good,
in me and in all beings.

Peaceful Heart of Jesus,
You, who gestate new things within human beings,
You, who renew and vivify everything that
You touch with Your holy Hands,
may the Ray of Your strict obedience
and of Your divine purity invade me.

Teach me, Jesus, to love as You love us and have loved us.

Help me, my Jesus, to be only an instrument in Your Hands
so that at least a small spark of my consciousness
may serve Your magnificent Work of Love and Forgiveness.

Teach me, my Jesus, to be just and to not be indifferent.
Teach me to imitate You and represent You,
just as You, humble Master,
have represented the Celestial Father on Earth.

Meek Heart of Jesus, appease me.
Sweet Heart of Jesus, tame me.
Eternal Heart of Jesus, console me
and give me the strength of Your Divine Spirit
in the hours of great tests,
because everything must return to You, Lord.
Everything belongs to You forever.


I thank you for keeping these words of a sweet Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Monthly Messages

First Message

That being with Me not be a commitment, but an essential need for these times.

I do not come to ask the impossible, but what in truth you can give Me, because I see it and feel it.

Just as My Mother from Heaven, today I step with My feet on the head of the serpent of the curse, the usurping and invading serpent, and thus I liberate the hells, the souls and, above all, the peoples.

Today My Work begins here, in this place of Portugal, because it too needs of My Mercy; despite all the events that have happened in other times and all the Graces that have descended on this country.

But now we are in a definitive moment, in which the participation of each one of My companions is essential.

This is the answer that I will receive from you, in order to continue carrying out My Work, this time, in this part of the world, in Europe, but also in other places where My Divine Mercy is needed to be able to continue forward.

Now the time has come for My companions to give everything for love, and this message is for everyone.

The time has come for You to match Me, to be so similar to Me, not only in spirit but also in the work.

While I am with you, I decompress humanity from evil and allow the souls to immerse themselves in My Infinite Ocean of Mercy.

All those who can enter it will be important, because the Source is closing as Divine Justice approaches.

All those who can be safe, will be important, because thus I will be able to give testimony before My Father, that the souls respond to My requests and My commands.

I am here not only for Portugal, but also for all of Europe that must awaken to the essence of My Divine Mercy; and to be able to awaken to the essence of My Mercy, it must understand it and above all live it, in these very crucial times, in which love and indifference struggle.

I need you to be part of this Source of Mercy while you are here, on this planet, forming a part of this humanity.

May each act or each feeling be a part of My Divine Mercy.

May each offer or donation of yours be part of My Divine Mercy, so that My Redemptive Cross can triumph once again.

The time is already here, and by means of this Pilgrimage, entering to the most culminating moment of humanity, in which there will no longer be what to choose, but only one path to follow, which is the path toward My Heart, which I tirelessly offer to the world, so that souls may serve themselves of My merits and of all the treasures that the Father Himself has granted to My Divine Consciousness.

But you know, companions, that as much as I am in Heaven, I Am the same as you, as a man, as soul and spirit; that My resurrected Body and My whole Consciousness rose to Heaven to be protected from these times and, especially, to prepare for the moment of the great return to humanity.

We are on that transition and on that path, we are waiting for that great moment, when everything will be unleashed, inside and outside of creatures.

Meanwhile, drink from the Source of My Mercy so you can purify and cleanse yourselves.

May your acts be full of love.

May your words be full of wisdom and not of low vibrations.

May your works be full of charity and Mercy.

May your gestures be gestures of light and elevation of your consciousness, and of the consciousness of all humanity; so that when I return I may find you transformed, without the need to purify you a little more nor of asking you to remain for a longer time on Earth and you cannot return with Me to Heaven.

What I say to you at this moment is not symbolic, it is a truth that My Heart emanates.

But when I return to the world, many, many souls will find it hard to recognize Me because I will return different from how I went to the Universe.

But My Voice will be recognized, My Glorified and living Heart will be seen, and all will be able to be witnesses of My five main Wounds of Light, which I will impart, as the light of more than hundreds of suns, to bless the Earth and convert it into redemption.

When all that is about to happen, hearts must already be clean, without arrogance, without pride, without conceit and, above all, without evil.

Because in order for the Kingdom of God to enter you, you must be worthy of the Kingdom of God.

And the Kingdom of God will be able to enter within you when your hearts are clean of themselves and full of the surrender that they will share with their Master and Lord, transmuting and releasing the pain of the world and the suffering that imprisons and makes the souls agonize. 

This is the cross that I offer to very few, because the reward, which will not be of this world, is very great, for those who carry it with Me, and with courage.

The moment has come for the cross of this humanity, which has been perverted and outraged, to be redeemed and to shine as a victory of Light and Love, of Unity and Brotherhood, so similar to the Cross on which I was nailed to on the top of Mount Calvary; in this redemption you will unite to the Essence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

But there is still much to be done, there is much to be done with so few.

However, you will not lack the Force of My Spirit; because whoever is in Me, My Spirit will make invincible and will give them the strength to be able do everything, according to My designs and My Will.

Thus I tell you today, companions, especially for those who hear this message, on this first day of Marathon, who have made the effort and gotten up early to receive Me in your hearts from the other side of the world, those that I will count on, because they will not be warm or cold hearts, they will be hearts in which I can trust infinitely and without exceptions, without justifications and without claims.

Again I tell you that it is time to give everything for those who do not give it; and when the time of My return comes, you will be blessed as those who are in the Heavens, you will be recognized for the cause of having suffered and endured for Me, like so many saints and so many servants of the last times.

May this Marathon of Divine Mercy be the marathon of sacrifice and of the institution of Divine Forgiveness among the peoples and the nations that conquered and harmed one another, transgressing the Laws of God and the attributes of evolution.

Through the Source and Ocean of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, may the deepest wounds of human suffering be closed, from the moment of My Ascension to the present.

I trust, I trust in what you will be able to give Me, because what you have given Me so far has granted this so important Grace of you being here, together with Me, to follow the paths of forgiveness and of redemption.

Listen, Father, to the voice of those who are always with You.

Listen to the voice of those who cry out for Your Will and for Your Grace.

May everything be renewed, Father, from the most intimate to the most superficial.

May everything be healed, Father, from the smallest to the greatest.

Because in everything You are found, Adonai.

Because in everything You vibrate, Emmanuel.

And Your Spirit is present, Abba, in all the dimensions.

May the most thirsty and the most lost souls find Your Light, by means of this offer to the Divine Mercy of My heart; and so I will be fulfilling, beloved Father, together with My brothers and sisters, the promise to return to make My Cross triumph in the world. Amen.

May the Light of the Holy Spirit bless you and may the Holy Spirit guide you through the Gift of His Wisdom and Discernment.

In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Even if you are not able to, walk barefoot towards Me so that I may receive you and mold your consciousness just as I had thought, even before you awakened to Me.

Therefore, in the effort of relinquishing all, you will have the impetus to renew your life, time and again, to make it more sacred and blessed each day that goes by.

Coming barefoot to Me is a great challenge, but not unattainable, it is the inner permission that you give Me so that I may turn your life into the model I once had thought.

Even if you have imperfections and still have defects, these are not impediments for Me to transform your life. The only thing I need is your most sincere love so that the Laws which come from My Consciousness may act freely in you.

Thus, cheer up, and release your being from everything, even if you sometimes cannot manage to do it.

It is worth the attempt and the effort of being able to live it and do it.

Let Me have you in My Hands as new clay, so that this Potter and Craftsman of Love may be able to make of you something unknown and never seen before.

Believe that I can do all, because the time will come for you to witness My Presence before the cruel world and thus, My Word will be fulfilled.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Jesus Christ


My Words of Light will fall, during these days, like drops of blood, and it will be similar to the moment of the painful Passion of your Lord.

When this happens, you must be prostrate before My Heart, because your Master will not only transmute human and planetary pain during the days of the Sacred Week, but also each word that I shall pronounce will be full of the Love and the merits achieved by the Redeemer.

May My Words of Light guide you, and at the same time, comfort you.

Do not miss even one Word of your Lord, because the precious Blood of the Lamb will be offered once more to the Father for the atonement of an ungrateful humankind.

I only ask you to follow me in consciousness, love, and in ardor from the heart.

I only ask  you to surrender to Me, so that I may surrender to the world in Mercy and Forgiveness.

At this time I come to you in a different way, as from other times, bringing, between My Lips, the Divine Word, impregnated with precious luminous codes from the Source. Thus, nothing, absolutely nothing, is wasted.

I know that many will wait with fervor for Me to talk to you in the depths of your heart so that you may know to which point your redemption and surrender are.

Submit in this next Sacred Week and receive My impulses of Love as the true signs, which will indicate the new step to you.

For this, be attentive, awake, and not physically asleep, because My Sacred Words of Light will be divine drops of Blood that will wash your bodies, will further purify  your minds, and will illuminate your spirits, as I expect, fulfilling the Will of My Father.

Rejoice in Me.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you.

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Consecrated child:

Renew yourself on this day and celebrate for being part of the Work of Mercy and Love of your Redeemer.

Renew yourself within confirming the internal vows that you have made before your Master and Lord and do not worry about anything because if I am part of your life and your existence, you have to believe forever that everything, absolutely everything, is under My sovereign Power and that nothing similar to your Lord will be able to interfere.

For this reason, with eyes full of joy and light, My child, celebrate this day of confirmation and re-consecration to My Paternal Heart. May this inner affirmation allow the new purpose to be built in you and may this purpose embrace more hearts.

On this day of renewal for each consecrated person, let there exist no fear, doubt or lack of faith.

May every consecrated soul know that it must always do its best so that the Sacred Heart of the Master may triumph in order for more uncertain doors in the world to be closed by means of the intimate communion of the spirit with the Savior of the world.

May this day be a reason for celebration and not of anguish, of hope and not of bitterness.

May each soul, who consecrated themselves to the Redeemer, look with an ardent aspiration towards the firmament and, at some point in sidereal space, find the return of Christ, first in its heart and second, in this sorrowful planet.

May each consecrated person offer their consecration and above all their human heart to be a repository of new virtues and Graces so that this Order of love and brotherhood, which I have previously founded, may receive the Grace of new vocations, of the awakening of new talents for these times, in which universal love and peace must reign.

Receive, from your Master, the paternal blessing so that each soul consecrated on this day may again say to My Heart: "My beloved Lord, here I am to serve you, to fulfill Your Will".

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


I come in this cycle to take off the sandals of My disciples, and as in the past, I will wash the feet of all of Mine, purifying them with My Fire, sublimating them with my Consciousness, removing from each one of them what no longer serves Me.

Therefore, when it is your turn for the foot-washing, get ready, because it will be the time of the great surrender and of the victorious defeat. That will be the moment in which you will be more purified and will enter into the current of My Fire, to be able to expunge what is already expired and old.

Thus, I will keep you prepared for My return, above all for the last part of the Work which must be fulfilled exactly as in the Holy Scripture of God.

If you are already feeling that within you the great inner resistance is being removed, and that it is doing the impossible to not be defeated, I tell you: do not be afraid, the end of human captivity is close and you will know freedom.

No matter how painful it may be to lose control over wanting everything or desiring everything, surrender at My Feet, because as a Good Shepherd, I will be tirelessly by your side, to pick you up from the ground of your bitterness and pain, as many times as is necessary.

The only thing I ask of you is that you trust Me, because in spite of the terrible storm or tempest that you may be going through in this time, know that My Sacred Spirit of Love is always there, waiting for you to call Me, waiting for you to invoke Me, so that I may have the inner permission to intercede.

Do not lower your arms, the Universe is in need of disciples divested of self and of everything. The Universe is in need of souls capable of living a Divine and Unfathomable Mercy beyond the self for those who are truly more miserable and are within this humanity.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

You Master of Love, Christ Jesus


When a heart breaks inside, it is a sign that the Law of Inner Liberation is being fulfilled.

Therefore, on this day, leave your heart open so that, like others, it is available for structures to fall and all forms to be broken.

Leave your heart available for all that it must experience, because thus you will allow the Universal Laws to flow in you, those which will order your life and adjust your consciousness.

May your heart find the necessary liberation from all that hinders the free walk of the disciple of Christ.

Let your heart conquer the emptiness of self so that it may soon be filled by the balm of the Mercy of My Heart.

Surrender, as if nothing else makes sense, and in this way you will find the exit door that will lead you on the path of hope and Greater Love.

Let everything within you find a meaning, a realization thought of by God, but which is not under your human power.

In this sense, allow the Work of Love to act within your being so that in the next cycle you may be what in truth the whole Universe expects you to be.

Follow My Steps of Light.

I Thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Monthly Messages

Second Message

The time has come for the great transition in which times will unite, where the old human will be left behind, so that the New Human can be born.

For this moment you must be prepared, because you have never lived it and have never felt it.

I am here as the Master and Lord to be this bridge, to take you first to My Heart and later to live what you have to live.

Because it is already written, everything is written, from the beginning to the end.

As I Am the Beginning, I Am also the End and everything will pass through Me, so that men understand it.

If the soul is united to My Heart, nothing will happen because it will have guidance, it will have understanding and wisdom to comprehend everything that will happen in this next time.

I come as the Lord of Silence to speak to the internal worlds, because it is there where everything resonates, because it is there where everything is heard, because it is there where everything germinates and flourishes for the Grace of God.

I come to call the men and women of the Earth to look inside themselves and not so much outwards, because outwardly everything will get worse, you know it better than I do, you can see it every day in the events of life, in the news, in all communications.

But I come to use all these media to redeem them, just as I come to redeem the men of the Earth for second time.

Everything you do in My Name will have an incalculable value for this time, but you must do it as I wish and not as you think.

To know how you must do it, you must first be in My Heart, in a true and transparent way. Second, you must assume a true commitment and not a tepid one. Third, you must fulfill My Will in a decisive way, affirming in your lives the realization of My Plan on this surface.

Thus you will be doing everything in My Name; because many do things in My Name but not in a true way, not as foreseen by My Will and the designs that My Father has given Me for each of your lives.

I need, in this way, strengthened servers; I need servers within My Fire to help concretize everything that is written and that has not happened yet.

For that reason, I come from the Universe to generate the great awakening; because there is still time, although most do not listen, there is still time.

As the Lord of Silence I come to reverberate the Words of God within the inner worlds where the new humanity will be built, from where the New Human and the new consciousness for this planet will emerge, which will be far from self-destruction and abandonment.

I come to build new bridges for souls, so that hearts can cross them and meet what is eternal, visible and true in the divine.

Therefore, I will count on the help of the angels and the Archangels to carry out this last spiritual impulse.

Therefore, as Lord of Silence, I also pilgrimage in search of the flocks that have been away from Me for a long time and that now have the Grace to return to My Heart in a conscious and true way.

To all those flocks that I will gather again, I will give My Banner of Peace to represent Me as ambassadors on this planet.

It is still necessary to continue generating peace on this planet, in the face of everything that happens every day.

It is still necessary that My Voice continue resonating in the hearts so that all may open to My Divine Will, which is supreme and invincible.

Today I come to talk to all the inner worlds of beings on Earth.

Today I come to talk to all, without exception, because it is there where My seeds of Light will be kept; some will germinate in the next times, and others in the next life, in the next world, in the future humanity.

Everything is part of a silent, patient and sensitive construction.

Nothing is for now, because humanity is not yet ready to live the total surrender that God needs.

But I come to encourage you to make the necessary efforts, to change the ways of daily life, to acquire evolutionary and healthy customs, to have prayer and Communion with Me as a foundation for spiritual life so that you are protected from everything, and above all from My adversary.

Because if you take those foundations as something sincere and essential, you will not perish, despite the obstacles and the tests you will know how to go on transcending the barriers, the abysses and all disturbance.

Do not miss the opportunity to strengthen yourselves in these times.

Do not miss the opportunity to mature in these times and to be true servers, just as God needs it.

In your inner worlds you will always find the answer. Do not look for other guides or teachers, because you will not find them. Humanity is sick and everyone is sick in some degree, in a spiritual or physical way.

Humanity enters fully into its time of purification that is something that is profoundly unknown, no other civilization, no other race in any other era has lived what you live in these times. Therefore, everything is new for you.

But if you maintain your trust in My Merciful Heart, if you meet the requirements that I have dictated for an evolutionary and true life, you will not perish, you will have inner strength to be able to live everything, no matter how hard it may seem.

It is necessary that the old garments be torn so that may be born the pure spirit, that spirit of truth that is within you and that has been trapped for centuries, due to lack of love, to lack of mercy, to lack of peace.

I come as the direct Messenger of God, so that in your inner worlds My Word may resonate, for, the time of definition has come and in a short time everything will be allowed for humanity to choose the next stage of its evolution.

Meanwhile, I gestate merciful and simple hearts through the Love of My Heart.

I do not come to ask the world for anything difficult and distant.

I come to ask humanity to surrender, once and for all, since its ways of life, its way of thinking and acting is deteriorating the Universe and the next stage.

I would like to tell you, in truth, the very opposite, but My commitment is to dictate to you the truth, as it is, however difficult it may seem.

There is still time to surrender, there is still time to repent and to release the human power so that the Light and the Plan may triumph.

There is still time for you to place at My Feet the swords and shields that only bind you to battle and that imprison you to pain; those are the symbols of your most difficult aspects that must still be surrendered to My Heart of Light.

I bring you the Source of My Mercy to allow you all the Graces, although many do not deserve them.

I suffered for you on the Cross, and at this time I also suffer for you, in another way, which is unknown to the world.

I come to point out with My Hand those whom I have chosen, to follow a single path, which is the path of Christianity and not of spiritual diversities.

I come to redo the primitive Church in these times. I come to reconstruct the Creed in all the men and women of the Earth, because it has been distorted by many of My followers, throughout the centuries and the times.

I can only remove some things. I just need you to pray with Me so that everything can be sustained in these critical times.

I will not offer joys to hearts, but sacrifices and great pressures.

Only those who are willing to be in Me all the time, I will not let go and I will guide their path step by step, so that they do not fall into the abysses of these times.

I will be like a torch of Light in front of their chest, I will be that incandescent flame before all the darkness of the Earth, and I will illuminate with My Fire and with My Mercy all the steps that will be given by My new apostles, the apostles of these times.

But I will not promise recognitions, vainglories or greater prizes.

My friends are very few, but My servers are many, and in them I have the foundation of My Infinite Mercy.

I do not want the world to go through a next cycle without knowing the truth. But I say this to all continents, all nations and all peoples, and I hope that My Message reaches all possible languages in order to be able to save many more souls who hope, one day, for My Return.

Although it may not seem so, I am returning.

My Hour has arrived, just as My Hour on the Cross arrived. But now I will come to liberate the world, and I will come to expel the demons that have incarnated on Earth to make it succumb.

The planet will finally be the New Eden and the souls will never suffer again, they will not know what pain is and neither guilt; on the contrary, they will know what is the joy and bliss of being in the Kingdom of God forever.

May God sanctify these elements so that the souls may be sanctified, someday, by the Sacred Spirit of God.

May God sanctify this space so that prayer may have a planetary effect at this time and beyond this country.

Because, in spite of the rise of nation against nation, nations will also be united, hearts will be united in the Purpose of Christ for the triumph of Redemption.

Beloved Celestial Father, sanctify everything You have created in the image and likeness of Your Consciousness.

Sanctify all that exists and all that is offered in Your Highest Altars so that in these times the Love of Your Heart may triumph, and the souls that are suffering the most may be redeemed. Amen.

Sanctify Lord, the first thing that You have created in this world, water, so that the souls learn to quench their inner thirst and are always nourished by Your Spirit.

May it be established here, Beloved Father, the Communion between Heaven and Earth, between souls and Your Heart, so that Your Sacred Will may triumph.

And now, I will leave here blessing Ecuador and the world, so that these days of prayer that we will share together, may be flowers in My Garden of Mercy.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


First Message

My Silence also speaks for God, and tonight I reveal My Five main Wounds to pour out My Blood upon the righteous, upon those who persevere and make My Name worthy while some of Mine put on their sandals to follow their own paths and set themselves apart from Me.

Today I offer My Agony for those who are still here, and by My side.

And if you have trusted in Me until now, I can only tell you, companions, that someday you will find Me and on that day, you will remember that everything I have said has not been in vain.

Do not suffer for those who defeat themselves.

Love for those who do not love, have charity for those who do not serve and
be merciful for those who outrage My Sacred Heart.

Everything that I have given to Mine, will someday return to the Father and nothing will be wasted.

Therefore, who does not know how to take care of My Treasures must ask Me for sincere and open help, so that I can intercede; while that does not happen, there will be no way to convert the impure into pure, there will be no way to transform what is resistant into flexible.

Everything is part of a Law, and if the world comes out of the Law to live its own will, it will suffer the Law, because the Law is for generating justice, equality and sovereignty.

No one can transgress the Laws of My Father as if nothing had happened.

I have the permission to forgive and to absolve, but I do not have the permission to allow injustices or rebelliousness.

Because, who has not been worthy of carrying My Treasures, where will he end up? Who will lead him? And how will he survive?

The divine energy that I pour out is never wasted nor is it used in vain.

Human beings believe they know everything and laugh, perhaps, at My Words and at My Requests, but remember, My companions, that everything that I tell you from time to time has already been thought by God.

That is why a large part of humanity does not accept to live My Will, because it knows that it must die to its own will someday and that will be the great moment to take the great step in love and in evolution.

Today I have not come to dedicate this message for those who have been unrighteous or rebellious.

Today I came here to be with you and with those who without understanding anything at all, live My Call and trust blindly.

If Judas once betrayed Me, couldn’t human beings by any chance betray Me for the second time?

History repeats itself again and it is painful to be able to see it.

No one can hide from this truth, I only ask you to learn how to die to yourselves, so that your inner enemies do not condemn you, as some have already been condemned before entering the eternal life, remaining without it.

But nothing will remain without being solved, companions, because, just as I Am a God of Mercy, I Am a God of Justice. And the Justice of God is full of the Love of the Father; but it cannot be judged nor can it be tempted by any creature of this planet.

Today I carry over My Head the Crown of Thorns to represent, on this day, the flagellation that I live for the ungrateful and for the proud of heart.

If My Love has not yet been able to reach them, teach to all of them, My children, that they may reach My Love, before it is too late for souls to repent.

Today I come as the God of Justice and of Sovereignty, without ceasing to pour out My Divine Mercy.

So that I can renew you, you must die to yourselves, and this is achieved with the obedience and the trust that many do not want to live today; that is why they suffer, that is why they become disturbed and do not find the way out.

But those to whom I have given everything, because I have chosen them, must report to the Celestial Father someday.

I repeat, companions, the celestial energy is not to be wasted, nor is it to be outraged.

I want you to repair My Heart for those who lie, for those who distance themselves from Me and reject Me, for those who are ignorant and are blind, for those who do not believe in the love of the heart nor in the regeneration of life, for those who turn their backs on Me, for those who make Me suffer and embarrass Me by wearing their sandals to abandon Me.

But today I tell you that I already knew all of this, from the Gethsemane Garden to the Cross.

Judas handed Me over so that I could love the world in its most mortal and human condition.

Today I revive My Celestial Church in those who are blessed, in those who honor My Name and My Gospel, living it every day, despite imperfections and doubts.

Today I would like that an unconditional love arose within your hearts, able to overcome all tests, all indifferences and all obstacles.

I do not want you to be better than the others, but more humble than those who are humble and do not know it.

God pours out His Grace for those who are the most miserable, this is why I choose the most imperfect ones to be able to serve Me and fulfill My Work, to the point that My Presence and My Heart forge the liberation of resistances and of everything that is archaic.

When that moment comes, companions, do not give up, and repeat as many times as necessary: “Jesus, I trust in You”.

And thus, an inexplicable door of liberation will open, and your hearts will be relieved and there will no longer exist fear because you will have trusted in the Name of the Lord.

I come here to celebrate this reencounter with Aurora and leave behind those who have profaned My Name and have dirtied It with their examples and their words.

I come here, to Aurora, to give honor to My Father, Emmanuel, so that He descends again with His Ray of Liberation and of Healing on all the souls that participate in the blessing of the Blue Cross.

I will especially come to bless it on the 5th, at night, when you have already prayed during all day to My Merciful Heart.

And I have called seven regent angels, so that they may deposit in the Holy Cross the seven powers of the Redemption for the souls:

First, repentance.

Second, introspection.

Third, forgiveness.

Fourth, inner healing.

Fifth, reconciliation.

Sixth, inner transformation.

Seventh, inner transfiguration.

These seven powers will descend upon the Blue Cross when it is contemplated as the Victory of Emmanuel on Earth and for the re-consecration of the Marian Centers to the Plan of the Creator.

Emmanuel will come to see the union and the congregation of His children during this day, and thus, He will grant an expiation to Uruguay and to the Southern Cone.

And those who prostrate themselves before the Cross will be forgiven because the Father, who is in Heaven, waits for the great love of His children, for the great trust of His creatures, for the reparation of all the sinners.

Rejoice your hearts, because a new cycle will begin under the universal banner of the Cross of Emmanuel.

Blessed will be those who believe in His Power because they will defeat the sieges, and the adversary will lose the millions of souls it has conquered, because the Holy Cross, once it is lit up, will call to the essences in Aurora and at the other Marian Centers where the Cross of Our Eternal Father is raised.

Unhappy will be those who are not here today for this great event, because if only they had trusted, their ties would have been liberated and their debts would have been forgiven.

The Trust of God is conquered with the love from the heart and not from the mind.

The mind is a means to carry forward the Plan of God, but not to direct it nor to concretize it.

If the love is not in your hearts you cannot live the Plan of God; do not try to, because you will fail, as some have failed.

Those who have put on their sandals and have moved away from Me are written on the last page of My Sacred Book; there will not remain stone over stone, this is no longer a theory.

May the souls repent before the time of great tribulation!

Woe to those who turn their backs on Me! because they will remember, vividly, all that they no longer have, because they have lost the state of Grace and have come out of the guidance of My Hand.

But, trust, because everything will be redirected and those who can no longer be here, will be in other dwelling places to learn how to love, from the beginning.

Those who have denied Me will know the Gift of the Fear of God and when this Gift descends, in a short time, everything will be consummated.

Celebrate for those who are alive of heart and pray for those who are dead of spirit.

Because the legacy I give to those whom I have called cannot be wasted nor altered.

Meanwhile, hold onto the Blue Cross of Emmanuel, because this way you will not only help Me carry with the world and humanity, but your hearts and lives will rise by the wings that It expresses in union to the Father.

May this Marathon be dedicated as a greater surrender for those who offended Me, for those who hurt Me, for those who dirty My Name.

And with all your prayers and supplications, I will be able to say to the Father, as I said on the Cross before expiring:

“Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing.
Forgive them, Father, because they do not live You nor feel You;
because they do not call You nor beg You, with humiliation and renunciation.
Forgive them, Father, and place them in Your Kingdom so that, someday, they may be Your worthy children.

While My Wounds hurt by the nails of the ungrateful, My Heart is relieved with the cry of the righteous.

And thus, everything is recreated, everything is transformed, and the souls participate of the communion with My Spirit.

May in this Marathon be revived the commitment of My soldiers with My Sacred Heart; may their heads, feet and hands, be washed and purified by the Water of Life, so that the unconditional donation of self, and the service to the fellow human beings and to the Kingdoms of this planet sprout in their hearts.

Father of Humility and of Love,
Lord of Mercy and of Justice,
I offer Your this Sacrament in the name of those who still follow Me and persist,
so that, by the means of Your Grace and Your Wisdom,
My armies, My soldiers and My companions fulfill the future of a new and fraternal humanity.

So be it. Amen.

Like all the times I meet with you so that you revive Me, feel Me and listen to the vibration and the power of My message, in this spirit of reparation and of consolation, I wish to listen to a song, so that My Wounds of the Feet, of the Hands and of My Side can close and I too, as an apprentice of the Work of the Creator, revive what the Father once showed Me at the Gethsemane Garden, when the future generations, when all My followers, would make My Project worthy on this planet.

“Christ is You”. (Song requested by our Lord).

This is My request for your inner Christs and for those who are not here today among us.

I bless you and prepare you for a Marathon of internalization and reconfirmation of vows; so that you may have the world know that there exists a Blue Cross that descends as a Project on Earth to save the most lost souls.

Blessed are those who cry because they will be comforted.

Blessed are those who persist because they will be strengthened.

Blessed are those who trust because they will have wisdom.

Blessed are those who love because they will know the Kingdom of God.


In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Monthly Messages

Surrender to Me, for this is already My last time.

Hours pass for this world and souls get lost. Blessed are you for receiving Me and for being worthy in the Lord, even though you do not deserve it. For if you do not surrender, how can I be in you and you in Me?

My Sacred Heart pours Its Blood over the horrors of the world, over all sins. Who will be worthy of collecting My Blood as My Mother and Mary Magdalene did? Who will be like John and will be at the Cross without any fear until the last hour?

What I have given you in your life is the best that I could give you; there is nothing better that I can give you. Each one has what is just and what they deserve before the Law of My Father. But why do you not surrender? What harm can I do to you if, even in the midst of tribulation, I come to you on this blessed night to shed the codes of My Blood and renew them in the Spirit of God?

There are many who claim to be with Me, but are not. I need true apostles, not apostles of clay that can be broken with a single blow. As I told My apostles in the past, you do not know My Justice. I do not come to punish you, I come to bring you the truth, that truth which can be in you if you are in Me and do not reject Me in your brothers and sisters.

If you do not live the tests, how will you learn? Without tests, do you think you will reach Heaven and Divinity? I am not talking about impossible things, companions, because today I come to dedicate this message to you, although the need of the world is greater than your own needs.

Today I show you My sorrow, which is the sorrow of the world, and I invite each one of you to know it, to accept it and to live it in prayer. But I know that some of you do not accept that sorrow because you are afraid to know it. I gave that sorrow to all the saints and simple-hearted people throughout the ages. The sorrow is greater than My Mercy, and that I cannot hide. Who will carry this heavy Cross and not only live on My Prodigies? Those who are called by the Shepherd must live all the things I give them from time to time.

But even My Sacred Heart expects of each one of you that, in this merciful offering of prayer, you will no longer be the same because there is no more time to lose. The world is gradually darkening, and fervor cannot be extinguished in hearts. How can you be depositaries of My Graces if at times your hearts close to Me and to your brothers and sisters?

I do not come to promise you a magnificent life in this world, but I do come to promise you eternal life in the next world. If you separate from each other, you separate from Me and My Hand cannot come near you because you move away. You move away from My Light, from My unfathomable Love, from My Peace, from My Hope.

Today, I do not want to leave you a message of sorrow, but a reality. All souls are in their Judgment and this has just begun. Your Judgment may be lighter if your love is greater. Love for what you do not yet feel, love for what you do not accept, love for what you reject, love for what you deny before all that you have received on My right and on My left.

Today I cannot open My Arms and extend My Hands to you because I do not see the love of the world. Very few flames are ignited to glorify Me, but there is still time, companions, to take one more step in trusting My Sacred Heart.

I wish to see you in fullness and not in bitterness. My Heart sheds Its Blood to renew you, to vivify you in the Spirit of My Father in Heaven who contemplates you day and night. If you do not accept what I give you, you will not be able to vivify My Eternal Father; for My Father is full of Gifts for all souls, but the souls do not allow the Gifts to be poured into their hearts.

I wish to speak to you about what the world truly needs, but first I must care for those whom I have chosen with My Hand throughout the ages and pointed out with My Light in this last cycle.

The apostles were separated to preach, but they never ceased to unite, just as I taught them in prayer, in the Adoration of God. You think you adore My Heart, but you do not know. It is a conquest for your spirits to adore My Heart when you have trust in Me for all that you live. Nothing is by chance. You live what you have sown and you are harvesting what you have planted. There is no mistake in all this. Heaven knows that souls make mistakes, but they must start again every day, in the absolute certainty that they will serve the Shepherd in spite of the consequences.

What more do you want from Me? This is all that I can give you, and it is already a maximal Grace that you can live in these difficult times. Raise your mistakes to the Father because they are the mistakes of the world, the indifference of hearts that suffer for not being able to recognize the Purpose that has passed before them many times in different ways and with different signs.

Welcome My pain for human indifference and transform it into love and compassion; welcome the indifference of your brothers and sisters, who suffer for unconsciously rejecting Me; welcome the pain of others and thus you will help Me fulfill the Plan. May this Marathon be to assume the pain of the world, which most people do not want to live. For if pain is not assumed, the world will suffer for not having listened to the Message.

Today My guardian angels adore your essences, which is true and sublime before the Eyes of God. They do not see your defects and imperfections; they see what you really are and do not get tired of doing so. It is something that you must learn in yourselves and in your brothers and sisters; thus you will free yourselves from the influences of My adversary who crushes minds, as the wheat is crushed into dust.

Be merciful even if you are not. Renew your vows before My Heart every day and do not be afraid to live your cross, because if I carried the Cross for you and for the world, why will you not partake of the Cross that I carry today for this humanity? Even if I am an ascended being, may My humility humble you, may My truth purify you, may My Heart cleanse you from all stain, from all adversity.

If you believe that I am the Light amidst darkness, why do you not follow Me in what I have placed on your paths?

My Face is drawn in the hearts that are true and in those that are honest in their transformation, despite the falls. I do not cease to help those who cry out for Me, but I cannot help those who take pride in their own virtues. Banish that which no longer serves to My Father, so I may enter within you as I entered within Father Pio leaving the visible sign of My Presence for fifty years. I have something special for each of you, but I have not yet been able to give it. The trust in God is found in sacrifice, the divesting of self in found in humility and humiliation and all barriers of matter are transcended.

I want you to be true to Me in this Marathon and not just in words. May your words say what you truly feel before My Merciful Heart, for while a great part of the world is suffering persecution and war and cannot receive Me, what will you do with all that I have given you with so much Love and Mercy? Be honest before the Heavens and renounce not with pride, but with humility, with peace, with effort and sacrifice. Truly renounce to what you believe is better or to what you could improve. My apostles went through this test until the end of their days.

Do not let your consciousness sleep when I am speaking. I am your King and your salvation.

I need you to grow in consciousness and not in vanity. My precious pearls cannot be lost in this world. Adore My Heart so that nothing bad happens, for the time of My Justice is approaching for all humanity.

Come out of yourselves and see those who are dying, whom television shows as if they were a victory. O My companions, you still do not know what God feels when a heart is indifferent to what has been given to it for Mercy.

I am leading you all to an inner evaluation, for when I return I shall not be able to see any stains on your garments, and if there are any stains I shall not be able to recognize you, for up to now I have taught you to wash your garments with the water of My Mercy and My Glory.

Try to love a little more, even if you cannot. My Heart offers itself for this and your brothers and sisters also offer themselves to be truly loved. Let us pray to God for those who cannot love My Father and Me. Let us pray with fervor and with Mercy, just as I taught you in the beginning.

Prayer: Our Father.

I would not like to see you with long faces in this Marathon, because the world needs joy, true joy to be able to transcend all evil and indifference that the souls commit daily before the Celestial Kingdom.

Today I can bless, out of compassion, these elements that you have placed before My altar, which is in Heaven and on Earth, so that your hearts may be washed by My Blood and your spirits may be purified by My Body, two visible signs of redemption and surrender to My Heart that always waits for you.

Two thousand years ago I left you a universal treasure, a perpetual badge for your hearts and souls. I left you the living treasure of the universe, the Teraphim of God manifested in body and blood for the whole of humanity. How many times have you now received communion with Me? Did you do it truly or only in a hurry? How many times did I offer Myself at the table of all souls so that they would live Me in the Passion and on the Cross?

Today My Sacred Heart sheds Its Blood for indifferent souls, for those who do not dare to confess with Me, before My divine Humility and before My Peace.

Today I prepare with this communion this whole part of the Earth that must be consecrated to My Divinity before I come back to the world for the second time. To reach My Divinity they must cleanse and purify themselves every day. That is why I ask you to surrender to Me so that your hearts may overcome all tests, in the name of God and His infinite Project.

Before the Guardian Angels of the universe, before the Archangels who glorify My Father perpetually, before the most Holy Spirit of God, before His beloved Son, before the Celestial Father who unifies all creation and vivifies the spirits that respond to Him with sincerity, and before the majesty of the Mother of the World, I absolve and forgive you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

When you commit an indifference, wash your feet, just as I washed the apostles so that they would recognize that God becomes so small before the proudest souls. Do not offend God anymore, the world has offended Him a great deal.

Live My celestial Treasures and you will attain eternal life. Amen.

The Glorified Christ Jesus


Surrender to Me and you will survive in this time.

I have washed you with My Water to purify you. I dried you with My Mantle to protect you.

I healed you. I healed your wounds with My Blood and all were witnesses of My wise Return to the heart.

Fill yourself with My Light. Be nurtured by My Spirit and withdraw from evil, which only wishes to harm you.

Do not open even one door to the enemy, but rather wait for Me with open arms when I come to visit you.

Be supported by My Trust; you already know that I will not deceive you. Allow My Divine Fire to burn your structures so that now the new redeemed being may be born.

What are you waiting for to surrender to My Light and be a particle of My Christic Energy?

Before you enter My Kingdom, you must empty yourself a whole lot more than you imagine. But have faith and hope, My Hands will never let go of you. I will accompany you until the end, when you truly give Me the space to do so.

I leave My Heart as an offering of life. I would like all to hear Me, as you once heard Me.

It is now time to prepare the dwelling place. It is already time to unify with rather than distance yourself from Me.

My Father has given you everything and I too will give this to you. Thus, trust in what happens within you. Do not feel alone or abandoned, because the shepherd never abandons Hisprecious sheep.

Come and remain in My Lap, in this way you will be worthy of being called a Child of God. While I wait for you to take the step toward My Heart and be a part of Me, I will not cease to tell you that you must return to Me.

I am here for you and nothing else, just as I am for each soul and essence that My Kind Father has conceived.

I Am the Guardian of your life and your destiny.

I Am the perfect Threshold to cross and walk with faith toward the unknown.

I want to make something of you that is unknown to you. I wish for you to let Me work and continue, for My plans for your existence are deeper and truer than you may imagine.

Confess to Me and do not miss the chance for renewal through My Presence in your heart.

Will you accept Me in the way that I Am?

Who will dare to erase their identity to be a part of Me?

Who will wait, in joy and in glory, for My Return?

Now, I come and visit you in Spirit, but I will come in Glory so that you may remember Who I Am.

I only wish to have instruments purified by My Mercy in My Hands. I only wait for your final 'yes'.

Now listen to what I will tell you directly to your heart: "Child, small prayerful soldier without a sword, rest in the Arms of your Commander so that, in the dawn that will come, you see the flame of Love emerge in your inner universe, the glorious flame of the resurrection of humanity."

Under the glory that permeates and consecrates you, be blessed.

Thank you for visiting My Sacred Heart, in prayer.

The Glorified Christ Jesus


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
