As from now, My Universal Consciousness prepares to move forward with the next stage of the Plan of Redemption and also the next assistance for humanity, through the aid that the Divine Hierarchy will provide in Argentina.
For this reason, this moment of pause and of stillness is also important for the Hierarchy, since by having a clearer and more precise overview of the spiritual situation of each nation, the Hierarchy knows which situation It will face in the next cycle.
In this sense, South America is destined to be the cradle of something new, but for this to happen through the nations which form it, the situation will demand that the Law itself, as principle and energy, cleanse and purify several aspects of the people and of the society so that humanity itself may perceive that the path it has chosen to follow is not the correct one.
And so, the Hierarchy recalculates the Plan based on the decisions humanity mistakenly takes, because the purpose of the Hierarchy is to protect and support the arising of a new humanity within the consciousness.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In times of stillness, as well as in times of challenges, I am present and under any circumstance, I safeguard and protect My sheep, because in My sheep, servants of My Heart, the Divine Plan must be accomplished.
Thus, through the different occurrences, I carry out My Plan, taking the love and the redemption that comes from the Universe, from the Source, to any place, like an inexhaustible wellspring.
This is why I am nearby My sheep, I guide them and take care of them when they allow Me to, because when I manage to care for them, I reveal My aspirations to them and they carry My Message of Peace wherever they go.
I am present and I never cease to assist the needs of My servers, because in them I build My Church so that inner peace and love may expand upon the Earth.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Crossing the portals of Heaven, I stop in beautiful Aurora to contemplate its splendor and the daily work of those who, out of love and unconditionality, offer their lives to God, every day.
I stop in Aurora to witness the beauty of its effort, the untiring work of those who sustain it, in spite of challenges, deserts and instability.
Crossing the portals of Heaven, I stop here, within this place, to contemplate the faithfulness of a few; of those few who follow Me, no matter the consequences or the results; those who are faithful to My Word and testify to My Message through sacrifice and their constant giving of self.
All of that and much more is what causes me to stop in Aurora, to contemplate what many do not see with the eyes of the heart, but that some feel, through the perceptions of the soul.
Aurora is the House of the Son of God because it is something beyond the physical; it is a spiritual dwelling place that was a setting for the great Masters. This month, and in those coming, My Heart will be felt here, leaving you the message of My eternal company for an Aurora that gave completely of itself, beyond its possibilities and its means.
For this reason, God recognizes the brave, the soldiers and the sailors that in the storm have overcome shipwreck, loneliness and emptiness.
Behold the Son of Man, Who returns in the quietude of the coming months to dedicate His Consciousness to those who have always revered it.
Aurora is a part of My Heart, just as My Heart is part of the children of Aurora.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your Heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
In the silence of My Heart and in the stillness of My Soul I contemplate all things and I try to have you find your correct path. There are a few of them that cause My Heart to suffer, above all when there is no consciousness or resolution to carry forward the great changes.
Thus, I find the places I have consecrated to be like abandoned; places where before divine energy existed, which now, for some reason, is not there.
For Me, this demonstrates a lack of consideration, or the lack of valuing things that come from Grace, since it was the energy itself of Grace that granted wonders and miracles in the hallowed places.
When a place consecrated by God is neglected, it is because of the loss of love that exists for all that was once received, and that is first reflected in the consciousness.
Thus, the Celestial Hierarchy hopes that the consciousness that might be neglecting the divine energy, which is a treasure from Heaven, may someday awaken and recognize it.
But when there is no true interest or ardent devotion, everything becomes difficult, and little by little, the great defects of neglect begin to be noticed in all details and in all places.
Only the spiritual Hierarchy has the authority to redo all things, since, in an occult sense, there are places already consecrated that must not be lost.
For that reason, I come to raise up with My own Hands that which is fallen; I come, in love, to erect again what is already fallen to the ground.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
May your heart remain silent so that you may hear, now and always, the truth of My Words.
May your peacemaking be more profound than the great oceans so that in the right hour you may be able to perceive the truth and the wisdom about things.
Enter now into the Universe of My Heart so that I, from this day on, may take absolute control of your life. For this you must open space and place for Me so that My Merciful Rays may be able to act and transform.
Walk by My Side without observing what exists around you, concentrate your being in the divine power of My Love and wait for the coming of My Supreme Grace.
Trust what I ask you because it is time to awaken to the Supreme Consciousness.
Under the Love of God, be blessed.
Thank you for remaining in My Heart!
Christ Jesus
I knock on your door: may I enter?
Let Me be with you and talk to you about the wonders of God. I am here to listen to you, know that you will have all My Comfort. Be deceived no longer, take My Hands to proceed in the path of sacrifice.
Be still and in silence tell Me what you need. Disturb your heart no longer, only concentrate your gaze on My Sacred Heart and feel the beating of My celestial rhythm. Stay in Me and seek to live the great experience of redeeming love with Me.
Seek the warmth of My eternal company and see everywhere the light of My Omnipresence. Meet with your friends to talk about God and only do this in perpetual prayer. Nourish yourself with My Word of Life and before any need of help, call Me because I will listen to you.
Stay in My Kingdom, live in My Kingdom and feel yourself as a part of the infinite ocean of My Mercy. Empty your heart of the past and you will allow that the chains be liberated from you so that the light of the true being may emerge. Think of Me. Do all in My Name so that your actions may be sacred and charitable for those who need relief.
I Am here, calling at the door of your house. I Am arriving in the silence and in the Glory of God, your eternal Celestial Father.
Under the Good of God, be blessed.
Thank you for living My words with the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Shepherd.
Only contemplate Me and quiet yourself.
Only contemplate Me and observe yourself.
Only contemplate Me and unite to My Heart.
Only contemplate Me and silence yourself.
Only contemplate Me and shelter yourself in My Being.
Only contemplate Me and tell Me what you want.
Only contemplate Me and empty your being of every sorrow.
Only contemplate Me and affirm your path in Me.
Only contemplate Me and live in My Mercy.
Only contemplate Me and listen to the voice of your heart.
Only contemplate Me and ask your soul what it needs.
Only contemplate Me and seek the truth within your spirit.
Only contemplate Me and see My Love for you.
Only contemplate Me and renew your being.
Only contemplate Me and cleanse your wounds.
Only contemplate Me because, in this way, I will be able to free you from the past.
Only contemplate My Heart, My Soul, My Divinity because, in this way, you will allow Me to be near you.
Only contemplate Me and forget what you have been.
Only contemplate Me and you will discover the only path.
Only contemplate Me and accept Me as your guiding star.
Only contemplate Me and surrender into My arms of compassion.
Only contemplate Me and trust in what I tell you.
Only contemplate Me in order to be able to withstand purification,
Only contemplate Me and await My Victorious Arrival.
Only contemplate Me and vigil with your heart.
Only contemplate Me so that I may be able to show you the way.
Only contemplate Me with fervor, devotion and adoration.
Only contemplate Me so that you can see God in Me.
Only contemplate Me and you will untie the knots of your consciousness.
Only contemplate Me and you will no longer worry about yourself.
Only contemplate Me and you will serve your brothers and sisters with love.
Only contemplate Me and you will be able to live in My Eternal Unity.
Only contemplate Me and forget the past and the future.
Only contemplate Me and you will live in the Eternal Present.
Only contemplate Me so that you may learn to love the Will of God.
Only contemplate Me constantly, because, even when you do not dedicate time to Me, I am contemplating you in Mercy and Redemption.
Only contemplate Me to reach Paradise.
Only contemplate Me and you will erase every illusion from your mind.
Only contemplate Me and your faith will grow as a river and your love will be greater than an ocean.
Only contemplate Me so that you may be in God.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for contemplating My words with your heart!
Christ Jesus.
My Heart desires precious souls that out of love may venerate My Sacred Heart because in them I will leave My Source of healing and reparation.
In the most ancient souls I often see My Paternal Light reflected as the light of the rays of the sun. In the ancient souls I see a reflection of the thirst that they have for My Love and Redemption.
I collect from these hearts the fruits of the conversion and I encounter in them a holy craziness for wanting to encounter Me. In the quietness of the most ancient My Heart is able to rest and in silence It is able to find Itself before a perpetual and renovating love. My Heart finds Itself before a love faithful and worthy to be shared with peers.
In the hour of Mercy My Heart rests in the most ancient souls because I can see that the support they transmit to Me is truthful and luminous. At three in the afternoon the Mercy of My Heart also descends upon your little hearts and thus, for those ancient souls that pray with Me, I am able to merge Myself with the young and renovated essence of each one of them.
Today I invite you to consider the oldest as a part of the expression of My Source of perpetual Love for the world because in this way the families in the world will not be removing a weight but they will be assuming that in the wisdom of the ancient ones My Merciful Love will be present.
Remember the ancient from Jerusalem, the one who when I was a child took Me in the arms and opened his heart so that it would be merged with My Little Spirit of a child.
May the compassion on humanity reflect itself on the simplest ones.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
May the return to My Heart be sought always so that no soul may lose the opportunity of getting to know Me.
Open the door of the heart because I always want to enter to make you feel the ardent devotion for My Heart. Seek Me even in tiredness because My Love will give vitality to your consciousness so that you may be able to take the steps.
Without fear follow My Course because I will always indicate to you the path to enter the Kingdom of consecration. I Am present here sharing My Brotherhood. Quiet your heart in My Heart. Go ahead leaving the past behind and being born to the life of the spirit.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more