In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Keep calm, so that the whole world may be calm tonight and, in the sacred quietude of the heart, it may find the path of return to peace.
Today, your Heavenly Mother and Mother of humanity brings, on the palms of Her Hands, the Creative Principle of the Child-King, that Sacred Purpose that the Eternal Father thought of at the beginning for the salvation and redemption of humanity.
I know that you will not understand what this means and represents, My children, but today, through the portals, I bring the presence of the Sacred Grotto of Bethlehem, where this mystery took form and incarnated through the little Child, the Messiah. Today I confess to you that, also for your Most Holy Mother, it was a revelation at that time.
This means that the mystery becomes unveiled and that the essence of the Child-King shows itself to the world, at this very moment, for all those inner worlds of humanity, for all souls without exception, even those that are lost and far away from the Father.
This was the Sacred Essence of Creation, which the Child-King brought to the whole world. There was no other way to concretize this so awaited mission, if not through a humble and poor place such as the Grotto of Bethlehem, where not only the Sacred Family of Nazareth, but also all those who participated in that event, beyond this planet and beyond the stars, were witnesses of this sacred revelation.
My children, in these critical times of the planet, when war prevails instead of peace, today, with My own Eyes of a Mother, I want to know, I want to see this Sacred Essence of the Creator, incarnated through Jesus, present itself to the world in the inner planes and through the Inner Sanctuary of the Kingdom of Lys. Thus, your Guardian Angels and all the angels of the universe may also be witnesses of this sacred moment. They may be adorers of this sacred revelation that once incarnated in the world through a Little Child, through God Himself, who made Himself man for your salvation, for the salvation of the whole human race, from that time up to now, and from this moment up to the end of times.
This is the inexhaustible and inner Creative Essence that My Beloved Son deposited as a Spiritual Legacy, not only here in the Inner Sanctuary of Lys, but also in all the Inner Sanctuaries of the planet, especially throughout all of the Americas.
My children, this is why I invite you to change dimension and frequency at this moment. Thus, you will be able to know once again that, beyond the suffering and chaos that reign on the planet, there is a Supreme Reality that awaits you, and spiritual treasures present for each one of My children, which wait to be revealed to all those who are pure in heart, to the pure of intention, to all those who do not want anything for themselves.
This would not have been possible if Saint Joseph had not embodied the Principle of Humility, or even if your Most Holy Mother had not embodied the Principle of Original Purity. This scenario, prepared two-thousand years ago, allowed in these times that this revelation could come to your consciousnesses and to the consciousness of all your brothers and sisters on the planet.
I bring you toward this Creative Principle today, in which your gaze must focus on the Purpose, when your spirits must aspire to attain the same aspiration that My Immaculate Heart and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph attained long ago.
In synthesis, My beloveds, through My Humble Hands, which reveal the Creative Principle of the First-Born, the Son of God, the Messiah, souls will be able, here and now, to find the emergence of the New Humanity, free from chains, free from errors, free from sin, free from suffering, from pain, from all that separates them from God.
I know that all that I say to you sounds symbolic, but I assure you that it is not so. The Living God, through the Little Child, has sent Me tonight, to reveal this Message to inner worlds and souls.
In simple words, My beloved children, the Creative Essence of Christ comes to remind you that all must return to the Source of Creation and that your own lives must be transformed according to what is thought of by the Father, because something wonderful awaits each one of My children, something that will be revealed upon your paths when you strictly follow in obedience that which the Primordial Source determines, although that seems unknown at this moment.
If souls do not fix their gaze on this Creative Essence of Christ, and if the majority does not do so in these times, what will happen to this humanity? What will happen to this planet and this surface?
We are at a moment and a time similar to those of the Birth of the Messiah, the Redeemer. The Living God incarnated through His Son in Body, Soul and Divinity, to demonstrate that His Powerful Presence is simple and poor, that His Majestic Presence is loving and wise.
These are the Attributes that the world needs today, not only to repair the endless path of its errors, but also to recover the purity and innocence it has lost. An innocence and purity that are being stolen, that are being placated and dissolved, not only through war, but also through all that happens in this humanity.
God has His Gaze placed upon humanity at this moment. He sends Me as His Portal, as His Messenger, so that the world does not forget that it must recover peace.
What My venerable companion Saint Joseph left to you on last December 19 was important. Determining and transforming Words for you to someday achieve the Creative Essence of Christ, and be united to this Essence.
Within all that Saint Joseph has said to you lies the beginning of your paths, paths of transcendence and transformation.
In this way, you will quickly achieve what I ask of you, because God is thirsty for souls that can radiate His Attributes and Principles, who can be a mirror that may reflect, on this planet, all His Commandments, especially those that were transgressed and violated by the very humanity of the surface, due to its ignorance and ironical behavior.
Through the Creative Essence of Christ, may this Birth of Christ, which once more presents itself and takes place in the hearts open to receive it, allow the world and humanity to find a path not only of lasting, peacemaking, impersonal and wise solution, but also of return to the House of the Father. Because this will allow the millions of souls present on this planet to resume the path of the Purpose they have lost for different causes and reasons, and through the guardian angels that accompany Me in this culminating hour, this also allows the ardent Aspiration of God to be attained, that aspiration of seeing all His Creatures in His Kingdom, just as the Sacred Family was in the Kingdom of God, even while living on this planet.
Today I will carry, within this Creative Essence of Christ, the intentions, supplications, pleas and all implorations of the pure and humble in heart that, at this hour, no longer seek anything for themselves, but rather the good and charity for others, and peace for peoples and nations.
Today I carry, in this Creative Essence of Christ, the offering of souls and each one of my children's Guardian Angels, which have managed to write, in their own Books of Light, the steps of redemption and love of those who keep attempting to take them, every day.
Although it does not seem so, all that I have said at this moment is that which maintains the doorways to Mercy open. It is that which still allows, at this end time, for the Spiritual and Divine Hierarchy to be present in this humanity and on this planet, because Their Voice, the Voice of the Hierarchy, will never tire until It sees the fulfillment of what It has promised the Creator.
Through the humble and poor Grotto of Bethlehem, at this very moment and at this very hour, in any part of the world, anywhere, may all families and especially all children be touched by the Creative Essence of Christ. Thus, they will be protected from this madness of the planet at this culminating moment, and, in these little essences, not only will the Child-King be reborn, but they will sustain within themselves the purity, innocence, love and joy of being part of the New Humanity, of the One-Thousand Years of Peace.
I bless you and consecrate hearts to the Child-King.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At the request of our Most Holy Mother, we will sing, accompanying the choir, the song “Silent Night,” allowing at this moment, through the symbol of the light of the candles, for the darkness of the planet to be dissolved and for the neediest places to receive the Peace of the Sacred Family.
Let us sing.
When you do not have quietude within, seek to return to the peace of your heart so that every experience you go through serves the growth of the goodness within your being.
I know the human being cannot understand the reason for some painful experiences. But they must know that there are causes and conditions that generate these experiences as a result.
At this moment, you must perceive with clarity the causes and consequences so that all that you carry out may be beneficial to your being, within the values of the common good, justice and, above all, love.
The recognition of the roots of the causes and consequences that you yourself can generate for your material and spiritual life will help you step out of ignorance and out of the permanent inability to understand or accept the experiences.
The real path of transformation means seeing beyond oneself, understanding one’s fellow being, seeking the beauty of the differences that may exist between human beings.
After all, it is necessary not to cease to seek the truth, and the truth lies in self-knowledge and in seeing, at each moment, all the good that can be learned. Thus, you will gradually free yourself from suffering.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Seated at the table with your Lord, pray, child, for all life, for all beings, for those who are lost in their own ignorance, for those who do not recognize the One that shares the Bread and surrenders Himself to repair the sins of the world.
Seated at the table with your Lord, contemplate all life, the depth of each instant, the greatness hidden in each movement, the attentive Eyes of God upon the Earth, His Spirit flooding all of Creation.
Observe that the Time of God unites with the time of the Earth and, for an instant, nothing is separate. The Son and the Father are One with the Consoling Spirit and your little essence participates in divine unity.
Seated at the table with your Lord, give thanks for each offering, each word and each silence, each gesture and movement, each instant of stillness. Everything is a part of a universal ceremony, celestial and human, revealing that which the human being really is for all Creation.
Thus, let your feet be washed, your spirit purified and your soul redeemed. In this way, remember the purity of your essence and, allowing the dust of the past to be taken off of your feet, open to a new and eternal path of return to the Heart of God: a path that is tread in sacrifice, in love and in perfect unity with Divine Consciousness.
Washed by Christ, your spirit becomes one with Him. You are bread, a part of the Bread that is given at the altar; you are blood, part of the Blood that is poured on Calvary. And in the way that the offering of your Lord is forever renewed, so also must your surrender be renewed.
Thus, sit down once again at the table of renewal with your Lord and God, your Brother and Friend, your Father, Husband and Companion, your own heart, since you were called to be one with Christ.
Receive His Body and His Blood and renew your surrender. Give body, blood and life to the One that gives you everything each day. Live the revelation of surrender in the mystery of Communion.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Find strength in prayer, in the thought of the return to the Origin, in the certainty of the return of your Lord to the world.
Find strength in what unites you to the Truth, in the giving of your heart and of your life, in everyday service through the aid that you can provide to the ones next to you.
Find strength by being true and transparent, expressing the essence of God that lies within you and not seeking outside of you for ways of being that seem to please the others.
Find strength in God, in the essence of Love that dwells within you and in everything. You will be able to find Him in quietude, hear Him in adoration and communicate with Him by praying with sincerity.
In these times, child, the world will try to weaken you, to make you give up, to suffer and anguish. But it is enough that you may know how to find your strength in what is true, in that which comes from God, from His Eternal heart.
He will be your breath, your encouragement and your perpetual renewal, so that you can persist until the awaited for day of being face to face with your Celestial Creator.
Find your strength in God, your God and the God of life. Within Him there will always be renewal for your heart and your spirit.
Do not forget what I am telling you. May My words echo within your heart.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
As from now, My Universal Consciousness prepares to move forward with the next stage of the Plan of Redemption and also the next assistance for humanity, through the aid that the Divine Hierarchy will provide in Argentina.
For this reason, this moment of pause and of stillness is also important for the Hierarchy, since by having a clearer and more precise overview of the spiritual situation of each nation, the Hierarchy knows which situation It will face in the next cycle.
In this sense, South America is destined to be the cradle of something new, but for this to happen through the nations which form it, the situation will demand that the Law itself, as principle and energy, cleanse and purify several aspects of the people and of the society so that humanity itself may perceive that the path it has chosen to follow is not the correct one.
And so, the Hierarchy recalculates the Plan based on the decisions humanity mistakenly takes, because the purpose of the Hierarchy is to protect and support the arising of a new humanity within the consciousness.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In times of stillness, as well as in times of challenges, I am present and under any circumstance, I safeguard and protect My sheep, because in My sheep, servants of My Heart, the Divine Plan must be accomplished.
Thus, through the different occurrences, I carry out My Plan, taking the love and the redemption that comes from the Universe, from the Source, to any place, like an inexhaustible wellspring.
This is why I am nearby My sheep, I guide them and take care of them when they allow Me to, because when I manage to care for them, I reveal My aspirations to them and they carry My Message of Peace wherever they go.
I am present and I never cease to assist the needs of My servers, because in them I build My Church so that inner peace and love may expand upon the Earth.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
When peace begins to reach the hearts of humankind and, through small renunciations, they are able to find meekness and stillness, it is there, children, where God makes Himself present.
God makes Himself present in hearts that know how to be grateful, even in the details of life; they know how to be grateful for being on His path of Love under the mantle of His Divine Mercy.
When you calm your hearts in the spirit of gratitude, your Creator makes Himself present.
Gratitude is more than a feeling of respect and thanksgiving; in spiritual science, gratitude is a Divine Gift through which the consciousness recognizes its smallness and the greatness of God; it recognizes that, in spite of the vastness of Creation, the Father has His Eyes placed on all His children; and it is this certainty, born in the deep spirit of gratitude, that opens the doors for the Creator to be present.
Gratitude heals your cells, atoms and consciousness. Gratitude heals your spirits from selfishness and human indifference. Gratitude grants humanity a new opportunity to find peace, as it becomes worthy to be in God and in His Truth.
Gratitude opens the doors to the deepest sciences, to the most hidden mysteries, because only the one who knows how to be grateful for what they receive from their Creator will know how to value His Divine Treasure, and then, everything can be given to them.
Gratitude is the key to abundance, the key to free oneself from constant human desires.
Gratitude is the door to communion with the All, it is one of the celestial streams that will make you return to the Heart of God.
Therefore, children, always be grateful, for everything.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the last rays of the sun begin to withdraw, quiet your heart and fill it with hope. Remember the colors of the day, their brilliance, their warmth, so that the dark night may be a moment of retreat and of inner deepening for you, rather than of fear or hopelessness.
Recognize that within you there will always be the door that takes you to God, and that it does not matter where you may be, it does not matter what happens in this world, communication with God will always be possible for you, because He lives in your heart, His Fount of Life is found by going through the doorway of your chest.
Thus, today simply appreciate the moments of quiet, of silence, of prayer and of upliftment, for in you they will build that bridge to God. It is these moments that will awaken and make the presence of the Celestial Father known within you. So face each opportunity of prayer as if it were the only one, and never fail to be entirely in what you do.
From one moment to the next, the sun will withdraw, and the night will seek from you the fortitude that you built within yourself. It will be three long, dark nights, as if they were eternal. They will be enough to define the hearts of humankind and redirect their paths according to their choices, according to what they built within themselves.
Therefore, pray and appreciate the moments of peace. They will be essential for you and for this world.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
What is peace?
Many beings say that they search peace and aspire to be in peace. The Creator constantly tells His children to enter in His Heart of Peace. The Lord sent His most Pure Rose of Peace to the world. And what is peace, children?
Peace is not the truce in which the nations in war experience. Peace is not the silence of the quietness of the mind. Peace is an inner state that the human beings sometimes accede, when they are able to express what they are and unite their hearts to the Heart of God.
Peace is the very Presence of the Creator on Earth. To grant peace is to grant an opportunity for the beings to once more unite themselves to the Father, finding the Creator in their essences, to feel protection, security, trust, the emptiness that one feels when one is in the All, the silence that one feels when being in The One from which all sounds come from.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace, is the One who unites God to Her Son, through Her Purity. Her presence and Her words are the path to return to purity of heart and, in this way, express what you were created to experience. May you open the doors that unite you to God and find peace.
When a human being awakens and expresses their true potential, they are united to God, they are in His Peace, regardless of the circumstances around them. And children, this is not to be indifferent. This is to know that more than the feelings of pity and anguish, in times of crisis, facing extreme situations, this planet needs peace, it needs to the able to find God and return to its balance. Therefore, those who are in God are capable to radiate peace even when everything seems to be lost. This is to go beyond the retrograde human condition of fear, anguish and anxiety and to find what it really is to be a human being, the one that is able, through love, to unite all things to the Heart of God and thus establish peace.
Meditate upon what I am telling you and search this truth in your hearts.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Crossing the portals of Heaven, I stop in beautiful Aurora to contemplate its splendor and the daily work of those who, out of love and unconditionality, offer their lives to God, every day.
I stop in Aurora to witness the beauty of its effort, the untiring work of those who sustain it, in spite of challenges, deserts and instability.
Crossing the portals of Heaven, I stop here, within this place, to contemplate the faithfulness of a few; of those few who follow Me, no matter the consequences or the results; those who are faithful to My Word and testify to My Message through sacrifice and their constant giving of self.
All of that and much more is what causes me to stop in Aurora, to contemplate what many do not see with the eyes of the heart, but that some feel, through the perceptions of the soul.
Aurora is the House of the Son of God because it is something beyond the physical; it is a spiritual dwelling place that was a setting for the great Masters. This month, and in those coming, My Heart will be felt here, leaving you the message of My eternal company for an Aurora that gave completely of itself, beyond its possibilities and its means.
For this reason, God recognizes the brave, the soldiers and the sailors that in the storm have overcome shipwreck, loneliness and emptiness.
Behold the Son of Man, Who returns in the quietude of the coming months to dedicate His Consciousness to those who have always revered it.
Aurora is a part of My Heart, just as My Heart is part of the children of Aurora.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Listen to the Heart of God, which beats in the silence of every human heart. In prayer, unite your spirit with the Spirit of the Father, and grow in virtue, in gratitude, and in love, because the world needs it.
The moment has come in which the planet has also entered into its agony, just like you, child, deep within yourself, can feel the agony that precedes a great surrender and the triumph and the renewal of the Love of God.
Listen inside of you to the Heart of God, because in this cycle that is beginning, only He will be able to guide you in your actions, thoughts, and feelings; only with your spirit united with His will you be able to discern in order to take sure steps and without fear.
Listen to the voice of God within you, unmistakable, impassive, transmitting stillness to your soul and strength to your heart.
The agony of the planet is beginning, and just as you were and are tested in the temptations of the world to persevere in your surrender to God, so also the nations and their people will be tested, and one by one, will be confirmed in their surrender to and union with the Father, so that they may be the cradle of a New Life.
You should pray and unite your heart with the heart of God, doing the greatest and grandest service, keeping the door of the human consciousness open to the Heart of the Father, so that humankind may not lose the link with their Creator.
Do not fear nor be sad, rather just maintain your heart in God. You know the Cross of the Lord and know that, after sacrifice, humiliation, and surrender comes the renewal of Love. Therefore, concentrate your heart on making your offer real, and may every second of your life in this world be for the renewal of the Love of God, be a brick that you place on Earth to build the New Life.
For this, you have my blessing.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
Restore yourself in the source of prayer that, when sincerely offered, generates merits for the Redemption of souls.
Restore yourself in the source of prayer and renew yourself in the certainty that your effort is not in vain and that everything you offer turns into a reparation for the Heart of God.
Restore yourself in the source of prayer and let your soul offer everything of itself to God and to His Son Who, throughout all of human evolution, offers His Heart in sacrifice and resignation for each being of this Earth.
Restore yourself in the source of prayer and remember the souls without hope in the wars, in slums, and in the palaces of this world. Let your voice, already sometimes without strength, be able to reach the depths of these beings as an impulse so that they too do not give up seeking God.
Restore yourself in the source of prayer and do not tire of pronouncing your praises to the Father. Know that the Heart of God always waits for you, and no matter how small your offering, when it is sincere, its merits infinitely multiply and the Redemption that is born of it is eternal.
Restore yourself, beloved child, in the source of prayer, and until the end of your days, pray so that the Father never distances Himself from you.
If you have no strength or voice to pray, pray in silence. And if your heart is too weak to emit love, pray in the stillness. And if your mind is unable to pronounce a thought, pray in the void. And if your soul is in the desert and feels nothing, simply pray, waiting for God to reach you there. Never close the door to the Heart of the Father.
Persist and be firm, even if it is in the core of your being.
You have my blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the silence of My Heart and in the stillness of My Soul I contemplate all things and I try to have you find your correct path. There are a few of them that cause My Heart to suffer, above all when there is no consciousness or resolution to carry forward the great changes.
Thus, I find the places I have consecrated to be like abandoned; places where before divine energy existed, which now, for some reason, is not there.
For Me, this demonstrates a lack of consideration, or the lack of valuing things that come from Grace, since it was the energy itself of Grace that granted wonders and miracles in the hallowed places.
When a place consecrated by God is neglected, it is because of the loss of love that exists for all that was once received, and that is first reflected in the consciousness.
Thus, the Celestial Hierarchy hopes that the consciousness that might be neglecting the divine energy, which is a treasure from Heaven, may someday awaken and recognize it.
But when there is no true interest or ardent devotion, everything becomes difficult, and little by little, the great defects of neglect begin to be noticed in all details and in all places.
Only the spiritual Hierarchy has the authority to redo all things, since, in an occult sense, there are places already consecrated that must not be lost.
For that reason, I come to raise up with My own Hands that which is fallen; I come, in love, to erect again what is already fallen to the ground.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Transform all terrestrial forces through the power of peace and of prayer, for in this way, your soul will become invincible, just like Jesus when He lived the Divine Passion.
Let the power of universal peace transform all that is decadent and worldly. Through an unalterable meekness and neutrality, let all evil be removed, for nothing can resist a true state of peace and harmony.
Let the power of peace modify events, that it may make the actions of those who aspire to be in Christ more conscious, that all may learn in the school of purification of these times.
Let the power of peace be unalterable, that it may represent the factor of the defeat of all terrestrial forces.
In quietness, serenity and silence, let all evil in the consciousness be pulled out by its roots, so that more souls may learn to be free of themselves, in order to help free the world of all that is terrestrial.
Let the power of peace make of this planet a tabernacle of light, full of redeemed souls at the Feet of the Great Lord.
So be it.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and sanctifies you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Heal your heart, your body and your spirit, renewing all your being in Christ.
The spiritual as well as the physical infirmity, child, is the fruit of disunion of some level of your consciousness with God and it comes to show that there must be a larger balance in you. Try to be united with the Father and to be reborn internally in spirit.
Life begins in essence and in consciousness. All the facts that manifest themselves in matter, first have their origin on more subtle and hidden levels for the human mind that is asleep. Therefore, it is to the consciousness that the events are reverted, and it is in the essence of all things in which the new codes emerge, those that will convert what was degenerated.
If you feel sick in the heart, body, mind, soul, spirit, or even as humanity, try to transform in consciousness this unbalance. Search in prayer for the clarity to live the transformation and to know how to conduct your own steps. Search in prayer for the fortress to overcome your human condition and to live principles that this world is not used to experience. Pacify your interior and, from it, all the levels of the being, from spirit to matter.
If you have faith, there will be no unbalance that cannot be reverted. However, your effort and your dedication in becoming something else must be permanent.
Quiet yourself, breathe, reflect before acting, pray before taking a step. Ask yourself internally for the correct direction to follow. Leave the unbalance for others who were not able to come know peace. Be a proclaimer of a new pattern of life: a healthy life, of union with the Creator.
Child, bring serenity to your heart at this time and search for a deeper and inner contact with God and with yourself. Those who remain in the superficialities will get very confused and will not be able to sustain themselves. Therefore, firm yourself in God and, facing any adversity, do not let yourself be influenced by fear, despair and impulsiveness.
Search for peace and find in it all you need.
For the inner balance of each human heart,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear companions,
In the face of the current planetary situation, once again I invite you to find the spirit of peace and harmony through a correct inner stillness, which we call internalization.
Pay attention to My words, because I am not telling you to be unrelated with what is happening in the world, but rather, that you create spaces in your lives to be in stillness and come to know your own consciousness, so that little by little, the more planetary side of your beings may adhere to silence and retreat, and you may thus know how to find inner spaces of peace in the moments of greatest outer chaos.
Always choose moments of stillness when you are before situations that cause the misalignment of your bodies. However much the mind and the emotions are more focused on what is happening in the outer world, they must be educated by the will of the soul itself so that, little by little, it gains its place.
However, if you wait for the mind and the emotions to choose the spiritual life on their own, you will always remain at the same point, without understanding why you receive so many impulses and do not take even a small step. The path of prayer has already united your planetary part with your soul; now you must open to learn with the energy of the soul, but for this, it is necessary that you give attention to it through silence and stillness.
The soul is the vehicle that allows you to step out of material laws. It is the bridge to the spirit and higher life. If you do not teach yourself to listen to your own soul now, it will be very difficult to try to listen to it when the noise of the chaos takes over the planet as consciousness.
Let each one follow these instructions and each day, seek for a little more contact with their soul. You will feel the peace of its indications and, on responding to it, you will be more sure to take the correct steps.
For you to know if it is the soul that is speaking to you, feel its peace. Where there is doubt and unease, the energy of the soul is not there. The soul, as a bridge to God, brings peace and leads you always to the fulfilment of the Plans of the Creator.
In instruction and paternity,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Calm your heart, giving it to God.
Quiet your mind, surrendering yourself at the feet of the Creator and throwing yourself firmly into the fulfillment of His Will, and not your own.
Make your spirit serene in the certainty of the triumph of God on Earth.
Strengthen your inner self with a simple prayer and discover how easy it is to live in peace and harmony with all Creation.
Seek within yourself unity with the Whole and be a conscious part of the Plan of God.
If you want to be truly humble so that this may be fulfilled within you according to the Thought of God, resign yourself to be a servant to all, and let the others be better than you in everything.
Obey, then, with the heart and with the surrender of the mind, because if the heart seeks to obey, but the mind does not surrender itself, you may even seem to be obedient and good, but you will never reach peace. The mind may appear to be many things, but it will only find peace on the day of its surrender.
To let the mind surrender before God is to give Him your very potential and not to take them into consideration unless God Himself presents situations of life in which they are necessary.
To mentally surrender is to renounce your own ways of thinking, acting and being. To renounce all that you have assimilated as learning so that you can be empty and willing to live the permanent change, characteristic of these times.
To surrender yourself from the heart is simple because the heart is the mind of the soul, and when the soul aspires ardently to find God, the heart does not fear to launch itself into this adventure. But the mind, which is the queen of the senses and of matter, will never want to lose its reign and it will cost a lot for it to surrender the throne to become a servant of a King, so incomprehensible and unattainable for it and its powers.
Start with the heart, which already knows the truth that the soul has imprinted upon it, and gradually, encourage yourself to take even bigger steps in order to achieve that which you came to the world for; that which needs you to be something you have never been in appearance, but which you have always been as an essence that comes from God.
I love you and I leave you My paternal blessing.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May your heart remain silent so that you may hear, now and always, the truth of My Words.
May your peacemaking be more profound than the great oceans so that in the right hour you may be able to perceive the truth and the wisdom about things.
Enter now into the Universe of My Heart so that I, from this day on, may take absolute control of your life. For this you must open space and place for Me so that My Merciful Rays may be able to act and transform.
Walk by My Side without observing what exists around you, concentrate your being in the divine power of My Love and wait for the coming of My Supreme Grace.
Trust what I ask you because it is time to awaken to the Supreme Consciousness.
Under the Love of God, be blessed.
Thank you for remaining in My Heart!
Christ Jesus
I knock on your door: may I enter?
Let Me be with you and talk to you about the wonders of God. I am here to listen to you, know that you will have all My Comfort. Be deceived no longer, take My Hands to proceed in the path of sacrifice.
Be still and in silence tell Me what you need. Disturb your heart no longer, only concentrate your gaze on My Sacred Heart and feel the beating of My celestial rhythm. Stay in Me and seek to live the great experience of redeeming love with Me.
Seek the warmth of My eternal company and see everywhere the light of My Omnipresence. Meet with your friends to talk about God and only do this in perpetual prayer. Nourish yourself with My Word of Life and before any need of help, call Me because I will listen to you.
Stay in My Kingdom, live in My Kingdom and feel yourself as a part of the infinite ocean of My Mercy. Empty your heart of the past and you will allow that the chains be liberated from you so that the light of the true being may emerge. Think of Me. Do all in My Name so that your actions may be sacred and charitable for those who need relief.
I Am here, calling at the door of your house. I Am arriving in the silence and in the Glory of God, your eternal Celestial Father.
Under the Good of God, be blessed.
Thank you for living My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Shepherd.
Only contemplate Me and quiet yourself.
Only contemplate Me and observe yourself.
Only contemplate Me and unite to My Heart.
Only contemplate Me and silence yourself.
Only contemplate Me and shelter yourself in My Being.
Only contemplate Me and tell Me what you want.
Only contemplate Me and empty your being of every sorrow.
Only contemplate Me and affirm your path in Me.
Only contemplate Me and live in My Mercy.
Only contemplate Me and listen to the voice of your heart.
Only contemplate Me and ask your soul what it needs.
Only contemplate Me and seek the truth within your spirit.
Only contemplate Me and see My Love for you.
Only contemplate Me and renew your being.
Only contemplate Me and cleanse your wounds.
Only contemplate Me because, in this way, I will be able to free you from the past.
Only contemplate My Heart, My Soul, My Divinity because, in this way, you will allow Me to be near you.
Only contemplate Me and forget what you have been.
Only contemplate Me and you will discover the only path.
Only contemplate Me and accept Me as your guiding star.
Only contemplate Me and surrender into My arms of compassion.
Only contemplate Me and trust in what I tell you.
Only contemplate Me in order to be able to withstand purification,
Only contemplate Me and await My Victorious Arrival.
Only contemplate Me and vigil with your heart.
Only contemplate Me so that I may be able to show you the way.
Only contemplate Me with fervor, devotion and adoration.
Only contemplate Me so that you can see God in Me.
Only contemplate Me and you will untie the knots of your consciousness.
Only contemplate Me and you will no longer worry about yourself.
Only contemplate Me and you will serve your brothers and sisters with love.
Only contemplate Me and you will be able to live in My Eternal Unity.
Only contemplate Me and forget the past and the future.
Only contemplate Me and you will live in the Eternal Present.
Only contemplate Me so that you may learn to love the Will of God.
Only contemplate Me constantly, because, even when you do not dedicate time to Me, I am contemplating you in Mercy and Redemption.
Only contemplate Me to reach Paradise.
Only contemplate Me and you will erase every illusion from your mind.
Only contemplate Me and your faith will grow as a river and your love will be greater than an ocean.
Only contemplate Me so that you may be in God.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for contemplating My words with your heart!
Christ Jesus.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more