Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hope is that which must not be lost in your hearts and in the world, because hope is a Sacred Light of God that fills Creation through His patient and mature Love.

Contemplate the coming time with hope, under the spirit of My Peace, which blesses you today so that God may bless humanity tonight.

For this reason once again I express, to each one of My children, the abundant and infinite Graces that spring at this moment from My Immaculate Heart and My Hands.

May this Grace, which comes from the Light of the Hope of God, renew you at this moment, so that your consciousnesses may confirm themselves to God, to the Plan and the Will that He has written for each one of His children.

Through the Graces that spring from My Heart, I come to heal the wounded and outraged surface of the planet.

Through this special day to your Heavenly Mother, I come to appease those who struggle, I come to appease those who battle and all those who promote the inner, spiritual and physical war; because it is important to My Beloved Son that, through this future of hope that must draw near you and the world, the world and humanity may be reborn in the Love of God.

See how great this Love is, an infinite and inexplicable Love, which allows the Mother of God to be here with Her children today and with all those who attentively listen to My Words.

In this coming 2025, My Beloved Son already has a path drawn and delineated. It is the last stage of His preparatory path, the spiritual foundations that He needs to finish laying, through the souls who confirm themselves, so that He may prepare His Return, which draws nearer to the Earth with each passing day.

For this reason, beloved children, be reborn in the hope of this Love that My Immaculate Heart brings to you today. Drink from this fountain of Grace and purification, of renewal and atonement that I bring you today.

Remember what I told you a few days ago. Your Heavenly Mother, the Lady of Figueira, has opened this fountain at the foot of the Sacred Tree so that, in this coming year and in the coming days, souls may receive a spiritual atonement, one of the last and great atonements of God.

For this reason, I encourage you to move forward, regardless of the experiences you have lived, regardless of the past that has been traveled up to this very present, regardless of any circumstance or reason, regardless of any situation or even any error.

Tonight, My beloveds, in this spirit of vigil, love and celebration, before the Most Blessed Eucharistic Body of My Son, which many of you will adore in vigil and reverence, I invite you to enter the portal of reconciliation and peace.

My Son sends Me to tell you, through the Voice of His Holy Mother, beloved Mother of all of you, that you cannot enter the coming year with inner or external conflicts. You must enter it with hearts free from apprehensions and disturbances.

See here, My children, on the inner planes, this Heart of a Mother that again gives of itself to all so that you may cross this portal of Grace and reconciliation tonight.

For this reason, in the Name of God, Our Creator Father, Lord of hope, of renewal and of life, on this night of solemnity of the Mother of God, reconcile among yourselves, love one another again in trust and faith; because there is no other reason for being here at this moment and in this Work, but to prepare this fertile ground of your hearts for the Return of Christ, because My Son cannot find His companions disoriented, confounded or restless.

In this 2025, He needs to find you steady in the commitment to God; in the absolute trust that each step you take is to live a learning experience, so that you may learn to mature in love, but also in forgiveness.

I want you to reverence this Grace that My Heart brings to you at this moment, because God needs your hearts to be open, and I see here hearts that are not open. However, through My Maternal and Divine Love, through My offering and also My sacrifice for each one of My children, through faith, which is a powerful and inextinguishable power, through the power of forgiveness and of Divine Grace, I can open your hearts, because for Me there is nothing impossible.

May the walkers of the cosmos arise. May they place their swords at the feet of the Governor and Lord. May they renounce their expectations and ideals. May they relieve their hearts in forgiveness and love. May they be reborn through the power of the Holy Spirit, which I bring to you today.

And in the emptiness that you are invited to live to attain inner divestment and surrender, in this night of great planetary suffering, when many still struggle among nations and peoples, may you, who have been so deeply replenished and filled with Graces, abundant and unknown Graces that you still cannot measure, be reborn in the Love of Christ, My Beloved Son, and thus enter this new year under the spirit and the impulse of the Hope of God.

For this reason, tonight, My beloveds, in the name of a divided, darkened and disturbed humanity, in the name of a fragmented universal family, purify your hands in My fountain of Grace, wash your faces through My Light and feel the freshness and renewal of My Maternal Love, the Love of the Mother and Lady of the apostles and disciples of Christ who, in this time, already know how to say ‘yes’ to the Will of God and His Designs.

In an unexpected way, God deters the pencil with which He writes in His Book, to wait for the response of His children, His creatures.

What is it that the Celestial Father will write in the coming time, in 2025?

What will be the coherent and consolidated responses that His children will give Him?

What will be the strengthening that His children will offer to Him, before all Graces received, so that He may write His Will through His children, regardless of the errors or the lessons?

By any chance, will the Celestial Father be able to see His Mirror of Unity reflected in you, so that you may recognize the communion with the Heavens, with the Primordial Source, with the Most High Lord?

Your lives are an open book to God, in which He can read what is most intimate and inner; remember that the essence of the children of God can never die or disappear, even from those who are lost in this world.

However, you, who have everything in Heaven and on Earth and, above all, in your hearts, give honor to the Creator God tonight, for His infinite Paternity, Love and Grace for His children. Because when you believe that you will not be able to do or will not be able to live anything that He asks of you, you will be able to do it through the Love of Christ, because He will give you the strength and conviction to do it.

However, do not forget, My beloveds, to cross the door of reconciliation through My Heart and to live this reconciliation with your brothers and sisters tonight.

The doors of hope are open before the inner worlds that decide to cross them tonight, because hope is what the world needs. Souls need to live hope so that they may no longer live in depression and agony.

Through this atonement that is granted tonight in the name of the merits of Christ, God grants the opportunity of renewal.

Remember that you are here to live together, with hope. This is the aspiration of My Son.

Let us celebrate now the Holy Communion with Our Lord, so that through this Blessed Sacrament granted by Christ, as many souls as possible may live a synthesis, at this moment, in the innermost depth of the heart, to enter the portal of hope, of faith and renewal, that My Heart grants to you tonight.

For a moment, I will withdraw to tend to humanity, but I will return at the moment of the transubstantiation of the bread and the wine.

I invite all those present and those who are listening to participate in this Spiritual Communion, in the name of and in honor of Mary, the Mother of God, and in the hope that is Christ.

Let us celebrate so that the angels may make themselves present at this moment, so that peace may be established and it may be possible to put an end to wars, to inner and external conflicts, and as many hearts as possible may enter the portal of hope, which the Grace of My Heart opens tonight.

I am waiting for you.

Let us celebrate. 

Upon concluding the Eucharistic Celebration, Friar Elías shared an important request of the Divine Mother.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Before we withdraw, we would like to announce to all, at the request of our Mother, that as from today, and until January 6, that is, until the end of the next Marathon of Divine Mercy, all those who come to Marian Centers and participate in them and, mainly, receive the Sacrament of Confession, Our Lady, at the request of Christ, has announced that She will give a plenary indulgence. This opportunity of indulgence will conclude at the next Marathon of Divine Mercy, on January 5 and 6, when we will have live Apparitions of Christ.

At the request of our Mother, all those who are here in São Paulo and Minas Gerais are invited to be present to accompany Christ in the impulse He will give for the next year.

And all those who participate through the broadcast are also invited to come to the Marian Centers and the Marian Sanctuaries in the world, to receive this plenary indulgence, which is a special moment of atonement and spiritual forgiveness that the Father will grant during these days.

Let us benefit from this moment and spiritual opportunity that the Hierarchy gives us.

Good night!


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After the Return of My Son, I will also come as a Sun to give the last blessing to the world, to finish opening the paths for all My children, paths that will lead them to the Heart of God.

This is why He sends His Messenger, He sends the Servant and Mother of God so that, by pronouncing Her Sweet Voice and delivering Her Maternal Message to the world, souls may find within themselves the path of redemption and reconciliation, which is that which humanity lacks at this moment.

For this reason, Our Divine Consciousnesses do not tire of approaching the world so that Our children on Earth may feel our closeness, may feel Our sacred drawing near, full of Love and Mercy, full of Light and Peace for all.

But My Eyes of a Mother cannot fail to contemplate the situation of humanity, which is serious, painful and difficult for all, and in which souls need a lot of spiritual guidance so that they do not lose sight of Divine Will and do not forget the Spiritual Purpose that God established in each one of His children.

This is why We have become tireless with each one of you, My children, so that you may find this definitive path that will lead you not only to the great awakening, but also to the obedient fulfillment of the Divine Will that welcomes you and receives you through the Source of Love and Unity in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

While My Son does not yet come to the world, He sends His Celestial Mother to Earth so that the Voice of the Mother of God may be heard once again, just as it was heard by some of My children in Lourdes, La Salette, Garabandal and Fatima. A Voice that was not able to echo in the end of these times because My Message has not yet resounded as it had been foreseen.

This is why I Am here today again. I Am here again, in this sacred place of the Peaks of Europe, so that you may understand and also perceive that in the silence of the mountains lies the Presence of the Hierarchy, just as it can also be found in the silence of your hearts, at the sacred moment of prayer and liturgy, as well as in the tireless service for others.

These are the attributes and principles that humanity urgently needs in these times, because humanity is losing the sense of perspective, and by losing the sense of perspective, it loses the sense of discernment. And this does not bring light to its paths, does not bring wisdom to decisions, does not bring a firm decision during the next steps that must be taken.

For this reason I Am here, sent by My Son, so that you may make the voice of My Message of Garabandal resound. Because all that happened there was not in vain, all that happened there was not understood because it was not accepted, because there was no openness to the Higher Laws that were active in those events of Garabandal in an impactful and determining way.

But My Message of Garabandal did resound in the simple and humble hearts, because that is where God is, in the simple and humble hearts, in the seemingly unknown spaces of the planet, where innocence and purity can be found.

This allows God to express Himself with His Power and Will, overcoming the laws of Physics and matter through supernatural events.

But the Spiritual Hierarchy does not concentrate itself on phenomena nor on extraordinary movements. Humanity needs them to awaken and understand the Message of the Hierarchy.

This is why I Am here once again so that My Message may resound within you, My children, and may thus open the doors to the Mercy and Grace of God that the world needs.

Meanwhile, My children, I will be very close, accompanying you, because a Good Mother wants you to take safe steps toward peace, because when you are at peace, you will be in fraternal brotherhood.

Dear children, today I take time in this space so that you may feel and, above all, listen to each one of My Words and, beyond listening to them, you may feel My Spiritual, Divine and Cosmic Vibration that brings you the Attributes and Principles of the Source at each moment of Apparition, with the goal being your healing and spiritual regeneration.

Here, on the top of these mountains, I Am gathered with all the angels of Garabandal, bringing My Message of Peace, bringing My Word, but also My Cry to the world so that it may stop the war and destruction, because humanity of the surface keeps opening uncertain doors to evil and it not only compromises its spiritual life, but it also compromises life on the whole planet.

We must still continue to pray with fervor and determination so that the few doors that are still open to the Heavens may remain open, for the fulfillment of the sacred intervention and help that all groups of souls of this planet need, so that they may find the definitive path to the Lord.

I Am at the foot of the Cross of the Calvary of the planet, and I wait for each one of you, My children, so that you may accompany Me at this moment, bearing in your hearts My Message of Mother so that, before all happens, the Grace may exist of reversing certain situations that seem irreversible.

But I entrust you to the power of prayer, to untiring service, to Eternal Love, which transforms and consecrates the lives of the consciousnesses that walk in Christ.

I retreat, on this day, in the prayer of My children, so that you may continue to accompany My Steps of Slave and Servant of the Lord, for this planet, for My children of all of humanity.

In the conception of the next Nativity of the Lord, may the Spirit of Peace and the Good fill the inner nucleus and hearts with the Sovereign Truth of the Universe, which someday will place you before reality, so that you may be redeemed and reconcile with the Eternal Father.

I will pray for this, because I know it is very important and urgent.

Once again, I thank all those who have accompanied Me in this pilgrimage and, especially, I thank all those who live My Message.

I bless you in the name of the Lord, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, anointing you through the Spirit of the Lord, through His Love-Wisdom.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Apparition of the Virgin Mary in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From a place in the Universe I have come to bring you the science of My Peace and so that through it you may be united with Me, by means of the communication with the Mirrors.

Today I bring a message from Cygnus, a place so far from the Earth, but also very close to it, in omnipresence and in unconditionality.

Receive from Cygnus its legacy, its science and its energy.

Embrace its principles in your hearts and watch for the Greater knowledge, because the Earth needs it to be able to persist and continue onward.

So through My Heart, I bring you what is real, eternal and permanent.

To you I reveal a place of contemplation and healing, a sacred enclosure for the Greater Universe, in which many schools have been lived and many experiences have been carried out for the evolution and the awakening of the consciousness.

Today, with My arms stretched out in the form of a cross, I bring you the Love from Cygnus, so that you may remember the origin of an important principle within this Creation and within the life of the material Universe.

From this place receive its attributes and embrace its call in your spirits.

Through its Mirrors, may its principles be reflected and may souls be able to receive its impulses, to be able to vivify the Plan, again and again.

From that place I come with joy and to that place I will return, taking from within you the response to this call of the Greater Universe.

In the stars of Cygnus, healing and the opportunity of redemption are established for all those who have forgotten the opportunity of reconciliation.

Enter into this Universe with gratitude and elevate your consciousnesses to the stars, so that from Cygnus this flame of love may spring that you need in these critical times; a flame that will nourish you and spiritually sustain each one of My children.

In this place find its message of peace, and remember that it is always latent and never changes.

Today its Mirrors emanate what humanity needs, and through its celestial spheres, impulses are sent to the Earth so that, during a time of purification, souls may find the path for their inner support.

From Cygnus will come the encouragement for humanity, the hope that everything will be renewed, the impulse that will rebuild everything so that the experience of forgiveness and of love may be established.

From this constellation comes a powerful energy and its Masters unite in a single purpose to aid the Earth and humanity.

From the Heart of Cygnus emanates the flame of Love, which the whole of humanity needs in order to survive and thus learn to reconcile with one another, so that indifference and ignorance may be dispelled, so that evil and confusion may be dissipated.

From Cygnus will come the inner strength that humanity will need to experience its time of purification and transcendence.

Today I gather all of its Mirrors in My Heart.

And today, My Universal Consciousness mirrors its Energy and the register of love of this Constellation, so that the Suns on Earth may learn to nourish themselves from the Source and from its great lakes of light, in which the synthesis of many experiences is kept in the Universe, a legacy that will repopulate future humanity with new principles and attributes.

Aspire to find this path of return to Cygnus and thus, you will be returning to your origins, where everything once began and emerged, just as God had thought and meditated upon, just as the archangels had established for this Material Universe.

Through Me, reignite your inner Sun and overcome the limits of matter, the obstacles of consciousness, the difficulties of the spirit, because in essence, you all have an origin, which is the origin that Cygnus holds, and there you will find again the meaning of your existence, the reason and the cause of having come to the Earth to experience such a necessary school for your beings, something that will never be forgotten and that will be held in your cosmic memory.

This union with the Love of Cygnus will help you in the elevation of consciousness, and thus you will help to elevate humanity, which is very distracted and lost; a humanity that each day distances itself more from the truth and from the meaning of its purpose.

But if, at least in a very few, a union is established with Infinity, and today especially with the Constellation of Cygnus, something inexplicable will take place for the coming times, and the People of Israel will continue to walk in the desert in search of the Promised Land, which in a short while will be a reality to the eyes of the New Humanity.

The Universe is waiting for the response from humanity and its doors are open between the Universes to lead the spirit of the consciousnesses towards the spheres of the Brotherhood, in which Love and Unity are lived, following one same purpose and one single aim.

Today Cygnus approaches, for those who have been consistent with the Plan, for those who persist and remain on the path of faith and of trust in the Hierarchy, knowing that everything they experience today will have its results in the near future, on the New Earth.

Thus, contemplate within yourselves this inner Universe, which unites with the Higher Universe, and receive from Cygnus the sacred Flame of Love that will always illumine your lives when you invoke it and feel it within yourselves, just like you feel Christ in each moment of surrender and of prayer.

Today Cygnus emits its message of reconciliation to the world.

Today its Mirrors illumine universal spaces so that this local Universe may receive the assistance it needs in these times, and especially so that humanity may be conscious that it is not alone, and that it is now time to know reality and the truth.

In My Heart, I bring what is most sacred that exists in Cygnus, so that you may remember your origin and your commitment to the Creator, and thus the Plan may be reconfirmed on Earth, and thus the Plan may be reconfirmed in all those who say “yes” to an unknown Will.

Through the Great Constellation of Cygnus, may the inner Suns be reignited and may they watch for the Flame of the Divine Purpose, so that more and more help may come to humanity and to the planet.

I thank you for responding to this call for an awareness of the Plan and of its manifestation on Earth.

May the Flame of the inner universe vibrate in your hearts and may it be unified with the current of Love from Cygnus, so that its Mirrors may continue to emit its principles and attributes, so necessary for these times in humanity.

May Love be fulfilled in the hearts that truly accept to live it, in perfect union with the Source of Creation.

I thank you now and always.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

For the second time, with all My angels, I arrive in Nicaragua to be able to free it from its pain and its agony; so that, through My children, My Immaculate Heart may triumph in the Americas and in the world.

With joy in My maternal Heart, I gather you together again, dear children, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, bringing Graces to this place and to the hearts that most need them.

I tell you, dear children, that the end of your captivity is near.

The spiritual war will end, for My feet tread on the head of the evil serpent and bring the Light of the entire Celestial Universe, the Light of My Immaculate Heart, which comes to penetrate the sorrowful land to close the wounds in hearts and souls.

Dear children, with immense joy, I receive your prayers, and even more, your hearts, that must be perpetuated in My Heart so that in this way, the Greater Law of Peace may be established and the punishment be alleviated.

Hearts will not suffer if you pray with Me every day, to establish the Sacred Laws of God upon this planet and in the consciousness of humanity, which many souls have forgotten through the influences of the material life.

Dear children of Nicaragua and of Central America, after having been with you in Costa Rica, today I return to this blessed nation, for I know that this nation cherishes Me greatly through the Lady of Cuapa.

I come again as His faithful Messenger, to announce the redemption and the victorious Gospel of My Son, which in this end time must be practiced by your lives and hearts so that the example of Christianity and the good may not disappear from this nation nor Central America.

I want your lives, dear children, to be the example of Christ on Earth, propagating charity and brotherhood among hearts, establishing peace in families and in all your loved ones.

Today I come with the Light of My Immaculate Heart to pierce your hearts in the name of the Holy Spirit, of the Most Holy Trinity, of all Its Celestial Gifts, which will be necessary for your lives, to be able to cross this threshold, this transition of the Earth, with the hope of finding the Promised Earth and the birth of the New Humanity.

Today I am also here, dear children, for those who respond to My call on the planet, for all the prayerful souls that, at this crucial hour, unite with Me in this sacred Mission for Peace.

After this evening, dear children, tomorrow I want you to go out to disseminate My Campaign for Peace. Call the hearts that suffer and do not know Me; you have the inner power to be able to do it.

I want your mouths and your lips to pronounce that the Lady of Heaven, the Immaculate Conception, the Patroness of Nicaragua, the Lady of Cuapa returns to this nation in the face of the Queen of Peace to establish in hearts the hope that have been lost through human suffering, through indignation, through guerrilla warfare, through  spiritual and moral decadence.

Opening My arms to you, dear children, I embrace your beloved nation of Nicaragua and all its representatives so you may govern under the spirit of the Will of God, and over this nation establish the sacred star of fellowship, unity and brotherhood.

Dear children, what I seek from your hearts is that you not only pray with Me for the triumph of My Immaculate Heart, but that you also work with Me for all the nations of Central America that are losing hope and faith on seeing so much hunger and so much pain in innocent souls, marginalized and indigent who lose faith in God.

My wish is that after today, dear children, your hearts be like that flame that you hold in your hands; that you proclaim your faith in Christ your Lord not only in daily Communion with His Sacred Heart, with His Divine Body and His precious Blood, but also, dear children, through yourselves, being witnesses to the Word of life, to the saving Word, which strengthens fallen spirits and elevates souls who are in the abysses.

Today I am with all My angels, sounding the trumpets over Nicaragua, so they may be heard beyond this nation and hearts feel the echo of the Spirit of God calling His children and all His creatures to reconciliation and peace among peoples, among nations and among hearts, among families, in all of humanity.

Fulfilling this important request of Mine, dear children, will alleviate the Heart of the Celestial Father, which is injured. Your sins will be released and forgiven. On this same night, I bring you this absolution in the name of My beloved Son Jesus.

I want your hearts to beat as My Heart beats. I want you to feel what I feel for you, the essence of Love and Unity with God that will never separate you from Him, that will always bring you peace for these end times.

I want you to raise, dear children, the flame of that candle, proclaiming over Nicaragua once again the consecration to My Immaculate and blessed Heart , for the rescue of the lost souls, of the essences in need, of all spirits submerged in the abysses of the Earth.

Opening the door of the Greater Heaven, through My Immaculate Heart, I offer them to God, so that the thousand years of peace may be established upon the planet.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

For I will come to consecrate you, to not only consecrate your spirits, but also your families.

I will come to consecrate this nation, to make the ground you walk on sacred, for My feet also touched it and will touch it as long as you call Me with the devotion of your spirit.

Thus, I come to ignite your hearts with an inextinguishable flame, for the fire of the Spirit of God will fire your souls, your hearts, and will allow you, My children, to warm others at the moment when this world is cold and in darkness.

I want to make, of each of you, a torch that illuminates the life of others; that those who are blind find the path through your lives, that they are able to come to Me and to the Heart of God through each of you.

Thus, I will come to consecrate you as Children of Mary, as children of God, so that you may have a likeness to the example of My Son, so you may be My children, as He was. That you are able to offer each instant of your lives in reparation to the Heart of God.

I know that for many there is suffering, pain and anguish for not finding peace in your daily life, for the things of this world absorb you, and many times separate you from God.

On this evening, I come, My children, so you may understand that each sacrifice God offers you is for placing on His Celestial Altar as a reparation for this world, for humanity does not seek the Creator, does not turn their eyes toward Heaven to thank God for the life He granted them.

Today, children, I come to teach you the spirit of gratitude so that through it, you transmute and transform the suffering of this world, just as My Son transformed it upon the Cross.

Today I bring you the cross of love, sacrifice and surrender, but know, My children, that you will discover a different joy, the joy of being in God and of being able to assist Him to rescue souls and the Kingdoms of Nature.

You will find the joy of taking each step in your lives in the name of Christ Our Lord; renewing His sacrifice and His Cross with the cross of these times so that, in the end of everything, your lives generate the merits for Divine Mercy, which will once again triumph in the world, will rescue souls that are still in the abysses, will avert evil and darkness from this planet, and will finally make it sacred, just as God thought in the beginning.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, remember that Central America and South America are the new Eden of the planet. They take care of the Kingdoms of Nature. Make them become sacred in the eyes of the ignorant human beings, so they may wake up to the reverence and devotion which God gave them through the Lower Kingdoms.

Valuing these principles of Creation, the world  should have no need to suffer nor should it have a lack of peace. 

Listen to the invocation of My Immaculate Heart and carry out the works that I ask of you so that My Spirit not only triumph in the world, but so that your lives are also redeemed in Christ, your Lord, the Master of Love.

Today I say goodbye to this place, dear children, promising to accompany you tomorrow in the Campaign for Peace.

Tomorrow I will come to consecrate you, just as God indicates.

During this evening, in which the vigil echoes on the planet because of the union of all hearts with My Heart, a truce is established so that the most innocent and most suffering souls are able to have the Grace of inner healing, of salvation and of the liberation of Central America. I am also united with all My children of the Caribbean. My promise will be to someday visit them.

Pray for Haiti, so the Mercy of God may be established in that country.

By the Holy Spirit that has assembled us today, dear children, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Let joy not disappear from your Nicaraguan hearts.

Let us thank God for this Grace and this opportunity.

I love you.

I bid you farewell.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of our Lady, we will listen to "Ave Maria" by Gomez, sustaining this inner flame that today Mary consecrated for all.


Like a flower of peace, I descend to the world to bring peace and unity among peoples and nations.

The Heart of God is wounded on seeing some nations divided, in which My adversary works, bringing worry and horror to hearts. But do not forget that I am the Queen of Peace, the Mother of all that is possible and impossible.

I am the advocate of this world and for all, I bring the reconciliation that you will still have to experience in these times.

My Heart is pleased on seeing your praying hearts, for it finds in them a refuge, a breath of peace to continue onward, carrying out My Work in the world in the hearts that most need it.

Today I am the Queen of Peace before your hearts, but I am also your Mother of Guadalupe. And I come to request, on this day, that this same Altar, blessed today by My Grace, remain present for the next meetings that will take place here with My Immaculate Heart.

For in this way, dear children, through the testimony that I have given you by means of the Virgin of Guadalupe, all the codes that are kept in My Face will be reactivated again in this time, so that your hearts and the hearts of the world may receive the codes of My celestial Light, which will gradually form the new race.

Today I come with this special request, because in your inner worlds, the hands that prepared this Altar, the hearts that gave of themselves to make it beautiful, have understood My primary petition, which is to reach those places, those peoples in which I am still not present in spirit or in divinity.

It will be through your arms and your hands, dear children, through the prayer of the heart, such as you have practiced today, that I will be able to reach those who most suffer and are in need in this time.

Here you are in a celestial paradise, because the sacred light of the Hierarchies interpenetrates each one of these spaces. So, dear children, you lack nothing. But have you asked yourselves at some point in your prayer: how many lack peace?, how many lack spiritual life?, how many lack healing, and mainly, food for their body?

The world is still divided; it does not want to hear the Voice of the Messengers of God.

The Americas must be consecrated as this new Eden and it will be through your works of peace and of charity that this will be able to happen, the charity of being able to collaborate with what is important for God and of contributing to this Plan of Redemption for the planet.

Through My Heart I come to open your pockets, because I know that you can give Me everything in this end time.

My great miracle of love is that I am present among you, instructing you, while My Son and My Father allow it.

For this reason, dear children, I come to open the flows of the love of your hearts, because in truth, it is the heart that gives of itself to God rather than the coin.

It is from your hearts that will be set forth the impulse to experience fraternal charity for your neighbor, and especially for those nations in the world that need to strengthen their peace, live in My Grace and in the Mercy of the Father.

Today My Son especially sends Me to give you this message, to deliver this request to you. Because it is important, dear children, that the Plans of My Peace be fulfilled in the world.

Thus, I have also come today to ask you, dear children, to reactivate the Campaign for Peace, that in your hearts and in all places this campaign for Central America and Mexico be expressed.

Spread My request to reach these nations and you will understand what I will do after some time, because there I will leave a Grace, the same Grace that you have received many times.

I invite you, dear children, to live in fraternity. I also invite you, dear children, to preserve these sacred lands with the gift of manifestation that they have, which the Eternal Father Himself has given you through Divine Providence.

So I invite you to be guardians of this Marian Center and each part of this Community, that they do not be in the hands of others, but rather in the Hands of God.

Again I tell you, dear children, that today I come to ask you and to invite you to live the giving of self, just as the Sacred Family lived in the beginning, giving everything they had, in each step of the Evangelization of My Son. Even when we took refuge in Egypt, without anything to carry, God Himself did not forsake us.

Whoever surrenders the things they have in hand will enter Heaven first, because in Heaven, they will not keep their material life. Material life is part of the evolution and the learning of consciousnesses. The life of the spirit is your sacred goal until the end of times, until you can achieve it, dear children.

Today I open My Heart and I expand it before you. And this invitation that today I extend to all is not only for those present here, but also in the world.

Thus, through the fulfilling of the Plans of God, you will be helping in the correction of the material and planetary imbalance, that the poorest receive what they need, and that the world come into balance through the Presence of My Immaculate Heart, of the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

We invite you, dear children, in this time to cross the threshold to detachment, so that you may experience the transcendence of self and the perfect union with the Laws of God.

We invite you, dear children, to seek inner balance so that planetary life may also come into balance.

Today, in your hearts, I find a willingness: of aspiring to comply with My call, of aspiring to comply with My requests in this new cycle for Central America and Mexico.

Today, dear children, I see you more open than at other times, to embrace other sister nations, so that you can definitely become constituted as the new race of humanity, and through your giving of self and your service, you can attract to yourselves the new principles that will reform the planet, that will transfigure the consciousness of humanity, and will sublimate the hearts that have still not achieved Light and Love.

Much love was poured out upon you, dear children, so that the manifestation of this sacred center could be present, love is in everything.

I invite you to penetrate the Mystery of the Love of God. In the Love of God, there is nothing for oneself, there is no property or control. For this reason, dear children, I invite you to seek freedom through the giving of self, to seek the freedom of your souls and of your consciousnesses, of knowing how to understand, above all things, that there is an infinite purpose that must be accomplished in this end time.

Remember that My last goal is to reach Australia to rescue My children of the native peoples, just as I have spiritually rescued many children through the pilgrimages.

Redouble your efforts and you will be able to see the Purpose of God manifest as healing in your lives and as redemption for your hearts.

It is in Divine Providence where you should live, so that the doors may be open to all those who come to find food for the body and the spirit.

Remember that through these years I am preparing you to live in the Islands of Salvation in this Plan of Rescue that begins to be postulated, that begins to show to all the consciousnesses of the world.

Lastly, I ask you to pray for Venezuela, so that its people and its nation may find the peace and the help of all nations, which it needs today.

Listen with the heart to what I am telling you. Your Heavenly Mother also suffers because of what She sees in Venezuela.

I invite you to transcend the indifference and open your hearts even more to those who will seek refuge from this exile that they are experiencing today, just like is happening in the Middle East.

I invite you to live in confraternity, in union with the Father and with all your spirits, so that the time of Redemption may thus be fulfilled.

This is all that I came to tell you today. I withdraw in peace, seeing your hearts receptive on receiving My sacred celestial call in your spirits.

I bless you with My Grace and I give you the impulse to continue onward so that you never forget My Greater Purpose, which is the triumph of My Heart in all of the Americas.

I thank you!

Special Apparitions

And even when the world does not listen to God, His Heart is visible in humble hearts.

The power of His Simplicity is great; this is why there are many who do not know Him. But those hearts that are simple will always know Him, despite having nothing in their physical life.

Contact with God is created through love, through a perfect union with Him, in the incessant search for His Universe, to concretize His Will on Earth.

Today I come as the Mother of Uruguay because I still have hope.

I will not delay working for My children to wake up, just as all creatures of this world, dear children, should wake up before purification increases in each of your lives.

But God does not impart punishment on anybody; He only wants you to love Him and constantly seek Him.

The Love of God is what builds all things and is what allows divine ideas on all the planes to be manifested.

If you do not have the Love of God, the Love of the One, in your hearts, how will you know it?

The Father is not far from anyone; it is just that He is very much forgotten and the souls substitute their awakening with modernities, with the vain search for spirituality, with the search for the energy that belongs only to the Creator.

This is why, dear children, I taught you to pray. With something so simple and profound, I have seen that your lives have transformed with much effort.

But there is still much to do. I will need to fulfill My Works, the Works that I have promised to the Father, together with your hearts, and those Works cannot be accomplished before the world comes to know them, just as I have revealed them in other times and in other apparitions.

Today I come under the splendor of Love, so that you may recognize it within you. The Lord needs you to unite with this Love so that you may separate your consciousnesses from the illusion that the world promotes, an illusion that promotes abortion, drug addiction, fanaticism, superstition, solitude, abandonment, the lack of light in the soul.

But it is the infinite Love of God that has brought Me here today, dear children, to share with you what the Truth is; the Truth that is not deeply known, but that must be loved by you so that you may be within the Truth of God.

The Lord, who is in the Universe and rules in all the Heavens, does not want anybody's punishment; but the decisions of the world, the attitudes of souls cause His Laws to manifest severely in this time.

God could not be God if He were not the God of Love.

Love is what created all the universes, the stars, the planets and the life on all planes; but if the Love of God is not present in your hearts, you will not be able to come to know any of that.

Spiritual vanity is a very dangerous weapon for this time. I know there are souls, dear children, that seek spiritual life with arrogance, as ownership and control.

The creatures of Earth will never have anything for themselves. That is why we have taught you, dear children, through our Presence in the world, through the Sacred Hearts, that humility is your first lifeline.

Without humility, you will achieve nothing.

Without humility, you will not be able to know yourselves and banish what is not real, what I call false.

So the world, throughout the times, through wars, annihilation and false power thought to have conquered the planet.

It will not be necessary, dear children, for you to observe what is happening in the world. Look beside you and you will see the true need. 

Jesus is also in the hearts that suffer and He hopes that you will be able to serve Him through your brothers and sisters.

Service in this time is what will promote the salvation of humanity; service to the Kingdoms of Nature, to everything that you may find on your paths that is in need.

There is much to be done, dear children, and the hearts and hands willing to do it are few.

Uruguay has this great opportunity.

Service in Uruguay is not the priority of the souls for their spiritual path, because it means to lower oneself before a fellow being.

Did not Jesus, Your Lord, wash your feet through the apostles?

He humbled Himself before you so that God could pour out Mercy on the world; He allowed Himself to die on the Cross so that you could be saved.

He is the Truth. There is no other, dear children, in this time.

Impure spirits may reveal many secrets to you, or the energies that believe they know what may satisfy you; but if there is no prayer, there is no Love of God, there is no service, there is no ascension of the consciousness.

These foundations that I dictate to you will make you worthy before the Lord.

And you will believe that to pray will be something routine, but in this time, it is the portal that opens for the liberation of the world, in all the Marian Centers that I have consecrated to the devotion of My Immaculate Heart.

Aurora is the Center that I consecrated from the beginning, when My Light, the Light of the Love of God, rested Its Feet on this place.

Many believe that all of this was crazy and continues to be so. Look within your brothers and sisters and you will see the fruits that I have managed to realize, in a simple but real way.

The world seeks that which satisfies its desires and distances itself from God. This is why it suffers and cannot find the Light, it gets lost in the darkness and succumbs in the hells of the consciousness; when you are submerged in error, in perdition, in deceit and in suffering, then you remember God!

But as He knows that humanity is very fragile and weak, He sends His Servant so that the eyes of your heart may open to recognize the Light that comes from Heaven and from all of the Universe.

Dear children, I will work with those who are with Me until the end. I do not need you to promise Me anything, just that you do what I ask in the best way possible.

Please the Heart of your offended God, and meditate on His Presence through the Eucharist; and let prayer always lift you up High, just as I lift you up in My Arms to the House of the Celestial Father.

Today I come to bring quietness for your spirits, serenity for your souls and restoration for your bodies.

I will not be able to promise, dear children, that the spiritual battles of this world will cease. While there is war and killing of animals in humanity, suffering will exist.

Thus, I call you to prayer; so that your bodies, cells and atoms can rise and finally perceive that it is not necessary to eat another, from a fellow Kingdom so loving and insignificant to your eyes.

The Love of God is what allows you to be kept in unity.

As much as what I tell you today, dear children, are always the same words, it is because today you have not yet lifted your hearts to My requests.

Do not close your hearts for anything. I always keep you in My arms so that you may see Jesus and His Heart, which shines forth in this Universe.

He is the Sun that guides you.

I Am the Star that shows you the path so you can find your true dawn in the presence of Aurora.

Do not despair, but do not be naive. Accept to live reconciliation, so that peace may be established in the world.

I am united to each heart that today has sincerely prayed with Me; because God recognizes the offerings of all His children and is grateful for your effort.

Now, dear children, before the Thrones of the Father, the archangels, the Elohim, the celestial choirs and armies, and the guardian angels, which have been banished by the creatures of this world that do not accept the Love of God, together with you and each pilgrim, I will pray for the world with a simple proclamation.

Place your hands receptively so that you may receive the greatest gift of the Universe: the Love of God, which will merge into your hearts and into the Heart of God.

Father of the Universe, hear the Voice of Your Servant and light the Flame of Your Sacred Presence in the hearts.
Forgive humanity for its continuous sleep, and awaken, through My Aurora, all those who sleep.
Liberate them from naivety. Carry them into service so that they may find Your Peace and Your Love.
Pour out, through My generous and serviceable Heart, all Your Gifts and concretize Your Works in all the hearts of the world.
Send Adonai, O Beloved Father!, Your angels of Light, so that they may pour out Your Mercy over those who deny You and do not hear You.
Have Pity, Lord, on those who are ignorant and close their heart to Your Call.
May in the last hour of this world, the souls find Your Path so as to reach Jesus, and may Jesus lead them all toward Your Kingdom of Celestial Power.
Today I leave at Your Feet,  Universal Father, each one of Your creatures so that You do not make Your Justice tremble within them, but rather ignite in their hearts the infinite Compassion of Your Spirit.
O Lord of the Universe!, close the uncertain doors in this world.
Forgive those who do not do things well and forget about You.
Be compassionate with those who are banished, with those who suffer exile.
And show Yourself with Your Face, with Your Glory and with Your Love to each being of this planet, so that, through My Pleas and My Praise to You, Emmanuel, the Plan thought of by Your One Mind may be accomplished until the New Humanity.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Let us sing Ave María, in the Presence of our Mother.

I will always find you in the prayer of the heart, the sacred refuge of souls who await the return of Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call and for praying for the consecration of the Americas to My Immaculate Heart.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Brothers and sisters, it is always very good that we try to hold in our hearts this Love that Mary brings us, this Love that understands all things, achieves all things, can do all things, and that She knows, above all things, is within us: the Love of God.

She came with that Love of God, with that Source of Love and of Unity with the Father, to offer it not only to us, but also to all those who do not want to accept it.

And through each meeting, Mary patiently told us that She is attempting to rebuild, to work in each of our beings, this conquest, this triumph of the Love of God in our hearts, in our lives.

It is this Love of God, according to Mary, which will help us to face these times, these difficult times that humanity is living, and that God will avail Himself of the love that we offer Him so that His Work may also be accomplished.

We wanted to briefly, simply tell you how the Apparition of today went, because it is important so that everyone can carry this image, this mission that Mary brought through Her Presence.

When She got here, She showed Herself, as she always shows Herself, as the Virgin Mary. Today, Her Mantle, the Mantle that covered Her, was the flag of Uruguay.

And at a certain point, when She began to address Her words, She drew closer to us so as to radiate that Love of God; the Mantle that draped down behind her, that formed part of that Veil that reached Her Feet, had the flags of all the Americas, of all the nations of the Americas.

And while She spoke, in spite of Her speaking, She was praying for each one of the nations, for each one of the members that are part of the nations and for each one of those present that were connected with Her at this moment.

And when She began to come closer to here, to appear as She always does, through a golden sphere of light that comes from the Celestial Universe, which begins to move toward the planet until it spiritually locates this place, She began to descend and to open various Heavens through a pillar of light.

And while that pillar of light descended with the songs of the angels, the lost souls, the souls that were imprisoned in the hells of this world, began to rise up as She descended.

And that is when She appeared and showed Herself to be that Mother that was with the Mantle of Uruguay.

So we just wanted to tell you about that, so that we may really trust that all that is happening is what has to happen and that we have, as She said today, to love the Will of the Father.

Thank you, Mother, for all that you give us!

Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us sing the Hail Mary of Gounod and we will do a procession to the Portal of Peace, where Our Lady will appear.

While we sing, we will wait for the indication to move toward the Portal of Peace. We will wait, singing, until the moment is indicated.

We will all be well connected to the descent of Our Lady, ringing the bell of the tower, opening the doors of Heaven for Her arrival.

Let us start out, first the row up here in front, then we continue successively until the end, in complete harmony, waiting for each brother or sister to come out of the House, and we will  place ourselves outside of the Garden of Mary, surrounding the fence. We will go praying the Hail Mary, the Our Father and the Glory.


By the authority My Son has given Me, I bless this water and this bread, as symbols of reconciliation and reparation with God.

I hope that after having been baptized and communing of My Son, you are able to leave this place renewed, confirmed in the Plan of God for this time on the surface of the Earth.

I hope you confirm yourselves as My soldiers, so that I can also work through your hearts and your lives.

There is nothing more important, dear children, than to persist in faith.

I thank you for responding to this call.

Seek the Portal of My Peace when you need it. I am present here.

I love you and bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Brothers and sisters, today Mary took us to the Origin of the origin.

She told us She was taking us to that Portal of Peace so that we do not forget that through that Portal of Peace, we can find the peace we do not have.

In truth, She said that She represents that Portal of Peace at this time and that our path to find peace will be through Mary.

During the Apparition, we felt a very special protection of the Mother. She was able to work with all of us in a special way, which had never happened before. She worked with each one of us, She took care of our spiritual and inner needs.

For this reason, we invite you to pay attention to this task that Mary did with our spirit today, and to not allow this energy She placed in each one of us to be lost.

She came especially today to work with each one of us. For a moment, She set aside the emergencies of the world to pay attention to us.

What is the meaning of Mary having done this? Why did She ask us to confirm ourselves as Her soldiers? What meaning could this have for this moment? What is the Mother seeing that we must do?

She says that She knows our potential and our possibilities of being able to help Her in this task with peace.

Today we feel that Mary picked us up from the ground. She raised our spirit and said at the end:
“Remember always to not lose your joy. Yes, dispel the fear and sadness. Seek the joy that I give you day after day.”

Then our Mother asked us in a very special way, for two jars of water and bread.

“That jar of water will be for blessing you,” She said.

Mary said that this is a sign of purification for our bodies. And She said that after we are  purified, we will be reconciled with God again.

She then asked that we commune of the Body and Blood of Her Son.

It was very important when She asked us for the bread, because She asked that it be bread that had been made here, in the Community. And Sister Amerisa brought it, just as She had requested.

Then Mary blessed that bread and asked that we commune in an act of reparation and reconciliation.

Then the monthly Messages were read which Mary had left through Sister Lucía de Jesús and Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús.

Vigils of Prayer

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I come, in this Vigil of Prayer, to reconcile the peoples and the nations for all the suffering that has existed between the Americas and Europe. Welcome My Heart into your hearts so this may happen.

I Am the Lady of the New Race, of the New Humanity.

My Heart is the bridge to unite what had been separated.  My Heart spiritually unites continents and nations; because the wish of God is that in the next time, after the strong tribulation, humanity may become one single race, a new renewed people of God, which acts and lives through faith.

Dear children, I forecast future times for you, but for that Aspiration of the Father to be able to take place in humanity, God deeply wishes that you keep praying every day.  

As in other times, My dear children, I place Myself above My children to bless you with My Graces, enfold you in My Maternal Mantle, and take you into My arms so you may feel My Heart of Peace.

God deeply wishes for Spain to give the first impulse for a union among the peoples; because I have also been in El Escorial and in Garabandal, announcing prophecies for a future humanity.  

Today I am here again in Madrid through different channels so you may hear My Voice again, My one true Voice which reverberates so It may be heard by your essences and may fulfill the Will of My Lord in you.

There is still much to heal between the Americas and Europe, dear children. I lovingly invite all Spaniards, and consequently, all of Europe, to receive the Lady of Guadalupe into your homes.

As the Lady of Guadalupe, I give you My maternal blessing. I want My Stars to shine in your homes, and as the song that you have sung to Me says, the crown of My head must shine in all souls, because Peace is possible in a time of chaos.

You must be the disseminators of My maternal call, a call to the heart, a call for peace. Heaven pours out its Graces through My sweet Voice and My Heart opens to welcome you inwardly.

I want you all to be able to be immaculate in the coming time and Fatima will give you that key to achieve purity.

Have you understood, dear children, why I have spent so much time in Europe?

It is a people in redemption, as are many peoples in the world who have heard My Voice, and many visionaries have seen My Face.

In this time, I have come to unite what is separate in the consciousness. My Rosary, My prayer beads reverberate all the time in the Eternal Time, producing an echo and a call to God, a request to the Most High Father of the Heights, for as Mediator, dear children, My Heart offered Itself to you to save you.  But what I need is that through you, this deep reconciliation which I ask of you be able to take place in other children of Mine, and this will be possible through the power of your prayer.

Today My face reflects the joy of this meeting. Today My arms pour out the Light and the Mercy of God. Today I reveal My immaculate Love for all of you, a patient and persevering love, kind, merciful, which wants to reach all the children of Europe.

Go for those who do not listen to Christ. They need to become reconciled with God, and the first door to enter and serve all those souls will be your families, where the temple of prayer and of peace must reemerge.  

The third secret of Fatima may happen, may take place, may manifest on the world. Thus, if your prayer is more fervent than the secret, the Law will change and the Mercy of Christ will take action by giving blessings and healing to all the children of the Earth. 

I do not come to the world to prophecy bad times. I come to the world to remind you of the Kingdom of God, a Kingdom that is inside of you, within your hearts and souls.

Dear children, through this meeting, I call on you to awaken. In this way, you will be able to follow My steps of Light and walk on the paths of Love and of Unity, upon which many souls will walk behind you to quench their thirst for love, the peace lacking in inner dwelling places.

For this, I gather you together at this time in Europe, because the time has come for your higher commitment to manifest, that it may be concrete and visible in the world.

As ambassadors of peace and missionaries of love, may you be cells of the Glorified Body of Christ, and expand in light and in harmony over the world. 

On this afternoon, I give you the keys for this to happen; the only key is prayer, perseverance and the hope of continuing onward. In this way, dear children, you will respond to My call.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

In the same way, as in a past time when I gathered together the apostles of Christ in a cenacle of awakening and renewal, today I gather your small souls together in a cenacle of redemption and life.

My children, in the past, the Holy Spirit descended over the apostles of Christ, giving them the gift of speaking in tongues, of understanding the heart of each creature that approached them. And in this way, through the creative power of the Verb of God, the Church of Christ in the world began to be built, the love that Christians manifest today on this Earth.

And today, in this time, My children, I gather you together again in a cenacle of redemption, so the Spirit of God may return to this Earth. This time, through the life example of your small hearts, which must manifest acts of love and of fellowship, Christians are renewed in the world.

Today I come to the Earth, My children, so that in this cenacle of redemption, I am able to teach humanity to awaken to the life of the spirit, to the life of the soul, to awaken to this mission each being must accomplish in this time, to awaken in your hearts and in the hearts of the world a love for this perfect Plan that God has been generating in humanity.

My children, with My Divine Heart, I aspire that your souls are able to testify to the fraternity and the unity among beings, and that in this way, you demonstrate to the world that the time has come for the Return of My Son;  that His Sacred Heart is already beating and lives in your hearts, achieving in your lives the biggest and true miracle, which is the conversion of your spirits and the true love that you are capable of experiencing even when facing chaos.

My children, My Presence strengthens the absolute faith in your hearts, so that you are never afraid in the face of difficulties and in the face of judgments.

It is necessary that your hearts be certain of the consecration of your souls to this Greater Plan, so you do not fear any difficulty, do not fear the attacks of the enemy, for Love will always be greater than the darkness, and faith will always be greater than the fear. For this reason, today I tell you to only remember My Words when you are facing some difficulty. My Heart observers you at each instant of your lives, and although invisible to your eyes, My Presence will always be there.

Today I want you to learn to feel My Presence, through your heart, so that in life situations, you know how to feel when I am present, know how to hear My voice in your hearts, which is unmistakable, because Love, My children, is absolute in My Heart, and will take shape within your beings any time it is needed.

Know, on this night, that your prayers were heard in the Kingdom of God, that many situations in the world were able to receive liberation and peace. But there is still much to be freed, many souls are waiting for you to be able to pray with devotion and fervor, and even more than that, My children, be able to live My messages in your lives.

Never be in a hurry, only continue to persevere on this path, because with one step after another, you will transform without realizing it, and one day, My children, you will look back and will not find the old being.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I am traversing, in Europe, the same paths that I once travelled in the Holy Land, beginning My Christic ministry; and village after village, awakening the children who were to serve God in those times.

For this reason, I return to Spain, to My dear Spain, that heard My Voice from the beginning and which, in spite of the difficulties and indifference of their leaders and of those who guide these people, have kept their faith alive in their heart, the precious trust in the Lady of Heaven, opening the doors to the Mercy of God.

This meeting with Me, during this evening, is a special meeting between Heaven and Earth, between souls and the cosmos; a profound communion with the Heart of the Father, which will prepare you for the days of tomorrow, in which My Verb will be deeply expressed to the world, trying to awaken those who sleep. This will be possible first through you, when you dare to live My Words out of love. Thus, as I have already said, you will transform.

On this night, I bless these altar roses, and may this symbol represent for your lives the possibility of experiencing a change of heart, that you are able to be My new roses of the gardens of Heaven. For this reason, month by month, My hands heal your hearts, close the wounds, and remove the thorns; so that renewed by My Holy Spirit, you are able to reach the Throne of the Father as an offer of redemption, an offer of Grace and Mercy; and in this way, the times that have been foreseen to come, may be good times for all.

I come from that Heaven to announce a call to you. My call is that you be agents of peace so that some things do not happen.

I will thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts. I am very grateful for this night. Let us pray to the Eternal Father so that the liberation of the world may also take place in Europe.  Let us pray with the light of the heart, let us open the doors to Divine Mercy.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will pray at this time together with Our Most Holy Mother. At the request of Our Lady, we will pray the "Prayer for the liberation of the World":

Beloved Lord,
we implore You for Your Assistance,
we invoke Your Power,
we accept Your Infinite Mercy,
(three times)

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Thank you, dear children, for responding to My call.

May the Peace of My Son be in your hearts forever and may His Redeeming Light be the strength to experience transformation, the reason that urges you to continue walking in the Light.

Lifting up your pleas to Heaven, I receive your intentions in My Heart.

Tomorrow I will also receive your intentions and those of all those who have need of an encouraging word. Write a small message to Me, which I will contemplate with love. I thank you.

Song: Hail, Hail, Hail Mary.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Now we are going to carry out a task that Our Mother requested of us. The visionaries will distribute rose petals to each one, roses that Our Mother blessed and that are on the altar.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Just to tell the brothers and sisters that, for some time, Mary did not place Herself over people. This was an immediate revelation She made to us, from the moment of the Apparition.

She carried out a task of blessing Spain, mainly, and brought Her Consciousness and Her moment of Apparition in El Escorial and in Garabandal.

That was what, more or less, took place.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Sometimes we don't properly understand what is happening when Our Lady works spiritually.

Let us just imagine, for one moment, that this Higher Presence was a few meters from us, radiating all Her Light over our beings, transforming that which for us would be absolutely untransformable, dissolving inner situations that for us would be impossible, cleansing our paths, something that for us would be impossible.

So our heart must be full of gratitude, because if we continue with the Messages of our Mother within ourselves, we dedicate some of our time to pray with our heart, we will see that in the future, our lives will be different.

Let us never again forget this day, because we will soon understand why.

And now, we will do our task, while the brothers and sisters will sing.


Song: Hail Mary (instrumental).


The Apparition of the Virgin Mary was silent; upon ending, the visionaries related what had happened and what Our Lady transmitted.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Well, as you all saw, our Mother came very silently, just like in other Vigils. She came to accompany us, to protect us and to give some inner instructions, since we will carry out a very special week starting on Sunday.

Now, let us listen to what Sister Lucía and Friar Elías have to tell us in some brief comments.


Sister Lucía de Jesús:

Today, when our Divine Mother arrived, the first thing she told us was that she would be brief. She, at one point, showed us Her Immaculate Heart, which was pierced by a sword. Then, she began to explain to us what that symbol meant. She said to us:

"Dear children, a sword continues to pierce My Heart, because even though My Son no longer carries a Cross, I help Him to carry the weight of the Cross that all humanity carries in these times."

Then, She started to explain that the only way to relieve Her Heart, as well as to relieve the Heart of God and the Heart of Christ, which are Hearts that also continue to be flagellated, as Our Lady explained to us, is prayer.

She told us that she gave us very simple keys through Her Messages and that many times we do not give due value to Her words because they are simple things. She told us that we are not seeking reconciliation with many of those who are close to us.

And at one point I asked her: "How can we alleviate Your Heart? How can we live these Words?"

And she said to us:

"May you reconcile with your neighbor, with those with whom you still need to be reconciled; may you forgive all that which you have not forgiven; may you work on simple things such as unity among brothers and sisters, such as true prayer, the daily Rosary, which many are not praying."

They are simple things, Our Lady said, but it is the only way to transform this world situation.

She showed us many images of the planet, of situations in which some souls are to be found, and She told us this:

"Do not worry, because I will take you to Paradise, but many times I allow you to feel the pain that souls live in many situations of the world, because in this way you can ask for Mercy, and this clamor will be true.".


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Mary arrived as the Queen of Peace and She radiated to us Her profound peace and serenity.

The first thing she said was the following:

"Dear children, I invite you to live the Sacred Week so that you can live the Passion of My Son. Therefore, you must feel the Passion in the heart.  In this way, I will be able to help you and heal you, because there are still many wounded souls.

Dear children, act and live on the path of prayer. Your commitment to prayer is constant.

Dear children, what remains for humanity is the path of prayer. Remember this commitment that I ask you to fulfill. Something very simple."


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Let us reflect on these simple Words because we must renew this inner commitment with prayer, day by day.

Tomorrow, April 13, Our Lady will manifest Herself in Her monthly Apparition; therefore, we invite you all to participate with us, to gather again at this hour to share another moment of prayer when Our Lady approaches.

Thank you, Mother, for all that you give us!


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children,

Day and night I come to the world to call you for a greater task.

I need to shape the new apostles of Christ, through prayer and the Love of God. So that this may happen, dear children, your hearts must be open to respond to My call.

Know that this is the last time that I am among you, at the end of a time that is preparing for something new, before the return of My Son Jesus.

Thus, open your arms and take My Words into your hearts. They are the last Words that will move over the face of the Earth, preparing hearts and dwelling places for the Final Judgment that all of the Earth will experience.

For this reason, dear children, enter into this spring of Mercy which Jesus represents, give yourself over completely to His Most Sacred Heart. In this way, My beloveds, you will feel trust and wholeness, you will lose your fear and will become free of sin.

God wants to forgive you, dear children. Listen to this very important call to  reconciliation.

The Universes and the Greater Heavens come to aid you; open your eyes to the Greater Light that comes from the Father.

See My Sacred Heart coming from Heaven; because in this very important era, I have need of servers ready to respond to My call. In this way, you will be free of your worries and doubts; because I come here, in this era, to console you, to reconcile your hearts with the Highest.

Dear children, God has allowed Me to transmit these Words to you because it is necessary to prepare, in this time, for the great changes that will come into your lives and the entire world. Thus, you are in time, dear children, for warming your hearts in My Maternal Fire.

I want to pour out My Grace and eternal devotion upon you.

I only have need of simple hearts that want to open to the new and know the higher, that which many do not know in this time, which is the mystery of God that wishes to reveal itself to all. But it is necessary, dear children, that there be a sincere response on your part.

I Am your Most Holy Mother Mary, Who has come throughout the centuries to restore and redeem humanity. I have been preparing humanity for centuries for the Advent of My Son, which is near in this time.

Thus, observe your lives, observe your actions and examples, imitate Christ in this time, in what you can give truly and in a heartfelt way.

Dear children, you do not know how great and full is My Grace for you, My eternal Love for each of My children, I know humanity in depth, inwardly and outwardly. I know your intentions and pleas.

But now, I need you willing to serve a little more; you are in the great time of giving your all, of giving yourselves into the Arms of the Eternal Father and of truly feeling yourselves to be loved, for who is in God will lack nothing.

Dear children, see the example of the Sacred Family, which, in humility and simplicity, lived the mystery of God.

I invite you to be humble and simple, dear children; this will allow you to take the steps on the path of conversion and redemption.

First, dear children, look to your brothers and sisters, to their needs, so that you are able to help them. This is a faithful example of charity. I invite you to serve, in heart and soul, in striving and in permanent sacrifice.

Dear children, I want to tell you that God has chosen you, as an important nation, to fulfill a Promise of His, in the New Humanity.

Thus, the seeds are being planted in your hearts.

For this reason, I need your hearts, dear children, to be fertile in prayer and that through prayer, you open to finding the path of brotherhood and of peace.

As your Mother from Heaven, I only ask you for simple things, so simple that few fulfill them. Thus, I invite you, day and night, to live in the universe of prayer so you are able to perceive the end of times, which all of you are going through in this period.

Open your eyes and feel the beating of My Heart, feel My Maternal Love and My protection in your lives; I need you always.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Each time you are in My Presence, in your essences I place a luminous part of My Heart, a molecule of My Divine Consciousness.

But on this night I ask, My children, that the Grace I give to your lives not be held by you just for yourselves. Go through the world, announce My return to Earth, My Word, which once again resounds so as to wake up the hearts of the world.

With this light that I turn on in your hearts, illumine the path of those who today live in the darkness. Do not fear being an example for those of My children who today do not have a reference point; because I see the world from the Heavens and many of My children are lost in this time through ignorance, because they do not know God and because they have not felt My Maternal Love, which today you can feel.

My children, at this time I ask that you travel the world, expanding to all hearts this Light that I bring you today.

The Lord has asked Me to come to the Earth to wake up even more missionary hearts, because this world has need of charity, has need of fraternal service among brothers, because unity among beings, My children, is being lost on this Earth. Do not allow this essential attribute, which is the unity I radiate to you from My Kingdom, be lost in the world, and through service, fraternal charity, cultivate unity, brotherhood and fraternity among beings in your hearts and the heart of others, because in this time, the world is lacking in these attributes.

My children, I do not invite you to carry out social actions, I invite you to share the deep giving of your hearts with love and truth; for one who is ready to serve and gives all of themselves to others will discover a wondrous Grace which up until today is unknown to the majority of the hearts of the world.

Today, I urge you to follow the steps of Saint Joseph, to aid humanity through prayer, charity, the giving of your lives, so that many more are able to wake up to service, selfless and real service.

My children, your souls thirst to give of themselves, but it is necessary that you not fear doing so, but rather that you risk experiencing a Love unknown to you and which wakes up in the heart that serves.

When you open to carry the Presence of God, through charity, the Lord can use your hearts as a bridge for the lost humanity. But I need you to say 'yes', that you be ready to open that door, because humanity has need of awake hearts, hearts which in all the actions in life, radiate love and charity, that are always ready to provide for the need of the other at any moment and at any time; for it is in this way, My children, that little by little, My Kingdom enters the Earth,  that hearts and souls are converted, and the Divine Presence can be among beings.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

All of you, dear children, are potential children consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, and some time ago, My Immaculate Heart requested the consecration of two daughters of Argentina who, from the first moment of their lives when they met Me and woke to My call, trusted My Immaculate Heart and recognized the Presence of the Mother of God in this time, in this region and also in this country, which I have so lovingly visited and will continue to visit as many times as you allow Me to.

Remember, dear children, to warm your hearts in My Eternal Fire of devotion. It is necessary that it beat in your hearts, in devotion and service, opening ways for those who need it, redeeming lives and healing hearts.

For this reason, on this night of Mercy and Pity, I call these daughters to consecrate them, and a son who has also responded to My call.

Thus see, dear children, how My maternal task is universal, embraces peoples, souls and nations. My Mercy for you is infinite.

I want to pour out My Light and My blessing upon you.

Dear children, My Immaculate Heart will always be open to welcome you. I accept all kinds of consecration, because in My merciful and pious eyes, and for the Celestial Father, all souls are the same.

I thank you for responding to My call on this night.

I joyfully await the meeting with you tomorrow, when My Celestial and Universal Rays will deeply descend upon the planet.

I love you and bless you.

Go in peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón del Jesús:

We want to share a little story about the Apparition, so you can also understand how it was that Mary came here, to Santa Fé.

Today Mary came as the Queen of Peace, a young, beautiful woman with a white veil on Her head, a pink tunic and a light blue mantle wrapped around Her; She had a golden sash, announcing a symbol for us: the birth of something new for humanity; She was barefoot, Her smile was crystalline and pure, and in Her hands She held a rosary that She moved each time She spoke with us.

She came surrounded by angels, who opened the doors for Her so She could reach this place and share Her Motherliness and Her Love with us.

Today, Mary gave a very specific Message for each of us, which you were able to hear through Sister Lucía and Friar Elías; because we repeated everything the Mother was saying to us, not forgetting any detail of what She indicated at that moment.

Today, we understood and felt that our Mother has need of a hotter fire from the Argentines that comes from the heart, a devotion that allows the concretization of those Plans God has foreseen for this nation.

Today, She told us She uses us as Her instruments so you may consciously wake up and together, according to our Mother, we may be able to help you concretize that Plan which God has foreseen, which is a Plan through prayer, charity, service, through being attentive to the needs of others and seeing the needs in each place we go.

In reality, our Mother expects new apostles to emerge here, who are able to be born through their heart, and are able to feel this situation, this Message of Mary's as something real.

Today, symbolically, our Mother Mary was mobilizing our hearts, our inner selves, quite a bit, because She has need of us so that her Son can come here. She comes to prepare this place, this planet, for the coming of Christ, but She needs us to believe that Christ will come back first in our hearts, that we are able to feel Him, call Him.

Today, our Mother showed us Her infinite Grace and Mercy, like a spring, like a river of Light, which reached here, this place, and which, at a certain point, stopped, because we need to open the doors so Grace can descend, and we will manage to do this, according to our Mother Mary, when we are fraternally united in our hearts.

The Mother needs to see us united as a group, as consciousnesses and as souls, so She may accomplish what She plans to do in this nation through you, and that in some way you also be mediators so other consciousnesses, other brothers and sisters, are able to receive the Grace they need.

Today, we were given a very profound Message, and a last call, as She said. We must keep in mind that this is a unique opportunity for everybody and as is said here in Argentina and in Uruguay, the train, the last train is coming through and we need to climb aboard that train so as to not lose that spiritual impulse Mary brings us from Heaven.

She waits for a sincere response from each of you.

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Special Apparitions

On that Apparition day, the participants arrived in pilgrimage to the House of Prayer, and then, responding to the request, the group began to pray while waiting for the meeting with the Divine Mother.

After an hour of prayer, the Presence of the Divine Mother was perceived and the sisters of the Monastery of Eternal Faith intoned the song "Celestial Mother."

At 7:33 am, the Mother appeared, and Friar Elías stood up. After a few minutes of contemplating the crown of the tree, he gave us the following account.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

When the Divine Mother appeared in Heaven, there were three golden brilliant suns over Her, in a perfect triangulation, an equal-sided triangle. In the center of this triangle a golden cross joined with the letter M manifested; the cross was over the M. This symbol began to grow and expand through the area.

After a few seconds, the Divine Mother descended to the crown of the tree, accompanied by the Archangel Michael, who emerged from the triangle formed by the suns, which remained in Heaven. He took Her Left Hand and escorted Her in Her descent.

Now above the orange tree, they released Hands, and in the left hand of the Archangel Michael appeared a silver shield, at the center of the triangle of suns, engraved with the symbol of the letter M and the cross; there were also many small stars around the edge of the shield. In his right hand, Michael carried a lance.

Then, in the presence of the Celestial Mother and the Archangel Michael, some beings appeared who had experienced holiness and who had left great teachings for humanity. At the right of the Divine Mother, for a few instants, Saint Expedito could be seen, who greeted us and then disappeared. Immediately after, Saint Claire and Saint Francis appeared, who also greeted us and then disappeared.

The Divine Mother then asked that I look up and, through that symbol remaining in Heaven, in the middle of the triangle of suns (the letter M with the cross), an aspect of the Consciousness of God manifested. From the symbol emerged a great sphere of Light which positioned itself over the place where we were. I perceived that it came from a very high dimension and had descended toward us to fill us.

That image lasted several minutes, and afterwards, the Divine Mother walked over the three trees that are in front of us, and which also form a triangle, and over each of them She thrust a Christian cross, and then thrust a fourth cross over this ground. It seemed as if, with this act, She was decreeing and proclaiming the presence of the Light over this place.

She then rose up, placed Herself in Heaven over the three orange trees, and with Her Arms and Hands completely open, intensely radiated Her Light.

A few moments later, remaining in Heaven, She showed us She was writing a book. She used a small palm branch to write with and did so in Aramaic.

Then the image changed again; She descended over the crown of the Apparitions tree, and at that moment, began to open the Heavens even more to Her left, to Her right and upwards.

She then asked that we stand up because She would carry out a radiation of Light to each of us and to the whole world.

In silence, everybody stood up, and with closed eyes, prepared to receive the Light of the Divine Mother.

After a few minutes, Friar Elías continued describing what he perceived.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Heavens are open and there is a lot of Heavenly energy. There are some angelic beings that play trumpets, and a sound can be heard like deep thunder, which resounds throughout the universe.

The Mother, at this moment, is surrounded by many angels, and Her Crown of Stars can be very clearly seen, very illuminated and brilliant; among the stars the word MIRNA HE can be read, also resplendent.

The Divine Mother appears with a light blue Mantle and wears a golden cloth belt around Her waist. While She prays, She looks at us with great compassion and says:


Feel and listen to My Voice; I Am the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


At that moment, and at the request of the Divine Mother, the female monks sang the "Hail Mary" once.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Divine Mother says:


Do not fear. I Am the Queen of Redemption Who comes to eradicate evil from hearts.

The world will face a great illness in spirit and in faith if you do not join with Me in prayer.

Hear My Message; I am calling you so that Peace and Love may be established in the darkness, so that evil may be defeated and hearts be illumined through Me.

This is a moment of Peace. Be at Peace, for nothing more will happen. Everything will pass through Me.

Find refuge in Me; I have told you this time and again. Have faith in Me, feel the brilliance of My Heart, see the Light which is descending.

I Am the Queen of Redemption, the Queen of Divinity, conceived by the Holy Spirit, the Mother of the afflicted and the fallen.

I come to announce that as from today, and for 33 days, you must pray the prayer of the Universal Mother with Me, so I may rescue My children through these prayers.

Feel My Peace; I Am the Mother of Nazareth, the Guardian of prayerful silence.

The world will face suffering that will purify it, and you, My children, are to be the guardians of prayer with Me; in this way, My sword will be able to cut the ties with that which is is not of the Light.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Mother is moving a sword horizontally through the whole space, a silver sword. Let us pray.


The group prayed the prayer: "Consecration to the Mother of Divine Mercy".

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

She said that up until now we have prayed by the Son and by the Holy Spirit, and that now we must pray by the Father.


This request was accomplished by praying the same prayer.


The world will go through its damnation, but My Heart will triumph if you pray with Me and if My Heart finds lights burning in your hearts.

The battle must end with the coming of the Redeemer, the Master of the Heavens and Times, Who is allowing Himself to be seen by those who listen and respond to His Voice.

Today, I give you the Sacred Mantle that wrapped Jesus so you may wrap yourselves in it and take refuge in His Heart.

Mercy is stopping its flow and the moment is coming when Divine Justice is to flow.

At that moment, I will be the Mother of all those that wish to hear My Voice and My call.

Know that I will always extend My Arms to you so you may find My Peace and My Heart, a Heart that is emerging once again.

I leave you this Mantle so it may protect you and so you may join the commitment of Christ, of being spokespersons of His Peace and His Mercy coming from the Heavens. They are the same energies that have permeated Me as Mother of this Earth, as Guardian of the Heart of Jesus, as Disciple of His Instruction.

See My bare feet today, that have walked so far in search of souls, so they may find shelter in Me.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

The Mother is showing Her Feet, which are of Light, and continues, saying:


Today I distribute My roses to you so you may feel My sublime aromas.

The rose is the mystery of the birth of My Heart, which was glorified after having gone through this Earth and having learned, as you are learning, about Love and Forgiveness. The rose is the resplendent essence of My Being, the Conception which God has given Me as Mother of creatures in purity and in ascension.

Today I leave My angels among you, so you may pray together with them for the rescue of souls, those that are asleep and those that have not found peace for a long time.

I am coming here as the Mother conceived by the Holy Spirit, the Messenger of Peace, the Guardian of hearts, the sincere Soul for each of you, that takes miseries into Her arms and transforms them into Love, the same Love with which I held Jesus Christ the Redeemer in My Arms. 

He gave Me to you so you may be in My Arms, as well as all My children in all ways, beliefs and thoughts. I Am the true movement of the Light, I Am the Flame of God that comes to ignite your hearts in this time of chaos and damnation.

Carry My flag of Peace in your hands so My Crown of Stars shines forth in your hearts and your souls rise up to Me, to find the new paths that seem to be dark because of so much distraction.

Go deeper into contemplative prayer; you are in time, there is no more time to lose.

What are you doing with your lives, My dears?

I am waiting to hear your calls in My Heart to accomplish the Graces that come from on High.

I Am the same Lady that instituted the Rosary, and now the Sacred Orandium, the inner connection with the great patriarchs who prayed continuously to profess the Voice of the Lord in their hearts. They, in that time, did not know of My existence nor the existence of My Son, the Redeemer.

But now, we are all in the same school, learning to open hearts that are closed. For this, I have come here, to this country, to announce My call of Peace and of Redemption.

I summon all to live in reconciliation before Divine Justice comes, and if this should pass  through you, your hearts will be open in prayer and the Law will be light upon creatures.

I come to announce, at the request of Our Most High Lord, the Omnipotent God, the Resplendent Single Mind that has created us in His image and likeness, in the image of His Love and Forgiveness, that you now open your hearts so My Heart may triumph and the legacy of Peace, which comes from My angels, is able to be established in all these nations that lack love and redemption.

I Am the Messenger of Peace, the Illumined Heart of Christ, who comes as the Mother and Protector of creatures, for those that cannot find refuge in this material world and who wait to rise up and set aside illusions.

Hear My Voice, I am calling you once again, as I have already done in other parts of the world. Feel My echo in Medjugorje, in Fatima, in Lourdes, in Guadalupe and in other places where My Message has not been formalized because of the lack of celestial understandings that affirm the presence of My Voice in all the hearts I seek.

The Kingdoms of Nature are in My Heart; they too are My children, that wait for your prayers in this time of chaos.

Who will pray for the plant that is dying? Who will have compassion for the animals that die? Do you know where your souls go?

Yes, a purgatory of the Kingdoms of Nature exists where they wait to be rescued so My Heart may exalt and lift them up to the essential Celestial Lakes, where they will be born again as lights to learn and live in this eternal evolution.

Receive the Light of My Heart today; listen and meditate on My call, pray with Me through these Words, for there you will find more keys so you may unite with Me and believe in what I am telling you.

As the Lord once said: "Heaven and Earth will pass away, but My Words will remain."

I Am the Bird of Divine and Compassionate Mercy for the hearts that are cast down by wars and despair.

Have you read My Fatima prophecies?

The third war is trying to descend, a war in thought and in conflict for property; property that is an illusion of hearts that have fallen and do not listen to God.

I come here, to this place, to establish My Redemption, My Peace in hearts, Love in all consciousnesses that believe in Me and also in those who do not believe in Me, that belong to other places and movements.

In the end, you will see My Voice and My Light pass before your hearts, and there you must take shelter in My Love, which is Merciful and Divine.

Today, I await you here, in the early hours of the night, so that with Me, you ignite the Light in the hearts you are not seeing, and which are suffering and in pain.

I Am the Queen of Peace and I want to establish My Peace, on this day, in more groups of souls that hope I will extend My Heart and My Arms to them, souls that have their consciousness and mind in darkness.

My call is higher, My Voice is preferred because My announcement comes from God; it does not come from Me. I am only fulfilling the Will to scatter the Love God has given Me as Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and today as the Glorified Mother among the angels and archangels.

My Essence is open to you and to all those that dare to cross toward the portal of My Heart, which will give Peace and Redemption in this time to all hearts. I will wait for you here, in this Center of Prayer, which through My Voice and My Immaculate Presence, opens the doors to all.

Do not fear what will come; wait in prayerful silence together with Me. My Rose of Light will be poured out over your heads, so the petals cover your bodies of light.

At 7:30 pm, the first procession will begin, with flames lit and hearts open.

You really do not know what My Presence means here and why I am speaking these Words to you, which must nurture your hearts so you may find shelter and protection in Me.

This will be the first procession to light the hearts of this world. The second will be on Friday, which will close the meeting with My Motherly Light until the next moments I come to give you My Peace.

By the splendor of My Immaculate Heart, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in peace and pray.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
