WEEKLY MESSAGE OF the Glorified CHRIST JESUS, TRANSMITTED IN THE Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

If you still do not dare to walk barefoot by yourself, follow the simple path that I am indicating to you; for I will wait for you by the ocean of Mercy, to remove your shoes from yourself and wash your feet through My Forgiveness. Do not turn your back on Me.

I am calling you to truly go on pilgrimage with Me through the apostolate and the word. It is not a parable that I bring you today; it is the true mission which My Heart reveals to you in this end time.

I know that you are already tired of yourself and also of so much suffering. There are greater sorrows that I have not yet made known to you. Therefore, surrender and listen humbly to what I tell you today.

Do not seek to understand all things, the true fruits are kept in the simplest of hearts. They lack nothing.

If you want to be My beloved disciple, be like John the apostle, surrender in trust to the power of faith and allow Me to remove all your secure structures.

What will you lose when you stand before Me? What will you gain if you remain resistant?

I Am the Greater Light that sprang from the Heart of God. I Am that Spring of Life that never ends.

Keep me in your heart and you will be another consciousness. 

It is no longer time to wait to mature, it is time to transfigure your little cells. 

I have the power to set you free. I have the cure for your shortcomings. Just make sure you are following the right path.

I call you one by one, so that, one by one, you may respond to Me.

Under the Grace of God, be My apostles.

Thank you for transfiguring your lives!

The Glorified Christ Jesus


What are you waiting for, My soul, to divest yourself of the world and live eternally in the comfort of My Heart?

Follow the invisible light that is before you, they are the Rays of My Heart that illuminate during the dark night of the world.

O celestial soul of God! who waits impatiently to resolve all things, in your hands lies the humble power of prayer, an infinite path to reach the Creator.  Remain in the Ocean of My Sublime Emptiness so that in all you may see that there exists a reason and an answer.

Sacred soul, what are you waiting for to give Me your eternal yes?  On My Path I offer you sacrifice as liberation, and surrender as redemption.  In My Kingdom there is only Peace, which many times you look for in external things.  My soul, surrender yourself in My Arms, let the Water that springs from My Body wet your body so that it may be transfigured into a body of light, a perfect instrument in the hands of the Creator.

You still believe that you have not been defeated but My Love is the unending spring that will conquer your being to give you to drink of a new water, a water that will satiate you entirely. 

My little soul, the Lord calls you to find in this time the path of humility and renunciation.  Let My Supreme Light flood your bodies so that they may be the living symbol of the new transfiguration.

Dear soul, the time of dispossession has come.  Accept the Supreme Love of Your Spouse because in this way you will find the inner answer that you so much look for.  Trust in My Presence, I want to make you know the greatness of My Celestial Kingdom.

My soul, clothe yourself with the vestment of purity so that the angels of Heaven may receive you free and surrendered to My Heart.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for surrendering yourself to My Heart!

Christ Jesus


At the end of the message we asked the Master why He was addressing His words to us in these days in such a special way and He answered:

Today I speak to you in this way because many of My own in a short time will marry the Faithful Husband forever.  This is a cycle dedicated to the precious souls, those who always seek the Faithful Comforter.  Therefore, I Am calling all who may want to listen to Me.

Your Master of Love


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Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
